p it nil goton the Coast. ) -r- NOTICE TO < 'Oli RESPOND EN TS. TNF. UNIVERSITY COLLF.<;E OF WALKS.—It is, I believe, quite true that neither Dr. Evans nor Mr. Lewis Alorris have ever attended a Council Mfet-iing cf the University College of Wales at Aberystwyth since they took office. They are too busy preaching the supposed failure of the institution to try to make it a success. CY.MSOIJORIOX MEDAL.—It is not true that on one side of the medal there will be a representation or a certain member of the Society blowing a trumpet, while another member is saying" It is all his own. VI.TOS."—It is not true thai: members of the Aber- ystwyth Town Council are specially permitted to obstruct the streets, and to litter them with paper, &c. This is the way certain people manifest their interest in the town, and their desire to promote its prosperity. STUDENT.—The greatest foes of the University College of Wales are its professed friends. The recent successes of students belie its traducers, but you know what is said or a house that is divided against itself. SHAJI BENEVOLENCE. There is scarcely anything that moves the indigna- tion of the iieni-ipaper more deeply than the rascality of money lenders. Last week, the following advertisement appeared in the paper referred to. I have omitted the address of the "private gentlemen" lest his generosity should be imposed upon by some unscrupulous person or other in this district "1 SHOULD any trustworthy householder, lady T T or gentleman, who is in a position of repaying £ 20 to C.509, entirely on their own responsibility, be WILLING to HAVE the USE of SAME from a private gentleman, for any period not exceeding 4 years, without loan office formalities or sureties strictly private and confidential. Notice, not an agent tJl. connected with professional money lenders no fees,—Address Stamp for reply. "Whether the "private gentleman" will take interest in return for his kindness is not mentioned in his announcement. He eschews vulgar details. All he desires is to find trustworthy householders willing to have the use of f500 or so "entirely on their own responsibility." The Standard, in its childlike sim- plicity, is pleased to afford this benefactor of his race -i I i, I all possible publicity at special rates for money lend- ers' advertisements.

A SUGGESTION. It has been suggested that a few movable seats might be placed with advantage on the road between the Flats and the Cemetery. On Plas Crug there are some seats which face the goods shed. If nothing better can be done a few of these might be removed. Whilst dealing with seats, it may be well to point out that three or four seats on the Terrace are mono- polized every evening by a set of people, who certainly aie not visitors, and are not even hard-working towns- people. It would be useless to appeal to them, and I make no appeal, but the seats were certainly never intended for their most regular occupants. Something was said in the Town Council a few- weeks ago about a few seats. Let us hope they have not been lost sight of now the resolution has been aud the permission obtained. DEAR GAME. On the 12th I saw some grouse hanging outside a shop and asked the price. I was told they were 10s. a brace. I asked the shopkeeper if they were not rather ".high," and he assured me quite seriously that they had been killed that morning. I shall be better off when I pay 10s. a brace for grouse, and I Aall be better liked when I have no occasion to buy it A RARE OPPORTUNITY. I require the following sums which the Cardiganshire landowners, who are always ready to discharge their public duties, will at one- supply. First, 95,000, to finish the University College of Wales; second, £ 1,500, in aid of the Town Library; third. X6,000, to lay out and maintain a public park; fourth, some scholarships and exhibitions to enable deserving boys in elementary school to pass on to the universities; fifth, £700, to erect a Turkish bath in addition to the baths in Newfoundland-street, which the landed gentry have supported with their usual liberality; sixth, £13,000 and some brains to start the Tories a paper, in which they can write letters without going out of the county. They think the thing can be done handsomely for about tiftee-i shillings: seventh, a loan of £3,000 to build some decent houses for working men. NOBLE CONDUCT. The following letter is supposed to have been addressed to the Mayor of the town by the great land- owners of the district, but somehow or ether never reached him :-DEAR SIR, In order to contribute something towards the prosperity of Aherystwyth we, the undersigned landowners, have agreed to throw open our gardens, grounds, and woods one day a week each, during the summer season. If the privilege is not abused it will be repeated. We do this because we are fully aware that we are benefited by the success of the town." Then follow the names which I have omitted. FAME. In the rocks near my bit of a place on the coast tuck, of worms may be seen. We know that these woirr,3 lived, because they have left marks which have existed through ages that cannot be adequately marked by years. Since these worms crawled, kings, ruler poets, statesmen, and builders have lived, but nothing they did was as permanent as the crawling worms across their slimy bed. The kings died, and were gorgeously buried in tombs, which decayed slowly, and were wasted away gradually, and which disappeared imperceptibly, until not a trace was left. The systems of rulers were superseded and were forgotten, 'adi(i the bones of the great men were assimilated by plants, and were ground in the mills of God exceedingly small. Poets sang their songs, which sank into the inner life of things, and became part and parcel of the heritage of life, but the poets became dust that was washed by the rain and floated by the wind, until lost to human ken. States- men made laws, and builders erected palaces, but time superseded the one and shook the other, and both passed away. A worm meantime crawled from its place, and the mark it made exists to-day. It may be that in these days the thing that shall abide is not the work of kings, but the crawlings of worms We have no measure of greatness and no test of permanence. The mummies of Egypt are modern— things of yesterday, and yet Jones, and Smith, and Brown, and Robinson are anxious about their reputations and are careful that posterity shall not make mistake about them Who knows what any- thing rrieans ? Coast. P. W.

ABERYSTWYTH. THE JCVEXILE BAND OF HOPE.-lr D. Thomas, Nortiigate House, has received a cheque for El from Mr L. P. Pugh, M.P., towards the proposed Band of Hope library. NA FTICAL.Nlr J. W. Coffey (son of Mr Coffey, late of this town) has successfully passed before the Mercantile Marine Board, London, on the 8th August, as second mate. LADIES COLLEGIATE SClIOOL.-At thelast examination held by the Royal College of Preceptors, the following pupils of this school successfully passed, and obtained certificates, viz. :-)Iiss Louie Davies, Troedybryn Miss AI. Davies, Llangwyryfon; Miss E. Edwards, Llanbadarn and Miss A. J. Williams, Aberystwyth. A DISABLED SMA<'K.—During the gale all Tuesday morning the Greyhound fishing smack from Hoylake was observed to be flying a flag of distress. Five' beachmen, Richard Rees, John Jones, Morgan Jones, Hugh .Jones, aud Henry Davies, put out in the I pleasure boat "Aberyst^fyth," put two men on board the smack and succeeded in bringing her safely into the harbour. 11 11 MRS TAYLOR'S FUND.—The following subscriptions have been received since our last issue :—Misses Peach, 18 Marine-terrace, 2s.; Mrs Rice Williams, 6s.; Mr Biokerstaii, 2s. 6d.; Colonel Barrow, 10s.; Mr J. Jones (mayor), Bridge End, 10s. 6d.; E. B. and M. Godet, 55 AIu:"me-terrace, 5s.; Friends at Aberystwyth, per Miss H. Sheppey, £ 2 5s.; Friends per Mrs Rice Williams, 4s. 6d. Tli2 ESLEYAX BAZAAR.—The bazzaar, which was held three days last week in the Examination Hall of the College, resulted in a total of £ 224 in liquidation of the £3\)1) debt on the English Wesley an Chapel. Mrs Pugh. Abermaide, Mrs Evans, Tyissa, Mrs Richards. Brytieithyn, the Misses Davies, Cwniooediog, and others, sent confections and handsome flowers for the rct'resr:nent stalls. The ladies have arti cles on hand valued at about f SO, which they desire to sell in the school-room each evening next week. The following is a list of money received at the different.stalls :—Mrs (Simpson. Mrs Tanner, Mrs Jenkins, and Miss Jones, £ 7o LSs. 3d.; Mrs Doughton, Mrs Collins, Mrs Hoskiag, and Miss Collins, £ 55 Ss. 4d.; Mrs Nowell, is. fFd.; Mrs Davies, £ 25 Mrs -Jones, £ 3 Os 7d. Al, Smith, Mrs Owen, Miss Clapperton, and Miss Jwcii, £ 15 Os. 10d.: Mrs Garner. Mrs Green, and Mrs 11, 1: 12 -11 t- 1eake. jL2 log. lid.; Master! C. Milis. 5s. lOLL; admission money, per Mr W. H. Codm; £ 20 9s. (id.; contribution to general rind. Ss. total, £ 26S 14s. llid. j MUSICAL FESTIVAL.—As will he seen from our adver- tising columns, a musical festival will be held this day on the Castle. The choir, with its energetic leader, have been busily preparing for some weeks past, and have reached a high state of efficiency, considering the large amount of labour required for such an occasion. The whole of the "Messiah," and a large portion of "Samson," together with a miscellaneous selection, will be performed. Should this festival turn out to be a success, the choir intends holding one annually. THUNDERSTORM.—In the early hours of Sunday morning last, a violent thunderstrora broke over Aber- ystwyth as it did over the country generally, but in this neighbourhood, little damage was done and no lives were lost. A house called Ropewalk Fach, near Trcfechan, occupied by Captain William James, and a place near Llanrhystill Road, called Aberbrwynenfach, were both struck by lightning. In the case of Rune- walk Fach. the electric fluid struck the outside of the chimney, passed through the wall into a room where the servant was sleeping, thence to the fire place where it perforated the iron work and a tray on the mantle piece, and then apparently made it exit at the same place where it made its unwelcome entry. OBITUARY.—We regret to have to record the death of Mr Thomas Smith, Pier-street, which occurred at half past three o clock on Wednesday morning. Mr Smith was nfty-eight years of age. He was a native of Northamptonshire, and came to Aberystwyth as a sub-contractor in connection with the Cambrian Rail- ways. He assisted in building the Castle Hotel (what is now the University College of Wales buildings), the hotel at Borth, and main' of the railway bridges between Aberystwyth and Aberdovey. Alter the completion of the line Mr Smith lived twelve month.,s in America, where he worked for the Government in constructing a fort. During his sojourn in America Mr Smith had the misfortune to break his leg. t Returning to Aberystwyth he commenced business iu the Market Hall as a fish and provision merchant, and afterwards removed to Pic-street. Owing to his death Mrs G. T. Smith's place of business iu Great Darkgate-street, which had only been opened a day or two previously, will be closed for a few days. VISITOR." CAUOJIT IN A SQUALL.—One of the most enjoyable things a visitor can do when at Aber- ystwyth, though few are "up to it," is to fish in the bay for mackerel, gurnet, and others of the finny tribe, and the enjoyment is not marred by a feeling of in- security induced by the employment of unskillful boat- men, for all the boatmen are not only qualified, but licensed by nautical members of the Town Council, after their boats have been overhauled. At half-past six o'clock on Tuesday morning a young lady and three gentlemen started on in the Clara, a boat belonging to Mr Thomas Williams, coxswain of the lifeboat, on a fishing cruise in the bay. With a favourable breeze from the W.S. W. the party had a run of over seven miles, and a good haul of mackerel, the young lady catching eight, but when outside the Patches, which is supposed to represent jthe inundated palace of Gwyddno Garanhir, a sudden squall came on from the N.N.W, accompanied with rain and a heavy sea. The coxswain lowered the sail and manoeuvred his craft; and at half-past eight sighted the fishing smack Grey- hound, whose sails had been split in the squall. Shortly afterwards one of the visitors sighted Pendinas and the Castle point, and eventually the brat was b sached without shipping a drop of salt water during the gale. PETTY SESSIONS, AUGUST lüth. — Before John Jones, Esq. (Mayor), J. W. Szlumper, Phillip Williams. C. Rice Williams, Isaac Morgan, Edward Hamer, Esqrs. Alleged Th,ft.-Richar(I Dean, fancy goods dealer, Mary-street, summoned Edwin Nowell, hairdresser's son, Little Darkgate-street, for having feloniously stolen two pin cushions and two pairs of studs, value 7s., from the prosecutor's stall, at the Corn Market, on August 5th.—Mr J. T. Jenkins (Messrs G. Jones and Co.) appeared for the defence.—Richard Dean, the complainant, stated that last Monday week he found that he had lost tw o pin cushions and about a dozen small tooth combs. He informed Sergeant Evans of his loss, and on Wednesday witness, in company with P.C. Daniel Jones (34), went to the Bazaar at the College. They went to Mrs Nowell's stall, and found tli? two pin-cushions and two pairs of studs produced. There were other pin-cushions on the stall, but they were not similar to the ones he missed. On the previous Friday night the accused had asked witness what was' the price of them, but he did not answer, as the accused was always bothering him about the stall. Cross examined He could not swear to the goods as he had no private iCark on them.—P.C. Daniel Jones (34) said that on Wednesday, at the request of Sergeant Evans, he accompanied the complainant to the bazaar, at the College, to see if they could find some of the goods which were lost on Saturday. After looking round the room the complainant pointed out the articles produced as the ones he had lost. Witness told Mrs Nowell that the articles had been lost from the prosecutor's stall, and he asked her to wrap them up. as he was going to take them with him. Witness charged the accused with having stolen the articles, and he began to cry. The case was dismissed. Drunkennos*.—Thomas Davies, hawker, Northgate- court, was charged with having been drunk and dis- orderly, and threatening to murder Catherine Davies on August 15th.— P.C. James Lewis (20) said that about six o'clock on Tuesday, August 15th, he was calied down to Northgate-court where the defendant, who was very drunk, was creating a disturbance and threatening to murder Catherine Davies.—The defen- dant said that he was not very drunk, and he did not threaten to murder Catherine Davies.—He was fine(I 10s. and costs or in default, fourteen days' hard labour. No Name on Cart.—Morgan Davies, farmer, Cwm- bach, Llanon was charged with not havillfY his name properly painted on his cart on the 14th ofP August. Mr F. R. Roberts, junior, appeared for the defendant. The case was adjourned for a week so that Sergeant Evans should obtain legal advice on a technical objec- tion raised by Mr Roberts. Thf Chary•of Perjury.—John Davies, Bodcoll Mill, Devil's Bridge, summoned William Morgan, miner, Cefnfyches, Ponterwyd, for having committed wilful and corrupt perjury whilst giving evidence at a County Court held at Aberystwyth on July 14th.—Mr J. T. Jenkins appeared for the prosecution, and Mr A. J. Hughes for the defence.—The Clerk having read over the evidence taken at the last hearing, John Davies, Bodcoll Mill, said that he was present at the County Court held on the 14th of July. He brought an action to recover f3 17s. 6d. from the defendant. He remembered w-hat Morgan said about w hat took place on the 12th of October. He said that he had not been near Bodcoll Mill on that day. There were present his wife and his brother David Davies. There was an agreement entered into between witness and the defen- dant on the 12th of October. They agreed about letting land for the keep of sheep. Accused was to pay witness £5 for the keep of from thirty-five to forty sheep from the 12th of October 1881 to the 20th April, 18S2. David Davies was present when the agreement was entered into. The receipt produced was not in witnesses handwriting. The accused came to the house and to Bodcoll Mill on the 25th of January. A receipt for £1 was written out in the dwelling house. The paper marked A was the one witness signed. When witness signed the paper the words" balance ;C I were not written on it, and it was all written in blue ink. When the receipt was draw n out witness s wife was present. There was an agreement drawn up between witness and the accused on the 11 th October. The accused tore up that agree- ment near the door of the mill at Bodcoll when they made the new agreement. The reason why a new agreement was made was because by the new agree- ment the accused was to send between forty and fifty sheep.—In cross-examination witness said that he first saw John Hughes on the 20th April when he came with the accused to fetch the sheep away. They went into Bodcoll house to prepare a receipt, and William Morgan wrote on a piece of paper words to the follow- ing effect I received my money for Bodcoll fields settled up." The accused then asked witness to put a stamp Oil it. He did so, and asked the accused whether a stamped receipt was necessary when no sum was mentioned in the paper. Witness signed the receipt and put it on the table before him. The accused then asked witness what lie owed him, and on witness telling him that he owed f3 17s. 6d., lie snatched the receipt from the table and put it in his pocked. V\ itness then took hold of accused's arms and made him gi ve up the receipt. The accused then produced the first agreement, and on witness asking him if he had not torn the agreement, he replied with an oath that he was not such a fool as to destroy a written agreement.—David Davies, brother of the last witness, said that he was at Bodcoll Mill in company with his brother on the 12th of October, 1881, William Morgan came in and a conversation took place about the sheep. They came to a fresh agreement, and illiam Morgan the accused tore up the first agree. ment. They agreed that the accused was to keep from thirty-five to forty sheep for £ 5. William Morgan had stated at the County Court that he had been on the land on the 12th of October, but lie had not been in the Mill.—Jane Davies, wife of the prosecutor said she knew the accused William Morgan. She saw William Morgan on the 12th of October. He was standing by the door of the Mill. She saw the accused in the house on the 12th of January. He paid £ 1 to her husband, for which a receipt was made oat. She saw the accused at the Mill. — David Jones, Mount Pleasant, Devil's Bridge said that en the 11th of October lie was at Bodcoll Mill. There was some disturbance between Davies the complainant and Morgan the accused. Morgan told witness what the distnrbancet was about, and he wanted Davies to accept a sovereign which was on the table, but Davies refused to do so.—Mr J. T. Jenkins, who was then sworn, said that he appeared j at the County Court for the prosecution iu the case of John Davies v. William Morgan, heard on the 14th Of July. The papers now produced and marked A and B respectively came into the possession of the Registrar of the County Court out of the possession of Mr H. ] Hughes, junr, the accused's solicitor.—Mr A. J. Hughes having addressed the Bench, John Hughes, Pantyroddfa, said that he recollected going with William Morgan, to Bodcoll Mill on the 20fch of April. The accused handed Davies a sovereign and asked for a receipt, but Davies refused to accept the sovereign. The prosecutor told w itness that he had agreed with the accused for £ 2 15s. at the beginning, but the accused said that it was too early to take the sheep away on the 10th of April, and he agreed to give Davies £ 3 to keep the sheep there till April 20th. The prosecutor told witness that the accused had paid him 1: 1. Witness asked the prosecutor why lie refused to accept the 1-1 tendered by the accused and let the sheep go, and lie said that David Jones had offered him to keep his horse on the land, and lie also said that the first sovereign lie had received from the accused was with Thomas Jones. Witness asked the prosecutor why lie had given the sovereign to Thomas Jones, and he said it was to cancel the arrange- ment with the accused. They then went to collect the sheep, and after turning them into another field, Wm. Morgan took out an agreement from his pocket, and read it to the prosecutor, who said, "Have you not torn that you devil." Morgan said that it was not likely that lie should tear his agreement about the sheep. The prosecutor then said, "if you have not done so I will do so in two minutes," and jumped at the accused. Witness then tol-I the accused to put the agreement in his pocket, and he (witness) told the accused that he would take the sheep away, come what might. The room was then cleared, and after an interval of about an hour's duration, the public were readmitted, and the Mayor said the Bench was unan- imously of opinion that there was uot sufficient evidence to send the accused for trial. At the same time, they expressed their opinion that there was a great deal of perjury committed in Courts of Justice.

LLANBADARN FA WE. SCHOOL BOARD.—At the last report of the Llan- badarn Fawr School Board it was stated that Mr J. O. Jones's salary was £ 110, whereas it should have been £ 120. The difference, therefore, beween Mr Jones's salary and that offered to his successor amounts to fl5 and not X5. Mr Jones's resignation is solely attributed to his having been appointed to a more lucrative sphere of labour in Anglesey.

ABERAYRON. y !HTORS' LTSTS.-The utter disproportion between our published list of visitors, and the actual number of visitors in town is owing to the fact that lodging house keepers cannot see the advantage of preparing the list for our messenger who weekly calls at each house two or three times. FOOLS' WEDNESDAY.—This is a misnomer, but has received the authorization of the public. There can be nothing more rational than that the inhabitants of the country all round, comprizing about sixteen miles in each direction, should come to the sea side one a year. This extraordinary influx has been witnessed daily in succession during the last week, so that the famous Dydd Mercher mawr has lost its identity in favour of an unlimited number of days. Last Wednesday there were about 2,000 people in the town, and the behaviour generally was very creditable to the morals of the country. They amused themselves by bathing, boating, and visiting the chalybeate well and grounds. Many hundreds also crossed the harbour in Captain Evans's famous halfpenny airy boat. In the morning there was a heavy downpour of rain, which doubtless stopped hundreds from coming down. Nor are these altogether day visitors, for on Tuesday morning' Messrs D. J. Davies and Son, china dealers, John Evans, watchmaker. John Jones, London House, and William Morris Jones, grocer, made a door to door reckoning of the visitors who had slept in town on Monday, showing a total of 963. In view of the fact that visitors were lodged in houses not known as lodging houses, jthe :number may be safely taken to exceed 1,000. CRICKET CLUB.—An efficient and permanent cricket club seems to be on a fair way to be established at Aber- ayron. A committee to further this object was held at the Public Rooms on Monday night, the 14th August. at which Mr. T. H. Maddy presided. It was announced that £6 10s. 3d. in subscriptions had been realized, in- clusive of the donation of JE1 from Mr. Lewes, Lanayron, who is ever ready to promote every public object. The following officers were unanimously elected :—Captain, Mr. H. W. Howell, solicitor; chairman of the club, Mr. Gwynne, Monachty; vice-chairman, Mr. T. H. Maddy; secretary and treasurer, Mr. B. C. Jones working committee, the above officers and Messrs. T. Preston, T. Pugh, T. Z. Jones, Herbert Evans, B. A., and B. E. Howell. The secretary was authorized to order bats, wickets, balls, sets, &c., as selected from catalogue. The club have secured the use of a convenient tield near Cilgwgan, kindly placed at their disposal by Mr. "Ll Jones, Feathers Hotel. After the business of the com- mittee was over, attention was called to the fact that twelve months ago a quoit club was formed in the town with much eclat. The ground was prepared sixteen quoits bought, rules printed, subscriptions promised, but the body was dormant if not dead-not one regular game had been played. It was said that if the club was henceforth not to be an active one- the subscriptions would have to be paid in order to meet the expenses incurred. The speaker hoped that a little more vitality would characterize the new cricket club. The people of this town have a rare propensity for forininv, new clubs with the greatest zeal, and immediately afterwards of leaving the under- taking to collapse. Some time ago a boating club was formed at considerable pecuniary sacrifice. The boat was bought for 918 and was used about a dozen times during the season. The next season it was to be seen bottom upwards in the yard near the lime kilns, where its boards were staved in day after day by boys and others, until at last it was reduced to such small pieces that its demolition was hardly noticed.

TREGARON. THE BURIAL ACT OF 1S80.—Last Friday, August I Ith, a funeral was conducted here in accordance with the provisions of the above mentioned Act-the first funeral yet in this place under the Act. The person who was buried was Mrs Jane Jenkins, the wife of Mr Daniel Jenkins, Currier-street. She belonged to the Wesleyan body, and her relatives sought to have her buried in the new churchyard belonging to the church, and notice of burial in accordance with the require- ments of the Act was given to the vicar (Rev O. Davies, M.A.), to which as was expected, every facility was given so as to have their wishes carried out. He gave them the option of chosing the burial place, (which is, it stems, entirely in the hands of the vicar or person in charge. The Rev Thos. Jones (W), Pont- rhydygroes, conducted the funeral in the unavoidable absence of the Rev Mr Curry, assisted by the Rev John Jones (C. M.), Tregaron.

ABERDOVEY. A VISITORS OPINION OF THIS PLACE.—-The following letter appeared in a recent issue of the Manchester Guardian, and is written by a gentleman who, with his family, have been staying in the place for some time:- "Sir,—At this season of the year the question naturally arises in the minds of many, 'Where shall we go during the holidays' Having been sent by medical advice to the seaside, eventually finding my way to Aberdovey, where I have reided for several months past, experiencing much benefit therefrom, I wish thankfully to give spontaneous and independent testimony to the undoubted advantages of this place as a seaside resort, endeavouring through your widely-extended circulation to bring it into the position of repute which it well deserves. Aberdovey is situated, with a southern aspect, at the mouth of the river Dovey, some ten miles distant, 'as the crow flies,' from Aberystwyth. By the hills at the back of the village, which are of easy and gentle access, and from which magnificent views of sea and mountain range are to be obtained, it is completely sheltered from the north and north-easterly winds, the easterly winds coming straight down the river, simply passing the town, whilst with its southerly, and we may say westerly aspect, it receives the full benefit of the invigorating and healthful breezes which are to be had from those quarters. The estuary itself, speaking from the centre of the village, is about two miles in width. Some two or three miles beyond this, on the opposite shore, rises a range of hills or mountains which skirt the whole of the bay, affording a never-ending variety of beautiful landscape effects. A most attractive feature of the place is the excellent and safe boating which is to be had at any time of the tide, the banks on each side of the river extending in such directions that the water except at its mouth near the bar is, practically speaking, landlocked and when it is stated that vessels of heavy tonnage can and do enter the river and ride at anchor, it will be seen that there is plenty of sailing room. By virtue of its sheltered position it is an excellent place for residence in winter, and as in one direction the wind comes in clear fiom the Atlantic, it is a bracing and healthful spot during the summer months. Shells, though not in great variety, are to be found in abundance on the shore, and the sands close to town are extensive, so that young children have ready to hand an exhaustless fund of amusement. Good and safe bathing is to be had at proper times of the tide. Capital fishing to be had. Codling, plaice, fluke, bass, and mullet are caught in the river with suitable appliances. Shrimping can also be done in the sandy pools when the tide is out. Cockles and mussels, too, can be gathered in abundance; whilst the lover of "the rod" will find plenty of scope for the exercise of the gentle art" up the river for salmon, &c., and in streams not far distant for trout. Accommodation for visitors is to be had at reasonable rates, and this will doubtless increase as the place becomes more widely known. I will not say more, though more could fairly be added, by way of indicating the advantages of Aberdovey. I feel, however, bound to make this attempt to bring it into more public notice, and am pretty confident that those who are tempted to visit it A-ill not regret the experiment.—Yours respect- fully, THOMAS CL:-X;O. 1, Ivy House, Aberdovfv, North Wales.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
CBICOIETH. MARINE CRESCENT. Williams—Maior-General and Mrs Bracken, family and servants 3, "vl MacKir—Mr and Mrs Aldington, Mr A. E. Aldington: Mr Brickley, Birmingham Andre a' Villa, Rf-r. Joint tb-m—Mr Samuel B. Allport and family, Moseley, Worcestershire; Miss Jones, Wigan HIGH STREET. Bradford. Jloitse, M/- Jones—Mrs Brittain and family, Birmingham; Miss Pitts, Kington, Herefordshire; Mr Owen, Festiniog; Mr Roberts, Llangiau Arron House, Mrs Jj H.'iams—Mrs and Miss O'Donoghue Longhills. Church (Stretton; Mr and Mrs Newnham Davies and family, London; Miss Lewis, Stanmore, Middlesex ORMSBY TERRACE. 3, R, P. Thomas—Mr, Mrs, and Miss Burroughs, Clifton; Miss Penley PARCIAU TERRACE. 2, Air I. JOil"Mrs Hine and family, Not- tingham 3, ?IIi, -s Morris and family, Leamington 4, Rev Moses Jo-vs—Miss York, Miss A. York, Brighton House, Edgbaston; Mr A. C. Royer, Gallerand. France Mrs G. Jones—Mr and Mrs Lacon, two sons and daughter, Birmingham, Miss Carter, do; Mrs Nutt, Sheffield MARINE TERRACE. 4, Willianls Temple—Mr and Mrs Amphlet, family and servants, Birmingham (;, Leech, family and maid, Mrs Leech, Manchester; Mr Dickenson and family, Mr Daykeringlo. Loadon 7, Mrs- E. B. William*—Captain, Mrs, Miss, and Master Gambier, London; Mrs Congreve and family, and maids, Miss Stewart. Stafford 11, Mrs Jones—Mr -and Mrs Bird and family, Rock Ferry; Mrs Glazebrook and family, Liverpool; Mr and Mrs J. Paul Rylands, London. Portland lionsr, Mi- Pvitehard—The Misses Edwards, and maid, Harrow; Rev and Mrs McKerrow and family, Birmingham; Miss and Master Graham, Acocks Green, Birmingham Belle Mr." Ed.n-ards—Mrs Fricker and family, LonIon 13, Mrs- Griffiths—Mr A. M. Lang and family, Harrow; Mr and Mrs Shaw, Blackheath; Mr and Mrs Duperier. Totnes; Mr E. B. Lang, Royal Artillery, Woolwich; Mr A G. B. Lang, 2nd Battalion Cheshire Regiment, Peshawur, India 14, Mrs Griffiths—Mr and Mrs Chadwick, family and nurses, Buile Hill, Manchester; Rev and Mrs Finch, Dorriugton, near Shrewsbury 15, Mrs Capt Griffiths—Rev S. and Mrs Hansard and family, London; Miss Hansard, Folkstone 16, Miss Jones—Mr and Mrs Thomas Griffiths, family. and maid, Harbrone, near Birmingham Mrs and Miss Gillert, Miss Elliot, Cheltenham 18, Mrs Jones—Mrs, Miss, and Master Strickland; Miss Hoare and maid, Warwick-square, London Lady Harriet Fletcher, Miss and Master Fletcher, and maid, Putney. S. W. Wave Vietr, Mrs Captain Jones— Mrs Badley, Misses Badley, Mr J. H. Badley, Dudley Mrs Thomings, Haden Cross; Mr and Mrs Sims, family and maid, Manchester. 20,—Mr and Mrs Worth, family and servants, Stour- port. 22, and Mrs Smith and family, and Miss Howe, Northampton; Mr and Mrs Braddon, do; Mrs Briddon, Derby; Rev W. H. Briddon and Mrs Brid- don, do; Mr and Mrs Gibb and family, The Holms- dale, Kensal, Manchester; Mr, Mrs, and Miss Ses- sions, Gloucester SALEM TERRACE. 2, Mrs Cadvialader—Mr and Mrs Haslam and family, Bolton 5, Mrs Parry—Miss Adams, The Ivies, Birmingham; Miss Slater, Bath 3, Mrs Erans—Mr Fletcher, Nottingham; Mr Knowles, do; Mr Knowles, Birmingham 6, Mrs 11. Roberts—Mr and Mrs Read, and family, Rock Ferry H ope House, M rs Captain Jones—Mrand Mrs Kennedy CORPORATION TERRACE. 4, Mrs Jones—Misses Newnmrch, Bridgnorth, Salop 5, Mrs Edirards—Mr, Mrs, and Master Lloyd Edwards, Festiniog; Mrs Owens, Llanberis; Mr Roberts and Mr Griffiths, Festiniog BRYNTIRION TERRACE. Mrs Erans—Mr Glynn and family, Bournemouth 5, Captain Parry—Mrs Mellor, Clifton, Bristol CAMBRIAN TERRACE. 1, Mrs D. Roberts—Mr Weddington, Chester; Miss Hughes, Festiniog 2, Mrs Jones—Mr, Mrs, Master, and Miss Waddington, Old Trafford, Manchester Mrs Hope, Manchester 3, Mrs Oteen—Rev S. B. Bathe, and family, Kidder- minster 5, Mrs Griffiths—Mrs Perry and family, Birmingham CASTLE ROAD. 2, Pleasant, nelC-Mrs Ventry de M. Mellin, Man- chester Mont 1 ista, Jones—Mrs E. T. Land, family, and nurse, Harrow-on-the-Hill Ty Neirydd. Jones—Mr J. T. Prior and family, Harrow NORTH TERRACE. Mrs U'. Erans—Mrs Warren S. Evans, New York 1, Mr* Griffiths—Miss Von Borries and Miss Perret, Cheltenham Wellillyton.terrace, Mrs Thomas—Mr and Mrs Otto Peiniger and family. Harrow Rail iray-terrace, Mrs Da?,i,.q-Mr and Mrs Rimmer and infant; Miss Roe, Liverpool Railioay-terrace, Roberts—Mrs Jones and son, Waenfawr 3, Brojfyntyn-tmv/rv?, Mr Roberts—Mr and Mrs Pearson and family, Liverpool -.Nlrs Logan, family and servants, Chester Bryn Ef/lu-ys—Mr and Mrs Wilbraham, family and servants, Cheshire Cardii/an House, Miss Gi-ilpth-,Alr Glynn, family and servants, Liverpool Mount Pleasant, Mr Williams—Mr and Mrs Howard Smith, family and nurses, Birmingham Mrs C. Osier, do Brynymor, Mrs Owen — Mr and Mrs Smith, children and maid, Birminghaiji Arror Villa, Captain -Jones—Mr and MrsWethered and family, Clifton; Mrs Smith, London; MissBakewell, do; M'ss Kendall, Manchester; Miss Barton, do.; Miss Walker, Halifax; Miss Shoeman, Germany 2, Belle i 'i(,, Mr Griffith,—Mr, Mrs, and Miss Weisse and Mr Burow, Edinburgh, Scotland Cambrian House, Mrs Feddis—Mrs R. Lang and family, Harrow Osmond House, Miss Kate Hughes—Mrs and Masters Williams, Chester Wernddu Villa, Mrs Humphreys—Mrs Lawson, Man- chester; Miss Breakile, do.; Mr Thomas Briggs and family, London ° Rail way Hot el, Mr* Parry—Mr and Mrs Ciuttenden and family, London London House, R. '1'. Pritehard,—Mr, Mrs, Misses, and Masters Lodge, Prestwich; Miss Lord, Dr and Mrs Boyer Post Office, M rs Price—Mr and Mrs Bonsfield and family, St Mary's Mount, Leeds Taleijion House, Captain Rowlands—Mr and Mrs Peake and family, Congleton, Cheshire; Mr and Mrs Bull, Newcastle, Staffordshire; Miss Ashworth, New- castle-under-Lyne; Miss Peake, Congleton; Misses Calvin, Leamington Havelock House, Mrs Jones—Mrs McKinel and family, Rugby; Mr and Mrs Wakes and family, do Golden Eayle House, Mr Jones—Mr and Mrs Michell and family, Edgbaston, Birmingham Llys Caradoc Temperance Hotel, Mrs Roberts—Miss Davies, Cheadle; Mr W. and Mr G. Wakefield, Wit- acre Mr Wakefield, Northampton Mr Hughes, Carnarvon Mr Jones, Festiniog Mr Parry Jones, Llanberis; Mr Hughes, Birmingham Meirion House, Mrs Davies—Mr Lloyd, Festiniog Harlech View, Airs Erans—Airs tWright and family, Miss Smith, Birmingham 1, Biiy View, Rev W. B. Marks—The Misses Minshall, Birmingham Fair View, Mrs Griffith—C'apt and Mrs Empson, R.A., and Miss Philip Blackburn; Major and Mrs Uoe, family, and nurse, Sefton-park, Liverpool

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
P W LLI-IELI. 1 HIGH STREET. Crown IrQte!, AI/w Griffith—Air W. Stevens, Brierly Hill, Air Pemberton, Air Barnel, Birmingham, Mr Roberts, do, Mr James, do, Mr "William Roberts, London, May Birmingham, Mr Gruar, Manchester, Air Gray, do, Air Poland, do, Captain Chadwick, London, Air Brunswick, Nottingham, Air and Mrs Bates, do. Miss Dennis, (la, Air Passmore, do, Air Layton, do, Mr Seilby, Hewaike, Mr and Mrs Jor- dan. do, Air Wortley, Brentford, Mr Edwards, do, Mr Ashman, Bristol, Air Nison, Liverpool, Mr and Mrs Gardner, do, Air Dutton, London, Air W. Harlcy, do, Mr and Airs Goode. do, Mr Hartland, Barmouth, Air Innes, do, Air Jones, Darley Dale. Air Usherwood, Derby, Air Lto,_ Wolverhampton, Air Tegg, Lewisham, Kent, Air George, Strom, Ed- monton, Air Scott, Barmouth, Air F. Paterson, Clap- ham, London, Air lierll)ort, Kirkhouse, Pontypridd, Mr and Mrs Hugh Jones, Aberdovey, Mr and Mrs Littlewood, Nottingham, Mrs Fox and Miss Calf, do To?,-)- Hotel, L. Griffith,—Airs and Misses Wood, Air Bingley, Birmingham, Mr Bachelor, do., Alright, do, Mr Jones and Miss Rye, Mr Fisher, Mr Sandon, Mr Hughes and family, Liverpool, Mr Hoffman, Brad- ford, Baroness von Scruff and party, Air AlcComrick, Airs and Alasters Southwell; Airs and Aliss Allison, Manchester, Mr Ivenrington, lIIrÁ Williams, Air Foster, Llandudno 75, Air G, Jones—Airs Darbyshire and family, Holy- rood, Leamington; Mrs AValtoll, do 71, Pnyhe—Dr Valatine Lendeck and party, Mrs Morton and children Caroliiie-s</uare, Miss E. Williams—Air and Airs Kent, Peckam, London; Airs Roberts, and Airs Jones, Penygroes: Air Alexandra Odson, Scotland 5, Sah-ai Cr-s"nt, M/s* A. Jows—Airs Whittingtou and family. Bury 10, Salem Terrace, Rev Thomas Owen-Professor, Mrs, and the Alisses Rhys, Oxford; Mrs Davies, Llanberis; Miss Davies, do.; Master Willy Williams, do. 3, Bay View, Air Dame re I—Airs, Mrs, and the Misses George, Lincoln; Mr Swain, do.; Airs and Alaster Pelkington, do. 2, Bay View Terrace, Williams—Aliss Hil, Kirkburton, Yorkshire; Mr and Mrs Ross and family Didsbury, Manchester Amjlesm House, Air J, Erans—Air and Mrs Sproston and sons. Shrewsbury Sea View House, Mr Jones—Rev and Mrs Auden and family, St. Julian's Vicarage, Shrewsbury 3, Ala-terrace, A1 rs lium/Jireys—Aliss Hawthorn, and Miss Percival Smith, Turnbridge Wells 7, Williams—-Air and Mrs Beach and family, Cheltenham Air and Mrs Jenkins, the Poplars. Birmingham AIinydon, 'Thomas Lloyd—Air Wilfred Tate and family, Watford, Herts Talcymeran, Ali- W. G. Casson—Air and Mrs Bushby and family. Liverpool; Miss Campbell. do Temperance House, Mrs Roberts—Air and Mrs Pearsey and son T'aleymerav-bach, Airs Jones—Airs and the Misses Hughes, Carnarvon Mr Seymour Owen, Reading Mr King, Hereford CaroUne-sf/uare, Jones—Aliss Roberts and family, Liverpool

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
HARLECH. BRONWEN TERRACE. Castle Hotel, Air W. J. Lovegrove—See advertisement. Rev S. and Mrs Edwardes, family and maid, Oxford; Mrs C. B. Stevenson and maid, Ross; Mr, Mrs, and Miss Swanwick, Whittington, Chesterfield; Air Mar- shall and friend; Air and Mrs Gale; Mr Spencer R. Butler 1, Airs Roberts—Air and Mrs P. Dupney, London; Mrs Inglis. Master Spring, and Miss Gresham, London 3, AD's Bai-i-oit,-Miss Foster (2), Clifton; Mrs, Miss, and Mr Andrew, Whalley Range, Manchester Brouyr/raig, Mrs Lloyrl-Mr H. B. Hagreen and family 16, Thistle Grove, South Kensington Mr H. W. O. Hagreen, do; Air and Mrs C. H. Swinstead, 1, St. Mark's-road, West Hackney; Mrs Warburton and family, Hendon, London N. W. 4, Clorjwyn-terrace, M?\s Emlls-The Misses Cuffley, 4, Douglas-road, Canonbury, London Britannia House, John R. Pugh-Miss Roberts, Tre- gynon; Mr A. B. Wynne and, family, Kingstown; Mr and Mrs Reynolds and daughter, Manchester Castle Villa, Mrs Eian.R-Miss Custerson, Alisses and Master Wright, Miss Toynbee, Y. A. Elliot and maid, 24, Woburn-road, Bedford; Mr and Mrs Ashmore and family, Crewe London House, Airs RohuliJ-Mrs and Miss Backhouse, Miss Rothwall, London Totryn House, J. K. Rove—Airs, Master, and Misses Atty, London; Miss Lester, do. Bronwen Cottage. Al/ss TItoTnaq-Afr and Mrs Davies and family, Llandinorwic; Mr Francis, Festiniog; Mr and Mrs Roberts and family, Liverpool; Mrs Roberts, Corris

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
DOLGELLEY. SPRINGFIELD STUEET. Noel Vieic, Mrs Jones-Mr Fred. Wild, Bolton; Mr T. Calder- bank, do.; Mr J. Baker, Birmingham Mr Fred. Hathaway, do. Spiny field Villa, Mrs Jones—Mr George Bullen, Liverpool; Miss Annie Clegs, do: Mr and Mrs F. A. Latham and family, Liver- pool; Miss Ball, Chester. 2, Vale View, Mrs Jones—Rev K. and Mrs Kaufmaunn, St Adam's College, Birkenhead. MOUNT PLEASANT. 1, Miss fioberts—Dr Taylor, Mrs and Miss Trcnicl, Mr Frederick Mossnian, Mrs Mossinan and family, Bradford, Yorkshire; Mrs BainlJridge and family, Cuttcrcoats, Northumberland. 2, M'ss Been—Mr B. T. Williams and family, Hyde Vale, Black- heath, London Rev A. Caldecott, Cambridge Mrs and Miss Sanimons, 25, Montpleir-street, Brighton. 5, Miss Htibrrt.i—Mr and Mrs Williams, Liverpool; Miss Wood; Miss Bungham, Miss Green, Miss Hewitt and maid, London Misses Towzel, Jersey. IDRIS TERRACE. 2, Mrs Junes—Mr Suddaby. 7, Mrs Evans—Miss Reed, Birmingham; Mr and Miss Moffatt, do Miss Daniel, Towyn. Caxton House, Mrs Rees—Mrs Dodd and family, Tunbridge Wells. Miss Wilkins, Home's Dale, Tunbridge Wells. Sn> ith field-street, )1, Iiiiiitl)hi-eys-.Nlrtiid )Irs Hollingshead, 97, Kversley-street, Liverpool. Treiuh'/frifd, Mrs Williams—Mr, Mrs, and Miss Cugny, London; Dr, Mrs, and Miss Johnson, Mrs Austin Clarke, Liverpool. Meirion. House, Temperance Hotel, Mrs livans—Mr and Mrs Goodall, Bury St. Edmunds; Mr John Goodall, do; Mr H. (,. Kirkham, The Yille, Stoke-on-Trent; Mr and Mrs W. E. Love- joy, London; Mr Ch. Watts, Manchester; Messrs B. and Albert Bollard, Eccles; Mr and Miss Roberts, Middlesboro'; Mr G. J. Williams, Woodland, Birkenhead; Mr and Mrs James Osborne, Ashbourne; Miss Cade and Miss Calt, do: Mr Morris, London. Wnion l'ietv, Mrs Rl)bertíl-)[r W. Williams, and family, St. Leonards-on-sea Plas.ifndre, Mrs Edwards—Miss Carter, and Mrs O'Brien, London Brnubella, Miss Nei-e(lith-Ctl)t. and Mrs Stokes. R.N., Weston- super-mare; Miss Littlejohn, Clifton Col. C. W., Mrs, and Miss Nightingale, London 3, Queen's Square, Mrs Jones—Rev, Mrs, Miss, and Master R. Lascelles, Lavington Rectory, Petworth, Sussex. Arroor View, Mrs J'urfh—Sir and Mrs Parry, family and nurse, Sydenham and India; Mrs Alfred Bishop and party, London

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
NEW QUAY. Mountain View, Mr D. Davies—Mr John Thomas, Nant Gwynfa; Mrs Jones, do; Mrs J. Jones, do; Mrs, Mr Evan, and Miss Eliza Rees, Dolifor yiotnit Pleasant, M. Jeiikiea—Mrs Jones, and daughter, Pen'rallt Coeh; Miss Alderson, Carmarthen; Mrs Howels, Pantrhiw, Llan- pumpsaint; Miss Haines, Deny, dcr; Mr Jones and Mr Davies; Mr and Miss Thomas, Court, Pencader; Miss Thomas, Llwyn- derw; the Misses Williams, Blaemvaen Ilhiic-irif/ Mr* M. Daeies—Miss Jane Davies, Dolan; MrsM. Jones, Llanllwni; Mrs G. D. Jones, do-, Miss Davies, Swansea; Mrs Evans; Miss Davies; Rev 1). G. Davies 14, Rock-terrace, Mrs /Jarit's—Rev William Harries, Llandyssul; Mr B. C. Davies, Llanpumpsaint; Mr J. G. Mathias, Pencader; Mr J. W. J. Williams, do; Miss Davies, Lampeter: Miss Hinds, do; Mrs Thomas, do: Miss S. Jane Davies, Llanpumpsaint; Miss A. O. Amphlett, Llandyssul; Miss Annie Jones, Penlan, do; Miss M. Rees, Llandyssul. Glen S'/uare, Loudon House, Mrs M. Evans—Mr Griffiths, Car- marthen; Mr Jones, do; Mrs Morgans, Glanrhud i

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
TO A YN. PIER VILLAS. 1, M/'s Humphreys—Mrs Pearson, family, and maid, Newton-le- Willows 2, l\Ii", Jones—Dr and Mrs Hyde and family, Worcester Mr W. P. Feeney, London 3, Miss Evans—Mrand Mrs Evans. and family, Clifton 4, Cella ii,-Mrs Richard Cadbury, family, and servants; Mrs and Miss lies, Birmingham; Miss Thorpe; Miss C. Haddock; Master and Miss Aders, and maid, Upper Norwood HIGH STREET. 2, Brijnf/oleH House,, Mrs Jones—Mr and Mrs Ronnfelde and family, Cardiff; Mrs and Master Bird, Miss Stotte, London Mr and Mrs Whiteworth and family, Nottingham; Miss M. Bidder, London; Mr Smyth, family and maid, London i, Cambrian House, Mrs H'illiants—Master Malony, and nurse, Cheltenham Mrs and the Misses (2) Robinsons 6, Mrs Thomas—The Rev 1). and Mrs Edwards, Glanrafon, Corwen: Mr Harrison, and family, Birmingham 7, [r, Williams—Mr and Mrs Ikin family and maid, London; Miss Devin, do. 26, Mr 1I. Da¡¡i(Jl-ir and Mrs Burton, Wolverhampton; Miss Marpole Shrewsbury; Mr Pearce Oswestry; Miss Davies, Goginan: Captain Williams, Foxdale Mines, Isle of Man 27, Ki/nval House, Miss 3[(I/,l'ill-lr and Mrs Withers, family and maid, Reading 30, Mrs Evans—Hiss Williams, Cheltenham; Miss Williams, Llau. brynmair 33, Mrs [Inrfhes—Miss Fry; Mr Tomely; Mrs and Miss Rush, Reading; Miss Williams and Servant, Worcester 37, Mrs Williams—Mrs and the Misses Davies, Hafod, Ponty- pridd: Mrs Roderic, Llandovery Beaufort House, J'en. T. Thomas—Mrand Mrs Scott and family, Birmingham; Master Mappins, Southgate; Mr and Mrs Robin- son and family, Blundellsands COLLEGE GREEN. 2, Mrs B. 1"oll(lholl-[r, Mrs, and Miss Hughes, London; 1\Ii. Fennel, Buckinghamshire Mr and Mrs Williams, Kidderminster 6, Mr li. Davies—Jlr and Miss Reese, Llawryglyn; Miss A. Jones, Cwmbernunt; Mr H. Richards, Llawryglyn; Mrs Edwards, Rhyd- ygwiail; Miss Edwards, do.; Mrs and Miss Roberts, Birmingham; Mrs Pritchard. do. ;Mr Edwards, Llanrhaiadr Escuan IIall, Mrs Pityke-.Nir and Mrs Curteis Mr and the Misses Barlow, Woolwich 2, Church-street Mr John Jones—Mr Owens, Llanwerin; Mr Roberts, Aberllyfni; Mrs Pearce, Newtown; Miss Roberts and Miss Lewis, Corris; Mr Jones, Dowlais; Mrs Benbow, Mrs Jones, Mrs Pearce, Jlr and Mrs Evans, Newtown; Mr Davies, Machyn- lleth; JIrs Williams and fiunily, Corris; Mr David Humphreys, Corris Cadvan House, 7'. W. Stealcy—Mr m. Norman, Mr Wilcox, Bangor; Mr Tockyn, London; Mr and Mrs Burnt and family, Hanley Mr and Mrs Smith, baby and nurse, Uxbridge; Jlis Williams and Jliss Park, Corris; Jlr Stonier, Hanley 1, Pins Edwards, Mrs Dailies— Dr Ferricr, F.R.S., wife and falllil-, London, 2, Plas Edwards, Mrs V,'illiams—Mrs and Master Langford, Berriew; Mrs and Miss Rogers, Herefordshire; Mr and Mrs Robert Milner, London; Mr and Mrs Shedden and family, Great Bridge, and Jliss Green, London. Brnnifmor Cottage, Mr* Jones—Mr and Mrs Harris, family and nurse 2, A thelsta." Road n. Pierce—Jlr Sink and family, Paris; Mr and Mrs Dash, Liverpool; Mrs Quinn and maid, Dublin Portiujinin Mr Sifleauux Evans—Mr John James, Jlr James Jenkins and Thomas Jenkins, Park, Cardigan; JIrs Evans, Aber- gynohvyn 1, Cader View—The Rev and Mrs H. Foster and family Brim A irel, Mrs Thu)-)iris-)Ir West and family, London Ri-im-y-inor Cottage., Mrs Roberts—Jlr Osier, fmuily, and nurse, Birmingham Jliss l'yland, dftto 10. Chvrch Street Mrs Jinb"rts—Mrs and Master Willie P. Evans, Machynlleth: Jliss Evans, Abordosan; Mr, Mrs, Miss, and Master. Ryder, CCIlIt\1C5 [ Mr.? Chi at—Mr and Miss Price, Liverpool; M.~s and th: )'; Rankin, Birmingham; Mr Davies, Salop; Miss Roberts, town; Mr Gittens, ditto senior, 21, Actional Street Mr Richards—Jlr and Mrs Dup«» Nottingham; Mr and JIrs Dupe, junior, do: Willy Dut^1 A.nes, St. Cadi'tins Buildings, 3Trs Parrij—JEr, JIrs, and Miss y.jpd Church House, Llanwvnog; JIrs and Jliss Owen. Carno: "Lues, Mi's Davies, and familv, C^nfedw, Llanidloes; 2j-iSS Water-street, Absrganoiwyn; Jliss Owen. Newtown Ri!1d, 5, Temperance House, Maengwgn Street, Margaret Evans Jones, Henshop, Corris; John Jones, Catherine Jones, ^y Jones, Frondeg, Corris; David Evans, Van, Llanidloes;. Jones, L'.anerfyl; Elizabeth Jarmon, Caeiago, near LlaiU .Margaret Richard, Lianerfyl; Richard Morris, Wern -at|r: Llanrhaiadr, Oswestry; John Thomas, Cefnderwen, Lilanrna David Humphreys, Cefncoeh, Llanriiaijidr; Richard Pl,,s

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
BORTH. CAAIBRIAN TERRACE. C A M Hi; IA X HOTEL—Sir Alexander and Ladv maid, Mr H. A. Ramsay, the Misses Rainsav, Cheltenham.■ Rev Wm. and JIrs Campbell, Jlr H. Campbell, and the £ ;)y Campbell and maid, Uppinghami; Mr and Mrs Negus, jj, and maids, Jliss Negus, V.'iUsal! ltev T. and Mrs ^<5. family and maids, Ilaughton Rectory, Stafford Mr and » j[f Bilworth Hughes, and maid, London Jlr Marshall, ( 'jVt't. Maurice Jones, Welshpool Jlr Moore, Jlr Jlorris, I" 'ry' and Jir E. JI. Jones, Welshpool Jlr Niekleburgh, Jlontg01 ,en, Mr Gledwith, London Jlr Lee, Jlanchester Jlr Thomas ^1!' do; Jlr Bannernv.ui: Mr Smith, Jlr Jlarris, Shrewsbury: i JIrs Preston, Jlr J. Preston, and the Jlisses Preston, and 1 London Qgt- 3, )Ii- I Vatic ins—JIrs Whitehousc, Birmingham Mr and f. field, and family, Oswestry Miss Corfield, London Corfield, Christ College, Cambridge pred' 4, Mrs Roberts—Jlr Jamieson, Liverpool JIrs Oven and "r Owen, Oswestry 7, Mr* Davies -Jlr and JlrHhoades, familv and maid, C'irt0"" Rugby o'- 5, ilrs Lloi/d—Rev W. Cecil Wood, JIrs Wood, and feW -jlr I t Wellington College; Mrs Wood, Harley-street, Edghill, Demerara; Jlr Penney, Harrow; Mr WaterneJd, L ton College .vHor"' 11, M r. 'alters—JIrs Jlorris and family, Welshpool; Mrs Si" Newtown; Miss Robinson, Welshpool PRINCESS STREET. 3, Mrs James—Rev T. Williams, family and nUrse, Llanidl9 inf 6, Jlr* Jones—JIrs and Jliss L. Beisiegel, Surmv Bank, -nio1'' ham; Miss Jenkins, Tregannon; Jliss Amy Thomas, BrodnUp Llanfair, near Welshpool; Jliss JIaris Thomas, do; JI'38 Jenkins, Tregynon, near Newtown LIBANUS TERRACE. 1, Mr Thomas Gough Thomas—Ur D. B. Thomas, JIrs and the Misses; Thomas, Trefeglwvs Mr Blavne.V.. p JIrs, -Master, and tiie Missus Willis, Post Office, Talg^u'p'l'kiii- Riehard Owen, Oaks, Pontesford, Salop; Mr Chas. Jones, Castle Cottage, Oswestry 2, Mrs Lewis—JIrs and Jliss Owen, Burnt Mills, Shrewsbury Grindley, Salop Road, Welshpool; 3*is« Gwilt, Berried11 do. CAMBRIAN PLACE. 1, Mrs A rtfr—JIi1, JIrs, and Master Williams, Shrewsbury 11¡$Íd, 3, Jlrx Jane Juuiea—Jlr and Mrs George, family and Llanidloes HIGH STREET. „e«- G, Mrs Williams—Jlr and JIrs Morgan, family and nurse, 1 town; Miss Morgan do e>r; 7, Miss Lloyd—Sir and Mrs Shankland and family, Mr R. N. Pugh, of Oswestry; Jlr and JIrs Williams, Austr^^ii Pilgrim House, Mrs Williams—Jlr and JIrs JIarsden and c j,vir Montgomery; Miss Jones; JIasters and Misses Lloyd, lleth: Mr Mrs and Miss Jones, Newtown j(isS Caradag House, Mrs Jenkins-lIlrs Holroyd, Birniirj,,rhal"; Warren do.; Jlessrs Beckers, Welshpool j[i-^ London Home Mrs Lewis—Major-General C. K. Michell an" and Master Michell, London NEW STREET. 2, Mrs C. Rees—Mrs Chatmanand grand-daughter, Llanidl^lpjlr Breese, Gellylefrith, near Llanidloes; Mr David Davies, *t Mrs and Mrs Rowland, Llwynteg, do 3, lfrs E. Reen—Mrs Aston, Miss Elias, Miss Jones, LlaiiidlOes; Davies, Pennal ——— $od Moreland House, Mr* Williams-Captain and Mrs partY family, Midcloven, Derbyshire. f J'iJI' Cambrian Cottage, Mrs Daniels—Mi and Mrs Williams, UP ham; Rutland Cambrian House Mrs Iivghes—JIrs Donelly and family> Miss Ray and Miss Harman, Hereford 1x0$' Penmount House Mrs Thomas—Jlr and Mrs Evans and > Newtown Sea View House Mrs Jones—Mrs Roberts and family, ,0s May field Cottage Jlr* Evans—Jlr Marsden, Mrs and Mis8 Chambers and maid, Bowdon, Cheshire 0 Beach Grove, Mrs Captain Hugh Rees—Mr and Mrs J. C. 0 and family, Newtown; Miss Jones, do; Mrs Bridgeman, do Jill" Pic-ton House MrsJones—JIrs Fletcher Rogers and part). Lea, Oswestry M.0^' Tg Mawr, Mrs"Jones—The Misses Morice, Mr W. O. M. and MrC. C. D. Morice n\i^' Xeptune Baths, Mrs Jones—Mrs Corbett, family, and Worcester; Jliss Stevens, Hammersmith h.. sfl Amity House, Mrs Davies—Jlr, JIrs, and Miss Jones, ba nurse, London; Jlr and JIrs Fred N.Hall, and family> wick, Birmingham Liverpool Horise JIrs Hughes—JIrs Richards and party» ton-place, Oswestry; Air and Mrs Buckle, Bristol; Oswestry Gardialdi House, R. P. Rooerts—Miss Phillips, Newto^B' Smith and friend, Oxford; Master Charles Llovd, do; Thring Roberts, Cambridge; J. R. Roberts, do; Howard Roberts, do .-v Diana House, Mrs Davies—Mr and Mrs Woosnam, "nil $1 nurse; Mrs Edwards, Newtown; Mrs Dr Griffiths, nurse, Hinchley; Mrs Canon Griffiths, family and Machynlleth; Mrs Wagstaffe, and family, Birminghain^

LOCAL LAW ARBITRATIONCÃ. t The case of Shaw v. Dewhurst is still proceedifj 1 the Cambrian Hotel, Borth. It is a claim m te William Shaw against the representatives of Air Samuel Dewhurst for damages in respect of j of contract as to agreement of tenancy of a >0 Ynyslas. The case was referred from the aSSlrJl¡f; the hearing has been adjourned twice. The P'aIg W case has been concluded, and the defendant's been opened. Air E. C. Aloore. the defendants is now under examination. Mr L. P. Pugh' instructed by Alessr3 Griffith Jones and Co., y wyth, appears for the plaintiff, and Air tf1 instructed by Air Alorris Jones, Welshpool, defendant.

Family Notices
irtlt5 ^lavrkgcs, aitb 5entity C"I .¿,If Ho announcements of marriages are instrted without authentication, for want of which, announcements sent } sometimes omitted. -A charge of Is., paid in advantfijyjp* for the words "No Cards," <cc., in marriages, and to the simple record of deaths. to the simple record of deaths. BIRTHS. '[re' EDWARDS.—August 17th, at Nantyrhwch, garon, the wife of Air John D. Edwards, of a. e yt"'1 HUMFIDGE.—August 13th, at Penglaise-road, of Dr. Humpidge, of a son. ISHMAEL.—August 13th, the wife of Air David I3 Gistfaen, Ysbytty Ystwyth, of a son. ,jlj ROBERTS.—July 4th, at Aloor-street, Aberyst'vvy wife of Mr Thomas Roberts, joiner, of a son. A1ARRIAGES. t tlf DANIEL—REES.—August 3rd, by licence, Registrar's office, Cardigan, Air Thomas Coedmore, to Aliss Alary Rees, Cwmtrell^y goedmore, Cardigan. 0$< J oEs-EAS.-August 14th, at the Registrar' Aberystwyth, Air David Jones, miner, R'11 to Aliss Sarah Evans, of the same place. OWEN—TANNER—August 7th, at the EngJ'^g^ leyan Chapel, Oswestry, by the Rev. C- ,{|i> Air Thomas Owen, of Paris House, Abefys^^yjJ^ Emma, youngest daughter of Air Edward Bay Villa, Oswestry. istrlibtl REES—THOMAS.— August 11th, at the ReAf office, Aberystwyth, before the registrar,/ Jones, Talybont, Air David Rees, Frondii-10 'jja*5 bont, to Aliss Alary Thomas, Argoed faWr' f hangel-geneu'r-glyn. „ Ps THOMAS—BRETT.—August 10th, at Llanba'l'r|it1oJii% Church, by the Rev. John Pugh, Air Johu ett, Llanbadarn Fawr, to Alis3 Alargaret ,g. Princess-street, Aberystwyth. WILLIAMS—EDWARDS.—August 15th, at nevvydd, Llanfihangelycreuddyn Upper, by iy[r Edward Williams, incumbent of the parish' Williams, grocer and provision dealer, Ystwyth, to Anne, eldest daughter of Edwards. Rhosfawr, Llantihangelycreuddy0 DEATHS. fto]i BUJIFORD.—August 9th, aged 60 years, at tl'^ Newtown, Jane, wife of Mr Thomas Bumff°uC'heS e;, DA nE;Algnst 6th, aged 77 years, at l\<l11 house, High-street, Cardigau, Airs m relict of the late Air Henry Davies, Qua^0, Ll, DAVIEX—August 13th, aged 67 years, JJO beloved wife of Air Evan Davies, Black Talybont, near Aberystwyth. EVANS.—August 11th, aged 56 years, at 6, jy o* terrace, Newtown, Mr Lewis Evans, forifle y Cross, Newtown. Qttee JAMES.—August 13th, aged 52 years, a ^e, street, Aberystwyth, Aliss Alargaret Ja'ne • ^3 AIASOX.—August 13th, aged *74 years, a ker. Aberystwyth, Air Edward Alason, shoerna .^i) AIILLINGTOX,—August loth, aged 11 WEEV»R street, Aberj-stwyth, Arthur, son of 1 Alillington, merchant. at v,0- NICHOLAS.—August 9th, aged 27 year3.'ce of Water-street, Carmarthen, Eliza, WI orill: Nicholas. t N,i,tor"f PIERCE.—August 10th, aged 3 months, at ,ter terrace, Aberystwyth, Sarah Louisa, }t>, Air William Pierce, Lodging-house keep pjgj-11 SMITH.—August 16th, aged 58 a N4REr< ot.jiic' Aberystwyth, Air Thomas Smith. fis STEYEXS.—August 7th, aged 7S years, row, Cardigan, Airs Rachel Stevens, THOMAS.—August 11th, aged 62 years, put'' of Air David Thomas, manager oi Arcade, Crown-street, Newtown. TYSOX.—August 13th, at the Rector}, J- » Tyson, mother-in-law of the Re\. rector. s at I WALTERS.—July 6th, aged •>! iyeais, W Captain Walters, late of Plynlymo f Castell.. in vears, at„bter0 WILLIAMS.—August 11th, aged 10 >E street, Aberystwyth, Sophia V» una » Mr Mescch Williams, mason. Printed by JOHN GIBSON, and Published b} HLJ^RDIGAN, terrace, Aberystwyth, in the eouutj of jlori JOSKS'S, High-street, Bala, _in tht, c • earner D*vii> LLOYD'S, Porunadoc, in tho cov I■ Friday, Au^st lb, 1^-