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The Earl of Aberdeen, the new Governor- general of Canada, will take with him as his Imitate secretary, Mr W. T. S. Hewett, B.A. 'lK>nd., and a barrister of Gray's Inn. It was not pitwood but patent fuel that the ~ragside took out to Vera Cruz. They have no use pitwood in Mexico, as every schoolboy doubt. ess knows, or at least ought to. People's William, so the Tories say, Will carry through the House the Home Rule „ Bill, *hepeople's William ?" quoth the Liberal; co Ay, be people's William and the people's will." The Duke of Connaught will visit University college, London, on Monday next, for the pur- i*-86 opening the new mechanical and elec- rical engineering laboratories. ..An old married couple from Ardeche, in the "!°cese of Tours, were admitted to the Pope's ,1 J^esence last week. The man, whose name is ~|>aries Pibaleau, is eighty years of age, and his ,'fe is seventy-one, and this is their twenty-first Wgrimage to Rome, the journey being always Performed on foot. They have also been twice to "Orusalem in the same manner. .I«ord Playfair, the distinguished savant, was in pearly days manager of a calico printing works, vjien in the House of Commons his lucid expo- iltion of a broad educational policy and of a rather scientific Liberahsm never failed to attract Mention. Lord Playfair has an international reputation, was born in India, and has been Carried three times, his present wife being a. brining American lady. He was 74 on Sunday. .The mania for reviving bygone fashions, says the '■ Princess," would seem to have reached its when we hear that sedan chairs are to be ^e,nstated. Already a Bond-street carriage driver received orders from several ladies, and ere no doubt, to ride in a sedan chair will be Considered the smart thing to do. The modern chaIrs are more roomy than then' predecessors, .I]Q open at one side instead of in front. ..Messrs Cook and Son have arranged five Sjfferent tours for personally conducted parties. f"Uttiber one lasts 45 days, and is a comprehensive JF'P to the most famous and enjoyable sights in States, the inclusive cost of which is £ 100, right through. Number five is for a 29 tour, second-class accommodation on board jjbe steamer, first-class travel and hotel accomrr.o fiS8°n **1'anc'' '*ne inclusive charge for which is A new series of political tracts, published by Home Rule Union, of which Mr E. J. C. 5*°rton, M.P., is hon. secretary, has been issued. titles of these tracts indicate their nature. J?'ne of these titles are "The Financial Position the Home Rule Bill," Irish Catholics, the 1 ersecuted. nut the Persecutors, "Ulster tiler Protestant nor Prosperousand p ■'■hp Orange Bogey." The address of the Home ,'i Union is 9, Bridge-street, S.W. £ y the quarterly statement as to pauperism 1' Published it will be seen that the number of 2l.U^' rfi 'n every 1,000 of the population was g?.- at the tiid of January and February and *70 at the end of Marcii. On comparing the ^Portion of paupers to the population in the oie of Jinj/land and Wales it is satisfactory to that the proportion was smaller in each !°&th of the quarter in the present year than in of the other years comprised in the table, ex- ^pt 1892. .i'of. G. J. Romanes, who celebrated his 47th jfrfc|iday on Saturday, is a most thoroughgoing ^iple of JJarwia and Darwinianisui. By oirtli i. Canadian—he was born at Kingston—Mr £ 0l»anes was ^educated for the most part in j ngiand, and is now settled at Cambridge. His filiation from the first was towards scientific ,Udy. He graduated with natural science "Onours at Caius College. It was while a i;U(lenc there that he formed that close friendship ith the great founder of the evolution hypothesis hich settled the nature and course of his life- *ork. Seme extraordinary inventions for expediting 4 aa navigation have emanated from Lieuteaant i^V^tolow, of the Russian Navy. He recently ^ri'bited to some naval officers in Odessa a new h^!e■ ship, without screw or paddle, but which *d instead a kind of running electrical gear °Und the vessel's hull under the waterline and a fc?Y°lving mechanism, which will propel the jS'P from Liverpool to New York in 28 hours." i, offers the alternative of a subm'arine passage g ^thot-t rock, roll, or vibration, and with a supply of oxygen and hydrogen during the voyage." .year a Srm, who have large transactions pi »h1 j M|umination line, were heavy losers through ijj6.! e.ath of the Dulco of Ciarence, as they had tin Very extensive preparation for the ceiebra- «of his marriage. In order to guard against y ^petition of the loss, the firm has just made JL ^surance at Lloyd's against the marriage of ■'Juke of York," the premium paid being at rate of 5 per cent. If, therefore, the marriage rj^ld not take place, the underwriters will have 4 Pay the amount of the policy, whereas, if it is Illy celebrated, they take the premium. < of.An interesting sale about to take place is that Combermere Abbey, formerly a religious house VriP'sfcercians' wllicil was fe'rante<i by Henry to Sir George Cotton, and has remained tiv6' s'Uce 111 the family, the present representa- jjj of which is Viscount Comberniere. William it is said, stayed one night at the abbey jj11"* on his way to Ireland to meet the army of i Okr168 U- at Boyne. The abbey, though old ls commodious and comfortable. Some of the • Material of which the original abbey was built l; in its construction, and the old refectory f r*e a spiendid library. Messrs John J. Webster, C.E., of Vic tori a- Westminster, and Mr John T. Wood, C.E., j Cook-street, Liverpool, have drawn up and 0vUed scheme for a high-level bridge j. er the Mersey, rivalling in magnitude the bridge at New York. The bridge is is tlSlgnEJd on the arch suspension principle, and consist of three spa.113, each of 1,150 feet, centre span being 150 feet above the river at Jgh water. The plan admits of a roadway 40 0 £ ^.JQ width for vehicular traffic, and a footway 6in. on either side. Above is a railway for th G tramcars. Exclusive of ttiis tramway line is estimated at £ 1,730,000. •an aster Harry R'gnold, who has already ab the « 'y age of thirteen tasted the joys of fame his thoroughly effective performance a3 ie' iu the new comic opera produced last p^rday night at the Savoy Theatre, has been Mr Barrie, one of the authors cf book," with a handsome pocket-knife, gr^ritig his name engraved, as a souvenir of his • eat success—a success that has not been equalled J^j *y boy actor in recent years. Master Harry ^old is the youngest boy of a family of seven, L"86 father, Mr Harry Rignold, is favourably HowVtl 1D cor,neefci°n with a sketch combination o- Working the provinces. It Wbraltar, m the opinion of Captain Gambler, has now ceased to be the key of the Medi- &trrfne.an anc' 's not only use'ess from a g'c point of view, but is likely in time of ? to be a positive source of weakness, involving fl86r'ous ^ur°Pean complications. Again, if ^itl 's should be scattered, communications Co our Colonies might be endangered. He ^6Hders our ^eets "nable to command the anean as we^ Per^orm their other 1Ck' an(^ asserts that Gibraltar, which we have Pen ou&ht to be invulnerable, can easily be tj.T^rated from Algeciras. We must, he says, Q ^^nge Gibraltar for the Canary Islands, get Vd Islands and Madeira from Portugal, Egypt, and secure France the protectorate Madagascar. J^ombay man has constructed a bedstead I? i at rupees. It is thus described :— <}. "ft3 at its four corners four full-sized gaudily- Grecian damsels, tho.se at the head fo^'Bg banjos, while those on the right and left fyi • IJOld fans. Beneath the cot is a musical box, i ex';ends the whole length of the cot, and is Th a Paying twelve different charming airs. Jjj'6 O'Usic begins the moment the least pressure 8 been brought to bear from the top, which is ^ted by one sleeping or sitting, and ceases the jj*0laent the individual rises. While the music is w Progress the lady banjoists at the head the strings with their fingers and fct tw5 ^e'r h^ads; while the two Grecian damsels bottom fan the sleeper to sleep. '1 here is a J). °n at the foot of the cot which, after a little »vipuS?re' ^t'nKs about a cessation of the niusio, if -w. ^le desire of the occupant." ^lUQ'l0 Hill, the gifted vocalist who has ■' sprung into notice, is the daughter of a Ijj "*Bown Manchester man. Born m America, ta!J 14, came to Europe, and was » on t?rite .pupil of M. Faure, in Paris. She waa Crr« i P°'nt ^Rniog an engagement with the Opera in the Frencri capital when Mr to^"y Carte, hearing of her fame, persnaded her p^rj.rne to London and sing the prima donna's \vfo- .1M Ivaukoe^ at the Royal English Opera, in tag s'le aoiueved a great sucoeds. Miss Hill signed a contract for a period of years t,j0 Messrs W. B. Healey and Son, the welJ- {Jif » 0 ^ncurt agents. She is already engaged by Jt^jj "Justus Harris for the grand season Royal tlje *n ppera. Her voiee is of a rich full tone, of W ty a silver bell, of extensive compass, throughout. Miss Hill is a musician I study. Mr W. B. Healey has been '? 'or some years past for a voice like Mips "■tasirri Oratorios, and it is anticipated by Rhorti-? wh° bave heard her that she will i "6 without a rival in this branch of 1 a". 1 a". J "una t 0 a.s advice to young men. uIpre-l Put y0 ,>tfer you ft faith yes, I beseech you to mtrust and your faith in work. Toil, ^tenes0' toil.! ara keen!y conscions of the afcS t'1's advice. It is the seed which is I I!éhool ft every distribution of prizes in every fefleet'u sovvn in rocky soil but I ask you to bllt a v, ,m ,fc» because ï. who have been nothing soothing «r» aUl a witness to its marvellously to is effects upon the soul. The work I allude *°rwar(f' work the duty of moving one step °ffcen in I? 0ne'8 allotted task every day. How lable. mto u 010111 ing have I taken my place at my b:lYltinl ead, so to say, lost, my mouth bitter, t: '°rtured by some terrible suffering—and to.v thj1^' spite of the feeling of rebellion, 111 and m'nn^es °f agony my task proved a from a insolation. I have invariably risen t'1.robbm Uly. daily work, my heart sometimes ^'Uin* ^h.pain, but firm and erect, able and 0ll6greaM 6 the morrow. Yes! work is the fatter »] the world which leads organised Mfe has 0w]y steadily to its unknown goal. ?re is t«n° ot^.er weaning, and our one mission • abour. a.ft COntrjbuteour share to the total sum^of erwhich we vanish from the.eartb.







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Pretty New Smocking



The Professor and the Bean-stalk.