SCALE OF PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. For the following classes of Advertisements only:— Houses TO BE LET, APARTMENTS WANTED, Hocsrs WANTED, APARTMENTS TO BE LET Situations WANTED, MISCELLANEOUS W ANT»,§ Situations VACANT, ARTICLES LOST AND FOUND No One Three Six Nine Thirteen Words, Insertion Insertions Insertions^ Insertions, Insertions j s. d. s. d. s. d. s. a. s. cl. 21 10 2 0 3 6 4 6 -r> £ 23 1 6 3 0 4 6 5 6 7 0 35 2 0 4 0 5 6 6 6 8 0 42 2 6 5 0 7 0 8 0 9 6 40 3 0 (5 0 7 0 86 10 0 SHitntcb. Y\TaNTED.— A Groom, from IS to 20, an VY abstainer, to live in the house, and make himself general useful.—Apply, A.L., Lambrnin jS <->'•* Office. taiK>I \\TAXTED. -A Book-keeper, etc., acquainted TV with the newspaper publishing business. One able to read proofs preferred.—Apply by letter only to GIJ;SO\\ Coml,rinn -A Office, Aberystwyth. f\KAPERY. Wanted a good Junior for U General Drapery 3 years experience; Welsh and English preferred.—Apply, E. DAVIES, Ihulth. a A [a!)4o AlTANTED, good General Servant; one who z-, V\ can wash and iron well.-Apply by letter to D. K MORGAN, 98, Gt. Anscoat-street, Manchester. [aU31 IZANCYNFELIN SCHOOL BOARD. XXTANTED immediately an Infant Mistress, YY average attendance about forty.—Apply ^tatiucj salary required, &c., all particulars with es i- mouials. to JOHN JONES, Clerk to the Board, Royal Oak, Glandovey, R.S.O.. Cardiganshire. A DVERTISER seeks a Clerksliip, Confiden- -i\. tial or otherwise, position of trust, or would not object to collect debts. Excellent references.- Address D., Office. [a922 AFTIES about Furnishing will do well to call at DAVID ELLIS, Furnishing and Builders ironmonger, Great Darkgate-street, Aberystwyth, tinmen kept for repairing. &c. RANTED, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, w 100 :200. 300 and 400 families to buv hvunss Celebated Teas from Is. 4d. up. Our unquestionable Standard at 2s.4d., without a doubt, is the Finest in the Market Sample of any Tea on application, 2 stamps. Evans Bro<„ Ismail Proift Tea Dealers, Aberystwyth. TF you irant any kind of Drapery, call and ■A. see the great bargains offered at Tottenham H°use- The whole stock to be sold out-the premises to be Let Of Sol(L [:\379 rpo Shopkeepers and Tea Dealers.-Agents 1 wanted for Loose or Packet Tea* «pe^a ter,ns good men. Write to G. ->0 and SOJS, 8, C In swell- et. London, E.C. —L_1—Z— /TA-N-T D.-A Cook, for a family living VY in the country. She must be able to make lnitt»r and bread, and cure bacon. A kitchen maid kept]—Address, Mrs NOWELL, Rhiewport, l><ernew, Montgomeryshire. ta90° Y\R APERY.—Wanted a respectable Youth U as an Apprentice to the General Drapery U'lemitun. required).—Apply to C, M. Aberystwyth.^ ,68.- 7 AN TED in Aberystwyth—A Daily V Governess competent to teach good Music, and take charge of pupils during thefr walks.—PP >' by letter GOVERNESS, Cambrian News Othce. a.HS Ibf WANTED to Borrow, at 6 per cent., £ 60 VY on a Life Policy for £ 300. Approved security given for interest and for the payment of the premium. Address: BORROWER, Cambrian Anc* Office. Aber- ystwyth. [atl)1 A CCOMPLISHED Young Lady desires /V engagement English, fluent French Classical lusic, Elementary Drawing. Moderate .Salary. (Mercedes). Caxtou House, Balsall Heath-road Bir- gham. ^923 be ct. SHOPS, HOUSES, &c. \rORTH WALES.—Farm House Apart- -^1 iuents to Let, in retired part of the country goac, trout stream on the farm, also shooting over 200 «cre3 of laud.—Address, -24," Cam^an JS^s Office, Aberystwyth. la94b PTlO LET. From 1st September till the A- 1st March, the exclusive right of shooting over a three miles on the North side of Aberystwyth. Address. J. J., Cambrian A7ews Office. [a.m ABERYSTWYTH.—House and Shop to be Let. with immediate possession, adapted for any kind of business.—Apply to J. REE.S, 37, Pier-street. |l i uo rI10 LET. -Al,)erystwytli. -Sul*l,:il)le for an J- Office, Auction Sale Room, or a retail business in best business part of the town.—Apply X. Cam- 'hoi Office, Aberystwyth. la'J4 rpo LET, Elegantly Furnished House, J- centre Marine-terrace Garden Gate opens to the new Swimming Baths.-Apply B. A., Ca^nrnin Office, [\S08 ABERYSTWYTH—VILLA RESIDENCES. IlIfE two Villa Residences situate in St. I David's Road, and Everton Villa, situate in ^aradof Road, Aberystwyth, to be let or sold. Apply to Mr JAMES WILLIAMS, Builder, or Griffith Esq., Solicitor, A'I)ery,,3twvth. [a-5fi6 110 BE SOLDZTCwmnant Farm, near Trc^tiron • rpO be Let or Sold—Tyglyn Aeron Mansion, A Cardiganshire, with 160 acres of excellent land. 1V/TONEY £ 7,000 to be lent on freehold 1V/TONEY £ 7,000 to be lent on Freehold Property. f rANTED—Cottage, with a few acres of Tt Land, in the neighbourhood of Aberystwyth. Apply to Messrs D. P. DAVIES, HOWLAND, and Co., Auctioneers. Valuers, &c,, Aberystwyth. L^* Zer be on). CIVIL ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS AND SURVEYORS. A FIRST Class opportunity offers for tak- ing up a business in a Mining Centre of North Wales —Address E.C., Cambrian News Office, Aber- r ystwyth. [947 pOR SALE, a Pony Carriage, can be L used closed or open, suitable for invalids or dinner parties, a seat for driver if required. Also Pony Harness to match. No reasonable offer refused. Apply to R Cabman. Newfoundland-street, Aoevyst- vvyth. raSS9 FIEPROOF SAFE, :>0 inches high, Cash Drawer, good lever Locks) Duplicate Ksja, piice M. LORD, Worcester-street, °-verhainpton. rrO HE SOLD, a good 54-in. BICYCLE, lock-nutted spokes, "hub lamp, front brake, all appliances. Owner going abroad. Cheap. £ 4 10s. 0d.— fwlress, JysErii HUOHES, Miloch Mills, Bala, North alp-, [a930 DAVID JONES, j t REST, CROSSWOOD. J | AS on hand and can supply any number of f (1 1,11, e Bar gooll Larch Gates, at the workshop, ie ebvered at Trawscoed vStation, at Is. per foot in j^Sth of eight feet and above. Also Churns, to make lbs. of Butter, at £ 1 5s. each. [793 ABERYSTWYTH. JPtUiN7':>u, BOOKSIXDIXC. P,ULi:;a, of every done neat; quickly, and chtT. at ilia CAMBRIANXEW;r- PPvINTING VrOP.KS, MILL STREET. Sales b\} Attttioit. OWE-N LDANIEL, AUCTIONEER, LAND VALUER, &c., HAYING long possessed a business con- jn nection in Cardiganshire, has (owing to the decease of the late Mr G. T. Smith) opened an office at 7, NEW STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, and the services have been secured of Mr Edward Davies (late Rhiwlas) as clerk, and it is to be hoped that a considerable addition will be made to the business already done by O. DANIEL in the county. He desires to thank all those who in the past have entrusted him with their business, and to assure them and others that he will carefully attend to any commissions placed in his hands in the future. [a792 In the High Court of Jii-Jice, Chancenj Di rltion. SODEN r. CORBET. TOWYN, MERIONETHSHIRE, NORTH WALES. TO BE SOLD (pursuant to an Order of the High Court of Justice made in a Cause Soden v. Corbet with the approbation of the HononraWle Mr Justice Kay) by Auction in 13 Lots by MR. OWEN DANIEL at the Corbet Arms Hotel in Towyn On THURSDA Y the. Líth day of SEPTEMBER 1882 at 3 o'clock in the Afternoon prompt. Valuable Free- hold and Leasehold Estates Building Sites, Dwelling- houses and Sea frontages situate at and between Towyn and Aberdovey Merionethshire containing an area of 651a. 3r. 6p. The Property to be offered consists of the greater part of the Sea Frontage from the River Dovey to the River Dysynny and presents unusual opportunities for profitable investment in Building Sites. To view and for Particulars and Conditions of Sale apply to Mr BENJAMIN RICHARDS, Pall Mall, Towyn, and to the AUCTIONEER, Towyn. Particulars and Conditions of Sale may also be had of Messrs JOHNSONS, UPTOX, BUDD, and ATKEY, Solicitors. 20, Austin Friars. London; Messrs WITITAKERS and WooLURRT, Solicitors, 12, Lincolns Inn Fields, London; Messrs BAKER and NAIRNE, Solicitors, 3, Crosby Square. London; Messrs SIMMONS, CLARK, and COLLINS, Solicitors, Bath; and Messrs COTTERELL and SPACKMAN, Land Surveyors. Bath. JOHNSONS, UPTON*, BUDD, AND ATKEY. a914] 20, Austin Friars, London. BILLPOSTING. REES REES, Little Darkgate-street, Aber- ystwyth, begs to thank his friends and the Public for their patronage, and also to inform them that he has bought the HOARDING STATIONS of the late Mr Ellis Roberts, Town Crier (the only ones rented in the town and district), and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of their favours. NASH AND LIENARD, WINE & SPIRIT IMPORTERS. 41, FARRIXGDOX-ST., LONDON, E.C., AND AT STAFFORD. The Largest duty paid Cellars in London. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Agent for District and Neighbourhood- MR. JOHN CAIN. [a301 A BERYSTWYTH. G-. WILKINSON, GREAT DARKGATE STREET (Opposite Market Street), FISHMONGER and GAME DEALER, EGG MERCHANT, FRUITERER, GREENGROCER, &c., &c. A Daily Supply of Finney Haddocks, Kippers, Bloaters, &c. POTATOES: Myatts' Prolific (Splendid Early Seed), Magnum Bonum, Skerry Blues, White Rocks, Reds. fLabbits and Hares wanted. Eggs bought in large or small quantities. A constant supply of the best Fruits and Vegetabl UNION BANK OF AUSTRALIA. LIMITED. Established 1837. Paid up Capital. £ 1,500,000. ,tpital Reserve Fund £ 816,500. Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000. LETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS on DEMAND, or at thirty Days Sight, are granted on the Bank's Branches throughout the Colcn ea of Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji. TELEGRAPHIC REMITTANCES are made to the Colonies. BILLS on the COLONIES are negotiated and sent for collection. DEPOSITS AT INTEREST are received at this office, for fixed periods, the present terms for which are 4 per cent. for one year, 4j per cent, per annum for two years and upwards. W. R. MEWBURN, Manager, I, Bank Buildings, Lothbury, London, E.C. [a782 JAMES B. MEE, FISHMONGER, GAME DEALER FRUITERER, &c., &c., Bridge End House, Dolgelley. 0 Constant supplies of various kinds of fresh Fish, Game, &c., according to Season. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, And anything not on hand procured on the shortest notice. Ice always on hand, and supplied by the pound and Upwards. car Note the Address :— Bridge End House, Dolgelley. REDUCED PRICES OF SLATES, TIMBER, FLOORING BOARDS, LATH FLOORING AND RIDGE TILES, AND GENERAL BUILDING MATERIAL ADDRESS- EDWARDS, EVANS, & Co. 63 TREGARON. MR. POWELL, SURGEON DENTIST. BEGS to intimate that lie has removed his place of business from No. 5, Queen's Road, to Terrace Road (next door to Mr White, the Lapidary), where he can be seen from 10 to 6. Consultations free. [aS05 RICHARD JENKINS, GAS FITTER, BELL HANGER, &c., No. 13, NORTH GATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, Respectfully solicits orders from the Inhabitants of the Town and Neighbourhood, which will receive his prompt and careful attention at the most moderate charges. All descriptions of Gas Fittings. &c., of the best materials, supplied. [a394. VETERINARY SURGEON. P-t ICHARD JONES begs to inform the public that he has been duly qualified to practise the art of Veterinary Surgery and Medicine, and has begun to practice at Aberystwyth. He hopes, by perseverance and strict attention to all cases, to merit the support and confidence of the public. BOOKBINDING BOOKBINDING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT EDWARD EDWARDS, Great Darkgate-street, ABERYSTWYTH; Back nilmbers of Serial Works Obtained. tlc.5 bij Ruction. J. W. ROGERS, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, AND LAND AGENT, MOST respectfully begs to inform the -LvLL Nobility, Clergy, the Legal Profession, Farmers, and the inhabitants generally of Aberystwyth and district, that at the urgent solicitation of many old friends he will at once open an office in Aberystwyth in conjunction with his Llandudno and Conway Branches, and will now be prepared to undertake and conduct Sales and Valuations of FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES, LAND, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, MINING PLANT AND MACHINERY SHIPS, TIMBER, FARMING STOCK PRODUCE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, &c., &c. J. W. R. having had a long and successful experience in the profession, Parties favouring him with their commands, may rest assured of their interests, having his very best personal attention and supervision. MR. ROGERS has much pleasure in announcing to the Public generally that since the issue of his business advertisement he has obtained the permanent services of MR. WILLIAM MORGAN, who for many years acted as assistant to the late MR. G. T. SMITH. All appli- cations, letters, and enquiries, to be made at MR. MORGAN'S residence. Cardigan House, Queen's Road, Aberystwyth. [a747 8, MARKET STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. Sale of Eligible and Desirable Leasehold Business Premises. MR. J. W. ROGERS announces instructions to offer for Sale by Auction, On THURSDAY, SEPTElIfBER 14 t h, i Ss, at the Talbot Hotel, Aberystwyth, at three o'clock in the afternoon. All that Messuage or Dwelling-house and Shop, known formerly as the "Globe Inn," and situated as above. For further particulars see posting bills, or apply to EDGAR ATWOOD, Esq., Solicitor; or the AUCTIONEER, both of Aberystwyth. fa938 LLANYCHAIARN near ABERYSTWYTH. Sale of Freehold Property. MR. J. W. ROGERS has been instructed to offer for Sale by Auction at the Royal Oak Inn, Figure Four, near Aberystwyth, On FRIDA I, SEPTEMBER 15th. 18S2, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, all that FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or Dwelling-house, the property of Mr EDWARDS. For further particulars see posting bills, or apply to Messrs Hucii HUGHES and SONS, Solicitors. AUCTIONEER'S Office, Cardigan House, Queen's Road, [a939 Aberystwyth. CWRT FARM, PENRHYNCOCH, NEAR ABERYSTWYTH. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Very Extensive Sale of Farming Stock, Implements of Husbandry, Household Furniture, &c. MR. J. W. ROGERS respectfully announces receipt of instructions from Mr RICHARD MORRIS, who is giving up farming, to Sell by Auction on the farm as above, On Saturday, 1.6th September 1SB. the whole of the LIVE STOCK. See Posting Bills for particulars. Six Months' Credit. Luncheon provided. [a940 PRELIMINARY NOTICE. S, LAURA PLACE, ABERYSTWYTH. By order of the Trustees of the late Rd. Parry Esq. HIGH CLASS SALE. MR. J. AV. ROGERS is honoured with instructions to Sell by Auction, Earlif in October next, The whole of the very Superior and Valuable House- hold Furniture, Plate, Linen, Glass, China, &c. Further particulars in due course. ArcTloxJ.:ER'S Office, Cardigan House, Queen's-road, a9411 Aberystwyth. ABERYSTWYTH. 12, MARINE TERRACE. SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MR. J. W. ROGERS, under the instructions of Mr Jones, will Sell by Auction In OCTOBER NEXT, 1882, the whole contents of the Residence. Nine months' credit. [a942 PRELIMINARY NOTICE. NANTCELLAN FAWR FARM, Near Aberystwyth. GREAT SALE OF FARMING STOCK. MR. J. W. ROGERS has been favoured with the instructions of Mr Richard Jones, who is leaving the Farm, to prepare for Sale by Auction, The FIRST MEEK IN OCTOBER NEXT, 18S2, the whole of the Choice and Valuable LIVE STOCK, consisting of 60 Head of Cattle, 13 Draught Horses, 100 Sheep, about 30 Pigs, together with the whole of the Implements of Husbandry. Six Months' Credit upon approved security. Auctioneer's Office, Cardigan House, Queen's Road, a943] Aberystwyth. RHYDYPENAU FARM, Bow STREET, R.S.O., NEAR ABERYSTWYTH. JOHN BAKER, PRACTICAL LICENSED VALUER, ARBITRATOR, &c., TAKES this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to the Landed Proprietors, Gentry, Legal Profession, Agriculturists, Mining and Shipping Communities, and the Public generally of Aberystwyth and its surrounding districts, for the past favours bestowed upon him in his business since he has resided in the district (a period of upwards of fourteen years), and wishes to inform them that he has added to his former business that of AUCTIONEER AND LAND AGENT. He respectfully intimates that, being so well known as a practical Agriculturist, &c., is is scarcely necessary to say that his long experience a:id knowledge of Land, Live and Dead Farming Stock, and other Properties, well qualify him for, and give him special:advaiitages and facilities in, conducting the a.bove businesses in all their branches. He trusts, by executing commissions entrusted to him with integrity and uprightness, to merit a continuance of patronage and support, and assures his friends that their future commands and interests will have his prompt ard best attention. [a7S0 CARDIGANSHIRE. FREEHOLD PROPERTY for Sale (by Private Treaty), situated at Llandewibrefi. A Public House, called the New Inn. containing Entrance Hall, Parlour, two Kitchens, Cellar, four Bedrooms, Out Buildings, with large and very productive garden, and a small Field of good grazing land. This is a rare opportunity for. small capitalists and others to make a good profitable, investment. For further particulars and to treat, apply to Mr JOHN BAKER, Auctioneer, &c., Rhydypenau Farm, Bow Street, R.S.O. [aSiS alc5 by JUtctinrt. M^^rHAMER^~&TGriffiths, AUCTIONEERS, I Accountants, House Agents, and Valuers, ABERYSTWYTH. Sales of Land, Houses, Farming Stock, Household Furniture, and other Property conducted and I promptly cashed. All communications to be addressed to the Belle Vue I Royal Hotel, or No. 45, Portland-street, Aberystwyth. ASSEMBLY ROOMS (Great Darkgate-street, Aberystwyth). Important Sale by Auction of an Interesting Collection of upwards of 200 Oil and Water-colour Paintings. MESSRS HAMER AND GRIFFITHS HAVE been favoured with instructions by Mr. Rothenberg, the eminent Art Expert, of 24, Miller St., Manchester, to Sell by Public Auction, without reserve, On Tuesday, Wedia'xday, and Thursday, 29th, 30th, and ;J1.t AUGUST, lSSJ. A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS, By Celebrated Modern Artists, including examples by A. H. Vickers, Thomas Lawley. B. Mann, A. Bruce, J. V. Harrop, A. Seal, W. B. Webb, F. Oswald, G. T. Burn, P. McCullum, L. Reeves, H. Montague, &c. Sale to commence at 2 and 6.30 o'clock p.m., but the Picture* may be viewed at 11 a.m.. Rare Pictures will be disposed of at reasonable prices. The especial attention of the Trade and Private Buyers is invited to this genuine and Important Sale. every Picture being guaranted by the Proprietor. Auctioneers' Office, 24, Portland Street, Aber-ystwyth, August 24th, 1882. [a950 BERYSTWYTH, Queen of Welsh Water- ing Places—A Lady residing in this charming town, about to go abroad, is desirous of letting her FURNISHED HOUSE for six, nine, or twelve months—three entertaining and nine bedrooms, with baths, domestic offices; also two-stalled Stable and Coach-house if required.—Apply to Messrs HAMER and GRIFFITHS, Auctioneers and House Agents, Belle Vue Royal Hotel, Aberystwyth. [&912 MELINDWR VIEW, PENLLWYN, ABERYSTWYTH. E. J. MORGAN, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, &c., BEGS respectfully to thank all those who have entrusted him with their business for the past eight years, and to solicit a continuance of their favours, which shall have his best attention. All Sales and Valuations of every description will, as in the past, be promptly attended to. Sales of Furni- ture, Farming Stock, &c., in Town or Country, cashed and settled without delay. June 17th, 1882. [a762 MONTHLY SALES. ABERYSTWYTH SMITHFIELD. MR. E. J. MORGAN, Auctioneer, begs to state that he will have monthy sales of Live and Dead Stock in the Smithfield on Aberystwyth Fair Days. The next Sale will be held on MONDAY, SEPT. 4th, At One o'clock. Entries and applications for terms to be sent to Mr E. J. MORGAN, Auctioneer, Penllwyn. CARDIGANSHIRE. Sale of a Capital Freehold Farm Messuages and other Premises, situated in the Parishes of Curon and Llan- ddewi-brefi respectively. MR. E. J. MORGAN has been favoured with instructions to Sell by Auction On Tuesday, September the 5th, 1882, At the Town Hall, Tregaron, at two o'clock in, the afternoon (according to conditions to be then and there produced), the following very desirable FREEHOLD PROPERTY, NAMELY: Lot I.-All that Freehold Farm called and known as Blaen'resger. consisting of a well-built Messuage and Outbuildings, Farm and Lands, with the Appur- tenances, situate, lying, and being in the Parish of Caron, in the County of Cardigan, containing about 167 acres of first-class Arable, Pasture, and Meadow Land, and now in the occupation of Mr D. Davies. Lot 2.—All that Freehold Messuage or Dwelling House, formerly a Public House, called and known as the Red Lion, Llangeitho, in the Parish of Llanddewi- brefi, in the County of Cardigan, together with the Garden, Stables, Out-houses, and other Appur- tenancies, and now in the occupation of Mr David Williams. Lot 3.—All that Freehold Messuage or Dwelling House adjoining the Red Lion aforesaid, and also in the occupation of the said Mr David Williams. All the above-mentioned premises are Let to res- ponsible tenants at good rents. For further particulars apply to Messrs GRIFFITH JONES and Co., solicitors, Aberystwyth, and to the Auctioneer, Mr E. J. MORGAN, Penllwyn, near Aber- ystwyth. [a885 PRELIMINARY NOTICE. ABERFFRWD FARM. MR. E. J. MORGAN has been instructed to Sell by Public Auction at the above Farm, On TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th, 1882, The whole of the Stock, comprising 2 splendid Horses, 5 Cows in calf, 2 Heifers, about 100 Sheep and Lambs, Pigs, and implements of husbandry. The whole is to be disposed of without reserve as Mr Evan Benjamin is leaving for London. The Crops will be sold previous to the above date. For particulars see posters. Penllwyn, Aberystwyth. [a920 PRELIMINARY NOTICE. MR. E. J. MORGA^ will Sell, at Rhiwarthen Ucha, On WEDNESDA Y, the ,17th day of September, 1882, the whole of the LIVE and DEAD STOCK, comprising Horses, Cattle, Pigs, Sheep, and Implements of Hus- bandry. P.S.—Crops will be sold previous to the above date. Penllwyn, Penllwyn, Aberystwyth. [a921 BALA, MERIONETHSHIRE. SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. TENDERS are invited for the Purchase of all that piece of Land situate in High-street and Plasse-street, in the town of Bala, Merionethshire, Plasse-street, in the town of Bala, Merionethshire, containing by admeasurement 1,920 Sqtiare Yards, or thereabouts, together with the Buildings and Corrugated Iron Sheds thereon erected, formerly used as a work house, and latterly as a barracks for the Merioneth Militia. The Property has an extensive frontage to High-street and Plasse-street. Further information and Forms of Tender, with Conditions of Sale attached, can be obtained on applica- tion to Messrs. BREESE. JONES, and CASSON, Solicitors, Portmadoc, or to Mr. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Solicitor, Bala. Tenders must be forwarded under cover, addressed to Mr. William Williams, Solicitor, Bala, and marked Tenders for Bala Militia Barracks," on or before the SStli day of September next. SStli day of September next. The highest or any Tender will not necessarily be I accepted. 17th August, 1882. [a926 alc5 bp Attttion. FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, ABERYSTWYTH. TO BE SOLD IN SEPARATE PLOTS. MR. EDWARD ELLIS has been instructed to Sell by Auction at the Auction Mart, 2S, Little Darkgate-street, Aberystwyth, On WEDNESDAY, the 30th AUGUST. 1SS2. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The very eligible Building Land situate on the e Penglais Road within a few minutes walk of the town of Aberystwyth. The position is one of exceptional beauty, having a gradual slope, thus ensuring good drainage, and a southern aspect with a magnificent Sea, Rheidol Valley, and Town view. The site is also completely sheltered from the north and east winds and would prove an invaluable health resort. The Property is situated parallel with the Turnpike Road, immediately outside the Borough boundary, and the rates and taxes will therefore be very considerably less than for Houses in town. The extreme scarcity of Freehold Building Sites in or near Aberystwyth will render these lots very valuable properties either for occupation or investment. One important advantage is, that each of these freehold plots will confer a vote for the county. In order to render the terms of payment as favourable as possible, three-fourths ef the purchase money can remain on mortgage at 5 per cent interest. Each plot will contain about 23 feet frontage parallel with the turnpike road, and the whole length from the road to the w atercourse 011 the south side of the field, measuring about 195 feet or thereabouts. Another important advantage there is an ever-flowing spring of pure water running from the land above, which can be utilised for the use of houses built on these sites. Plans of the Building Sites have been prepared, and may be seen at the Auction Mart, 28, Little Dargkate- street, Aberystwyth. For further particulars apply to Messrs GRIFFITH JOXE." & Co., or the AUCTIONEER, both of Aberystwyth. [agoo MONTGOMERYSHIRE. Sale of a most Valuable Mining Property, known as THE EAST VAN MINE, Situate adjoining to the celebrated Van Mines, and within three miles of the town of Llanidloes one mile of Garth Road station, on the Van Railway six miles of Caersws, and seven miles of Moat Lane Junction, 011 the Cambrian Railways, In the County of Montgomery. MR. LLOYD MORGAN has received instructions to Sell the above Mining Property, comprising 180 Acres or thereabouts with the Engine Houses. Smithy, Carpenters Shop, Office, Three Cottages, Powder Magazine, and other Out-buildings, by Auction, at the Trewythen Arms Hotel, Llanidloes, On WEDNESDA Y, the 20th September. 1SS2, At three o'clock, p.m., the Plant and Machinery, as per inventory, the whole of which is in excellent order, and recently fitted up regardless of cost. will have to be taken to by the purchaser at a valuation in the usual way. Particulars and conditions of sale, with inventory of Plant and Machinery, and orders to view, may be had by applying to Messrs Trinders and Curtis Hay ward, Solicitors, 14, St. Helen's-place, Bishopsgate Within, London, to Messrs Snell, Son, and Greenip, 1, George- street, Mansion House, London, or the Auctioneer, Great Oak-street, Llanidloes. Llanidloes, 16th August, 1882. BALA, MERIONETHSHIRE. Sale by Public Auction of a Very Desirable FREE- HOLD FARM, called "TYNY CORNEL," containing 54a. Ir. 7p. of excellent Pasture and Arable Land, by MR. EVAN JONES, at the White Lion Hotel, Bala, On SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th, 1S82, At 2 o'clock in the afternoon. The Property is conveniently and beautifully situated on the River Treweryn and the Bala and Festiniog Railway, about three miles from Bala, and presents a very desirable investment. For further particulars, apply to the AUCTIONEER, Bala, and Messrs LLOYD 3C ROBERTS, Solicitors, Ruthin and Bala. [a945 PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. ROYAL HOTEL, CARNARVON. Large and Important Sale of the whole of the Valuable OUT-DOOR and IN-DOOR EFFECTS, the Cellar of Choice WINES, including some Matchless OLD PORT of 1847, and Earlier Vintages Two Full-size BILLIARD TABLES. MR. JOHN PRITCHARD has been favoured with the instructions of Mr. Edward Humphreys to prepare for Sale by Public Auction, Oil OCTOBER 9th, and Fire following Day., the entire contents of this Hotel. Bodhyfryd, Bangor. [a927 PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. GLANFREAD, CARDIGANSHIRE, Within Half-a-mile of Llanfihangel station, on the cl Cambrian Railways. THE whole of the Young Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, &c., will he sold by Auction In SEPTEMBER Next. Particulars will be announced shortly. [a934 TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, On FRIDA r,the 1st day of SEPTEMBER, 18S2. At the Town Hall, Portmadoc, at Six o'clock in the evening, all that fully Licensed Hotel known as the ALEXANDRA, situate in High-street, Portmadoc, together with Garden adjoining. For further par- ticulars apply to Mr D. LLOYD OWEX, Auctioneer, Portmadoc. [a933 MACHYNLLETH. WILLIAM WILLIAMS has opened a Shop in Greenfield-street, Machynlleth, where about twelve thousand yards of Tweed, Serges, and Flannels, of all patterns and best quality is sold as remnants at less than half the usual price. All manufactured by Mr Pryce Jones, Newtown. Also a large assortment of Glass, China, and Earthen- ware, gilt and plain Dinner Services, gilt and hand- pamted Toilet Sets, very large stock of Hot Water and other Jugs, gilt and plain Breakfast and Tea Services, iyiwt handsome pattern and best quality at low prices. He has also opened a Rag Warehouse, and has now a large order to execute (1,000 tons). Best price given. Cast off Clothing taken in exchange. All orders promptly attended to. Address-Greenfield-street and Garshon, Machynlleth. [a913 NEW DRAPERY GOODS DANIEL THOMAS, DRAPER, Little Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth, 0 1 IS now showing a large Stock of new Ladies ) Jackets and Dolmans, New Dress Materials and Jacket Cloths, new Flowers, Feathers, Hats, Ribbons, Laces, &c. New Short Blinds, Hangings, and Cretonnes. A large Stock of Cloths for Boys and Men's Suits, Also Ready-made Clothing of every description (mostly own make). Suits made to order at short notice. Every Article is sold at the lowest possible profit for Ready Money. Terms-One Price for all and Ready Money. Note the Address- DANIEL THOMAS. 22 21, LITTLE DARKGATE STREET (Opposite the Infirmary) ABERYSTWYTH [67 Public ilotkcs. OTICE is hereby given that on the seven- teenth day of October next. application will be made to Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace assembled at Quarter Sessions in and for the County of Merioneth, at the Shire Hall, Dolgelley, for an order for diverting and stopping up a certain Highway leading from Aber- gynolwyn to Nantynod, and thence along Brynyreglwys Frith and corner of Hendrewallog field to and over the mountain in the direction of Pennal and which High- way is situate in the parish of Llanfihangel-y-pennant in the County of Merioneth, for a distance of 370 yards or thereabouts being the part situate between a point indicated by a stake in the same road near Nantynod and another point indicated by a stake in the same road on Brynyreglwys Frith and corner of Hendre- wallog field. And that the certificate of two Justices having viewed the same, &c., with the plan of the old and proposed new Highway will be lodged with the Clerk of the Peace for the said County on the sixteenth day of September next. EDWARD JONES, Surveyor of the parish of Llanfihangel-y-pennant. [a915 THE ABERDOVEY DISTRICT OF ROADS TURNPIKE TRUST. IN PURSUANCE of the Act 34 & 33 Victoria cap. 115, s. 19, the Trustees or Commissioners of the Aberdovey District of Roads Turnpike Trust, which will expire on the 1st day of November. 1882, hereby give Notice that all Claims in respect of any Principal Moneys, or Interest, secured upon the Revenues of the Turnpike Roads within the said Trust, may be sent in writing to me the undersigned, Clerk of the said Trust, on or before the 30th day of October, 1S82, after the expiration of which time no claim will be received for any such P rincipal Moneys or Interests, and so much of the Mortgage Debt of the said Trust as consists of Principal Moneys or Interest for which no claim has been sent in shall be extinguished. Dated the 21st day of August, 1882. LEWIS WILLIAMS. Clerk to the said Trustees of the Aberdovey District of Roads Turnpike Trust. Machynlleth, Montgomershire. [a952 Settings, .&r PROMENADE PI E R, ABERYSTWYTH. FASHIONABLE NIGHT. Oy FRIDA Y (THIS EVENING), A GRAND CONCERT WILL BE GIVEX. ADMISSION, 6d. To commence at 6.30. ABERYSTWYTH LAWN TENNIS GROUND. UNDER DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE. LAWN TENNISAND ATHLETIC SPORTS. Wednesday, August 23, Lawn Tennis Matches, com- mencing at 2 p.m. Thursday, August 24, Lawn Tennis Matches, com- mencing at 2 p. in. Saturday, August 26. Athletic Sports, commencing at 2 p.m. The Royal Cardiganshire Militia Band will be in attendance on Saturday. Admission, 6d.; Enclosure, Is.; Carriages to the Ground, 2s. 6d. For Particulars. Programmes. Entry Forms, &c, apply to A. J. GROVE, 39, Great Darkgate-street, Aber- ystwyth. [a910 MERIONETHSHIRE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. SHOW AT TOWYN, On Wednesday, September Gtlt, iss2. JUMPING PRIZES OPEN TO THE WORLD. The following will be competed for :— For the best and quickest performer over Hurdles, a Double Bar, 4ft. 6in. and a Water Jump, 14ft. wide, £ 20 0 0 Second best ditto f7 0 0 Third host ditto f3 0 0 Fourth best ditto 91 0 0 Catch weight. Open to General Competition. Entrance, 1:1 each. No previous winner of a first prize for Open Jumping at the Merionethshire Agricultural Show will be allowed to compete. LOCAL JUMPING PRIZES. For the best Performer over Hurdles, a Bar 4ft. Gin. and Water Jump, the property of any resident in the Counties of Merioneth. Carnarvon, Montgomery, and Cardigan, by Capt Kirkby, jE5 5s.; by Charles E. J. Owen, Esq., second prize, f3 3s.; by A. Osmond Williams, Esq., third prize £22s. Extra Entrance Fee, 10s. each. Winners of first or second prizes in above Open Jumping are debarred from competing in Local Jumping. OPEN TROTTING PRIZES. For the best actioned and fastest Trotting Cob under 15 hands in sad,lle or harness, by A. Osmond Williams, Esq., f3 3s.; by R. H. Wyatt. Esq., second prize, f2 10s.; by Captain Beadnell, third prize, £1 10s.; by R. H. Wyatt, Esq., fourth prize, 10s. Extra Entrance Fee, 10s. each. Winners in Premiums 88 and 90 at this Show are debarred from competing for this prize. Entrance money and colours, by P.O. Order payable at Dolgelley, on or before the 1st September. Post entries up to 10 a.m. 3rd September, f2 10s. each. All com- petitors to be on the ground not later than 3.30 p.m. The prizes will not be awarded should the Judges consider there is no merit. JNO. ELLIS, General Secretary. Lawnt Cottage, Dolgelley. [a909 PRESBYTERIAN CHAPEL, NEWFOUNDLAND STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. PULPIT SUPPLY FOR AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, 1882. August 27,—Rev. H. Rose, M.A. September 3,-Rer. J. Harries Jones, M.A.. Trevecca. September 10,-Rer. John Hughes, Machynlleth. September 17,—Rev. John E. Davies, M.A., Llanelly. September 24.—Rev. T. T. Morgan, Beauinarls. (aSS7 SALE OF WORK AT CRICCIETH. A SALE of Work will be held at Criccieth, August 30th aDd 31st. in aid of the Capel Mawr Building Fund. The Sale will open at One o'clock each day. Cheap Tickets may be had from Dolgelley, Bar- mouth, Carnarvon, and Pwllheli, and intermediate sta- tions both days. Fine and valuable articles of every variety will be offered for sale at reasonable prices, and unless otherwise disposed of will be sold by Auction. The Committee will thankfully receive all contributions from their many friends and well-wishers, and desire them to be sent to the care of the Treasurer, Mr. O. M. JONATHAN, or to the Secretarv, a!)0t>] THE REV. JOHN OWEN. A CARD MR. J. TREVETHAN, Maesbangor, Aberystwyth, mine agent, undertakes to inspect and report on any mines in the Principality. Forty years experience. [a287 THOMAS MORRIS, TEMPERANCE HOTEL, MARY STREET, (Near the Railway Station), ABERYSTWYTH. GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR VISITORS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. HORSES AN CAR RIAGES FOR HIRE. Reasonable Terms.