SCALE OF PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. For the following classes of Advertisements only:- HOUSES TO BE LET, HOUSES WANTED, SITUATIONS WANTED, SITUATIONS VACANT, APARTMENTS WANTED, APARTMENTS TO BE LET, MISCELLANEOUS WANTS, ARTICLES LOST AND FOUND Xo. One Three Six Nine J Thirteen of Words. Insertion Insertions Insertions^ Insertionijj insertions s. (1. s. <1. s. d. s. (1. s. d. 21 1 0 2 0 3 6 4 6 5 6 28 1 6 I 3 0 4 6 5 G 7 0 35 2 0 4 0 5 6 G 6 8 0 42 2 0 5 0 7 0 8 0 9 G 49 3 0 (i 0 7 (i 8 G 10 0 Remittances may be made in Half-penny Stamps. No Credit Advertisement is charged, less than 18. 6d. I Silantcb. WANTED.—A respectable young person for a Bar, where a Counter Trade is done. Preference given to one who speaks W elsh. Apply— IS, Church Street, Falmouth. Cornwall. [579 ANTED.—In Wales, by a married TV woman, a Situation as Nurse or Chamberbaid in an Hotel; or as Nurse to an invalid, or General Servant, for the Summer. Address—J. DAYIES, 9, Prince-street, Waterloo, Liverpool. [573 ANTED a Competent Nurse. To take Charge of Two Children in a family in London.—Apply to A.B., Cambrian News, Aberyst- wyth. ,ií72 ANTED.— £ 4-00, on sound Freehold Build- VV ing Property.—Apply, stating terms, to R. H., Cambr.ian News Office, Aberystwyth. [549 WANTED, to know v/hcre David Ellis's TV Ironmongery Stores are. [5-4 A GENT wanted to push first-class Lubri- r"- cating Oils. Commission 10 to 15 per cent. j Box 322, Post Office, Liverpool. 518 1-1 FOUND David Ellis's Ironmongery Stores in Great Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth. David Ellis has Grates, Iron Bedsteads, Fenders, &c., &c. Ellis has Grates, Iron Bedsteads, Fenders, &c., &e. Tinmen kept on the premises for repairing Silver Tea- pots, Candlesticks, and all kinds of things. [525 O if\ AAA —PERSONS WANTED TO Xj^±U, v'l/U. BUY 12 or IS lbs. of our PURE TEA, at Is. lid., honestly worth 2s. 4d. Liberal Profits easily made, and good discount for Cash, given by Tea Dealers, 12, Richmond Crescent, Barnsbury, London. [527 EG-ISTRY OFFICE for Servants, Doll I Street, Machynlleth.—Mrs. EVAXH begs to return thanks for the support given to her, and to announce to the Gentry and Public that employers wanting servants, and servants wanting places, will be carefully attended to.—Stamped envelope for reply. [537 MUSICIANS connected with Brass Bands or Ivt Fife and Drum Bands should apply to R. J. WARD and SONS, when wanting New Instruments or "epairs. Price List on application, 10, St. Anne-Street, Liverpool (First Shop from Islington). N.B.—Second-hand Instruments and Drums always in stock. Accordions from 4s. Gd.; Concertinas from 2s. Gel. Violin Strings from 2d. to 8d. Harp Strings from 3d. '■"VrOTICE.—If you want to know what any -131 thing will cost to Print, send to the MANAGER, of the Cambrian News Printing Works, Aberystwyth. ^0 be %ct BOIITI;.—To be Let from Lady Day, No. 8, Cambrian Terrace.—Apply at the Hotel. 576. TO LET.—Together or separately—The New Spacious House, Shop, and Warehouse, adjoining, suitable for any kind of business, occupied by Mrs. Howells, Grocer, No. 11, Chalybeate Terrace, Aber- ystwyth, who is retiring from business.—Application should be made to Mrs. HOWELLS. [570 mo" BE LET, with. possession, on the 12th JL May, No. 4, Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth.— Apply to J. RowLANn, 4, Chalybeate Terrace. [5G8 TjlO LET with possession on the 12th JL February, No. 11, Railway Terrace, Aber- ystwyth.—Apply. No. 12, Portland, Street. [Mi. O LBT-A Lock-up Shop, in the best p^rt of Abervstwyth, 39, Great Darkgate St. A lease, if rcqtii red. SHOFKKKPEB, Cambrian. AMW Office, Aberystwyth. [532 TO LET.—Good Hons" and large Garden, Seven miles from Aberystwyth, fronting the Rheidol.—Apply, HOUSEHOLDER, "Cambrian News" Office, Aberystwyth. [504 rno BE LET.—The Gogerddan Arms Hotel, JL Ponterwyd, situate within three miles of Devil's Bridge, with Sheepwalk and Enclosed Fields, altogether 220 acres.—For full Particulars apply to CAPTAIN* JAMES CORP.ETT, Gogerddan Arms Hotel, Ponterwyd, Aberystwyth. [461 ABERYSTWYTIL BOARD and Residence may be obtained in a JD superior house where only a limited number are received—Apply L.S. Cambrian News office Aberyst- wyth. 285 mo LET. —ABERYSTWYTH.—For the X Winter Months, APARTMENTS may be had on very moderate terms at Snowdon House, No. 4, Victoria-terrace, facing the sea, and well sheltered from north and east winds by Constitution Hills. Warm Baths in the house. Highest references.— Apply, Mrs KENSIT. [391 YORK HOUSE, 6-1, Marine Terrace.— TO LET with immediate Possession. —■ For further particulars apply to THOMAS WHITE, Egyptian House. [365 COUNTY OF MERIONETH. rnOWYN.—Two Marine Residences To he L Let, viz., NEPTUNE HALL, beautifully situated close to the Beach also BRYN-Y-MOR HOUSE.—For particulars apply to Mr. POOL, Solici- tor. 92 Bartholomew Close. London, and Messrs. AV .1-D1 DEW AND SON, Auctioneers, Bangor and Rl, VI. rrf!7!= vTEcr be olb. SCOTCH POTATOES. A LARGE Quantity of Scotch Champion Potatoes in good order to be Sold.—Apply to LIFF, Peithyll. [540 TO CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. rpHE Old Established and Lucrative business •S- hitherto carried on at No. S. Bridge Street, Aherystwyth, to be disposed of, owing to the death of the Proprietor. Tenders will be received for the Stock Trade, Goodwill, and Fixtures. Good position, Corner Shop. Rent moderate. For particulars, apply to Mr. RICHARDS, on the demises. DRAPERY BUSINESS FOR DISPOSAL. A N Old-established Concern situate Ji a central position in a good country tow n in -North "Wales. This is an excellent opportunity for an 1"!levgetic man of business. Apply by letter to A. B., -Idrvrtizer Office, Oswestry. [56-1 CHYMIST BUSINESS EOR DISPOSAL. rrO be Sold by Private Treaty. The Business, Good-will, and Stock-in-trade, &c., of a flourish- vo Retail Chymist Business in a Quarry District in OHh Wales. Satisfactory reasons for sale.—Parti- to be had from Mr. PETER DAVIES, Accountant, -~2^Crosses, Festiniog. 567 FOR SALE, AT CROSS STREET, BOW STREET, A LEASHOLD Cottage and Good Garden, K*- well stocked with Fruit Trees; 50 years of 13. 'Go unexpired. Apply to Mrs. JOSEPH, there; or 01'D, Abcrayron. [578 Zo be goRi. ,v- CELEBRATED GOLDEN MELON SEED BARLEY. TWENTY QUARTERS FOR SALE. Apply to J. ROBERTS, Lion Royal Hotel, Aber- ystwyth. Also, Sutton's Magnum Ronum Potatoes. [584 ,tlt5 bl1 JUixtion. "r- SMITHFIELD, ABERYSTWYTH. MONTHLY SALES OF LIVE STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, &c. 'n L I MR. G. T. SMITH begs respectfully to announce that he will hold Monthly Sales of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Pigs, Agricultural Implements, Carriages, &c., in the Smithfield, Aberystwyth, on the FIRST MONDA Y IN EVERY MONTH, At Eleven o' clock. ENTRIES FOR THE SALE OX MONDAY, MARCH 7th, Respectfully solicited. To be sent in at least a week previous to sale, to be in- cluded in catalogues and advertisements. PENGWMRIN WOOD. About a mile and a half from Bow-street Railway Station on the Cambrian Railway. MR. G. T. SMITH has been instructed by Sir PRYSE PRYSE, Bart., to offer for Sale by Auction, On JIONDA r, the 31st day of February, ISSI, At the GOGERDDAN Ariis HOTEL, Aberystwyth, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions, the following .1 OAK TIMBER and POLES, of good growth, now standing in Pengwmrin Wood, in two Lots:— Lot 1. 2,030 Oak Timber Trees and Poles. Lot 2. 2,010 Ditto. Ditto. Suitable for Shipbuilding, Mining, and general country purposes. For further particulars, and to view the Timber, apply to Mr. CORBETT, Rhydhir, Bow-street, R. S. 0. [558 ABERLLOLWYN, near ABERYSTWYTH. ATTRACTIVE LEASEHOLD RESIDENCE, AND RIGHT OF SPORTING. MR. G. T. SMITH has been instructed by M. J. Tredwell, Esq., to Sell by Auction, On TUESDA Y, the 1st of March, 1881, At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, At the LION ROYAL HOTEL, Aberystwyth, The remainder of his term and interest in a Lease for 21 years, dated 25th March, 1878, in the MANSION and GROUNDS of ABERLLOLW iTN, and the ex- clusive right of Sporting over about 24 acres of land held with the House, and over the adjoining farm of Brynrychan. The house contains ample accommoda- tion for a family of distinction, and very large sums having recently been expended upon it, have rendered it a most attractive and desirable residence. Further particulars may be obtained of Messrs. HUGH HCGITES 8C SONS, Solicitors, Aberystwyth and, with orders to view, of the AUCTIONEER. [556 OXFORD HOUSE, 4, MARINE-TERRACE, ABERYSTWYTH. SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, forming the appointments of Seven Bedrooms. Four Sitting Rooms, Kitchens, Pantries, &c., the property of Captain LLOYD, to be Sold by Auction by MR. G. T. SMITH on TUESDA Y and WEDNESDA Y, the Sih and 9th days of MARCH, 1881, At Six in the evening. Six Mouths' Credit above Particulars in Posters. [586 4 9, MARINE T E R R A C E, ABERYSTWYTH. EXCELLENT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, being the contents of Twelve Bedrooms, Four Sitting Rooms, Housekeeper's Room, Kitchens, Pantries, Sculleries, &c., the property of Mrs RICHARDS, who has instructed MR, G. T. SMITH to Sell tlie same by Auction, On TUESDAY, MARCH 15th, and following days, commencing at Six o'clock. Six Months' Credit above f5. Particulars in posters. [588 IN LIQUIDATION. RE THE FRONGOCH SLATE QUARRY COMPANY, LIMITED. TO QUARRY AND MINE PROPRIETORS, IRON MERCHANTS, CAPITALISTS, AND OTHERS. THE FRONGOCH SLATE AND SLAB QUARRY, NEAR ABERDOVEY, MERIONETHSHIRE. MR. O. DANIEL has been favoured with instructions to Sell by Auction on the premises, on THURSDAY, MA RCII 1881, At 11 a.m. prompt, the above Quarry, together with the whole of the Costly MACHINERY AND PLANT, Comprising Two Valuable STEAM ENGINES, eight and twenty-five horse power respectively; Seven SAWING and PLANING TABLES; Travelling and Hoisting Cranes; Weighing Machines; Turn Tables; Iron Train Waggons; Trollies; Patent Saw Sharpen- ing Machine; Patent Grindstone; FOUR HUNDRED YARDS of TRAMWAY RAILS & IRON SLEEPERS; Circular Saws and Planing Knives quantity of Bar Iron and Steel, Blacksmiths' Bellows, Anvil and as- sortment of Tools; Wheelbarrows, Trussels, Ladders, Wrought Iron Pipes; quantity of Timber, Bricks, Coals; about Seven Tons of Slabs; Wrought Iron Shafting, Pulleys, India Rubber Beltings, Iron Roof- framing (new), Furniture, &c., &c. The Quarry is situate about two miles from Glan- dovey Junction Station, on the Cambrian Railway, and three miles from Aberdovey, and may be viewed at any time on applying to the Manager on the premises. Descriptive Catalogues may be had of the AUCTIONEER, at Towyn; on the Premises, and of Messrs. BILLINGHURST & WOOD, 7, BUCKLERSBURY, LONDON, E.C. MONTHLY SALES. ABERYSTWYTH SMITHFIELD. MR. E. J. MORGAN, Auctioneer begs to state that he will have monthly sales of Live and Dead Stock in the Smithfield on Aberystwyth Fair Days. The next Sale will be held on MONDA Y, March 7lh, at One o'clock. Entries and applications for terms to be sent to Mr. E. J. MORGAN, auctioneer, Penlhvyn. CAMBRIAN LODGE, CWMPADARN. ABERYSTWYTH. SALE OF FARMING STOCK AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MR- E. ELLIS has been favoured with instructions by Mr. A. SHAW, to sell at the above address. OIl WEDNESDA Y, March 2nd, 1881. See posters and handbills. [583. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE TREATY. I rpHE SCHOO.NER ELIZABETH AND B ELLEN, of Portmadoc, SO Tons Register, and will carry about 135 Tons dead weight. Well found in every respect, having undergone a thorough over- haul two years ago. Now lying at Portmadoc. Class AI Red. Apply to Mr J. E. JONES, 16, Bank-place, Port- madoc. [582 Jjublir Routes. -fO THE IMPROVEMENT OF LANDED ESTATES. BY DRAINAGE, INCLOSING, CLEARING, EMBANKING, RECLAIMING, PLANTING FOR SHELTES OR FOR PERIODICAL CUTTINGS, THE ERECTION OF FARM BUILDINGS AND COTTAGER WATER SUPPLY, &c. THE LAND LOAN AND ENFRANCHISEMENT COMPANY (Incorporate) by Specialj Act of Parliament, advances Money— 1st.—To the Owners of Settlerl and other Estates, for the Erection of Farm Buildings and Cottages, and for the Drainage, Irrigation. Enclosing, Clearing, 1 11 91 and General Improvement of Landed Property, in any part of the United Kingdom. 2nd.—To the Owners of Settled Estates in England, for the Erection or Completion of Mansions, Stables, and Outbuildings, and for the construc- tion or erection of Reservoirs, and other works of a permanent nature, to supply water for the use of the Estate, or for any other purpose. 131-d.-To Landowners generally, to enable them to Subscribe for Shares in Companies for the construc- tion of Railways and Navigable Canals which will beneficially affect their Estates. 4th.—To Incumbents, for the Improvement of their Glebe Lands, by Drainage and the Erection of Farm Buildings and Cottages. 5th.-To Copyholders, for the Enfranchisement of Copyhold Lands. The amount borrowed with the expenses would be charged on the Estate benefited, and repaid by a Rent-charge terminating in Twenty-five years. No Investigation of the. Landowner's TiVe is nrcessary. Forms of application and all further particulars may he obtained of Messrs. Rawlence & Squarev, 22, Great George-street, Westminster, S.W., and Salisbury; of Messrs. Ashurst, Morris, Crisp, & Co., 6. Old Jewry, London, E.C.; of Messrs. Gillespie & Paterson, 11, 81A, George-street, Edinburgh, Agents for the Company in Scotland and at the Offices of the Company as below- T. PAIN, Managing Director. EDWIN GARROD, Secretary. Land Loan and Enfranchisement Company, 2. Great George-street, Westminster, S.W. Agents—Carmarthenshire, D. P. DAVIES, Esq., Troedybryn House, Aberystwyth, and Troedybiyn, Llandilo. Glamorganshire, Jxo. M. LEEDER, Esq., Oxford Chambers, Swansea. From whom all particulars may be obtained on application. [566 'T. R. PERSONS who are desirous±o lodge men of JL- the Royal Cardigan Artillery Militia during the ensuing training, will send in their applications on or before February 26th, 1881, stating their address, and y the number of men they can accommodate. The amount to be paid for each man so lodged is 4d. per night, and room or rooms must be kept exclusively for militiamen. Applications are to be addressed as under:— The Adjutant, Royal Cardigan Artillery Militia, Aberystwyth. To be left at the Orderly Room. W. V. LEGGE, CAPTAIN, R.A., Adjutant Royal Cardigan Artillery Militia. Aberystwyth, 16th Feb., 1S81. [575 18 81. ST. DAVID'S DAY COMMEMORATION BANQUET AT THE TALBOT HOTEL, ABERYSTWYTH, On TUESDAY, MARCH 1st., 1881. PRESIDENT—A. J. HUGHES, ESQ. THE Committee beg to intimate that the JL annual Commemoration Dinner will take place at the Talbot Hotel, on Tuesday evening, the 2nd day of March, when your presence is cordially invited. Tickets, 5s. each (for which early applications are particularly requested), may be had of Mr. J. R. JONES, or at the hotel bar. N.B.—Dinner on the table punctually at six p.m. Feb. 18th 1881. [5S7 gUN FIRE OFFICE, LONDON, ESTABLISHED 1710. FREDERICK HENRY NORMAN, Esq., Chairman and Treasurer. FRANCIS B. RELTON, Esq., Secretary. Total Sum insured in 1870, £ 262,492,461. Claims paid during the last ten years upwards of Two MILLIONS STERLING. All information respecting Fire Insurances may be obtained from any of the undermentioned Agents of the Society. Agents:— ABERYSTWYTH Messrs Hugh Hughes and Son. AKERAERON Mr. H. W. Howell. ABERDOVEY Mr. Richard Davies. BRYNTIRION, BALA Mr. Jorwerth Jones. CARDIGAN Mr. R. R. Storey. DOLGELLEY Mr. Thomas P. Jones-Parry. LLANDYSSIL Mr. John D. Thomas. NEW QUAY Mr John Owen Davies. TALSARN Mr Jenkin James. [552 ABERYSTWYTH SCHOOL BOARD. WANTED.—An Attendance Officer, imme- diately. Salary, £ 3 ISs. 4d. per month, with an addition of 8s. 4d. per month for instructions in drill to children in Board School. Written applications, with testimonials, to be sent to me on or before the 24th instant. W. WILLIAMS, 577] CLERK TO THE BOARD. ST. DAVID'S COLLEGE. IT is particularly requested that any Gentlemen intending to be present on St. David's Day, will send their names to the Bursar at their early conven- ience. All old members of the College are invited. [574 TOWN, BOROUGH, AND LIBERTY OF ABERYSTWYTH. TLIE Town Council of the Borough will at their Next Meeting to be held on the 1st of March, 1881, proceed to the appointment of Clerk of the Works at the New Reservoir, at a-salary of 30s. per week. He will have to devote the whole of his time to the work. Applications must be sent to the Town Clerk not later than the 25th day of February instant. A. J. HUGHES, Town Clerk. Aberystwyth, 17th February, 1881. [585 MUTUAL SHIP INSURANCE SOCIETY. lyTOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special General Meeting of this Society will be held at the-Office, on Monday, the 28th February, 1 SSI, at 1 p.m., for the purpose of making a new Bye-Law for further protection of Members, at which Meeting all members are particularly requested to attend. ROBERT WILLIAMS, Secretary. Portmadoc, 16th February, 1881. [580 JOHN BAKER, Rhydypenau Farm, Bow Street R.S.O., Cardi- ganshire, PRACTICAL LICENSED VALUER of JL all kinds of Live and Dead Farming Stock, all sorts of Agricultural Produce and Implements, per- manent Farm Improvements, and Dilapidations, &c. J. B. would be pleased to attend to the commands of gentlemen who are taking or letting f-.rra? and equire an experienced Valuer's services. HEAD AND LIVER PILLS (JENKINS') The Best Medicine ever discovered for Bilious Complaints Pile and Gravel Disorders of the Liver Wind Stomach and Bowels Pain and Giddiness of the Indigestion Head, and Loss of Appetite Costiveness Sold in boxes, Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d. 2 N.B.-Can be sent to any part by post. Manufactured by T. JENKINS, Chemist, Portmadoc, North Wales. Sold by Mr D. J. DAVIES, Chemist, Aberystwyth. [581 justness Notices. WINTER FASHIONS. C. M. WILLIAMS BEGS respectfully to announce that JD he is now showing NEW GOODS in every department, suitable for the Winter Trade, at prices worthy the attention of every one. The Noted Shop for Hats, and Bonnets, in all the leading Shapes and Styles. The largest and Cheapest Stock in Aberystwyth, to select from. Bonnets made to order. Hats trimmed free of charge. Every Article is marked at the lowest possible price for Ready Money. Thus giving to Cash Buxel-s the value their money entitles them to. One visit cannot fail to satisfy every one that C. M. WILLIAMS'S is the Cheapest Shop for Drapery in Aberystwyth. TERMS. ONE PRICE TO ASK, AND NO ABATEMENT. NOTE THE ADDRESS.— C. M. WILLIAMS, GENERAL DRAPE R Y ESTABLISHMENT, 3 6, PIER S T R E E T. ABERYSTWYTH. [04 Ladies' Felt Morning Wrappers, S/6 each to 60/0. Knitted Wool Skirts, 5/6 each to 12/6. French Wove Corsets, 2/11 per pair. Special Make Black Corsets, 7/6 per pair. Ladies' Night Dresses, 2/11, 3/6, 5/0. to 21/0 each. Chemises, 2/Oh, 3/6, 4/9, to 15/0 each. Drawers, 1/0, 1/6, 2/0, to 10/6 per pair. Long-cloth Combinations, 5/6, 6/6, 7/0, to 15/6 each. Merino Vests, 1/3. 1/6, 2/6, to 6/6 each. Drawers, 6/6 per pair. Combinations, 12/0 each. Wedding Trousseaus and Infants' Layettes made to order. S. N. OOOICE, 35, PIER-STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. [58 9, PIER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. J. EVANS & SON, (ORGANIST ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH,) MUSIC SELLERS, STATIONERS, &c. Pianofortes, Harmoniums, and American Organs for Sale or Hire. Marcus Ward's Specialities; Bedford's Photographs, Views, &c, EVANS and SON'S Celebrated Half-guinea Ledger and Day Books. TO THE GENTRY. HOTEL KEEPERS, AND OTHERS. CHARLES HUGHES, CAMBRIAN CARRIAGE WORKS, PORTMADOC, HAS for Sale several New and Second-hand Carriages of various descriptions one Brake to carry twelve persons inside, and two with driver, moveable top several Waggonettes, with and with- out moveable tops several Phaetons, Dog Carts, and Sporting Carts all of which are of the best materials and workmanship, and will be sold at prices which will compare favourably with other good makers. Carriages examined, exchanged, or repaired on the shortest notice and on the best terms. [534 SLATES! SLATES!! SLATES! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. QUALITY GUARANTEED. Address- EDWARDS & EVANS, Wholesale & Retail Merchants, 63] TREGARON. ORRIS'S TEMPERANCE HOTEL, MARY STREET (Close to the Railway Station), ABERYSTWYTH. GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR VISITORS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. Beds and Refreshments on most reasonable terms. HORSES AND CARRIAGES OX EIRE, Pair of excellent Ponies for Saddle purposes Good Stabliu and Lock-up Coach-houses. ghipiaiitg. ALLAN LINE Km T0 #1 M E R I C A ROYAL MAIL STEAMER S. LIVERPOOL TO BOSTON. (Calling at Halifax to land Canadian Mails and Passengers.) Sarmatian Feb 17. Circassian Feb. 24 Nova Scotian Mar. 3. Parisian. Mar. 10. Polyiieslan Mar. 17. Sardinian Mar. 24 Moravian Mar. 31. Circassian April 7. Low RATES OF PASSAGE and THROUGH TICKETS to all points at SPECIAL RATES. PAMPHLETS on CANADA, MANITOBA, WESTERN STATES of AMERICA also SPECIAL PAMPHLET, embodying Reports of the Tenant Farmers' Delegates to Canada, free on applica- tion. ASSISTED PASSAGES to Canada for Farm Labourers and Female Domestic Servants. Full particulars on application to ALLAN BROTHERS & CO., James Street, LIVERPOOL. Or to the Agents- EYAX JONES, Builder, Bala. GRIFFITH EDWARDS, 2, Ael-y-Don, Barmouth. LEWIS WILLIAMS, Auctioneer, &c., Dolgelley WHITE STAR LINE ROYAL AND UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. NOTICE.—The Steamers of this line take the Lane Routes recommended by Lieutenant Maury, on both the Oat- ward and Homeward passages. LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK. Britannic Thursday, 24th February. Baltic.Tuesday, 1st March. Germanic Thursday, 10th March. Republic. Tuesday, 15th March. Adriatic Thursday, 24th March. FROM NEW YORK. Baltic. Thursday, 10th February. Germanic Saturday, 19th February. Average passage days in Summer. days in Forwarding Passengers to all parts of the United States and Canada. These well-known magnificent Steamers are ap- pointed to sail weekly as under, carrying her Majesty's and the United States Mails Winter. Each Vessel is constructed in seven water- tight compartments. The Saloon, Ladies' Boudoir, State Rooms, and Smoking Rooms are amidships, and are luxuriously furnished and fitted with all modern -conveniences pianos, libraries, electrie bells, bath-rooms, barber s shop, &c. Saloon Passage, 15, IS, and 21 guineas; Return Tickets at reduced .lates. The Steerage accommodation is of the very highest character, tlte rooms are unusually spacious, well lighted, ventilated, and warmed, and passengers of this class will find their comfort carefully stlldíetl, alltl the provisioning unsurpassed. Stewardesses in Steerage to attend the Women and Children. Drafts issued on New York free of charge. For Freight or Passage apply to J. D. HUGHES, 1, Railway Terrace, Aberystwyth. SIMON BRYAN, Printer, &c., Llanfyllin. ISMAY, IMRIE AND Co., 10, Water-street, Liverpool, I And 34 Leadenliall Street, LONDON, E. WILLIAM THOMAS, WHOLESALE MERCHANT, ABERYSTWYTH, RECEIVES A CONSTANT SUPPLY OF Newport Coal, Stafford Ruabon Cilyrychen and Tenby Lime, Glazed Socket Pipes, Agricultural Best Fire Bricks Best Pressed Common Slates and Slabs, Ridge and Flooring Tiles, &c., &c. Truck loads delivered to Landowners, Merchants, Builders, &c., at any Station, at prices equal to those buoted by Colliery Owners and Manufactures. [98 Oucatiem. CHRIST COLLEGE, BRECON. CHAIRMAN OF THE GOVERNING EDDY THE LORD BISHOP OF ST. DAVID'S. HEAD MASTER REV. D. LEWIS LLOYD, M.A., late Scholar of Jesus College, Oxford, and late Head Master of Friar's School, Bangor. cl ASSISTANT MASTERS REV. T. C. SIMMONS, M.A„ late Scholar of Magdalene College, Cambridge, 25th Wrangler. F. N. S. BOUSFIELD, M.A., late Scholar of Lincoln College, Oxford; Second Class Classical Moderations; First Class Final Classical School. J. C. EVANS, B.A., late Scholar of Jesus College. Oxford; Powis Exhibitioner Second Class Classical Moderations. J. TAYLOR, B.A., late Student of Christ Church, Oxford 1st Natural Science. A. J. TUCKWELL. B. A., late Exhibitioner of Queen's College, Oxford; Third Class Classical Moderations and Third Class Modern History. V. S. RAWSON, M.A., late Junior Student of Christ Church, Oxford; First Class Mathematical Moderations; Second Class Final Mathematical School. B. D TURNER, B.A., Open Scholar of Jesus College, Cambridge, First Class Classical Tripos, 1880 (8th Classic). Next Term will begin in January, 1881. Apply to the HEAD MASTER. DRAWING SCHOOL ABERYSTWYTH. DAILY CLASSES for DRAWING and PAINTING—Freehand Model Drawing, Water- color and Oils. Classes will be formed for Sketching from Nature. Private Lessons Given. For particulars, apply to Miss K. VERNON DAVYS. Brighton House, Marine Terrace. The next term commences on the 8th January, 1881. LADIES' COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, ABERYSTWYTH. Principal—Mrs. E. MARIE JONES (F. C. College. Glasgow), assisted by the Rev. E. P. JONES, M.A., B.D,, and English and Foreign Teachers. The next Term begins on Wednesday, January 26th, 1881. MAENGWYN GRAMMAR SCHOOL, MACHYNLLETH. "oRductecl by Mr J. OWEN, late Inspector of Schools for the British and Foreign School Society and Tutor at the Society's Training College, Swansea. Qualified Foreign and English Assistants. Terms and prospectuses may be had on application School re-opens August 17th. LLANFIHANGELGENEITRGLYN GRAMMAR SCHOOL, BORTH, R. S. O. THE above School, which has been closed for many years, will be re-opened under a new committee of management on the 31st January, 18S1. Pupils prepared for Matriculation at the Universities, Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations, Mercantile Life, &c. Fee, One Guinea per quarter, and a small Entrance Fee. For particulars, address D. J. MICHAEL, Aber- ystwytb, or Llanfihangel Geneu'rglyn. [541 (EOucattmt. THE COLLEGE, LLANDOVERY. VISITOR :— THE BISHOP OF ST. DAVID'S. WARDEN AND HEAD-MASTER :— REV. A. G. EDWARDS, M.A., late Scholar, Jesus College, Oxford. SECOND MASTER C. E. "WILLIAMS, M.A., late Open Scholar, Queen's College, Cambridge, 26th Wrangler, 1874. ASSISTANT MATHEMATICAL MASTER :— G. J. GRIFFITHS, M.A., Open Fellow, Christ Col- lege, Cambridge, 5th V rangier, 187. Examiner for the Mathematical Tripos, 1879. ASSISTANT CLASSICAL MASTER :— E. J. McCLELLAN. M.A., Exhibitioner, Queen's College, Oxford First Class Classical Mods., IS67. COMPOSITION MASTER A. TEMPLE ROBERTS, M.A., Demy of Magdalen College, Oxford, Gaisford Greek Verse, 1S79; Projtrne Accessit for the Hertford (University) Scholarship, 1878; Jst Class Classical Mods,, 1877; 2nd Class Finals, 1880. CLASSICAL MASTER :— F. G. BTIABAXT, B.A., late Open Classical Scholar, Corpus Christi College, Oxford 1st Class Mathema- tical Mods., 1S74; 1st Class Classical Mods., 1S75; 1st Class Classical Finals, 1877. MASTER OF THE JUNIOR SCHOOL :— C. P. LE-vi-18, M.A., late Exhibitioner, Jesus College, Oxford. SCIENCE MASTER :— T. H. JUDSON, B.A., Open Science Scholar, Merton College, Oxford, 1st Class Natural Science Honours, 1879. DRAWING :— D. SAUNDERS THOMAS, Certificated Teacher of the Science and Art Department, Seuth Kensington. For particulars apply to the Warden. [230 BALA GRAMMAR SCHOOL. HEADMASTER CLEMENT T. DAVIES, M.A., Late Scholar of Jesus College, Oxford. PREPARATION for the Univerities, Civil Services, Preliminaries for the Law and Medicine, and Local Examinations. ^V1 ,nS ^he pas i, tnree years ten pupils have passed the Cambridge Local Examinations, five of the ten in Honours, two the Preliminary of the Pharmaceutical Society, and one the Preliminary of the College of Surgeons. ° Boarders taken at the Head Master's house. Terms for Boarding and Tuition very moderate. For further particulars apply to the Head Master. iTie next term begins January 18th, 1SS1. ABERYSTWYTH—CAERLEON HOGSE. SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. P E I N c I P A L —MISS TRUBSH A W. Assisted by Masters, and Resident, Foreign, and English Governesses. Pupils prepared for the Oxford and Cambridge local xaminations. ° The School Year consists of three terms, beginning respectively January loth, April 2Sth, and September 19th, but pupils can be received at any time during the terms. For Terms, &c., apply to the Principal. ARDWYN SCHOOL, ABERYSTWYTH. HEAD MASTER—The Rev. LLEWELYN EDWARDS, M.A., of Lincoln College, Oxford, and Graduate in Classical Honours. Second Master J. F. TYE, Esq., B.A., University of London. Third Master—Mons. EUG. B. de PELOUBET, of the University of France, and of the Ecole des Beaux Arts'' of Paris. Fourth Master—Mr. T. JONES, Music Master—Mr. D. JENKINS, 'Mus. Bac. (Cantab). Drilling Master—Sergeant-Major HOLMES. UNIVERSITY OF LONDON MATRICULATION. The Senior Classes at Ardwyn School have been so arranged as to prepare boys directly for the Matricula- tion Examination at the University of London. The number of Subjects required is ten, viz :—Latin. Latin Prose and Grammar, Greek, French, English, English History and Geography, Algebra and' Arithmetic. ri Euclid, Natural Philosophy and Chemistry, and all these are provided for in the Classes. The Result has been as follows 1879, June. J. R. Howells (1st Division). 1889, January, T. Jones (1st Division). ISSO, June, J. Jenkins (1st Division). 1880, June, T. Griffith (2nd Division). Since January, 1880. nine boys have passed various Perliminary Examinations. The Preparation Classes are now reading Livy Book Y, and Homer, Odyssey, Book. XXI, which are the Classical Subjects required for the Matriculation Examination, June, 1881. ABE RYSTWYTH GRAMMAR SCHOOL. FOUNDED IN 1S12. Trustees—The Rev. Chancellor Phillips, Vicar of Aber- ystwyth Sir Pryse Pryse, Bart., Gogerddan; Thomas Bonsall, Esquire, Glanrheidwl Rev. J. Pugh Vaughan Davies, Esquire and George Williams Esquire. dead Master—Mr. EDWARD JONES, Government Science Master (and in special honours of the Uni- versity of London). ASSISTED BY RESIDENT AND OTHER ^IASTERS. Music Master— Mr EVANS, Organist of St. Michael's. Drill Master—Sergeant-Major CLARKE. During the last year boys from this school have gained scholarships, exhibitions, &c., of the value of £715, at Oxford, Cambridge, and the Higher Schools. Many have passed the various preliminary and other minor examinations, and two took their B.A. degree in Cambridge direct from this school in June last. ° Each boy is expected to learn Shorthand and Pen- manship. The Head Master receives a few boarders at Jasper House. BRYNARVOT. SCHOOL, TOWYN. PRINCIPAL :— MR. EDWIN JOKES, M.R.C.P., Assisted by qualified RESIDENT MASTERS for Classics Englisn, Mathematics, Modern Languages, Music, &c. BRVNARVOR HALL, commodious and well-fitted, has been specially erected for tlie accommodation and tuition of boarders. It is beauti- fully situated in an eminently healthy locality, with extensive playgrounds, cricket field, and gardens at- tached, altogether making the finest and most desirable school premises in the Principality. Pupils are prepared for the various examinations con- nected with the universities and colleges, for the learned professions, banking and commercial pursuits. Classes are held in connection, with the Science and Art Department, the examinations being held in May in each year. The school year consists of three Term*. FOR TERMS, &c., APPLY TO THE PRINCIPAL THE ABERY STW YTH COMMERCIAL & GRAMMAR SCHOOL, QUEEN S SQUARE IIOUSE, QUEEN'S ROAD. Conducted by Mr THOMAS OWENS, C.M. (in honours of the London University, and late Senior Scholar of the University College of Wales). Pupils prepared for Commercial Pursuits, the Civil Service, the learned Professions, the Universities, and for the various Training and Theological Colleges. Special attention paid to English and Commercial Training at moderate charges. Terms, reports, &c., on application. The School re-opens on Monday, September 6tk, 18SO