gJusiivcss Jlbbrcssts. BREAD! BREAD!! WILLIAM JULIAN, F A Yl I L Y tR 0 C En. lo. NO R T II PARADE, ABERYSTWYTH, "Wishes to inform the Public generally that, in addition to the above Business, he has completed arrangements for commencing the Trade of .BAKER AND CONFECTIONER IN ALL ITS BRAXCHES. And for that purpose has secured the services of an experienced Baker. In thanking his numerous friends for their support and patronage for so many years, lie solicits an extension of the same to this department. tW The same Goods will he supplied on the same conditions at I). JULIA-S, Princess Street, opposite the Meat Market. 1^4 JOHN JAMES, TEA, WINE, BEER, AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, LONDON AND PROVINCIAL STORES, TERRACE-ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. 7 AGENT FOR W. AND A. GILBEY S WINES AND SPIRITS. .u.- WINES & SPIRITS FOR THE PRESENT SEASON. Selected from W. & A. Gilbey's List of "220 varieties. WINES—In the undermentioned List two varieties of Port, Sherry, Marsala, Claret and Champagne are given, one being the cheapest genuine production of the country, the other a fine well-matured Wime. SPIRITS—The undermentioned Spirits are quoted at two different strengths, viz:—"Half-proof and "Proof." The "Half-proof" Spirits are of precisely the same fine quality and age as the "Proof," but owing to the difference of strength areluoted at only about one-half the price. The purity of every article is guaranteed under Act 38 and 39 Vic., Cap. 63; and no better guarantee of Quality and Value can be given thafi the fact that about every eighteenth bottle of Wine and every fortieth bottle of Spirits consumed in the United Kingdom are supplied from W. and A. Gilbey's Stock. This statement is based upon the Government Returns. Prices the same as at Head Establishments WINES. SPIRITS. per per per P«>1 Hot. Doz. Bot. Dos. PORT Castle 1 from Spain 2 years old 1/3 15/ i GIN Castle HALF-PROOF 50 under proof 1/6 181 PORT Castle B from Portugal. S years old 2/4 28/ GIN Castle Pkoof Strength, proof 2/10 34^ ottr>T»r n ii DD AVTOU O niri i/Q 1 jc/ 1KI8H WHISKEY Gistlc HALF*PKOOF SHERRY Castle SPANISH 2 years old 1/3 15/, 1/8 SHERRY Castle C Pale 6 years old 2/4 28/ TPT^ WHTS^KKY Caatle PROOF Strength" MARSALA Caatle VP Pale 3 years old 1/4 i6/| IRISH WHISKEY Caatle PROOF Strength, ? Pav I years-old 1 20/ SCOTCH WHISKEY Castle" HALT-PROOF' CLARET Castle A from France. 1 year m 50 under proof 1/8 20/ botUe i_/ SCOTCH WHISKEY Castle PROOF CLARET Castle C from France. 1 year in Strength, proof 3/ 36/ bottle 1/6 18/ COGNAC BRANDY Castle HALF-PROOF SAUMUR SPARKLING Castle"| Bottles 2/6 30/ 50 under proof 2/4 28/ Gold Foil. The choicest V COGNAC BRANDY Castle F Strength, prf. 4/6 54/ Wine of the District J Half-bottles 1/5 17/ JAMAICA. RUM Castle HALF-PROOF CHAMPAGNE Castle 3 A Diy ) Bottles 3/6 42/ 50 under proof 1/8 20 A kigh-class delicate Champagne Half-bot. 1/11 23/ JAMAICA RUM Caatle PROOF. Strength, prf. 3/ 36 AU Bottles (except for Sparkling Wines) are charged Id. eaeh, which is allowed when returned. 25,000 PAIRS SOLD WEEKLY AT THEIR VARIOUS ESTABLISHMENTS. MESSRS. DICKS AND CO. lin returning their sincere thanks to the Inhabitants of Aberystwyth and neighbourhood for their con- tinned and most generous support, beg to state, that owing to the continued cheapness of leather, and the great resources they have at their command for the Manufacture of Boots and Shoes, they will, On and after the First day of November Next, Make a GREAT AND PERMANENT REDUCTION In the Prices of their Leather Boots and Shoes. The following are a few of the Prices :— Mens'Good strong Elastic-sides, from 6/11 Do. do do. waterproof, 7/6 Do. do. do. strong nailed, 7/6 Womens' Elastic-sides, rom 2/11 Do. do. good, 3;11 Do. do. strong, 51- Do. do. extra strong, 5/6 Do. good Button Boots, 5/11 Boys' and Girls' equally cheap in proportion. The best Boot for Winter wear is the well-known Waterproof Boteomed Boots and Shoes— WOMENS' os. 6d. MENS' 6s. 6d. Repairing in all Bi-aiiehes -kiiybody and Everybody's Boots. SHOPS IN EVERY TOWN IN WALES AND ENGLAND. ADWiESSKS: ABERYSTWYTH. LAMPETER. MACHYNLLETH. NEWTOWN. DOLGELLEY. BARMOUTH. 48 ROBERT ELLIS, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST, TERRACE-ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. CHILBLAIN LINIMENT. A 1 COD LIVER OIL. CHEST AND LUNG PROTECTORS. RESPIRATORS, INHALERS, &c. RHEIDOL FOUNDRY, MORE A MAWR, ABERYSTWYTH. WILLIAMS AIND IMETCALFE, ENGINEERS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, MANUFACTURERS OF PUMPING, WINDING, CRUSHING, AN,I, DRESSING MACHINERY FOR MINES. STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, INJECTORS, &c., REPAIRED. T. WILLIAMS begs to thank his numerous customers for their support in the past, and hopes the new fira-, will receive a continuance of the same. [62 SPECIAL NOTICE. SPECIAL NOTICE. J. H. EDWARDS BEGS to call the attention of the public to his Large Stock of Ready Made Clothes, suitable for Boys, Y'ouths, and Men. Over-coats in great Variety. Men's good Dark Cloth Suits, for 26/ unequalled for style and quality. Also, a Stock of Ladies' Ulsters. A large assortment of General Drapery Goods in all Departments. -,e College Caps and Gowns for 20/ SHOP YR HET FAWR AM DDILLAD PAROD. RHAD, A DA. NOTE THE ADDRESS— THE BIG HAT, 4, GREAT DARKGATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. Parties about Furnishing will do well to call at DAVID ELLIS'S IRONMONGERY STORES, GREAT DARKGATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. — T. POWELL & CO., MARKET STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, HAVE RECEIVED A CONSIGNMENT OF REAL FRENCH COFFEE, PREPARED IN PARIS, WHICH IS BEING SOLD IN TINS AT Is. 6d. PER LB. TERM, CASH. [76 ijotcls. BELLE YUE ROYAL HOTEL, ABERYSTWYTH. EDWARD HAMER begs respectfully to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and inhabitants of Aberystwyth and the neighbourhood, that he has recently taken the above well-known and Old Established F AMILY & COMMERCIAL HOTEL, and tvusts, by strict attention and moderate charges, to receive a continuance of the support which has for so many years been accorded to his predecessors. January 12th, 1881. ABERYSTWYTH. • i THE Q U E E N'S HOTEL. ON THE MARINE TERRACE, FACING THE SEA. OMNIBUS MEETS ALL TRAINS. BOARDING TERMS during the AVinter Months, TWO-AXJJ-A-IIALF Gr I:\F. AS. Ladies' Coffee Room. Drawing-room and Library. W. H. PALMER, Proprietor. Jmsncss < o""V" -.J'J' I YON STEAM MILL & STORES COMPANY, LIMITED, ABERYSTWYTH. MILLERS & CORN MERCHANTS. JOHN JONES, COMMERCE HOUSE, SECRETARY. THE public generally are informed that the Corn Mill, in Mill Street, has been completely J_ renovated and fitted with the most approved Machinery for turning out the finest flour made from English, American, and Australian wheats. Second and third qualities will also be supplied. 1 here will also be on sale at the Mill, Indian Meal, Barley Meal, Bran, and all kinds of feeding stuffs on the most reasonable terms. ENTIRE WHEAT MEAL ALWAYS ON SALE. ABERYSTWYTH SAW MILLS AND JOINERY WORKS. J A M E SWILL JAMS BEGS to announce that he is prepared to supply from his Mills and Joinery Works, Llan- k^m;road, DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, and BEADINGS of every kind, STAIRCASES UKiiiENHOl/bEb, and every description of Joinery required in housebuilding. SAWING BY CONTRACT. ALL KIND OF WELL-SEASONED BOARDS ALWAYS ON HAND. ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR NEW BUILDINGS AND FOR ALTERATIONS. T JOBBING WORK OF ALL SORTS EXECUTED. THE MANAGEMENT OF FUNERALS UNDERTAKEN. [77 STEAM SAW MILLS, ABERYSTWYTH. R. ROBERTS AND SONS, TIMBER AND SLATE MERCHANTS, Have just discharged a cargo of SPRUCE DEAL and PINE LOGS ex "Wellington." RELIANCE HOUSE, GREAT DARKGATE-STREET (OPPOSITE THE MEAT MAPICET), AN* 7, PIER-STREET. WILLIAM PROBIN, WORKING LAPIDARY, JEWELLER, AND SILVERSMITH, BEGS to inform the Gentry, Inhabitants, and Visitors of Aberystwyth that he has now or, hand a well-selected Stock of Diamond Rings, Wedding Rings, Signet Rings, and Gem Rings. Bright aiu Coloured Gold Jewellery, in all its branches, made upon the premises. Every article warranted. Also, a larg- Stock of Whitby Jet and Bog Oak Ornaments. Old Gold and Silver purchased. Wholesale and Retail Deale. in New and Second-hand Plate. [64 < UNRIVALLED EXHIBITION HONORS-PARIS 1;57 H.EPERSO DECORATION Decoration \Jll// 'R 0F A VX' V^SSoFmE«l £ G!0NoFH0N0R/ X// ik 1M F DAL -JFEBIS [G;■ K j NOTED FOR EASE AND FREEDOM IN SEWING. SUITABLE FOR HAND OR MACHINE USE. CHARLES STREET MILLS, LEICESTER. [61 .r RECKITTS PARIS BLUE /orget iu As bad qualities are often substituted. Hie genuine is used by the Laundresses of THE PRINCESS OF WALES AMD DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH. SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE OF CABINET FURNITURE, CHIMNEY AND TOILET GLASSES, )I -U CARPETS, RUGS, CURTAINS, &c. COMMENCING ON THURSDAY, 13TH JANUARY, AND WILL BE CONTINUED UNTIL 1ST FEBRUARY. J. JONES & SON, (LATE E. & J. JONES), Will oiler at a very Great Reduction a large portion of their Stock of Cabinet Furniture, including Hall, Drawing, Dining, and Bedroom Furniture. All kinds of Carpets and Rugs, made-up Curtains, and Materials for Curtains and Covers, Lace Curtains, &c. In addition to the Great Reduction in Prices, a Discount of 2A per ecnt. will be allowed on Cash Payments. J. JONES & SON, (LATE E. & J. JOXES, .;11 UPHOLSLERERS, OSWESTRY. business ^liibrcsscs. -r- I 1.. IE GRAND NATIONAL EISTEDDFOD PHIZE MEDALS FOR GENUINE HAND M A D E WELSH TWEED CLOTH, i > T y i v» 1^9 "no. FISHING CLOTHS, FLANNEijS, SHIRTINGS, AND LINSEYS, At Cnestev in Ism;, and Aberystwytu in D(),), were awarded to JOHN MEYRIC K J ONES. MEYMCK HOUSE, DOLGELLEY, Whose Mills have gained considerable celebrity for the Manufactures of these Articles. J. M. Jones has greatly extended his business, and is now able to supply wholesale and retail, UNRIVALLED WELSH FABRICS, which are all MANUFACTURED BY HAND UNDER HIS OWN PERSONAL SUPERINTENDENCE, and can be warranted made of the PICK OF THE PURE MOUNTAIN WOOLS and free from any admixture and at prices far below those charged for inferior articles usually sold as "Welsh" by English Manufacturers. Clothing made from these Ivelsb Tweed Cloths is worn by the Nobility, and Gentry for Shooting, Fishing, Cricketing, Travelling, kc., and is always found to be very durable. Wholesale and Retail Orders executed on the shortest notice. Cash or references expected with all new orders. Patronized by Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, the Clergy, Xobility, and Gentry of England and Wai s THE SNOWDON AND IDRIS WELSH WHITTLE SHAWLS. X. B.—Dolgelley being the Termini of two Branches of Railways, there is every convenience tw scud anv article ordered without delay to any part of the kingdom, and -it very reasonable charges. CAUTION.—Mr J. MEYTCICK JonES regrets that he should have occasion to caution nis friends against the practices of certain unprincipled persons, who have sent spurious patterns to several of his customers, professing to be Welsh Tweeds and Flannels. Patterns of the genuine hand-loom Welsh Webs. Welsh Tweeds, Flannels. '■ and Linseys can be insured on application to -,Nfr J. M. JOXES, Manufacturer, Dolgelky. Patterns sent post free to any address. CHEAP DRAPERY GOODS FOR THE PRESENT SEASON. 8, LITTLE DARKGATE-STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. DANIEL THOMAS begs to inform his Customers and the Public generally that he has a LARGE STOCK OF DRAPERY GOODS FOR THE PRESENT SEASON. Ladies and Gents' Fur and Spring Top Lined Kid Gloves (Black and Colours). Wool Shirts and Shirtings. Flannels antfcBlankets. Home Spuns for Costumes in almost every Shade. Winceys Wool Scarves and Squares. Black Brown and Silver Fox Fur Trimmings. Black and Brown ^ur Tippets, &e., &c., &c. ALL (;OODS MARKED L'LAIX. ) TERMS—ONE PRICE AND READY MONEY. NOTE THE ADDRESS— DANIEL THOMAS, 8, LITTLE DARKGATE-STREET (OPPOSITE THE INFIRMARY), 67] A B E R Y S T W Y T H. t T H E CAMBRIAN NEWS;" PRINTING WORKS, MILL STREET, AltKHYSTWYTH. Agents wanted to sell the Cumbrian .LYell,') in those towns, villages, and districts where they have not yet been appointed. Business men desirous of obtaining information as to the cost of advertising should apply per- sonally or by letter at the olfice of the Cambrian Xeir.<, Aberyst- wyth. The scale for prepaid advertisements is published in the first column of the paper. ■ r: The cheap rates for AN-ititte(I adver- tisements afford employers and employed an excellent medium for making known their require- ments. I Any iiTcgularity in the delivery of the paper, either by post or otherwise, should always be j fommunieated to the manager, Cambrian Net's Office, Aberyst- wvth. x l > .All communications should be ad- dressed to the EDITOR, Cambrian News Office. Aberystwyth, as early in the week as possible and should reach him not later than Thursday morning. The Cambria a NI-H;* will be sent by post to any address in the United Kingdom for three months on receipt of '2/2; six months, 4/4; twelve months, 3/8. Tibe price of the paper is lid., and is published every Friday morn- ing at Aberystwyth, Bala and Portmadoc, and sold by nearly a hundred agents. The Cambrian n-s circulates exten- sively over a wide district, and is read by farmers as well as by business men. The list (tf agents is published in Another part of the paper. i The Cambrian Neics contains two solunins of market intelligence; several columns of general news; full reports of local events; two or three columns of information interesting to farmers; a column for correspondence, which is 4Dpen to all; and several columns of interesting items, &c, w E A K SIGHT. HENRY LAURANCE'S IMPROVED SPECTACLES. 44, HATTOJ.- GARDEN, Loxdojt. These Spectacle* are clear and cool, never tire the eye, and, whilst subduing all inflammatory imptow, assist, strengthen, and preserve' the Sii/ht. SIR JULIUS BENEDICT, 2, Manchester Square, London, W., writes:—"I have tried the principal Opticians in London, without success, but your Spectacles suit me admir- ably, both for reading and walking. The clearness of your glasses as compared with others is really surprising. I shall at all times recommend them. C. B. RADCLIFFE, ESQ., MD 2.3, Cavendish Square, London, W., Consulting Physician to the Westminster Hospital writes:—" Your Spectacles are highly appre- ciated by me, and are a great improvement on my old ones, and suit my sight better." Hundreds of Testimoniab have been received, from persons ichotc sight hare been benefited bif their use, when all others hacejailed, a length- ened list-of ichkh can he had yi-atli; on applica- tion to the folkxchiij A t/t rtf.s ■— ABERYSTWYTH: A. MAJOR. I Jeweller and Optician, 38, Pier St MACHYNLLETH: J. REESE & SON, Jewellers and Opticians. All Spectacles stamped H. L. [4U6 JOHN L. WILKIN AND COMPANY, WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS. CONTRACTORS TO H.M.'s GOYERXMENT UNION CHAMBERS, 11, UNION COURT, OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON. Price Lists free on application. [:!(j(j TO THE GENTRY. HOTEL KEEPERS AXIl OTHER*. CY,APT LES HUG'ilF,S, CAMBRIAN CARRIAGE WORKS. PORTMADOC, HAS for Sale several aid Soeoncl-Jiand A A Carriages of various descriptions one to carry twelve persons inside, and two with driver, moveable top several Waggonettes, with and with- out moveable tops: several Phaetons, Dog Carts, and poi mg Carts all of which arc of the best iiiatel-ii and workmanship, and will be sold at prices which will compare favourably with other good makers. Carriages examined, exchanged, or repaired on the shortest notice and on the best terms. L.i;-t. THE em^BURGH lifiTASSI^VXCI: COMPANY. F o u x D K D 18 2 INVESTED FUNDS, £ 1,0-14,694 STERLIXG- Moderate Premiums. Liberal Conditions. Lai-ea^l i!ovr^,l^m'SeS- At last Divisions of Profits H- BOX LS RANGED FROM ABOUT £ 1 •>, ,nV T<' UPWARDS OF *„ p„ INFLUENTIAL AGENTS W VNTE1) Apply to L^P^ooLBRANrH, 2(i. Castle STKIXT. 4,. 11' r I I J. LLOYD, RK.SIDKNT SiiCRKTAKV. BOOKBINDING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT EDWARD EDWARDS, Great Darkgate-strcet, ABERYSTWYTH- Back numbers of Serial Works Obtained. MORRIS'S TEMPERANCE HOT l.f.l. MAR1 STREET (Close to the Railway Stati«u!' ABERYSTWYTH I GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR VISITORS AND COMM; r.< [A'' „ TRAVELLERS. Beds and Refreshments on most reasonable tern'- HORSES AND CARRIAGES ON HUtE. Pair of execllent Ponie.s for Saddle purposc", Good Stablin and Lock-up Coach-houses. SLATES! SLATES SLATE- T" WHOLE-SALE AND H. E T j AT THE LOWEST PRICES. QCALITY G UARAXTEED. Address- EDWARDS & EVANS, Wholesale & Retail Mereha-nts- R I 63J TREOA J