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1RANGOR AND ARVON PERMANENT — BENEFIT BUILDIMO SOCIETY. ^CORPOBATED UNDRR THE BUILDING SOCIETIES ACT 1874. Reserve Fund, £1 815 12s 6d (an-t L* me Increase every Ye" i Board of Dir(,(!tot- r T. T. ROBERTS,, Chairman, G IRT". K-> '>gor. PR -DAVID LEWIS, 26, James str^t, i<>. IF°UT!C^OR ROBERTS, Victoria H »NE, do. JONES, 3, Tanyfrc'i, HIE' street, do. VR'^M. ROBERTS, Fronrieg street do. W. CADWALADH DAVIES, N"rth Wales College, do. °UNCIJIOR HENRY LEWIS, Market R^A^E, do. Managing Dii ertor :— Mr W. THOMAS, District Bank, Bangor. Solicitor Mr JOlIN BRYN ROBERTS. ROBERTS, and JOINES, Bangor. Backers ters pUOH, JONES, nnd CO., District Bank. national PROVINCIAL BANK, LIMITED and Branches. Surveyor:— OVfEN WILLIAMS, M.S.A., Architect and Sur- veyor, 5, Crescent, Upper Bangor, ^94 !ff'ces ■'— HIGH STREET, BANGOR (adjoining the Distric Bank). s, Arties desirous of Building or Buying Houses, &c., Sn°ujd apply at once to the above Society, which offers Pecial facilities to parties to become the owners of own dwellings. ,• business premises. EASY REPAYMENTS.' y Paying a small sura every month, the members & >e induced to put by their savings, and in time to ^ire property. Q¡ A I Mortgage can be redeemed at any ime, without kgal expenses, and without the payment of any ee. .ABSCIND Security to the Borrower against the calling the Mortgage before the expiration of the stipulated The Surveyor's Charges are fixed according to scale, 5* are very moderate. Hind era,l a(^vances made with promptitude, and at r-'erate rates, for five, ten, fifteen, or twenty years, (prepayments and Subscriotions received on the first e.8d^r in every month, at the Offices of the Society, In street, Bangor, at Half-past Six in fee evening, w-* or information apply to the Secretary, Mr. R. ^ghes, Plasllwyd, High Street. Bangor. MONEY LENT WITHOUT DELAY. PRIVATE GENTLEM ■. N with spare capihtl is open to ^&Kr ance same t0 GENTLEMEN, FAKMKKS, DA1BY- TRADESMEN and other- responsible persons, without to £ Ssmen' f°rma'i:i<'s or ''elay. Auy arnouut lent from JElO r6ciai i distance :s no object, but only genuine applicants are to apply (s'ating- iiuic.unt required) to Mr FRLDK. Osborne House, 11, Sping <.iarde;is, London,S.W. N.B. S to extwi,i the business to persons resting in ike to W y' Responsible applicants will hive the matter att ended post. l j 17 CLARKE, L. D R.C.S -»« SUIIVJEOS, HIGH STREET, BANGOi* y be co suited at the above a dress free o maige Up jn all cases appertaining to the Teeth. BEAUMARIS every Monday at 50 ^NMAENMAWR every alternate Thursday, I Canton House. Painless Dentistry by Nitrous Oxide A WONDERFUL MBDICINI B tEe H A M'S PILLS .80][ Are universally admitted to be worth a Guinea a 'a tha°LBlUi"!ls and nervous disorders, such as wind and pain I *ft8, stomach, sick headache, fullness and swelling Jw. ,Qeals, dizziness and drowsin.-ss, cold chiils, flushings or Vii °* aP'>etite, shortness of breath, coscivtn«ss, scurvy, *Oii ii tc^les on the skin, disturbed sleep, frisjhttul dreams, jrj, a" nervous and trembling sensation, etc. The first dose will in twenty minutes. Every sufferer is inviied to try e -"0* of these Pills, and they will be uckuowlad £ «»U •*» WORTH A GUINEA A BOX- ^or FemalM of all ages the e Piil* are inra^miio, as a doses of them carries off all humours and bring about all is required. No female *'n>ul<( be without th-*m. There n<i medicine to be found equal to BK ISC HAM'S PILLS lor "l1oving any obstruction Or ivryvnl rity of the system. If **en *ecordinj! tr> the .erections gj »».-n with each box, they ?111 ''o >n restore females of all ages to s >und and robust Sr^lth. TbH has been proved by t iausan is *vho have tried I j,111 and found she benefit* whi.n are ensured bv their use. stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders oi I (uJv*( they act lihe "Magic," and a few doaos will be found "'Hch* won(^ei's ''P '11 theinos iiunorbani organs in the human tv„t,or,ne!- t hey ;«oi' ne'fciien the whole muscular system, and ('•luiolexion, bring back the keen edge of I *hoie *nd raise into action, with the rosebud of health, the ^stjge )'ysical energy of the human frame. -These ar« FACTS iv.d ^ontinimllv bv members of all classes of society; b«st guarantee! to the Nervous and Debilitated I Patniit 'HAM'S PILL- have the largest sale of any 1 MffJicine in the world. BKKCHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. remedy for coughs in (r ueral, Asthma, Bronchial I'it'h-' ;"ns> Difficulty in Breath in;. Shortness of Breath, Oppiession of th- C.iest, Wheezing, etc., these ^>uhi,T''an'^ unrivalled They are the best ever offered to the d¡¡.¡ c. an t v.il: speeÔi!y removl" th ,t sense of oppression and of breahing which nishtly dep-ive the patient of re at. Wn)' person give' Be-xiham's Couch Pills a trial, and the 1> violent cough « i, be removed. P'i».trparetl 01,1 y- al1'' s"1'1 lli'>]e-Aie and retail. by the Pro- b(,v„'r' Thos. Beecham, Chemi t, St Helens, Lancashire, h Is IJd and is fki each %hev« y a11 Druggist,s and Pa nt Medicine Desler* etCTJ- s-nn each box. MOONSEED QITTERS tf Is the It BEST, SAFEST, CHEAPEST, and i MOST MARVELLOUS of all MEDICINES on the EARTH for the JM BLOOD, LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, HEART, a;.J NERVES. ^OONSEED BITTERS. 0 Disease The result of 25 years' No Disease >1, careful study and test by **0 Disease the Authors, No Disease A. E. POWELL & CO., -px- ox»isease MANOR HOUSE, No Disease 0 Disease SWINDON, N"0 Disease wno have "o Disease Saved Thousands No Disease lav tv. frora Ee. iy Graves, ° -Disease and who h.ave Received No Disease 28,000Testimonials, «T —k. disease proves that this great com ^o Disease Diapnnp pSund -of, Moonseed and 0 T»iseftse isease other mighty healing agents 1io Disease is the only Medicine known 1(0 Disease to man that can at all times •O Disease be depended upon in build. KTo Disease IfnTk- ing up the relaxed nerve ° Disease fibres, and restoring the No Disease most shattered constitution, -ILT "R\; „ „ „ „ „ ° disease however overtaxed and No Disease "™°Diseaso abused. No Disease 1io Disease MOONSEED BITTERS No Disease IfnTi' Stamps out all Disf-ase.. ° Disease OF ALL CHEMISTS, IV O Disease In Bottles at AS.6d. & as. gd. -»■- "•Oisease IS. SaveJ by ti e Large No Disease JV° Disease size' or PosVfrec from No Disease A. E. POWELL & CO. Disease PA^IPHLETS No Disease *° Disease OF ALL CI-EMISTS, No Disease Ifn Sole Whok'le Ag?nts, disease MT ssrs. EDWARDS, 1*10 Disease Ifo Ti-«, Queen Victoria Street, -"iijease London, E.c. IM o Disease 3 XTo !Oiseass 0 Diseasa ew'ar3 Stuff JQ"O Disease Offere-i as 2Eocnseed v -disease Bitter. at l -ss than 48.6d. N o Disease Noft/Buvt loU No Disease C D PSS^S CON^TITI TiON BALLS jirvrv f^'or Grease, Swelled Legs, ^roc^ed Feel-, Coughs, Colds, &c., ^ItSES ancl ifeePiu^ Horses in t 'Health, *• H'.ve or Blown, Hide ^ArTrrr n i^our.fl, loss of Appetite, Staring Coiif. jiiRteBipor, Epidemic, or IN CALVES they avr- alwst infallible. upwards o? HO v -.rs "v the proprietor eolcii-^ ^xjpiss, M. R.C, V -S, Norfolk. Are ?ta at l nCheiai-ts and Modir;0 vendora in Pack 21 ti'id fvI oach, or 7 smaH 10s 6d, or 7 ^rderi'' or direc frjm on receipt cf wtoamount 1526 DR. L^LOR'S pHOSPHODYNE I For TWENTY-FIVE YEARS has maintained if- world-wide reputation as the ONLY S Al RE, RELIABLE PHOSPHORIC REMEDY ever di^oove.re' for tha I Permanent Care of Brain Wreckage, Paralysis Sleep- lessness, Harassing Dreams, Premature Decay of Vital Power, and ill Functional and Diseased Condi- I tions of the System, dependent upon the Deficient y Of tne Yital Forces. Cures Dyspepsia, Lung and Heart disease Cures Kidney and Liv r -"omplaints. Cures Dyspepsia, Lung and Heart disease Cures Kidney and Liv r "omplainta. Cuies all Disorders of the Blood. I Cures Dyspepsia and Loss of Appetite Cures Consumption and General Debility. Checks all Wasting of the Vital Forces. 1\ From whatever Cause arising. The effect, of this Standard Phosphoric Remedy in Nervous Debility and its Kindred Evils is immediate and permanent, all the Miserable Feelings and Dis- tressing Symptoms disappearing with a rapidity that is REALLY MARVELLO* S. JJli LALOR'S J>HO S p HODYNK Actually Creates New Nervous Flui 1 and Brain M jttt-r by supplying the blood with its Electric Life Element PHOSPHOROUS, "the very C TO and Centre of the Brain itself, "and whilst pleasant to the taste ani agree- able to the stomach, never faiis to Purify and Enrich the Blood and thoroughly invigorate the Brain, Ner yes, and Mucles. Its energising effei ts are S'lown from its first day of its administration of a Remarkable increase of Nerve and Intellectual Power, witha feeling ofOour > ~e Strength, and Comfort, to which the patient has long been unaccustomed. Digestion is invigorated. The Appetite increases wonderfully. The Bowels become egular. Sleep becomes cal n and refreshing. The Face becomes fuller, the Lips red, the Eyes brighter", the Skin clear and healthy, and the Hair acquires strength, showing the importance of its action on the Organs of Nutriton THOUSANDS of unimpeachable testimonials from all parts of the world, and from the highest Medicie Authorities, proves conclusively the Verctiet Universal that in the world of scientlc research no other Phosporus Preparpation has received such exalted praise and distinguished recognition. Sold in bottles, at 4s 6d, by all Chemists throughout the World or seat free in Great Britain on re««ipt o P. 0.0. from D R. LALOR'S jpHOSPHODYNE LABORATORY, HAMPSTEAD, LONDON, N.W. THE NEW FRUIT. CASCARADYNF. The New Laxative Fruit. Nature's Remedy fcr Constipc tier Pleasant to take, certain in action. Snch diseases as Bilious, ness, Congested Liver, Dizziness, Piles, Indigestion, Headache- Lowness o" Spirits, Neuralgia, &c.. &c. are caused by Consti- pation. It not only gently acts on the bowels, but the charm of its action is that from its invaluable tonic properites it at once gives tone and energy to the muscular coats of the sto- mach gradually restoring to nature its long loat power. Sold by all Chemists, Is lid and 2s 9d, or direct from the Depot, 1, Baron's Court Koad West Kensington, for Is 3d and 3s. AGENTS—For Machynlleth, Mr H. Davies; Bangor, Mr W. Go berts; H-'yhead, Messrs Harris and 'I.es; Carnarvon Mr R. OweD: Holyhp.id. Mr .T Hufbes W. WATCHES £1 to Xti)J." Illustrated Watch Pamphlet sent free. RUSbELL'S "NEW TYPE Kotal ENGLISH LEVER WITH PERFECT KEYLESS ACTION, IN MASSIVE SILVER CASES, £5 58, Is the Cheapest and best English Lever Watch ever made. Description- — THREE-QUARTER PLATE ENGLISH LEVER WATCH, Jewelled in Four Holes with Chronometer Balance. Dust and Damp Proof, and all RUSSELL'S latest patented improvements. All the Materials and Workmanship are entirely English. The SAME MOVEMENT in SOLID GOLL 18-carat cases, *1 t* £15. WATCH AND JEWELLERY REPAIRS PROMPT AND PERFECT. Estimates given and cost of carriage taken. MR T. R. RUSSELL, MAKER TO THE QUEEN, Cathedral Works. 18, Churcb-st, Liverpool. GoldModa! Awarded,Health Exhibition, Ldonon BENGER'S POOD Vi< JD FOR INFANTS, FOR CHILDREN, FOR INVALIDS First order of Merit and Medal Awarded, Adelaide, Australia. BENDERS OOD B V FOR INFANTS, FOR CHILDREN, FOR INVALIDS. The London Medical Record says :—"It is retained when all, other foods are rejected "s BENGER'S T710012. C FOB INFANTS, FOR CHILDREN, FOR INVALIDS Ts well kno-vp to the leading medical men, and recommended by the Lancet and theJwhole of the M ed ic d Presr, BENGF/R'S WOOD >. A mother writes:—"The Infant was very delicate, and our meUcal adviser ordered your Food; the. resalt in a short time was wonderful, the little fellow gre-, stiong and fat, and is LOW in a thriving condition, in fact 'the flower of the flock.' JJENGER'S JPOQD Is sold Everywhere by Chemists, &c., Fin "tins at Is 6d, 2s 6d, 5s, lCs. THE TRADE SUPPLIED BY ALL WHOLESALE HOUSES. ANGOR AMD NORTH WALES BENfcJBIT BUILDING SOCIETY. Established 1872. Incorporated 1874 President and 0 hairman of Directors Dr RICHARDS, Bangor. SHARES, £10 EACH. SUBSORIPTION 28 6D PER SHARF, 'PER MONTH tSVASCltS. Money advanced on Freehold or Leasehold Property r 1 15 and 20 years, to be re- paid by Monthly nstalments. For urth ir particulars apply to John LJovd, Accountant, Masonic Hail, liangor, M naging Director. AS WE G?;T OLD, the ronrfcs under the eyes witi/ llabbiness of the ski of the faci are npp8.ront This is altered by using Alex. ttoss's Skin Lightener or Tonic Lotion 3s G l, post 4s. BOSS'S Bemediss for Obesity and Sallowness 5s. A LEX. ROSS'S DESTEOYEB OF HAIR.-Removes hair from the fact;, neck, and arms without injury '<s 6(1, sent secretly packed by post, for 510 stamps. Alex Ross's Hair Dye produces very ght or dark color *tf His Cantharides produces w hiskers or hair on the head The Nose Machine for pressing the cartil e of the nose in shape 10s 6d setitfor stamp.—Letters invited—Had dthrough'Chemists or from Alex Ross 21,Lambs Con- ^uit Street London. W.C 2







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