BLAINA. LOCAL BOA.RD.-At the monthly meeting of the Nitnt! gio and Blaina Local Board, held on Thurs- day evft-ng, a deputation appointed at a general meeting of the colliery workmen in the district was introduced. Mr. Walters, miners' agent, said that a general meeting of workmen had been held, and it was decided to send a deputation to the board to ask that the construction of the new road to Brynmawr and other proposed improve- ments should be carried out by the board instead of contractors, and thereby give employment to the large body of men who would be thrown out of work from the stop- page of the Lower Deep and Cinder Pits. After some discussion, the Chairman informed the depu- tation that a special meeting of the board would be called. when the retpresentationt3 of the deputa- tion, together with a memorial received from the Nantyglo Chamber of Trade on the same matter, would have full consideration, and the board would then decide whether they should accept tenders for the work under the circumstances.

CARMARTHEN. A RCBAL SCHOOL HOARD ELECTION. The triennial election of members to sit on the school boaid for the Conwil District took place on Wed- nesday, and in connection with it therll is at least one interesting fact. A Churchman (Mr. D. E. Stephens, Trawsmawr) headed the poll by a very large majority. In face of the sectarian spirit thrown into these contests, this is somewhat re- markable. The election was warmly contested, there being seven candidates for five seats. Mr. Rowland Browne, Carmarthen, was the returning officer.

KNIGHTON. FUNERAL OF MRS. DANSEY.rije tuneral of this lady took place in Knighton Churchyard on Friday afternoon, the body being met at the gates by the clergy and surphced choir. The Rev. M. H. Ricketts (vicar) and the Rev. H. F. Bagshaw (curate) officiated. The service was choral, and the Dead March was played while the proces- sion went to the grave. The church and graveside were crowded with Sunday School children and many of the poor who had been recipients of Mrs. Dansey's generosity.

LLWYNHENDY. INUNDATION OF A COLLIERY.—On [Saturday morning the Hendre Pit, owned by Messrs. D. Harry and Bros., was flooded with water from some adjacent old workings. Fortunately, all the workmen were saved, and the mishap will only occasion a temporary stoppage of the colliery.

LLECHRYD, CARDIGAN. BIBLB OCIETY.-A. public meeting in connection with the British and Foreign Bible Society was held at the Calvinistic Methodist Chapel on Friday even- ing last, when the Rev. W. Francis Jones, of Llandaff, a deputation frem the parent society, attended and gave an address on the work of the society, for which a hearty vote of thanks was accorded.

LLANDOVEllY, DEATH OF MRS. THOMAS, UAILYGLAS.—We regret to announce the death of Mrs. Martha Thomas, of Bailyglas, near Llandovery, wife of the Rev. T. E. Thomas, of the Tabernacle Methodist Cliapel and Williams Pantycelyn Memorial Chapel, which occurred rather suddenly on Friday from bron- chitis and heart disease. Deceased was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Evans, of Clogyfrane, St. C eari,, and was 52 years of age. She leaves twelve children.

LIEBIG "COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF BEEF. Genuine only with Blue Signature across Label, thus— A u Cookery Books Free on Application to LIEBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT G0.; LTo 9, Fenchurch Avenue, E.C. Lci;07 Send for Free Illustrated Catalogue. SILK BANNERS. GEOliGE IUTILL. 83, CITY-KOAD, LONDON. LcllOG c A RTE It'S LITTLE LIVER 1)ILL8 SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMAIili PRICK. FORTY IN A VIAL. SUGAR COATED. PURELY VEGETABLE. CURE TORPID LIVER WITHOUT FAIL. OF ALL CHEMISTS, Is. 2 CAnTllrS L JMVER pILLS L852 WMmmlJood OR WINE OF PHOSPHATES. A certain and rapid Cure for Nervous Disorders. Weakness, Poorness of Blood, Brain Exhaustion, Mind Complaints, Dysentery, Diseased Kidneys, Consump- tion, Influenza, Ac. And is the true strength-giver and health restorer, nourishing both body and brain, supplying mental and physical power, and nerve and brain food. It Purifies and Enriehes the Blood, thereby rendering the skin clear and transpar lit, sharpens the intellect, strengthens the constitution, re-establishes the health, thoroughly re-vitalises the system, and is the one un- failing remedy for Debility from whatever cause arising. Bold Everywhere in Bottles, with Testimonial from the late Sir Charles Loeock, Physician to the Queen, at 2s. 9d., 4s. Gd.. Us., and 33s. Lcll20 RUPTURE VLTREATMENT THE MOST SUCCESSFUL IN THE WORLD. Sufferers from this terrible affliction should at once consult Mr. WM. KING, Hernia Specialist, 26 years practical experience. In his Treatment there is no operation, no loss of time, but immediate relief, safety, and restoration from all the ailments caused by rup- ture and the use of trusses. Consultation and Examination Free. 14, High Holborn (near Chancery-lane), London. W.C. WHITE FOR PARTICULARS. C1170 WORTH A GUINEA A -BOX BEE C ITA ;Yp roil ATI., BILKTtnS AND NERVOUS DISOSDlSS?1 SUCH A < SICK HEADACHE, WEAK STOMACH,' lMP A IRED DIGESTION, CONSTIPATION, LIVER COMPLAiNt, i AND FEMALE AILMENT& LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLI In Boxes 9!d., 131d., and 2s. 9d. each. gEECHAM S rjp O O T II pASTE —EFFICACIOUS—ECONOMICAL—. CLEANSES THE TEETH- PERFUMES THE 11KEATE In collapsible Tubes, One Shilling Each. L94 K EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. 94, Commerciul-ro-id, Peckham, July 12, 1889. '• Dear Sir,—I am a prior hand at expresing my teet- ings, but I should like to thank you. Your lozenges have done wonders in relieving my terrible cough. Since I had the operation of 'Tracheotomy' (the same as the late Emperor of Germany and, unlike him. thank God, I am stiil alive), performed at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, no one could possibly have had a more violent cough; it was so bad at times that it quite exhausted me. The mucus, which was very copious and hard, has been softened, and I have been able to get rid of it without difltaulty.—I am, sir, yours truly, J. HILL." UTTERLY UNRIVALLED. The above speaks for itself. From strict inquiry it appears that the benefit from usint; Keating's Cough Loz?nges is understated. 7flie operation was a specia 1* severe one, and was performed by the specialist, Dr. H. T. Butlin, of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Since th< operation the only means of relief is the use of these l.ozenges. S., successful are they that one affords imme- diate benefit, although from the nature of the c-ise thr throat irritation is intense. WEiGHT IN GOLD. Utider date Sept. 8,1891, Mr. HiH writes I shoulr long since t¡"V6 been dead but for your Ijozengcs—the^ are worth their iccighi in gold. I will gladly er; and tell anyone what a splen-iict cough remedy they are." Keating's Lozenges are soH in tins, Is. ld. each. The unrivalled remedy for COUGHS, HOAKSENES8, and THItOAT TKOUBLES. Lc322 FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFr ffiflïj B m WORLD FAFDED THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER A-TND RESTORER. FOR CLEANSING and CLKARING BLOOD from all IMPURITIES it cannot be tot highly recommended. Tf„r Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin and Bloorf Diseases, Pimples, and Sores of all kinds, it is a never1 failing and permanent cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Sores on the Neck. Cures Sore legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy. Cures Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skiu Diseases, Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure matter. From •whatever cause arising. „ mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted anvLhine injurious to the most delicate con- •«, infancy to old age, th. Proprietors solicit Bufferers to give it a trial to test its value. « 2 Bt John-s-piace. Liwon-grove, London, N.W., Feb.1.1890. TTovino been cored by your Clarke's Blood Mixture, I feel that I to to its I with a bad leg for about 18. months- I trIed a dQC and different remedies. tskiug to m ed;,aiid still njolib getting worse, until a friend recom ad e to give Clarke'S Mixtu]L*e atrial. I[ did so. but Must Confess I had not faith that I should receive any benefit. However, after taking a coupl of bottlft. I found M^R^MPROTJN^ANAFTE^ taking bottles one pot of the salve, was pleased to find myself ^^stiLS Sly unSeTand BoVely for the goodM; others.- I beg to remain. Gentlemen. Bold in Bottles 2s. 9d. and n^ each by aU Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the or sent for 33 or 132 Stamps by the LIN T lvrnOLN MIDLAND CO DUTIES DRUG COMPAHY. LliiOUJj TRADE MAKE, BLOOD MIXTURE." Ask for CLARKE'S BLOOD MLXTURE and do not be pts^uaded to take an imitation. Iles anano m A fan TOOTH-ACHE CURED INSTANTLY BY BUNTERL^^??: Keur&t^icHodtetes N«rf« Hb If ■ IHIl Paint remored by BUNTEK 8 Ru*|| W ■ NC NERVINE All CbfflBirts, U. lW. !*■■"» ■ ■■■■■ "Owing to extensive decay in two double teeth,] suffered for days excruciating pain. I was recommend** to try Bunter's Nervine. I did so. To my jov, the Pati quickly and entirely ceased. I have since repeatedly derived the greatest possible relief in severe neuralgk headache from four to five drops of Bunter's Nervine, taken upon a lump of white sugar.Rev. Aub-rey C. Price. B.A., (late FeUow of N- CtOege. Orrjortl). Bunter's Nervine' is the best specific we have yet met with for the cure of Toothache."—Ihe rmmlj Doctor- „ I IAI 042 BUNTER'S NERVItiM. AiL CHILMISTS, I[, GOUT. T» L A I P.'S ««■ i JL* LUMBAGO. Gout NEURALGIA. The Acute Pain i« "m "i\ quickly relieved and A JN V) Clire<| i„ a few days by I these celebrated Pills, well RHEUMATIC toown as the Great Remedy for the above Corr.pllints. Sure, Safe, PT I I A and Effectual. 1 Li Ij O gold by chemists at LcM»4 ) la j^d.and 2s.9d. per baa. SANTAL-M IDY. These Tiuv Capsules are superior to Copaiba, Cubeba, and Astringent Liquids, and will cure the same Dis- eases in forty-eight hours without inconvenience (1 any kind. Each capsule bears the name 11 MIDY." PARIS, 8, RUB VIVIENNE. Price, 4s. 6d., of all Chemists, or Post Free from WILCOX and CO., 239, OXFOR D-STREET, LOll DON, W. RHEUMATISM. LUMBAGO. S 110" '>If. ¿;' J-" .oJ; .,I.Y' \,) i,<t- J T' r c""r;j .A,, e \< IT -<- ELLIMAN'S UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION, Is. lid. and 2s. 9d.

OF THE WELSH I PRESS. TBe LBy Gwuedtdd." I ELSH JIEMBERS AND THE GOVERN- FJJE MENT.—A TRUCE. *n<ie<l Welsh members has ^en(iei as r ^P^'ary truce. Mr. Stuart ^racticaliv blnted in former letters—has in thf»M°n' an^ ^as displayed consummate if1 Rettino ,?e^^|a^ons- How he succeeded UsPetisorv rv 11 ■membei'8 t0 accept a ,tl(* disenri 'nstead of disestablishment ^yatery. 2jyment will probably remain a Ce'vedthe Welsh newspapers have re- ^OeaUd i-ews the compromise with ill- fact jn 1SaPP°intment. The most striking 8 °f fa-?u°^on W'^ the almost total SaJs 111 Mr. Gladstone. The Baner "i'iie ^*Unpt anrf~S'1 Members nnd the Government u are truly sorry to have to make *S(,H of u™a'nst tlie Government in ilie to^eCabi ^udstone. He is tlio only member ,.a^s. ir W.1,C) 'S opposed to doing justice to l0t>e<l \yai 3 ,Sft^ tint he would not Itave men- .ay. »,!n the Queen's Speech if lie had his 'sd tj)e o we are promised is a worthless rag *■>0 (o (jjk'u'l'PerJSory Bill, which will take asmucli do vaflitse IS as a complete measure of disen- fi're^ to'< uf We ^ei'r ^'at Mr- Gladstone is prc- Jl'e alert J ,ls' Welsh members must be on "Jarlt 'j atlc* keep the Government up to the Ho e. Olidon correspondent of the Eaner, *ecti0n of i'1 glove with the advaneed Welsh members, savs that the :Shol\hreof Mr. Asquith have been accepted. JSrio 6 k°vernment, however, fail to push "oiisjj Pe."Sory EM through the House, a •fe pr 'a 8 number of the Welsh members l"islc the future rather than *tid jg • eir trust." Cym-ro writes strongly, \«7 syi!1p"thy with the extreme, section "\v 'e!sh press. It says:— J^Sout'p's l'le dutv of the Welsh members in the »*o!n„ urgency? It is to sen;;rite themselves '8 the i *0Vtrn'nes>tI nnd we ore glad to find that -tilal t on ot tl,e »iaj'»'itv and ba<t of them, w t °"e and liis G ve nment have not de;ilt '•^nr. ''Wales on the question of disestablish; 8 «re '.e-v promised a loaf and gav; us a siice. fir«Sc~ '° Sninf» to be cajoled again with cuniiiii" Ses»nd fine words" THE HOME RULE EII.L. ^°ti)e ^aPers ,efe'" to the debate on the *»th it Bill and the incidents associated frojjj Most of the articles are translations *etjla -kflefiish papers. The disparaging thef? a,JOu^ >'• Balfour, which appeared er °f a London correspondent of •» ZnJY0)- iiicial Itadical papers are repeated .pp^S-nal matter. The Bill is highlv Wra]e °f» and hopes are expressed that ette \111 soon have the same privilege) ro to bei-. The following is extracted *Co0n Genedl, which deserves notice on <■ 'ts literary style :— wiili the powers of darkness ,P'rit,t>a'!s 'onS 1 ife the Old Hero is as lively in '0 s Sweet< f voiee. and aa hostile to injustice rtss'011 as ever. lie is getting more ^ie tyry yti.u-. I; was laughable to listen to litid speeches of Mr. Balfour, Mr. Gor.chen, ^bg ^'uuiolph Churchil 'A thousand such Glari Wou'd do no harm to a giant like '•stone. They do not aiove in the same as Gladstone, and cinnot g:asp 'Voc lne:l3u«s of etatesiiKHiship. J'licy make •Ut tlieiWlt'.1 small mat ter?, here aiui there, 5 it!1 n,'p^s are toa shrui.ken to entertiin a *in*Jerst" P'2°try find fol'y have luu-rowed their !-lIe pr:t'lfldir¡g. and they cannot feel at, home in n.e.nof a broad and comprehensive mental ore U, It was singul-rr how flabby their speeches e;, •'?me Rule The conjinonef-t individu»l *^>6 fee»-H y answer them, if worth answering, ''•e Iris,'n2's gaining ground against restricting •ftfise-. *ot0 at Westminster. Take the question ,a""shinent for exomnle. Why should not v0|Jld h!>V°te uPon »t as well as the English ? It help of e a terrible los to the Liberals to lose the the Irish members." THE PROPOSED WELSH UNIVERSITY. Pattop3 es Is settling down into two opposing orr1 the question of a university for Sc^eto i 6 ^ene^ supports t he Shrewsbury a^ih»t' • Herald goes in strongly C°fttl *1. I he Carnarvonshire County whui4cil have Pronounced strongly against it, hos« of Montgomeryshire and Flint- ^°1W *Vonr '^l16 friends of Carmarthen W*e }jj.e Pr°te8t against the exclusiveness of pr°p rewsbury scheme, and Principal Evans another on a broader basis, which is tta Y Supported by the Celt. That paper °Pen ♦ "the Welsh University must be SUr^1" ?he News of the Week takes a ,.view) bat advises waiting until Mr. dffi "war<i8'8 report is published before f ac^'on adopted. The following the »s" r)orn the Carnarvon Herald illustrates P°lar view of the matter :— ft i P p!^dinrlrnarvon9,,ire bounty Council have |iVi<*9nt u 0,1 bs,ia,f Welsh education. It is 8 'aJ-the Shrewsbury scheme will have to e4ii ^'tied from top to bottom. We Itave fr- ,'iv,n attention to the deficiencies of that, tli *lc ^"rn-irvonshire Council decided (1) >>en ees must not. be confined to the of Aberystwith, Bangor, and Cardiff, ti Uh si" j they should be open to ail °»uti uder'ts who present themselves; (2) that ,0ritieg of the colleges should not have the ^BUje. lne^ f|,r them in the Shrewsbury "eot vj, ''hat <?iviniiy ahotild occupy a promi- hot ace In it (4-) that the degree of D.D. sliouid j. 0,1 fined to students of Welsh colleges, but elsii oandidites wherever they may II "iJiv ° *•' t'int llie Pr0^es8t,rs '•eit 0 erB|ty should not be allowed to examine n "s'r n s,'udent! We believe that the Caruar- 3 Council have expressed the opinion of ntfy oa tliis important question." A TLLE COAL TRADE OF SOUTH WALES. I \7p. 'vitjj ai papers express their gratification the Cr7y understanding arrived at between 'lfers and colliery owners of South teir.e)-iait and Celt are unqualified Mow, 'r Pr*ises of Mabon and Mr. David s& for having'piloted the colliers safely the difficulties and shipwreck that *li(}in "e(^ them. The two members of the jjhe aJ""Scale committee who refused to sign *he p eein^nt are condemned in strong terms. i, orres ii eiit of the Genedl confines to a description of the conferences, tile r Oee hot express the same gratification at ea t as the others show. t VICAR OF LLANDRIILO AND THE -It BISHOP OF. ST. ASAPH. eOI" apPears that the popular watering-place, ltho Yn Bay is in the parish of Llandrillo-yn- ,^a^ the Bishop of St. Asaph wants Mho ° it a separate parish. I look in vain! l<rSVhe C^urch papers for trustworthy **0^ on about the matter, which has Itiolice of t. national importance in conse- !'• discussions in Barliament about Genedl states that the parishioners, Nonconformists, are unanimous NT .^Pportof their vicar against the pro- ^^orin ^isbop. The action of the Non- i. e sn^8 suspioious, and so is ?.?r^ Badical Welsh mem- viCa Baner takes the part of a?<i prints a long letter from him, SJPoq it the basis of an elaborate attack 1 e vic6 .'lurcl1 the Bishop of St. Asapfa. 6 fieutr 18 desoribed as an able man and an ro ter, aid that he neither fears a full "till Pelate nor a new curate who is culti- i 'Qaf th8 ^ea^ers- The Baner informs the a- 1°i*ie deprivation of part of his PrePare bim for the time when in' -^he will relieve him of the whole of rUotiu Tvne) t^anlfS the Government for C for fL keveson Gower to oppose the Olillftis(iiope Dew parish by the Ecclesiastical Inoners,

4dr_ ^Usbanrt once a well-known singer ■"aa n°Velii5f01 Fan.ny Dickens, eldest sister of the ^ust passed away at bis resi- ,k Qe j. J^<J».Hampshire, in his eighty-second 'Aj^j'ttlg C}. 18 w'fe in 1848 and soon afterwards "• who was the priginal of jPwl

Aft Aft In n OT, AGOBS mUm I L V== CURES RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. Mr. John BaNey, 57, Park-road, had been a victim to rheumatism for thirty years. Much of the time his hands, legs, arms, and feefc were swollen to tMioe their natural size. At such times the pain was intense, and he would be unable to walk. At other times the pain would appear in neuralgic form in the head, when his suffering was beyond all description, and his family feared many times, the pain being so intense, that he would lose his mind. These paroxysms would last for dayir at a time, when he would be unable to obtain hardly any rest whatever. They employed the best medical skill that could be obtained in Hull. They tried various rheumatic remedies, medicated baths, &c., and, in fact, everything they could think of, but he diet not obtain any benefit until six months ago, when he was in one of those paroxysms of pain, and they certainly thought he would go mad, they heard of St. Jacobs Oil. The first application acted like magic, relieved this dreadful pain in his head. He continued to use the Oil, when lie was completely cured. That was more than two years ago. ACTS LIKE r-gAGIO., COMQUERS PAIN. h "Price 1/li aad THE TEA OF TEAS! 1 FROM THE FINEST TEA CAROLS ill THE WORLD. A REAL LUXURY:! TE -tb I 'ib P.,t Cff,-TS. SOLD EV # o G.OOCEns &Q. r4 ,To be nbtainen of &TUANAGHAN & STKP.IEKS.Cardiff. W. JiEfflS Bristol Supply Stores, Abergavenny. K. AUJN VVind-strett, Seatli. K. U-AN HEIfSTONK niner. •T. P. CAUTKIt CariMinthen. J. GtfIFFtTHS.Ihe t ondon Siores, Llandilo. J. ^V'ATKISS 122, Cominercial-street, Newport. T. J. "WILLIAMS.. High-afreet. Jfcyland. Ii'. J. l'HILLIPS .Pdlllyponl. J. FIN, ANS Bristol House, Pontnewynydd. TAYfXJJt & Co. (Ltd.).Oxford-st reet, Swansea. W. -f I' I,LLIPS Nc,vtoii .near Bridgend S. J. THOMAS Newcastle Emlyit. 10. HOWELL.8, Queen-st., Pembroke Dock Agents Appointed Wliere Vaciucics Exist. For Tcirns. applv to the Wh .k-sale Ajrmls, UNITKD KINGDOM" TEA COMPANY (LIMITIOD), 21, MINCING-LANE, LONDON, [LcI035 LDNU 8AVE YUUI: LIVES BY TAKING TONIC r^WHIilDGE'S TONIC LUNG 1 ■ TONIC LUNG -w- Tiv/i ril/lVW' TONIC LONG I UiNli 'llUiN lO, TONIC LUNG AJt X TONIC LUNG THE AILGILTY HEALER. TONIC LUNG It lias A power over disense TONIC LUNG littlierto titilitiowit in Moilicirle. TONIC LUNG Are you at all WeHk-chested, Or TONIC LUNG iuolined to be Conjuniptive, with TONIC LUNG i list a totiellof Cotlg)i ]low aiid'tliest'? TONIC LUNG "Try thie WOllderful Medicine." TONIC LUNG TheCoughand Weakness willdinnp- TONIC TiTwfi peai" asif l)y ,naK'c,andyou will feel TONIC ViiSx 11 strength and power you never had TONIC LUNG before. TONIC rEE £ IIAVE YOD A COUGH? TONIC [ A DOSE WILL RELIEVES IX. TONIC LUNG HAVE YOU A COLD ? TONIC A DOSE AT UEOTIME WILL TONIC LUNG REMOVE IT. IONIC LUNG „ TONIC LUNG l,1'onchitis and Asthma it relieves TONIC LUNG instantly. TONIC LUNG The Spasms of Coughing ao dread- TONIC LUNG fulfil YVhooping Cough become less TONIC LUNG TONIC LUNG "I stiffei-ed icutely witli a bRd RONIO LUNG throat and chest for weeks, and TONIC LUNG though I tried many so-called reme- TONIC LUNG dies, Wiis unable to procure relief. TONIC LUNG At last I gave yours a trial, with TONIC LUNG complete success. I am so pleased TONIC LUNG with the effect I recommend it to all TONIC LUNG I find suffering. TONIC LUNG Wm. MCLEOD IRVING, TONIC LUNG E04, Moselej>-road, Birmingham? TONIC LUNG "1 have used yonr Lung Tonic TONIC LUNG now for myself and family (which TONIC LUNG consists of nine) for nearly ten TONIC LUNG years, and can testify to its efficiency TONIC LONG and to it saving me many a heavy TONIC LUNG doctor's bill. TONIC LUNG J. COKKIT, Pa?-ago;iSta,, Hull." TONIC LUNG TONIC LUNG Prepared by W, T. OWBRIDGE, TONIC LUNG Chemist, Hull. TONIC LUNG Sold in bottlcs, Is. ld. 25.9d. TOIN 10 L-4 LUNG 4s. 6d.. and lis., by nil Chemists TONICg LUNG and Patent, Medicine Vendors. Whole- TONIC sale aIL London .l1i Provincial Houses. .A_ BY SPECIAL liyyfeiiill TO HEK MAJESTT APPOINTMENT -THE QUlfiKN. P-L-EASM JtSK FOR AND VSJE OVZ,T 41XEY'S SPECIALITIES 0F STERLING VALUE.. NO -DUS Hundreds ot Testimonials from all parts, including Her Majesty's, Royal Buckingham Palace. HIGBCEST EXHIBITION HONOURS. FOR BRIGHT, SILVER r, QUICK POLISH m A JBRATES, ,!o G -f.G'O O PLUMBIC". STOVE POLISH. S Always Bright & Beautiful. In Large Packets Id. St 2d. each. Use only tor Lauudry l'urposes, produeing the best results. ^NIXEY'S "SOHO DI ggr SQUARE'DLIIk mfBr THE PUREST-SEST-NO SEDIMENT, OWLT UA1Y Tea trIU¿L QUAHTTTT ft8QcrlL8U. Eight 1-oz. square. in Box for fIcI Of all Grocers and Oilmen; or writa to IS. SOHO SQUARE. LONDON. ENGLAND. FOR KNIVES, FORKS, BRASS AND STEEL WORK, &c., &c. Won't wear the Blades like Others. 6d. and Is. Tins. US NIXEY'S CERV KNIFE POLISH OF ALL STOREKEEPERS EVERYWHERE. Wholesale; W; G. NIXEY, London, England. &51;'B" whu .Ü.Y';¡ld tQ,iVHk'i" m ..i'l &aou¡.p SÉ MAGIC MIRROR |l | « may i'ojtzcrztiiem. Importar ml § £ £ §§* H^ppins! fflliw JSa.jwZarwis'orefl' D^its' bright reflection A safeguard fcorii all wtip posses^" it: Br<e per pot- ior tu>o Stamps.' AUPRES'S: f. _WJ) KJHSCH. 8HEFFIELD. Ena.

CARDIFF. RECOGNITION SERVICES AT WOOD STREET CHAPEL.—On Sunday public recognition services were held in connection with the appointment of the Rev. W. Spurgeon to the pastorate of Wood- street Congregational Church. Interesting addresses were delivered by him during the day, and in the evening the pulpit was occupied by the Rev. W. B. Birth, of Stourbridge, ex-cliairniati of the Worcester Congregational Union.

SWANSEA. WOMEN'S LIBEBAL AsscCIATIom.- The second annual meeting of the Welsh Union of Women's Liberal Associations will take place nt Swansea on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 14 and 15. A conference open to men and women will be held, and papers read by Mrs. Price Hughes on Tem- perance Miss Jenkins, of Llandilo, on 11 The Question Mrs. Reid, of Swansea, on I- Women on Local Boards," and Mu. Wynford Philipps on The Work of the Welsh Union." This will be followed by a discussion. A public meeting will take place on March 15, at eight p.m., at the Albert-hall, Swansea, which will be addressed by Countess Alice Kearney, Mr. Price Hughes, Mrs. Eva M'Laren, and Mrs. Massingberd (of Queeley). Aiiioii- the gentlemen speakers will be Mr. E. J. C. Morton, M.P. for Devonport the R';V. Mr. Lloyd Jones, ot Rhyl Mr. John Fisher, secretary to the Liberation Society and others. AN ALARMINS KKPOKT.— On Saturday morning a rumour was prevalent that A shooting affray had taken place in ilíglf-strcet, but it appears 4o have been caused by the fact that a tnaesman took a gun into his cellar and fired it a couple of times to frighten the rats. The reports were heard by neighbours, who reported it to the constable on duty, to whom this explanation was given.

NEWPORT. PfiOPOsiiD WORKING MAN MAGISTRATE. Mr. Albert Spicer, M.P., haa written to the Newport Trades Council that he had feen the secre- tary to the L'TD Chancellor with refe- rence to the request that a working man magistrate should be appointed for Newport. The Lord Chancellor would not think of opening the question of appointing new magistrates for New- port for a Ion, time, and when lie did so it would be necessary for the council to recommend per- sons. The malt, r has, tll!r,'f'l\ been allowed to remain in abeyance. 1111SH NATIONAL LKAOOF.—The Michael Davitt Branch of the hish National League ha passed congratulatory resolutions on the results of the recent elections in Ireland. The president, Mr. D. A. Vaughun, J.P., gave all analysis of the Home Rule Bill.

A BE U'DA KE. LOCAL BOARD.— At the ordinary meeting of the above board, Iteld on Friday, Mr. R H. Rilys, J P., in the chair, the hospital committee reported that they HAD investigated the complaint made by Mr. James D ivies, the caretaker at the hospital, as to tlte inadequacy of the nursing arrangements, and had come to the conclusion that thei e was no ground for complaint. It was resolved to purchase a tiro escape for the district. A rate of Is. 5J. in the £ was ordered to be made- SCHOOL BOARD.—At the meeting of the above board Iteld on Friday, Mr. R. R. Rhys, J.P., in the chair, after the usual routine business, Mr. David Morgan (miners' agent) moved a resolution to petition Parliament to discontinue grants to any schools not strictly under popular control. Mr. T. Braithwaite, in an able speech, showed the injustice of the proposal, but the resolution was, however, carried by eight to two.

LARRY. DISTRICT TEACHERS.' ASSOCIATION.-The monthly meeting of the Barry District School Totelierfl Association was field on Saturday afternoon nt Holton-road Board School, Barry Dock, Mr. T. Higman, president, in the chair. Mr. Keat, a member of the C .rdiff District, Association, was also present. The members polled for the election of new members of the executive of the National Union for the ensuing year, the re-election of the representative of Wales, Mr. T. John, Llwynypia, receiving cordial support. Mr. F. W. Ludmerson read a highly able and interesting pipor on the subject, of "The Teacher's Aim," and a discussion followed.

BRIDGEND. LIBERAL Ass CIATIOK- The annual gerer.1 meeting of the Bridgend District Liberal and Radi- cal Association was held at the clubroom on Thurs- dRY evening, Mr. D. H. Lloyd presiding. Mr. J. Davies (Brecknock Villa) was unanimously re- elected president, and the following five were chosen vice-presidents Mr. D. H. Lloyd, the Rev. J. G. Jones, Messrs. W. Poviell, D. Williams, and Michael Davies. The treasurer (Mr. W. Powell) and the secretary (Mr. E. E. Davies) were re-elected. On the motion of the Rev. J. G. Jones, a resolution was passed commending the courageous stand made by the Welsh Parliamentaiy party in refe- rence to the Suspensory Bill, and a vote of condo- lence was passed with tà president of the associa- tion on the occasion of ti.e death of his wife.

MERTH VB. INQUESTS.—On Monday morning, Mr. R. J. Rhys, coroner, held an inquest at the White Horse Inn, touching the deal h of Eenry Dowling, a collier, aged 36, of 42, Gilfach-cynon, Twynyrodyn, who was killed on Saturday morning by a fall of roof at the No. 2 South Pit, Plymouth.—Mr. Lewis. Assistant Inspector of MineS- was present, as was also Air. Johnson, the manager of the colliery. The jury returned a verdict of 14 Acci- dental deaih.On the same morning at the Old Angel Inn another inquest was held upon the body of Hannah Williams, aged 93. of 7, Broad- pavement, who died suddenly in bed on Friday night. From the evidence of Dr. Biddle it appeared that death was due to senile decay, and the jury returned a verdict accordingly. UNION ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE.—The monthly meeting of this committee was held on Saturday, under the presidency of Mr. R. H. Rhys, J P. Three appeals only had been entered, but as none of the appellants presented an appearance the committee found themselves without any business to transact.