Sjotel*. -BEI:ji-"VÜE-'RÕYALHÕTEL' ABERYSTWYTH. rrUI r. well known First Class Family Hotel is delightfully situated in the ccntrc of the Marine Terrace. All the Public and Private -I. Kooiu;? command uninterrupted views tjf the sea and promenade. Handsome Ladies' Coffee and JJrawin^" liooius, Gentleu1, C1J:ec Billiard, Chess, fl;ld Smoking Rooms, An Omnibus from the Hotel meets every train. Private carriages will he pent if requested. TABLE D'HOTE DAILY 6.30 OX SUNDAYS 4.0 E J) W A It D IIAMER, PRO PHI ET OR. PLYNLIMON PLYNLIMON PLYNLDION 1!! DYFFRYN CASTELL HOTEL. '■*> ':i elose proximity to the above celebrated -Mountain, and now contains nil the nccessary comforts requisite for Tourists j_ and isitors, combined with the most reasonable charges. It is situated about 4 miles from the Devil's Bridge, and on the turnpike road leading to Aberystwyth, Rhayader, and Llanidloes. Every Accommodation, including yood Stabling, &c. RICHARD HARVEY, PROPRIETOR, PONTEK WYD, ABEltYSTWYTJI. DOVEY VALLEY IlO T E L, CEMJIES HOAD, MONTGOMERYSHIRE. I'ACKIJ.I'.NT SEA AND Bl-LL TIWUT. SKWIX AND SALMON FISTITXO ON THE RIVER DOVEY, WITIIIN A FEW MINUTES' WALK OF THE HOTEL. TERNS FOR EUALUJ AND HESIDENCB-L3 10s. PER JVEEK. ;> 7G I"] ANNE RAMSAY, PROPRIETRESS. BANGOR, NORTH WALES. THE U A S r11 L B HOTEL, FI!:ST-C:LASS Connncrciai and Family Hotel and Posting House. A spacious coffee-room and ladies' drawing-room. The Hotel is I i; adjacent to the Cathedral. Penrhyn Castle is on view on Tuesdays and Thursdays, tickets for which can be had at the bar. Billiard An olJllli1..tls meets every train. A coach to and frOlIl (laily during the season. ■JOHN DENMAN, Proprietor. CASTLEllOTEL, HAllLECII, NORTH IVALES. TI^VEUY comfort and accomodation combined with moderate charges will be found in this first-class Hotel, situate directly opposite J the old Ca>tlc, as shown in the 6'nxsipinn;/ Guide sketch. Pure water and perfect drainage. Hot and cold Baths. Excellent Leach. Bathing Machines, Post Horses, Cars, and Stabling. Billiards, &c. For boarding terms apply to W..J. LOYEOROYE, PnorKiKTOR. Jlpavtmcnts. -OUE:\NviÈvjioUS]:¿vÎ(TrlõirîA-TERirACE' MRS. W. H. KENSIT, J > EGS to inform her numerous visitors that she has REMOVED from Snowdon House, No. 4, Victoria Terrace, to more commodious J ) an*'convenient premises, OCEAN VIEW HOUSE, 3, VICTORIA TERRACE, which contains large and small entertainment rooms, -ood airy Bedrooms, and is handsomely furnished throughout. Mrs. Kensit keeps a good cook in the house. ];OARD AND LODGINGS OR PRIVATE APARTMENTS. HIGHEST REFERENCES GIVEN. HOT AND COLD WATER BATHS IN THE HOUSE. A B E R U E L D I B II 0 USE, YICTORIA TERRACE. BEST POSITION ON MARINE TERRACE. a,u' detached House. Lodgings and Apartments j mi very reasonable Terms. Highest references. A!Tl'' MRS. GRIFFITH JONES. TO VISITORS. M R S. F E L I X, TRAFALGAR HOUSE, G, VICTORIA TERRACE, (Late Vork House), (Late Vork House), t NXOVNCBS her removal to a larger and more commodious J house, where she hopes to be favoured with a continuance of the support given to her previously. Apartments on reasonable t'nns ili'ihost references. TO LET FOR THE SUMMER MONTHS, At No. 7, VICTORIA TERRACE, (Known as BRIGHTON HOUSE, rnwo Sitting amI from Five to Seven Bedrooms on reasonable JL term", Pleasantly situated, facing the sea, and well sheltered. Highest references given. Good Cooking and atten- dance. A room for all illlalid on the first floor. to DQUGHTON. B A LM O R AL HOUSE, VICTORIA TERRACE, APARTMENTS TO LET.—TWO Sitting Rooms and Five or Six Bedrooms facing the Sea. Very reasonable terms, and Six Bedrooms facing the Sea. Very reasonable terms, and highest references. MRS. JONES. cHinc ant) Spirit ^ftcrchant. n pA^ WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, QUEENS HOTEL WINE STORES, MARINE TERRACE. Per Bottle. s. d. GIX from 3 IRIS II WHISKY 11 3 0 SCOTCH WHISKY 3 0 PALE BRANDY „ 4 0 RUM „ 2 9 Per Bottle. s. d. SHERRY from 2 0 s. tl. SHERRY from 2 0 PORT 2 G MARSALA 1 9 CLARET 1 3 i CHAMPAGNE 11 3 6 WINES DRAWN FROM THE WOOD. BASS'S PALE ALE AND GUINNESS'S STOUT IN BOTTLE. THE CELEBRATED EDINBURGH ALE—3s. PER DOZEN IMPERIAL PINT BOTTLES. SOLE AGENT FOR GLENROSA SCOTCH WHISKY. AND AT WELSH IIARP, TERRACE ROAD. O] JOHN ROBERTS, GOGERDDAN ARMS AND LION ROYAL. HOTEL, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT. Vaults ti, BUI DC E STREET (Round the Corner). PRICE LIST: WINES. PER BOTTLE, I s. d. s. d. Fine Old Claret 1 3 to 3 6' Port 0 0 Sherry 0 1 0 Champagne 5 0 (i 0 Moet and Chandon's <> (5 7 0 Hock, Chablis, llurgundy, Moselle, and all other | The finest Brands, and Wines ) arc sold at lowest prices. SPIRITS. PER BOTTLE, s. d. s. d. i Pine Old Brandy, Pale or Brown .1 0 to 4 6 5 0 (i 6 Fine Old Irish Whiskey 3 0 (j Scotch ditto 3 0 3 (j Those who appreciate a glass of good Scotch Toddy should try this—it is really a treat out of Scotland. SPIRITS—CONTINUED. I'El, BOTTLE. s. d. s. d. v cry Fine Jamaica Rum 2 3 to 2 9 Finest imported ditto 3 0 3 (j Best London Gin 2 3 2 6 Ditto Hollands 3 0 3 6 I'ale. Ale in Bottles 3s. 6d. to 4s. (id. per doz. Dublin Stout ditto Burton Bitter and Mild Ales in 9 and 18 Gallon Casks, at Brewer's Prices, carriage paid. Agent for WOl{,TlfINGTON'S Celebrated Dinner Ale, IMPERIAL PINTS 3s. per doz. MINERAL WATERS. I)EI, DOZEN. S. (I. Sohweppe's Soda Water 3 6 Lemonade 4 0 Ginger Ale 4 0 Seltzer 4 0 N.I>.—Families arr, r< spec/full// inform/ <1 thai none but flood sound Wines end Spirits are sold at the Lion Vault*. Break to the Devil's Bridge every Morning at 9.30; Fare: Double Journey, 4s. Oll., Double Joriicy, 3s. Od. oot tel a rehouses. ™XT ION AL^^J 1 GOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSET~ ID, GREAT DARK (I ATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. IXTESSKS. STEAD, SIM P.SOX & Nl'Pf fKWS, have pleasure in aimoiuieii.g that they have received direct from their various AT I M vnufaetorH s a large and well-assorted Stock of I.adies', Gent's and Children's BOOTS and SHOES suitable for the Spring and filler Seasons, which for it Durability and Price cannot be equalled hy any house in the town or county. ];.1' purchasing direct ffoiu the Manufacturers a considerable saving is effected. Terms, C.u-h only. Ladies' Fitting Rooms. All kinds of Repairs executed "i a uii.-rior stylo at the lowest possible prices. STEAD, SIMPSON, & NEPHEWS, THE NATIONAL, 19. GREAT DARKGATE ST., ABERYSTWYTH TO VISITORS. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST SHOPS FOR BOOTS AND SILOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ARE i) I 0 Ie's. NOTE THE ADDRESSKS ON THE WKLSU COAST:—• High Street, Pwllheli. Church Street, Barmouth. Victoria Buildings, Dolgellcy. J'c i i'rll I t Slreet, .Machynlleth. 12, Great Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth High Street, Lampeter. Priory Street, Cal'dial1. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. hops in nearly every town in the United Kingdom. (Chemists. FAMILY AND DISPENSING CHEMIST, 7. PIER STREET. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TOOTH, NAIL, HAIR AND OTHER BRUSHES. TOILET AND BATH SPONGES, BATH GLOVES. Depot for Schweppe's and Foreign Mineral Waters. TjVJR niSi'KXSINC. PRKSCI.ll'TTONS, INFANT INVALID'S J- FOOD, BRITISH AND FOKICKLX Mi.NKIiAL WATF.KS, BATIIINU CAPS, SPONGHS AND SPONGIS BAGS, R O D B II rr ELLIS, Pharmaceutical Chemist, TERRACE ROAD AND PORTLAND STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. JclncUcrs X.ipibaricp. ™ L f A P 1{ o 15 IN RELIANCE HOUSE, CREAT DARK( !ATE STREET, (Opposite the Meat Market), AND 7 PlETt STREET. FORKING L IPJDARY..IEWELLER AND SILVERSMITH, JEWELLERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES] OLD GOLD AND SILVER PURCHASED. DEALER IN PLATE. I. l. I. I. _1. JicliicHcrs. -y-F~^T0N GOLDSMITH AND JEWELLER, 16, MARY ST, (close to the Railway Station), ABERYSTWYTH. ble and other Goods tastefully and cheaply mounted in Gold or Silver. D. EVANS, WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, AND OPTICIAN, 41, Great Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth. WEDDING RINGS IN STOCK. VISITORS can have their Jewellery and Watches repaired with neatness .Drapers. ( { TO VISITORS AND OTHERS. C. 1\1:. WILLIAMS IS now showing the latest novelties in Millinery, Mantles, Dresses, Sunshades, Scarfs, Hosiery, Gloves, kc. A large assortment of Sea Side Hats. The well known House for Real Welsh Fiannels, Whittles, and Shawls, warranted to wear and not to shrink. INSPECTION INVITED. EVERY ARTICLE MARKED AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICE. LATEST TELEGRAMS Of all important events to be seen in the shop window} C. M. WILLIAMS 3G, Pier Street, A B E R Y S T W Y T II VISITORS PLEASE NOTE. J. J. DAYIES, MERCER, &C., MANTLES AND JACKETS, 13, PIER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. X>EAL Welsh Flannels and Whittles, Ladies' Silk Hose and Mitts in all Colours. JOHN THOMAS, 27, GREAT DARKGATE STREET, TVnSIIES to draw the attention of Visitors and others to his It varied stock of Drapery Goods for sea side wear, &c., viz:— REAL WELSH FLANNELS (from Talybont ana other Mills, Summer Dried), The Celebrated SAND SERGE, STRAW HATS in Immense Variety, GLOVES, SCARFS, TIES, COLLARS, &c., &c. JOLIN EDWARDS & CO., WELSH FLANNEL DEPOT, TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH, MANUFACTURERS of Real Welsh Flannels, Woollen Dresses, 1. Cloth Shawls, Yarn, and Stockings. MILLS AT LLANIDLOES. Agent for L. Ellis and Co., Dyers, Birkenhead. I)OYS', Youths', and Men's Ready-made Clotl in; of every ) description for the present season. Boys' Jersey suits in great variety. Suits or single garments made to order at short notice. Collars, Gloves, Cuffs, Ties, Scarfs, &e. Real Welsh Flannel, Home-spun, &c. Ladies' Scarfs, Gloves, Ties, Cuffs, &c. Straw llats of the Newest Styles, at DANIEL THOMAS, 22, & 24, LITTLE DARKGATE-STREET (Opposite the Infirmary). Tcrms-One price for all iiid Money. <LonfcctionCt£í. ~TCT VISITORS^AND EXCURSIONISTS^ CONFECTIONERY ESTABLISHME N T, AND DINING ROOMS, 20 & 21, TERRACE ROAD. ABERYSTWYTH. T. GARNER T)EGS respectfully to announce that he has opened the Tourist ) Dining Rooms (late Tourist Hotel, Terrace Road), where Breakfasts, Dinners, Teas, and every kind of Refreshments will be provided on the shortest notice. Good beds provided. Private and Public Dinners and Tea Farties supplied on the lowest terms. Wedding Breakfasts provided. Bride Cakes in Stock and made to order. A lirst-class Professional Man Cook kept. T. G. has also opened a Pork Shop in connection w ith the Eating House. Home made Sausages fresh daily. WILLIAM EDWARD DAVIES, BAKER AND CONFECTIONER. 26, TIER STREET (opposite the National and Provincial Bank), Aberystwyth. A fresh supply daily of Pastry of the best quality. Families supplied with Genuine Home-made Bread. Hot Rolls every morning at 8 o'clock during the season, and An Ordinary every Monday from 1 to 2 o'clock. (Sroccrs. NOTICE TO VISITORS. J. AND E. LLOYD, FAMILY GROCERS AND WHOLESALE MERCHANTS, BRIDGE STREET, nAVK in Stock a good supply of Provisions, including Jams, Jellies, Pickles, Biscuits, and Sweets. TO VISITORS AND OTHERS. EVANS BROS., THE READY MONEY GROCERS, SELL FOR CASH CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHElt IN THE TRADE IN THE TOWN OR COUNTRY. NOTE TilK ADOKKSS— EVANS BROS., MARKET STREET. photographers. CHELTENHAM HOUSE, PIER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. E. R. GYDE, PHOTOGRAPHER, I) EGS to anounce his removal to above, one door from the old > address. The new premises are now replete with every rCfluisite anel convenience for the production of high class work. Visitors are respectfully invited to visit the large gallery of Photographs, where will he found a variety of specimens both plain and coloured. tonc anb liltc cHorks. STONE, SLATE, AND MARBLE WORKS, BRIDGE STREET, LAMPETER. TTH'ERY description of MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD STONES, J J <S:c., made to Order. Also a large Assortment of GRIND STONES from the best Uuarries always in stock. WILLIAM DAYIES, PRormKTOK. Stationers. CIRCULATING LIBRARY AND FANCY REPOSITORY. T J. E. J. LLOYD, PRINTER. BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, AND NEWS AGENT, PIER STREET & TERRACE ROAD. Photographs of Welsh Scenery by Bedford, Frith, and Pumphrcy. The London Daily Papers at -2.0 p.m. Shampooing. ^IAMPOMNG. WITH THE BEAUTIFUL PLYNLIMON WATER l.S A REAL LUXURY. H. P. HAWKINS. PERFUMER AND HAIR CUTTER, 14, PIER STREET. tobacconists. ™ jr— 7, PIER STREET. CHOICE CIGARS, TOBACCOS & FANCY SNUFFS. CIGARETTES. MEERSCHAUM AND OTHER PIPES. ABERYSTWYTH. NEW LAWN TENNIS, QUOIT AND ARCHERY GROUND, SMITHFIELD, NEAR THE RAILWAY STATION. EIGHT TENNIS COURTS, QUOIT PITCHES, ARCHERY RANGES, AND SWINGS FOR CHILDREN. CHARGES: Use of Tennis Court for set of 2 or 4, and Rackets and Balls, Is. per hour. Use of 2 Pair Quoits, Is. per hour. Use of Bow and Arrows, Is. per hour. Spectators, 2d. each. Swings Free. REFRESHMENTS PROVIDED. Tickets to be obtained on the Ground. A. J. GROVE, PROPRIETOR, 39, GREAT DARKGATE STREET. [a796

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
ABERYSTWYTH. MARINE TERRACE. 1, Rock House, Mrs Jones-The Misses Beck, Lea- mington 3, Mw Jotw*—Mrs Marshall, Spalding; Mrs Grassam, Mrs and Misses Barker, and Miss Williams, Birmingham; Mr Hughes and Miss Paddock, Newport, Salop Mr Paddock and family, do Miss Owen, Mountain Ash 4, O.rjbrd Jj'ouxe, Mrs ifotiii(foi-(I-Rev and Mrs J. W. Spurling, and servants, Crawthorne, Berks 5, Mi. Jolt(-N- Mr and Mrs Morphew, Richmond; Mr and Mrs Corzer and family, Miss Taylor, Shropshire; Dr and Mrs Morris 6, Mrs Dehthoyde—Mr W. Ford, Mr G. B. Ford, Miss and 1\¡¡'- Slater, Burslem; Mr George Walker, Leven- shulme: Mrs Walker, family, and maid, do; Mr W. Ford Slater, Burslem; Miss Forwood and maid, Liverpool 7, Jones—Mr and Mrs Nelson and family, Horn- castle; Mr and Mrs Harley, Cheltenham; Mr and Mrs Parker and family. London 8, Mr* W. Darks—Mr and Mrs Joesbury, Caxton Villa Handsworth; Mrs Taylor, London; Miss Starling, Norwich; Mr and Mrs Andrew and family, Fairfield; Mr and Mrs R. Davies, family and governess, Much Wenlock; Mr and Mrs J. E. Mellor and son; Mr and Mrs H. Andrew. Ashton- nnder-Lyne; T. W. Bonch, New Brighton; L. Bonch, Walton-on-Thames 10, -IlIj-8 R. Jones—Mrs Tandy, Sambourne; Miss Taisbnry, Handsworth; Mr D. Davies, and family, Liverpool; Mr Green Smith; Mr Foulge, Leominster; Mrs White, and Mrs Goodman, and family, Birming- ham; Mr J. Buttarworth, Holm Bridge, Holmfirtb 12, Mrs Jones—Mrs Bent, and family, Birmingham 15, Cambrid'/e House, Erans—Mrs C. J. Gibb, and Mr M. C. and Miss F. L. Gibb, Meadow Lodge, Twickenham; Mr and Mrs C. C. Smith, Wolver- hampton; Mr Eglington, do; Miss Farr, Stockport 16, M/ss H. lluyhes—Mrs Brittain, and family, Stoke-on- Trent. 17, Mrs Jones—Major and Mrs Williams, family and maids, Rockingham Hall, Worcestershire. 18, Prospect, House, MAS- Uwen- Mr and Mrs Smith and family, Highgate, London! Mr, Mrs, and Master Mullock, Newport, Mon.; Miss Barnes, Mrs and the Misses Peach, Mansfield, Not- tingham 20,—Mr, Mrs, and the Misses Kirkham, Stoke-on- Trent; Miss Moore, of Birmingham. BELLE VUE ROYAL HOTEL, Mr Eu-d. Hamer (see Add.)—MrW. H. Burton Swift, Newtown; Miss C. H. C. Swift, Mr and Mrs Swift, Crescent House, Newtown Mr G. G. Weston, Llandudno Rev J. ann Mrs Weston, Spring Gardens, S.W.; Mr Morris. Hampton Park, Hereford Mr Hoyle, London Mr Roberts, do Mr Holmes, Kidderminster Mr Bird and family, Worcester; Mrs G. Kenwithy, Flextin, Manchester; Miss Harvie and MissRix, Cheltenham; Mr Jenkins, Penygreen Mr and Mrs Morgan, Miss Morgans, and the Misses Jones, Newtown Dr and Mrs Morgan, Hereford; Mrs Kenworthy, Gloucester; Mr Weston Mr Roberts, Glasgow Mr Humphrey Owen, Newtown Alderman Hadley, London Mr Conachci, Oswestry Mr Martin Mr Neale, Liver- G. B. Charleton, Caynham-conrt, Ludlow Miss B. Sewell. Flextin, Manchester Mr Sireatt, Harrow, Middlesex; Mr and Mrs Garrod, Surrey; MrWedner, do; Rev A. R. Arrowsmith, Coventry; R. H. Arrow- smith. do; Mr Smith, Keighley, Yorks; Captain and Mrs Williams, Tre'rddol Mr Fawcett, Lancaster- place, London; Mr Bontor, Kensington, London; Mr Harris, Swansea Mr Emery Mr Ganhanay Mr Smith Mrs Boldstone Miss Cooke and maid, London; Mr and Mrs London, Cheltenham; Mr J. A. Anstrie, Madelcy Wood. Trowbridge; Mi ll. Anstrie, do; Mrs L. C. Cooke and Miss Cooke, Warwick 24, Mrs K, Enoch Bailey, family and maid, Master BenjaminRawbathom, Wolverhamptom Mrs Thompson and family; Miss Brown, London; Rev R. and Mrs Arrowsmith and family, WaIsgraveViearage, near Coventry Waterloo Hou*< Mi", JOI/I'Mrs Nixon and suite, East Burnham; Rev and Mrs Delevingc, Burnham; Mr and Mrs Roper and family, Welshpool; Mr and Mrs Lewis and family, Newport 28, Mis.s Jfujihes—Mr and Mrs Slaney Eyton, family and maids, Walford Hall, Shrewsbury. 29, Mr John Erans— Mr and Mrs Forestt, children and nurse. The Chase, Kenilworth; Miss Hyslop, Mrs Oldham, Wasp- erton, Warwick 31, Mrs A. Griffiths—Mrs and Miss Freeman, Mr F. Freeman, Cambridge; Mr and Miss Whitlaw, London; Miss Saul, do. 30, C'aremont HOII,r.Ir and Mrs Plomer, Miss Burnsley, Mr and Mrs H. Bythney and family, Rev. R.H.Rose, M.A., and family, Manchester; Miss Wilson, do; Mrs Potter and family, Birmingham 33, Mrs Rohrrts—Mrs Canseek, and Miss Powell Jones, Brecon Mr and Mrs Shepherd and family, Birmingham Mr Tompson and family, do Mrs and Miss Mulland Mrs and Master Williams, Man- chester 3.3. Bri/ni/rnor, Mrs ..11. Nelson— Mrs J. P. Gouldbournc, family and maid, Shrewsbury Mrs Blower, do Mr and Mrs Leveseypand family, Wood- ley, Stockport; Mrs J. Green, family and maid, Stourbridge Misses Bishop, Brecon; Miss Meredith, Shrewsbury; Mr II. Price, Brecon: Miss Hampson, Stockport 36, Morrland Ho"f J[r, P. M. Edwards.—Mr and Mrs Moore and family, and governess and nurses, Bishop's Castle; Mr and Mrs Penson and family, from Reading; Mrs Jones, Mrs J. B. Lintock and family, from Salop; Mrs Sildon, Miss Bate, Mr and Mrs Yele, Chcltam 38, MMS Thomas—Mr and Mrs Smith and family, London; Mrs Scriven, Bradford; Mrs Rhodes, Mrs Pool. Shifnal; Miss Ada Allday. Birmingham 39, Gl'/ndter House, M rs 31. Griffiths—Mr and Mrs Cawley, Nantwich Miss Evans, do; the Misses White, Warrington; Miss Williams, Brecon, Miss Thomas, Carmarthen 41, 3liss<s Jones—Rev F. and Mrs Dayrell, Baschurch, near Shrewsbury; Mr and the Misses Eyton, Walford Manor, Walford, near Shrewsbury; Miss Hill, London. 42, Mrs Jon>s—Mr and Mrs Bernard Newman, Hills- deane, Newport: Mr and Mrs Davies, and family, Oswestry; Mr and Mrs White, and family, London; Mrs Harrison, and family, Seaforth; Mr and Mrs W. P. Whitmore, Birmingham 43, Pi'-ton House, Miss Osmolhcrb tj—Mr and Mrs C. I.e Neve Fojter, children and nurse, Llandudno Mr Montague; Mr and Mrb Penton, and family 44, Miss E. F. Jones-Mr, Mrs, and Miss Davies, Mr Manhire, Newport, Mon.; Rev Mr and Mrs Ranken, family and maids, Miss Fisher, Malvern Wells 47, Mr* Edirards—Mr Augustus Bird and family, Shepherd's Bush, London; Mrs Whitelocke, and family, Jamaica; Mr Ewen, and family, do.; Mrs Stopforth, Liverpool 48, Islarlboroui/h Hons', Leu:is—Mr and Mrs James Weston, Trafalgar Square, London; Mrs Col. Hill, Welshpool; Captain Hill, London; Mrs Cornish- Browne, and patry, Clifton Lodge, Farquahar Road, Norwood, S.E. 50, Stanhy House, R. Wafkins—Mr and Mrs Barber and family, Birmingham; Mr, Mrs, and Miss Scofield, Huddersfield; Miss Porrit, do.; Miss Sugden, do.; Mrs and Miss Lilly Wilman, Ilkley. Mrs Ashford 51, Mrs Ricltards- Mrs Harrison, Miss Hicks, Birmingham; Mr, Mrs, and Miss Skarrat, Kington, Herefordshire; Mr and Mrs Stanley Clarke and family, Anfield, Liverpool; Miss Harrison. Bloomsbury, Birm'ham 52, Mrs JOlles-Mr and Mrs Joseph Herbert and family, Nottingham; Madme. de Yismes de Pont- hieu and family, Cheltenham 53, Mi, J(trtzcs-,Nlrs Cooper and family, Nottingham: Mr and Mrs Walker and family, Dudley; Mr and the Misses Manlove, Nottingham 54, Mrs Miller—Mr & Mrs Turner & child, Edgbaston; Mrs andMiss Gosling, Monmouth' Mrs Stevens, do 59, Mr* Edwards—Rev and Mrs Crump, family and maid, Birmingham 60, Mr Thomas Darks—Miss K. L. Perkins; Mrs Bird, Furtho; Capt. and Mrs Barwell; Malcomc Ross Barwell, and Mr Ross and servant. Leicestershire 62, Mrs D. Darif.«— Mrs and the Misses Jones, late of Fronygog, near Machynlleth Mr and Mrs Fardon, and family, The Graylands, Leamington Mrs Barton and Miss White, Wiltshire 63. Sf. Dnád's House, l\I¡'8 JOllf,- Mrs Gyde and family, Birmingham; Mrs I. J. Nason and family, Stratford-on-Avon Mr and Mrs Brown and family, Birmingham; Mr and Mrs Swindlcy and family; Mrs Peak and Mr Groves, Wolverhampton 64, York House, Mrs R. Humphreys— Mr and Mrs Adams, London; Messrs Liddell, London; Miss Liddell, do: Misses Baxter, Oxford: Mr and Mrs Hague, Birmingham; Misses Vale, do; Mr and Mrs Price, Mr and Mrs Thomas; Miss Neales and family of six, Nottingham; Mrs Cenley, 65, Clifton House, M rs Powell- Mr and Mrs Britton, Birmingham Mr, Mrs, and Misses Woodcock, Altrincham; Mr and Miss ShufHebothom and family, New Caatle, Stafford- shire; Mr Satchell, Birmingham QUEEN'S HOTEL, Mr W. H. Pal7?i,r,See A(I,,t.- Lord and Lady St. John; The Hon. Miss St. John; The Hon. Miss Margaret St. John Madlle. Dumas, nurse and valet; Mr, Mrs, and Miss Beale; Mrs Phipson, maids and coachman, Bryntain, Dolgelley; Mrs and the Misses Watson, and Mr H. Watson, Soothill, Leeds Mr and Mrs Tustin, Burnley; Mr and Mrs Collingwood, Clywntt Hall; Mr and Mrs Merry, Boyston, Herts; the Misses Garth, London; Mr and Mrs Cowley, Miss Hickman and maid Mr Louis Rubbins, Belgium; Mr Thompson; Major and Mrs Poignard, Chatham; Mr Hickson, Highgate; Count J. Langa, Hamburgh; Mr Simpson and friend, Birmingham; Mr A. S. D. Francis, Air E. J. Powell, London, MrT. Cartwright, Mr T. Newey, Mr Rowland Newey, Mr Howard Newey, Small Heath, Birming- ham: Mr A. G. Dillon, Dublin Castle; Mr George Green Smith, Leominster; ReN, William Foiilger, At. A., Trinity College, Cambridge; Mr Russell, London; Mr Williams, Welton, Cumberland; Mr Nelson, Canter- bury; Mrs and the Misses Hobson, Bowden, Cheshire; Mrs Greaves, Mrs Pellereau and Mr H. E. Pellereau, Kensington; Mr and Mrs Hugh J. Adair and Miss Adair, Bradford; Mr, Mrs, and Miss Edwards, Mr Bucklcy, Rev D. Jones, Booth, nr. Halifax, Mr Brown, Mr W. W. Szlumper, London; Gen. Sir E. Holdich and Lady Holdich, do.; Mrs Hole, Leicester; Mr C. L. Remberton and family; Mr and Mrs Rogers, Cheltenham; Mr F. W. Sims, family and nurse, London; Mr Chadwick, Brighton; Mrs Jones, Maesy- crygiau Hall; Mr Mrs and Masters Mansel and maid, Weir Courtenay Park, Surrey; Mr and Mrs Adams and Miss Velazquez, New York; Mr T. W. Rowland, Metham; Mr, Mrs, and the Misses Hoskyn; Mr and Mrs Reid and family; Mrs and the Misses Thomas Mr Horton and Mr Coldicott, Mr W. H. W. Higgs Dudley; Mr and Mrs Ward, Stcchford House, Birmingham; Mrs Hall and the Misses Heathers, London; Mrs R. L. Baker and Mrs S. H. Baker, Leamington; Mr Dingley, Mr Grey, Mr, Mrs, and the Misses Pulford, junr., and maid, Torquay; Miss Hutchinson, Hereford; Mrs Whateley and the Misses Price, do.; Mr Evelyn, Presteign; Mr and Mrs Hudson, London; Mr W. L. Hubbard, do.; Dr Johnston and Miss Bouverd, Sheffield; Mr H. Wilkinson, London; Mr and Mrs Bond. do,; Mr S. Rowland, Wrexham; Miss Orme, Manchester; Miss A. Orme, Egremont; Mrs and Miss Fletcher, Mr J. R. Bennet, Hereford; Mr T. Richardson, do.; Mr J. M. Thomas, Mr and Mrs Sandall, London; Mr J. W. Higgs, Dudley. VICTORIA TERRACE. Evelyn House, Mrs Hoch-ite)-Rev H. Veal and Misses Veal, Clifton; Mrs Basherville, family, and servants, Nethcrwoods, Hereford; Mr and Mrs Roche, family, and maid, Davcntry Oc<an View, Mrs Kensit—Mrs and Miss Shepherd, Mosley; Mrs Parks, Birmingham; Mr and the Misses Walker, Wolverhampton; J. S. Walkers and family, Penfields, do; Mr, Mrs, Miss, and Master Chapman, Cogleton, Cheshire Messrs Bell, Timperley; Misses Bell (3), do. Siiou-don House, Mrs Erans— Mr, Mrs, and Misses Groucutt, Letteuhall, Wolver- hampton; Miss Showell, Edgbaston; Mr and Mrs Coleman and family, Burslem Mr and Mrs Smith and family, George-street, Lozclls, Birmingham Mr, Mrs, and Misses McTuhae; Rev E. Kevill Davies, family, and maid, Croft Castle, Hereford- shire; Mrs and Miss Wood, Burslem 5, Plyn/imon House, Mrs Pierce— Mrs and Miss Willcock, and Miss Schmidt, Wolverhampton Misses Andrews, Manchester Mr and Mrs Hossell and family, Perry Barr, Staffordshire Mrs Rose, Miss Wallis, two children, and nurse, Newport, Monmouthshire Mr and Mrs Brunsdon, Mrs Harryman, and Miss Butt, Ross Mrs and Miss Jack, London M iss Whceldon, Wolverhampton Mr George Wheeldon. do 6, Trafalgar House, Mrs R. Felix (see Ad,")- Mrs ueorge Green and family, Stourbridge Mr, Mrs, and the Misses Williams, child and nurse, Nottingham; Mrs Killy, Liverpool; Masters Strickland, Putney Mr and Mrs Biddle, famiiy, and maid, VentnorVilla, Handsworth, Birmingham; Mr T. Steel, Mr J. T. Steel, Mrs T. Steet, Mrs R. Steel, and Miss Steel, Cheltenham Abenjddie House, Mrs Griffith Jones (see A(li-t.)- Mrs Brown, and maid, Welshpool Miss Orme, Chectham Hill, Manchester Miss A. Ormc, Seacombe Miss Hobson, Bowden, Cheshire Miss Greaves and Mrs C. J. Greaves, do; Mr Gill and family, Wolverhampton; Mr and Mrs Hudson and family, London; Mr and Mrs Littlewood and family, Manchester; Miss Boys, Catterall Cottage, Garstang; Mrs Stones, do Mr and Mrs Thomas Lewis and family, Blackburn Balmoral House, MAS Jones—Mr and Mrs France, family and maid, Manchester; Mrs and the Misses Robertson, Bath; Mr, Mrs, and Miss Lye, Suton; Mr and Mrs W. J. James, Tyffynon, Abcrsychan; Mrs Clench and family, Lincoln Miss Granton, Liverpool BRYNYMOR TERRACE. 4, Mann and family, Birmingham; Mr and Mrs Floyd and family, ditto 5, Mrs Ellis—Miss Owen, King's Heath; Miss Matthews, Spark Hill Miss Asldield, Birmingham Misses H. and L. L. Sheppey, do. QUEEN'S ROAD. 39, Holborn House, Mrs William- — Mr and Mrs Andrew, family, and nurse, Ford Green House, Ford Green, Norton-le-Moors, Stafford; Mr and Mrs Jones, Penfields, Wolverhampton 4, Crystal Palace, Mrs Price—Mr Wilding, Llanddewi; Master J. Jenkins, Llanddewi shop. 6, Mrs James—Mi- and Mrs Kensole, Aberdare; Mrs Davis and family, Leominster. Hardwkkt Hons, /Miss Nkholb-—Mr and the Misses Fairless (3), Kensington, London. T,urlinc Hons, Mrs Far—Miss Macau, Rugby: Miss Macnabbs, do; Miss Campbell and maid, Edinburgh. Glanayron House, MAS Jones—Mr and Mrs Beavan, Hereford; the Misses and Master Willie Parry, do. 12, Miss Jom—Mrs Bourke, from Clifton; Miss Powtll, Dublin, Mi&s Dennet, London