justness ^Mxc&sts. BREAD! BREAD!! WILLIAM JULIAN, F A =;1 I L Y 1, 0 C E P,, 0 X fIf) R T K P A R ADE, ABERYSTWYTH, Wishes to inform the Public generally that, in addition to the above Business, lie has completed arrangements for commencing the Trade of BAKER A X D CONFECTIONER IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. And for that purpose has secured the services of an experienced Baker. In thanking his numerous friends for their support and patronage for so many years, he solicits an extension of the same to this department. JtST The same Goods will be supplied on the same conditions at D. JULIAN'S, Princess Street, opposite the Meat Market. [544 25,000 PAIRS SOLD WEEKLY AT THEIR VARIOUS ESTABLISHMENTS. MESSRS. DICKS AND CO. In returning their sincere thanks to the Inhabitants of Aberystwyth and neighbourhood for their con- tinued and most generous support, beg to state, that owing to the continued cheapness of leather, and the great resources they have at their command for the Manufacture of Boots and Shoes, they will, On and after the First day of November Next, Make a GREAT AND PERMANENT REDUCTION In the Prices of their Leather Boots and Shoes. The following are a few of the Prices :— Mens' Good strong Elastic-sides, from 6/11 Do. do do. waterproof, 7/6 Do. do. do. strong nailed, 7/6 W omens' Elastic-sides, from 2/11 Do. do. good, 3/11 Do. do. strong, ,j/- Do. do. extra strong, 5/6 Do. good Button Boots, 5111 Boys' and Girls' equally cheap in proportion. The best Boot for Winter wear is the well-known Waterproof Bottomed Boots and Shoes- WOMENS' 5s. 6d. MENS' 6s. 6d. Repairing in all Branches Anybody and Everybody's Boots. SHOPS IN EVERY TOWN IN WALES AND ENGLAND. ADDRESSES: ABERYSTWYTH. LAMPETER. MACHYNLLETH. NEWTOWN. DOLGELLEY. BARMOUTH. 48 ROBERT ELLIS, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST, TERRACE-ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. CHILBLAIN LINIMENT. A I COD LIVER OIL. CHEST AND LUNG PROTECTORS. RESPIRATORS, INHALERS, &c. A FACT WORTH KNOWING. IJIPOE'TILT CLEARANCE SALE OF DRAPERY GOODS. DANIEL THOMAS, I DRAPER, 8, LITTLE DARKGATE STREET, (OPPOSITE THE INFIRMARY,) ABERYSTWYTH, BEGS respectfully to inform his numerous Customers ancl the Public generally that his Third Annual Clearance Sale of Drapery Goods will commence on Monday, February 7th, and will continue for one month, when the whole Stack will be re-marked, greatly reduced, in order to have a Speedy Clearance. Winceys, from -1'2 to 1/- per yard; Brown Hollands. -14 to -/n per yard. 2 Narrow Cloths for Boys' and Men's Suits, 1/9 to 3/6 per yard. Wide Cloth for Ulsters, Boys' and Men's Suits, &c., 2/- to 8/- per yard. LTnion Wool Shirtings, -jo to 1/- per yard; All Wool Shirtings, -/10 to 2/- per yard. A Large Stock of Wool Shirts, well made, 2/- to G/6 each; Good Blankets, 8/- per pair, and upwards. White and Scarlet Flannels, from -/9 to 1/6 per yard. Stripe Skirtings, from -jto 2/- per yard. A Large Stock of Wool Scarves and Squares, from -/3 to 2/6 each. French Cashmeres, French Merinos. Alpacas, Serges, Home Spuns, &c., &c., in Black and Colours, and Dress Materials of every description, will be greatly reduced. A splendid piece of Black Silk (warranted to wear), 6/6, Sale price 5/ Waste Twill, two yards wide, -/9 to 1/- per yard; Best Linen Tick, 2/- and 2/6, worth 2/6 and 3/ A Large Stock of Towels, -/3 to -/1O each. 2 Men's and Boys' Hard and Soft Felt Hats, from 1/6 to 6/- each. Straw and Chip Hats and Bonnets to be cleared at nearly Half Price. Prints, Corsets, Gloves, Flowers, Feathers, Scarves, Fur Tippets, &c., &c., &c., greatly reduced. L REMNANTS AT NEARLY HALF PRICE. All Goods marked in Plain Figures as usual. TERMS—ONE PRICE FOR ALL, AND READY MONEY. Observe the address— DANIEL T H O 31 A S, 8, LITTLE DARKGATE-STREET (OPPOSITE THE INFIRMARY), ABERYSTWYTH. THE GRAND NATIONAL EISTEDDFOD PRIZE 3IEDALS FOR GENUINE HAND 31 A D E WELSH TWEED CLOTH, OT) rA7, •v *.ij -y^<y v FISHING CLOTHS, II FLANNELS, SHIRTINGS, AND LINSEYS, At Chester in 1868, and Aberystwyth in 1S6-3, were awarded to JOHN MEYRICK JONES, MEYRICK HOUSE, DOLGELLEY, Whose Mills have gained considerable celebrity for the Manufactures of these Articles. J. oiies has greatly extended his business, and is now able to supply wholesale and retail, these UNRIVALLED WELSH FABRICS, which are all MANUFACTURED BY HAND UNDER HIS OWN PERSONAL SUPERINTENDENCE, and can be warranted made of the PICK OF THE PURE MOUNTAIN WOOLS and free from any admixture and at prices far below those charged for inferior articles usually sold as ''Welsh" by English Manufacturers. Clothing made from these Welsh Tweed Cloths is worn by the Nobility, and Gentry for Shooting, Fishing, Cricketing, Travelling, &e., and is always found to be very durable. Wholesale and Retail Orders executed on the shortest notice. Cash or references expected with all new orders. Patronized by Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, the Clergy, Nobility, and Gentry of England and Wales THE SNOWDON AND IDRIS WELSH WHITTLE SHAWLS. N. B.—Dolgelley being the Termini of two Branches of Railways, there is every conveuienge to send any article ordered without delay to any part of the kingdom, and at very reasonable charges. CAUTION.—Mr J. MEYRICK JonEs regrets that lie should have occasion to caution nis friends against the practices of certain unprincipled persons, who have sent spurious patterns to several of his customers, professing te be Welsh Tweeds and Flannels. Patterns of the genuine hand-loom Welsh Webs, Welsh Tweeds, Flannels. and Linseys can be insured on application to Mr J. M. JONES, Manufacturer, Dolgelley. Patterns sent post free to any address. fttisntss Jlbiircsscs. IVON STEAM MILL & STORES COMPANY, LIMITED, ABERYSTWYTH. MILLERS & CORN MERCHANTS. JOHN JONES, COMMERCE HOUSE, SECRETARY. THE public generally are informed that the Corn Mill, in Mill Street, has been completely renovated and fitted with the most approved Machinery for turning out the finest flour made from English, American, and Australian wheats. Second and third qualities will also be supplied. There will also be on sale at the Mill, Indian ileal, Barley Meal, Bran, and all kinds of feeding stuffs on the most reasonable terms. ENTIRE WHEAT MEAL ALWAYS ON SALE. ABERYSTWYTH SAW MILLS AND JOINERY WORKS. JAMES WILLTA-IIS BEGS to announce that he is prepared to supply from his Saw Mills and Joinery Works, Llan- badarn-road, DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, and BEADINGS of every kind, STAIRCASES GREENHOUSES, and every description of Joinery required in housebuilding. SAWING BY CONTRACT. ALL KIND OF WELL-SEASONED BOARDS ALWAYS ON HAND. ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR NEW BUILDINGS AND FOR ALTERATIONS. T JOBBING WORK OF ALL SORTS EXECUTED. THE MANAGEMENT OF FUNERALS UNDERTAKEN. [77 STEAM SAW MILLS, ABERYSTWYTH. R. ROBERTS AND SONS, '¡ 'I: 'ó TIMBER AND SLATE MERCHANTS, Have just discharged a cargo of SPRUCE DEAL and PINE LOGS ex "Wellington." RELIANCE HOUSE, GREAT DARKGATE-STREET (OPPOSITE THE MEAT MARKET) AT I 7, PIER-STREET. WILLIAM PROBIN, WORKING LAPIDARY, JEWELLER, AND SILVERSMITH, BEGS to inform the Gentry, Inhabitants, and Visitors of Aberystwyth that he has now on hand a well-selected Stock of Diamond Rings, W edding Riugs, Signet Rings, and Gem Rings. Bright anJ Coloured Gold Jewellery, in all its branches, made upon the premises. Every article warranted. Also, a larg Stock of Whitby Jet and Bog Oak Ornaments. Old GelId and Silver purchased. Wholesale and Retail DeaIe. in New and Second-hand Plate. [64 11 | UNRIVALLED EXHIBITION-HO ORS-PARIS ISTSJ I ^X^HEMSONAIJ> DECORATION I J £ OF THE\ \X/ jH t) ir I 7=7 WPQLR LYIEP^LP PARIS 1S7S NOTED FOR EASE AND FREEDOM IN SEWING. EZO Yt SUITABLE FOR HAND OR MACHINE USE. CHARLES STREET MILLS, LEICESTER. [61 k -1 I I 1 I- RECKITT S PARIS BLUE y"u As batl qualities are often substituted. The genuine is used by the Laundresses of THE PRINCESS OF WALES AND OF EDINBURGH. T.. POW ELL & COT, MARKET STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, HAVE RECEIVED A CONSIGNMENT OF REAL FRENCH COFFEE, PREPARED IN PARIS, WHICH IS BEING SOLD IN TINS' AT Is. 6d. PER LB. TERM, CASH. [76 Parties about Furnishing will do well to call at DAVID ELLIS'S IRONMONGERY STORES, GREAT DARKGATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. RHEIDOL FOUNDRY, MORFA MAWR7 ABERYSWYTH. WILLIAMS AND METCALFE, ENGINEERS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, MANUFACTURERS OF PUMPING, WINDING, CRUSHING AN. DRESSING MACHINERY OR MINES. STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, INJCETORS, &c., REPAIRED. T. WILLIAMS begs to thank his numerous customers for their support in the past, and hopes the new nrn will receive a continuance of the same. [62 GREAT ATTRACTIONS! GREAT ATTRACTIONS!! HALF YEARLY SALE. HALF YEARLY SALE J. H. EDWARDS, THE PEOPLE'S DRAPER AND CLOTHIER, BEGS to call the attention of the Public to his Great Sale of Drapery Goods, when all Articles will be re-marked and much reduced in Price. The class of Goods he keeps is of a Superior Quality and having made special purchase for this Sale, it will bo a rare opportunity for the Public to buy Cheap Goods'. The following are a few of the Goods:—Fancy and Black Dress Materials. Coloured French Merinos, worth 3'11 for 2/6 per yard; Black French Twills and French Merinos, Alpaccas, Winceys much under price, to clear- Prints, Oxford Shirtings, Sheetings, Quilts, Blankets, Large Stock of Shirtings and Real Welsh Flannels' Cheap Hosiery in great variety from -/5 per pair, Silk and Wool Scarfs, Corsets—try our l/G, worth 2/ Cloth Silk and Kid Gloves, Ulsters, I and I (;/G reduced to I I (otil- own make); Woollens of every description a Large Stock of Ready-made Clothes, all greatly reduced in price to effect a clearance; Jackets 18/6 for 14-ffi. Ditto 20/-for 15/6; Over-coats, 30/- for 25/ Men's Suits, 30/- for 25/ Ditto, 42/- for 3.íj.; Boys' Suits and Over-coats reduced; Lot of Linen Collars,5 each, usual price, 'IG; Hats! Hats!! Hats! a Manufacturer's Stock, all about 2/- under price; Scotch Fingering Wool, 2/S and 2/11 per lb.; a Cheap Lot of Tapes, 12 pieces for -/0, usually sold -/I per piece; Braids, piece 12 yards for -/6, worth -/<); Reels—Silk, -/1, usually sold at -/2. No. 1, J. H. Edwards' special pared, 10/6. No. 2, J. H. Edwards' special parcel, 21f-. 12 yards Brown Russell Cord. 1 pair Blankets. I Table Cloth. (j yanls Brown Calico. I Toilet Cover. 3 yards Scarlet Flannel. Ten Shillings and Sixpence, Carriage Paid. 6 yards Brown Holland, fine and strong. 1 toilet Cover. ° 1 pair New Black Jersey Gloves. Twenty-one Shillings, Carriage Paid. TERMS—CASH. NOTE THE ADDRESS— J. H. EDWARDS, THE CHEAP DEAPER &. CLOTHIER (Shop with the Big Hat). c 4, GREAT DARKGATE STREET, 68] ABERYSTWYTH. JJotcIs. BELLE YUE ROYAL HOTE L7 ABERYSTWYTH. EDYvARD I[A:\IER begs respectfully to inform the Nobility, Gentry, ancl inhabitants of Aberystwyth and the neighbourhood, that he has recently taken the above, well-known and Old Established FAMILY & COMMERCIAL HOTEL, and trusts, by strict attention and moderate charge* to receive a continuance of the support which has for so many years been accorded to his predecessors. January 12th, 1881. j-, j ABERYSTWYTH. THE Q XI EITFS HOTEL. ON THE MARINE TERRACE, FACING THE SEA. OILXIBUS MEETS ALL TRAINS. BOARDING TERMS during the Winter Months, TWO-AXD-A-HALF GUIXEAP. Ladies' Coffee Room. Drawing-room and Library. "W H. PALMER, Proprietor. ¡_J.M '1II'Q' business JUilircsscs. GREAT SALE OF DRAPERY GOODS, &c., &c. H. E. PUGHE, 7 2, LITTLE DARKGATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, BEGS to inform the Inhabitants of Aberystwyth and its vicinity, that his STOCK-TAKING SALE HAS COMMENCED, And in order to make room for SPRING GOODS, he is determined to clear the whole of his SURPLUS STOCK I At such Low Prices that will astonish the Public. The Celebrated Florence Kid Gloves (single button) at 2s. Gd. per pair. Sold elswhere in the town at 3s. AN EARLY CALL WILL OBLIGE. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES TER)IS CASH. Observe the Address-2, LITTLE DARKGATE STREET. PT,OBEY &- CO., ENGINEERS, LINCOLN. Wonie of the Advantages of these Engines are— SMALL IN MllST COST, SAVING OF TIME AND EXPENSE IN FIXINO, EASE, SAFETY AND ECONOMY IN WORKING, GlLEAT SAVING IN FUEL. I -¡ lilt i! PATENT ROBEY MINING ENGINE, + to liOO^p. REQUIRES NO EXPENSIVE FOUNDATIONS, BOILER HOUSE. OR HKill 15RICK CHIMNEY. ENGINES OF ALL SJXES IN STOCK OR IN PROGRESS. Abbb.- 0 _i; HKFKRKNCKK CAN BE CIV!CN TO OF 6,200 OF ALL SI/-KM NOW AT ViOlilv, oupenor Fortab e Engines, Horizontal Fixed Engine, to 50 li.-p. • 4 to GO li.-p. CATALOGUES, PHOTOGRAPHS, PRICES, OX APPLICATION TO ROBEY dz v/O.? ENGINEERS, LINCOLN: I THE LEADING PAPER j -L-ÅÓ L -'L 1: L.L"-i t(f CARDIGANS! i J R E, M ERIONETHSHIRE, SOUTH CARNARVONSHIRE, &c., DELIVERED BY FOR I hk IN ADVANCE. THE T CAM BIIIA N NEWS: 4 I" i • t • r. !'»;;•:> y Agents (through whom it may be ordered) on Friday mornings for a year for Cd. (id. in advance, at all P1 aces mentioned in our list of agents. iT KiJSH KJ) In Cardiganshire by GIS-ON, Aberystwyth; In Merionethshire ,t .JONKS'S, Eala In Carnarvonshire at D. LLOYD'S, Portmadoc. JOHN L. WIJVKIX AXD COMPANY. WINE & SPIRIT ^MERCHANTS. CONiRACTORS TO GOVERNMENT. UNION CHAMBERS, 11, UKIO COURT, OLD BROAD STREET. LONDON. Price Lists free on application. j WEAK 8 I G H T. i | HENRY LAUR ANTE'S 1 | -IMPROVED SPECTACLES. | HATTOX GARDKX, LO\L>OX. i j tire clear and, cool, never tire ? s and, whilst whditing all inflammatory 3 assist, strengthen, and preserve' ? fh," Sight. f SIR JULIUS BENEDICT, 2. Manchester i >'luare_, Loudon, "Vi., writes:—'• J have tried i t.;e principal Opticians in London, without 5 J success, but your Spectacles suit me admir- S |l ably, both for reading and walking. The Nearness of your glasses as compared with others is really surprising. I shall at all times J recommend them." I C. B. RADCLIFFE, ESQ., 31.D., 2.3. j Cavendisn Stjuare, London, W Consulting | Physician to t!ic Wcstiuinstcr liospital^ writes:—"Your Spectacles are highlyappre- > I ciated by nie, and are a great improvement I jj 011 my ol-l ones, and suit my better." I ( of | jrom.persons whose sight f„nv | j i'ir vse, when aH others hare ,a>l-<l, a length- 1 | :i"d litf of which can !>e, had grctlx on c/gAiru- 5 i >;o« 'o the folio icing Agents-— ABERYSTWYTH: A. MAJOR, t Jeweller and Optician, Pier St.' MACHl A LLETH: J. REESE & SOX, I t. Jewcllcra and jj ? f Spectacles stampe-1 H. L. [ U (; | APHY" HUGP^OY EN, Photographer and Pcrtr^1'1' Painter, Gonierian Art Studio, at Mr. Lewi* Evans, Fmsur.L'y-square, near Market Hall. PoIiTflley- The Studio will be opened shortly to take Photo'};p' in its vrrious branches and latest style. The IXS'fV-N' TAxvEO o'S PIiOCESS makes it to take 1.():1. upon the dubest days, and is particularly suitable cai]<sieu and for auinial". Gentlen ten's resideiu e^ "1,( groups taken. A PORTRAIT CLUB An easy \I.. ior every one to Iiave a beautiful Portrait at a rcinr.r"* ably low price, painted in yepia, craven, water c. or oil. J [.371