Family Notices
.y fiirii'S jtnarmgee, aim iiaratDs. BIKTRS. I E.NGLA,,i,. --o., Mureli 2, at, Richmond-road, Cardiff, the wifeif C. Douglas England, of a daughter. JKNICIKS. -011 Mxrch 2. at No. 203, Nowport-i-o-td, Car- *1. diff, the w-fe of John Jenkins, of a SOli. On Ma,cl12, at Cathedral-road, Cuidiff, he wife of Arthur E. Morgan, of a daughter. }[!lmlAGE, Pa. LUPS— DKACON.—At St. Mary's Cliuicb, Usk. oa S Thursday, March 2. bv the Rev. Percy C. L. N ish, vica, assiste-I by the Hev. Henry Morris, Lieutenant- colonel Tl:<>mis Philiips. Aberdare, and Mrs. M. J. Deacon, Walton Lodge, Usk. 9KI,I, EV—CLAVCY.—On Saturday, March, at Newport, F. H. Set-ley to Mi s. Hannah Clavey, of the Bridg- water Arms Hotel, Cardiff. DEATHS. Evu10P.-Ou March 2, at Winterbourne Down Vicarage, near Bristol, Marian, aged 6 months, fourth daughter of he JJ' v F. W. FremanUe Bishop. CROSS Ou the 6th inst., at Brynhyfryd, Risca, Major William Evan Cross, aged 57 years. DA VIES.— On March 6. Mrs. S. Davies (widow of the late Rev. J. Davies), 17, Commercial-street, Aberdare, aged 77 years. Lnvris.—On February 28, at 47, Partridge-rcad, Cardiff, Aiiee Maud Mary, the beloved wife of Wiliiam J. i.ewis, Royal Oak Hotel, St. Mary-street, aged 28 years. MA RKKDAI.—On the 4: 11 March, at Tydraw Farm, near Aberavon, Mrt. Catherine Marendaz, in her 87th year.

iWatrinumial. MATRIMONY.—Orphan Lady, 25, just lost her father, uhosu business (Urge mill ana butter) she cannot ma.n";e by herself, Wi.-h«3 to Marry an Intelligent and Kind Wehhm.m slie has also £ 6.000 hi the bank.—Miss Morgan, 197. Uniiunond street, Haitarstead road, Londou, N,W. 848u15 &rl)ola3ttr. GOVERNESS Wanted to Take Sol; Cnarge of Four Children, aged 8 to 14; tbe usual accomplishments, with knowledge of Latin.—Mrs. Puwell, Pantyfgallog House, Bem y Br dge, Brecon. 699ul3 "IV ASTK1), a Certificate! Muster or Mistress for a >■ School; salary. £ 80 with house.—Archdeacon, Al'Hil'. 799,1*21 itttation tØaral1t. W AM'KD, Pupils and Apprentices the Dress and Mantle Altklng vacancies for young ladies Indoors.-Mrs. Clarke, Bridge street. Newport. 88Zc *W ANTED, good Kitchen Gardener taKe care of h .rse IT and trap, make himself generally useful; live out- 13 doors.—Apply Belle Vue, Penrliiwceiber. 826ul5 WANTED, Young Lady for Hotel Bar.—Apply, with references, photo, and salary required, to Mrs, Williams, Greyhound Hotel, Abergarenny. 776ult GOOD Parlourmaid Wanted must thoroughly understand her duties and clean plate well; Churchwoman.— Address birs. Howell, Penrheol, St. Clears. 54oull WANTED, strong Lad tOlIolp Deliver Milk and A ttend vv Hors 8: suitable lad will have good wages: good home; good character indispensable.—Mr. W. S. Walker, Whit^IallJlumnar^jardiff^4^ul<) ítttatU)n5 OTantrtu AS Coachman; thoroughly experienced; married; ten years' excellent character present employer; total abstainer; aged 33.-Coachman, LtaiivapleylCourt. Aber- gavenny. 443ul0 BUTCHERS.—Wanted. by a respons:b!e Man, a Position as Head Shopmau, English or American, or Second in n good Shop twenty years' experience; good reference,- Apply 45, Commercial street, Mountain Ash, Glarn. [405119 UNDER-GAKDENER or Otherwise.—Young Man Want, situation; age, 23; excellent references; at liberty March H.-Robert Uwen, Upton Warren Rectory, BroniE- grove. 472]118 Ç{gtnts, l'abtl1tr5, &c. AGF.NTS Wanted to Sell our celebrated Packet Teas, French Ooffee in Tins, and Cocoa particulars free.— Oliver, Oliver, and Co., 257. Southgate road, Lon- don. Lcl089 apaitmentsu OÙTH WALE." Cardiff, Penarth, or near to.—Apart- O meets Required for Middle-aged Lady. Bed and sitting room, neatly furnished,with attendance, for a permanency. In a Christian home. Minister's preferred, where a sister or sear [relative has the supervision. No other lolgers or children. Would board with the family. Plain living. Early dinners, supper nominal. Address, with futl par iimlars, to Blanche, care ot Colrer-son, T-lyor, icc. 231, Queepahorongh terrace. Albert road. H:I11t.. [n9 JrtlnI5tg. "L BBW and House to Let, MarKet street; JCli cOlllmó1I11ling premises; best position in town double plate-glass front; near market and railway stations; rare o:ortulllty.-L101J, "Star," Ebbw Vale. oliull HOUSE to Let; five bed, two sitting rooms usivrl offices, gardes, greenhouse, stabling near station and village; reut £30; enclose stamp.—Mrs. Cruttenaen, St. Briavels. Coleford, 345u9 TO, Lady Day next, House and Sh jp in Market sheet' Knighton any trade but grocer's large m irket held weekly Birmingham Water Scheme passes town.—Apply Mrs. Thomas. King's Head, Knighton. 1.102c fire r¥X)BACCONISTS Commencing"; Illustrate! Guide, A ''Flow to Commence," 3d.—Tobacconists' Outfitting Company, lgS, En3ton road, London. Manager, Hy. Myers. Established 1866- Pick-Me-Up Cigarettes," Hetnil-Kvery- where. _.2.Q90 f roperty, fov Sale | Q7 Newport lload, Cardiff. — Fur Sale, a well- built Hou e three reception-rooms, fire good bedrooms, hot and cold bath, w.c.; santary arrangements perfect; wcll-.fcocied garden; capital stable, coach-house, conservatory; vines; low ground relit. Moderate price.— Apply above, aldrm. 90&ul5 I^ISH, Greengrocery, anl Fruit Business for Disposal > splendid business ill-health cause of leaving.—Apply to D. Bowen, Bhen¡ 560n 11 GROCERY. Provisions, (Jask Beers, aud Gilbsy's Agency. —Large Town South Wales.-For Disposul. a Business such as rarely comes into the market; re; urns over X250 per week full profits gramt premises I £ 2.500 will be ample, or a Partner with £1,500 would b' entertained.—Apply Cook and Smith. 47. 48, King William street. London Bridge. RC. IcII28 ^or$f5, Carnages* 2.ibe ^>rorU I "l/V ORKING Sheep Dogs.—Pups by "Young Bo." ex f* "Merry", by "Champion Turk"; all celebrated prize winners at Sheep Dog Trials dogs, 25s. bitches, 20s. —Kice, Penyb.vnk. Llangnirig. I/lanidloes. 437ui0 prize winners at Sheep Dog Trials dogs, 25s. bitches, 20s. Rice, Penyb.vnk. Llangnirig. I/lanidloes. 437ulO EGGS from Pure Dark Plj mouth Koeus perfect points; good layers excellent table birds 3s. Betting.—Mi-s Lermit. St. Florence, Penally. 421u".0 Lermit. f3t. Florence, Penally. 42111;0 JOBMASTERS and Undertakers.—Great Sale of Carriages at John Mitrstou and Co.'s, 24, B.adford street, Birming- ham, including Twelve Landaus. Twenty Hansoms, Forty Hearses (new designs). Reform Funeral Cars, elegant Wash- ington C irs, Light Omnibuses, Ten Crakes (l .rge and srnal ) Severiil Char-a-bancs, Ten Brougliams, some Second-hand Vthicle*. Great }!}. E:1IY terms. Ca.!lues fr. lie .111 ,ft1í5ttllanrotu,. SAVOV and Savoy Greens, any qiianti i y, 4i. i>er cwt. on s the fieid,—Apply Harding, Monachty Farm, Mnimiy, CiirdifT. 41 I/'U UN Hou our New Private HlreSystem.—wmui Wn.e- Furnishing Company, 31, Castle street (opposite the Castle), Cardiff. Ij^UllNLSH on onrXew Private Hire System.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 31, Castle street, Cardiff. No Security Required. I^UIINISH on ollr Aeiv I'rivatc if ire ,4yste.S-,ith Wulre .J.: Furnisliing Coinpany, 31, Castle street, Cardiff. No Objectionable iilring A grep",enUl. 1/1"RNIH(I ou our New Private Hire Sysi-eni.—South Wale.i Furnishing Company, 31. Castle street. CardifT. No Publicity, }1'1' ,1' Tn on (lilT New Priyatelliic(- Wales Fnrllishill¡; Company, 31, Castle street Cardilt, Kxti. ITMiUNiSIl onourNe'.v Private Hire System.—South V 1. Furnisiiiiig Company, 3' Castle street, Cardiff. C.isli Pri,, Ontrgeo. ou onr New Private litre System.—South Wale^ Fnrtiisbing < 'onipimy, 31. Castle street, CnrdltF. Fre Delivery. I/URNISU ou onrNew Private Hire System.—South Wale Furnishing ttoc.pauy, 31, Castle street (opposite the Castle), Cardllf. V,verythini{ Private. 1/M.i fiNlSII ou onr New Private Hire System.—South 1\ a nn Fr.tnisliing ('ic.nvMiy. 31. Castle street, Cardl>T. Kasy payments. I^OlCNISH 011 ourMetv lVliate Hire bystem.-South Wales Furnittbin^' (.'01ll¡mIl1. 31, Castle street, Cardiff. No Bill of Sale. 011 our New Primtc Hire System.—South Wale. £ rlnlli..hing Company, 31. Castle treet, Cardiff. Eleven Muivur.ou.i-. l;M 'Sil on our New Private HireSystem.—South VVaies Fmnishiui,' ("oinpany, 31. Castle stieat lopnosite the C'18tlel.\ iardfff. 45Çn10 CATERKHS. ic.—20ib. Caddlea pure strong Tea Dust; c nearly twice as strong "6 orJioary tea 17. fill, per caddy, carriage 1),1. extra.—Select Ceylon Tea Agency. 39, Lime-street, Lon.10n. 4724d XJAItE HOOKS.—" Neighbour Raymond." Is. 6rt. »"Sappho" (luimrated). Is. 6d.; Aristotle's Works, Coloured plates, me.dieal book, 2s. 4d.; Boccaccio's famous "Decameron," tWO vols, complete; Six Phot.o1. Is.: Cata- logues, two 't."m\l.no3!Jtha.l. Park Ridings, Hornsey. London. 50 ye rs. T,97ri5B "IjiVERY lle id of a F.iuiily should Send ror Ha: pur Twelve- trees' New C iti'logne (80 IUustrationf), of Washers, Wringers, M ingles, and every Lmndry Reqnisire, of the best, cheapest, and most modern types. Free trial. Easy terms, or 10 per cent. for cash.— Tfarpur Twelvetrees, Luumiry Engineer, f, City road, London, E.O. Lc569 IX CABINCT PORTi:AITS, 3s.; 3 for2s. Twelve Carte Portraits, i's. ii for Is. 4(1. Stamp Size, 12 for h.; 4 for l. Gd-; 1C> for 3s. 3d. First-eliss Enlarged I'or- traits, from Life or Photo, Kight-inch, 3s.; i for 6- Twelve- inch, 7e. fid ot'.er sizes in proportion. Full price list freo Send Carro or Cabinet and Postal Order and yoti will ve -ive Highly-finished Copies, with Original.—Francis ami c' i. Creed line, Ludgate-niil, London (from 29, Lulg-'e I), Agents Wante 1. Established 188C. jt1nCI)incn!, OOrS. xc. n- OIl.ERS, a¡¡-7. Vertical* Coviiish, Lancaslnro. Loco- > typ also Vertical Steam Engine^.—-The Gvantmim vi^.j n ;,J, C'ml"n,v (l.imit,etÏ\. G""mlhm- ;;l)l)nl5 FENNYHOYAL and STEEL T PILLS for JmMALE8 quickly correct all irreg- 7 r^.es, remove all obttructious, and relieve the dis- Ir5sing symptoms so prevalent with the sex. Boxes Is r-jd. and 2s. 9d.. of all chemists. Seiii anywlie-es forl/or 34 stamps by E. T. Towle, Chemist, NoLting; hun. imitations. T7AIUCUUKLE and its SPEEDY, PAIN- V LIPS. and CERTAIN CURE WITHOUT 8UR- f IC.1L OPERATION by Dr. Maraton's American K. ,ct. T""1I'y-D¡'C ye.\rs' successful experience. I :lrale1 Circular sent sea'ed for two stamps.—THE r Uio'lOS CO., 849, HIGH HQLBOW, LON- L 01*. LclllO I SI fBonein '"ptlE CHARING CROSS BANJC (Established 1870—23. -a. Years). 28, Bedford-slreet, Charing-cross, London, W.C. Capital JE300,000. Heserve Fu"d £ 100,000. LOANS GltANTED .€30 to £ 5,000. Town or Country, on approved Promissory Notes, Mortgage of Furniture, Trade »nd Farm Stock, Life Policies, Bevevsions, Plate, Jewellery, Stocks, Shares, Freehold and Leasehold Property, &c. Special facilities to all requiring Bankiug accounts. Three pir cent, interest allowed on current accounts on the minimum monthly balances when not drawn below 20 pounds. Deposits of £:0 and upward* received as under •— 5 per <ent. per iinnum, subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal. 6 „ 6 7 „ 12 Special terms for larger amounts. Interest paid quarterly, free of Income-tax. Write or call for prospectus. L9903 A. WlIilJAMS. Manager. MONEY LENT AT FIVE- PER CENT! FROM £ 5 TO £ 2,000. WHY Fay More, when a Private Gentleman is preiswl to Grant Advances to Male or Female, upon their PR MlS- SORY NOTE ALONE, In any part of England, Scotland, or Wales, without Loan Oflice formalities ? NO BILL OF SALE Oil SURETIES RKQTJIRKD. The Advance can be paid back by easy instalments, or 4 in remain out from one to 15 years by paying the interest. nly. Call or write to the actnal Lender, W. WILBEEFORCE, I s« 11. Stroul Green-road, Fins ury PnrL-, London, N. [1095c AND CO JL J)} I; .m OIU.; iMMlTEi) "11<:1.111 Nq A NO CO Auvanee Daily Sums roni £ 3 TO £ 1,009. Method of Business: FAIR INTEREST. EASY RE-PAYMENTS. NO DELAY. ABSOLUTE PRIVACx. NO SIJRF.T1KS. TRADKBILL.SDISCOUNTKn Prosreetuses and Particulars Free. Apply to He.-ret<iry The Harcs Buildings (side entrance near Batchelor's Mouumen t), The Haye- Cardiff. 901 P7 "T AAA TO LEND. BY THE SOUTHERN COUNTIES DEPOSIT BANK (T.tMI- TED). in sums of £10 to £58ó, oil NOTE OF HAND ALONE, or Furniture, Farming Stock, and all other persoual security, without removal, at a few hours' notice, in any part of the country, and to all classes of borrowers, re-payable by instalments. No sureties required, and no good application is ever refused. All communications sirictly private. This Bank was expressly incorporated under Act i f Parliament to advance money at a low rate of interest to respectable persons, and the public are cautioned against having anything to du with laan offices and money-lenders, whose on!)1 object ib to obtain fees. If desired, an Official from the Bank will attend at applicant's residence with Oash, and carry out the advance, thus avoiding any DELAY.—Apply personally, or write stating amount required, to the Manager, Mr. A. J. SUFFOLK, 3, Queen-street, BRISTOL. District Agezit-lklr. A. M. BAILEY. Auctioneer, 1393c 8, Custom House-street, Cardiff. ^ropetty to Set GLOUCESTEH. WHARF. TO LET, at Low Renls. to any Merchants or others Wanting to Open a Business at Gloucester, TWO LEVEL YARDS, suited for Timber or other purposes, situate on the Hast Side of the Sharpness Canal at Gloucester, and each containing abuut 8,000 square yards. The Yards are in close proximity to Large Manufac- turing Works, and have good quay frontage to the Sharpness Canal, where Steamers can stand and unload, and are in connection with both the Great Western and Midland Railway Systems. For Particulars apply to Messrs. Whitcombe, Gardom, and Haines, College Green, Gloucester. 1399C iiie;ttraitrt Companies, £ > JitENIX FIRE OFFICE. 19, Lombard-street, and 57, Charing-cross, London.— Established 1782. Lowest Current liates. Liberal and Prompt Settlements. Assured free of all Liabi li tv. Electric Lighting Rules Supplied. Agents at Cardiff": Mr. D. Shepherd, 1, Frederic k-st i-ee t Mt-. J. H. Jorins, Solicitor, 3. High-street Mr. C. B. Stallybrass Mr. D. Williams, Consulate-chambers, Bute Docks Mr. James Morgan, Charles-street-chambers. Lc4 A, C C 11) E N T S WILL HAPPEN. THE RAILWAY ■PAS8BNGKRS' ASSURANCE CO., ("The O:dest and Lai gest") Has since 1849 paid for ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS £ 3,200,0 0. Established 3849. Rt. Hun. Evelyn Ashley, Chairman. 64, CORNHILL. LONDON. W. }), Massy, } Secretaries. A. Agents for Cardiff-Mr. W. E. llradshaw, G.W.R. Tregerthen DUlin and Co., Merchants' Exchang ■; Mr. R. Richard, station Master, G.W.R.; Mr. H. B. Crouch, 16, St. Mary-street, Cardiff; Mr. E. Post, 63, Gorse- lane, Swansea. L924 fiu&iirations. PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS. Agency Coitducled bv Patent Solicitor and Chartered Patent Agent. Advice Gratis on all Subjeds corlllckd with the above on receipt of Stamped Addressed Envelope. Patents obtained-British, Culollial. and Foreign, in the sliortest, time consistent with safety. Drawings of Machinery, Ac made from the roughest sketches. Sui: able Trade Marks sug^osied, carefully drawn and engraved for Registration at Home and Abroad. Agencies in London and all parts of the world for the Purchase and Sale or p'acing oil Royalty of good Patented Inventions. Inventors with undeveloped ideas are adv sed to com- municate at once, when reliable opinion as to novelly will be speedily given, and much trouble, expense, and disappointment saved. Addt-KS-Manager, Office of the Journal Invention, 54, Fleet-street, London, E.C. Lc4C9 New Edition. Just published, post free, 6 stamps. A.TR1CATISISON NliKVOUS DISEASES mid WEAKNESS in MEN, with a description of the most Common-sense and Scientific Treatment ever introduced. London A. J. Leigh, 92 and 93, Great Rus<eil-street. Lclll2 23 v E R v SUFKERlNG from NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY should send for a valuable pamphlet ex- plaining how all nervous and organic derangements may besuccessfully treated without stomach medication. The method is easy and ple sant, and will affect a per- fect and permanent cure. Sent sealed Post Free. —Address E, NORTON, 2494, High Holborn. London, W.C. ° L9336 otds, Dining ftooms, Set* BRISTOL. A N D E A N 'S S W A NHOTEL, A 52, BROAD-STliEET, BRISTOL (An Olll Welsh House). This O il established Hotel is situated in the very cent'eot the City. It has been thoroughly renovated, and is now unequalled for Comfort, combined wiioh tlJe utmost Moderation in Charges. HOT AND COLD LUNCHEONS. TEAS AND SUPPERS. GOOD liKDS. I'ROPRlhTOR, J>'• MAKKABLE 0FF TO WORKING MEN. CLOTHlNUat almost HALF-PRICE. Send Pcst-oard for Particulais Free, JOHN K15Y and SONS, THE HAHDWEAU" TAILORS, RUGliLEY. [Loll 26 PATCH WORK! PATCHWORK PATCHWORK for the Million, for Sixteen JL Days only. Never such a thing offered to the Public before. As we are now Clearing our euormous Stock of S(J-NT M ER PI?INTS.we will send Fret-, ori rec ipt of 15 stamps, Fifty Splendid Pieces of IMJINT for PATCHWORK. Now is the time for making Cheap and Warm Quilts for the Winter. This is thoroughly Genuine. Hundreds of Testimonials from all prls. SELLICK and CO., Freemantlc-road, Cotham, Bristol. 196 E OINJi liOA OJL< CLARKE'S li 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the urinary organs, in either sex, acquired or con- stitutional,gravel,and pains in the back. Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in boxes, 4s. 6d. each,by all chemists and patent medicine vendors throughout the world or sent to any address for 60 stamps, by the makers, the Iiincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company Lincoln L ADVERTISING, BILL- VV POSKNGANDCIRCULAR < D1STRI RUTINS ^COMPANY (LIMITED). Established 1877, OFFICF6: CASTLE-STREET CHAMBERS < SECRETARY: FRANK H. StJIPSON Beet Perwanent Pasting Stations in Csrdiff pn Neighbourhood. Contractors for all o A,lv#I,i;ing,Cit,cu)arDistribvitil)g,a;c. I .#ff' All Qt4Ors pronjptlT atteniled. public Amusements. rj^HEATRE J^OYAJ, CAHUIYF. LKSSKK AND MANAGER MR. EDWARD FLRTCHRR. LAST TWO NIGHTS OF TIIE DAHK coNTINEKT- MONDAY NEXT. MR. D'OYLY CARTI'S OPERA COMPANY THE y7 ICAR 01' B P, A Y AND HADDON H ALL. Plan at Thompson and SbacUell's (Limited). [6280 fubltc flottces* ItUDENTIAI, ASSURANCE COM- JL PANY (LIMITED). CUIRF OFFICE: HOLBOUN BARS, LONDON. SUMMARY of the REPOI.T presented at the FORTY-FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING held on 2nd MARCH. 1893. The DIRECTORS have much pleasure in presenting their Report and Accounts for the Year 1892. ORDINAItY BHANCH.-The number of Policies issued during the year was 56,912, assuring the sum of JC5.886.889, and producing a New Annual Premium Income of £ 319,948. Tbe Premiums received during the year were £ 1,665,611, being an increase of £ 222,865 over the vear 1891. The Claims of the year amounted to £ 4:8,667. The number of Deaths was 2,932, and 117 Endowment Assurances matured. The number of Policies in force was 301,643. INDUSTRIAL BRA.NCil.—The Premiums received during the year were £ 3.819,157, being an increase of £ 160,8i9. The Claims of the year amounted to 91,602,816. The number of Deaths was 178,5^31 and 1,230 Endowment Assurances matured. The number of Free Policies grouted dui ing the year to those Policy-holders of five years' standing who have desired to discontinue their payments was 47,395, the number in fore J being 288,493. The total number of Policies in force was 10,105,877 the average duration of them is seven years. The total Assets of the c omparjy, as shown in the Balance-sheet, are 216,309,652, being an increase of £ 1,686,025 over those of 1891. The Directors have since 1836 been considering a plan whereby the great labour and expense attendant upon the Quinqiieuuial Valuation might be lessened, and have now matured a system of recording and classifying the risks in both Branches from day to day in such a manner aj to make the work of actual valuation pos- sible at any laomenl at a comparatively small cost. The Directors, therefore, determined to exercise the power recently conferred upon them by the Share- holders, and complete valuation for the past year has been made. with the following results ORDINARY BRAKCH.—The valuation ot this Branch has been made upon the same principles as those of the preceding Quinquennium, namely, a net premium valuation on the Institute of Actuaries' (HM ) Table of Mortality for the life risks, and Mr. Finlaison's Govern- ment Annuity Table 1884 for the annuities, the rate of interest in both cases being 3 per cent. The surplus of Assets over L'abililies amounts to £ 369,560. INDUSTRIAL DRANCH.-Tlle valuation of this Branch has also been made on the basis of a net pre- miuin valuation at 3 per cent, interest, the Table of Morta ity being Dr. Fair's English Life Table," No. 3. The surplus of Assets over Liabilities amounts to £ 254,609. The total surplus of the two Branches is £ 6:4,109, out ot which it is proposed to carry forward £ 270,000 ( £ 70,CO-1 from the Ordinary Branch and £ 200,000 from the Industrial), leaving £ 391,109 for distribution among the participating Policy-holders and Shareholders, in accordance with the Regulations of the Company under its special Act of Parliament. It may be thought that in carrying over so large a sum as £ 270,COO the Directors have acted with unneces- sary cauiion; but, although ample provision lias been made for every known contingency, it must not, be for- gotten that in so extensive a business the w. rking of a single year cannot be taken as the measure ot the average profits over a series of years. The processes and results of the valuation, which has betu carried out, by the Actuary. Mr. F. Schooling, have been approved by Mr. A. H. Bailey. By the adoption of an annual declaration of bonus Policy-holders will obtain each year a vested increase to the sum assured, and will not have to wait until the end of a Quinquennial period. This advantage is emphasised by the fact that reversionary bonuses can be surrendered for casil, The Directors desire to record tin ir high appreciation of the efforts of the staff of the Company in carrying out the worn of the valuation, which, under the improved methods, was accomplished in less than one month from the close of the year. 'J lie Balance-sheet has been submitt d to Messrs. Daloitte, Dever, Griffiths, and Co., whose certiiicate is appended to the accounts. Extract from the Heport of MR. F. SCHOOLING, the Actual' to the Company. ORDINARY BRANCH.— The number of Life Policies in force at 31st, December, lE9, was 301,643, assuring, with bonus, £ ?3,971,2S4, and producing a premium income of £ 1,707.428 per annum. After providing for all liabilities, there remains a surplus of 4,769,500, wuiuli iiieludes iliesum of icbo,OOO brought forward from last year. INDUSTRIAL BRANCH.—The number of Policies in existence at 31st December last was 10,105,877, includ- ing 288,493 Fiee or Paid-up Policies, ,i iid the amount assured £ 98/^14,167. The weekly premiums receivable in respect of these Policies amounted to £ 73,050 per week, or £ 4,058,600 per annum. After providing for all liabilities tkere remains a sur- plus of £ i91,609, which includes the sum of £ 150,C0) brought forward from last year. During the year t77,000 has been added to the assured by Policies completing their fifth year of exislei ce, and £ 65,0(0 to the sum assured bv Policies completing their tenth year. The present cash value of these increases and of he sums assured under Free Policies granted during the year Is £ 140,000. GENERAL BALANCE SHEET OF THE PRUDEN- TIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY (LIMITED), ON THK 3181-DECEMBER, 189t LI ABILITIES. £ s. d. Shareholders' Capital 500,000 0 0 Ordinary Branch Funds 6,701,37 3 9 Industrial Branch Fund 9,073,414 14 9 Claims under Life Policies admitted 34.700 5 0 £ 16,309,662 3 6 ASSETS. £ s. d. British Government Securities (Consols) 1,599,941 1 3 Railway and other Debentures and De- benture Stock 2,066,691 17 7 Loans, County Council, Muuioipai and other Rates 4,119,423 9 7 Freehold Ground Rents and Scotch Feu Duties. 2,275,663 18 4 Mortgages 2.233,042 13 5 Metrop litan Consolidated Stocl, and City of London Bonds. 362.145 130 Bank of England Stock 167,337 0 1 Freehold and L asehold Properly 937,766 6 2 Indian and Colonial Government Secu- rities. 855,367 18 7 Reversions 122,359 19 2 Railway and otlier Shares. 6r0,310 0 9 Lmns on the Company's Policies 16 ,075 14 6 Rent Charges 22.(90 16 8 Loans upon Personal Security 710 0 0 Outstanding Premiums 269.388 14 0 Cash in hands of Superintendents and Agents' Balances 49.880 1 0 Outstanding Interest and Rents 149,02 18 6 Citsli-Oit deposit, on current accounts. and in hand 317,029 1 11 I £ 16,309,652 3 6 We have examined the Cash Transactions, Receipts, and Payments affecting the Accounts of t h Assets and Investments for the year ended December 31st, 1892, and we find the same in good order and properly vouched. We have also examined ttie Deeds and Securities, Certificates, &c., representing the Assets and Investments set out in the above Account, and we certifv that they were in possession and safe custo(ly as on December 31st. 18^2. DELOITTH, DEVEIt, GIUFFITHS, and CO. 15tll Eebru ry, 1893. kDGaR llOBNE. Chairman. HENRY HAUBEN, ROBERT BARNES. I l)l,eoto,s- THOS C. Di' U EY, 1 WILLIAM HUGHES, J ManaS«rs. W. J. LANCASTER. Secretary. JOSEPH RAMSDALE, Esq., Inspector, and SIMEON WYATT, Superintendent, St. John's-chair.bers, John- street, Cardiff, from whom any further information may be obtained. qgtmcattonaU NEWPORT. MAINDEE (BOYS) COLLEGE, NEW- PORT. PRINCIPAL: EDGAR WILLIAMS. M.A., B.D. (Edin.). HALF-TERM Begins THURSDAY, March 9th. [20456 CLIFTON, BRISTOL. LAREN I)ON'COI,LICGIATE SCHOOL J FOR LADIES, CLIFTON.—Principals: Mrs. and the Misses A(AYNAlit).-Fxarninatioti Successes, 1891 Nineteen Candidates entered for the Cambridge College of Preceptors, and National Society Professional Physicians. ALL Passed, Twelve with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Class Honours or Speci, I Certificates. A Junior School is attached backward pupils receive individual as well as class teaching. Lectures given on Ambulance, Hygiene, and Cookery, and lessons in Needlework References kindly permitted to the Bishop Suffragan of Hull, Revs. U. R. Thomas and Richard Glover D D Next Term Commence s -etitember 20tli. r9833c A BLESSING T O LADIES The most MIRACULOUS MEDICINE ever discovered for all irregularities of the female system and removes all obstruction. This WON- DERFUL remedy relieves all distressing symptoms, SAVES DOCTORS' DILLS. and preserves HEALTH. THOUSANDS have been relieved by its use. as testified by the numerous UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS. Stamped addressed envelope for price list and copies of testimonials, which are guaranteed geuuine, under a penalty of £ 1.000, open to inspection and invest igation. The most and only effectual remedy on earth. Try and judge for yourself. W. M. DASMAIL, Wa thamslow. (Est. 1851 ) JfiCl076 1) EA D, 'InmawYNS Comments on Welsh- ta and Matters in the NKWS OFTHK WKBK. I pipping Notice*. AND O.—ORtKNT, ABERDEEN, AND UNION LINES.—Official Booking Office, 9, Edwavd-place, Cardiff.-S. J. Davies. Agent. 1567c ASSEN UL THRO UGH j) to ALL PARTS of the WORLD by ROYAL MAIL and other Steamers.- Apply SAMUEL J. DAVIES. 10)u7 9, Edward-place, Opposite T.V.R. Station. Cardiff. (JARDm' aild 1JU1IUI';AUX The Cardiff Steamship Company's first-class Screw Steamers will Sail as follows — GARONNE .Cardiff for Bordeaux March 13 USK. Bordeaux for Cardiff M.irch 18 with Goods and Passengers. Forratesof freight, Ac., apply to Mr. A. G. Todd, Agent, 31, Qtiai des Cliartrmu, Bordeaux, and at the offices of the Company, No. 51, Mount Stuart- square, Cardiff. HOOPER. CAMPBELL.and CO.. 67745 Managers. /CANADA AND UNITISD STATES.— V J Passengers booked by any Line at lowest rales. Special Rates to California and all Pacific Coast points. Direct and cheapest route to the Chicago World's Fair. Apply for information to THE GRAND TRUNK RAIL- WAY CO., 61, Tower-buildings, Liverpool; 36, Leaden- hall-street, London or2, Pall Mall, Manchester. [1302c "IV EW ZEALAND JL~ TASMANIA. AUSTRALIA. Calling at Teneriffe, Cape Town, and Hobarf. BHAW, SAVILL, and ALBION COMPANY (LIMITED) Despatch their Magnificent Royal Mail Steamers from London (Roval Albert Dock) every four weeks. Passengers conveyed to the Cape at Moderate Fares. The next departures are :— March 16. DORIC, 4,784 tons, Captain J. W. Jennings. R.N.11. From Plymouth Two Days Later. Low Fares. Very Superior Second Saloon accom- modation at Moderate Kates. Cheap Return Tickets. No Government Emigrants carried by this Line.— Apply to the Company's Offices, 34, Leadenhall-street, E.U or 51, Pall-mall, London. S.W. 104Lc 1 QQQ NOW IS IHI5 TiM15 TO LO»/T). EMIGRATE. FREE GRANTS OF LAND IN CANADA. 160 ACRIB IN MANITOBA AND THE NORTH-WEST, AND MONEY BONUS 10 SEtTLERS. PAMPHLEIS issued under the authority of the imperial and Dominion Governments, FARMUHS' DELEGATES' REPORTS, and full information respecting the above territories, their resources, trade, &c., supplied free by MR. JOHN DYKE. CANADIAN GOVERNMENT AGENT, 15, WATER-STREET, LIVERPOOL, Who has recently returned from an extended visit to the Canadian North-West. 140.c rrIlE ABERDEEN LI N E LONDON TO AUSTRALIA. Via Cape of Good Hope, in 42 days. ABRRDE EN, Capt. C. Taylor, 6,659 tons, May 30. AUSTRALASIAN, Capt. T. F. Spalding, 3,630 tom, June 23. DAMAS CUB, Capt. A. Douglas, 3,609 tons, July 21. These magnificent full-powered Steamers will sail as above for MELBOURNE AND SYDNEY, taking Pas- sengers tor all Australian and New Zealand Ports. The accommodation for first and third class passen- gers is very superior, and a Surgeon will accompany each vessel. Fares-Saloon from £ 50 Third Class from 14 guineas. For Particulars apply to Geo. Thompson and Co.. 24. Leadenhall-street. London, E.C. Lcl037 BEAVER" LINE PASSENGER STEAMERS.—LIVERPOOL to MONTREAL and QUEBEC every SATURDAY. Free Land Grants of 160 Acres, with iC2 Bonus to Settlers. To MONTREAL or QUEBEC :-Saloon. 410 Second Cabin, P-7; Steerage, £5 bs. Passengers booked to all parts ot Canada and the United Stateat low rates CHICAGO EXHIBITION.—This is the cheapest and most, direct route. First Class :—Liverpool, via Montreal to Chicago and back, £ 23 14s.; or Second CUss Ocean and First Class Rail, £ 16 14s. R. W. ROBERTS, Manager, 21, Water-sheet, Liver- pool C. J. CUDLIPP. 32,, Cardiff; or to HKNDKR-jON BUOS., 35, Mount Stuart-square, Bute Docks, Cardiff. 1393c A 1j A N L 1 l\ E. ROYAL MAIL STISAMHUS UN ITEI) STA TKR ft OA N A D A (Under contract Canadian Gorernnieotfor Conveyance of the Canadian Mails. ptjttc ,T. vr lTKOU LIVEIU'OIH. For Halifax ami B stou 2 onwioa Avn^ 1'" r°r H»"fa* and Portland .War. 9 T>\i>TtjrA 6 *'For Hi'hf** and Boston Mar. 16 *?or "alifar anil Portland Vlar. 23 VTIMIIII »V For Halifax and Boston Mar. 3C MMIDI^Js For Halifax and Portland. April 9 O FARES FOR OCEAN PASSAMIC — batoon 10 to!8Guineas, Second C bin £ 7 7s Steerage, £5 5s. Through Tickets to all Stations at Special Rates. Pusseu gers are landed on the railroad wharf and transferred from IMP to train without any inconveiiienee an1 expeusp. The Company s special conductor accompanies West bo'iml passengers. 'U.NUI Eiif"No'rE.fhisJ,ine pIovh\es the Cl\('lpest and most con- venient route toall parts of Canada, Manitoba, tho North WestProvinces, British Columbia, and the Western Htlltea of America. 1,8 Ten Dolla s nonus to Set'iers and Homestead CertiSctUes relating to the Government Free Grant Lands of IDY ACRE^ TO'I'OUltliSTS. Sl'OHTSillCN, and others.— ICoiiutl rickets combining Excursions to Niagara Falls, the \Vr)U{Ter- ful scenery and Sporting Districts of the Rocky MOUNTAINS »ndBritish Columbia, and other places of interest iu UlJitnd States and Canada. Pi-ogriiii ines of tours on 1J.lIplicat!on. Special Return Rates to tbe Chicago World's Fair. British delegates New Reports and all the latest MAPS AND pamuhlets free. Direct Services from GLASGOW to New Yoikand Boston NN,I Philadelphia all the year round. Full particulars on auplteation to AI.i.AH ISKOTUKKS and Co., 105. Ticadstthall street LondqD, and 18, Jaines-street, H»en'uoi K. F. JLenuard, Auctioneer, 19, Qneen-stroet. H. ,1. J).iViea <i Eilward-place; Captain J. A.Scott, Colonial House" 8, Salisbury-road, Cathays, Cardiff W. ,3. Trounce' Hute DOCKS, Cardiff; T. C. Howe, 31, Mount Stmrt- square, Cardiff; W. M. Vauiilnu,, iVinte:, 71 and 48, Wind-street, aud Co.. Mtv.ui sea; \Y. H. Rees, Auctioneer, UiiurlesviHe-pUce, Neath. Pniiip Davies, George Hotel, Brccon; Fredlc. Allan 28, St. John's-square.Abergaroniiy; Joliu W. b'iaucie. (Joat Btreet, HaverfordiveBt VV. Milton l.oulce, 33, JifgSi otreet. J. Young, 7. Tredegar place, aud Hojbyrue and Brown, 173, Connuereial-Ktrect, Newport, »loii.- A Tilney, Steam Saw Mills. Abertlllerv VV. it. Lewis, Grojei Pontjyoss, Ebbw Vale D. J. Evans, ltat House HiKh-st.. Mertbyr Tvdvil; 15. Davies a2, Uleheland street. Merthyr iydvil D. J. l.ecs, I'realaw POLITYI>ridd: J, DAVIOB, KAEUNIIVW D, Jtowrlaiula PEU-y-graig, near Pontypridd; William Smith, i'i, Haun IT » street, Forth E. H. Uavies, HAWAII Chambers, l'elltre JAMES Roberts tirahc Posi-oilice Pontypridd Mr. W. V. Rees aud Co., Ironmongers, High street, Pontypridd; Mr. Ellas Thomas. 74, Oytlryn-Sireet. crildale; and Mr. IAAAE Jones, Stationers'Hall, Treherbert; FFM. J. IUrrY. 117, Dillwjn-streei, Mornston. Edward Rees, 3. Holtou-road liarry Doc., OA KEY'S" Wellington" KNIFE POLISH The Original Preparation The Orit:in:\1 Preparation For polishing Cutlery, I'or use with Boards or Machines. 0 For Cleaiiiiig Knives For Cleaning Knives Equal to New Cullprv. Preserves the Knives. OAKEY'S"Wellington"KNIEE POLISH. Used without trouble. Used without trouble. Polishes instantly. Refuse worthless imitations. OAKEY'S Wellington"KN IFE POLISH. Ironmongers. Grocers, and Oilmen sell it at Id.. 2d., 3d., 6d., Is., 2s. 6d.. and 4s. OAKEY'S" W ellingtou" KNIFE POLISH. \_7 JOHN OAKEY and SONS, Manufacturers of EMERY. BLACK LEAD, EMERY CLOTH, GLASS PAPER. &c.. Ac., [1,9322 WESTMINSTER BRIDGE-ROAD, LONDON. S.E. NED UALGIA-lEALL'S TONIC KE ALL'S TONIC CURES NEURALGIA. CERTAIN AND SPEEDY! I from Bazaar." TESTIMONIAL was a fearful suf- ferer from Neuralgia, and despaired of a remedy until I heard of Keall's Tonic and Neuralgic Mixture, two small bottles of which quite cured mo. E. W. rrice Is. ljd., I 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. per bottle.; Free by Post, Is. 4d., 3s., and 4s. 9d. KEALL'S TONIC CURES NEURALGIA. CERTAIN AND SPEEDY! I I AGENTS. CARDIFF.—Mr. Munday, Chemist, 1, Duke-slreet, Mr. Robh. Chemist, Roalh. NEWPORT.—Messrs. Garrett Bros., Chemists, 171, Commercial-street. NKATH.—Mr. J. G. Isaac (late Hayman), Chemist LUNELLY.—Mr. G wilym Evans. LONDON—Newbery and Bon. Proprietor, Mr. KEALL. Dentist, 199, High-street, Swaneea 301 DISEASES OF THE HAIR AND SCALP. Mr. HADDINOTE CHUBB (of the Hospital St. Louis, Paris), may be. consulted personally, or by letter, at his residence, 26, New Cavendish-street, Lon- don, W., between the hours of 10 and 12 a.m., and 2, and 4 p.m. daily. Premature Baldness, greyness, &c specially treated. easiness latjortssfs^^ O'A OVERCOATS TO 21 S. LINED MEASURE. & I WOOL. MELTONS and BEAYEliS in all the Ncwe. 3' BLUES, BLACKS, BROWNS. GRSYF, DKARS, See. Lined with splendid Woolen Lining* Silk Velvet Collar. Finished in best London s'yle. Well worth f3t. Send for our large Selection of'erns and IRASY Measurement Forms. SINGLE GARMENTS AT WHOLESALE PRICES, BUSINESS on a SUITS 1% 22s 6" TO MEASURE. These Tweeds are of the Newest De;igns and Finest Texture not to be purchased anywuc under 50s. OUR WORLD-FAMED NAVY BLUE SERGES THE Q1S. TO GUIT. £ I ME_A £ UEJE- We are a'so offering. as a great, indue ment to jO. tending purchasers, our Paris Elmtic Bittel, Diagooal.f aLd Vicuims. MORNING COAT and VEST 22s. 6d. THE SUIT 30-. 0d. EVERY GARMENT MADE TO MEASURE. These Suits are the Wonder of the Age, and vre modestly say are valued at double the price by ii wi-O have had t liem. OUR LEADING LINE. TROUSERS 5S. GO. TO 4 U MEASURE. HONESTLY WORTH DOUBLE, HONEST ADVICI?. We ask you to send for our Patterns, and compare witll others. This is the way to test who gives best value. No stamp required. Our Patterns are sent free, and not on approval' WOOLF BROTHERS. 37, BARBICAN, LONDON, E.C. Bankers: National Bank. Gentlemen can be measured between the hours of NiltS and Seven. Lelll8 p J A N 0 ■INSPECTION INVITED.1 *1 IL-1 N T II AND G 0 N S Have the Largest and Besfc-aelecfed Stock in South VVfiles, and at THE CHEAPEST PRICES. LARGE DISCOUNT FOR C ASIE. Agents for RROADWOOD, COLLARD. TmARD, l{1RlC MAN, BIUNSM.EAD, and all the B-st, Makers. From 10s. 6d. Monthly. Q R G A N S Solj Agents for MASON and IIAMLIN Instruments by all the B-st Makers, from 103. Monthly, ac EAT II AND QN'S 51, QUEKN'-STIIKE CARDIIIII, AND 34, TAFF-STHKKT, PONTYPRIDD. Experienced Tuners sent to al! parts of South \fll" periodically. Catalogues sent post-free on R|%E GREAT BLOOLJ P X THOMPSOiS'S BURDOCK PILLS purify tb,t 'otilest blood, and relieve every Disease of Liver, and Kidneys. Pure blood gives heajp1*' Thousands have been cured bv these wonderful 1'111 whose diseases could not be reached by any medicine. For rheumatics, lumbago, piles, grilV.eJ? pains in the back, scurvy, bad legs, wounds, or wh'1* swellings, scrofula or king's evil, cancers pimples *n blotches on the face and body, swelled feet,,3rlegs; erysipelas, jaundice, dropsy, and fevers of all kinds. J boxes at 13.1d. and 2s.9d. Bold by all Chemists, from the Burdock Pill Mnimraetorv, 44. Oxford gtreet 8w:uise«. ZlOOc^ EU1' YOUR WATCHES and JEW'FIL* LKRi* direct at whole- 8ft Ie prices and save ghop- keeptn Iprofits. Silver Watches, from 12s.; Gobi. 25s. Silver BroocIi P"I,Ci!S, Is.; mug., & Searl PIIII, 6d,; Gold Dres. It i II g 8. hall 9,,irr:nga, 35, &.1. 2, *9.1. Pr.)ocii es 5q. All G "n. -G-ld ,,d Silver 0 1,200 engravings ot high class Watcl Jewellery.—POST FRKE on Applie»M° G. P. MEEKS 4 CO., Spencer-st., BiRMixaSi* Watoh Clubs Supplied. Agents Wanted. 0?*" Established nearly Halt a Century. p JI RE E DM AN AND CO., 1, 2, 3, and 4, MAUKEl BUILDINGS, DOCK-STREET. NEWPORT, MON. PICTURE PICTURE MAKERS, CAPl^gA. MAKERS, GLASS D»| LERS, BUILDERS, » j others are invited T:jt for Samples and Price of our large variety of lish and German INGS, OLEOGRAP/Jvg CIIROMOS, and LOOKl" .GLASSES. The Largest Stock ill b West of England of ilor-ig. Glass at exceptionallY 10 prices. Samples of Motlld1 urny naaress as aoove.iand any specimen ° ej and no connection with anylCard framed and return other establishment. Ifree of cost. 805°°^ A B O O W TO L 1f A RETIRED ENGLISH SURGEON SPRICI df will forward (free of charge) full particulars of a ICcOelif which, during an exten,ive praclice in England aud t Colonies, he has never known to fail in the 1'1 MOST OBSTINATE CASE OF OBSTRUCT*0* AND IRREGULARITIES. Forward addressed envelope for full particulars. waste no more time and money on useless pills ai>« called remedies, &c., which, in the majority of ca^ are nothing but purgatives, and cause sickness, Pr°9 .it, tion, i>-i;t,, wnbi.Hii. ti.i'iug i.he desired r/s .e, Letters to be a laressed to The Surgeon, Gothic H?I. 9, Erskine-street, Liverpool. TVT E W P O II T, (M 0 H Established 1870. J. D. REES, BILL POSTER AND ADVERTISING AOEtTT- „ RENTS all the PRINCIPAL POSTING STATLOlqd Od towii alll neighbourhood. Two good Bill fosterip ° Horse and Trap kept. _bdre^-ljQJ_CpMMERCIAT^f>^T>. Printed and Published by the Proprietors. Owen and Co. (Limited), at the Offices of the "VVf'S Mail," St. Mary-street, Cardiff, ill the countY Glamorgan -b.- N LQNNEF CIR FLUID The beat remedy for Acidity of et' Stomach, Heartburn, Headache, Gout and Indigestion; and the safest Aperient for delicate Constitutions, Ladhs, and Infants. SOLD THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. — -.I.,