r — — NORTH WALES COUNTY COUNCILS. ANG-LKSEY. 'I a "I' The fiist meeting of this naw County Ooudirfl was heM on Thursday afternoon at tfue Oounby Courtroom, Llangefni, Aldier. mtan aamofu-al Huglhjew, J.P., the retiring chairman, took Ink seat, and commenced busi- new promxptLj, ait 1.15 p.m., when thene was a fulll alt/UandiwLee, alinitasb every memlbar of fefoe Coujicn at; ait present constituted being pnesaiift, and four of the retiring alderman. The list dori'tlam-. the following, a.part of the adSdewmen whose tune had expired Alder- man Hiaiiwj C&egg, Has L/kuxknitr; Rev S. A. FtaaBar, Menti Brildge; Thomas Williams Jontas-, BTyn Owen, do Dr E. Parry Ed- jrardis, Mynyddfygef, Bacfedern; Samuel Hughes, BodedirM-ft,], Amlwch; Jdhn Wil- liams, Ruflc Nawydd, Lknierdhymadd1; Coun- ciHcflte. PenahfoalHligiwy, Mr Raoha/wi Lewife Edtwardls, Badlaifoai Lsaf, Amlwch; Gaerwen, Mr 'ihjomifls Erahs, Boston House; Holr head (South Central!), Mr T. Forcer Evank, <>rc'e,r HoM LaianjbajcBnjg, Mr Jolm Edmunds Cemaas Ea|wi,; Hamblas, Mr 0. H. Foulke^ IBpnxwyn AuriSwoh (Xijrifh-Western), Mr Jdhn Huglhes, Frondeg; Pentraath, Mr T. Hugfhes, Tywyn, Llandduna Lfcntfeoliell, Mr J. Ridhiai^d' Hu/gheis, Coeden, likunfeohetl • Panbam, Mir Lewife Hughes, Aber Elian- PanimynydJd, Rev J. Grtffith JiOIlte8, Wee* View, Ll!sun<d{Jt.f:E&I Llanetrehvnijedd, Mr J Jotojes, Ty'nygiomgi; B.ded'ern, Mr John 0. James, OJwdhldlettYlJcg; Amlwch (Town), Mr O. Edlwm Jones, Gwredog; NeWborough, Mr R. Pnjcfluaald James, Cumbrian House; lilianfaJeHJhllu, Mr Jones, Brvnmariclh- tu; -UOIYhend (Nodtfh-ealsteiui), Mr W. D. Jonas, OfJd Banlk, Mkrkdtrtrforeet; Holyhead Island, Mr Robert. Jones, Shop, Rhascolvni • Lfemgwyffiog. Mir AHexairidlen MoKillop, "Tv- maiwr; Aberfltaaw, Mb Robert Lewis, Bwlaai; Owyrciiin, Mr Thomas Owen, Rhuddgaer • TrawalJdhim,'i, Mr Humphrey Owen, Treddol- phlim; Bodad-ent, Mr Siaanuefl. PryddanA, Cbuffldh-atreat; LOSamlflaeflog, Mr WXffiam Pry- cKderoh, Boidifeddi-m; Holyhead (Northern), Mr John Monertian Prichaitd, Gors; Valley, Mr Owen Pjaree, Origks; Trefdraeth, Mr ■Daviid) Raes, TyoaMi; Llon|goe)d, MT David Bobeflttte, Paniijv-ffryn, Penmron Liar^lim, Mr G. Jones Robeite Tiiefairtihan; Bodwrog, MT Henry Rolbeate, PentavafeKn, Llamdiiy- gaim; Moe:fro, Mr John Rilce Roberts, Bay P«nteaeltlh; Uandiaghm, Ml Richard ftcfoeitos, PanHhowel; Iiliand^iiLLo, Mr R-o- beiib WaNbtm Roberts, Clraig ÛWtm, Mmai Bridge; Hidiyhead (W^bern), Rev Thomas SMkxrgwn, Rees, Beffch«3 WHTH Beaumaris Bo- Wougih (Wewtemi). Mil Hugh Thomas, Fron- eiTiian Aimifwdh Pbtrit, CIaI. WiOlfam Thtomnas, Orynetflli&in; Beatumiaalis Borough (East.ern), Mr WdJIliaim Hujgjh Thbimas, 3, VicDorja-ter' race; IXianfeilr P.G., Mr John Wilitiiaraus, Menaa Baink; Hothead (BaNiieo-n), Mir T. Williams, 10, Oroaa-stredK; Hdly^head (Nortih CemitaWl), Dr R. P. WdMuams, B rynfhyfatjicl Hdlyhearl (Noiiltlhefitn), Mr David WliflllffaanB, 1, Boaton ViMa; Dlangafnti, Mr Evain WilAaims CBrton Houae. KJLKCTION OF CHAIRMAN. Mr J. Rrdh/urd Hughes, C'oeden, Llanfech- ttl, proposed that Mr Al'e randier M'Kitlop, Tymiafwlr, Iilaff^gfwyEicg, the vwe-chaaiiyiiant hit year, dhotid be dhaiwuian of the Coumcil for the emailing yeiair. TlhiB was aeoonjdJdd by Dr RoLaind P. Wcll'iatiiiis, Htodyihead, and car- tied unanitmoxialy. Th'e reifiring Cfhairman æ3d that ait the last taeeteng, wihon th-a members were diBpeitiVig, Mr Thamae veay ktiudBy proposed Mm a vote of tihairnka, but as tihie members were dLapea-s- ing, he had no opporituntfby of responding. He now Trf^hed to tihanik the mernbara for the gfoaA: ayropartlhy they had shown towaidrf, amM tihe graaifc aisteaisttiince they g&ve him dhir- irtg has tihtaee year of office, amid he now pre- 800Ibed Mr NKElop to the dha/ir, feeling surei ttnalb he wouiKt keep up the dtjgnJty of tfhe Amglesey C'ounibj- Ooulnioil. The neiwiy-atoctted chairman (Mr iM'- KMop) chein asauimad bhe chaair. He said tbA6 he felt iaoert; grialtefuil to the CounjcJI for Mwa girealt hoiuouir they nia'd oonfeicred upon him, and! it would be hob grealteeit endaaiWJufr to uphold thE, digrk^y of the chair of tihe Angfleser- Oonmity D'ounjoil during his term of office. ELECTION OF ALDERMEN. A baUbt fciliowed for the eQeotnkan; of seven rfidienmenj. The papers sihlaweitl twenlby-tfwo nomihaitr oinis, auid tihe foJiowling Was the re- sult, the first seven being elected. It Should be ataited tlhalt outt of the number, Mr Ridhaitl Ifefvi'es, Lomd-Lieuiteinant of the county, and Mr Thorns Lewis, the member for tihe id- land, reared owing to fil-heoth, wbrle Mt R. Hjugihea, Holyiliead, had! died. The remain- ing four aldermen were re-eiledioo. The. foFllow- mg was the full vote for the sevesn seaits: — Ca/ptaiJn Owen Thomas, Brvmddu, 33; Mr W. R. J'anM, Stetam JDIIIS, HlOlyhood, 30; Mr Hugih Rabailts, Penbol, 28; Mr Owen Griffiitlh Pemsairn, Amiwdh, 27; Mr W. H. Owen, Pims PeaiiQiyn, 23; Mr Thomas ml- Ifiamis, Dinoi^fben House, Llaneix^hym'edd, 22; Dr Joftia Rdbemts, Menad1 Brilte, 19; Mr EidmiuoTidi Roberts, Gmredog Uohaif, Iilin- eiWhymedd. 17; Mlr C. F. Prieetftey, Hir- dtrefiaag, 10; Mr Tfhiamias Jones, Oefn Miaes- qgilan, 8; Mr WdKiam Owen, LHangwvfaft, 8; Sar R. W 31rl ,'iinusi-Bulkeiev, Baton HEm, 7; Mr W. S. Owen, HoQyheiii, 7; Mr J. R. DavSes, Cerils, 6; Col. Ohairte« Hunter, PLas Cooh, 5; Mr Owen Williaimis, Ty'ny- txuiaiiih, 4; Mr Julhin Lewie, LlajilF.'ib^o, 4; •Ciapttadin VV. M. PreettJon, Lle»ndiog Caistle, 2; Mr W. Jonea, Bod'nioliwyn Groes, 3; Rev R. P. WintMbms, Caieg Domas, Holythead, 2; Mr Robeirt Roberts, Fanfht-w i, 1; Mr H. Tn<-rras. Froneirian. BeauanarB, 1. CASUAL ALDERMAMC ViCiNCY. For the aildermaimc vacan jy caused bv the fleath of Mr Ridhard Hugthes, Holyhead, the s-at to be ocoufiedl for three yeais, eleven persons welre n,ominoiled, and Mr J. R. Da- y's, Ceitfe, Memiaa Bridge (son of the Lord- teuteoiilnit), obtailntaig the highest number of vortren—14—'he was declared elected. VICIE-CHAIRMAN'. Alderimiain T.W. Jones propoaetd, anld COlin- aiBor Lewis Hugth-es seconded, that Alder- man Rev S. A. Frasear, Should be vfce-dhafo- rnam., aintd this was iinrniiiaousily agreed to STANDING JOINT COMMITTEE. A rooe tihen took pCace for seats upon the Jiaiinit sitawdfinig ct/mimit(iee (poililce), and the fodfflorwiLtag was the vote far the twelTe re- cpirred: —ALdiernn.ii Samuel Hugfhee, 27 CotMlciiK'cHm Lewis Hugfhens, 27; O. H. Foufiike-B, 24; A. M'fullop, 23; Thomas ETtefne, 21; Roibert Jon^es, BTyn Ma'CthJu, 19; Rev DaTti Reeis, 19; Dr R. P. Wil- imam, 18; Hugh Thomias. 4.8; Aldermae Rev S. A. e raser, 17; Councillor W. R. Jones, 16; OoimcJUbr T. Forcer Evans, 16. OTHER COMMITTEES. The oountmig of tihe votes for other com- mfi.ll'dees was left to the clia rmajii and th-* c&erk. LtLANFAiR P.G. AND THE UNION. A rasdlution was read fixwn the pariaii osuncol of LSantfaiirpwMgwytrugyll dVsfavouring bh,a ifi§skf-ubi(on of tthe Bamgor and Beoiumaris UiijoT1., but !l, tflie Cüunty Couniaill had 301- eeatdty passed a re»jilution to the same effect no action was taken in tflie matter. THE RAILWAY SERVANTS. The Holyhearl Rural Parish Council sent a reeiotkiit n- on theIY haldi passed! -iax nelatiilon to th e Jiiferci .-sal of the Welsih e»mpfcyeeis of the Chester and Ra)YlliL,d Railway, and asked the Coun- ty Coun-d: "0 co-op eradte in the maifcer.—Mr Lewih Hu:fjr;i<^ asked hknd atl the tfecha.Tge!<l men been restored.—The Ch.-Vrman No.— Mir L. Huffhes Haive amy of them, for some RtMdsoii mob coorie back ?—The Ohaa>rmia<n Y-es. It is A-IM that some of the men were dtso.harged because tih-e<y had not complced certarn rules, but I say they wefre dis- in-jased ..ei !I't'I they are Welsihme'n.—Mr L. Huigihes pi>.ynosed, (Jhat tihey shouW adopt the refJliuri'on of the HoMiead Rural ParisJi Council, and tha/t the same should be sent to Mr D.uwtJ'on. Lord Stalbridge, and Mr Bryn R->bo<rt8, —A member mentioned Mr Herbert; L«^iS as welil.—The Oleik said he never akMzvf^ed aruytlhinig to Mr Damslon, by tihe sec*itwry of 'tfhe company.—Ooun- caiiicir T. W..Toffve* seconded the n;ot;on, whTdh was car:hid:, ::t being left to ?!;e t-lerb to .st-i-i ie D" whioon the reSoluition should be »e«n(t. VEHICLES AT DUSK. ¡ A :esdl!utioni from tihe Denib'^ih CoiiKty tScninrr] as to tihe framing of bye-fl'afw«» to com- f J>y- zil rs-bzc'.i? to c-r.rr^ li^Lt oi.e; w* on the propc«!ition of Councillor Dp R. P. WtJifyms, adopted. AN AJII, WCH INTERIM TRAIN. The secreffcuy of the London and North- V* tKtern'way Compainy having s-imply acknkXWletJged the receipt of the Council request to continue the 6.58 p.m. trajn as far as Amlwdh, it was decid'ad to make a fur- ther representation on the point DWYRAN COUNCIL. DWYRAN COUNCIL. It waS aigieed to GlJjow a trianmial eleoiiion of members for the Dwyran Rural DWtrtict Countail INTER/MEDIATE SCHOOLS. In the room of Alderman Richard Huglhes, deceesdd, and Courrfiar J. Rilce Roberts, rtwg-nied OR the oounJijy- governibg body of In termetliite Schoolls, Alderman T. W. Junevi, Metnna Bridge, aid AldJenmian Samuel Hngihes, AmOiwch, were substituted. I^RLNUJIUXJ. ASYLUM—IMPORTANT DISCUSSION. When the busineas was nearly at an end, mid the memlbeds fast separating, CounciBoff Hugh Thonuas wi^ili'ed ro make a reference to the Denbigh Asylum. They had been, told What the coet of the extension of that inistfi- tuition would be £ 25,000, but he was now tdJd that the expense would be £ 75,000. If tlhalt. was the oase, he would like to pro- poise that the mhlOle subject shouid be re- eoia^ul'ttml, as they in Anglesey had opposed CaizTuajrvonrihire, add gone in wifth the oth-er 0ounitiet9 for enlarging tue present asylum on the supposiM'on that the coeft would only be £ 25,000, but if there was to be an outlay of JE75,000 then he tibought they should oon sadett" whether ilt would not be better to join Cama-ivonjafhore. He slhould like to get inforrrua- tion on the subject.—Alderman Harry Ciegg sa.d he was one of the depatat'on who went to London, and had1 an intzTview on the sub- with the Home Secretary. He never heard of the additional cost refenred to. Mr P. P. Pennant ]>lace!d the matte i of the other couirtuas l>edore the Home Secretary, and MT I;rva Roberts, M.P., and Mr W. A. Daobi- sliEfre tHit df Oarimrvon,hire.-CounoMor! Lewi Hughes said he was in a position to state that what had been said by Couwciillar H. Thomas wae. qiite oorreot, as he had it form a reliable authority, that the estiimiaite j of £ 25,000 hiad! been eniiarged to £ 75,000. This was a, mattter of the gneatest importJairuoe to them in. Amgiliese-y.-AMwman S. Hughes, as one of the asylum vMiJaH;, saiki he never bea^d! of any sum slbove £ 25,000.—The Chci'ntnan siadd' tinat the County Councdl1 had s greed to the extension of the present asy- Jura on tihe undlefrertanfiiinig that their quota wouM be something like fi5,000, but it came ouft early that the met would be £ 48,000.— The atitendhntoe ait tihe Council was oonjbinti- aflDy dnlnteithinig, when Mr L. Hughes re- se)3,nftnly dealt wfith by sudh a sanali aAitand- mjarkedi Chatt this was not a matftter to be anice of memibers, and he thought Lt shbttfti be adjourned to a spaojafl. meeting. Mean- time, they should oam'miuriieate with the Hotme SecreAtaey askflng him to stlay his hands un/tffl he heojid further ftyxm tihe Counxill. He moved a. rettolutitoi fof) that effedt.—Thife was seconded, and oainried. CARNARVONSHIRE. THURSDAY.—At the County Hal4 Cair- nteiiwoini, ait one edbok. Ptreseut: A-idec. m-an H. Tuldlwlal Davies, EdiWaind Jones, Efjias Jomes, D. LJoyVl-Geiorge, M.P., J. Bnyni Rdberte, M.P., D. P. Willjajms, W. M. Wiltanns, Hon. F. G. Wynn; Coun- ctiaiaiB Lord Petndhyn, Hon. W. E. SackviKe WM, John Jones (BatifteacEa), GeoIva Bryimer, Rlfohlaid Conrway, WiLli^m Evans, J. Jbnete Mforsls, Rtohand Davies (PoaHmadJoc), RJtjbefiifc Thtomias, C. H. Dairbiahare, Robert Hughtfi, P. Mlnltyre, J. Evans Jones, Hugh Owen, Spinltihar James, Humphrey Ellifc, F. W. F'iiintois, R. O. Jones, Thomas Jones, Giriiflith Hughes, W. Jones, W. A. Datfbi- shcfi-e, Thomas Rabinlson, J. J. Evams, Ed. H. Owen, G. H. Owen, H. J. Ellas Niauiney, (ieoigte WARREN, J. Evans Hughes, Michael JaniejB, WiiNBatm. WJffiamis, Abel Williams, HloweHl Robert, E. Jones WiMalms, John Hughes, T. 0. Letwfls, Grey Edwardb, Robert Hugfliea, T. G. WNiTIams, Richard Thomas, J. R. PnJtidhfsMid, J. Issaid Davies, C. A. Jonee, D. E. Davi'm, and 0. Wynn GIliffith.- Letfjteais of apology far non-tAtenJiiance, thrtjugh 31I-heai5tih, were read from Mr G. R. Owen, Ynnvlch, and Dr Prichard, Conway —'OaiuiciiJlo;: T. C. Lewis, the retiring chair- mant, pre^Jdled until his sucoeeaor was ap- podnta, ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN. CounoiHoir John Hughes propos-oo that the fete vice-chrirman, Colloneil the Hon. W. E. Saickville West., bei elected to the chair for the awning year. He had very great pleasure in dioiinig 1'10, not onily because it wiajs niow the irivairiabie rulle in this oounol for the vice- chiarjrman to heeiledboo to the ohair in ro Milan—a very heailthy ruDe«—but also for the reltsion that' the genitfPamian whom he proposed was so wet! fiibtoitl to occupy the dhair. Col. West had been a. mombar of the coumcil from the begwndng, and as tihey all knew, he had been cha»i'rtman of the. surveyor's committee for tihia pfiist six years, amd in that capacity hfefrl done. yaoimjan service to the county. He was saeontd to nionie on the council in his dbvdtran to work. In l is aapacdfty as vice- dhiatiitman he had, on one occasion, owing to the iJlkwa.«i» iotf their Jajte alble dhaslnniaii, bean, oaffiefd! upon to iiltl the chair, and he dis- charged the duties to tilie mti^faidttaa of all. Some might think tihiat it would be a ditl- adfujnJthge for the chiaiaman not to be abQe to undemsitbnd the WaMi language. Cod. West dJid unld/er^tiaand Welslh, even if he did noil., speak it hiimlsieilf; and no member coulld express an opfrnlon but bhat CoTlanel Weat WjoUlkl be able to undensituttid him. i(;IofPnloffibr C. A. Jones, in seconding this, willed to ardtorse everytlhing sa'id as to C'o0. Want's qual fioa/SianlsL As fair as his know- iedige of Wefish ;was oanc emned the speaker hakll a personal expeitterace of i)t. On one oociaaian he vdluniteerrad to enlighten Colonel West as to wliatfc a Wt&'h -speaking wttniess was saying, whan1 he founld out that Colonel West knew as irmoh dbiout it as he did him- Belt. The motion was oafprtad umamimously. 'CtoointailSloH Lewtis said he had great pleasure in raic&itinig the cihMir in favour of one who had worked so well and facMifulHly for tihe past six years i!n tflie intareats of the county and wished1 hilm tihe same amount of support from the counfaH as he (Mr Lawtis) had had during the patst yeatr. TUie new chaitimlan, in, biuefly retuTning tihiaruks, ramarkeld that it would be his en- d'eiavour to fulifil the duties of the office faith- fulllK", foillaw tilie- example of his predecessors, tpd act wiltli the uitimosit Smpa<rtiailiity during his terlll of office.

ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN. CouniciSIIca* J. Evainfe Jones moved the ap- jtolnfbui'etnit df Oouniri'llor Robert Thomas, Ciffccrieith, to the vice-ehailr. (>)iinia:fll(/r J. R. Pritaha<id secoindied', re- marking that no wcrfds of lials were needled to prove that Mr Thomas was quite capable to tilil the vice-chtl'r, for the ability he displayed as chairman of th'e finance committee showed whi:Jt he wmld db. Qonnfcffilltor Gaoige Failran supported- the mottfjon, and said1 that Mr Thomas hiflkl doare umcamimionlly walll as chairman of the finance bamlmittee. Tint niioltion lijR"v*jng been carried mwitri mioufely, Mr Thomas thrunked the council for thte honlouT th/ey ware conferring upon Mm, and remarked that he would enideavoun- to do hiis duty fnMilfuly and honestly.

ELECTION OF ^ERMEN. The following aUdermen retired this year: Mtssirs A. H. D. Adliand, M.P., John, Davibs, Mb^es Evans, J. E. Greaves, T. E. Griffith, Roibei-t Huglva^, J. E. Roberts, and C. A. Wynn rLn^dh. C'oumsaillor Spihlther James moved that, the foUliawsng be eClaotied to fiii tlie vacancies — 0 T. E. Griffith. W. John Pamry, Bethe.-i !!a.; J. E. R 'be<rtis. Bangor; Moses E^jnts, Bethesldla; John Robert Piiltchard, Carnarvon Davi d R. Daniel, FoutcTossefc John Menyii^s, Carnarvon: and the Hon. H entry Lloyd Mastym. Councillor J. Issiaiid Davies proposed Capt. Sltd-tf (rt. Bryimt.'ir'im. Potnt*?inorwfe. (.oauic'-iKiT Ellis N«,nney proposed Mr J. E. Greaves. Ciunwudfllixr Eairiren moTad Cv,h Wvnn i F'mldh. The voting was then p.ociee'ded with, the rn«iiflir being Rp' follows:—The Hem. Lloyd tfosftyji, 43; Meesrs John Meoa'ee, 42; J. E. Roibaritfe, 31; Moses Evans, 29; J. R. Prifocihaid, 29; T. E. Griffith, 28; D. R. DaniM, 27; W. J. Pa/rty, 26; Capbaun Stewart, 18; Col. Wynn Finch, 18; J. E. Greaves, 18. The first eight were decHaned duly elected. STANDING JOINT COMiMITTEE. The next busiintess was tihe aladtion of 15 inemibens to act on the standing joint com- mittee. The foflcrsvt'ing were on the com- "'itte^ previousily —Aldleinmen Wymn Finch, D. P. WilESaims, J. E. Roberfis, Councillora C. H. DarblshJre, T. C. Lewis, WilVam Jones, J. Spinitheir James, Wllliaftn Wil- liams, J. R. PrJtdhia^rd, Geoige Brymer, D. E. Davites, Robert Thomas, Howell Roberts, R. W. Griffith, and Morris Jonfeu. lOoiincill-cT C. A. Jones moved' tihe re-elac- tion of the old members, but substituting OouniciUor Johin Hughes iisteiaW of the late Councilor R. W. Griffith, and Councilor Issand Davifes imsitead of Mr Monk's Jones. The following were also proposed —Coun- cillors J. Jones Mctcris, J. J. Evans, Abel Willi jams, and R. 0. Jones. Oountoitlors Wi/ifem Wit'ams and Howell Roberta begged to wifdHdliaiw their nairnee. CounciMoms Lloyid-Goorge and Rifchiaad Tliomas ware appointed scrutineers, and tflie vdting resulted as fcfllows :—AldenniJ.ii D. P. WlUlfliams, 48; CounoJliors John Hughes, 46 J. E. Roberts, 45; Robert Thomas, 44 T. C. Lewis, 44; J. R. Priibchaid, 42; Wm. Jonas, 42; D. E. Davies, 41; George Brytmar, 39; Spiinther James, 39; J. J. Evaps, 36; R. W. Jones, 35; J. Jones Morris, 34; and Abed W4E5aims, 34. INSPECTOR OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. The Council went on to consider the advisability of appointing provisionally (on condition that they pass the necessary ex- amination) Supt. S. T. Harris, Bangor, and Inspector Rowland, Pwllheli, to be inspec- tors under the Weights and Measures Acts, and also the question of appointing ex- police Inspector Henry Roberts as fiispectoi of weights and measures for Pwllheli and Bangor divisions. The Chief-constable said there was great doubt as to whether the two first-mentioned would be able to pass the stiff examination now required before any person could be appointed to such a post. In fact, one of them thought he would not attempt it. Ex- Inspector Roberts having acted in that capacity before, would not be required to undergo the examination. He was now keeping a public-house in Bangor, but would give it up if appointed. It was moved that ex-Inspector Roberta be appointed for one year. Another motion made was to appoint Supt. Williams, Con- way, for the whole county, for he would not have to stand any examination because he was already inspector of weights and measures in the Conway division. The Chief-constable objected strongly to Supt. Williams having to do any work out- side his own division. He could not con- sent to it without express permission of the joint committee. It was moved that Rowland and Harris be appointed for one year, provisionally, but it was pointed out that the work could not be done by them before they passed the examination, and the time to com- not be done by them before they passed the examination, and! the time to com- mence stamping was close at hand. Ultimately, ex-Inspector Roberts was ap- pointed the salary to be £25 per annum, and the appointment to be conditional on his giving up the public-house. APPOINTING COMMITTEES I i To the vacancies on the finance com- mittees Messrs Brymer, W. J. Parry, and John Hughes, were proposed. Messrs Richard Conway and W. A. Darbfiliire wished to withdraw; also Dr Grey Edwards, who proposed Mr Humphrey Ellis instead of himseflf. Messrs Griffith Hughes and Richard Davies were proposed, and the present finance committee with the above changes was then re-elected. For vacancies on the surveyor's com- mittee Messrs W. J. Parry, John Hughes, Rev Howell Roberts, Messrs Richard Davies, John Jones, D. P. Williams, and Davids were proposed; also Messrs T. Robinson, J. J. Evans, and the Hon. F. G. Wynn.—Messrs W. J. Parry and D. P. Williams wished thair names to be left out, and Mr T. G. Williams was then proposed. --The committee was re-appointed with the substitution of the above names. Alderman D. P. Williams moved that the appointment of the Lunatic Asylum commit- tee be deferred until they received the final decision of the Home Secretary respecting the withdrawal of Carnarvonshire from the union of counties. Councillor W. A. Darbishire seconded, and it was agreed to. There were two vacancies on the county rate committee, and Messrs J. J. Evans and D. P. Williams were elected. The executive of the Contagious Diseases (animals) were re-elected, with the addi- tion of Dr Griffith. MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL. The meetings of the Council were fixed as follows —Annual meeting, 12th March next quarterly meeting, May 2nd; then August 1st; November 7th, and' February 6th. DIVISION OF YNYSCYNHAIARN. The order made at the last meeting of the Council for the division of the above urban district into wards, with additional members, was submitted for the final approval of the Council. Councillor Richard Davies asked the Council to make one or two alterations in the order. These alterations found general favour in the district. The order was finally approved of, to- gether with the alterations mentioned. CRICCIETH. The order made at the last meeting of the Council giving additional members to the urban district of Criccieth was sub- mitted for the final approval of the Council, and on the motion of the Vice-chairman the same was agreed to.

MUCH NEEDED. Councillor C. A. Jones gave notice of his intention to call attention at the next meet- ing to the defective accommodation for the members anr! neciilly for the public.

CORONER'S INQUESTS. The adjourned motion respecting the above was further considered. The motion was as follows:—(a) That in the opinion of the Council the viewing of bodies by coroner and jury is wholly unnecessary and useless, and on many grounds objectionable; (b) That the number of jurors at inquest may well be lessened, and that in place of numbers of 12 to 23 as at present, the ntftnbers should be 7 to 12. Councillor W. A. Darbishire said he pointed out to the Quarry Commission that inquests were very often inconvenient and inefficient on account of present methods of carrying tlie same out. He supported the resolution. Councillor J. Jones-Morris remarked that the way coroner's juries were called was very unsatisfactory; and he wished to add a rider to the resolution that coroner juries should be called from jury lists. Alderman D. P. Williams pointed out that they could not go beyond the motion originally before them. After some further remarks the resolution was adopted.

LLANWNDA. The next matter on the agenda was the appointment of a member in place of Dr Lloyd Williams to hold a local inquiry into the proposal to transfer and add the upper portion of the parish of Llanwnda to the parish of Bettws Garmon. Councillor R. O. Jones moved that Dr Llovd Williams be asked to remain. It having been explained that it would be competent for the Council to do so, this motion was passed.

PENTREFELIN. The Council having considered whether they would delegate their full powers in this matter to the three members appointed to hold the public inquiry, it was decided not to do so. T I;

REPRESENTATION OF LLANBERIS. A communica,tion was submitted from the Carnarvon Board of Guardians, dated 8t;h November, protesting against the order of the joint committee of Anglesey and Carnarvon- ] shire allottiiig three guardians only to tlie j parish of Llanberia, and asking that the [ # County Council would issue another order amending the representation of that parish so that it should be entitled to elect four district councillors. The Clerk believed that the County Council could not do this. The joint com- mittee was the proper authority in this instance. Alderman D. P. Williams said they were told at the last meeting that the joint com- mittee only took into consideration the population of the parish, which was a very different course to that adopted generally by the Local Government Board. A fresh committee ought to be constituted. He moved that they invite Anglesey to co-operate in appointing this committee again. This was agreed to. DISESTABLISHMEXT AND DISEN- DOWMEXT. Alderman D. Lloyd-George, M.P., had the following motion down on the agenda, adjourned from the last meeting:—"That, in the opinion of this Council the provisions of the Government Disestablishment Bill of last year for compensating the clergy are unjust to the community inasmuch as they liavo practically the effect of postponing in the majoritv of Welsh parishes the benefit of disendowment to a future generation." Now, however, Mr George said he proposed to move not exactly the resolution which stood in his name but another which would practically amount to the same' thing, namely "That in the opinion of this Council the provisions of the Government Disestab- lishment and Disendowment Bill should be amended so as to make the alternative scale provided for compensating the clergy com- pulsory." He understood that an objection was raised at the last Council to their dis- cussing questions of a political character, but at the same time he found that gentle- men who voted against his resolution voted also for amending the law in other respects. It would be the function of the County Council to prepare a scheme for the purpose of ap- plying the JB20,000 which would be left in their care as a result of disendowing the State Church, and therefore they had some- thing to say in the matter. His objection to the provisions referred to which the bill contained was that whilst it was a bill which proposed! to disestablish and disendow the Church of England in Wales- Lord Penrhyn: Is this Council in order, in considering a motion which is not before it? No notice has been given of the motion just proposed. The Chairman ruled that as long as the sense of the resolution put was practically the same as that of which a proper notice had been given it was in order. Mr Lloyd-George, proceeding, said the object of the bill was to disestablish and dis- endow the Church of England in Wales, but it only accomplished that object partially inasmuch as it provided that as long as a clergyman desired to perform the duties he would not be disendowed. If he gave up hi,s living he would be paid according to the number of years he had served the parish and this might tempt the Church authorities to make no changes in parishes. To meet these objectionable features in the bill he would suggest that the scale for compensating the clergy should be compulsorily put into operation. The country did not need the services of State-aided clergy any longer; that fact having been accepted it ought to be carried out in every provision of the bill. To make the alternative scale compulsory would be fairer to the clergy themselves also, to the better class of them at any rate, and for the reason that as long as they were in. full receipt of their income there would be a kind of inducement to keep them in their parishes and thus prevent their pro- motion. He proposed that the compensation provided should be that which was indicated as the alternative scale of the bill. Alderman Bryn Roberts seconded, and in doing so remarked that if the provision con- tained in the amendment be adopted in the bill disendowment would then become general at once instead of its taking place in a haphazard manner. That would' be much more convenient for the State, and in his opinion it would really be better for the Church itself, for if disendowment thus took place at once and generally, he would ex- pect such a feeling to arise among Church people, similar to that which arose in Scot- land in 1843 when an enormous fund was raised. Such a feeling would probably be created among Churchmen in Wales if disen- dowment became general at once, and a fund would perhaps be raised among them for Church purposes which would not be raised at all if disendowment came on piece- meal. Dr Hughes, Nevin, wanted to know whether all this was to be found in the Local Government Act. He used to tell his ejectors that he as a County Councillor had nothing to do with Church or chapel. He believed this discussion was quite out of order. Lord Penrhyn moved that they should pro- ceed with the next business. He could not too strongly deprecate the introduction of purely political questions into the delibera- tions of a local self governing body. They were elected there under the Local Govern- ment Act to transact the business of the county. The Conservative and Unionist parties in Carnarvonshire had done their utmost to keep political questions out of such local bodies as the County Council. It was particularly hard upon those who had faithfully attended to the business of the county during the past year that their time should be taken up by such questions as this introduced by Alder- man Lloyd-George who had not attended the Council even once during the year. The amendment was seconded. Alderman Lloyd-George said he had no wish to take up the time of the Council. Everybody knew the merits of the case. He found that there was a motion before the last Council moved in favour of amending the law relating to jurors. As far as the Local Government Act was concerned they as a Council had nothing to do with prevent- ing jurors viewing dead bodies. Neither did the Local Government Act instruct them to consider the advisability of having light railways, and yet there was a motion placed before the last Council in that connection. But if they were going to have J620,000 placed at their disposal surely they ought to have something to say to the matter. The amendment to proceed with the next business was lost by a great majority. Councillor T. C. Lewis remarked that Lord Penrhyn had claimed credit to the Conservative party for having done their best to keep out of the Council everything of a political colour, and yet his lordship in voting for aldermen had only voted for Con- servatives whilst the Liberals had voted for men of both parties. The resolution of Mr Lloyd-George was then put with the following results — For: Messrs Tudwal Davies, Edward Jones, Elias Jones, Lloyd-George, BrYll: Roberts, D. P. Williams, Michael Williams, John Jones (Bethesda), George Brymer, William Evans, J. Jones-Morris, Richard Davies, Robert Thomas, Robert Hughes, J. Evans Jones, Hugh Owen, Spintlier James, F. W. Francis, R. 0. Jones, Thomas Jones, Griffith Hughes, W. Jones, J. J. Evans, Michael Jones, William Williams, Abel Williams, John Hnghes, T. C. Lewis, Robert Hughes, J. R. Pritchard, D. E. Davies, O. Wynn Griffith, W. J. Parry— 33. 'j Against: Lord Penrhyn, Hon. F. G Wynn, Hon. Sackville West, Richard Con- way, C. H. Darbishire, Peter Mclntyre, Humphrey Ellis, Thomas Robinson, E. H. Owen, Ellis Nanney, George Farren, J. Evans Hughes, Owen Roberts, T. G. Wil- liams, C. A. Jones, and Richard Thomas— 16. Councillor W. A. Darbishire refused to vote because he had not studied the question at all. He went out of the room. Coun- cillor C. A. Jones essayed to go out also, but was reminded that this was not in ac- cordance with the standing orders, so he then recorded his vote as above.

ELECTION EXPENSES. The total expense of the County Council elections was B400. A committee was ap- pointed to look into the charges.

RAILWAY MONOPOLY. The following resolution of the Anglesey Country Council was subonittidd: —"That as a. stircmg feeling of etion, exåsts in North Wlailes owalnig to the unfair 81otions of flhte Lankan add Railway Company towlarelk farmeds and tradesmen, arid also towards the WeMi workmen in their employ, thiils CouttlcrJ in vitas the other Coun- ty Councils of North Waleis ancl other cor- poilalite bofdiies to elect represeantatj'veis to at- tenld a oonfeire,nioe to be held ajt Rhyl, in oider to consider the necessity of sending a joint nleaiibriol to the MJjdtand Railway Com- pany and the Great Wegtern Rriiway Com- pany, to extend their service to tJ1:ïs part of North Waeis, and tiliait' tlie Councils slhall un- d'ttritebe to exert their best influence to se- cure the success of the undertaking. The iilamets of the repnaseniba.hi.ves to be s'etm to the clerk, as the convener o'' the Loilfealeailee." 'AMetianan Bryn Roberts saH that this was too b'g a thing for the County Council to enjgtaige in. He dijd not suppose tlia/fc any dUiilwiap, company would place any value upon 3<>yitihin/g of this kind canning from a County Council! when meant as an inducement to sudh a company to spend mMfons of pounds Ln Gondbuudcing new lines. It was in another ,L dJiredtilon altogether they ougfhft to work in ordevr to try and bring the Lonidlon and North-We&arn Company to theiiir senlses; aind thiey wouM be only misdliiredtiing their enetrgm-v by taking the pi^pos-dd steps. A rteVlWay comptainy, before venturing into a new tartiftlaiy, wadu look to their probatble ledums for the iniJUions they would have to spanidi; an/di a. Cburity Council could not make such an undertaking pay. If Wels:i tradesmen were careful to give, their traffic orily to those companies who treaifed their feCirow-«ounihrymen well, it wouM do far more towtairtdfe attaining the desired end than the prttpooal before, them now. 'OounwiOlbr Geoirge Fartren enidbised' every- thing siatTd by Mr Buyn Roberts. He read a letter feiom the railway authorities giving the '(':mot amount sunk in the Chaster and Holy- head line before Jt was taken over by the London and' North-Weste<rn, and wjhi\h aim- ounltfetd to over three mJldibnis. Competes, if requested to come to North Wates, would rilsk the County Councils what could they gulaitfantee. And colid, they guarantee any- thing ? AUdiertnan J. R. Buitchiaud would bow to the orilviion of Mr Biyn Roberts, but at the siaime time lile hoped they would pass an ex- pression of their opinion upon the question. He thoughtt all of ilhem were gillad of what Mr BæylU Rdb&ittfe bacl done for the men. He then mioveid1 the first part of the Angle- sey resolution: "Thiaiti a. strong feeling, &c. dlown to the wtooidb "in their employ." Oouincilor T. R. Jones seconded. Cbuntt.ior T. C. Lewis thought they ought tb appoint rep<reislen|0a)bi)vas to attend the oon- Faren/ce. 'l/.i-ey sbotfid. show some dlesire bo co-opt mate wifth other County OoundiRs. AJJdJeWm&n Bryn IWbeate remorked that whtaft he wtainWed wlals far them not to tie themselves to a wiMi goose chase. 'OaunlalMar W. A. Dairbddhiire was not in favour of seiidinlg anybody to a conference unlets they lrnJew what they were to talk about. It was not of the slightest use pass- ing re^dliultflbnbi unffiess they wefre prepared to back them out so stdongly that the-y- wauid be aWbemld'eld to. AiWenmJan J. R. Prnttdhjajd's resolution was agreed: to. OounfcffiCbr John Hughefs moved that the lbeBt tihJatfiks of tltoe Courval be given to Mr Btryn Roberts for the stand he made on be- htaflif of his countrymen,. Thfo wap passed; unlatnimousily.

MISCELLANEOUS. ,AMecomain, D. P. Williams, the Chairman, lund C'autnlcaJkxr W. A. Daulhitsimrre were re* aippoiiiited represent fives on the Univei fifty Ocmrlt of the Unftvarlaity of Wales.—The three represencfalttivas on the aigirScullfcuxe com- mfiirtee of the Umifyejrtiittiy College of North Wales were afoo re-appointed.—An additional gutejid&uni far Denio was affiiowed.—The con- sideration of the resoluWicni of the Abetreirch [Radish OounieJ- .re Governixuenlt inquiry into chiairfties was defarted.—A peltitibn of th-e Anglesey Counlty Council praying for a ball pra\iidfing tfhsat tlhie expenses of buiyrimg car- cases washed ashore shouild be a charge on \!he ImpedfiaT treasury was adopted'.—Atten- tion was caffied to the return of attendances, seivetoall aomlpMning of inaecumaiaiefc in the Saime. On the m<ott £ 'on of Alderman D. P. Wiliilllaimis, the qpasWon wiaa referred1 ,to a sulb^aamiiriittee to dlraw out a sdhieme for se- curing: a filler return.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
ATTENDANCES OF MEMBERS. Diuffiirnar 1894-95, the members atttbended Council meetings' as follows: — Aldertmen A. H. D. Adllainjdi, M.P., 0; John Davies, 5; Mioses Evans, 6; J. E. Gtreaives, 5; T. E. Griffith, 3; Robert Hugh!es, 5; J. E. Ro- berts, 5; H. Tuidiwall Darvi'es, 4; Edward Jones, 6; Elias Jones, 4; D. Lloyd-George, M.P., 0; J. Bryn Roberts, M.P., 1; D. P. Williams, 6; W. M. Williams, 3; Hon. F. G. Wynn, 4; C. A. Wynne Finch, 5; Coun- cilLaite W. J. Parry, 1; George Brymer, 6; R. Coniway, 6; WilNam Evans, 6; Momris Jones, 4; 0. M. Robeuts, 5; R. Thomas, 6; C. H .D^nflbiMMTe, 6; R. J. Jones, 5; E. J. Witlilaims, 4; P. Mclntyre, 1; J. E. Jones, 6; Hugh Owen, 6; J. Spinther James, 3; Humphrey Elllis, 4; Hon. W. E. Sfickviffie WesIb, 6; Lord; Penrhyn, 5 John Hughes, 6; W. Jones, 6; R. W. Griffith, 5; R. O. Jones, 6; Thlomias Jones, 6; W. LMoyd O. Williams, 4; F. W. Francils, 5; W. A. Darbishire, 3; Iriowel Roberts, 6; Evan Roberts, 6; J. A. A. Wil- liamis, 2; G. H. Owen, 6; Edwjfid H. Owen, 6; H. J. ElilSfe Nann^y, 4; Owen Evans, 0; George I^ar-en, 6: J. Evans Hughes, 3; Mfchael Jones, 5 William Wil- Eams, 3; WiOEIilaim Pribchiatpd, 6; T. C. Lewtis, 5; H.. Grey Edwards, 0; Robert Hugh'els:, 4; John WJEifeimsi, 2; Ribhard 'x.jamas, 4; J. R. Prutcihard, 5; J. Issairld 'CIS Davies, 5; Oliaries A. Jones-, 5; R. A. Pri- dhuru, 4; D. E. Davies, 5; Henry Williams, 3. Six Council meetings were heM' during the year.

FLINTSHIRE. The annual statutory meeting of this Coun- cil was held at Mold on Wednesday. Coun- cillor J. L. Muspratt was re-elected chair- man of the Council for the ensuing year. Aid. Dr Easterbv, St. Asaph, being reappointed vice-chairman.—The election of seven alder- men resulted in the appointment of the fol- lowing gentlemen —Messrs J. Herbert Lewis, M.P., William Jones, Frondeg, Holy- well; H. G. Gladstone, M.P., Robert Jones, Foryd, Rhyl; Peter Jones, Halkyn; Henry Roberts, Mold; and P. P. Pennant, St. Asaph.—The 'resolution of the Anglesey County Council re the London and North- Western Railwav Co. was passed. An ap- plication was received from the Board of Conservators of the Clwyd and Elwy Fishery District for an annual contribution from the funds of the County Council towards the funds of that board. Alderman Dr Easterby proposed that the sum of B25 be granted. Councillor R. G. Griffiths, St. Asaph, second- ed. Councillor E. Wheldon moved an amend- ment to the effect that the grant be not sanctioned until the landlords proclaimed the river "free." Councillor P. LI. Jones seconded. The original motion was lost.

MERIONETHSHIRE The first meeting of the nelw Meii'onath- felhire County Council Was heM at Bala on Thuftsdlay, the members present be&ng:—• AMIartnen John Hughes, Hafadifawr laatf, Feslliihii'Og; E. H. Jonathan, do; Dr Edward Jones, (J'ae'rffyrmKm, I ov Lewis Lewis, Barmouth Hon C. H. Wynn, Roger Hughes, Biafllai; A. Osmond WiOCiams, Ed- iWard Griffith, Dldllgeljley; Stamueill Pope, Q.C. Couniot'lilotfs Bdlwartl; Jones, Llansant- ffinairl R. D. Roberts, Corwen WiUliaUn Eoutekes Jonas, do; W. Wi'dSiams Utayid, Gwykld'eil'wern; Edward Jiairtett, PfeynHker- d'l-ef, Corwen; J. Prurry Jones, Biaflia; D. Richard Parry, Llanycil John LToyd Jones, Lffianlfor, near Bt.'lia; R. Edward Robelrtrs, Llanuivichillyin,; John/ .Tones, Dolgelley W. Hughes,do John Roberts, do; John Evane, Bartnouth; Charles Williaimis, Hangwm, Lhllllabcr; R. Prys Owen, Dyffrvn; Evan H'ughea, Towyn W. R. M. Wynne, UJIan- jgryn Thomas Breese, Blawnycwin, Aber- tUgefi, Mont. Morris Thomas, Corris; J. Puglh Jones, TalylOlyn, Towyn G. H. Elilib, ^eiFltin&etg; Evan Plamry Jones, BCaenydUlofl Lo; Dr R. Rube-tils, do; J. Party .Tones. to; John Lloyd Jotn-es, do; DiaJvid Griffith j 1 Jones, Glasgow House. Rhiwbiyfdir, Fes- Lmog David Griffith Williams, 'do Hum- phrey Rdberts, Cwmorthin, do; Thomas Jones, Brynmelliyn, Corwen; J. Bennett Jones, R. G. Pritchard, D. Tegid Jones, and Mr Robert Jones (clerk) and Mr Breese ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN. # Aldejimiani E. H. Jonaitlnan, in moving that Councillor Thomas Jones, Braidhmelyn, be appointed a dhainmani, .moved also that a cord- >.11 vote of thanks be paid to the retiring chairman (Affiderman A. Osmond Williams) for his conduct In the oheir during the last three years. C«ru>nieffl!lor Lewis Lawis, Barmouth se- I conded. OaunciMJor tlhe Hon. W. R. M. Wynne in isuipporbiing the m'dttiton, referred to the kblKi- j neiss and good oondiuot of th§ rebiinJg dhianr- nu4n, and: they owed! much to him for his courtesy. On baing put to the meeti'ng. the motion was unaniimouSfly catrtied. AWemmian A. Osmond WJllja,ms, on vaca- tiling the chair, aomgra.tuiatted the chfoirman- eleclt on his ajupoinitimeiit. He also co-rdiadly fahanked tihe viouncfl for thdJr invariable cou litem* ann respect towtairds hjm during the three yeattte he had the honlour of preeiatng over thealr defldlberaitians. Had it not been for thetir co-opailaltJan', he could not have ex- pected to uphold the dlignjty of the chair. He trumeJdl that they would extend to hITs smoceissar the same siupipoiit as had' been ci ven to him (cheers). The Chaifpman then thanked the Countil for the honioaiT they had conferred upon h&im. It. was an boniour wlhioh he had never sought, and It was writh tihe utmost rahiobince tih8lti he conisiantefd: to the wli'dh of hia flrieridb to have his name noxriniated. He believed that it was as easy to conduct the proceedings of tihe Merioneth Counfty Council as any other familiar CounCl:1t in Wales'—(hear, hear, and dheam)—ntatiwifdhlsltanding that a. breeze arose lilt times ((laughter). He would dlo hiis best to fuDfilll the duties eni trusted to him, and hoped the Council! woulM extend that sympathy and oo-iapeilaition necessary for tihe effective ful- filment of the salme (cheeiis).

^ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN, On tihe mdbfoii of Oouncdffior D. G. Wil- Uaniis, saconjded by Counicillor Benne'tit Jones, Oaunoillar J. Piarry Jones, Festiniog, was uiuaniimously elected vice-chairman.

ELECTION OF ALDERiMEN. tMas^lite Edwamd Griffith, J. Hugihæ Jomes, Kaimruel Pope, Q.C., and A. Osmond1 Wil- iliiaimis were re-eledted aldermen, with the adlc\Jtjon of Mr W. P. Evans, Dr Roger Hughes, and Mr O. Lloyd, Corwen.

SELECTION COMMITTEE. The Mllowimg ware appointed to sdleet (members on the various committees —AI- idierimiain E. H. Jonathan, Councillors D. G. Jones, William Evans, E. Jaaret, R. E. Ro- berts, R. D. Roberts, John Evans, Moriis Thiamias, and Wiffiiaim Hughes.

MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL. On the motion of CounciVJior D. G. Will. liamls, secooidiedl by AldeWman A. Osmond Wliffiams, ilt wvtfe dedded to hdJdl the quialrter- ly ictetangs of the Council as fellows :—June 6th; September 5th; December Mh and the annual meeting on the 13th of Mairdi, 1896. REPORT OF THE MAIN ROADS COMM LTr:TE. This camimilttee reported having ditecussed the details of the scheme adopted for the future repair and' matiintenMXoe of the main roads in the cour.ty, and re:o!i niPifJei the adoption of a series of recornmendaltalons thereon. Thev *urther recommended that the ccunty surveyor be directed to communi- ca.te with the county surveyor of Denbigh- shire with a. view of coming to an arrange- ment for the repair by that county of a por- tion of a main road, of the esUmiaftedi length of 2. fi'i'es near PontlbetiyiJl, which was more access bie to DenibigdMiire, if terms could' be agreed upon that the subject to tihe plan and specification of the proposed widening of the rnia&n road at Aberamffra, Barmouth, be- ing satisfactory to the county surveyor, par- mttesiiion be gmanted to Barmouth Urban Disrtiricit OOllillCillJ tto cainy out the work; that the following be appointed foremen of mrini coaidb —Edeyrnibn district, Mr Wil- liam Evans, stonanMson, Cynwyd; PenMyn, Mir GriffltQi ThbrnjaB, Llwrmnwchllyn; DOIl- gelley, Mr J. Jones, stonemason, DoTjgefney Ilarlech, Mr Thomials Rees, foreman1 Unban District C'ouncil, B lawman Fesataniiog; and thalt the wages of each foreman be 5s a day. —Aiideilman the Hon. C. H. Wynn, iii mov- ing that the principle of the report be adopted, said that they did not for a moment pretend thclt the schepie recommended' with regard to the future repair and maintenance of the main roaJcfe was a oompllete one, but it was a prac- ticable form of taking the roads ovar for the time. The committee did1 not get much time to foumiliite a better one. It was i--vely that siome of the members would be albUe to give them better suggestions. But taking it alto- gether, he believed tibat the committee had completed1 the work entrusted) to them. They would find from the report of the finance committee that the main roadfe committee re- quired £900 to meat current expenses. That waulld seem, a large amount, but they be- lieved that it wais about £200 in excess of the reiajl -sum that would be wanfted. They thought it advisable to have the amount in ihanldl to meet exogenic*'es. Alderman Osmond Williams seconded, and Itihe motion was agreed to. The recommendations were them taken seriatim, and, after a discussion, adbpted. THE SURVEYOR'S REPORT. The Surveyor reported the total mileage in -the county to be 235, 112 miles of main roads; 76 district bridges, while 45 men were ■em-pfloved. NEW DUTIES FOR COUNCILLORS. Aldermani A. Osmond Wiffliams moved!, and Alderman the Hon. C. H. Wynn se- conded, that the Counlcillars of each district superintend over the workmen engaged within those districts, and report any c- reigulairitiieB to the main roadfe oomm'tebee.— The motion was agreed to.

SECURITIES. On the motion of Councillor R. G. Pnit- chard, seconded by Oouneillar Bennett Janes, it was dreoided ttet the snrvevor should find suj,(+ie8 for £900, and the road! foramen for £100. the fown. of sureties to be a guarantee Society, anld each to pay thair own pre- m6utms.

REPORT OF THE FINANCE COM- MITTEE. This cammflttae reported that the receipts of the counlty fund and police account amounitetd to £9,161, ■ while the paymentR ware £3,356. Btadajice in hand on tihe county account on the 22nd of February laimioamted to j55,905, and the technical educa- tion account to £1 5s. 2d. The committee •recommended the payment of the following acocomibs :—On account of main roads, £1,256 6s. 9(1. under Tedhnricad Instruction Act, £30 10s. sailari'esi an,d mabceJllaneous bills for the year, £992 3s. 8d. poor few unlioais, £219; polfoe pay, £907; astimjajted amount required1 to pay wages, team labour, and material, &c., £900; thait a grant of j320 be made from the technical instruction, rate to the Science School attached to the Har- lech Endowed School, in aid of instruction in chemistry for the current year, and that the sum of J510 10s. be prid from the same rato defray the extra, dharge ineural by three scho&rs in dlaikying while attending a special course of lectures at Aberystwyth Coflilege; that the county rate of 4d. in the £ be niade for the half year 'ending 29th of September next, paytafble in two installments that a ralte of ¥I. in ,t1he £ be made UlMer the Welslh Intermedlialte Education Act, 1889, to become payable on the 8th of May, 1895; (iliat the clerk of the C ounty C ounci l be paJd the sum of JB78 15s. for his services, and the expenses inculrrad! by him in bringing into opera/fikm the provisions of the Local Govern- ment Act, &c. that the sum of J5259 be paid to tihe deputy returning officer of the recent County Council elections.—'Councillor Haydn Jones, in miaving the adoption of the repeat, s'f\ijjd that it Would be within their recollection that alt tfhie last1 meeting he gave an analysY, of the counlty expenditure under the quarter ses'?0or.R of the County Council. One gentleman had characterised that state- ment as an election ciy, and an attempt to throw dust to the eyes of the ratepayers. He repudiated that s/tatement altogether. It was n'oth'T;^ but «*» plain, unvarnish,fd state- meint. If it Was othetrwise let that gentleman point to a 8-ng.e erroneous figure he-quoted (cheers). He beCieved tiliat that board of guartlauis, where the remark was made hald or was about to pass, amotion culling'upo^ tie councd to economise. He would aklVise them to s'tirt at homo. If they could SllOW tihe conned where they could' economise they would be doing some good to tihe county (chaens).—CouneilkT the. Hon. W R M Wynn seconded the report, and in doing w urged^ masit sltiongCy on the local authorities to help tliem to keep tihe expenditure down, —i'he report iwas adapted with tihe exception thail, £ 100 wais voted to the clerk inste#! of £ 78.

AGRICULTURAL ANALYST. Mr Murray, of tihe U niversrty Co-liege of VViales, A-beiyistiwytlh, was reappointed agri- cuirturaa analyst uooer The Ft^rtiiJieers and deeding Stuffs Act, 1893."

WESTERN SEA FISHERIES. The Clerk reported receiving a oonamunioa- tion from the Board of Trade with reference to dissolving the Western Sea FisheTi,es Com- anititee, atnd suggesltinig that tihe council should appoint thi ee repretjenftatives to give evidence before an inspector who would hold am inquiiy alt Barmouth. IOommunûlCaltiÎJons had a £ s,o been received fram the Gomity Councils of Anglesey and Cardigan with reference to the proposed con- ference of delegates represeniting the County Councils on the question. Carnafrvoni had not repHetd.—It was decided to hold the con- ference fioist, before giving evidence before the oomtmmmoner.

UNIVERSITY OF WALES. Mr T. E. El ks, M.P., was elected govamoar of the Univeisity of Wales.

THE CONFERENCE AT RHYL. The application of the Anglesey County Cfounei?, that representatives1 be appoinlted to attend a conference at Rhyl, to inquire into 1;1118 un/fbir actions of the London and North- Wesltem Ra'tilway Cbmpany towards farmers anjd traxlesimen., and towards the Walsh work- men in their employ, and to appeal to the Midland RaiTway Company to extend their service to North Wales, was consider eel, and A'ldlarman A. Osmond Williams, Councillor Foulkes Joraets, and Councillor H umphtrey Roberts were appointed as delegates to the proposed conference.

THE DENBIGH ASYLUM. Afidarmain the Hon. C. H. Wvnn gave a detailed account of the dispute that exisrs beftween the North Wales counties and Car- narvonisfhire with regard to the North Walea Allium, for tihe benefit. of the new members, anld also an' epJtiamie of what transpired be- tnjjeen the reipresentaitives of the respective County Councife and' the Home Secretary in a conference recenltiLy held at the. ifome Office. From what he (the speaker) could gilean', it was vetry untikely that the Home Secretary would altow the union to be dis- sdlved.—A ooIrlfilill vote of tihanks was passed to Mr Wynn for hiis seirvikefi anld1 interest in tihe master.

COMMITTEES. The oomimilttees, ats necommended by fcha Beiedtiion committee were adopted.

-u- MR BRUNNER, M.P., ON DISESTABLISHMENT. IMPORTANT SUGGESTION. The members of the Northwich Constitu- tional Club recently forwarded to Mr Brunner, M.P., a resolution passed unanimously "at a public meeting held at this club," to the following effect ;That as the bill for Dis- establishing and Disendowing the four Welsh Dioceses of the Church of England is. in the opinion of this meeting, bad in principle, and a bill which will inflict serious injury upon the poorer portion of the population, the electors are hereby called upon to resist the measure by all the legiti- mate means in their power." To this Mr Brunner has forwarded the following reply Dear sir,—Your favour of the 8th inst. came to hand yesterday morning. I have read the resolution enclosed with care, and I beg to assure you, with respect also. Though I cannot agree with the opinions ex- pressed in the resolution, I am glad to note that the members of your club hold them- selves bound to consider the interests of the poorer part of the population of Wales, and tc point out that the bill makes large pro- vision for those interests by way of hespitak and trained nurses for the sick poor, improved dwellings, and so on. I think it extremely likelv that before long a compromise will be effected on the lines of Mr Chamberlain's letter to the Welsh editor, the Tory party throwing over some of their principles to secure some of the funds and the Liberal party giving way on the question of money for the sake of their principles. You describe the meeting at the Constitutional Club at which the resolution was passed as a public meeting. The word 'public' is to be taken in a Pickwickian sense, I take it.- Yours faithfully, John T. Brunner."

A working iman magistrate has been added to the county bench of Monmouthshire.

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