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----_.....:.:::'::-" A VOYAGE…


A VOYAGE TO AUSTRALIA. ^Extracti from letter? received from Mr Henry Edviards, of Rhyl.) We have received the followiug exfcracs from Several letters received from Mr Edwards by a friend iu Manchester. As Mr Edwards is very "ell known it the Rhyl district we publish this "eek the flrsu portion of them, trusting they will Prove interesting to the gencral reader and useful to intending emigrants. „ You know the kind of weather we embarked in, ykerefore I need not expatiate on that. Had we ^°t been able to fched mauy tears, the skies that wept enough for the whole crew of us, and ?tùy, stopped when they found out we were not jiving that day, as advertised. The next day ^tead ot weeping they smiled, as if they were ttoaeummately giad to see us starting, and be rid ? is for a while; and the water afraid, perhaps, of Jf^htening us back to land, and so losing the fun get out of us once we were fairly cam- to its tendtr mercies, presented an aspect Peaceful repose and of gentle good nature that enough to attempt the veriest landlubber on tarth to trust himself ou its fair bosom. Under 8uch circumstances we b gaved anchor and started 011 our long voyage about 10 a.m. on the never- ^bo-forgottoa Friday, October 5th, 1833 The eaij down the river was most enjoyable, the potion of the ship was almost imperceptible—laud «ach side, and a crowd oi vessels, some heme- and some outward bour.d like ourselves— f^rything went on as merrily as wedding bells t', about 3 o'clock, tben the blessed old tub fiee edt,3 go off her chump. I uuppise she had into the chops of the channel, but why she uoiud have made such a bobbery about it is more I can tell. What I did understand at the Hue was that if she didn't sobtr down very Sickly some cf the poor passengers would have a *<i time of it. I proceeded to walk to and fro on noting her behaviour. Presently her motions r^ame so curious that 1 thought I could study, and Perhaps comprehend them better if I took a seat. sooner thought than acted upon, i did sit ?°Wu and managed to keep my seat for perhaps **f*an-hour, during which time I carefully noted surrouudings, then took stock of such Passengers as came across tha direct line of n^loa* Somehow looking round was not such j^°d fun as before dinner, and besides the antics ,1 the fore part of the ship, towards which I was #°°king, possessed a fascination which I could not or my life resist. I suppose the stern was doing j tto. You never saw such a polite vessel,I should j^gine, in your life. The manner and pro- nudity of her curtseys to the fishes might have 5?u8ht even the late uord Chesterfield a wrinkle. moment her bowsprit tock careful aim at the .ri, the next moment it teemed to be trying to potatoes. Of course, such a refuted Btomach ^ine refused to be out done la politeness by a ^pid old ship, and so it too began bobbing up «tw3 ^°wn. At one moment it rose into my throat, anon it was somewhere in the region of my Qeej8. Xiiia x stood for sometime, i.e. until I °Hd screw up my courage^for.a flip. When feeling ~*t I wa, not called upon to give lessons iu piUette gratis, I slowly retired into the sanctity my cabin. Where, unseen, I carefully went the Oh my process. Feeling much etter after this exerciae, I managed a good tea, ^d got apon deck in time to see the fort and f°wu of Dover, and the white chalk cliffs I ^*0 so often read of, and wished to see. **a<l also a glimpse in the distance o? the Frcnch r?*8*. but were not able to make anything out th*r-y' ^ater on we saw Dungenes3 light and light of Brighton, &c. Arrived at Plymouth Out 10.30 and left 12.30 coon. Had no time to ashore, but had a splendid view of the tcwi, 6m?h is nicely situated. Were surrounded b/ boats bringing apples, grapes, biscuits, &c., &c. Bought some fruit for the wife ad fusees for myself. Took a lot more pa?sen- sera on board and I'.way we went. Took our last '5w of old England, and bade it good bye for, I onder, how long. We got into the Bay of B s- during the night. Sunday was a beautiful but there was a swell on that made us roll 7*8 the very deuce. We had Divine service in saloon in the evenittg. I had gone to bed fleetly after tea, butTcept awake during the j^ging and prayer; but when the sermon came ^dropped off to sleep, and slept till morning, j first Sunday at sea may be described gene- w a day of wailing, fasting, and vomiting. JTe Rot through the Bay some time daring the 8ut, and then had a very pleasant time of it- beautifully calm, sun shining brightly, pas- «Ugers beginning to notice e*ch oiher favourably, ^stead of looking through the corners of their eyes, and carrying themselves as if every one else & board were escaped convicte, or lunatics to be not at arm's length but at mast length. We J^rived at Teneriffe on Thursday, the 11th Oct. be coast was very rocky, rugged, and picturesque, sailed slowly up the bay in charge of the Pilot we had a good time of it. At a distance it ^etned very bar/en, but as we got nearer we could the vineyards on the slopes, olive trees, fig iIee8, &i. with little houses dotted here and there. The town of Teneriffe, or Santa Cruz, as the natives call it, had a very picturesque ap- Pearance from the water. In the front the buy lay calm and bright, like the sea of glass or molten gOld. one tries to picture in imagination when S^ing that most mysterious Book of Revelation. came the town nestling at the foot and be- tween two mountains, like a child clinging to its pother's bosom and behind the rocks towered shielding it from storm &nd tempests. The ^°utraat between the light-coloured, flat-roofed houses and the dark back ground was very diking, and the whole made a very pretty and Agreeable picture to eyeu that had for some time leerl nothing but water, water, everywhere, and "■ere doomed to see nothing else for the following or 15 days. We anchored about a quarter of a ?*tte from land, and were, of course, surrounded by a swarm of natives and imported niggers, SOlne wanting to row us ashore, others selling ]?*rrotn, canaries, oranges, figs, peaches, bananas, .c. As we were to stay there till afternoon to c°al, the greater portion of the gentlemen, some of the ladies, swallowed breakf»ct Pest baste and hurried ashore. Fare, Is each *ay. Qf conrpe, I went, wd *0n7id onocfour fellow-passengers, a gentleman from Manchester. Se had been out to Rio Janeiro, and could speak •Portugese, which cume in useful during tae day. ■^fter haviug a shon round the town, during \thicb I tborouqhly enjoyed the foT^u aspect of the place and all the surroundings, we decided to laave a drive into the country. Having tecured a Spaniard-an 01;1 mau-o'-war man-as a guide, 1te engaged a waggonette and p.tir of horses. This bounds rather big, but had you seen the turn-ont •Jou would not have turned green with jeelousy. Itgad I would not iutvc been driven, thro^cli tue atreets of Manchester in it for a pension. The old carriage looked as if it had been made in the Year one, had been in the ark with Noah, who had pitched it out in oisgust, and had been carried by the Flood, and left on the peak of Tencriffe to dry I%ud warp in the sun, and had only recently been brought down for our especial service. The horses were about the size of donkeys, and looked as if there wasn't a pennyworth of go in them, but then they make something worth cabling whips in that country; and as for harness, the less I say about it the better. It was not silver-mounted. nor had it much brass about it, less a good deal than they hRd who provided such a turn-out for a couple of" Engleese" gentlemen, being compcsed of rotten leather and fitting, but, fortunately, it turned out to the last. Th"? driver and guide too, though pleasant in their manner and full of information ahout everything we saw, Whleh they communicated as well as their broken English -would permit, and willing to do everything in their power to please us, as they testified by several acta of petty larceny of flowers, curious leaves, Ac., &c., were not the exact people one would choose tor near neighbours, if one had much liberty of choice. They mhy have descended from a high family for anything I know to the contrary. All -Spanish, I suppose, have blue blood in their veuiJ- They were evidently landed proprietors, and car- I' ried their estates with them. It was quite evident thah the guide, who, by the,way, eat close to me, was alao a stock-breeder on a large scale, and the large expanse of white shirt which he displayed farmed a paxk which served to exhibit his Buceesa in this particular industry admirably. As far as my observation went—and I kept one eye stud- iously turned in his direction lest come of the most active should leap the palings and trespass on my reserve—he had them of all ages and sizes, and for agility and genera] sprightliness I think he could have safely backed them against the whole world bar none. In spite, however, of all these drawbacks, or perhaps because of the spice of risk which they infused into the adventure, we thoroughly enjoyed the outing. "W e made for the city of Lagunn, or as they call it La eindad de la Laguna," a city—(save the mark)—about 8 miles out. (To be eontinuei) I




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