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Cogan Old Church.

A Penarth Man's Sad End. -

PeDarth Police Court.

Total Abstinenoe Federation.…



TKTs was tTierfirst idea that rushed Into Kleckger's mind, as he folded up the letter, and placed it care- fully in his pocket. The next wa-s, not unnaturally, how to secure himself from Part's revenge when he ehould fnd his property had disappeared. The German replaced M. Parian'let's effects as nearly as possible in the state in which he had dis- v covered them. Then he proceeded in search of the housekeeper, Waddell. Waddell and his family occupied the basement of the house. He had belonged formerly to the police, but fell a victim to the charms of a friendly cook upon his beat. The couple married, and six years of matrimony brought four fresh little faces around < Waddell's not over well-spread board. It is not easy to provide in comfort for a wife and family from the scanty wages allowed to the men who guard the public, and Waddell discovered it would be more advantageous to enjoy free lodging, light, and firing, with the same rate of pay he received as a policeman, than to be exposed to all vicissitudes of weather, and to the brutality of the worst members of the cri- minal classes. He actually chose-this short-sighted • Waddell—to give up the magnificent prospect of being • "permitted to retire" from the force—when help- lessly injured upon a pension of as much as sixpence three farthings a day. Men who can act like this do not deserve success; and it is some gratification to » know that the ex-policeman, with his wife and four young children, had sometimes considerable difficulty in making both ends meet. He was in the habit, therefore, of eking out his income by the performance, during the middle of the day, of any small commis- sion that might fall in his way. He was absent upon one of these occasions when Kleckser descended, in search of him, into the basement of the house in Pall Mall. Waddell being away, his wife received the visitor. Small garments, of various hues and sizes, hung in different stages of dampness from lines that stretched in all directions across the kitchen. A steamy odour hung about the place. Mrs. Waddell came forward, wiping the suds from her arms upon her apron. I look in," began the German, raising his hat- Kleckser was invariably polite to women- I look in to ask if you can tell me at vhat time did come a lettter for M. Parla,ndet, dat I find up-stairs ? Do you habben to know ?" Come this afternoon, please sir, just as my Jim had stepped out to take a parcel for Cap'n Gradient, the hengineer, second floor back, sir," replied Mrs. Waddell, in a breath, with a bob; which signified re- spect." Wouldn't you please to take a cheer, sir. Get off, Tommy, yer varmint, an' let the gen'leman sit down, this minnit." Ton't tisturb de leetle chap for me," said Kleckser, smiling atthe bewildered look of the varmint," bundled on to the floor. Tank you. Den M. Parlandet was not at home ?" Oh, no, air ;,w'arn". nobody hin when I tookt the letter hup stairs. Postman said 'e forgot to leave it this mornin', an' 'oped 't wouldn't matter. It's all fight, sir, aint it ?" Quite right-oh, yes, quite right," returned •Kleckser. Vaddell is not in, I suppose ? Please tell him I shall call some tay dis veek. Goot morning." He disappeared into a wilderness of wet clothes, but presently returned. Oh, I forgot," he said, with a little hesitation, t, slipping something into Mrs, Waddell's hand; you needn't say anyting to M. Parlandet of my peing here, or of de letter. Ve have made a pet about it, dat's all. You unterstant ?" I see, sir; thanky, sir. I shan't hopen my lips, air, you may depend. Thanky, sir." Kleckser was satisfied. Parl knew nothing about the letter. When business was ended that evening, Kleckser set offiwith his prize to Mrs. White. To his great delight, he found that Natalie Legrange had been parsing the day with her newly-found relatives, and was at the cottage still. The coalition held a council upon the spot, and arrived at the following result: Ob Natalie was able to prove that the letter KlecXser had captured was in the same handwriting as the Genoa missive, and the identity of M. Louis Barmann, at Lucerne, with the required Poing-qui-frappe, was thereby established. The question now was, how could he ba reached. It was too hazardous to wait the execution of his threat to Parl, that he would sell his secret to the relatives of the obstacle. It would be folly to cast away the opportunity lying so plainly to their hand. The man- must be sought without an instant's delay, and offered terms. This office Kleckser proposed to undertake in person. He could easily obtain leave of absence from Van Flewker, upon the plea which has been found convenient before now by others—even by gallant officers a-campaigning, sometimes, I have heard-the excuse of urgent private affairs. He would set off at once. I think we shall not go very far astray if we sur- mise that Kleckser's promptitude to serve his col- league was not entirely due to friendship. Some (influence was certainly exerted upon him by the presence of Ruth White at the consultation. She iturned a grateful glance upon him at his ready proffer of service. She smiled, and Kleckser thought the sun had risen. She thought of Raymond, and a tear glis- tened through the smile. Kleckser could have sworn that pearls set in diamonds flashed upon him from her eyes. His philosophic theories upon the subject of love and marriage had been growing very restless for weeks. They took unto themselves wings at this moment, and fluttered disconsolately awar,. (To be continued.)