J. SESSIONS AND SONS, TIMBER, SLATE, AND BUILDING MATERIAL MERCHANTS, SPECIAL CONSIGNMENT OF BEST GliEEN SLATES, JUST ARRIVED PER S. CARRIE." LARGE STOCK OF BLUE AND RED ALSO ON HAND. INQUIRIES SOLICITED. rENARTH-ROAD, CARDIFF. 7742o 20TH YEAR OF ATTENDANCE. P. -i R A HA.)l Y OU^G, DENTAL SUJIGEON (By Examination), 37, PAUK-STREET, BRISTOL; PROFESSIONAL ATTI, NDANCE, CARDIFF AND BRIDGEND, 1sT AND 3RD WEDNESDAY IN EVERY MONTH. (5 EXT VISITS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15th, and MARCH 1st aiut 15th. CARDIFF.-At 22, CHARLES-STREET (adjoining Die Catholic Church), from 3.30 to7 p.m. KlULHiKND.— At Mr. DAVIS'. CHEMIST, 22, CARO- IIIN lil-"It*],,L'LT'froni 9 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. CH CI'STOW. EVp;BY TUESDAr. at No. 1, DEA (; I OJIT-SQUALLE, from 11 a.m. to 6.33 p.m. No fee for consultation. Efficiency Willi Moderate Fees. fclE LAlGEST PROPRIETARY I I'JRNI.-IllNG ESTABLISH- IN THE WOULD. 18:8. )LU,,T':A'L,') CATA- T IPG V !■: (over 2,000 A, 67, 69, 71, :ST 73, 75, 77, & FREE. 7 HAMPSTEAD- t f&yy K0AD /v (Near Tottenham Court-road), /S^/ LONDON. f AH Cat pets made up free of 7f Charge, and when prepared sent, £ carriage paid, to any Kailway 8ta- £ carriage paid, to any Kailway Sta- y tioii in England ov Wales.—West End y Branch OHIces for Decorating, House y and Estate Agency, ana Sanitary En- w gineTinp — 93, REGENT-STEEJET, PIC 'ADILLI-CIRCDS, W. LC2 £ A D E'S piLLS. EADE'S "W3ILLS. All who suffer from Gout or I Rheumatism should imme- 171 ADE'S B3JLLS. diately have recourse to ■jj fl_ EADE'S PILLS. Hundred? TRADE'S | JILLS, of Testimonials have been re- Jij I ceived from all sorts and con- 1 TRADE'S 13ILLS. ditions of men," testifying to § the wonderful power these gj\ADE'S ¥>ILL5. Pills have in giving relief in 5^4 X. the very worst cases. These pills are purely vegetable and perfectly safe in their tction. INSTANTLY RELIEVE AND RAPIDLY ClJIE THE WORST FOKM OF GOUT, E H E \) M A T I S M, RHEUMATIC GOU T, PAINS IN THE HEAD, FACE, AND LIMBS. ind Mie larjjest recommends! ion ever given to any Patent Medicine of its class. COULD NOT SLEEP *OR PAIN. OUT J3HEUMAT1SM GOUT T> HKUilATISM V Gouil T>HEUMATIS.M OCT J^HEUAIATISM 2, Dewington-terrace, Llwynypia, KUondda Valley, South Wales. Dear Sir.-Your Gout and Rheumatic Pills are a famous i-einedy, and one of tire best I ever came across. My wife has been troubled with Gout in her hands for twelve years. and the pain was nlmost unbearable; some nights she could not sleep for pain. I resolved to try a bottle of your pills, and toiny surprise, after she took three doses, the pain left her hands. They are a great boon 'L1_ ,t n.rI v. to manninJ, Dy uie messing "i om. what us? you like of this.—Tours trul?. CHARLES WAKELIN. Mr. George Hade, 72, Goswell-road, London. EADE't:J GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS lre sold by all Chemists, i:i Bottles Is. lid. and 2s. 9d., Ir sent post free for Postal Order by the Proprietor, SEOiiGE EADE. 12. Goswell-road, E.C. Ask for, and se sure you obtain, EADE'3 GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. 1 JADE'S "J3 ILLS, \i JL Lcl032-1 HEALTH. STRENGTH, ASD KNEIiGY. JQR. J^ALOR'S JpriOSL'IIOl) YME FOR THIRTY YEARS t Has maintained its world-wide reputation as the best and ONLY SAFE, RELIABLE PHOSPHORIC CUKE for Brain Wreckage, Sleeplessness, Harassing Dreams, md all Functional and Diseased Conditions of the Bystem, caused by the Deficiency of the Vital Forces. Dn. L ALOI'S JpiIOSPHODYNE Supplies the Biood wi'h its Brain, Nerve, a\d Bone- forming (demen "-Phosphorus—and by its tonic action 011 the Nervous System, stimulates Heart. Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, and Stomach to the healthy performance of their several functions. The Effect of D R. J^ALOIl'S J3HOS I'll ODYNE In Nervous D bility and its Kindred Evils is imme- diate and permanent, all the Miserable Feelings and Distressing Symptoms Disappearing with a rapidity that is REALLY MARVELLOUS. Thousands of unimpeachable Testimonials from all parts of the world and from the Highest Medical j Authorities. JQtl. LALorrs pHOSPHODYNEi Is unsurpassed as a Tonic after Influenza and all Debilitating Diseases. Bold in Bottles, 4s. 6d. and lis. each, by all Chemists Ad,ireas- DH. LALOR'.S FUOSPHODYKE LABORATORY, HAMPSTEAD, LONDON, N.W. LclOlO COLD, AND COUGH. BY TAKING ON FIKST APPEARANCE OF COLD OR CHILL, HAYMAN'S BALSAM OF IIORE- ilOC'ND, tl:e most certain and speedv remedy .tor Asthma, Consumption, Bronchitis, Congh8, InftuenZil, Difficult Breathing, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, .Î:C, It gives prompt relief and often effcct.3 a lasting cure. STOPo COLD. CURES COUGII. Prepared only by A. IIAYMAN AND CO., IE, ALBEMARLE-ST..8T. JOHN'S-SQ., LONDON, E.O. And sold by all Chemists.—Price Is. Id*. and 2s. 9d. I DALES GOLD MEDAL l 1DUBBJN Makes Boot", and Hrneôs waterproof as a duck's back and soft as velvet. Adds three times to the wear and allows polishing. 16 Exhi- bition Highest Awards. Tins 2d., 6d. Is., A 2s. 6d. Of all Bootuakers, Saddlers. Leather Bellerg, Ac., or any size free 2stamps extra from Afanufactory, East Dtil wicb, T«indpn, 8.E. (Lcl113 AN A V ALANCHE OF gOVEREIGNS! A DELUGE OF GOLD FALLING AT YOUR FEET. To-day, fortune opens wide her doors and offers you ready access to wealth and ind pendence. Picture the busy scene-hundreds of active workers rapidly manu- facturing ouv Free Specimens from masses of shining material; crowds FRftE of experts packers deftly folding them SPECIMENS for despatch streams of porters con- veying the piles of packages to her Majesty's mail carts, which, by express per- HER MAJESTY'S mission of the Postmaster- MAILS Genera), wait at our gates, each dashing off in succession with Its load to the great centre, where the contents are dis- tributed throughout the land by SPECIALLY ACCELE- RATED EXPRESS TRAINS, in answer to the thou- sands of applications pouring n for our wonderful Free Samples that are being so eagerly snapped up. WE ARE GIVING THEM AWAY FREE! to you and every reader WITHOUT ANY CHARGE wliatev, t-. Our catalogue proves without a doubt the HUGE CASH SAVIJvG we present to all purchasers, whi<'h may well be compared to an AVALANCHE of SOVEREIGNS. It is top ace this valuable pub!ic?iti<> your hands that ive make this exceptional offer to send free with each our sample" Aurauian GOLD LONG GUAHÐ. clos- ly resembling real gold chains of s'ijig ICIO and upward-. It is 50 inches in length, and con- sists of over 1L0 separate links handsomely burnished, and may be worn by either lady or gentleman. Sit down and write now. Astounding Prices :—The Rough and Ready" Watch,7s. Tha Magnificent Silver Challenge" Centre-second3 Watch, 199" amazing value. Ladies and Gentlemen's Albert Chains, Is., Brooches, Is.. Scarf Pins, Ed., &c., &c. The world-famed Acme" Watches, for ladies and gentlemen solid sterling silver cases, accurate timekeepers, worth three guineas, our prIce 25s. The Marvel of the World English Lever, iia.Il- marked silver cases, capped and jewelled, £ 2 12s. 6d., wen tl1 five guineas. A good Watch is WEALTH the first slep to success and riches. FOR LIFE We ilth for Life is the reward of punc- tuality Hud energy. H. SAMUEL'S Watcbes are the BEST IN THE WORLD. Warranted for Five Years and supplied upon a month's free trial. Purchasers not only obtain the most, un- approachable value. but gH THE GREATER SHARE OF THEIR MONEY BACK in a SPLENDID SE:IES OF WONDERFUL AND COSTLY FREE PHIZES. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS from wearers ffrerywhtre -11. SAMUKL, Lever Walcli Manufacturer, 97, 93, and 101, Market-street, Manchester, P.C"t, out thl' announcement to show that you are a reader of the WI £ HKI.Y MAIL. Write your name and address clearly, and enclose 3d. -tamps to cover coat ot catalogue and expenses of pack ins and postage. DON'T SEND FROM CURIOil'Df unless v II intend to become a pur- i li iser. 1215C Mrs. 5. A. Allan's i World's Hair Restorer. It is not an experiment, but has been in use for over sixty years throughout the civilized world. Restores the j Youthful Colour. It renews life, strength and beauty, and restores the i-. atural colour to gray hair. LONDON. fiffilæJ¡0@ I I T. 'fa @ 1äC.DP Near the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. Convenient and Central Position for Business or Pit-asure. Telephone 3,165. T>jle::ram^: E rn<?stness, London." ONE of the FINEST HOTELS in '1 HE METROPOLIS Eleetric.a1!y Lighted throughout Passenger Lift The Exchange Company's Telegraphic News. The oril3, Hotel in London with a complete Hy-temof Baths, including Turkish and Swimming. Visitors received at a iixed rate, from 12s. per Day, according Lo situation of Bedroom. FIRST-CLASS CUISINE. rLCl104

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TIDE TABLE. FOR TIlE WEEK. R\DIN-O MARCH 17, 1893. I I I 5 I I I1- —* 2C £ /s O rt 0j DATS tf lHB WKE8..2 si V, P.S; aJ C — M SI, e4 k ^5 "s os |'s ri i s « 5. 5 o o S o I S I Morning" — — U 16l — I2T7 ^A'l'l'RDY.< Evening 12 18 12 5 1149 112 10 1 12 ( Height. 24 1 22 8 2-1 7 14 1 1 Morning fli 49 12 39 — 112 43 145 SUNDAY. Evening 1 3'6 1 21 12 28 1 22 2 28 ( neight 19 4 22 9 21 7 £ 3 3 12 1 (Morning! 2 21 2 12 1 14 2 8 3 19 MLosDAr.^ Evening 3 22 3 6 2 3 2 57 13 I Height ■ | 19 3 23 4 23 3 23 10 13 0 1 Morning 4 3 3 55 2 18 3 4'ci 5 3 Ti'E^nAY.^ Evening 4 53 4 38 3 28 4 22 5 45 I Height 2: 7 25 8 24 4 i6 2 16 6 { Morning t 5 17 5 12 4 1 4 55 6 19 WrfDSPT.^ Evening 5 52 5 40 4 30 5 i.4 6 47 ( Height 25 0 28 10 27 0 29 4 20 6 ( Morning 6 8 | 6 4 4~55 5 19 7 11 rHURSPY-? Evening 6 34 6 25 5 19 6 13 7 ( Height 23 5 30 6 29 4 31 0 2i 6 (Morning 6 5! 6 48 5 42 6 3'i 7 f3 FRIOAY. Evening 7 14 7 61 6 2 6 56 8 13 t Heieht 31 6 33 7 31 4 31 1 26 0

NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. The WKEKT.Y MAIL can be posted to any address in Hie United Kingdom at the following rates For 3 irontb9, 6 months, 12 months, 18 3/4 6/8 Or sent abroad to any r>I ice =n the Postal Union :— For 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 2/2 4/4 8/8 In all cases subscriptions mtis' be prepaid. Clieqties,, Postal Orders, &c., should be made payable to D. W. THOMAS, Western Mai. Bul',diiigs, CarAifE.

THE WEEK. At Cardiff County-court last week the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain recovered k20 and costs against Mr. W. F. Lloyd Smith, of the Thoracine Company's Drug Stores, Tudor-road, Cardiff, made up of four penalties, for selling laudanum contrary to the provisions of the Pharmacy Act, 1868, he not being a duly qualified and registered ohemist aoy druggist, I Mr. John Willott White, three times mayor of Macclesifeld, died last week. The Queen has graciously contributed £ 50 to the Queensland Floods Relief Fund, which now amounts to over £ 6,000. The round robin in favour of the pay- ment of members is receiving a large number of signatures among Liberal members. Dr. Clark's Bill dealing with election ex- penses proposes that the official expenses should be paid out of the rates. The negotiations with a view to bringing the strike in the cotton trade to a close have again fallon through. There are now 60,000 Lancashire operatives idle. For the past few days the efforts of Cardiff shipowners to reduce the wages of the port have caused considerable excitement among sailors and firemen. The Queen has commanded a performance of Tennyson's Becket" to be given at Windsor Castle next Friday week by Mr. Irving, Miss Ellen Terry, and the Lyceum company, A terrible tragedy has taken place at Hartlepool. An organist named Frederick Daughtry, annoyed at a visit from his sister- in-law, fired at her and his wife, but without serious effect, and then blew his own brains out. A young woman named Kate Hopewell was committed to the assizes at Leicester Police-court last week on a charge of sending letters threatening to murder Father Fletcher, Friar of the Holy Cross, ia that town. On account of the pressure of Parliamentary business, the Prime 'Minister has requested that the interview with the deputation from the Imperial Federation League should be postponed until after Easter. The Russian barque Chieftain, which left Cardiff on Tuesday coal laden for Table Bay, put back into Penarth Iioads last week in consequence of sev, ;,e damage by the gale experienced by her when 40 miles from Lundy. In consequenca of Lord Randolph Churchill's visit to Perth, a conference of the Scottish National Union of Conservatives will be held there at the same time, under the presidency of the Duke of Montrose, at which Lord Randolph will also speak. Nine men were injured early on Friday week as they were descending the shaft of the Maesti'g-Mertbyr Colliery to work, in consequence of the engineman losing control of the engine when they were fifteen yards from the bottom. The Rev. R. Peace, the only deaf and dumb clergyman ever ordained, has received a donation of £10 from the Queen towards the funds of the deaf and dumb mission which the reverend gentleman is conducting in the Diocese of Winchester. From three o'clock on Friday week until noon a fire was blazing at Messrs. Durrell's extensive timber wharf at Mile- end, London, in spite of all the efforts put forth to suppress it by Captain Simonds and 159 men. with 31 engines and two floats. -At Herefordshire Assizes on Saturday the men charged with hunting a man to death at Clodock on January 12 were tried before Mr. Justice Grantham. Griffiths and Davies were sentenced to twelve months' hard labour; Miles, Williams, and Jones to four months, and Lewis, who turned Queen's evidence, to three days. Strong opposition will be brought to bear against the intention of the President of the Lccal Government Board to refer the Regis- tration Bill to the Grand Committee on Law. Mr. Stanhope will move from the Front Oppo- sition Bench an amendment for its reference to an ordinary Select Committee. The Bank rate of interest was unaltered in London yesterday. Money was in moderate demand, and discount ruled still easier. The Stock Markets were again generally unsettled, particularly for American securities. At Cardiff the markets were active, and a con- siderable amount of business was done. In railway ordinary stocks the only alteration was a rise in Taff Vales. Pr. Lynn (the conjuror), Esther Gardiner (otherwise the Countess Monsante), and Herbert Horace Griffiths (or Davis) appeared at Westminster Police-court last week charged with conspiring to obtain £ 2,000 by fraud from Mrs. Elizabeth Boynton Reed, of Albert-gate. They were remanded, the magistrate offering to accept bail. C, At the Gloucester Conservative Club on Saturday Mr. Colchester Wemyss, who un- successfully contested the Forest of Dean Division of Gloucestershire against Sir Charles Dilke, was presented with a handsome album, containing an illuminated address of thanks by Conservative and Liberal Unionist electors, whose names are subscribed to it. At the quarterly meeting last week of the sanitary committee of the Glamorgan County Council measures were taken for guarding against the spread of small-pox. It was men- tioned that there was a case of a sanitary authority refusing to enforce the Notification Act. It was resolved to recommend the county council to petition Parliament to make the Contagious Disease* Notification Act compulsory. The Premier and the Home Secretary last week received two deputations on the question of the eight hours day for miners. Mr. Gladstone said there was not a unani- mous demand amongst the miners of the country for the eight hours day. and until inv^-imity was secured he did not think they would be able to get a compulsory Bill. He repeated his Midlothian suggestion, that the question was one for local option. At the Mansion House last week William Barker, of Barkers' Bank, again appeared on remand on a charge of fraud. Mr. Alfred Lyttleton, representing the Treasury, said that, having regard to the altered aspect of the case caused by the suicide of the prisoner's brother, Mr. Hilton Cassine1; Barker, the prosecution proposed to withdraw the charges. The magistrate concurred, and the case ended. After a deliberation of about an hour and a quarter on Friday week at the Carmarthenshire Assizes, the jury found "Not guilty" the defendants charged with the Clynderwen out- rage on Mrs. Jenkins, a woman who was forcibly taken from her home on a cold winter's night, and escurted half-dresaed over two or three miles of village roads, with and taunts, by men with veiled and blackened faces. 'I he constable's expenses were dis- allowed. President Cleveland's inauguration took place at Washington on Saturday. The brilliant prooession was larger and the number of spectators greater than ever before on any similar occasion. Exclusive of resi- dents in the city, it was estimated there, were 200,000 onlookers, In his address at the Capitol he referred to the growth of the nation, the necessity for tariff reform, Civil Service reform, and other questions of State i policy. At the inquest last week on the body of Neilson, a chemist, the victim of the latest Blackburn tragedy, the chief-constable of the borough produced a statement made to him by the boy Williams, not yet sixteen years of age, in custody on the charge of wilfully murdering the deceased man, in whose employ he was. In this statement the boy said Neil- 1 son called him "a fat-headed fool," and he retorted, and words led to blows, and in bis temper Williams knocked his master down, and soon after found him dead, though he bad no intention of killing him, I I It is understood that the Government will only give a week's recess at Easter. Mr. H. S. Hughes, one of the best known song-writers in Wales, died suddenly on Sun- day at Bethesja, The ratepayers of Hampstead having adopted the Free Libraries Act, Mr. Henry Harben has promised to contribute k2,000 to- wards the cost of providing the necessary premises. A storm of unparalleled severity has passed over the Transvaal. Huts and houses have been destroyed and lives lost, and the poorer classes have been involved in intense misery and suffering. Joseph William Plummer, a solicitor and prominent Liberal Unionist politician, was remanded on Monday at Cockermouth Police- court on a charge of embezzling £ 2,000. The steamer Thames, of Swansea, from London for Ballina, after striking the rocks in Killala Bay, sank in about twelve fathoms. The crew were saved. She had discharged cargo at Sligo. The quarterly meeting of the standing joint committee of the Glamorganshire Quarter Sessions and County Council was held on Mon- day at the county offices, Cardiff, under the chairmanship of his Honour Judge Williams, Mr. Mundella has drafted a Bill making provision for conciliation and arbitration in labour disputes. lie hopes to find an early opportunity of introducing it, so that it may be printed and circulated. Mr. Conybeare and Mr. Weir have each given notice of their intension to move the rejection of 29 railway Bills now standing for second reading. Mr. Conybeare has bJoclíed six other railway Bills. The Government sustained a defeat in the House of Lords on Tuesday, when a motion by the Lord Chancellor for the second reading of a Bill dealing with the law of intestacy was rejected by 61 votes to 56. Sir Elwin Palmer has left England for Cairo in his capacity as financial adviser to the Khedive in connection with the proposed conversion of the Five per Cent. Domains' Loan. A lady who took part in the English pil- grimage to Rome gave the Pope, for Peter's pence, 300,000f., requesting that her name should not be mentioned in any way what- ever. The re-counting of votes recorded at the recent Halifax bye-election was concluded at the Law Courts on Tuesday. The result of the re-count is that Mr. Shaw, the Gladstonian, retains the seat. At Cardiff Police-court on Tuesday Mr. Charles Graves, of Dumfries-place, Cardiff, was fined £ 10 and oosts for unlawfully using the title of doctor," contrary to the 40th Section of the Medical Act, 1858. While in the board-room of the Tralee Com- missioners on Monday morning James Casey, the town-clerk, for some trivial cause pulled out a revolver and fired two shots at a rate- collector named WheJan. It is feared that he is fatally wounded. The town-clerk has been arrested. Sir William Harcourt has accepted an in- vitation to a complimentary dinner to be given at an early date at the Hotel Metropole. He will be the guest of the whole of the other members for Derbyshire constituencies, who are acting in the matter irrespective of party politics. The result of the poll at Grimsby, which was taken on Monday to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of the Gladstonian returned at the general election, was declared on Tuesday. Mr. Heneago, the Liberal Unionist, was elected by a majority of 964 over Mr. Broadhurst, the Liberal candidate. A Local Government Board inspector, after holding an inquiry into the alarm- ing subsidences at Sandgate, expressed his opinion that they were due to the sudden release of impounded sub-soil water, and that a proper system of drainage would obviate all dangers. The Irish Unionists intend strongly to urge that in regard to the counties of Clare, Lime- rick, and Kilkenny, the change of venue pro- visions in the Crimea Act shall be put again into force. It is intended to draw attention to some of the recent outrages when the Vote on Account, is taken. If the second reading of the Home Rule Bill is not obtained before Easter the Govern- ment intend to limit the vacation to a few days. It is understood that in the interval between the second reading and the com- mittee stage the Welsh Suspensory Bill will be proceeded with. A marble bust of the late Duke of Clarence and A vondale has been placed in the entrance- hall at Tranby Croft, the residence of Mr. A rtbur Wilson. During his stay in Yorkshire the late Duke was a frequent guest at Mr. Wilson's. The bust had been previously sub- mitted to the Prince of Wales and the Duke of York. The Sultan of Zanzibar died at eight o'clock on Sunday evening of dropsy* One of the Sultan's sons obtained admittance to the palace by a back door, but surrendered to the British Consul General, who bad him removed to his own house under escort. At midnight the British Consul proclaimed another son Sultan in succession to his father. A revolutionary movement is taking place in Southern Honduras, and severe fighting has been going on. Nicaragua is supposed to be. helping the insurgent leader, and, an explanation has been demanded. It is ex- pected other South American republics will become involved, and a general feeling of un- easiness prevails. Most of the members of the Front Opposi- tion Bench left the House without voting when the division was called on the question of the suspension of the twelve o'clock rule. The compromise arrived at between the two Front Benches took the great body of the j Opposition by surprise. At the Belfast Police-court on Tuesday Mr. De Cobain, formerly member of Parliament for Belfast, was committed for trial on a Crown prosecution, but he was allowed out on bail, driving away from the court, as he had driven to it on this and former occasions, in his own private carriage. The proceedings have been conducted in private throughout. A portrait of Mr. Jabez Spencer Balfour, late member of Parliament for Burnley, appears in the current issue of the Police Gazette, with a description of him, given with a view to facilitating his arrest for fraud and conspiracy in connection with the Liberator Building Society and various other companies now in liquidation. There was a somewhat exciting scene in the lobby of the House of Commons on Monday between Colonel Saunderson and Mr. \V. Redmond. The latter gentleman called upon I the former to repeat there what he had said in the House, and the hon. and gallant gentle- man did io, but declined to be tempted to say outside what he had not said in. In the House of Commons on Monday at the conclusion of questions there was a long discussion on going into (Jommittee of Supply on the wages and hours of dockyard employes, arising 3n a motion submitted by Sir John Gorst. 1 I he member for Cambridge University urged that it. was the duty of the Government ) to see that both in respect of nay and leisure i Government employes were treated in such a r way as to be an example ail over the country. I he Gladstonian member for Chatham was seconder to the motion submitted by Sir John Gorst. I Maria Hughes was on Saturday at 31aryo borough Assizes sentenced to ten years' peD', servitude for the manslaughter of be husband. It is understood that the Liberal as a body are in favour of meeting the reading of the Home Rule Bill with a motion for its rejection. The arbitration between Mr. W. M quarry owner and contractor, Bri d £ end, and the Great'Western Railway Colll" pany was concluded on Saturday by an award of 23,323 to Mr. M'Gaul in regard to the stone which he could not work and £ 139 for the clay. The Prinoe of Wales, accompanied by PriO* cess Louise, on Saturday afternoon the new Free Library at Brixton, which, a a cost of £1.5,000, has been presented to the dis- trict by Mr. Henry Tate, the munificent donor of the Gallery of British Art. Manning, the Bristol labourer sentenced to death at Gloucester Assizes, has never spoken since October, and the authorities are in opinion as to bis sanity. It is expected Home Secretary will send down a medic»« expert before March 16, the date fixed for the execution The Court of Chancery deoided on Saturday that the Marquess of Ailesbury has power to sell the Saveruake Estate freed from charge* amounting to £4,500 a year, and ordered that these jointures should in future be paid out of the income derived from the investment of th, purchase money. Shortly after twelve o'clock on Saturday morning a terrific fire broke out in the shop and premises of Mr. Benjamin Bloom, sea* men's outfitter, 100, Commercial-foadt Newport. The police and the fire brigade were very expeditious in getting to the scene of the conflagration, but it was seen to be beyond redemption when they got there. Mr* Bloom perished in the flames. Saturday was an eventful day in the foot- ball circles of South Wales. The eastern. clubs beat the western clubs all along tbcJ line in what was something very like a general engagement. Cardiff made two goals and one try against two minors achieved by Llanelly* Newport ran up one goal, two tries, and one minor against the two minors made by Swansea. The Cardiff Harlequins got together two tries and four minors. while Neath only sucoeeded in registering twO minors. Penarth was victorious over 1)eoy- graig, Pontypridd over Cogan, Aberavon over Morriston, Llandaff over Bridgend, aud Treorky over Briton Ferry. At the House of Commons' morning sitting on Tuesday there were a number of strong speeches from honourable gentlemen on both sides of the llo use against the new railway rates apropos of the second reading of Midland Railway Bill. This was fol- lowed by some interesting statistics as to the tin-plate and cotton trades by Mr. Mandells, in answer to questions put to him. Mr. Asquith, answering Ali-, H. Hobhouse, gave the number of Welsh parishes in Engliib dioceses and English parishes in Welsh dioceses. After other questions, Mr. T. W. Russell and Mr. Atherley Jones intro- duced each a new Bill, which were both read a first time, The House having gone into Committee of Supply on the Naval Estimates, Sir Ughtred J. Kay-Shattlewortb explained the Government shipbuilding pr0- gramme. 'The rest of the sitting was up with a discussion on the vote for men boys.

A DOMESTIC ROMANCE. AND A WOMAN EQUAL TO THE OCCASION. The delicate young heiress looked thought- fully out of the window. My case is one that requires constant care and watchfulness, is it p" she aid. "It is," replied the young physician. And I am habitually careless of myself and likely to counteract the effect of your prescriptions without constant oversight ? I did not put it quite so strongly as th»*» but, if you will pardon my saying so, yOtl have stated the situation coneotly." Hum—and I am alone in the world, with no one attached to me by ties of kindred she mused. The young doctor coughed discreetly and said nothing. With this constant watchfulness yoll think my naturally strong constitution would rally in time and my health be fully restored? "1 am sure of it, Miss \Velloph." Do you think I could trust myself in the care of a mere hireling whose faithfulness would be of a purely mercenary character ?' I should regret exceedingly to see a ca 6 in which I take so deep an intei-est-as-3BFs professional man imperilled by such a condl. tion of things." And yet, how can the difficulty be sur- mounted p., "It must." It is necessary that I should be under the constant guardianship of somebody upoll whose fidelity and regard 1 can depend with absolute certainty P" 1 cannot be answerable for the result other- wise. And one whose watchfulness must be guided by intelligence, skill, and thorough knowledge of my case-I presume you would say r" You are right." And yet I am alone in the world." Again the handsome young physician coughed decorously, but said nothing, and the shadows danced up and down and to and fro on the wall, and the Maltese cat asleep Oil the rug got up, stretuhed itself, yawned, BDJ stole softly out of the room. "Dr. Goode,said the young woman,with slight tremor in her voice, you must pre- scribe for me in this nutter." "I, Miss W elloph ? he exclaimed witb land of spasmodic gasp. Yes.. Do you know of anybody that meets the requirements that such a-a guardian must possess 2" "Do l" he echoed impulsively, yet hope. lessly. Oh, yes but » He stopped, pale and trembling, Well ?" ° In the glow of the firelight her face seeifled to flush with the rosy hue of returaivl health. Nothing, Miss Welloph." You were about to say, doctor, that knew of someone who could "I—I was about to say nothing of the kind. Miss Welloph. If—if ft wild hope Ï# moment ocourred to me-" II Yes," "But no." Did I tell you, Dr. Goode, that you mtlst pil prescribe for me as to this-ti, is guardian Do you know, Vera W'ellopb," he said, with a wild yearning in his look and voicet what you are driving me to say ii" "I think 1 do, doctor," she whispered, I" but —but I don't see any other way, do you P" The cards are otit.-Citicayo Tribune.

A Monmouthshire vicar whose eyes ara afflicted iloio^t to blindness reads the service by passing us fingers over raised printing. A Central News telegram from Berlin on Tlle'- 3:y saysThe report ia current here that irisit of the Emperor Francis Joseph to RMS necessitated by a very sad occurrence. Tne IMPRESS Elizabeth has for some years suffereJ 'rom nervous complaints, and it is stated that 9UC& I development has now taken place that an aeu." stage has been reached and a crisis producfivr. ftiis report requires confirmation. CADEURT'S COCOA.—" A Cocoa possessing ible flesh-forming qualities, and imparting strength » staying power "—HtvAth,