I Scale OF prepaid advertisements, j I fV 1 r~ 1 « 01 the following classes oi Advertisonicn ts only T0 SE let, Apartments wanted, ^°trsEs "Wanted, Apartments to be Let, Rations Wanted, M'i;,cellaneocs Wants, AT- NATIONS VACANT, ARTICLES LOST A-, D FODXD ,I l i\V Olio Three Six Nine Thirteen I °f ^onls. Insertion Insertions' Insertions. Insertions^ Insertions { s. <1. s. <1. is. a. s. d. s. a. { s. <1. s. <1. is. a. s. d. s. a. f 21 1 o 2 0 3 6 4 6 » 6 28 1 6 3 0 4 6 o 6 0 35 2 0 i 4 06 6 f) b 0 42 2 6 5 070 8 0 9 6 4D ï G 8 6 ] 0 fJ ^omittances may be inr/.e iu Half-penny Stamps. Aro Credit Adrertiserv: :J. is cnary -l leas than If-. 0<. _n_ ( Sllantcb. -r- Y\ 7" AX TED. A steady and active Young ? V "Mm, as an assistant in a General Drapery ^tahlishment.—Apply to Evan Morgan, North ^rade and Baker-street, Aberystwyth. ',)t>u \\T\\TED £ 400, on sound Freeliold Build- i T V illf Property. —Apply, gating terms, to ^m!,rian New Office, Aberysvvytn. l-)4J W.r'.t-NTED, to know Av]iere David Ellis's V Ironmongery StolBS are. l,)24 I A GENT wanted to push lirst-class Lubri- I -C\ c.iting Oils. Commission 10 to 15 per cent.- 5is i^as r" & Office, livsvpool. MS | POUND DaYic Ellis's Ironmongery Stores -P in Great Darlgate Street, Aberystwyth. David i$Uis has Grates, Iron Bedsteads, renders, &C.. &.C. ^men kept on foe premises for repairing Silver Tea- ^tsj, Candlesticks, and all kinds of things. [;)2;) PARTNERSHIP.—A Managing Partner, with Capital and Experience, Wanted for an i e*tensive Tinbcr and Slate Business and Saw Mills.— I ^rlress, X. V. Z., Office of this paper. [4b4 I OTTwTAA —PERSONS WANTED TO M( ) '(()' ), BUY 12 or IS lbs. of our PURE ^A J Is- lbl, honestly worth 2s. 4d. Liberal i'l-ofitsoftsilv made, and good discount for Cash, given V "ALDERSON'S," Tea Dealers, 12, Richmond j ent, Jbrllshury, London. I0-" NOTICE. \\TANTED, Old Ledgers, Account Books, V Xevspapers, Pamphlets, Memorandums, Let- t's, Envelopes, and all kinds of Old Papers, for re- i ^ufacturiig. The papers can be packed and sealed j seller's prsence, sent direct to the mills, and reduced » f once to pilp. Bags sent, and packer if required.— ;lclulnI->J, Aberystwyth. TCfuSldkNs connected with Brass Bands or m Fife aVj Drum Bands should apply to R. J. and SOTS, when wanting New Instruments or j^.Mrs. Price ".jist on application, 10, St. Anne-Stieet, ^rpool (First Hhop from Islington). -VB.—Second-iand Instruments and Drums alv aj s stock. ,■ ^Accordions fron 4s. 6d.; Concertinas from 2s. 6rl.; Strings fi>m 2d. to Sd. Harp Strings from 3d. WANTED. \VEOUCHT aiul Cast Iron Scrap; Old it and &coml Machinery Wire and Giiip Ropes Metal, &c., &c. ] MoILQUHAM, Machinc Broker. t ^S"i ABERYSTWYH. ( Xi' 1 j\TQTICE.-If you want to know what any r. thing Ml cost to Print, send to the Managek, 01 the Canibrn News Printing Works, Aberystwyth. -= I "w_" IQ- or b c ct. rrO LE"! witji possession on the 12th w .^ehrojr^ No. 11, Railway Terrace, Aber- —Ajly, No. 12, Portland, Street. [547. po LE^—A Lock-up Shop, in the best part i. o Abystwytli, 30, Great Darkgate St. A lease, AJ'^i^red.Apply, Shopkeeper, Cambrian New ^c^Abertwyth. [A32 J '0 LEr—Good House and large Garden, bf- Seveirniles from Aberystwyth, fronting the 0teul°l-—ply, Houseiioldeu, "Cambrian News" 5^jVb^twytli. fr>04 po BEJET. The Gogerddan Arms Hotel, Pontivyd, situate within three miles of Devil s »e, Xh Sheepwalk and Enclosed lields, i ntogether 0 acres.—For full Particulars apply to I hV,>TAix ^ies Cokbett, Gogerddaii Arms Hotel, ^terwydiberystwyth. [461 ABERYSTWYTH. J^OAR -and Residence may he obtained in a reCci. supe,r house where only a limited number are ^—-ply L.S. Cumbrian Vect office Aberyst- j 2S5 LI ABERYSTWYTH. — For the V0v ^Vin1 Months, APARTMENTS may be had on ^ieto terms at Snowdon House, No. 4, ?i?oin lla"teioe, facing the sea, and well sheltered ^*mi11'totlsiml east winds by Constitution Hills. A|^at ju the house. Highest references.— <^(KysiT. [391 °?Kji0USE, 64, j\tariiie Terrace.— f'UtWr° KT with immediate losse.sioii. For Koiiw. Parhlars apply to Thomas A^'hite, EgjTptian ^365 tANERS AND FELLMONGERS. r IJ^ET.—A good Yard, with Pits Storing Bark. Everytliing in good STf irr.? °r. Situated close to town.—Apply, [531 -=-, Hlcr be on). i AVE-li EAVES AND LAMBS. |?OR Sa_50 couples of Welsh Ewes and to Jthe Lambs 3 weeks old.—Apply °^X\vi £ S, Cors-y-gedol Hotel, Barmouth. r^7r——— ['">54 'I }LD.—-A lot of Capital Old aber growing on the Dolmelynllyn I' 1°' ,3°'^ the Turnpike road from Dolgelley to P. U les from Dolgelley. Tlie Gardener at O • >1<Jel?."r" ""shew the trees. Tenders addressed— • \Y ILLI^ j^SQ 5 Dolmelynllyn, Dolgelley. [543 E)TCH POTATOES. Quantity of Scotch Champion SAiLiifi.. f'tatOjj g00,i order to be Sold.—Apply to —-——^ l01t" [540 BALA. ELKESS PREMISES. and Freehold House, Shop be s^n'CIllises, situate in High Street, j °e had on t'ri\atc Treaty. Full particulars f ication to Evan Jones, Auctioneer, ^l^l!)thLjl Bala. !10 CHEI ——— [535- and ^RXJUGISTS. Old E r T~ Abevv.o i !< business tlle py^yth, trf^d 011 ft No. s, Bridge Street S?rietor- <11,SP°Se-1f' owi"S to the death of G°0(pde"Tp S r0Cdved for Stock i, 1 or ^P" B' a^d ];lxtures. Good position lift, p Pai*ticular Moderate. 1 LLls> AuetjPP^y ,on the premises, or to Mr er, Aberystwyth, 1 ">'D'=-:r..XI'1_v"L'L:JV¥.no'A -n- gales br» <3l.u.ctio:t. -r- ELI), ABERYSTWYTH. MONTHLY SALES OF LIVE STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, £ C. MR. G. T. SMITH l>egs respectfully to announce that he will hold Monthly Sales of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Pigs, Agricultural Implements, Carriages, &c., in the Smithfield, Aberystwyth, on the FIRST MONDA YIX ETTRY JIUNTII, At Eleven o' clock. ENTRIES FOR THE SALE OX MONDAY, FEBP.RAIIY 7th, I Respectfully solicited. To be sent in at least a week previous to sale, to be in- cluded in catalogues and advertisements. PENGWMRIN WOOD. About a mile and a half from Bow-street Railway Station on the Cambrian Railway. MR,. G. T. SMITH has been instructed by Sir PKYSE PRYSE. Bart., to otter for Sale by Auction, On ljo-VDA I-, the 2hf day of Frbrucmj, 1831, At the GOOEKDDAN AR.\I.s HOTEL, Aberystwyth, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions, the following OAK TIMBER and POLES, of good growth, now standing in Pengwmrin Wocd,.m two Lots:— Lot 1. 2,030 Oak Timber Trees and Poles. Lot 2. 2,010 Ditto. Ditto. Suitable for Shipbuilding, "Mining, and general country purposes. For further particulars, and to view the Timber, apply to Mr. COKJIETT, Rhydhir, Bow-street, R. S. O. [558 ABERLLOLWYN, nuar ABERYSTWYTH. ATTRACTIVE LEASEHOLD RESIDENCE. AND RIGHT OF SPORTING. MR. G. T. SMITH has been instructed by V. J. Tredwell, Esq., to Sell by Auction, On TUESDAY, the l*t of March, 1881, At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, At the LION ROYAL HOTEL. Aberystwyth, The remainder of his term and interest in a Lease for 21 years, dated 25th March, ISiS, in the MANSION and GROUNDS of ABERLLOLWYN. and the ex- clusive right of Sporting over about 24 acres of land held with the House, and over the adjoining farm of Brynrychan. The house contains ample accommoda- tion for a family of distinction) and very large sums having recently been expended upon it, have rendered it a most attractive and desirable residence. Further particulars may be obtained of Messrs. HGGII HNAIES & SONS, Solicitors, Aberystwyth and, with orders to view, of the AUCTIONEER. 6 IN LIQUIDATION. RE THE FRONFLGOCH SLATE OFARRY COMPANY, LIMITED. TO QUARRY AND MINE PROPRIETORS, IRON MERCHANTS, CAPITALISTS, AND OTHERS. THE FRONGOCH SLATE AND SLAB QUARRY, NEAR ABERDOVEY, MERIONETHSHIRE. ]V/TR O. DANIEL has with it fl iusDi-acliov-s to .Soil by Auction on the premises, on THURSDAY, MARCH :?.$th, 1881, At 11 a.m. prompt, the above Quarry, together with the whole of the Costly MACHINERY AND PLANT, Comprising Two Valuable STEAM ENGINES, eight and ''twenty-live horse power respectively; Seven' SAWING and PLANING TABLES; Travelling and Hoisting Cranes; Weighing Machines; Turn Tables; Iron Tram Waggons; Trollies; Patent Saw Sharpen- ing Machine: Patent Grindstone; FOUR HUNDRED YARDS of TRAMWAY RAILS & IRON SLEEPERS; Circular Saws and Planing Knives quantity of Bar Iron and Steel, Blacksmiths' Bellows, Anvil and as- sortment of Tools; Wheelbarrows, Trussels, Ladders, Wrought Iron Pipes; quantity of Timber, Bricks, Coals; about Seven Tons of Slabs; Wrought Iron Shafting, Pulleys, India Rubber Beltings, Iron Roof- framing (new), Furniture, &c., &c. The Quarry is situate about two miles from Glan- Q dovey Junction Station, on the Cambiian llaIlway, and three miles from Aberdovey, and may be viewed at any time on applying to the Manager on the premises. Descriptive Catalogues may be had of the AUCTIONEER, at Towyn; oil the Premises, and of Messrs. BILLINGHURST & WOOD, 502] 7, BCCKLERSEURY, LONDON, E.C. MONTGOMERYSHIRE. TO HOTEL KEEPERS, BREWEDS, TRADESMEN, BUILDERS, AND OTHERS. MR. "NV. H. LULL has received instructions to offer for Sale by Public Auction, in the month of February next, unless previously disposed of by private Treaty, All those highly valuable FREEHOLD and FULL- LICENSED PREMISES, known as the Wynnstay, Herbert Arms, and Unicorn Hotel, the Cross Pipes Inn, excellent Business and residential Premises, as also 15 Lots of convenient ACCOMMODATION LANDS, forming charming Building sites, all com- manding the best positions in and near the imporlant market town of Machynlleth, and of which a further description will appear in future papers. Plans and particulars are now being prepared, and with any further information may be obtained at the Offices of Mr. JOHN ROWLANDS, Solicitor, Machynlleth the AUCTIONEER, Oswestry, and from Messrs. LEE, HOUSEMAN, and POWNIXO, Solicitors, Salisbury, and 3, Princes-street, Storey's Gate, London, W.C. [500 FOR/T OF ABERYSTWYTH. The fast-sailing Schooner "VELOCITY" of Aberyst- wyth, now lying in Aberystwyth Harbour, with her Sails, Spars, Masts, Rigging, Anchors, Cables, and other Appurtenances, will be Sold by Auction, by MR. EDWARD ELLIS begs to announce that this is POSTPONED to MONDA Y, FEBRUARY 7 th, 1881 At T.vo o'clock in the Afternoon. The "VELOCITY is G3 Tons Register, Red Star Class built at Pwllheli, and is well found in every respect. The Sale will take place at Tanycae. The Hull will be first sold, and the pars, Rigging, Sails, Anchors, Chains. Ropes, and Lamps will follow in Lots. For further particulars apply to the AUCTIONEER. Terms-Cash. MONTHLY SALES. ABERYSTWYTH SMITHFIELD. MR. E. J. MORGAN, Auctioneer begs to state that he will have monthly sales of Live and Dead Stock in the Smithfield oil Aberystwyth Fair Days. The next Sale will be held on MONDAY, Febraaru at One o'clock. Entries and applications for terms to be sent to Mr. E. J. MORGAN, auctioneer, Penllwyn. T. & W. BTTBB, PAINTERS, PLUMBERS, GLAZIERS, GAS- FITTERS, HOUSE DECORATORS, PAPER HANGERS, & GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHERS TERRACE-ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH, & NEWTOWN. Agent for Kroner's BURNERS, and Wright's GAS STOVES. ESTIMATES FOR WORK OX APPLICATION. Agent for Atkins and Co.'s Patent CHARCOAL z;1 BLOCK "WATER, FILTERS. GADD'S PATENT REVERSIBLE HANDLE PERAMBULATORS. BATHS A ND PERAMBULATORS ON HIRE [26 JJubiir ilcticcB. I™ ™^DOL(SLLEY^I)E. WILLIAMS'S SCHOOL. ABSTRACT OF THE ACCOUNTS FOR 'THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31st, 1880. RECEIPTS. PAYMENTS. 31st Dee., 1SS0. £ il 31st Dec., 1SS0. £ k d. FROJI ENDOWMENT :— MANAGEMENT OF THE TRUST:— A S. d. £ 8. ,I. Cierk's salary 10 0 0 Bank Interest 10 13 11 Postage, carriage, &c. 3 4 6 320 S 10 Stationery and books for Clerk 2 5 0 FEES OF SCHOLARS:— ——————— 15 9 6 Entrance fees. 1st Term 2 17 6 Annual payment to Repairs ac- 2nd 2 0 0 count, sec. 67 13 0 0 3rd 2 1 i-) 0 EXPENSES ON PROPERTY:— Outstanding 0 5 0 Repairs in excess of annual pay- T 1P-, T-— 17 6 nient 12 13 10 i uition fees IS,D arrears 2 Jo 4 Rates and Taxes 5 1111 1st Tenn ol o S Insurance 2 11 1 2nd >j) 13 20 10 10 °RC''T EXTRAORDINARY EXPENSES:— Outstanding 4 0 0 3 g Construction of additional lava- Cash on account of fees 2 6 S ^ry and conveniences in base- School books and stationery sold 14 1 4 m^nt- ^P^ng, altering c i i i pi i 4. rn r o c and adding to internal and kcnolarshins. sec. 61, 1st ±enn f> o S ° 11C 10 n 1 ">6 8 passage arrangements. !lo lJ n A Gardening and out-door labour. 11 19 9 olu » ti- n Q 130 12 6 1 i () 8 Total Receints for the Year 652 7 8 Net expenditure on School 18118 10 Balance at the commencement c: tt i ^r- i. i i, i -.a n. n ioi 9 Head Mistress (stipend) 120 0 0 L u Assistant Teachers:— Second Mistress 77 3 4 Thinl Mistress 57 3 4 Assistant Third do. 19 16 8 Pupil Teacher 9 0 0 Drill Sergeant 5 6 8 168 10 0 288 10 0 tatiollery for the use of Scholars 614 7 • School Apparatus 4 15 10 Prizes 5 0 0 L Printing and Advertising 9 5 2 Fuel, Paraffin Oil, &c. 35 16 8 Examination expenses 7 10 0 Cleaning 30 11 5 Banker's commission 1 18 6 Tuition fee returned 1 6 8 Tuition fees of exhibitioners 17 6 8 Petty Cash-Head Mistress. 2 8 I 122 13 7 ,tJo • Total Expenses for the Year. 593 2 5 Unapplied surplus (set apait for •• j.. scholarships, sec. 64 50 0 0 Balance in hand at the close of .v this (the third year's) account 133 12 5 776 14 10 776 14 10 This account of the Receipts and Payments of the School for the year ended December 31st, 1880, was examined and passed at a meeting of the Governors, held the 31st day of January, 1881. Signed, SAIL. HOLLAND, CHAIRMAN. W\ JNO. BEALE. EDWARD JONES, -AT.D. &c. MARIA GRIFFITH. > W. R. DAVIES, CLERK TO THE GOVERNORS. Dolgelley, 1st February, 1351. < [.50 NOTICE. TALYLLYN "SCHOOL BOARD. 1VTOTICE is hereby given, in reference to the _L. 1 above district, that:— 1. The above School Board have (subject to the approval of the Education Department) made certain Bye Laws in pursuance of the powers given to the School Board by S. 74 of the Elementary Education Act, 1S70, as amended by the Elementary Education Act, 1S76. 2. A printed copy of the proposed Bye Laws will continue deposited, for inspection by any ratepayer, at Brynllwyd Cottage, near Machynlleth, the office of the School Board, for one month from the date of the publication of this notice. 3. At the expiration of the said month the said proposed Bye Laws will be submitted to the Education Department for approval. 4. The School Board will supply a printed copy of the said proposed Bye Laws gratis to any ratepayer. G. F. SMITH, CLERK, January 24th, 1881. [539 TOWYN FAIRS. FARMERS and Dealers in Cattle, Horses, Sheep. &c., &c., are respectfully requested to notice the Date of the following Revised List of Fairs to be held annually at Towyn, Merionethshire. All the farmers in the surrounding country have pledged themselves to support these Fairs. February 25th, Second Thursday in April, Easter Monday (Hiring), May 14th, June 16th, August 1st, September 8th, November 18th. D. E. KIRKBY, Chairman, R. ROWLANDS, Talybont, Treasurer. J. M. JAMES, Secretary. Towyn, Jan. 2Sth, 1881. [551 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1869. In the County Court of Cardiganshire, holden at Aberystwyth. In the matter of proceedings for Liquidation by arrange- ment instituted by Thomas James, of Cedar Lodge, Northgate-street, Aberystwyth, in the County of Cardigan, quarryman, master mason, builder, and contractor. JOHN JENKINS, of Portland-street, Aber- ystwyth aforesaid, Livery Stable Keeper, and William Thomas, of Aberystwyth aforesaid, Coal Merchant, have been appointed trustees of the property of the above-named Debtor. All persons having in their possession any of the effects of the said Debtor must deliver them to the Trustees, and all debts due to the Debtor must be paid to the Trustees. Creditors who have not yet proved their debts must I forward their proofs of debts to the Trustees. Dated this 31st day of January, 1881. GRIFFITH JONES, Aberystwyth, 553] Solicitor for the Trustees. —- — Light Blue and Pink Thread Hose 1/6 per pair. All Colors in Spun Silk Hose 4/11 11 Pure Silk Hose 10/6 Two Butt Kid Gloves in all colors 2/0 Two Bit superior make 2/11 Four Butt in all colors 2/11 Spun Silk Cuffs in all shades 1/0 Ladies' Cashmere Hose, 1/11, 2/11, and 3/6 Children's sizes from 000 to 6. All made with double knees. Children's Stocking Suspenders 1/6 per pair. Ladies' 116 and 310 All these Goods One Penny per pair extra if sent by post. S. N. COOKE, 35, PIER-STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. [49 MESDAMES JENKINS AND HUGHES, DRAPERS AND GENERAL MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, 5, PIER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, MESDAMES JENKINS AND HUGHES respectfully announce their return from London with a choice and well selected stock of MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, comprising all the NEWEST DESIGNS for the SEASON. In announcing their business to the ladies and visitors of Aberystwyth and its neighbourhood, they beg respectfully to solicit a share of patronage. Careful and personal attention is given to all orders. $u.sinc £ .s (ilotkcs. WINTER FASHIONS. (. C. M. WILLIAMS BEGS respectfully to announce that he is now showing NEW GOODS in every department, suitable for the Winter Trade, at prices worthy the attention of every one. The Noted Shop for Hats, and Bonnets, in all the leading Shapes and Styles. The largest and Cheapest Stock in Aberystwyth, to select from. Bonnets made to order. Hats trimmed free of charge. Every Article is marked at the lowest possible price for Ready Money. Thus giving to Cash Bujers the value their money entitles them to. One visit cannot fail to satisfy every one that C. M. WILLIAMS'S is the Cheapest Shop for Drapery in Aberystwyth. TERMS. ONE PRICE TO ASK, AND NO ABATEMENT. NOTE THE ADDRESS.— C. 31. WILLIAMS, GENERAL DRAPERY j ESTABLISHMENT, 3 6. PIER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. [94 Ladies' Felt Morning Wrappers, 8/6 each to 60/0. Knitted Wool Skirts, 5/6 each to 12/6. French Wove Corsets, 2/11 per pair. Special Make Black Corsets, 7/6 per pair. Ladies' Night Dresses, 2/11, 3/6, 5/0, to 21/0 each. 11 Chemises, 2191, 3/6, 4/9, to 15/0 each. Drawers, 1/0, 1/6, 2/0, to 10/6 per pair. Long-cloth Combinations, 5/6, 6/6, 7/0, to 15/6 each. Merino Vests, 1/3. 1/6. 2/6, to 6/6 each. u Drawers, 6/6 per pair. Combinations, 12/0 each. bedding Trousseaus and Infants' Layettes made to order. S. N. COOKE, 35, PIER-STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. [58 9, PIER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. J. EVANS & SON, (ORGANIST ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH,) MUSIC SELLERS, STATIONERS, &c. Pianofortes, Harmoniums, and American Organs for Sale or Hire. Marcus Ward's Specialities; Bedford's Photographs, Views, &c. EVANS and SON'S Celebrated Half-guinea Ledger and Day Books. RICHARD ELLIS, Unicorn Lane, Dolgelley, GENERAL BILL STICKER, POSTER MESSENGER, &c., Contracts made with Auctioneers and Publishers. h ipp ing. A L L A N LINE jfi M E R I C A ROYAL MAIL STE A M E II S. LIVERPOOL TO BOSTON. (Calling at Halifax to land Qanadian Mails and Passengers.) Caspian Feb. 10, Sarmatian Feb 17. Circassian Feb. 24 K oya cotian 3. Parisian Mar. 10. Polynesian Mar. 17. Sardinian 31 ar. 24 Moravian Mar. 31. Low RATES OF PASSAGE and THROUGH TICKETS to all points at SPECIAL RATES. PAMPHLETS Oil CANADA, MANITOBA, "WESTERN STATES of AMERICA also SPECIAL PAMPHLET, embodying Reports of the Tenant Farmers' Delegates to Canada, free on applica- tion. ASSISTED PASSAGES to Canada for Farm Labourers and Female Domestic Servants. Full particulars on application to ALLAN BROTHERS & CO., James Street, LIVERPOOL. Or to the Agents- Eyxs JONES, Builder, Bala. GRIFFITH EDWARDS, 2, Ael-y-Don, Barmouth. LEWIS WILLIAMS, Auctioneer, &c.. Dolsellev WHITE STAR LINE ROYAL AND UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. NOTICE.—The Steamers of this line take the Lane Routes recommended by Lieutenant Maury, on both tiie Out- ward and Homeward passages. LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK. Celtic. Tuesday, 8th February. Adriatic. Tuesday, 15th February. Britannic Thursday, 24th February. Baltic.Tuesday, 1st March. Germanic. Thursday, 10th March. FROM NEW YORK. Adriatic Saturday, 29th January. Britannic Saturday, 5th February. Average passage 8.' days in Summer. !).j days 111 Forwarding Passengers to all parts of the United States and Canada. These well-known magnificent Steamers are ap- pointed to sail weekly as under, carrying her Majesty's and the United States Mails V inter. Each Vessel is constructed in seven water- tight compartments. The Saloon, Ladies' Boudoir, State Rooms, and Smoking Rooms are amidships, and are luxuriously furnished and fitted with all modern conveniences pianos, libraries, electsie bells, bath-rooms, barber s shop, &c. Saloon Passage, 15, IS, and 21 guineas Return Tickets at reduced .rates. The Steerage accommodation is of the very highest character, the rooms ore unusually spacious, veil lighted, ventilated, and warmed, and passengers of this class will find their comfort carefully studied, and the jirovisioning unsurpiassed. Stewardesses in Steerage to attend the Women and Children. Drafts issued on New York free of charge. I For Freight or Passage apply to J. I). HUGHES, 1, Railway Terrace. Aberystwyth. SIMON BRYAN, Printer, &e., Lluafyllln. ISMA^Y IMRIE AND Co., 10, W ater-street. Liverpool, And 34 Leadenhall Street, LONDON, E. BREAD! BREAD! BiiEAD! —— WILLIAM EDWARDS & Co., n Terrace Road, Aberystwyth. COMPARE orR BREAD with that of any Baker in Town. COMPARE OUR PROVISIONS with these of any Provision Merchant in Town. I COMPARE OUR GROCERIES with those of any Grocer in Town. COMPARE our. SELECTED TEAS—our 1/9 Tea with any Teas generally sold at 2/0; our 2/0 Tea with any generally sold at 2/6 our 2/6 Tea with any generally sold at 3/0; and our Best 3/0 Tea with any generally sold at 3/6 and 3/8. Great attention will be given to the Bakery and Confectionery departments, the services of nn expe- rienced and first-class baker having been obtained. HOME-MADE BREAD DAILY. Sole Agent in Abe.iystwyth; and District for the Liquor Tea Company.—Books given away gratis to each buyer of Three Pounds of Tea. WILLIAM EDWARDS is agent for the London and Lancashire Fire Insurance Office and Star Life Insurance Office. [161 Ou cat ion. -r. CHRIST COLLEGE, BRECON. CHAIRMAN OF THE GOVERNING BODY: THE LORD BISHOP OF ST. DAVIDS. HEAD MASTER REV. D. LEAVIS LLOYD, M.A., late Scholar of Jesus College, Oxford, and late Head Master of Friar's School, Bangor. ASSISTANT MASTERS REV. T. C. SIMMONS, M.A,, late Scholar of Magdalene College, Cambridge, 25th Wrangler. F. N. S. BOUSFIELD, M.A,, late Scholar Gf Lincoln College, Oxford; Second Class Classical Moderations; First Class Final Classical School. J. C. EVANS, B.A., late Scholar of Jesus College, Oxford; Powis Exhibitioner Second Class Classical Moderations. J. TAYLOR, B.A., late Student of Christ Church, Oxford; 1st Natural Science. A. J. TUCKWELL. B. A., late Exhibitioner of Queen's College, Oxford; Third Class Classical Moderations and Third Class Modern History. W. S. RAY\ SON, M.A., late Junior Student of Christ Church, Oxford; First Class Mathematical Moderations; Second Class Final Mathematical School. B. D. TURNER, B.A., Open Scholar of Jesus College, Cambridge, First Class Classical Tripos, 1880 (8th Classic). Next Term will begin in January, 1881. Apply to the HEAD MASTER. DRAWING SCHOOL ARERYSTWYTH. DAILY CLASSES for DRAWING and PAINTING—Freehand Model Drawing, Water- color and Oils. Classes will be formed for Sketching from Nature. Private Lessons Giren. For particulars, apply to Miss K. VERXOX DAVYS. Brighton House, Marine Terrace. The next term commences on the 8th January, 1881. LADIES' COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, ABERYSTWYTH. Principal—Mrs. E. MARIE JONES (F. C. College, Glasgow), assisted by the Rev. E. P. JONES, M.A., B. D" and English and Foreign Teachers. The next Term begins on Wednesday, January 26th, 1881. MAENGWYN GRAMMAR SCHOOL, MACHYNLLETH. /onducted by Mr J. OWEN, late Inspector of Schools for the British and Foreign School Society and Tutor at the Society's Training College, Swansea. Qualified Foreign and English Assistants. Terms and prospectuses may be had on application School re-opens August 17th. (Bduration. THE COLLEGE, LLANDOVERY. VISITOR :— THE BISHOP OF ST. DAVID'S. WARDEN AND HEAD-MASTER :— REV. A. G. EDWARDS. M.A., late Scholar, Jesus College, Oxford. SECOND MASTER :— C. E. VILLIAMS, M.A., late Open Scholar. Queen's College. Cambridge, 26th Wrangler, 1S74. ASSISTANT MATHEMATICAL MASTER :— G. J. GRIFFITHS, M.A.. Open Fellow, Christ Col- lege, Cambridge. Sth Wrangler, 1S7€. Examiner for the Mathematical Tripos, 1879. ASSISTANT CLASSICAL MASTER :— j E. -J. McCLELLAN. M.A., Exhibitioner, Queen's College, Oxford; First Class Classical Mods., 1867. COMPOSITION MASTER :— A. TEMPLE ROBERTS, M.A., Demy of Magdalen College, Oxford, Gaisford Greek Verse, 1S79; Iro-Mine Arcessit for the Hertford (Universitv) Scholarship 1878; 1st Class Classical Mods,, IS77; 2nd Class Finals, I SSo. CLASSICAL MASTER :— IF. G. BRABANT, B.A., late Open Classical Scholar', Corpus Cliristi College, Oxford 1st Class Mathema- tical Mods., 1874; 1st Class Classical Mods., 1S75 1st Class Classical Finals, 1S77. MASTER OF THE JUNIOR SCHOOL :— C. P. LEVt IS, M.A., late Exhibitioner, Jesus College, Oxford. SCIENCE MASTER :— T. H. JLDSON, B.A., Open Sci ence Scholar. Merton College, Oxford. 1st Class Natural Science Honours, 1879. DRAWING :— D. SAUNDERS THOMAS, Certificated Teacher of the Science and Art Department, Seuth Kensington. For particulars apply to the Warden. [230 BALA GRAMMAR SCHOOL. "—— II HEADMASTER CLEMENT T. DAYIES, M.A., Late Scholar of Jesus College, Oxford. PREPARATION for the Univerities, Civil JL Services, Preliminaries for the Law and Medicine, and Local Examinations. During the past three years ten pupils have passed the Cambridge Local Examinations, live of the ten in Honours, two the Preliminary of the Pharmaceutical Society, and one the Preliminary of the College of Surgeons. Boarders taken at the Head Master's house. Terms for Boarding and Tuition very moderate. For further particulars apply to the Head Master. The next term begins January I Stli. lSSl. ABEr-,YSTWYTI-I-CAEPLEO-N HO U, SE. SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. P n T x- o t i. j. l MISS T RU B S H A W. Assisted by Masters, and Resident, Foreign, and English Governesses. Pupils prepared for the Oxford and Cambridge local xaminations. lhe School Year consists of three terms, beginning respectively January 13th, April 2Sth, and September lDtii, but pupils can be received at any time during the terms. For Terms, &c., apply to the Principal. AEDWYN SCHOOL, ABERYSTWYTH. HEAD MASTER—The Rev. LLEWELYN EDWARDS, M.A, of Lincoln College, Oxford, and Graduate in Classical Honours. Second Master—J. F. TYE, Esq., &.A., Universitv of London. Third Master—Mons. EUG. B. de PELOUBET, of the University of France, and of the "Ecolecles Beaux Arts" of Paris. Fourth Master—Mr. T. JONES, Music Master—Mr. D. JENKINS, Mus. Bac. (Cantab). Drilling Master—Sergeant-Major HOLMES. UNIVERSITY OF LONDON MATRICULATION. The Senior Classes at Ardwyn School have been so arranged as to prepare boys directly for the Matricula- tion Examination at the University cf London. The number of Subjects required is ten, viz :—Latin. Latin Prose and Grammar, Greek, French, English, English History and Geography, Algebra and Arithmetic. Euclid, Natural Philosophy and Chemistry, and all these are provided for in the Classes. The Result has been as follows 1S79, June, J. R. Howells (1st Division). 188, January, T. Jones (1st Division). 1880, June, J. Jenkins (1st Division). 1880, June, T. Griffith (2nd Division). Since January, 1880. nine boys have passed various Perliminary Examinations. The Preparation Classes are now reading Livy Book Y, and Homer, Odyssey, Book, XXI, which are the Classical Subjects required for the Matriculation Examination, June, 1881. ABERYSTWYTH GRAMMAR SCHOOL. FOUNDED IX IS12. Trustees—The Rev. Chancellor Phillips, Vicar of Aber- ystwyth Sir Pryse Pryse, Bart., Gogerddan; Thomas Bonsall, Esquire, Glanrlieidwl Rev. J. Pugh Yaughan Davies, Esquire and George Williams, ul" Esquire. Head Master—Mr. EDWARD JONES, Government Science Master (and in special honours of the Uni- versity of London). ASSISTED BY RESIDENT AND OTHER MASTERS. Music Master— Mr EVANS, Organist of St. Michael's. Drill M ister—Sergeant-Major CLARKE. During the last year boys from this school have gained scholarships, exhibitions, &c., of the value of £ (15, at Oxford, Cambridge, and the Higher Schools. Many have passed the various preliminary and other minor examinations, and two took their B.A. degree in Cambridge direct from this school in June last. Each boy is expected to learn Shorthand and Pen- manship. The Head Master receives a few boarders at Jasper House. BRYNARYOR SCHOOL, TOWYN. PRINCIPAL :— MR. EDWIN JONES, M.R.C.P., Assisted by qualified RESIDENT MASTERS for Classics English, Mathematics, Modern Languages, Music' &c. BRYNARVOR HALL, commodious and well-fitted, has been specially erected for the accommodation and tuition of boarders. It is beauti- fully situated in an eminently healthy locality, with extensive playgrounds, cricket field, and gardens at- tached, altogether making the finest and most desirable school premises in the Principality. Pupils are prepared for the various examinations con- lolls nected v ith the unh ersities and colleges, for the learned professions, banking and commercial pursuits. Classes are held in connection, with the Science and, Art Department, the examinations being held in May in each year. The school year consists of three Term*. FOR TERMS, &c., APPLY TO THE PRINCIPAL THE ABERYSTWYTH COMMERCIAL & GRAMMAR SCHOOL QUEEN "S SQUARE TTOUSE, QUEEN'S ROAD. Conducted by Mr THOMAS OWENS, C.M. (in honours of the London University, and late Senior Scholar of the University College of Wales). Pupils prepared for Commercial Pursuits, the Civil Service, the learned Professions, the Universities, and for the various Training and Theological Colleges. Special attention paid to English and Commercial Training at moderate charges. Terms, reports, &c., on application. The School re-opens on Monday, September 6th, 18S0