J. SESSIONS AND SONS, I TIMBER, SLATE, AND BUILDING I MATERIAL MERCHANTS. SPECIAL CONSIGNMENT OF BEST GHEEN SLATES, I JUST ARRIVED PER s. CARRIE." I LARGE STOCK OF BLUE AND RED ALSO ON HAND. INQUIRIES SOLICITED. PENAimi-ROAD, CARDIFF. 7742o 2CTH TEAR OF ATTENDANCE. QRAHAM Y°UNG' DENTAL SURGEON V (By Examination). 37, PARK-STREET, BRISTOL: PROFESSIONAL A J TENDANCE, CARDIFF AND BRIDGEND, ISR AND 3RD WEDNESDAY IN EVERT MONTH. NEXT VISITS, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 15th, and MARCH 1st and 15th. C,ARDIFF.-At 22. CHARLES-STREET (adjoining the Catholic Church), from 3.30 to7 p.m. BIUDGEND.—At Mr. DAVIS', CHEMIST, 22, CARO- LINE-STREET, from 9 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. CHEPSTOW. EVEJtY TUESDAY, at No. 1, BEAUFORT-SQUARE, from 11 a.m. to 6.30 p.w, No fee for consultation. Efficiency with Moderate Fce. THE LARGEST PROPRIETARY FURNISHING ESTABLISH- » MENT IN THE WORLD. I ESTABLISHED 18.8. F { ILLUSTRATED OATA- LOGUE (over 2.0C0 Illustrations). /f 67, 69, 71, Illustrations). /f 67, 69, 71, /X 73, 75, 77, & POST FREE. ^7/ 79, HAMPSTEAD- ROAD i /V (Near Tottenham Court-road), \> LONDON. All Caipets made up free of T F charge, and when prepared sent, J F carriage paid, to ANY lhvilway 8ta- F X LION in England or Wales.—West End Branch Offices for Decorating, House M and Estate AgeTICY, and L4nnitary Kit- SNEERING 93 RBGENT-STREET. PICCADILLY-01BCUS, W. !LC2 JQR. Fox!s COULiH AND 'VOiCE w AFEI,'S INSTANTLY RELIEVE AND RAPIDLY CURE COUGH. COLDS. ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS. INFLU- ENZA, HOARSENMBS. LOSS OF VOICE, AND ALL BRONCHIAL AFFECTIONS. The Greatest Remedy ever discovered for all Affections of the Chest and Lungs. D It. O X S £ jOUGH AND ■yoica ^yAFERS Are prepared from the choicest Herbs aud Fruits. Relieve Phlegm, and are a real blessing to Asthmatic sufferers. Render the voice highly melodious, and are not to be surpassed for the use of Vocalists. Clergymen, Actors, Public Bpcakeis, &c., SEE. J} 11. jp o X s QOUGH AND VOICE WAFERS Prepared only by GrEORGE EADE, 72, G OS WELL-ROAD, LONDON. jOfei by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors in Has at Is. lfd. each. jfeould there" be ANY difficulty in obtaining these valuable Wafers, the Proprietors will forward a tin, post tree, on receipt of Stamps or Postal Order. LcI082-2 HEALTH, STRENGTH, AND ENEliGY. JJR, L ALOR',$ paOSPHODYNE FOR THIRTY YEARS Has maintained its world-wide reputation as the bet and ONLY SAFE, RELIABLE PHOSPHORIC CURE for Brain Wreckage, Sleeplessness, Harassing Dreams, and all Functional and Diseased Conditions of the System, caused by the Deficiency of the Vital Forces. ly* L ALOit'S JpiIOSPIIODYNE Supplies the Blood with its Brain, Nerve, and Bone- forming element—Phosphorus—and by its tonic action on the Nervous System, stimulates He;irt. Lungs, Liver. Kidnevs, and Stomach to the healthy performance of their several function?. The Effect of their several function?. The Effect of jyR. LALOH'S pHOSPIIODYNE In Nervous Debility and its Kindred EvHs is imme- diate PUD permanent, all the Miserable Feelings and Distressing Symptoms Disappearing with a rapidity that is REALLY MARVELLOUS. Thousands of unimpeachable Testimonials from all parts of the world aud from the Highest Medical Authorities. JJR. JyVLOR'S pHOSPIIODYNE Is unsurpassed as a Tonic after Influenza and all Debilitating Diseases. Sold, ill Bottles, Q3.. 6d. and lIs, each, by all Chemists. Address- Dn. LALOR'S PHOSPHODYNE LABORATORY. HAMPSTEAD, LONDON, N.W. LeiOIG PREVENT INFLUENZA, COLD, AND COUGH, BY TAKING ON FIRST APPEARANCE OF COLD OR CHILL, HAYMAN'3 BALSAM OF IIOllE- HOUND, the most certain and speedy remedy for Asthma, Consumption, Bronchitis. Coughs, Influenza, Difficult Breathing, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Hoarseness, Los3 of Voice, &c, It gives prompt relief and often effects a lasting cure. I STOPS COLD. CURES COUGH. I Prepared only by A. HAYMAN AND CO., I 15, ALBEMARLE-ST..ST. JOHN'S-SQ., LONDON, E.C. A.nd sold by an Chemists.—Price Is. ld" and 2s. 9d. V Makes Boots and Harnes «—V « F TT~IR"NJ waterproof as a duck's back I 1 Z\ I J and soft NS velvet. Adds J three times to the wear and allows polishing. 16 fcxhi- allows polishing. 16 fcxhi- RAT n MIMAF, bit.ion Highest Awards. GOLD MH-DAU TJNS 2D F 6(, IS-F & 2S. 6D. Of all Bootmakers, Saddlers, TT-R»T>K-|"«-R Leather Sellers, &c., or any BILL +<. I LV size free 2stamps extra from .1 J JL#JL/JLA.I Manufactory,East Dulwich, "■•'T- iowUtp, tuiu3 AN AVALANCHE or SOVEREIGNS! A DELUGE OF GOLD FALLING AT YOUR FEET. T;Jav, fortune opens wide her doors and offers you ready access to wealth and ind pendence. Picture the busy scene- hundreds of active workers rapidly manu- facturing our Free Specimens from masses of shining material; crowds FRi'E ofexperls p:iokers deftly folding them SPECIMENS j ..for despatch streams of porters con- veying the piles of packages to her Majesty's mail carts, which, by express per- HER MAJESTY'S mission of the Postmaster- MAII-S General, wait at our gates, each dashing off in succession with its load to the great centre, where the couteuts are dis- tributed throughout the land by SPECIALLY ACCELE- RATED EXPRESS TRAINS. in answer to the thou- sands of applications pouring in for our wonderful Free Samples that are being so eagerly snapped up. WE ARE GIVING THEM AWAY FREE 111 to you and every reader WITHOUT ANY CHARGE whatev, r, Our catalogue proves without a doubt the HUGE CASH SAVING we present to all purchasers. whi ;h may well be compared to an AVALANCHE of SOVEREIGNS. It is top acethis valuable publicationin your hands that we make this exceptional offer to send free with each our sample Auranian GOLD LONG GUARD, closely resembling real golct chains costing £ 10 and upwards. It is 50 inches in leiigtli, and con- sisls of over 4CO separate links handsomely burnished, and may be worn by either lady or gentleman. Sit down and write now. Astounding Prices ;—The "Rough and Ready" Watch, 7s. TheMagniftcent Silver Challenge" Centre-seconds Wutcb, 19s" amazing value. Ladies and Gentlt'iueii's Albert Chains, Is., Brooches, Is.. Scarf Pins, 6d., &c.. &c. The world-famed Acme" Watches, for ladies and geiitlemeii solid sterling silver cases, accurate timekeepers, worth three guineas, our price Z5s. The Marvel of the World English Lever, hall- marked silver cases, capped and jewelled, B2 12s. 6d., worth live guineas. A good Watch is WEALTH the first step to success and riches. FOR LIFE Wealth for Life is the reward of punc- tuality and energy. H. SAMUEL'S Watches are the BEST IN THE WOULD. Warranted for Five Years and supplied upon a month's free trial. Purchasers not only obtain the most. nn- approachable value, but get THE GREATER SHAKE OF THEIR MONEY BACK in a SPLENDID BE'.ilES OF WONDERFUL AND COSTLY FREE PRIZES. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS from wearers everywhere -II, SANIU L, L, Lever Watch Manufacturer, 97, 99, aud 101, Market-street, Manchester, P.S.—Cut out this announcement to show that you area reader of the WEEKLY MAIL. Write your name and address clearly, and enclose 9d. stamps to cover cost ot catalogue and expenses of packing and postage. DON'T SEND FROM CURIOsITY unless you intend to become a pur- chaser. 1215C Mrs- S. A. Allan's World's Hair Restorer. It is not an experiment, but has been in use for over sixty years throughout the civilized world. i Restores the Youthful Colour. It renews life, strength and beauty, and restores the .atura! colour to gray hair. LONDON. ..ALS )i@n@IT nn 6 J oW; Yû@n § to (Co pppfenMv Near the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. Convenient and Central Posit ion for Business or Pleasure. Telephone.: 2,165. Telegrams: E:iriiestiiess, London." ONE of the FINEST HOTELS in THE METROPOLIS Eici-trically Lighted throughout Passenger Lift The Exchange Company's Telegraphic News. The only Hotel in London with a complete System of Jiaths, including Turkish and Swimming. Visitors received at a fixed rate, from 12s. per Day, according to situation of Bedroom. FIRST CLASS CUISINE. TLCllOl

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
TIDE TABLE. FOB THE WEEK. ENDrNG MARCH 10, 1893. .2 — ja WJ /-s C «* a • o -3 £ « £ o"g 5^ £ 0 OS £ OATS C F I'HK WAG*2 3 "2 S **11 ct fz -i* S- c US M o ■g I *5 3 C M C. « w o 5 ;:j o 5 i Morning 8 31 8 27 7~l5T 8 19 ~9~34 SATURDY. < Evening 8 49 8 43 7 42 8 36 9 50 (Height. 34 0 36 32 5 36 10 29 3 t Morning 9 3 8 57 7 57 8 10 4 SujfDAy. Evening 9 18 9 13 8 11 9 5 lf) 20 (Height 33 6 33 0 32 1 36 6 28 10 < Morning 9" 33 9 27 8 25 9 19 10 34 MONDAY.< Evening J 9 47 9 41 8 40 9 3J 10 48 (Height 3- 6 35 0 31 3 35 6 27 7 (Morning 10 1 9 55 8 55 9 49 11 2 TI'MPAY.-J Evening 10 15 10 7 9 8 10 2 11 14 (Height 131 1 33 5 30 0 33 11 £ 5 iO ( Morning 10 28 10 19 9 21 10 16 11 26 WKDSDY.< Evening 10 42 10 33 9 37 110 31 11 '0 (Height 29 0 3! 5 28 6 131 11 23 6 ( Morning 10 55 10 36 9 51 10 45 11 v3 rHL'Rsnr^ Evening 11 11 11 1 10 7 11 1 — (Height. 26 6 29 2 26 10 29 8 20 11 ( Morning 11 29 11 19 10 26 U 20 12 8 FRIDAY. < Evening ill 49 11 40 10 49 11 43 12 26 J Heisrht I 23 8 26 6 1 24 8 I 27 0 17 7

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t t Jpail SATUMOAr, MARCH ..1, 1893. THE WEEK. The Drummond divorce suit, which has occupied the court for an unusually protracted length of time, was brought to a close last week. The jury, interposing, found that Mrs Drummond had committed adultery, and that* Mr. Drummond had not committed adultery or eruelty, and, further, that there had been adultery before and after the condonation, 1_ The Duke of Devonshire has been asked to j address a great Unionist anti-Home Rule meeting in Dublin. 0 Lord and Lady Halsbury have been in Italy since Christmas, and do not contemplate re- turning to this country until after Easter. Mr. P. Baylis has been appointed deputy- surveyor of the Forest of Dean, on the retirement of Sir J. Campbell. Mr. James Francis Hogan, anti-Parnellite, was last week returned unopposed for Mid- Tipperary. Viscount Curzon was prevented by illness from attending the division on the Welsh Church Suspensory Bill and voting against it. Albert Manning, labourer, was last week, at Gloucester Assizes, sentenced to death for the wilful murder of Jane Flew, at Bristol. A lad whose arm was crushed by runaway railway trucks was last week, at Gloucester Assizes, awarded jEoOO damages against the Midland Railway Company. "Mabon" has instructed a firm of solicitors to take proceedings against Mr. W. Brace, Miners' Federation agent, for slanderous statements concerning him made in a recent speech. A train between Consett and Torlaw was blocked by a snowdrift on Monday morning In Aunandale the snow is lying fram 3tV to 4ft. deep, and there was delay in telegraphic com- munication with Scotland. The brig Dagmar, from Cardiff, with a cargo of coal, has been totally lost at Laguna de Terminos, but the crew are believed to have been sav-d. The steamer Fulwell, for we Cardiff, has been detained at Bordeaux, being leaky in tte forepeak. A woman named Agnes Wilson threw her- self from the window of a bedroom in South- wark, London, occupied by herself and her husband, on finding it in flames early on Mon- j day morning. She fractured her skull and died in a few minutes. A farmer, named Thomas Roberts, who should have appeared on remand at Khyl Police-court on Monday, charged with sheep stealing on an extensive scale, failed to put in an appearance. His bail of 2100 and that of two sureties in J650 was estreated. It is reported from America that a special agent has been appointed to make a report to the Treasury Department on the tin-plate in- dustry in the United States as to whether it would not be in the interest of American manufacturers to repeal the existing duties on tin after the Ist of July. At Penarth Police-court on Monday Captain Tregaithen, of the British steamship lJodo, was fined tl5 and costs; and Captain Auguste Orean, master of the French steamer A dour, a like amount, both at the instance of +he Board of Trade, for illegal deck-loading. Lieutenant A. G. Fitzroy Day, adjutant of the 2 id Battalion Welsh Regiment, at pre- sent stationed at Trimulgherry, Deccan, India, has forwarded, on behalf of the officers, non- commissioned officers, and men of the bat- talion. a sum of JEI3 14s. 7d. to the Western Mail Tondu Relief Fund. The twenty-first half-yearly meeting of the proprietors of the Rhondda and Swansea Bay Railway was held at the Mackworth Hotel, Swansea, on Monday, Sir John Jones Jenkins presidllg. A dividend of -k per cent. was declared- The Earl of Jersey and Sir Hussey Vi^i^ii were re-elected directors and Mr. Knoyle auditor. The result of the Cirenceter Division polling, which took place on Thursday, for a representative to fill the vacancy caused by the judges declaring the voting at the last election equal and ordering a re-election was declared on Friday. The Gladstodian candi- date, Mr. H. L. Lawson, was declared returned by a majority of 242. It is the belief of Dr. Norman Kerr that 80,000 persons are prematurely killed in the United Kingdom every year by the indirect I inftuenoe of drink—from destitution, accident, violence, or disease brought on by over- indulgence—and that 40,000 persons are yearly killed by the direct influence of alcoholic intemperance. It has been found necessary to make further provision for expenses incurred in the ex- change of light gold coins under the Act passed two years ago. It is estimated that a quarter of a million may be required for this purpose. The Chancellor of the Exchequer will accordingly ask the House to sanction the appropriation of that sum. Mr. Justice Grantham opened the winter assizes for the county of Monmouth on Mon- day at Monmouth. In charging the jury his lordship said that, as it had been suggested the civil business should be taken away from the county, and as there appeared to be civil work to be done at Monmouth Assizes, it might be desirable for them to express their opinion on the subject. Telegrams from Barcelona on Monday re- ported that Mr. Willie, who is under arrest for shooting Don Jose Bofill, is suffering from great nervous excitement, and attributes the crime to the temptation of the devil. He is hovrified at his position, and refuses all food except soup and milk. Owing to bis excited state the magisterial inquiry has been post- poned. At the London Bankruptcy Court on Mon- day the public examination into the transac- tions of the London and General Bank was commenced. The concern was an offshoot of the Liberator Building Society, and the failure was alleged to have resulted from financing the Liberator, from whom, when it was wound up in September, and from copi- panies started by it £ 300,000 was due. Mr. J. Spencer Balfour was one of the original founders of it. Mr. Asquith, M.P., Secretary of State for the Home Department, in introducing the Welsh Suspensory Bill last week said the immediate object the Government had in view was to give an assurance to the Welsh people that the Imperial Parliament would deal without unnecessary delay with the whole question of the Established Church in Wales, in order to place the whole question in the forefront of the living politics of the nation and to make final legislation necessary. The measure, he said, consisted of one clause, providing that in all appointments made after it has been passed into law the emoluments of the oilice shall be dealt with by the new incumbent subject to the pleasure of Parliament. He argued that Parliament had established its constitutional and moral right to deal with Established Churohes by the legislation of 1860, and that the desire of the Welsh people was shown by the character of Welsh representation, which was almost entirely in favour of the disestab- lishment of he Church in Wales. His opinion was that it would do the Church of England in the Welah dioceses no harm, but contrariwise. Sir John Gorst moved, and Sir John Mowbray seconded, an amendment protesting against the Bill as crippling the work and usefulness of the Church during the unknown period which must elapse before disestablishment could be carried. Mr. Stuart Rendel put the case on behalf of WTale?, and declared that they were fighting, not against the Church, but against the Establishment, He said it was intolerable to the Welsh Nonconformists that they should have to endure an Establishment to this day which gave a spiritual monopoly in Wales to another body. The debate occupied the whole night, and amongst the later speakers were Lord Randolph Churchill and Mr. Gladstone. The House eventually divided, with the result—301 members voted for the first read- ing, and 245 members against, the first reading thus bejng carried b" a majority of 50, 31r. Gladstone has given a Civil List pen- sion of jEloO per annum to Dr. Richard Morris, whose services to early English literature are well known. George Stephen Lawson, ex-solicitor, of Sunderland, pleaded guilty to embezzlement at Durham Assizes on Tuesday, and was sen- tenced to five yean' penal servitude. A Mr. Thomas Smith was awarded CSOO damages against the South Western Railway Company on Saturday for damages received while travelling on their line at Dartford. It is understood that the secretaryship of the proposed Welsh Land Commission will be offered to Professor L'hys, but it is doubtful whether his engagements will enable him to accept it. Mr. Frederick Baines, J.P., aenior proprie- tor of the Leeds Mercury, died at Cannes on Tuesday at the age of 82. Deceased, who had been unwell all the winter, was stopping at Cannes for the benefit of his health. The Queen held the first Drawing Room of the season on Tuesday at Buckingham Palace. The Empress Frederic and all the Hay 1 per- sonages in London, with a large number of the Diplomatic Corps, were present. The Marquess of Salisbury has a rooted objection to accept the freedom of any city on the occasion of a political visit. He has just declined to accept the honour from Lon- donderry. The force and vigour of Lord Handolph Churchill's speech in the House of Commons against the Welsh Church Suspensory Bill created a most favourable impression on the Conservative benches. The seventy-fourth ordinary general half- yearly meeting of the proprietors of the Penarth Harbour, Dock, and Railway was held last week at the Royal Hotel, Cardiff. A dividend of £ 5 5s. per cent. was declared. There are 56 entries for the Parliamentary Golf Handicap, the first ties of which must be played off before the 20th .of March and the final tie before the Sth of May. In the first round Mr. A. J. Balfour plays Mr. J. W. Crombie, M.P. for Kincardinesbire. It was announced from Sydney last week that Earl Jersey's successor as Governor of New South Wales is to be Mr. R. W. Duff, M.P. for Banff, who has been a Lord of the Treasury in two of Mr. Gladstone's Adminis- trations. Mr. Arthur J. Williams, M P., has pre- sented to the President of the Board of Trade a petition from 842 seamen on board ships in Penarth Roadstead or Docks relative to the payment of crews on long voyages of half wages monthly either to themselves, a savings' bank, or their friends. The Lancashire Cotton Spinners' Federa- tion had a conference last week with repre- sentatives of the workmen on strike, but after a long interview the negotiations had to be closed and the announcement made that nothing had come of them. An inquest was held last week afternoon at Newport Town-hall touching the death of Joseph Rossiter, aged 62, a watchman in the employ of the corporation, who was found dead in his box early on Wednesday morning.' The jury declared that bis death was caused by suffocation. The Gladstonian candidate, Mr. Allan, was ast week elected member for Gateshead, in room of the late member, who has succeeded to the House of Lord, by 6,434 votes, against 5,566 recorded for Mr. Ralli, the Unionist. The Gladstonian majority was 868, against 293 at the late general election. Further liberality on the part of the Puke of Norfolk in connection with the Papal Jubilee, is reported from Rome, it being said that the duke has given the Pupe 250,000 The main body of the English and Scotch pilgrims left Rome on Tuesday homeward bound by way of Turin. The general ordinary half-yearly meeting of the shareholders of the Pembroke and Tenby Railway Company was held on Tuesday at l'addington, when a dividend at the rate of 4f per cent. per annum for the half-year was declared, and a balance of tIOS was carried forward. The last dividend was at the rate of 3 per cent. ,a At Monmouthshire Winter Assizes on Tues- day George Turley and Charles Usborne were sentenced to eighteen months' hard labour, and Henry Williams, Thomas Williams, and Joseph Leonard, all colliers, to nine months' hard labour, for an outrage on the Rev. D. L. Gower at Newbridge last November. Mr. Swinburne's new Chicago Exhibition ode, set as a chorus by Professor Villiersj Stanford, will be the only I'.nglish work and the only iioveliy in the programme of the "Concert of the J)oc'tors at Cambridge on June 12, after the various Continental musicians have received the honorary uni- varsity degree of Mus. Doc, In the House of Commons on Tuesday, amongst the questions put were some of interest to Wales. The debate of the night was on the question of bi-metailism and the abortive monetary question. Mr. Gladstone! took part in the debate, the motion, being op- posed by the Government, was defeated by a majority of 81. '1 he House adjourned at 12.30. j The conference of the Miners'Federation to consider the proposal to play" a month I in order to restrict the ouipat of coal and keep up wages was opened on Tuesday at Bir- mingham, but only got as far as the examina- tion of credentials. There are altogether ü8 delegates in attendance, representing 246,300 miners. el The ordinary half-yearly general meeting of the Brecon and Merthyr Tydvil Junction Railway Company was held last week at the London offices. Mr. H. F. Slattery, the chair- man. moved the adoption of the report, which declared a dividend of 4 and 3 per cent, re- spectively on the two classes of stock. The report was adopted, and the directors thanked for their services. Mr. Gladstone was last week given clearly to understand by a deputation of Labour re- presentatives who waited upon him, after the Cabinet Council, with reference to the pra- posed payment of members, that no settle- ment will be acceptable which involves in- vidious distinctions between members and inquisitorial investigations of the private affairs of individuals. The half-yearly meeting of the Barry and Cadoxton Gas and WTater Company was held on Tuesday at the Park Hotel, Cardiff. The report, which recommended a dividend of 5 per cent., was adopted. The chairman assured the meeting they would do everthing neces- sary to protect themselves against the efforts of the local authority to get possession of their property, except at a fair price. The annual meeting of the governors of the Glamorganshire and Monmouthshire Infirmary was held at Cardiff on Tuesday. fn the course of his remarks the chairman, Dr. W. T. Edwards, spoke of the great work likely to be accomplished by the liew medical school which will shortly be established at the university college. The report was adopted, and the committee of management thanked for their services. Mr. James Mackenzie Maclean, late member of Parliament for Oldham, and one of the proprietors of the Western Mail, on Tuesday accepted the invitation of a deputation repre- senting all sections of the Unionist party, which waited upon him at the Royal Hotel, and asked him to become a candidate for Cardiff at the next election. Subsequently, at the Cardiff Conservative Club and at the Cardiff Working Men's Club, iAlt-I Maclean was most enthusiastically received* Viscount Cross has been appointed man of the Standing Committee 0 House of Lords. mi** Mail and newspaper trains were Durham on Saturday by a heavy fall ot lying generally three inches deep. It is stated that the health of Sir Watkin, M.P., who is at present resi^ jj Northenden, is far from satisfactory* causing his friends some anxiety. It is generally expected that a title ^gft conferred upon Mr. If. VV. Duff, M-P-i he leaves for Sydney to take up his a?* ment as Governor of New South WaleS. Mr. E. S. W. De Cobain, ex-M.P. i°T p Belfast, was again brought up befof uj, Eaton at Belfast Police-court on The charges were heard strictly in the great dissatisfaction of many profc8 gentlemen." Her Majesty has personally honoure jot and Lady Carrington by becoming sponSO their infant daughter, The cereniofly^f performed at W indsor Castle. The sponsors were the Hon. Nora HarbordaO Earl of Rosebery. erf Late on Saturday afternoon six men 1" injured by burns at Hill's Plymouth d No. 1 South Pit, near Troedyrhiw, a miles from Merthyr. Five of the are progressing favourably,but there in one case. of d Y. t "0 'I,ar J The dead body of a man, about 30 0$i age, who is believed to have perished of was found by the driver of the MertbJ* j Tredegar mail on Saturday morning [ mountain road between Dowlais and J>'hy j mountain road between Dowlais and HuY SO j Mr. justice Cave congratulated the d.1 j jury at Pembrokeshire Assizes on Sal fbiI upon there being no prisoners for trial- high sheriff of the county, and ^^iayef' sheriff of the borough and county of 1*$| fordwest each presented his lordship pair of white gloves. aoa, On Saturday morning Captain Morrill of part of the crew of the steamer CincO^jt Glasgow, from Valencia for London, laO' ytt Dover, aud reported that their steamer, j stopping to ship a pilot, was run into e*rJLib Saturday morning and immediately carrying two men down with her, ø At the sitting of the Divorce Cùort 0:. 0105 Saturday the counsel for Mrs. declined to go further in tha case. Aft1 jury gave their verdict on Friday, wood took exception to their giving a ?e without hearing Mr. Fox. Mr. Drun^jjjl without hearing Mr. Fox. Mr. Drun^jjjl vi 9 through his counsel, asked for substa f, damages. After observations by Sir lief Jeune the jury awarded iC4,000 daJJJ against Mr. Fox, a W* On Saturday the accounts were issuea the London Bankrupfcy Court undet oiol failure of Dr. Scott Sanders, now un.(^e'E f(f a sentence of six years' penal fj# forging bills in connection with the ft Club. The total liabilities are returO y £ 136,724, of which £ 128,611 are expeo^ rank, against assets £ 6,060, thus sho*"1 deficiency of £ 122,551. p An inquest was held in London on day upon the body of the late Mr. 04 Barker, of Barker's Bank, who was dead in a railway carriage from a pi on the morning that he ought to appeared on remand at the London House on a charge of fraud. The jury that deceased had committed suicid« temporarily insane. The result of the Horsh&m electio0 declared on Saturday. The Conser*^# candidate, Mr. Johnstone, was returned majority of 1,484, but at the general the Conservative majority was 2, t m total poll was 245 more than in 1802, unsuccessful Liberal candidate, Mr. l. force, got 631 votes more than in that and the Conservative 253 less. Intense interest has been oreated in by the news of a terrible tragedy ena° m Barcelona by a Mr. Willie, the repi"eSj tive there of a Cardiff firm, who 'sS#fleof have shot two Barcelona merchants, »{# whom is dead. The orime is attribo trade jealousies, but the latest news W7illie is insane, and that he has attempted to commit suicide. Oar co» jj. contains several special telegrams on the ject foi-n Barcelona. tebo Among the principal football tbst playea in this distriot on Saturday -cj» of Cardiff against Gloucester, in {fl Gloucester never had a look in from tart finish, went out with nil, while Cardiff .:J four goals, four tries, and six minors. elly playing against Penarth made three and two tries to the latter's one goal au^^D minor. A splendidly contested game ^1 Bristol and Neath ended in a win for !31O(l by a dropped goal to nil. Penygralge trf' ¡ against Grangetown by one goal to OD ridd. t Aberavon won the game against PontyPr #JJi [ St. David's against Bridgend; Newp°r Wellington, playing against each oth*r» made a minor and Swansea ran up two and two minors, against three minors r tered by the Cardiff Harlequins.

LOVE IN A CEMETERY. — f,to At the Newcastle Assizes on SaiuroaV .a • Mr. Justice Bruce) Miss Isabelh Bohaoo, Ja I of a cemetery keeper at Hexham, sued (of i White, manager of a coal dt pot, of flex-I)alos damages for breach of promise of oiarria2f» Mr. VVaddv, in opening the case, said and tlie defendant were for a longtime to be married to each In Fehruarf* |)i# ilic defendant wrote to her, called bcr lot" "darlino," and described himself as "'f00 ing Jim," and in the corntr of the lett was a lot of those x's of which, he thflya'l-old as some of them were --ktieiqj,o$ meaning. On the 22nd of July, 18C5, o0 • wrote to plaintiff from Edinburgh whilst^ bicycle tour in Scotland. In that le'-tfl » dressed plaintiff as "dearest" and ''pet." r: dant's attention afterwards began to c f they thell had a letter dated December 3 j 'Eliat letter be-in. flOg' Dear Madam,—I have no doubt you wi'l dered at my absence during the last six or eie* i yi*\ I know 5'ou will have noiiced bow very c0i)' eit t been towards you during the last seven n months, and that I had very frequently ^0°% absentee from you and your place. account for it. But it is there, and there it ( ytfj if it was going to remain. I am heartily sorry '$fi after having spent so much of your time with J15^ it is no use my trying to keep it np, I cannot f øtP Now, don't take on about me. You are wortliv ofl one better. Don't return my pi esents, please. them to you and they are yours. Now. bood" ffi the last time and don't think too h irdly of "VJl,r | < sibly my love for you may rettr II. but I mllstladUOí t brunt in the present action. Don't thiuk too me. Good-bye.—JIM. The plain! iff w;s in great distress r letter. Afterwards defendant uiariied a Rot | young lady. 8 f«* Miss Isabella Robson, the plaintiff, s-lid glio ) sided wit!) her parents at Hexham. Her gafl was keeper of the cemetery at that place. j was 29 years of age now. < Id 10 Mr. Strnchnn cilled no evidence, and ( dressing the jury, said defendant, when he (fit he had no lovo left for the plaintiff, told -frf [ and thus he acted as an honourable man. | it to plaintiff to decide matters after lifif- informed her of his changed feelings to%vard$ jig His Lordship said there was no doubt a P* tft' f was made and broken, and the question „ j jury was simply one of the amount of daiv^Sy ( The jury found for tlie plaintiff for £ 200. j | His Lordship gave judgment Bccording'fv.

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