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POST OFFICE RUVKNUE—A reiurn of the lofnl not produce of the Post office Revenue in (ire.it Britain and Ireland respectively, in the year ended the 5th day of January, 18-11 :— PAYMENT* INTO THE RXCUFQUKII. Great Britain £ 441,000 0 0 Ireland G,(i«4 10 G E4 17,66 t106 IL nOltDOS. Whitehall Treasury Chambers, Feb. 15. 1811. -A line ol' for commercial communications has been recently established between Brussels and Antwerp. A report by the agent of the United States Post Office who has spent several years in examining the systems of different European nations, contains, among other recommendations, the following—viz., the entire abolition of the franking system, the payment for letters transmitted by the mails according to weight the lixing hut of two rales for the whole union, which would be five cents for loiters not exceeding half an ounce, and less III \1\ 500 miles, and ten cents for more than that distance, with five cenls additional for every additional half ounce; the payment of post- age in advance in every case, the employment of special supervising agents for "aeh statl" and I he appointment of mail guards to take the control of important mails. liEU M.\JEST\'S NAVY.- Bv a statt'III('lIt issu('(1 from the Admiralty ou the 15th instant, it appears that there will be required to be voted, in order to defray the (it the naval expenditure beyond the grants for the year ended March 31. 1B40, the sum of 6:4-1 lis 2d; and for file year ending March 31, 1841, Ihe sum of ,5J0. REJECTION OF PAPISTS AT THE PKOTESTANT COL- m:CU OF ETON.—We stated on the 9th ult, that Dr. Mavvtrey, the head master, had given permission to Count v to send his two SOliS to Eton Col- lege; and that, as tbev were Papists, tliev had like- wise received permission to attend tho Romish Chapel at. Clewer, instead of the Protestant Chapel attached to Eton College. We are informed by a correspon- dent that, after the publicity thus given to the extra ordinary 11 1)(,riiii,si,)Ii "it created the greatest excitement, not only amongst the various authorities connected with the College, but amongst several of the dignitaries of the Established Church, many of whose sons are now receiving their education at that ancient seat of learning. The Provost, with wholll the veto rested, was appealed to by several highly influential individuals, connected with the Chimb, on tiie subject, and the result is, that the permissionoriginally granted has been withdrawn, and the sous ofCotllll Ihthrau\' IIavl' hl'l'n sent else- where. The arrangements for their rcccption at, Eton had been so far completed, thai their tutor had been outraged, and they were to have entered at the open- ing of the school, after the Christmas vacation, about three weeks sineo. Britannia. HoTicuLTitHal SOCIETY.—The ordinary meeting was held Oil Tuesday afternoon. Sir ('liar es Lemon, V.P., Bart iu the cli iir. Several presents were iii- nounced, and a short communication was read from the president on the culture of Rhododendrons. The show was very limited, but there were sou) enowers of the powei fully scented Chimoraiitbus fragrans, which, (lowering at the beginning of January, had this year been retarded by the coldness of the season. NOBLE I'.XAMPI.b, — The LATF. Siti TIIOMVS S. MOSTYN CIIAMP.NEYS, Bvitr.—Tuesday, the Kith, was witness to a joyous and graceful assemblage at the George Inn. Fro me. On that day the larger portion of the creditors of the late Sia T. S. Moslon Canipneys, resident in Fro me and neighbourhood, and whose claims have arisen since 1835, were paid in full by the munificence of the Lady Mostyn Ciiampneys. relict of the deceased baronet. Thcsumpaidon thai day was ill addition to a larger sum lately paid in London to creditors having claims equally re ent, and aNo to about twenty thousand guineas paid recently by her to the assignees of the credi- tors under the sclndu'e uf What further lebts contracted by the haronet since 1835, still I)v li(.r ill Lilt, ::ase of the ensuing month. The whole sum thus paid oil) ttius I)ai(i by her lady ship will amount to about to about ..&30,000. When it is considered that this largesum the raising of whiah involved a great sacrifice of property on her part, has been paid by the lady to those who had no legal claim on her, it must appear to be an instance of noble munificence, and of iiigli principle, such as is seldom witnessed. But it is especially remarkable as evincing her ladyship's feeling ol respect for her husband's wishes, and veneration for his memory. Great, indeed, must be the affection, and deeply seated the love, which dictated such a sacrifice and not less great the con- ujugal virtues of the late Baronet which during his liletime had kindled, and after his death supported, so lasting an attachment in the bosom of his bereaved wi(low.-Clielteiiham Chronicle.

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