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Tfr ^irsottal. PBESENX Address wanted of Mrs Mary Middleton, daughter of David Ritchie, Eaglesfleld, Eecle- fechan. Dumfriesshire if she will communicate with subscribers she will hear something to her advantage, -Mitchell and Baxter. W.S., 11, South Charlotte-street, Edlnhnrgn. 18506 Œbnrational. COLIiIEBY Manager Aspirants' Correspondence School. Principal, T. A. O'Donabue, M.I.M.E.. F.G.8., Editor of Mining Engineering.-Most economical, most rapid. most successful Booklet, Gntde to Education," post free.—James Stanley, Manager, C.M.A." Office, Wigan. 817e Hit 3uccess at Cardiff Exam, is entirely due to your i" Lessons," Stndcnt No. 3,075. Lessons by post for colliery officials, of lifelong value. Syllabus.—T. A. Southern. 211. The U.M.S.. Cardiff. lEitsical Instruments. PIANOFORTE.—Lady must sell at once, 65-guinea JL black ebony Upright Grand. on massive brass sounding plate, fitted with grand repeater check action, lieavy gilded steel frame, handsome marque- terie and bevelled panels, carved pillars, nearly new maker's 20 years' warranty transferred; take 20 guineas approval willingly; carriage paid both ways If not approved. No finer instrument could be desired.— Apply 231. Burdett-road. Bow. London, E. 849 iUtnrlfs. Sricgrles, &c. BICYCLES..£5-5s cash. or 15s with order and 10s per jLy month free wheel, two brakes, lamD, bell, pamp. &c.: honest. reliable machines carriage paid; guar- anteed two years; ten days' a.pproval.-Testlmonlals and photo from G. Beatson. Lion Cycle Works. Mossley street, Birmingham. 542 1Bønustic Articles. ONG-waisted Corsets, boned real whalebone, black, JLi white, or grey, 18 to JOtn. 25 6d, 31 to 36in. 3s 3d.— Sydney George, Corset Factory, Birmingham. 18461 "VT OW we shan't be long getting our family washing lvl done. because we use ana of Spencer's Wringing and Mangling Machines.—Spencer's Baby Carriage Warehouse, St. John's-square, Cardiff. Send posVcard for price list. 536—898n ONE of the Wonders of the Age is Spencer's New High Arm SeWÍn Machine with walnut cover and full set of appliances for £2 18s 6d cash. Money returned If not approved. Best value in sewing machines.— Spencer's Domestic Machine Depot. St. Cardiff. Send post-card for price list. 5757-7090 ilUMcal iv £ nuJ>tes. |>UBBER Appliances. Enemas, Elastic Hosiery, See. Xtilists free Trusses, 2s 6d double, 3s 6d.—Atkinson's (C. T.). Hill-street, Middlesbrough, Estab. 1870. 535 JFor Stale. SOUTH Wales Property Gazette."—A Monthly t3 Register of Estates, Houses, Lands, Ac., to be Let or Sold in Wales, Monmouthshire, West of England. &c. 1,000 copies sent monthly, post free, to the leading inhabitants of Walesand Monmouthshire Insertions free. Copies post free from Messrs Hem and Pertwee. Estate Agents. Auctioneers, &c., 74, St. Mary-street. Cardiff. 2444 F EABERS. JPEAXHEBS "FEATHERS FOB BEDS. Why tray common shoddy Wool Beds when ,011 ean ¡e1¡best ENGLISH FEATHERS at 5d per lb. carriage said 7 Warranted dry and sweet. Feather Beds made to order. Be d for samples and price list to B HANDY AND CO.. FEATHER MERCHANTS. 6061 WELSHPOOL. NORTH WALES. 114 iKisaUaiuons Mattis. WELSH China.—Wanted, Swansea and Nantgarw W China.Svraasea and Cambri»nPottery,and Dillwyn Etruscan Ware only good specimens required high prtcee given.—Address Collector. Echo Office. Cardiff, n iHisallaiuaits. A VINO discovered an infallible cure of Fits. I will JLB- send fun particulars to any sufferer on receipt of stamped addressed envelope.—I. W. Nicholl, Pharmv ceutical Chemist (Dept. 85). 25. High-street, Belfast. "KM AXBIMONIAL Post," seated envelope, 5d, with JxJLctrcular 9d established over quarter of centnry. iHonev. jt*l0 to £ 5.000 Advanced on Note of Band alone, with dW ont bonds, publicity, or charges of any description Whatever unless business is done no bills of sale and the strictest privacy guaranteed On receipt of appli- tatlon representative will wait upon you by appoiot- pent and advance yoa the amount required. reparable by easy instalments to Rnlt: VOUI own convenienes. Special rúes for shon periods. Write in confidence to actual Lender, C. WELLS. Corridor Chambers. Market-place, 408n 5326 Leicester. rfTHE OLD-ESTABLISHED PROVINCIAL UNION I BANK continnes to lend immense sums daily, from £10 to £5.000, on Note of Hand Alone, or other Security, at a few notice, to all classes in any part of Eng- land and Wales, repayable by easy instalments. No good application is ever refused. All communications strictly private. Moderate Interest. Special rates for short periods. The largest, best known, and most hononrabJy oonducted Business in the Kingdom. Thousands of our reg1.11&r.eustomers have expressed their entire satisfac- tion in repeated transactions with us. If desired, one of JIm Officials will attend at your residence at once with Cash. and carry out the advance THERE and THEN.— 1:all. or write (in confidence) to the Manager, Mr Stanley Cowding, 1, Queen-square, Bristol, or to Messrs Jones Witt Owen, Princes Chambers, St. John'g-sqn»re.CaHitg I71IBLDIN\1S, Old-established Financiers, are pjre pared to Advance sums from £ 20 to £ 3,000 at short notice on approved Note of Hand. personal or other geouritles. Charges arranged before transactions are completed. Mortgages on Property effected at current fates of Interest. Property Purchased. Trade Bill* Discounted. Annuities and Fixed Incomes arranged. Money advanced on second mortgages. — Apply Street all we have no agents, Hayes Buildings. The Bayes. Cardiff. 13938 MOSUBY.— Mr Pike, 43, Halisbury-rd.—Send post card for prospectus (returned in closed envelope free), and yon will do business with no other firm.14421 MESSRS S. HERN PERTWEE, Estate Agents. 74, St. Mary-Street, Cardiff, are prepared ,to advance from £100 to £lOO.OùO on Mortgage of Free- bold or Leasehold Property, and from JS50 to £1.000 on personal security. 36M rjlHlli 0HABINO CR081:1 BAJ(J¡ Established 35 years (1870). Cardiff Branch, 73. ST. MABY-STREET. Branches also at Manchester. Liverpool, Leeds, Brad- ford. Bristol, and Birmingham. Bead Otlices-28, Bedford-street. Strand. London, and 113-120, Bishopsgate-street Within, London. B.C. Assets, £ 694,403. liabilities. £ 373^91. Loans .£5,,000 made on any class of Moartty. 24 per cent, allowed on Current Account Balanoea, Deposits of £ 10 and upwards received as under Subject to 3 Months' Notice of "WiihttrawUl. S por cent per annum. Subject to 6 Months' Notice of Withdrawal, 6 per eent per annum. Subject to 12 Months' Nottce of Withdrawal, 7 per cent, per annum. Special Terms for Longer Periods. Interest paid Quarterly. The Terminable Deposit Bonds pay nearly 9 per cent and are a safe investment. Write or call for Ptospeolns. 17600 A. WILLIAMS. H. J. TALL. Joint Managers. HEATH & SONS, SOLE AGENTS for 1\76, QUEEN-STREET, BROAD WOOD, I CARDIFF; BLUTHNER, 70, TAFF-STREET, ERARD, PONTYPRIDD; SCHIEDMAYER, PEN ARTH, and NEUMEYER, PORT TALBOT, WALDEMAR, ie. RECITALS DAILY Also PIANOS in on the STOCK by BRTNSMEAD, PIANOLA PIANO. COLLARD, PLAYERS BECHSTEIN. aDd STEINWAY, <"2S°LIA.N SELF. IBACH, c. PLAYING ORGANS ORGANS by EXCEPTIONAL DIS- MASON COUNT for CASH HAMLIN, OR EASY TERMS BELL, ARRANGED. -rwrv^TxrrrnvT «. Nat. Tel.-Cardiff. 011W. DOMINION, kC. Pontypridd, 2L jP R E E TO MEN When you are tired of taking nauseous and mys- terious prescriptions and 'compounds, which do yon no good, but only ruin your digestive organs, write to me and I Kill send yon a Book which describesa Quick and Certain Core for lost strength, ■wasfcfiag weak- ness, Ac., from whatever cause arising. NO STOMACH MEDICINE. NO ELECTRICITY. Specimens of letters received and guaranteed genuine :— It is an excellent system, and J. have scrupu- lously followed the instructions, and am a better man than 20 years ago.—G.G." Cannot be better than I am fit present. It is a perfect care.—K.0." Book sent sealed, post free, two stamps.—A. G. Lt-IGH, 92 and 93", Great Russell-street* BlOoms- bury, London. Send at once and be cored. Seventsen Tears' Centinuon? accesses. 16626 ■■ 11 r N.E. FOR ROUGHS AND £ <OLDS. HAY MAN" S JgALSAM QUITE gAFE POR CREN, :3NT .B. ™ T> A I N E' SBIL L POSTING JL SYSDICATS. JL SYSDICATS. < For Aberdare. Hirwain, Mountain Ash, and District Z. ANDREWS, Secretary. 13630 Offices- 1105 NEW THEATRE. ABERDARE. < public ^mus«nunta. — ■ ■: 4 CARDIFF. CARDIFF. THEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF., Lessee and Manager JROBEBT BEDFORD: EVERY EVENING at 7.30 and SATURDAY at 2. | THE MUSICAL COMEDY. i THE rJpALK OF THE TOWNt From the Lyric Theatre, London, By SEYMOUR HICKS. POWERFUL COMPANY. INCLUDING FRANK DANBY. CHORUS OF 70. i Next Week— MISS ADA REEVE AND COMPANY. j Bel: Otlice 10 to 4. Nat. Tel.. 362. FJIHEATRE OYAL, CIFF October 2nd. SIX NIGHTS AND MATINEE, MISS ADA REEVE And HER ENTIRE LONDON COMPANY. MONDAY. FRIDAY, and SATURDAY Evenings ] The Most Successfnl Musical Comedy J WINNIE BROOKE WIDOW. TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY, and SATURDAY MATINEE, A New and Original Musical Costnme Comedy MOLL THE ROGUE. Seats can now be booked. aItS bjj dilution. PENLLWYNEINON, YSTRADFELLTE. IMPORTANT SALE OF DRAFT STOCK, viz., 210 SHEEP, 34 CATTLE, 5 1 HORSES AND COLTS. MESSRS MILLER, POWELL, AND CO. ;LW!t have been instructed by J. H. Thomas. Esq., to SELL by AUCTION. at the above place, on SATURDAY, the 7th October. 1905. as follows SHEEP.—110 strong Young Cross Cheviot and Cardie Store Ewes (free from the ram); 90 Fat and Store Wethers, and 10 excellent Cheviot and Cardie Rams. CATTLE.—7 Hereford Cows in calf. 2 do. Heifers with Calves at foot, Cow with Calf at foot, 5 do. Yeaning Steers, 2 do. Yearling Heifers, one Dairy Cow in calf, 7 Scotch Highland Cows in calf. 2 Yearling Heifers, 2 two-year-old Steers, Bull 4 years old. and one Bull Calf. HORSES.—Three-year-old Cart Horse about 16 bands, quiet in all work Cob Mare. 4 years old. about 14.3 aged Cob Mare. supposed to be in foal; two-yeac-old Cob Filly; one Cob Horse Sucker by Wild Huek. Credit subject to conditions. Lunch at 11. Sale at 12.30. Brecon. 23rd Sept.. 1905. 18507 pipping Notices. fl T> D —CANADIAN^PACIFIC RY \J M .JA. ATLANTIC S.'S. LINES. LIVERPOOL TO CANADA. First cabin. £14; second. £8 third, t5 10s. 8.S. Lake Manitoba.(twin-screw),9674 toos..Oct. 3 9.S. Milwaukee.(freight only).7323 .0ns.Oct. 10 Free pamphlet re Work and Wages "—Canadian Pacific Railway, 18, St. Augustine's-parade, Bristol, I or local Agents 4718 i HITE STAR^LINE.—LIVERPOOL « to AUSTRALIA, calling at Capetown 1 (South Africa). I PERSIC, 11.974 tons Oct. 26 RUNIC. 12,482 tons Nov. 16 MEDIC, 11.984 tons.Dec. 23 1 AFRIC, 11,948 tous Jan. 20,1906. j The accommodation on these twin-screw steamers comprises smoking, reading, and dining rooms. 1 Fares.—To Australia, £.17 to i27 to Capetown, I £ 15 15s to £ 22 Is. For further particulars apply to Local Agents or 1 to lsmay. Imrie and Co., Liverpool; 1, Cockspur- ) street, S.W and 38, Leadenhall-street, E.C., London ALL A N LINE.—TO CANADA, < UNITED STATES.—Sailings from Liverpool. OCEAN RATES TO CANADA -Haloon from £10 St. John's, £11 Haiifax and St. John, N B. I Second Cabin, jS7 10s. Third Class, JE5 10s. To India j i. 10s and £27 10s. For Full Particulars anply to Allans, 103. Leaden- hall-street, London. E C. and 19. James-street, < Liverpool; or to W. J. Tronnce and Sons, Bnte Docks, Cardiff Captain J. A. Scott. 15, Cathays- terrace. Cathays C. Stewart, 35. Mount Stuart- J square, Cardiff; C. J. Cadlip, 32, Castle-road. Cardiff. ihultmijj tomtits. THE TAUNTON AND WEST OF _I_ ENGLAND PERPETUAL BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1857. INCORPORATED 1883. Offices 3. HAMMET-STREET. TAUNTON. Secretary Mr ALBERT GOODMAN. BORROWING SHARES, JE60 EACH. BUMS OF MONEY are ready to be advanced oi security of any description of real property—free- hold, leasehold, or copyhold—on the most equitable terms; the principal and interest rqnayable by Monthly INVESTING SHARKS. JE60 EACH. realised in abont 13 years and 4 months by Monthly Payments of Five Shillings per share. FULLY PAID-UP SHARES, bearing a fixed rai- of interest, payable half-yearly, or allowed to acen molate. DEPOSITS received. Interest at 4 per cent, per annum, payable half-yearly, or may accumulate. Prospectuses, or any further particulars, may be obtained on application to the Secretary, as above or te 189 Mr THOMAS WEBBER. District Secretary. Tower Chambers, Church-street, St. Jehn's- square, Carditf. ftabUomons. THE GREAT GUIDE TO~ SUCCESS. RAPHAELS ALMANAC FOR 1906 NOW READY. Contains hints to Farmers and Gardeners Birth- day Information. When to Court, Marry, Buy, SellJ Speculate, Hire Servants, Seek Employment, Travel, Remove, Sign Contracts. Deal with others. Ask Favours, Bake. Brew. Set Fowls. Fish. &c., &c. A buyer writes —" I have had your Almanac three years, but I like it so well, I would not be without it for ten times its price, since following your advice, I have not had one crop fail." "Another uriteg-" My birthday is the 5th of February and the readine for that day is as true as daylight. I have inquired the birthday, of more than 20 persons and have always found it to come true," Another writes—" I put my vines in according to your Almanac, they have grown wonderfully and produced such grapes as Go puzzle some of the bes. growers." Another wrilies-" I have followed the time yon have stated for planting and I can assure yon mv flowers look splendid." Another writes.—" Our garden would never pro- duce potatoes until 1 told our gardener to put them ina1l1iàe hour you mentioned and we have bid a splendid crop." Another writes—' 1 set my kidney beans and parsley t" the hont and have wonderful crops. My neighbour laughed at me, but now he wants an Almanac." 121 pages. Price 6d, post free 7d. Fotusham and Co., 4, Pilgrim Street. Ludgate Hill. E.C.. and at all stationers and bookstalls. STOP. ONE MOMENT, OH, DEAR, DOCTOR, MUST MY DARLING DIE? THERE IS VERY LITTLE HOPE BUT TRY TUDOR ^TILLIAMS' PATENT JgALSAM OF || O N E Y THERE IS NO REMEDY UNDER CANOPl OF HEAVEN EQUAL. PATRONISED BY ROYALTY. NOBILITY DOCTORS. NURSES, and MOTHERS PRAISE IT. WHY? IT contains PURE Welsh Hocey and an Essence of the Purest and Most Efficacious Herbs. gathered on the Hills of Wales, being gathered in the proper season, when its virtues are in full perfection. BRONCHITIS. THESE are thousands of children who die annuall1 from Bronchitis. Whooping Cough, and Cronp. This is a grand discovery for the Cnre of inch complaints. It is INVALUABLE for Weak-chested men, Delicate Women, and Children. It Cores when all other remedies fail. It Cures Coughs, Colds, Bron- chitis, Asthma, Tightness of the Chest. It Cures Thousands of Children of Bronchitis and Whooping Coueh. It Cures for one Shilling when Pounds have been spent in vain. TRY IT. If yoa have a Congh. try it; if you have sCold. try tit if you have Bronchitis, try it. It loosens the phlegm and promotes expectoration, produces warmth and comfort to the chest, and gives refresh ing sleep when you have lost nights of rest. A STIPENDIARY AND A MAGISTRATE IN THE COUNTY OFGLAMORGAN REMARKS :— I feel it my duty to inform yoo that I have been asin yom: Tudor Williams' Balsam o f Honey in my family, which is a large one, for many years, and have proved its great value, having used nothing else for Cough during Measles. Whooping Cough, and Bronshitis. and can highly recommend it to all parents for such complaints. SEE THAT YOU GET THE GENUINE ARTICLE TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY MOST IMPORTANT. SO MANY IMITATIONS AND FRAUD. Sold by all Chemists and Stores in Is. 2s 6d, and 4B 61 bottles. Sample bottle sent (postpai for Is 3d. 3s and 5s from the in mentor. Saving in pur- chasing the larger size botolea. I D. TUDÖR ^^ILLIAMS.I'S.D.E.W MEDICAL HALL, ABERDARE. 11. Insurant. ■■■ ■■. SUN FIRE OFFICE j FOUNDED 1710. i Funds in Hand" £2,563,000.1 ihtliiic 0,atias. NCER HOSPITAL (Free), Fulham- \J road. London, S.W.—PATIENTS SEEN DAILY on their own application at 2 o'clock. Funds urgently needed for general expenses and for the Research Department. 18294 Secretary Fred W. HowelL A "pOWERFUL & rjlHRILLING SERIAL OF INTENSE HUMAN INTEREST. THE CRIME IN THE 0ARDEN, BY RICHARD MARSH, Author of "The Dead Whistle," "The Twieken ham Peerage," The Goddess t A Demon," tfhe Beetle A Mystery," "In Fall Ory," A Spoiler of Men." etc., etc. WILL BEGIN PUBLICATION ON OCTOBER 7th in sbe colamns of the CARDIFF nniMES AND SOUTH YJR ALES ■^I^EEKLY J^EWS Mr RICHARD MARSH occupies a unique position as an author. Possessed of a strongly individual but lacid style, he is widely kuowa as a writer of vivid narrative, crisp dialogue, and altogether of healthy fiction of absorbing io- terest. Consequently be hardly needs introduc- tion to OUT readers. The high level of his pre- vious work naturally gives rise to the expecta- tion of something more than the average news- paper serial. "Tbe Crime in the Garden should fulfil the most exacting requirements. In- it there ia the play of s trong human passion, the diamond cut diamond of plot and counter- plot, the brisk dialogue—cutting and often cynical in its directness—and the rapier thrusts of repartee, all enacted or described with that power and lacidity for which the author is famous. The opening scene is in that Temple of Chance," the Casino of Monte Carlo. Only two figures in the motley throng concern us-Philip Lord, a. grave and raifcer reserved young Englishman, and a young and pretty giil. Ford ia watching the girl who is playing—and IOlin. A man who strongly resembles Ford is also play- ing—and winning. After a while Ford strolls oat into the grounds. He turns to go back and is startled to find the giil standing behind him, with an upraised knife. She coolly and mock- ingly apologises for having mistaken his iden- tity and hurries away. Next morning Ford is shocked to learn that his doable" has bees found dead in tbe grounds—stabbed. News that bis brother 81r Geoffrey is dying takea him to England, where he succeeds to the title. We are next taken to "Glynde," » comfortable country mansion in Essex. The pretty mistress Mn Alan Thurston, baa been a governess, and therefore appreciates keenly the sybaritic luxury bv which she is now surrounded. Ber husband is a careless happy-go-lucky type of English- man. nis treatment of his former fiancee, Doris Owen, has not been above reproach, an the reader will appreciate the relnctance with which that pnre and beautiful girl accompanies her mother to the bouse of tbe man who ba8 jilted bet. Sir Pbilip Ford is also a member of this curiously constituted house-party. MfS Thurston recognises him, but conceals the fact. When he lees ber face to face he knoe ber to be the woman he had seen at Monte Carlo, al- though Ibe denies ever having visited tbe Riviera. Doris, fully aware of the mercenary motives of her mother, warns Alan Thurston thst if he concedes her demands she will leave at once. She also confides in Sir Philip and askn his advice in seenriug a position of independ- ence. Here we have the beginning of confiden- tial relations which by-and-bye develop suffi- ciently to tinge the whole story with romance. The promptness and skill with which Ford sets himself to unravel this tangle of cross purposes if only a foretaste of the htrenRtb and resourcefulness of tbe man when, later on, he has to cope with deeper end more dangerous issues. There is nothing of tbe namby-pamby horo about him. Whether he is right or wrong in his estimate of tbecharaeter crMrs Alan Thurttton, we will leave the author to reveal In tbe course of his story. This must we may say, that beneath her charming exterior there is a cool brain, a matchless audacity, and a wily cunning—that, in faet, in this pretty girlish itomaa Pbilip Ford finds an adversary worthy of his steel. With principles such as these, a drama of real life, tike "The Crime In the Garden,"cannot bnt attain a high level. We can confidently recommend it at a thrilling and enthralling novel worthy alike of the author's reputation and of the reader's perusal, READ THE CRIME IN THE ^J.ARDEN. BY RICHARD MARSH. IT WILL APPEAR IN THE CARDIFF rjlIMES AMD gouru-^y ALES EEKL £ EV; s OF OCTOBER fth. Also a COMPLETE STORY by a popular writer weekly. A SOLID SILVER -EvofjiXfli WATCH t3XMjruj IN the Central Squareof theDiagram we have placed the figure 5. Arrange the figures 1, 2. 3. 4, 6, 7. 8, and 9 -—- —— -— in the remaining squares in such a 5 manner, thali they will add 15 un and' down, across, and diagonally from —— corner to corner. If correct, we undertake to present you with a LADY'S or GENT'S SOLID SILVER WATCH (good timekeeper) entirely free of charge. Write your m v solution on a plain sheet of £ a £ paper, with your name and >d- g 5 W |B S — dress clearly written underneath. o o Enclose your solution to us with a stamped addressed envelope so that we may write and tell you if correct. When you re- celve the Watch you must show it to your friends, and winners BwL?HJM|| will be required to Bny a Cham from us to wear with the watch. IRyj. I f^Ujng Nearly 4,000 Watches have ILl. USKMT« ready been Given Away to win- tiers, and we have received hundreds of letters thanking us for the valuable present sent free. Write to-day to DEPT. 15. 18508 THE LEVER WATCH ALLIANCE. 3, Red Lion-court, Fleet-street, Don,- E.C. JgASS AND MILD ALES. SEASON BREWINGS WAT NOW BE HAD IN. PRIME CONDITION, IN CASKSIOB BOTTLES, OF FJJLTON, DUNLOP, AND CO., OARDIFF d itasittess JUfrmsfs JI..t ).¡¡.:1JI BENSON'S RINGS 109000 | in Stock Largest Stock. Best Quality. Lowest Prices. £ 1 to £ 500 BrilliAnta, Pearli, Rnblei, vfeBE¥¥68^W r-r^]CT Bmer&ld*, &e.t *0. caji bb KrECHAS1H> w CAN BE PUBCBKJ) BY I Opals and Rubies, or Sapphiree Brilliant, Rubies or H Brilliants, £ 6. and Brilliants, £ 20. Sapphires, £ 215s. QfPilC ^JU»HEZ> MONTHLY Brilliants, £12. Brilliants, P,8 lOaL Brilliants, £ 1010s.. ■ BENSON'S do not'charge ezua for buying thla way; K »5SEiftSk 1U0STJMID | 62&64, LUDGATE HILL, E.C. FREL rgCvHs j H. SAMUEL'S GREAT. ALTERATION SALE. Enormous Price Reductions at H.' Samuel's I FOR 21 DAYS ONLY. Extensive alterations, necessitated by an increasing demand for H. SAMUEL'S famous Factory Price Specialities is being made the occasion of some sensational sacrifices in Watches, Rings, Gems, Jewellery, Electro-silver, Wedding1 Gifts, &c. Some Record-breaking Bargains will be offered from day to day, and much money will be saved by fortunate buyers H who make their purchases during the progress of this wonderful Sale Event. 1 Here are some Typical Selections Values down for Clearance. A Month's 8 j Free Trial allowed with any article, on the money-back principle :— 5/6,—Oak Biscuit Barrels, handsome O x/9.—Handsome Silver-mounted Flower A I Nickel-plated Mounts — « Vases. Best Glass — 7/6.—Handsome Four-bottle Dinner O/Q 6/6.-—Solid real Gold Hall-marked N IQ Cruets, Electro-plated Stands C>/«7 Gem Rings, choicely set real O/U 40/—Solid real Gold Alberts, the O C/ Stones. A marvellous opportunity Talk of the Town W/" 5/6-—Solid Real Gold Brooches, in O/Q great variety fU1 & 8/6.—Real Silver-"backed Hair m. ■ Brushes, Fashionable Cherub h/X l/lO.—Handsome Nickel Timepieces, A I Design. Good Bristles.- accurate and reliable 8/6.—Ladies' Silver Watches, with Albert £ 2 If* complete. A Wonderful Bargain f \J Handsome Real Silver Watches C lO for men. Accurate, reliable J \J Ladies' Gold Watches, Engraved A >"7 IC* A Cases, Most desirable present A I J VI Solid Silver Curb Alberts, hall marked. 13/s Special r/lMi *'ne Eight-day Regulator Clocks. Strike A C £ ? iwgjgy J JIM' hours and half-hours. Wonderful value Jlv|v iBI t y/jf f HJ!w handsome Solid Gold Engraved Keeper 5/6 Sterling Silver Cabinet 2^3 Solid Gold Scarf Pins, Charms, Lace Brooches, &c. iJ9 \»j!M 1" A Porcnnol Visit will acquaint JOU with many 3M- \S|g| 2S»r A 1. PI OUlidi ¥ lolL prising offers not described here. I Some one of the BARGAINS may fit your requirements. CALL TO-DAY. | CUSTOMER'S TRAIN FARE PAID AS USUAL. I H. SA14UEL 7t ST. MARY STREET,, 1 [ i^rlNFANTs'riNW "dank 0 ad ( "NEAVE'S FOOD conUlns flesh *nd btne-forming conttituentt abort th• avertgt of tha best purely farinaceous foods, so that when It is prepared according to the dinctlom givan C 1 with each tin, It makes < PERFECT FOOb-for INFANTS." 0 0 i I g, MRS. ADA S. BALLIN, Editress ofBAB Y." J BEST and CHEAPEST. In 1-lb. Tins, One Shffling. J WARRANT HOLDERS TO H.I.M. EMPRESS/OF RUSSIA. r." r f!iJ,. i '-I;O; Y dfik WIN Mmmm- Your little ills will find relief in n JVF\ CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS I dlr irr^niT For BUJOUSNESS, « Foif INDIGESTION, « fir F°r JoNS^PATK>N V H B IT V £ E B Very email, and mmy~to Purely IS H lH II11 apw «nO| ■ tmke as suSar' Vegetable N H g yg M Gtnuint must have signaturs H The Physician's S I Hi! 1 S l(B Cure for Gout, HVlBvikii JL w I B Rheumatic Gout • and Gravel. Safest and most The Universal Remedy for Acidity of the Gentle Medicine fot Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Infants, Children, Sour Eructations, Bilious Affections. Delicate Females, and the Sickness of Pregnancy. blNNEFORDSI A' 1=ia rj '8IIIr'1 I GOOD WINE N.EEICf.O BUSH, And KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS do not require » colnuin1 to prov. their merits. Once tried. they recommend themselves as one of tbe best medicinea for HEADACHES. wwl" TION, KIDNEY BR; VOUS DISORDERS, £ °' the BLOOD, and even HO and RHEUMATISM. FIFTY YEARS' REPUTATION Proves their Alterative and Remedial Value. SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS AND STORES IN 7*63. 181d, and 2s 9d BOXES. 2362—807e WORK FOR ALL. A We give a Nickel Silver Timekeeper and Mexican Silverine Watc'a Chain, with guarantee to keep correct time B/fAy for three years, or a Lady's or jrent s0f^ Rolled Gold Ring, free to any personH8 riB selling 48 Penny Pictorial l'ostcards within 21 days. You can sell tbemia an hour. S/'nd name and aaareM (postcard will do).. r -*n BRITISH FINB ART CO., 115, Strand, London, WO MERU ,RAVE. VOU IJBAD 1ALEC With Wounds that discharge or otherwise, perhaps sur- rounded with inflammation and swollen, that when you press your finger on the inflamed part it leaves the impres- sion ? If so, under the skin you have poison that defies alt the remedies vou have tried, which, if not extracted, you never can recover, but go on suffering till death releases you.»Perhaps your knees are swollen, theipints being ulcerated, the same with the ankles, round which the skin may be discoloured, or there may be wounds; thedisease, if allowed to continue, will deprive you of the power to walk. Ypu may haveattended various hospitals and had medical advice and been told your case is hopeless, or advfsed to submit to amputation; but do not,for I can cure you. I don't say perhaps, but I will. Because others have failed, it is no reason 1 should. Send at once a Postal Order for 2S. 6d. to B. C.ALBERT 73, Farringdon Street, London, and you will receive a box of Grasshopper Ointment and Pills, which is a certain remedy for the cure of Bad Legs-, Housemaid's Knee, Ulcerated J oints, carbunclo-Poisned Hands, and Bunions. < [Copyright]. Q W A N S E A OFFICES £ 3 OF THE SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS, j No. 62, HIGH-STREET






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