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PREPAID TARIFPj SKALL ADVERTISEMENTS. "IsoilTU WALlCa DAILY XEWS.>i*o|^r* ~~i I Weeee. One Three S'.x & O-.ae :n Insert-on. Insertions..Iu famous Cardiff I i l'ime. 1 g. jaTwordaj 0 6il 0 1 6 2~0 87 Woriid j o u i 1 Ô -j ~TS j 0 as Words I 1 0 2 0 I 3 0 4 0 ØWonls I 1 3 I 2 0 J a j 5 0 54 Words j 1 & I 3 0 4 Ô 6 0 Kaebextr^\ ) i line 0f.0 3 j 0 b C 9 1 0 9 Words) I These charges apply O:1Jy to the cl-isres of ad vert ;*e- 8ICr:t :,peeiricd below, ami are strictly v'O.it'ir.cil to these which aremxleix-D FAR OTSBOUTIVR Injection, PAID TO* nmo» 7.) ixsesmoN if either of '■ou.'ilioas U 88t compiled with, the advertisement mil be by •be 8D>Jioess scale APARTHK.YrS T* A.NTSD. j ITot'SSS TO BB L.BT. Ar»arx^wTsTO I.ST. j MONKT WANTSW. A«T1CLK3 IX)ST. MONST To i.gVD. AKTHXKS ROCKD. MIJCSU.ISWS WAVTS. Bcsisnsana DISPOSAL* M!>?OSl.LA:SJm;SS>AL.lStS- PARMOBWRAIW HOOSKX TO LET. SITUATIONS W ^NTBII. JiOt-SIM VVA.YTKP. I SM-A.IOSJ WAJCIED. w.- EDUCATIONAL. SCHOl-AiTIC. an AS-I?-TA>T MASTER- I Pin t lirai'-in'i '.r School, or any such employ- mpnt Aoqui*- mont*—French, Grajk, Latin, En-dish sub- ject8. aud ekme ta y ma-. 1 .emit les.—Address Z.. T.ys-U CtiMWiTtr Scl:oo Llanuy ,\11, South 'A.ii. t. —— DOMESTIC SERVANTS. W' XnTKH V'^uick Motive Cii:I as GENERAL SE!t- VAKT, for* small Faii)i: fc-t.pimf a:1 In». A VAKT, for* small Faii)i: fc-t.pimf a:1 InH. A ntercovf l'e<oUir"d. A middle-aged person • r widow }re- ler—Ap ly Mr Davies, Reporter, i.eia!ie!'i<'octa:res, Aberifave. ay 44*16 WANTED, Genetnl SllUVWT, SO" to i", food character indispensable. \Y¡;;es ■ £ !&- Appy, Miirta, Training Scbooll Aberdare. WANTED, a good HOUSEMAIDr Xiist~fte able to wait at tahle.— Address, >t:tin.g lull particulars, to Mrs John Cory, Yaindre Hall, S«». Sic!' :1s, near Cardiff. 28So WANTED, shortly after Christinas. an experienced GENERAL SfcUVANT in a small ianii'y. Nurse bpt.-21, Park-place, Card I rf. 6::¡ WANTiSD, Go xi General SERVANT Clean, Active BOV.—Apply. CoSea faverr, Church- 8Irt after 4 p.m. W" ANTED, iratncJi:««ly, an ex|.ericnced COOK, and also an exporiern.*ed HOUSlvMAID, l'or gentle- mu'j family. Very pleasant ¡¡ei.hbvurl;üod; 1{')0'1 »HII to competent persons.—Apply, W. B., Daily Mnwa" Office, WANTED an experienced LAUSTDRV-MAID, TT 28 to 30.—Apply 13 Letter-box, Po^t-ofti'-e. C .r- dig. 2750 A GOOD GKIS'ERAL SERVANT wanted.—Apply to Mrd lloult, 52, James-street, Bute Docks, Cardiff. 2727 ANTED a good, dean, active GENERAL SL R- V ANT.-Apply bet .vetu three and seven o'clock, 48 Ely-rev 1, Cardiff. 2719 ANTK1), COOK, and HOUSEMATDTItor" two in fauiils. In tWst application state wage?, refei- CMu^^nd cap.bi'ity. A. L., "Daily Sews' Office, OLatKS, ASSISTABTS, &q,-WANTED ANTED, in the office vi a large works 1; ea.r Swan Jf 1r sea, a thoroughly reipectabie Youth a* JUNIOR CLJERII. M.ist be a ^ood penmao and well up in flgu res. -—Affty, with iefarene»», to X.Y t P<>»t Offiee, Landore^_ T SITUATIONS VACANT^ GKOCKKV.—Wanted, an experienced Hand.—Apply, ■tetins; aye, experience, salary, aiwi references (II. iOOa1 aiiplicatiun preferred), to R. Atkins, Victoria jfcop, Ebbw V¡e. 2:i-i TlIIIA wanted, one accustomed to of irou- JL mongei's shop. Well up—Apply, stating- wag-es 8td reference, R. Williams and Sons, Hay. 28-45 ~%MT AVTB'\ an experien.td ASSISTANT to the if Gnjcary aai Provision trade. Welsh indispen- •wto.— Apply to William Harris, 1J4, High-street, IhnIIp. 283:; "J^kRAPEKY".—W, Eva, Oxford-street, Swansea, ha3 a B F vacancy for a 1:0UG MAN for the Drapery CMUrter. Welsh. 2832 WANTED, Smart MAN, to look after torse andCriva -1'1' light van. Must know town well.—Apply, R. Btwrt and Co., 32, Hih-street, Swansea. 2829 1 lOOT TRADE.—Wanted, a General HAND, to make ■ » Heavy and Light Boots.—Apply, Y. X., Daily ■Ml" Office, Newport. 2S31 ITIL SERVICE APPOINTMENTS.—TUITION by Correspondence. Gentleman studying for Qovern- MMst apjwintments. A Member of the Service Prepares, ttwagH Pøøt, CaBdidlites for the Excise, Customs, and 88IIer appointments. — Address, 11. 48, Liuton-streer, — Lioi.dou. 2743 Ik/flL 'JStjKY —Wanted, immedhte'y, an experienced JCfX YOUNG LADY, aa Milliner, with knowledge of Kwaniaking, Accustomed to serve. Welsh.—Apply to Sichards, Peny^rai?, near PoutypriUd. 2734 to Ð. Sichards, Peny^rai?, near PoutypriUd. 2734 TlJfcAPEIlY,- Wanted, shortly,a good HAND.—Apj.ly MJ personallv, or state salary, expei ience, and >"efer- 4Bee to D. Jenkins and Co., Pembroke Deck, Also a YMJTH. with prominm, aa an Apprentice. 2737 AGENCIES, TRAYELLERS~&ft A CENTS wanted for tie "EXCELSIOR" COPYING APPARATUS. Wonderful Discoverv. Thousands 1M.. being* saId, Washing and' remdting- vf the compo- 8I8åaD aot necessary. Highest salary and' oommissicn f Wu, Send stamp for terms and iull particulars to H. ebury and Co., Myland/Jolchenter, Eiise.x. 2742 TlBERAL REMLNER^muNT — Agents required ■ A thl'ol1,lChout South Wules hy well-established Fire ee Office.—Address Mr Bull, care of ilejurs Defries, l. I3a.rbican. London. 2i38 BIClvE R DIKK'S PATENT SELF-AtTING GAS REGULATORS.—Wanted, active Agents, in the frtacipal towns in South and Mid Wales, for sale of shove. Good commksion grven, but lione except parties with, yood reic fences need uppiy. -Addres, with full niriieulus, Mr John Devine, 2, Bri<hton-road, Rhyl, Borth Waks. Guaranteed to save iroov 20 w i-0 per «. II 2741 A FIRST-CLASS SHIPPER of Irish Butter requires additional AGENTS in Dublin, London, Liverpool, Srtafeoi, _che>!t. Halifax, Neweastle-on-Tyne, Glouces- ter a: d S uth WaJes. None wiH be treated with ex J pt tIao8e wh.) ureaily hold a large respectable connection. Beat :«t ces must accompany application,—Address C. it. care of Henry Greenwood, Advertisinjf Agent, Liverpool. 2731 BIRMINGHAM GOODS for Auctioneers, Shopkeepers, Hawkers. Tea Shops, Jtc. Aleuts wanted. Whole •ktohovMc, post free.— Address, Henry May 18J), Bir WANTED, AGENTS, for Industrial Assurance, in all ,"1" Barta. Qoed men can earn at least 30s a week. -re3S, with stamp, to Manager, 6, St John's-square, thrfcff. 437S4 "PROFITABLE AGENCY India^and h na Pure X Teas, in quarter and half-pound oo."œs. to sell from WW per lb: supplied to agents at impo" prices no ■Mace required. Writ for pai'ticulars and-press opinions, tt CHiver, Oliver, and Co., 'lea luipvrters 231 So uth-rate- iBad. IiWidon. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. fWfP DAIRY FARMETVS.->HLli. i iliLK :!—Wanted, M several grood dairies oi genuine MILK during the motor good pt-ice given, and prompt payment. Churns ftMDd.—Ad Iress Mma-er, Roy:«l Shorthorn Dairy Coix> J—y, 12, Bridge-tTra.:P, P^-i'-ii- flX» PRINTERS. — rt'anteo, »br.l.O U-liAHV JL CROWN PRINTING PRESS, in arood condition.— Address, fruiter, uth Wales a y Newj" Offce, 2:42 WANTED, a small TANK LOCOMOTIVE, for W ■HWITTNG 011. c«likry siding, 4it. iD. e; Milouri-tiand if in ?ool order.—Address, Trevor F. Thomas. Bake Decks, Car ff. 2^5 XjntEUEiilCK PARSLOE, WAITER, 37, tiste.!dfod- JT street. Orders punctually attended to. Town or 8OUUWy. 43983 v U)DGINGSf APARTMENTS, ~&oT SITTING-ROOM~aTid_ BEDROOM for one or two 0 Ladies (abstainers) ec^a^ed in t w;i during the da1. Terms very moderate; with or without board harmonium, books. Near tram terminus.—Apply M, ø. B.icha.rd.-krrnee, Roath. 2;2S of Furuished HOUSE, suitable for two Gentle- JL mm, or Small Family. Gas, Pia::o.—O., Dai! Aewa." L320 APARTMENTS to LET, for one or two gentlemen. Apply, The Hollies, Richmond-road,"Roath. 2716 rIlo foe LET, Front PARLOUR and BEDROOM, fur- JL iMeKvd, at 14, Woodville-terraee, Cathays, Cardiff. 4308? FOR SALE—HOUSES, LAND, &c. Jj*« SALE r>r to LET, '• FERNBANK, South Grove; replete with every modern convenience.-Ap- 1 to J. Hooper, on the premises. 2840 be SOLD, by Private Contract, Grouixl Bents of A. *» ctouts in the centre of Canton; the ground 11,111 _to £ 1S5 a year; lease wiexpircd about 70 4he rents the kkndionis do receive .» the I»ee expires will pay nearly 26 per ^r" Family MaosMn in Pembrokeshve, with l»nd, ^ooj tW»in«r shooting, and within «»o ouhu of railway station; price will pay 34 to 4 per ceat. A small Farm, with a House aad OaWhoM3w, wiihai a mile ai»l a-haii of Newport, 20 MPM. E>ght-roomed UovuM,with abuotg «cres ofLand, afcoat 5 miles from Cardiif several s-roomed Houses, ■With larRe gardens and Uck entrant, 99^ yearT arise £ £ M wch: e<ght freehold Hoxisea, inciWina a BKID, price eight Houses, reuts XI24 16a. ■rice £ 1,300 three House* price £ C jo two Houses! factadiuga sh°P,.f.d year» Ske J&06* LU^VLiR —it,o Houses, inciud- r a Shop, and Stab e ai;d Coach-uonse, price £ 700. UTH.—Two Vi laa in Hroadway, price £ c."<) afat Houses, including a SLop, pri^e a.1,300 two Villas la Upper George-street, pr;ce x.5o0 i-^ur Houses, with • toJff lease, in the centre 01 iQ" «)adin«r a Corner Shop, pr^e 1, 'ten Houses p.ice £ 8.000; eight Houses, pn e ftorl-street, price £ 400 ten roomed VjJ-a. vrrth celi.r,. fcath-roora and ^as llttuigs m-wt.y m every room, pr.v.e J»», tw.-tha-ds ol the purchase money cou,d remam •a awrt^po.-TO LI"r, three lar-e Shops v ^Ue- *»ad, suitable for drapers, IioDmon^ers, diu,gis.a, hsttcbors, or furniture shops, all with lari,e • •rwal Mve-roomed IIous-s, with lar<?e gardMS^ as By, rent 4s Cd per week eifcht ro<>rned ilia -3 v»v>e mmaemat, with largs garden, Venetian blinds, ga^ u •» and w.c.; rent £ 30 a-year only five minutes walk to Where the trams .start. Several Farms to LET in Jlon- 8Oothahi. rent about .£1 109 per acre. For reply please enclose a stamped euveJQpe.-A pp.y to Mr M«wnas Da.viea, House and Land anù Insurance Aent, jM, Oowbridae-road, Canton, Cardiff. 40277 TO liE LET.—BOLisiib, LAND, fllO LET, at Blackwsir, a convenient DWELLING. JL HOLSkl, conUkiniu^ two parlours, two kitchens, ft** bad rooms, pantries, wash-house, eelLriu; garden hash aud front.—Apply to William Lamb, Hope Hotdl, Worth-toad. 271SJ TO LET, No. 5, SEVilRN-TERRArE, Stow-hill, New- port. Rent, J £ 2o.—AppJy Six Bells, Stow HL1. 2718 mo be l.fcT, w.t'a imLuediate possession, ROSE COT X TÅGIJ. iJiKT1"i. surrounded by a productive a-d". large hot-housa, eoach-iiouscs, dm., all outswe the Uoui.daiy oi tho Bo>rou^h of Swansea. ilenc -Apply to T. H. Davie?, An<*tioneer, ,18, Union- iiwaasea; or to Messrs ilaitland, Da vies Sc Isaac, 7, Kutl a i-street, Swwnsea. 144*1 flAJSTBLLA HOUSE and LAND to be LET.—196 acres pt Land, or thereabout, with the Mansion, which *.w*1' soited ter a country retirement or fanning the cliIDØe moot healthy, and neighbourhood very pic- ua.-Apply to Messrs David Evans and Son, Auc- ttOMCTI, Pontypridd. 4:SJO LET, Kiliarney Villa, The Walk, Tie-ietrar- JL *nle, Card*if, with immediate possession Venetian Minrts. &e., hot and cold water, 6 bedrooms, bathroom, Gvd -c-; drawing and dining rooms, conservatory, lotehena, 4iit., and a good gardeu.—Stephenson, Alexan- der, aad Co., Queen's Chambers, Cardnf. 437i!rf £ per week,—THI1EE ROOMED HOUSE, \^D hea'thy, situation, 15 minutes walk from fiefti-Btreat railway station, Swansea.—Appiy W. C. rv 2. i'oi;eira-dtres,fc tsaaa JOHN JENKINS and £ 10S ANNOUNCEMENTS. JOHN JENKINS and CO., AUCTIONF.EUS & VALUERS, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS, STOCK INSURANCE, MORTGAGE AND BUSINESS Bit iivliRy, AitBITRATU US. H O U S E LAND, ESTATE, KIN AN CI AL it GENERAL AG M NTS. PHI L H Alt i LOX10 CHA\ i BEKS, S:, SriiJtST, CARDIKK. Agents to the Suit Fire, Provident Clerks' Mutual Life am'. Guarantee, an I thc Norwich altd 1.1),1'11 Accident «uÜ Phte Glass h"ur.lIICC Co.-npanie. aad the Protector Endowment, I.0.11. and Annuity Company. N.P. -.r. J. :,a,1 Co, prefcr pfs-mal interviews, but w' erè tiiLi is no f'\t.ct.ic:ll:le, communication may he made by po,t, ill which caoe two stamps must be 1'tvl' reply BUSINESSES FuR DISPOSAL. CCARDIFF.— Very desirable Full Licensed HOUSE in a j xooii ibornn^h ru-c, wiUi lai-^6 business connections. (;\)()(! tradi h3.ildsome fittings le low rent. Ingoing Jenkins 0: Co., tun Fire Office, I'hil- haruiouic Chambers, Cardiff. RKTA11, HAV, STRAW, CURN and CHAFF BUSI- NESS io Roatb, Carditf. Hent. moderate. Ingoing Willi Horse, Cirt, Steam Engine and Ltens'ls, very 10w,I(1n Jmdtb" and Cn., Auctioneers and Valuers, Pil,¡batlllO:Jle Chambers. larduT. B'lEWCRY. — A compact three-qu-vrter Steam Brewery, in < ne of tàe most popnl'JI1" aiul pros- pering liitncts I.,i outil Wales, to be i-iSPfSED cf as a s<oing concern. The premises are most substantially hailt, aiid within easy access to the centre of the best mineral district of South Wales. There a few bound hou-es, and a very good field for pushing a good trade with free houses. Capital required, Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. IRIIOWY VALLKY.- Good Double-licensed HOUSE, o near a raihv;;y 5t:1 t,ion, and" ithout immediate up- held 011 1. lease for more tiia-i 90 years, at the annual gTonnti rent of £ 5, to be SOLD, The premises ar sul^tantially built "uti well ap)>oiuted. Price £ 1,200. —John Jenkins & Co., Philharmonic Chambers Cardiff. DOUBLE LICENSEDHOUSE, in one of the most crowded pirn of Cardiff, ;md near the shipping, doing :1. very l:\re nd remunerative trade 1n6 lease; ingoing Jenkins :ri>d Co., Sun Fire -Offioe, Philharmonic Chamber: Cardiff. CARDIi-'F.— Very compact Double Licensed HOUSE, in good thocuag;¡füB. lI.IgoiN £ ,ia0. Good lease and inye¡ït01T, -Ioim Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. C1Ai.iDIFF.-Ono of the best Double-licensed HOUSES j in the di -iriet t>> be Disposed oi irainettiutely. A j in ùae rli -iriet 1;" oe Disposed oi irainettiutely. A large traile is now clone, and there is 110 immediate com- petition. Ingoing. <6500,—J. Jenkins and Co., Eusiness Brokers, Phiiharmouie Chambers, Cardiff. CCARDIFF.—Compact free Double-licensed HüUSE, near the principal thoroughfare, and an important bnsiness centre, to be Disposed of immediately. Pre- mises held on lease, at a low animal rental. fngou'ng, £ .'2o0, offers -alicited. — J. Jenkins and Co., Sun Fire Office, Philharmonic Chambers, Carditf. CARDIFF, Suburbs vf. — A very spacious Single- licensed HOUSE, in:t new but very growing neigh- bourhood, on at per year. Ingoing, £ .">00.—J. Jenkins .and Co" House awl Estate Agent, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardirf. CARDIFF, Lower Grange.— Double-licenced HOUSE in Grunsetown, on a good lease, to be Disposed nl, Satisfactory reasons for leaving. In goin, £ 500 to £ 7'0, accorUing to com.iiti"WI.-J. Jeukini & Co., Auctioneers, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. CARDIFF.—Double-licensed BOeSE, in easy distance to station, important offices, and principal thorough/aies held on a good lease, and doing a large trade; to be DISPOSED OF. Ingoing £ 1,050.—j. Jenkins & Co., Snn Fire Office, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. ARDiFF — Beer and Wine-Licensed HOUSE, in the best position in Cardiff, TO be LET. Very long lease. Co., Auctioneers and Aceountants, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. CARDIFF (ROATH).—Double-licensed HOUSE, in one of the best positions in Roath. Very low rent. Ingoing, with inventory, jEeaO. A. rare opportunity for business.—J. Jenkins Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. SWANSEA (near to).— Double-licensed HOUSE,"doin^ four barrels weekly, for £ 1m. Rent low. Brokers,3 four barrels weekly, for Rent low. Brokers,3 J. Jenkins & Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. HAY AND CORN BUSINBSS.—First-class, very old- established concern to be SOLD centrally situated in Cardiff; premises with 53 feet o! wharfage, large and profitable trade; exceptional opportunity.-John Jenkins and Co. Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff BAKING AND GROCERY.-A very old-established J) concern, doing a large and good trade; TO be SOLD. Rent on 14 years' lease. Goodwill and Stock at valuation.—J. Jenkins & Co., Auctioneers and Business Brokers, Cardiff. BUSINESSES WANTED. SINGLE LICENSED PUBLIC-HOUSE. Ingoing not Q exceeding .£50.-John Jenkins and Co,, Philhar- monic Chambers, Cardiff. DOUBLE-LICE.;SED PUBLIC-HOUSE, Bute-street or Docks, Cardiff. Ingoing .£200 to £300. John Jenkins and Co., Brokers, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff, Firrt-class Temperance COMMERCIAL HOTEL, centrally situated in Cardiff, or a Good Premiaea suitable for iame.-Jùhn Jenkins and CO.,Sun Fire Office, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. SMALL SPIRIT VAULTS; £ 100 to £ 300; respectable part of Cardiff.—John Jenkins »nd Co., Sun Fire uffioe, Phiiharmouic Chambers, C-erdiff. A SMALL PUBLIC H0.USE.—Ingoing not to exceed £ 100.—John Jenkins and Co., Sun lire Office, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. SMALL Respectable HOTEL, suitable for a Lady.— John Jenkins and Co., Auctioneers Pond Accoun- tants, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff, GOOD Single Licensed PUBLIC HOUSE.—Ingoing not to exceed .£:80. — John Jenkins and Co., Business Brokers, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. BUSINESS PREMISES TO BE LET. SHOP and PREMISES in Qaeen-street, Cardiff. -John >^7 Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff, CANTON.—To Grocers, Butchers, Outfitters, &c. Very attractive Premises to Let at Canton, suitable for the above or branch establishments. Rent moderate. —John Jenkins nu Co., House and Estate Agents, Phil- harmonic Chambers, Cardiff. COMMANDING Corner SHOP, best position in Car- Iliff, hanogoc'.e frontages, with show-room, good dwelling apartments, and cellars, To LET with posses- sion Jenkins and Co., House and Estate Agents, Utilhat-monic Chambers, Cardiff SAŒT .MARY-3T!IEET.-Good WAREHOUSES, suit- ¡ able for Bonded or other Stores, with very good approach,- John Jenkins and Co., House and Estate Agents, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. SHOP in bottom of Saint Marv-street. Purely a business premises. Rent £ 100. Fixtures £ 180. —John Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. PAUIOUS WAUEHOUSES, YARD, and OFFICES, near centre of Cardiff, to be Let at low annual rental of £ 1 0.—Agents, John Jenkins and Co., Phil- harmonic Chambers, CardifL ri^WO Sets of good OFFICES, to be entered upon in a harmonic Chambers, CardifL ri^WO Sets of good OFFICES, to be entered upon in a X month, in centre of Cardiff.—Apply to John Jllnkins and Co., Cardiff. HOPS and STORES within easy distance of G.W.R. Station and centre of Cardiff, well adapted for wholesale concerns.—John Jenkins and Co., Auctioneers and Accountants, Philharmonic Ch:.I.mbeT8, Cardiff. BUSINESS PREMISES WANTED. A COMPACT and Convenient PREMISES for a Jeweller, ir. one of the best positions in Cardiff.— Joiin Jenkins and Co., House and Estate Agents, Phil- harmvnic Chambers, Cardiff. HOUSES, -te., FOR SALE. EIGHTEEN well-built HOUSES, in good locality, J)['J Price, Ground rent moderate. —John Jenkins anti-Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Caidiff. FREEHOLD seven-roomed HOUSE, at Llaucaff Yard^ well luiit, and in a good situation, with a walled gar Jen; a good investment for £:60.-John Jenkins and Co., Auctioneers, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. "171LORA-STREET, CATHAYS.—Superior CuT'l AGE to r be SOLD. A bargain.—John Jenkins and Co., Kiilharmonie Chambers, Cardiff. BRGADWAY —Several good HOUSES for SALE Cheap.—John Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic J[) Cheap.—John Jenkina and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardllf. HOUSE, with showy shop, in Clifton- street, to pay nearly 11 per cent. Price £ 500,— John Jenkins and Co., Auctioneers and Valuers, Philhar- monic Chambers, Cardiff. WEIGHT COTTAGES, in Maud-street. Very cheap to an immediate purchaser.—John Jenkins and Co., Cardiff. PARTRIDGE ROAD.—Very compact and neat semi- J. detached VILLA, in ex -ellent condition. Price £450. —John Jenkins and Co., House and Estate Agents, Phil, harmonic Chambers, Cardiff A. CVENIErr 12-ROOMED HOUSE, in uioe part of Roath, with two entrances, and held at a very low ground rent, to be sold at fair price.—John Jenkins and Co., House and Estate Agents, Philharmonic Cham- bers, Ca1'ùifI. SIX substantial COTTAGES, Conway-road, Canton. Ground rent, £ 18. per year. Price £ 730.—John Jenkins and Co., Auctioneers, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. PF.NARTH.—Two convenient DWELLING-HOUSES in Plassey-street, in excellent condition. An invest- ment for £H5.-John Jeukins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. EDWARD TERRACE, CARDIFF. -One ot the best and most convenient in this terraee at a mouerate price, a large poition of which can remain on nwrt,John Jenkins and. Co, Sun Fire Office, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. | ilOUR COTTAGES in Cecit-street, let to respectable JT tenants at 6s Sd per week, tor £ (560.—John Jenkins and Co, Cardiff NINE very neat HOUSES in one of moat improving parts of Roath, for £ 1,800,—John Jeukins and Co, House and Eitate Agents, Cardiff. FOUR very desirable HOUSES, let for JB82 per year, iL' Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. WANTED TO PURCHASE. J CANTON or DOCKS.—A few good COTTAGES as an investment. G<KK1 letting neighbourhood.—John Jeukins anu Co., House and Estate Agents, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff, A FREEHOLD or Long Leasehold PUBLIC-HOUSET- C^Lbe^s, Cardiff^ C°M .A.w:tioueeTi, Philharmonic Ch.unbels, Carùltf. HOUSES TO BE LET. A Labom ^-Convanient HOUSE. Rent chLbt^C^; J°h" Jeak"* Philharmonic GROUND RENTS FOR SALE. i_JQ OOO f4'0 c-an he INVESTED to pay jtO.VVV^early. i P=r cent on Ground Rents in C'aruiXi; reveisionary interest very valuable.—John Jen- kins ami Accouutanta, Pbilharuaoulc Chambers, Carlilf. 171REEHOLD GROUND EiTS of .£15 15a, in a good -1 part of Canton, to be sold for S325.-Jøbu Jenkins auii Co.. Auctioneer?, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. LIFE POLICY FOR SALE! A Valuable POLICY of INSURANCE for £ 300, and Bonuses, in a good office, upon joint lives, each about C3 years ot age, for f200. A good speculation.— John Jenkins and Co., Fubhc Accountants. Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. MONETARY. „ A £ 130 £ 200. £ 200, £ 250, £ 500, and £ 600 to 4,1 1)0. be'invested on Mortgage. Also large and f51ir;rfiY?ou Freeholds, Leaseholds, Reversions An- nuities, or Ground RenW.-Joim Jenk.ns & U., Mortgage Brokers and Financial.Ageuts, Philharmonic Chamteis, Cardiff. Cardiff. 0-G i)aA WANTED on MORTGAGE of first-class Jbl.oOU Shop Property, in eentre of Cardiff unexceptional security. -John Jenkins and Brokers, Philharmonic Chambers, Card- 0~l Wanted oa Mortgage of a good Reversionary owJLOV Interest.—Apply John Jenkins and Co., Accountants, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. O ^AA Waiting to be Invested on a Freehold Secu- dwOvv rity.—John Jenkins and Co., Financial Agents, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. O i A fV—Wanted, Good Investments for two sums Swt;" If of £ 400.—Joha Jenkins aud Co., PhilhM- I fihambewk <!anliff. W. AND S. (Established 1849), HOUSE, ESTATE, AND LAM D AGENTP, AUCTIONEERS, VAIXELS, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, sc. OFFICES: 74, ST. MAEY-ST., ( AKDIFF. Freehold or LeasehcW States and Houses, Business or Manufacturing Prenn-es ai.d Business, Bonght, Sci-d, or Let. ANNOUNCEMENTS. ESTATES and LAND FOR SALE, HEREFORDSHIRE.—convenient HOUSE and 7 acres of LAD, very prettily situate within a sÍturt distance "t a railway station. Prico n.oderate. Messrs llem, Caiditf. (SIrDIFF"(near).- Fight ACRES of smrerior LAND, j nd a substantial DWELL1KG-HOUSK. Puce moderat".—W. A" S Hern. Cardiff. Ri«Ci >\sHliiE —On a tributary of the \S\e, cele- ) 1* rated for 'its Salmon Fisheries, FREEHOLD ) 1* rated for its Salmon Fisheries, FREEHOLD ESTATE (11 a! out 1M acres of sotiiul surah.e, pasture, and woo<Js, excllent sheep walk, and ight of coiun-.oir a r.- i^ and a-lavli of good Salmon and Trout 1 lshmg.— <S » Hern, Cardiff. Warm A RTH ENTIRE. — Chi-imin-ly si u.1 t<Kl Fife- i j hold 1 state, con wi nding extensive v.ews. »>ith n c!Sv distarce of Canuarthen, hv.:n>ea. s nd H»ne..y. C'oinpri.-ing 85 acres of h im .11 nocd uiltnauon, to- • ether with a sul stantial faimhonce und outbuilomgs. Price moderate.— W. & S. Hem. Cardiff. DORSKTOH7R1T?route. St Urintin.—'Very valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, ct.ii.prismg about So-, acr.s of excellent tilbtre and dairy laml, hunting and shoot.ng box or cottage residence, end strbhny, larni houses, labourers' wtti-ges. and holdings. Anuu.il rental, lis &1. -W. ii S. lIern, Cardiff. H1 'ETIeFORDSiUIU- Very compact FREEHOLD ESTATE, laving well together. The whole estate is a; out 290 acres, of which about. ?0 is wood; tne re- mainder largely pa-tnro, situate wit.un a snorta^tanoe .n* a church and village, and will be soid a barga.n. 4 S. ITem, Cardiff. COUNTRY RESIDENCES. TO LKT. CARMARTIIENSHIRE.—Supeiior RESIDENCE,nicely situate, close to Church, Post-office, And Railway Station. Good fishing near. With «>' without land. Con- tains dining. UrawioM, and breakfast rooms, l::>r»vy, « bedrooms.' good d< ;e>tic offices, 2 stahed stables and coach-honse. Rent nioderat^—Messrs Hern, Can-iH. COUNTRY UFSICENCK7IO"minutes walk of a town and staticu; south aspect, liii^, and coadi-hoase land ii desired — Vi. S 8. Iiem, Cardiff. (-1 LAMORGANSH1RE.—Superior RESIDENCE, with j or without anv quantity Oi lano, up to 90 acrjs. L inlii" mid drawing-rooms, five best and three secondary bedioo^, good domestic oflUes capital ,npply oispnng and soft wuter; stab:oe, toaco-house, sm.dic-iM in, granary, kennel, &c. 'ibe parish church and good schools near. Rent model Ate.—V>. & h. Hem, Cardiff. ^LA^HEN; CARDIFF. FAMILY MANSION, I i st:- riding in its own grounds, having a southern ^fct, and commanding magnificent views-—* k S. Hern, Cardiff SWANSEA VALLEY.—Desiiable MODERN RESI- DENCE, overlooking the River Tawe, close to Parish Church and Post-otliee, within 15 nimutes of station on Midland Railway. Rent, moderate.—W. H S. Hern, Cardiff. ABERGAVANNY.—Smail AILLA RESIDENCE on the banks of the Usk, 2 miles distant from the town to let on a vcarlv tenancj- or for a term, at i„uper annuln; excellent kitchen garden, and 1C awes Of excel- lent meadow land adjoining cau be had; good fishery. —W. &fi. Hern, Cardiff. B~liECONSHIRE.—Within one mile of Station, a fir^- class RESIDENCE, beautifully situated 1» the vai^y oi the Usk. Rent moderate.—W. & S. Hern, Cardiff. FOR SALE. PEN A RTH, Cardiff. Convenient RESIDENCE moderate price.—Mr Hern, Cardiff. I BURNISHED RESIDENCE for SALE.-A superior House, well furnished, will be sold a bargain.— Messrs H13m, Carùitl. 44025 CARDIFF (near), within a mile of main line and two other railway stations, one from a church and post- „ io from Sff, a COUNTRY MANSION and over 100 acres of superior Pasture Land^ ■mlth sporting over 1,000 acres; also several miks.of Pl_ed fishing. The whole, forming a Kr hiT will be sold at a moderate price.—Messrs Hern, Cautitt. FREEHOLD RESIDENCE and Grounds, situate in r the county of Gloucester, within an easy distance of the city, situate in its own most beautiful grounds, abont 8 acres.—Messrs Hern, Cardiff. /COUNTRY RESIDENCE and 3 acres ot land, large 1 garden, adjoining turnpike-road and close to a rail- way station, and within 3t miles of a good market town. The property is customary freehold, price moderate.— Messrs Hem, Cardiff. TOWN RESIDENCES. TO LET. WESTBOURNE PLACE, CARDIl F, — Superior HOUSE. Rent moderate.—Messrs Hern, Cardiff w-k OATH, Cardiff.—Very Convenient RESIDENCE X\, rent moderate.—Mr Hern, Cardiff. UMFRIES-PLACE, CARDIFF.—Very convenient residence. Rent moderate.—Messrs Hern, Cardiff 974 "I^ITESTBOURNE^PLACE, CARDIFF. Convenient V house, overlooking Sophia Gardens. Rent moderate.—Messrs Hem, Cardiff. 077 OAKFIELD-STREET. ROATH, CARDIFF.—Superior Semi-detached Villa RESIDENCE. Dining and drawing-rooms, 5 bedrooms, bathroom fitted with hot and cold water, good domestic offices. Rent only Messrs Hera, Cardiff. PARK-PLACE, CARDIFF.—Superior detached RESI- iL DECE, commanding uninterrupted views of Cathays Park. Containing on ground floor drawing-room 24ft. by Hiit., dining-room 23ft. by 15ft., breakfast-room 14ft. by 16ft., china pantry, lavatory, 10 bedrooms, supe- rior domestic offices. Reut moderate.—Messrs Hem, Cardiff. DEVONSHIRE.—At Tiverton, near theExe celebrated fishin»- stream, distant 11 miles from Exeter, a Sub- stantial FAMILY RESIDENCE, standing in its own beautifully undulating and well timbered grounds. Church, post office, railway station, and grammar school, near. Rent, £ 135.—Messrs Hem, Cardiff, ANDREWS' CRESCENT, CARDIFF. — Handsome RESIDENCE of good elevatiou, finished and fitted in the best style, and with every modern convenience, contains dining, drawing, and breakfast rooms, 7 bed- rooms, box rooms, hot and cold baths, very superior demestic offices. Rent moderate.—Messrs Hern, Cardiff. CANTON, CARDIFF.— Short distance of Tramways. t/ Good S-roomed HOUSE and Garden; Rent 10s per week.—Messrs Hem, Cardiff. INDSOR PLACE, CARDIFF. Superior semi- detached RESIDENCE, side entrance, small garden at rear, 3 reception 5 bedrooms, hot and cold oath". Rent £ 40.—Messrs Hero, Cardiff. CROCKHERBTON, CARDIFF — Good substantial RESIDENCE, well built and arranged, handsome dinin" and drawing-room, breakfast room, eight bed- rooms, bathroom fitted with hot and cold water, w.c., good domestic offices, and large garden, well stocked with choice fiuit trs- Rent moderate.—Messrs Hern, Cardiff PENARTH, CARDIFF.—Handsome FAMILY RESI- DENCE; grounds nearly an acre, contains drawing, dining, morning, and billiard-rooms; bedrooms, hot and coW. baths, superior domestic offices. Rent moderate.- Messrs Hern, Cardiff. 43302 W. & S. HERN, 74, ST. MARY STREET. TO BE LET—BUSINESS PREMISES, &0 GILW ERN. BRECONSHI HE.- To UE rf Free""Siiiy! e- Hcensed HOUSE, the Porter Stores, near Llanelly Tin Works.—Arvply on the premises. ° .L;T, Spnci,lS ROO:S for private tI1I.iug TO LVT, Spacious ROOMS for private dancing ::I: C1:J.8C, clubs, 01' any othc }Jnrpoäe.-For p..rlicu- lars apply to N. Lawrence, 11, Wood-street, Temporance- town. 44511 TO LET, HOUSE and SHOP, No. 267, Bute-street.— Applv to Mr Ballantyne, Tyne House, Union-road, t Applv to Mr Ballantyne, Tyne House, Union-road, j rd íI. 4517 DRAPEFtS' ARMS, Saundersfoot, Pembrokeshire, to be LET, with immediate possession. The above free double licensed, old established, convenient House, with good Shop attached, situated in the best part of SaunJersioot; house in good repair, and wen suited for grocers, chemists, ship chandlers, &c.—Apply to Richard Hare, Saundersfoot. 2147 RAPKRY.—To LET, that old-established and spleudid Business, the CAMBRIAN HOUSE, Car- marthen hvp over 60 feet, lare showroom.>, spacious premises, handsome new froll, Ion" lease, rent only £ 100, wIth 01' without stnck.-For hirther particulars, apply John Lewis, Fairfield lliw e, Sw. n,ea. EWPOiST, MONMOUTiiSUIRE.—TJ be LET, ex- tensive TRADE" PREMISES, in the centre of the low-n, and v.itbin a few yards of the chief thoroughfare of Coo.mereial-strcet, spacious yard, worksr.ops,aud other erections, together with the fixed Plant, Machinery, &e., I lately in the occupation of II. P. Bolt and Co. 'l'has« premises are well adapted for a builder, coutracter, joinery manufacturer, timber merchant, 01 for any ot'.ier trade requiring large space.—Apply, G. B. Batehelor, Newport, 41460 mo fcbe LET, 65, Commercial-street, Newport, Mon., I Good situation for a Coffee Tavern,—Apply, by letter, to E. Cross, St Mary-street, Cardiff. 2733 nno oe LLT, witli immediate possession. No. 30, I Duke-street, comp- isiug capaciou.^ Corner SHOP, wIth double frontage and large pJate-la¡¡¡¡ windows; private entrasce; roomy cellars.—Apply Mr John W Vac-hell, Cardiff. 7924—4C452 HOUSE and SHOP to LET at Ysir-d, Rhondda fix- tures for grocers, plate-glas3 frunt, good cellars. -Apply Lewis Lewi., Somerset HouAA. eath. 272 > TO be LET. with immediate possession, the old-estab- lished, fulllicemed Premises, kl1owlI!I the I:CIY.1L EXCHANGE, Park-street, Llanelly, together with the Brewery. JIalthouse, Stores, Stables, Cellars, and Offices. Also, to be disposed oi. a large quantity of Casks and Brewery Plant, a Grey Mare, Cart, and Spring Car.—For particulars apply on the p- emises. 442U1 mo be LET.—SWANSEA.—A first-class HoTEL in one 1 of the principal thoroughfares. IncomiIg e:LY. Apply to H. Jones and Son, Auctioneers, Bridgend. 44062 BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL. TO 3RIi K AND TILE M\KERS.—1To be LET by i. CONTRACT, the URICK and TILE MAKING at tuc Peucoed Terra Cotta Brick and Tile Works Bridgend. Particulars may be had 011 application to the Manager, Prices must be sent in on or before December 3rd. CARDIFF.—Capit-il Double-licensed PUBLIC-HOUSE, good lease; low rent Wj!ii:1ms and WmumS: Auctioneers, Church street Cardiff. 2728 V FOR SALE.— LIVE STOCK, C- RIAGES, &c. FOR SALE. a BAY jlARE.—Apply to 113, Bute Docks. JL' 44501 FOlt SALE, Iron-gray COB, 4 years old, 14 hands good action; quiet to ride or drive suitable for a lady. Apply, John Craig, Christina-street, Swansea.2736 COAL WAGONS AND COLLIER! COAL WAGONS AND COLLIERY I REQUISITES. QA RAILWAY COAL WAGONS for SALE, to cawylj O" tons. Well made, and iu good repair.— For parti- culars, apply to Moses Davids Cwmburla, Swansea. 44458 FOR SALE.—MACHINERY, TOOLS &c. ON SALE, second-hand seventy-horse double cylin- der portable ENGINE, fitted with link motion and winding drum; nearly new. Also, one fire-horse vertical EGINE and BOILER combined one pair of twenty- inch horizontal winding ENGINES; one pair of fifteen- inch horizontal winding ENGINE one lift of eUrbteen- inch PUMP TREES, one nine-feet MORTAR or Clay Mill.—Apply to EDWAIW RATCLIFFE, Hawarden, near Chester. 44179 SCRRWII;G. SLOTTTNG. SHAPI and PLANING MACHINES of various sizes in DRILLING, 8CREWING, SLOTTING. SHAPING stock and progress also, LATHES 7 inches to 14 inches centres, with iatost improvements.—JOHN SPENCER Tool Maker, Keighley, Xorkshire 34309 ON SALE, one strong, well built Condensing Beam Engine, by a first-claao maker, equal to new cylin- der, 36-inch bore, 5-feet stroke. Can be seen standing, and will be sold cheap. One close-built, self-contained Condensing Beam Engine; stands riiindependent bed or six columns; cylinder, 28-ii:eh bore, 4-feetstroke. As good 18 new. Can be seen standing, and will be sold cheap.— Apply to fiearjr Parkinson, ruwxky-gtroet, I Bui to*. II W. AND S. HEILN'S ANNOUNCEMENTS. TOWN RESIDENCES (CONTINUED). TO LET. CRO KHEIIBTOWN, Cardiff.—Very superior RESI- DENCE Gart'en and every convenience. Rent, £ .'0. —Mes-rs Hern, Cardii:. ]OUL". I N-SUC ARE, Cardiff. — Very convenient DWELLliiC-HOUSE. Rent £ 35.—Messrs Hern, Cai\ii:7. FOR SALE. OAKFfELD. Ro".th, Cardiff.—Very Superior RESI- DECE. 0 le iconis, good garden, &c.—Mr Hern, Caidiif. P,ARA')E, T.:EDEGARVILLE, CARDIFF.Three GEO-1 8ubsian:iiil RESIDENCES will be Sold a b'UJ.j:-¡.-3ie.si's. Hem, (]a.¡,dä. T\"TEWP0RT Frce- 1.' FAMILY RESIDENCE, within A quarter of a mile of the Great V. estern Railway SUitiou. Contains three recei'tion-rooms. Piice on application.—MESSRS Hern, Cartl.FF. RESIDENCE, nicely I-J situiteii in this very attractive town. House con- tains breakfast, dining, and drawing-rooms. Good domestic útf.cc; isix bedrooms. Rent moderate.—Messrs Hern, Cardiff. IcHMOND-TELIRACE, PARK-PLACE CARDIFF. {, First-ciajs HOUTE, cotitainir-g dining and draw- iii- rooms, good bcdro.:IU aecomniodation, bath room; good g-arden, STACKED with fruit trees. Price moderate. —Mes.-rs. Hern, C -.ri:IIT, TFVOATH-liV)AD7~CARD1 FF.—A first-class SHMI-UE- .1 TACHED VI LEA RESIDENC'H, with handsome frontage and portic > entrance, contains large dining and drawing rooms, seven bÙrOOU1.3, bath room. Price 1110- derate. — M-.ssr-. Hero, Cardiff. FF.— SUPERIOR FAMILY J: EVIDENCE, standing 'J in its tastefully laid out grounds and gardens 0; about :1.1\ acre. Price (freeholds 01\ app:h:atiou.- Mtssrs. Hern, Cardiff. FURNISHED RESIDENCES. TO LET. "?% ,f ONMOUTHSIIIRE, commanding BO-uiliful views of JJT the historic and noi/le ruins of Raglan Castle, vT;t-.in SHORT distance of church and railway station.— TO be LKf. a FAMILY RESIDENCE, well furnished, containing HANDSOME rccept,iou-room3, six. beJr-oms, dre-;si, IJ:1.ti, and box-rooms; garden, lawns, and oi iiamei.tid grounds; nearly ix: acie3 ol prime meadow land. N.'ar meets "F Monmouthshire foxhound- Rail- way NA G.W.R. within a mile. —Messrs. Hem, Cardiff. "VTOBTH WILTS, Desirable L-'URMSHEU COOMKI 1. MANSION, known as EASTCOURT HOUSE, (with right of sporting) standing in its OWN grounds, which comprise lawn, shrubberies, lfower ar.d kitchen gardens, 13 acres Oi rich pasture land. Rent, £400 per annum, will :ncluI1 tl:3 riht of sporting o.et" 1,400 .acre.- Me-srs, Hern, Cardiff, IY RECO.NSUIRE.—Furnished RESIDENCE, close to JF church and r.dl.iay station, containing 4 reception rooms, 7 bedrooms, good garden, and small field (if required). Rent ¡¡;otbrntt: ,h;s.sr". Hem, Cardiff. ABERV'STWITH.—Furnished or unfurnished RESI- DENCE situated in the centre of MAI INF Crescent, commanding beautiful and uuint0rrupted views of Cadi. gan Bay Four suites of apartments, side aud front en. trances. Leas,) 21 years at or would be sold with furniture, or to let furnished.—Messrs. Hern, Cardiff. B~ RECONSHIRK. — Superior FURNISHED KESI DENCB, with Garden and In acres of Land, good trout fishing in the river Usk, aud the right of shooting over 1,000 acres.—Messrs. liarn, Cardiff. BUILDING LAND, &c. TO LET. CARDIFF.-In the m03t improving locality, having J road and river frontage, LANt) to be LET, in lots, for building purposes. Long lease, moderate rent.— Messrs Hern, Cardiff. FOR SALE. — LLANDAFF.—Freehold BUILDING LAD. An ad- JLJ mirable site for the erection of one or more resi- dences, within seven minutes of the Cathedral. Piice on application. —Messrs. Hem, Cardiff. BUSINESS PREMISES. WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF.—To Let, as Offices or for Business Premises, 2 good 8.roomed HOUSES, with Cellarage, with or without 3 Cottages. Reut moderate. Lease if desired.—Messrs Hern, Cat dlff. CARDIFF (within 1 J miles of.)—Extensive PREMISES with a wharfage of 200 feet to the Glamorganshire Canal, Reut £ 10. Additional land and cottages may BE had.—Messrs. Hern, Cardiff. CLIFTON STREET, CARDIFF.—For SALE, LEASE of a Shop and Premises, in the best part of the street. Price on application.—Messrs. Hern, Cardiff. DWELLING-HOUSES. TO LET. WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF.—Good HOUSE 8 r rooms side entrance. Rent moderate.— Messrs Hem, Cardiff. SEVERN-ROAD, CARDIFF. — Good Six-roomed HOUSE. Rent, 1i 6d clear of rates.— Messrs Hern, Cardiff. CARDIFF, STACEY-ROAD.—Two substantially- built RESIDENCES, five bedrooms, hot aud cold bath. Rents £30anrl £ 35.—Messrs. Hern, Cardiff, ROATH7CARDIFF^-Good HOUSE.Three sitting- rooms, 4 bedrooms, convenient domestic offiess, w.c., 4 bedrooms, garden. Lease about 90 years unex- pired. Ground Rentes, or offers.- Messrs. Hern, Cardiff. RICHMOND ROAD, ROATH.—SUPERIOR RESIDENCE, containing 6 bedrooms, diniug and drawing-room, kitchen and back kitchen, hot and cold batlfs. Rent, £ 33.—Messrs. Hern, Cardiff. FOR SALE. BROMFIELD-STREET, LOWER GRANGE, CAR- _[) DIFF.—Two well-built HOUSES, to be Sold cheap, —Messrs Hem, Cardiff. 986 OATH, CARDIFF.-Gjod HOUSE- three Siting rooms, four bedrooms, convenient Jomestic offices, w.c., four bedrooms, garden. Lease about 00 years un- expired. Ground-rent, £11590 Price moderate.—Messrs. Hem, Cardiff, CASH (CARDIFF).—Four substantial DWEL- LING HOUSES, let at 8S per week each; the balauce of purchase money on mortgage.—Messrs. Hern, Cardiff OODVILLE ROAD, CATHAYS.—Superior- resi- dence, dining and drawing-room, kitchen, back kitchen, cellars, &c., bath-room, 5 bedrooms, very well built. Price moderate.—Messrs. Hern, Cardiff. TCARDIFF.—Two convenient 8-roomed FREEHOLD J RESIDENCES,each having small lawn in front and good garden, and one with stable and coach-house. Price on application. Nearly the whole of putchase money can remain on mortg-age.-)Iessrs. Henl, Cardiff. BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL. CARMARTHEN-SHIRE. — An old-established first- class Freehold Hotel; also a shop ad joiuiug. Price, £ 400.—Messrs. Hern, Cardiff. OLD-ESTABLISHED Grocery, Drapery, Agricultural Seed, and Ironmongery EUSINESS. Satisfactory \_7 Seed, and Ironmongery EUSINESS. Satisfactory reasons lor rctiriug.-)lessfB. Hem, Cardiff. ARDIFF.—Free BEERHOUSE LEASE. Rent only JB40. Doing &ood trade. Messrs. Hern, Cardiff. BAKERY and GROCERY BUSINESS, very old-estab- iished, together with gcod Bakery Shop, large Dwelling House, good Garden. Ingoing moderate.— Messrs. Hem, Cardiff. WANTED. GOOD Country MANSION, with Land attached, and right of shooting over at least 1,COO acres.—Messrs. Hern, Cardiff. -————— 45802 W. & S. HERN. 74, sr. MARY STREET, FOR SALE.—MACHINERY, TOOLS, & COPPER BOILER, abont 100 galls" nearly new, and In perfct condition. To be sold cheap. F. Morris, Greenficid street. "WTERTICAL BOILER, Oit. by 5ft. 4ic.; with necessary Y fittings. New Lowmoor Iron Fi.1, A bar. gain—F. Morris, Greenfield-street, Swansea. 4415;) 1PAIR HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 71 inch cyelinder, JL 13inch stroke, witn fly wheel and pu ley comulete on one frame. —F. Morris, Engineering Offices, Greenfield- street 44153 SIX-INCH CENTRIFUGAL PUMP, nearly Dew, by Gwynne, for SALE or HIRE.—Fielding and Platt, Gloucester. 2700 TRACTION ENGINE, can be used as ordinary Port- able ENGINE, or Road Roller.—FIELDING and PLATT, Oloucester. MOR'L'AR MILLS, SAFT. to 7ft. diameter, new.— 1'.1. FIELDING and PLATT, Gloucester. EGO-END BOILER, with Dome and Fittings, com- JLJ plete. 24 horse power.—FIELDING aud PLATT, Gloucester. PORTABLE ENGINES, 6 to 10-horse, with or without i_ ■Winding Gear. Sale or Hire, cheap.—FIELDING and PLATT, Gloucester. HORIZONTAL ENGINE, 12-lir,r-e, new, with Expul- ion Gear, new, cheap.—FIELDING and PLAIT, Gloucester. NINE-HORSE Vertical Stationary ENGINE, extra strong, cheap. be seen working.—FIELDING and PLATT, Gloucester. PORTABLE ENGINE, by Clayton, double 10-inch Cylinders, with or without Winding Gear.—FIELDS ING and PLATT, Gloucester. 2703 BOILERS ON SALE.—FOUR GALLOWAY'S PATENT BOILERS, 30 ft by 7 ft, safe to work at 701bs on the square ineh. TWO BOILERS, S2ft by 7ft 6in, with two fluas through, to work :t 751bs on the SQUARE inch piessure. TWO BOILERS, 24ft by 6ft 6in, two flues through. TWO BOILERS, 20ft by 5ft, one flue through each, with three Galloway tubes in each flue. ONE BOILER, one flue through, 13ft by 5ft. Apply to HENRY PARKINSON, Foundry street, BOLTON. ON SALE, ONE 10-horse power double cylinder PORTABLE ENGINE, for winding. ONE 12-horse power PORTABLE KNUINK. ONE 10-horse power PORTABLE ENGINE. OSE 8-hoise power PORTABLE ENGINE. ONE 6-horse p..wer PORTABLE EGINE. Equal to new, and will B<: sold cheap. Apply to HENRY PARIviNSON, Foundry street, BOLTON. ON SALE, ONE Pair of 25-in Horizontal WINDING ENGINES. ONE PAIR of IS in Horizontal WINDING ENGINES, TWO PAIR of lo-iu Horizontal WINDING ENGINES. TWO PAIR of 12-iu Horizontal WINDING ENGINES. TWO PAIR of lO-ill Horisontal WINDING ENGINES. TWO PAIR of s-tu Horizontal WINDING ENGINES. The aboviI Engines are quite new, aud now- ready tor delivery, and will he sold at second-hand prices. They are fitted up with winding drums fiid brake gear. Applv to HENRY PARKINSON, Foundry-street, BOLTON. ON SALE. ONE PAIR of LA in Horizontal WINDING ENGINES, WITH winding drum and brake gear. Oue Pair of 10-in, coupled with sccond-motion gearing, for Hauling purposes or Underground work. Apply to llENRY PARKINSON, Foundry-street, Bolton. ON SALE, TWO very first-class CORNISH BOILERS, 80ft by 7ft, two flues through each, safe to work at eoibs on the square inch pressure.—Apply to HENRY i PARKINSON. Foundrv-street. BOLTON. ON SALE, ONE new VERTICAL BOILER, doubla rivet.ted, lift high by 4ft diameter, three crosa tubes in. TilREK VERTICAL BOILERS. 10ft by 3ft, two cross tubea » .» by 3ft „ » 8ft by 3ft „ •» 6ft by 3ft „ BQLTX^N heNRY PARKINSON, Foundry street, ONP0^AB2EEENGSST pOWer d<mbIe C7,lBde' Also, 20-horse power double cylinder PORTABLE EGINE. ONE 36-inch Beam CONDENSING ENGINE. ONE 28-inch Beam CONDENSING ENGINE. I ONE 20-inch Horizontal RUNNING ENGINE. Several smaller HORIZONTAL ENGINES, down to 4 horse-power. 4 horse-power. ^ONE 10-inch HYDRAULIC PRESS, fcr Bale Goods or ONE Tank LOCOMOTCVE ENGINE, cylinders 13-lnch ONE Tank LOCOMOTCVE ENGINE, cylinders 13-lnch ™ 06,8 COQP'ed- copp«r fire-box, and brass tubes; ONE Tank .LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE, with 10-inch cylinders, ONE ?i cwt. STEAM HAMMER, ralf acting: atsott Quantity ofSTEAM WINCHES, with double cylimlers. Several Treble and Single PURCHASE ORABS. kt^P'y. HKNBY PASymsoN, Foundry-strset, BOD. SMALL removable PORTABLE ENGINE, about one horse power, with cvJ:n,Lr 011 back of boiler, ami fixed upon four uhe Is. S litable for chaff cutting, or other liirht work.—App:y to VV. D., Church Hou e, Bed. 2833 FOR SALE. —MISCELLANEOUS. ONE BUTT of Prime Old HAY for SALE.—Inquire with Mr* Phi.'Ii; s, Victoria House, Ney.'au-.i, R.S.O, rw10'"pORiTTT'ufcfi ErsI—!?*< R"SALE, a 40ib7'cilOP- 8 PING MACH -Nfl; c;ual 10 new cost £ 25, to be snU for £ 12 10". A ply to .\lr John Morgan, auctioneer, Aberdare 44510 CONTRACTORS and others.—For SALE, 500 B Navvy's WHEELBARROWS. Strongly nia-ie of best materials only. —J. P, Lewis, Cardiff. 2754 PARK-ROAD, NEATH, Somereadv-tnadeCOlTNTTR^ and FIXTC RES ON SALE.-P.ease apply M T., Resolven, ncar Neath. 2744 FOR SALE. Cheap, a full-sized BTLLIAIW-TABLE, in capital condition. Apply, D. Philiips, Auctlmieer, Swansea. 271 171-JR SALE, a fine-toned PIANOFORTE, in walnut case, carved tru3s3, full fret work, seven oeUs.vo3. Bought June last, price 2u guineas.—-To be seen at 12), Scrern-road Canton, Cardiff. 41838 HORSE and CATTLE CON DIM ENT and ME DICIN ES, as manufactured by Mesrd Grimshaw amt liar- stow, Gui le llrídgû, near j3.nchC8tcr, call he O!-t.aí:leJ of the appointed Agent, at Swansea, Mr J. Nutt, Insurance Agent 5, Dynevor-place. 43jf>9 MISCELLANEOUS. T ADIES. ^T0 i,ADIEs~ THE LATbT THP-G in INDIA RUBBER WATER paOOF CLOAKS or U LSTEHS are now made from a very pretty light Dlaterial ill different shades, and can be worn reversible. PRICK 32s. EACH. Wholesale and Retail at the SOUTH WALES INDIA RUBBER CO., LUTE DOCK?, CARDIFF. Prices and Pattems Free by Post. 41437 TO SOUTH WALES COLLIERY PROPRIETORS wihru: of ta1dng:\I\ Interest in I/o New Steamer, to carry 2,000 tons; she will call 3.1. Cardiff frequently for cargo.—Address D 23, care oi H. Greenwood, Adver. Using Agent, Liveq){)o1. 2753 "0 BICYCLISTS.—Morris Brothers'stock of Bicycles I and Tricycles is still larger them toe stocks of all other ill South Wah:, combined. Price lists 1 stamp. Repairs done amI machines exchanged. Ponty- 44077 .i.- LEFT out of Sile.a STOCK of PRICE'S PATENT FIRE- PROOF SAFES, of various .-izes.—Apply at Stephen- son, Alexander ii Co" Crocklierbtown, Cardiff. 2613 A FORTNIGHT'S FAMILY WASH, in Four Hours, without rubbing 'or boiling, by using "TUg DOMESTIC" Washer, Wringer, and Mang!er (three machines in ouc" carriage lxiid, and a free tra allowed. Illustrated pr, Ipetus post free from Morris Bro., Pontypridd, and 10, Angel-street, Cardiff. 44210 Certain Cure for N. rvous Debility. CGRATIS, a J1EDICAL WORK, showing suftarcii-s l:o- 3" they may be cured and recovcr Health and Vita'av Without the aid cf (Quacks, with Rccipes for purifjirg loood and rcinoviiq; Skin Affcetioru. Free on re<-ei:>' of sfairpto praray postage.—Addiess Secretary. of Anatomy, Birnimgham. 2030 WHAT IS YOUR MONOGRAM.—Send 13stamps to ? V GLASS and Co„ Cardiff, who will forward you 12 sheets of nckll>cr and 12 envelopes stamped ill co'nur with any oue, two, or three letters, and any lsii; s iiiine. Also GLASS'S COMIC PACKETS, containing 12 different designs, sent post tree for 13 stamp3, 5 quires of paper and 100 envelope* stamped in any colour for OsCd. YOUR CARD, SIR?—Send 411 6d to GLASS and Co., Cardiff, who wIll engrave rour U2.me and print you 100 Ivory Cards, forward them post free to any adlresa. TO MERCHANT'S, TRADESMEN, and Others. GLASS'S Patent Endorsing Machines, engraved with your name, business, ami address, from 1&1 5d. YOUR NAME,SIR?—Your name engraved on a Brass or Zinc plate for your door from 5s. GLASS'S Stencil Plates for Marking Linen, ic. Initials and name, 28 6d; initiaJa only, Is ed, Sent post free to any address on receipt of stamps to GLASS & Co., ENOSAVKRS DIESIXK- ESS, and GBKEHAT. PanrrgRS, CARDIFF. 14 NOW ready, LADIES' MEDICAL ALMANACK and FAMILY ADVISER for 1880, 6d; post free, eight st-4mps.-Published by Dr Bruce, Dorking, and M. A. Orr, Clapham, London. S.W. 2590 MONEY. MONEY Advanced iu Large and Small Sums at moderate interest on personal security.— S. J. Davies, No. I, The Hayes, Cardiff. 8067—41132 MONEY advanced upc-n all kinds of real security.— .1. Apply John Henry Jones, 1. St. John-square, Cardiff. 4J2S4 MORTGAGES upon Freehold, and Leasehold Property JjJL advanced to any amount; also £.O,OGO (special) upon Land at 3J per cent.—Address, Mortgage Ofice," 2, White Cross-street, Monmouth. 42400 WAA TRUST MONEY ready to be advanced 3w J-> 4 vf vr upon Freehold Land, at 4 per cent.— John Henry Jones, Mortgage Broker, 1, St. Jo!;n- square. Cardiff. 442S4 tySffl to £ 750 granted at shortest notice upon per- soual security.—Apply John Henry Jones, No. 1, St. John-square, Cardiff. 44284 CASH ADVANCED, from £ 10 to £ 1,000, on personal or any available security; leasehold property, re- versions, &e., from 5 per cent.; distance no object,—Car- diff Credit Association, 29, St Mary street, Cardiff. 4418S ESTATES, Houses, Public-houses, Shipping, Shares in Companies, Life Assurance Policies, Works, Col- lieries, Railway Trucks, Reversions, Furniture, Plant, Crops, or Fanning Stock bought or add, or loans made thereon. ADVANCES made pealing 5awe.-T. J. Buse, Swansea; College-street, Lampeter, and 3, Market-street Aberystwith. 33593 CLERGYMEN, Farmers, Clerks, Shopkeepers, and Mechanics can receive ADVANCES upon FURNI- TLïE, etc. (without removal), at once by writing to Mr J. J. Jones, 13, College-street, Swansea. Distance no object. 41213 AVON LOAN AND DISCOUNT COMPANY.—st. Helen's-road, Swansei.— £ 5 to £100 advanced upon appUse^ta^. to Househ dderj and others. No ■sureties required. Call or write any day.—Office hours, 9 a.m. to !) p.m. 44232 jr»-| to £ 20,000 and upwards on Freehold, Copy- JLtrvF hold, and Leasehold Properties, Reversion- ary Interests, &c.; and on Personal Security, Life Interests, Reversions, Shares in Public Companies, and other Sccuritie8.-Full particulars i nd forms of applic ition maybe obtained of Mr Samuel Hern, Estate Agent, 74, St Mary-street, Cardiff. 41463 LION ROYAL LOAN COMPANY.—Advances from £ 3 to £ 1C0, to Farmers, Cowkeepers, Tradesmen, Workingmen, and others, upon Household Furniture, Stock. «Ssc., without remov:J,1 or i!1clJuv""uiellcc; from £ 20 to £ 500, upon Deposits of Leases, Shares, Deeds, Plato, Jewellery, &c. MANAGER:—M. J, S. LYONS. Office, 9, Commercial-road, Tredegar; 2, James-street, and 28, Commercial-street, Ebbw Vale. 41620 ENTLEMEN, TRADESMEN, FARMERS, and other3 can obtain CASH ADVANCES, in sums from .£20 to at a day's notice, without sureties. No fees charged. Prospectus gratis, by application, either per- sonally or by letter, to S. Ba berg, 2, Butc-terrace, Cardiff. N.B.— lute: di ig applicants are reminded, that by applying to this offieelthey are in treaty with a bona fide lender, who advances n.ore than any two in the Princi- pality. 10206 ICOTICE TO BORROWERS. n-» f\ to £ i 000 Advanced'at a day's notice, in Town obl.ll or Country, to Male or Female, upon personal security, or upon mortgage of furniture, stock, pant, crops, and farming implements, without removal. Also upon deeds of freehold and laasehold property at £ i per cent.—Apply personally, or state amount required, to MrThomas Davfes, 34. Cowbridge-road, Canton, Cardiff. Stamp for leply. ilOffZ MONEY WITHOUT SURETIES.—Before applying elsewhere for a Loivn, send for a Prospectus of the NATIONAL MERCANTILE BANK, mited, 3, Cre: t Charles-street, Birmingham, which will show where d- vances are n.ade from £10 to £1.000 at a day's notice, in any part ot England or Wales, upon note of hand alone, or upon mortg.ige or furniture, stock, plant, crops, and farming implements, without removal. Also upon deeds and life policies at £ 6 per ceut. interest. NO SURETIES, Law Costs, or unnecessary expenses required, and the strictest secrecy can be safely relied upon. Apply per- sonally, or state amount required. DAyID TURNER, Manager. N.B.—Distance no object. The above Bank lends more money annually than any two or three (combined) of the largest Advance Offices or Deposit Banks throughout- England, and no good application is ever refused. EstnJ) iished 1867. 2451-1652 MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! DO YOU REALLY WANT MONEY? If so, vou may have Money, from £ 4 to aDy amouut, by applying to the Bute Docks Loan Company (Established 1870), who lend Money to Farmers, Shop- keepers, Innkeepers, Cowkeepers, Working Men, and all bona fide applicants, on their Crops, Stock-in-Trade, Household Furniture, &c., without removal from bor- rower's premises, or inconvenience in anv way. Dis- tance no objection. No charges U[1le88 the money is advanced. N.B.—NOTK THE ADDRESS- THE BUTE DOCKS LOAN COMPANY, 57, JAMES STREET, CARDIFF. MR. BEIRN STEIN, Manager. Letters by post receive prompt attention. Prospectus Free 0[1 application. 42651— 7702 MONEY.-IMMEDIATE CASH ADVANCES, uude the New Act, 1879. £:20 tc may now be obtained at a few hours' notice, upon liar rower's OWQ Sœuritr, ill any part oj England or Wales. To prove the genuineness of our system of business, all tiansactioiis are fully explained and completed by Borrower's Solicitor or any otber, and 118 Law Costs arc charged unless lobe money is advanced. Apply by letter or personally to Mr J. H. EYLES, Manager, 44, Commercial-street, 40141 Newport. Mon. NEW CURTAIN MATERIALS. J^EBENHAM AND JJEWETT Invite attention to their very large Collection of NEW MATERIALS FOR WINDOW CURTAINS, PORTIERES, etc. '1 Bombay Striped TAPESTRIES, 58 inches wide, ISld. Madras, 23^1. Bengal, 2;1 9d. Boliain TAPESTRIES, 50 inches wide, 154d. Roman SATINS in all Shades. French and English TAPESTRIES, 35 lid, 4s lid, 5s 9d, 6s lid, 78 lid, to 14s 9d. Seta of Patterns free by post or rail on application. DEBENHAM AND HEWETT, HOUSE FURNISHERS AND WAREHOUSEMEN, CAVENDISH HOUSE, CHELTENHAM. 14575 A GENERAL FAMILY APERIENT I MEDICINE, Which, whilst truly efficacious and mild-warm and soothing in its effect-gives tone atftl vigour to the different secretions—causes the stomach and liver to resume activity—restores the appetite—promotes digestion induces cheerfulness strengthens the- whole system—is a greit boon. Such a medicine DR. SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS', prepared without mercury, will be found to be. Heads of households should always have a box by them, to resort to 011 any slight occasion of ailing on the part of those under their charge, as by paying attention to the regular action of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, many a seveie illness is avoided or mitigated. They will be found, in slight cases, by a single dose, to restore health to the body, with a happy frame of mind. These PiN have now beeu before the public for over .0 years, and may be relied upon as a cure for BILIOUS AND Livza COHPLAIHTS, WixD, SPASMS, FOOL BREATH, NER- vous DKPRR-SIOK, IRRITABILITY, LASSITUDE, LOM OF ARWJTITE, DYSPEPSIA, HBARTBU*H, SOUR ERUCTATIONS, GIDDuakis, Djzzrasss OF TUB gYll, and all those other symptoms which none but a sufferer can describe..Pre- pared only by W. Lambert, la, Yere-street, London. W.. in boxes, Is ljd and 2s 9d, or post free for 14 or 84 stamps, and sold by all respectable medicine vendors j throughout the world. The genuine are In a square 1 Kreea uackasce, TAKE MO O'jDHpu *877 I iTrtfl late for ftlTOifinstiatt. ] SOUTH WALES CHALLENGE CUP. I LLANELLY V. NEATH. This Tic for the Cup will be Played off on the STRADEY FOOTBALL GROUND, LLANELLY, on SATURDAY next, at Three p.m. Admission 6<1. 4453 rjIHE "^yEST jgND JJLACKING DOES NOT REQUIRE BRUSHING. IT IS APPLIED WITH A SPONGE ATTACHED TO THE CORK, AND NEED ONLY BE USED TWICE A WEEK, GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS CAN BE CLEANED IN ONE MINUTE WITHOUT LABOUR. SOLD BY ALL BOOTMAKERS AND GROCERS, In GJ. and la. Bottles, WHOLESALE Of RI. II. AND H. ASHMAN, LEATHER MERCHANTS, BROADMEAD, BRISTOL. 42775 AR.IIARTHEiN.-W. J. NEEDLE, 22, Union-street. Carmarthen, is authorised to receive ADVERTISEMENTS for the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS, CARDIFF TIMES,and SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEW. Advertisements sent to the above address before FIYK o'clock p.m., will secure insertion in the next morning's issue. IJAYE'S YYO US DELL'S JpiLLS. "171AMILY MEDICINES.—It is often an JL anxious question as t-i- what medicine may be used ,-a.cly fur the con-tant complaiuts that happen to chil- dren and grown-up persons. KAYE'S WOliSDELL'S PILLS easily meet this difficulty. They are safe, effec- tual, curative, preventive. K AYE'S "ORSDELL'S pILLS. CONSTIPATION.-Many persons suffer from continual constipation, resulting from a sluggish fiction of the stomach. In such cases KAYE'S WOliSDELL'S PILLS are an invaluable remedy, as they afford a stimulating influence which restores a healthy action of the digestive organs. J^AYE'S ORSDELLS PILLS I'OTTSE-SING ALL rfle PROPERTIES OF THE FINEST ARROWROOT. JGROWN AND POLSON'S CORN JJLLOUR J' HAS TWENTY YEARS' WOELo-VVIDE REPUTATION, And is Unequalled for Uniformly Superior Quality. 226 89537 OTANIOAL HALL, 72A. OXFORD-STREET, SWANSEA. For the BENEFIT of the PEOPLE, and the SUPPLY of Cheap, Pure, and Good SEEDS, EDWARD DAVIES Has now ON SALE, BULBS of every description. Wedding Bouquets and Cut Flowers obtained from C vrit Garden on two days' notice. Camelias, &c., a, i-i e weekly by 4.35 a.m. train en Saturdays. N. B.-Spr&tVa and Victoria Dog Biscuits ard Poultry Food Celery Seed for Soups. Leek and Parsley Seed in Penny Packets. 4(225 JJORWICK'S BAKING POWDER, FOR PLUM PUDDINGS and CAKE. B ORWICK'S BAKING POWDER, FOR BREAD and LIGHT PASTRY. w RWICK'S BAKING POWDER, AWALI DED FO > II GOL'L ME DALS. 3 700,000 PACKAGES SOLD WEEKLY. Z INVALUABLE ON BOARD SHIP. CARDIFF AND PENARTH OMNIBUSES. I S 5 50 12 0 3 0 5 40 8 20 CARDIFF, dep f 10 0 12 40 3 DO 5 20 9 0 W»ek days. f 10 50 1 :;0 4 20 7 0 1 :b J XI 30 2 20 4 55 7 35 0 11 10 2 4 50 7 .) 1 5 0 11 10 2~15 4~50 T~, 9 0 12 8 3 0 5 35 8 15 10 0 12 45 3 35 6 10 9 0 10 40 1 30 i 10 6 45 Later Oil SUNDAYS. CARDIFF <?ep.. j >» ,» « • « » « o7»— ■am • } 1 V'c'yi I,°° ° TO-MORROW (FRIDAY). THE CARDIFF TIMES AND THE SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS FOR FRIDAY (TO-MORROW, Will be accompanied by a SPLENDID PORTRAIT OF MR JOHN BRIGHT, WHICH WILL BE GIVEN AWAY ■ ». r >< • WITH EACH COPY OF THE PAPER. The Portrait bag been executed by Messrs Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, in the highest style of art. It is printed on toned paper, 14 inches by 17 inches, and is suit- able for framing. It is similar, and forms a companion picture, to the Portrait of Mr Gladstone, recently presented. There will also be continued in the same issue, the NEW SERIAL STORY, By the Eminent Novelist, WILKIE COLLINS. A Synopsis of the chapters already published will be given to enable new readers to take up the Story. The same issue will also contain the following special features BIOGRAPHY OF MR JOHN BRIGHT. WELSH MARTYRS A Brief History of the Suffer- ings and Triumphs of Welsh Nonconformists under the Reigus of the Stuarts, and the Georges: By the Rev. E, Davies, Y GOLOFN GYMREIG By Dafydd Morganwg. PENAL SERVITUDE What it it, and what it ought to be:" By the Author of "The Doings and Dodges of our Social Wastiels." LONDON CORRESPONDENCE By an emiuent Parlia- ment,ry Journalist. THE WELSH VERNACULAR PRESS, THE LADIES COLUMN By Gwendoline WELSH POEM ON MR JOHN BRIGHT. WHEN HARRY V. WAS BORN: A Memory of Mon. mouth Castle." NOTES ON AGRICULTURE: By a Practical Farmer, ECHOES OF THE WEEK By Peter Playfair. NOTES ON CURRENT EVENTS Local, Geueral, and Foreign. SPECIAL REPORTS ON THE STATE OF TRADE From Trade Correspondents at Cardiff, Swansea, Newport, West Mid.auds, and North of England. ( GREAT ) 72 COLUMNS WEEKLY > 72 COLUMNS ( PAPEK. ) To be obtained of all Newsagents through- out South Wales. Monmouthshire, and the Forest of Dean. Chief Offices Cardiff. Proprietort D. Duncan and Sons. NOTICES TO COJMtZSPOtfMjnns. Correspondents wilt take notice that to ••cure Inser- t:on in the South Wales Daily News, their U*cr« nmst be as brief as possible, ind should avoid all circumlocution aud word-spinning. AH communications should be legibly written In ink —on one tide of the paper only; length increases tfae difficulty of finding space for them. Whatever ia lntendal for publication must be authenti- cated by the raiiie and address of the writer-rca neces- sarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good frfth We cannot undertake to return nmnmtitikmf.lonq of which we do upt avail ourselves. No attention can oe paid to communications which tlr, not comply with these rules. Residents in Swansea and Suburbs experiencing any difficulty in receiving their papers at an early hour each morning are requested to communicate with the Manager of the Swansea Office, 2, Colleire-streei. The "SOUTH WALES DAILY Nzws" car be obtained In London daily, immediately aftei the arrival of the 10.45 a.m. Trait- from Messrs SMITU & SON'S Bookstall, Paddington, and from Mr W. H. EvBUmL 84.

Family Notices










