EN SCALE OF PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. For the following classes of Advertisements only:- HOUSES TO BE LET, APARTMENTS WAXTKO, HOBSES WANTED, APARTMENTS TO n LET, SITUATIONS WANTED, MTSCELLANEOUS VV ANTS, SITUATIONS VACANT, ARTICLES LOST AND I OUND Xo Ore Three Six Nine Thirteen of Worfl. Insertion Insertions: Insertions] Insertions; insertions s. (1. s. d. s. d. s. (1. s. d. 21 1 o 2 0 3 6 4 6 .) 6 03 I G 3 0 4 6 5 6 7 0 o Q 4 6 6 0 42 2 6 0 7 0 8 0 0 6 <1n 3 0 0 7 S G I] 0 0 Remittances may be made in Half-penny Stamps. No Credit Advertisement is charged less than Is. 6d. WANTED, to know where David Ellis s Ironmon gcry Stores are. L>24 AGET wanted to push first-class Lubri- _x l cating Oils. Commission 10 to 15 per ecitt.- Box 322, Post Office, Liverpool. )avi(i Ellis's Ironmongery Stores r in Great Darkgate Street, Aherystwyth. David Ellis has Grates, Iron Bedsteads, lenders, ,io.. Ac. Tinmen kept on the premises for repairing Silver lea- pots, Candlesticks, and all kinds of things. [523 I "VUITNE R S If IP. —A Managing Partner, JL with Capital ami Experience, Wanted for an extensive Timber and Slate Business and MI Address, X. Y.^Oifice o £ thisj>apcr. TTTANTED.—Junior pupils to receive pri- W vate lessons in Latin, and Greek, terms, moderate. —Apply, DELTA, Cambrma News Office, Aberystwyth. — n- TSEGISTRY' OFFICE for Servants, Doll JLV Street Machynlleth.— Mrs. EVANS begs to K Street, Machynlleth.— Mrs. EVANS begs to — SJr^XZ carefully attended to.-Stamped envelope foi [;'):-)7 0 4 A AAA —PERSONS WANTED TO £ 40,0'JO. BUY 12 or IS lbs. of our PURE TEA at Is. lid., honestly worth 2s. 4d Liberal 'Profits easily made, and good discount for Cash, given by "ALDERSON'S," Tea Dealers, 12, Richmond Crescent, Barnsbury, London. [50-7 NOTICE. Y\TANTED, Ledgers, Account Books, VV Newspapers, Pamphlets, Memorandums, Let- ters, Envelopes, and all kinds of Old Papers, for re- nimufacturine. The papers can be packed and sealed n sell er' s m; e se 11 c e, sent direct to the mills and reduced at once to pulp. Bags sent, and packer if required.- J. MCILQITIIAM, Aberystwytn. Tl/TUSICIANS connectedwith Brass Bands or iVL Fife and Drum Bands should apply to K. 1.: Fife and Drum Bands should apply to R. J. WARD and SONS, when wanting New Instruments ox -epairs. Price List on application, 10, St. Anne-Street, Liverpool (First Shop from Islington). N.B.-Second-hand Instruments and Drums always U1 Accordions from 4s. 6d.; Concertinas from 2s. 6d Violin Strings from 2d. to Sd. Harp Strings from od. WANTED. WROUGHT and Cast Iron Scrap: Old and Second-hand Machinery; W ire and Hemp Ropes Metal, &c., &e. MCILQUHAM, Machine Broker, 328] ABERVSTW VH. 0 be fct. -r_- TO LET with possession 011 the 12tli February, No. 11, Railway Terrace, A]*r- Ili.-AI)plv, Kl). 12, Portland, Street. [o4,. mo LET, at Lady Day, the farm of Cae L Stwburn, in the parish of Llanerfyl, containing about :200 acres, nearly all in Meadows and Pasture, with a capital enclosed Hill adjoining.—For particulars apply to Mr. SWETTENHAM, Land Agent, Newtown. r n O~LET. "^VL^d^ipr the hest part B of A.bervstwvth, 30, Great Darkgate St. A lease, if required. —Apply, SHOPKEEPER- Cambrian Aewx Office, Aberystwyth. 1 p ii^Q LET.—Good House and large Garden, | Seven miles from Aberystwyth, fronting the llheidol.—Apply, HOUSEHOLDER, "Cambrian News iztii Office, Aberystwyth. [504 rllO HE LET.-The Gogcrddan Arms Hotel, 1 Ponterwvd, situate within three miles of Devil's Bridge, with Sheepwalk and Enclosed fields, altogether 220 acres.-For full Particulars apply to CAPTAIN JAMES (JOIUSKTT, Gogerddan Arms ffotel. l'onterwyd, Aberystwyth. I ABERYSTWYTH. BOARD and Residence may he obtained in a t) superior house where only a limited number are received—Apply L.S. Cambrian News office Aberyst- wyth. 285 r nO LET. IIABERYSTWYTIi. — For the 1 Winter Months, APARTMENTS may be had on very moderate terms at Snowdon House, No. 4 Victoria-terrace, facing the sea, and well sheltered from north and east winds by Constitution Mills. Warm Baths in the house. Highest references.- Apply, Mrs K F.SS IT. L_ YORK HOUSE, 64, Marine Terracc.- TO LET with immediate Possession. lor f,n-tlici- particulars apply to THOMAS WHITE, Egyptian House. Z, or be olõ. i rt\0 BE SOLD.—A lot of Capital Old 11- Larch Timber growing on the Dolmelynllyn adjoining the Turnpike road from Dolgelley to u^ybwlch. 4 miles from Dolgelley. The Gardener at J'.Vnoendyn will shew the trees. Tenders addressed— H. "WILLIAMS, ESQ., Dolmelynllyn, Dolgelley. [543 SCOTCH POTATOES. A LARGE Quantity of Scotch Champion t- Potatoes in good order to be Sold.—Apply to \Ir.lP"F, I'eithyll. [540 PROPERTY FOR SALE. ATE. E. ELLIS has on hand several Free- hold and Leasehold Houses for Sale; also a of Houses to let. BALA. BUSINESS PREMISES. VERY eligible Freehold House, Shop l;i back premises, situate in High Street, \vfii 1 u V<: Sold ]»y Private Treaty. Full parti ulara 11 1)0 had on application to EVAN JONES, Auctioneer, P.,tla. t.),i,). ° CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. rU LGlfI Established and Lucrative business 011 ^°- 8, Bridge Street, tlle ^ropn^tn' iSp°'Se(1 of' owing to the death of ';h Trade (' lenders -wilibo received for the Stock ai!U Flxtlu'es- Good position, J-0l. °P- n Rent moderate. 12|>- EU.'IK '^1% ON the piemises. or to Mr. > Auctioneer, Aberystwyth. jjSG bl1 Jludion. .r- SMITHFIELD, ABERYSTWYTH. MONTHLY SALES OF LIVE STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, &c. ]|/rR, G. T. SMITH begs respectfully to -LXJL announce that he will hold Moiithlj' Salens of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Pigs, Agricultural Implements, Carriages, &c., in the Smithtleld, Aberystwyth, on the FIRST MONDA Y IN EVERY MONTH, At Eleven o' clock. ENTRIES For. THE SALE OX MONDAY, FET.TUTAIIY 7th, Respectfully solicited. To be sent in at least a week previous to sale, to be in- eluded in catalogues and advertisements. MONTGOMERY SHIRE. TO HOTEL KEEPERS, BREWERS, TRADESMEN, BUILDERS, AND OTHERS. MR. W. H. HILL has received instructions to offer for Sale by Public Auction, in the month of February next, unless previously disposed of by private Treaty, All those highly valuable FREEHOLD and FULL- LICENSED PREMISES, known as the Wynnstay. Herbert Arms, and LTnicorn Hotel, the Cross Pipes Inn, excellent Business and residential Premises, as also 15 Lots of convenient ACCOMMODATION LANDS, forming charming Building sites, all com- manding the best positions in and near the important market tcwn of Machynlleth, and of which a further description will appear in future papers. Plans and particulars are now being prepared, and with any further information may be obtained at the Offices of Mr. Jonx ROWLANDS, Solicitor, Macliynlleth the AUCTIONEER, Oswestry, and from Messrs. LEE, HOUSEMAN, and POWNING, Solicitors, Salisbury, and 3, Princes-street, Storey's Gate, London, W.C. [500 PORT OF ABERYSTWYTH. The fast-sailing Schooner" VELOCITY" of Aberyst- wyth, now lying in Aberystwyth Harbour, with her Sails, Spars, .Masts, Rigging, Anchors, Cables, and other Appurtenances, will be Sold by Auction, by MR. EDWARD ELLIS begs to announce that this is POSTPONED to M<> XI)A F, FEB 11UA R Y 7th, 1SSI At Tiro o'clock in the Afternoon: The "VELOCITY" is 65 Tons Register, Red Star Class built at Pwllheli, and is well found in every respect. The Sale will take place at Tanycae. The Hull will be first sold, and the Spars, Rigging, Sails, Anchors, Chains. Ropes, and Lamps will follow in Lots. For further particulars apply to the AUCTIONEER. Terms—Cash. BRYNYMOR TERRACE, VICTORIA TERRACE, ABERYSTWYTH. VERY DESIRABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. MR. E. ELLIS has been favoured with Instructions to Sell by Auction, On Wednesday, February 2nil,*lSSI, At 3 o'clock p.m., subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be produced and read, at the Auction Mart and Sale Room, all those LEASEHOLD DWELLING HOUSES, Known as Nos. 1 and 2, Brynymor Terrace, Aberyst- wyth. These Houses will be offered in One or Two Lots, to suit purchasers. Immediate possession can be given. Further particulars next week. [520 MONTHLY SALES. ABERYSTWYTH SMITHFIFLD. MR. E. J. MORGAN, Auctioneer begs to state that he will have monthly sales of Live and Dead Stock in the Smithfield on Aberystwyth Fair Days. The next Sale will be held on MONDAY, February at One o'clock. Entries and applications for terms to be sent to Mr. E. J. MORGAN, auctioneer, Penllwyn. T. & W. BUBB, PAINTERS, PLUMBERS, GLAZIERS, GAS- FITTERS, HOUSE DECORATORS, PAPER HANGERS, & GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHERS TERRACE-ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH, & NEWTOWX. Agont for Broiler's BURNERS, and Wright's GAS STOVES. ESTIMATES FOR WORK ON APPLICATION. Agent for Atkins and Co. 's Patent CHARCOAL BLOCK WATER FILTERS. GADD'S PATENT REVERSIBLE HANDLE PERAMBULATORS. BATHS AND PERAMBULATORS ON HIRE [26 CASH. MRS. JONES, MARY STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, GIVES the best Price for SECOND-HAND WEARING APPAREL of every description. Orders from the country carefully attended to. Parties waited upon at their own residences. N.H. -Note the Address-3, MARY STREET, 3:8] Aberystwyth. HAMER'S MERCANTILE COMPANY, LIMITED. I (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MERCHANTS) RAILWAY STATION YARD, ABERYSTWYTH. HAVE in Stock the best Newport, Wigan. _in. Staffordshire, Ruabon, Smokeless Steam Coal, Smith's Coal, Foundry Coke, Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire Lime. ALSO ALL KINDS OF Bricks, Tiles, Slates, Slabs, Sanitary and Drainage; Pipes, Artificial Manures, Cements, &c. LOWEST PRICES CHARGED. TRUCK LOADS ON REDUCED TERMS. Branch Depots at TREGARON, STRATA FLORIDA, TRAWSCOED, LLANILAR, LLANRHYSTYD ROAD, BOW STREET, LLANFIHANGEL. BORTH. EDWARD HAMER, MANAGER. May, 15S0. 93] MESDAMES JENKINS AND HUGHES, DRAPERS AND GENERAL MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, 5, PIER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, MESDAMES JENKINS AND HUGHES respectfully announce their return from London with a choice and well selected stock of MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, comprising all the NEWEST DESIGNS for the SEASON. In announcing their business to the ladies and visitors of Aberystwyth and its neighbourhood, they beg respectfully to solicit a share of patronage. Careful and personal attention is given to all orders. _nnnnn_- publir iToticcs. N O R T H AND SOUTH WALES BANK LIMITED. ¡ ,TH A-N-D SOUT!F PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT, FOR TITL YLAF. E N D E D 31K T D ECE M BER, ISSO. Gross profits, including a balance of l is. Id. from last account, after deducting interest due to Depositors, rebate on Bills not due, and making provision for tosses. £ 160,795 7 S Deduct total expenditure of the Head Office, thirty-nine Branches, and ten Sub-Branches, including Salaries, Directors' Fees, Rent, Taxes, and other expenses >30.600 U 4 £ 100,191 13 4 Less Dividends paid to Proprietors, viz. Half-year ended 30th June, 1880, Dividend at 10 per cent. per annum £ 25,000 0 0 Do. do. Bonus at 7i per cent. per annum 18.750 0 0 Half-year ended 3.1st December, 1880, Dividend at 10 per cent per annum 25,000 0 0 Do. do. Bonus at n per cent. per annum 18,750 0 0 Income Taxon Profits. ••• ••• ••• ••• •• 2,287 19 1 „ 89.78ï 19 1 Leaving to be carried to next account £ 10,406 14 3 BALANCE SHEET, J A T 3 1 S T DECEMBER, 1880. LIABILITIES. ASSETS. Deposits, Current Account Balances, Cash in hand, at Bank of England, £ 4,686,25S 17 10; and at London Agents £ 435,216 14 5 Notes in Circulation 46,160 0 0 Cash at call, and not exceeding 14 Drafts, not exceeding 21 days' date 21,193 9 5| days'notice, with Bill Brokers Acceptances 19,417 4 9 and Agents 953,773 IS 11 Credits under issue 6,212 0 8 £ 528,152 8s. 10d Consols. co*t 500,000 0 0 Bills for Collection, and other items 53,045 9 1 I reference Stocks of first-class Railways, (", co"t 182,066 0 6 Total Liabilities to Public £ 4,832,287 1 9 Bills of Exchange 1,656,784 19 9 Advances to Customers, temporary CAPITAL Loans on Railway and other Total Subscribed, £ 2,000,000 0 0 • Shares, &c. 1,669,922 2 5 Of which in re- Credits p-er contra, unaccepted 6,212 0 8 serve liability 1,500,000 0 0 Bank Buildings at Liverpool, and — fifteen Branches. 107,715 9 2 Paid up 500,000 0 0 Svflns in transitu with Branches and RESERVE FUND 250,000 0 e Agents, and other items 81,00210 2 UNDIVIDED PROFITS 10,406 14 3 760,406 14 3 £ 5,592,693 J6 0 £ 5,592,693 16 0 We certify that the above Balance Sheet, in our opinion, is a full and fair Balance Sheet, properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct view of the state of the Company's affairs, as shown by the Books of the Company, and that the Profits, as stated in the Profit and Loss Account, have been fully and fairly earned. HARMOOD BANNER & SON, Liverpool, 21st January, 1881. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS. [546 JOSEPH AND JANE DOWNIE'S BEQUEST. Abstract of Report of Visiting Or the Half-year ending 31st December, 1880. rnHE Committee in October last re-arranged the Districts and increased the number from S to g They made the usual grants to the Lady isitors, whose reports show that the following sums have been applied and distributed by them: — No. £ s. d. 1. Miss Davies and Miss M. E. Davies 4 0 10 2. Mrs. Fossett and Miss Jone3 6 0 8 3] Mrs. Phillips and Miss Morgan S 19 7 4. Mrs. Rice Williams and Miss Roberts 5 14 9 5. Iiss Eyans 4 18 6 G. Miss Jones and Miss Elizabeth Jones 6 0 5 i. Miss Roberts and Mrs. A. J. Hughes 4 5 0 8. Miss Davies (Antaron) and Miss Davies (Padarn Villa) 5126 The Committee also voted £ 25 towards the funds of the Soup Kitchen in Aberystwvth. .45] E. OWEN PHILLIPS, CHAIRMAN. V. ft ft. ESTABLISHMENT, DOG AND WINE! LICENCES. rnHE Commissioners of Inland Revenue 1 remind those who keep Carriages, or Male Servants, or who use Armorial Bearings, that <■ air Licences must be renewed in the month of January. Dog Licences must be renewed at the same time, and whenever any additional Dog is kept a Licence must be immediately obtained. Farmery and Shepherds may obtain exemptions for Dogs KEPT AND USED SOLELY FOR TENDING SHEEP OR CATTLE ON A FARM. but a Declara- tion that the dogs are so used must be made to the Supervisor of Excise for the District. Licences or exemptions are not transferable from one person to another. The penalty for keeping a Dog without Licence or exemption is fu. TAKTN<; ORDERS FOR WINE, &c. The Commissioners also give notice that no person may solicit, take, or receive any order for Wine or Spirits unless he holds a licence for that purpose or is the bona fide traveller for a firm duly licenced in the United Kingdom. The penalty for so acting without licence is EIOO. When the residence of the offender! is not known, or, is out of the Kingdom, the Summons will be left at the house or place whore the offence was committed. London, 1st January, 1881. [;œ UNIVERSITY COLLEGE FO WALES. PROFESSOR MACCALLUM will de- JL liver a Course of TWENTY LECTURES on the GROWTH of the ENGLISH STATE, on MONDAY EVENINGS, to begin on MONDAY, January 24th at seven o'clock. Fee for the Course, which is open to ladies, 10s. 6d. Tickets may be had fiom the Registrar, Introductory Lecture free. Subject: The Modern View of the State, its Nature and Origin. 514 NOTICE. TALYLLYN SCHOOL BOARD. NOTIOE is hereby given, in reference to the n _L1 above district, that:- L The above School Board have (subject to the approval of the Education Department) made certain Bye Laws in pursuance of the powers given to the School Board by S. 74 of the Elementary Education Act, 1870, as amended by the Elementary Education Act, 1876. 2. A printed copy of the proposed Bye Laws will 0 continue deposited, for inspection by any ratepayer, at Brynllwyd Cottage, near Machynlleth, the office of the School Board, for one month from the date of the publication of this notice. 3. At the expiration of the said month the said proposed Bye Laws will be submitted to the Education Department for approval. 4. The School Board will supply a printed copy of the said proposed Bye Laws gratis to any ratepayer. G. F. SMITH, CLERK. January 24th, 1881. [539 THE PORTMADOC WATER WORKS COMPANY. OTICE is Hereby Given that a Special XX General Meeting of the Shareholders of the above Company will be held at the Company's princi- pal office, situate at Old Bank Buildings, Cornhill, Portmadoe. on Monday, the 14th day of February, 1881, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for the following purposes 1. To pass a Resolution authorising the Directors to borrow on mortgage, or create and issue by way of debenture stock of the Company, such an amount, in such manner as the special meeting shall, in conformity with the Company's Act, resolve. 2. To pass a Resolution authorising the Directors to issue additional Capital of the Company, as authorised by the said Company's Act, to such an amount and in such manner as the Shareholders present at such meeting shall, in conformity with the said Act, resolve. Dated this 2;ith day of January, 1881. By order of the Directors. RICHARD llVGHE. 542] Secretary. DYEING AND "FRENCH CLEANING. FEATHERS are now cleaned, curled, or dyed i any colour by Miss S. J. HODGES, S, Cambrian- place, Aberystwyth. GLOVES and FURS renovated on the shortest notice. Country Orders transmitted by post will receive prompt attention. [24 I business ^otkes. I WINTER FASHIONS. C. M. WILLIAMS BEGS respectfully to announce that he is now showing NEW GOODS in every department, suitable for the Winter Trade, at prices worthy the attention of every one. The Noted Shop for Hats, and Bonnets, in all the leading Shapes and Styles. The largest and Cheapest Stock in Aberystwyth, to select from. flonaets made to order. Hats trimmed free of charge. Every Article is marked at the lowest possible price for Ready Money. Thus giving to Cash Buyers the value their money entitles them to. One visit cannot fail to satisfy every one that C. M. is the Cheapest Shop for Drapery in Aberystwyth. TERMS. ONE PRICE TO ASK. AND NO ABATEMENT. NOTE THE ADDRESS. — C. M. WILLIAMS, G E N E R A L D RA PERY ESTABLISHMENT, 3 G, PIER STREET. ABERYSTWYTH. [94 Ladies' Felt Mo ruing Wrappers, 8/6 each to 60/0. Knitted Wool Skirts, 5/6 each to 12/6. French Wove Corsets, 3/11 per pair. Special Make Black Corsets, 7/6 per pair. Ladies' Night Dresses, 2/11, 3/6, 5/0. to 21/0 each. Chemises, 2/9i, 3/6, 4/9, to 15/0 each. Drawers, 1/0, 1/6, 2/0, to 10/6 per pair. Long-cloth Combinations, 5/6, 6/6, 7/0, to 15/6 each. Merino Vests, 1/3. 1/6, 2/6, to 6/6 each. Drawers, 6/6 per pair. Combinations, 12/0 each. Tedding Trousseaus and Infants' Layettes made to order. S. N. COOKE, ■>r>. PiER-STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. [58 9, PIER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. J. EVANS & SON, (ORGANIST ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH,) MUSIC SELLERS, STATIONERS, &c. Pianofortes, Harmoniums, and American Organs for Sale or Hire. Marcus Ward's Specialities; Bedford's Photographs, Views, &c. EVANS and SON'S Celebrated Half-guinea Ledger and Day Books. I Shipping,. ALLAN line M E R 1 C A IERIC.A. ROYAL MAIL S T E A M E R S. LIVERPOOL TO BOSTON. (Calling at Halifax to land Canadian Mails and Passengers. ) Sardinian Mar. 17. Hibernian Jan. 27. Polynesian Feb. 3. Caspian Feb. 10. Sartri-,ttlail FOI) 17. Circassian Feb. 24. Parisian Mar. 3. Hibernian Mar. 19. Low RATES OF PASSAGE and THROc(;n TICKET; to all points at SPECIAL RATES. PAMPHLETS on CANADA, MANITOBA, WESTERN STATES of AMERICA also SPECIAL PAMPHLET, embodying Reports of the Tenant Farmers' Delegates to Canada, free on applica- tion. ASSISTED PASSAGES to Canada for Farm Labourers and Female Domestic Servants. Full particulars on application to ALLAN BROTHERS & CO., James Street, LIVERPOOL. Or to the Agents— EYAX JONES, Builder, Bala. GRIFFITH EDWARDS, 2, Ael-y-Don, Bai-vouth. LEWIS WILLIAMS, Auctioneer, &c., Dolgelley WHITE STAR LINE ROYAL AND üKITED „ STATES MAIL STEAMERS. NOTICE.—The Steamers of this line ■take the Lane Routes recommended by Lieutenant Maury, on both the Out- ward and Homeward nassaires. LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK. Germanic. Thursday, 3rd February. Celtic. Tuesday, 8th February. Adriatic. Tuesday, 15th February. Britannic Thursday, 24th February. Baltic.Tuesday, 1st March. FROM NEW YORK. Celtic. Thursday, 20th January. Adriatic. Saturday. 29th January. Average passage 8 days in Summer. 9't days in Forwarding Passengers to all parts of the United States and Canada. These well-known magnificent Steamers aro ap- pointed to sail weekly as under, carrying her Majesty's and the United States Mails Winter. Each Vessel is constructed in seven water- tight compartments. The Saloon, Ladies' Boudoir, State Rooms, and Smoking Rooms are amidships, and are luxuriously furnished and fitted with all modern conveniences pianos, libraries, electric bells, bath-rooms, barber s shop, &c. Saloon Passage, 15, 18, and 21 guineas; Return Tickets at reduced Jates. The Steerage accommodation is of the vent highest character, the rooms are vnusitally sjjacious, ire 11 lighted, ventilatetl, end warmed, and, passengers of this chtss trill find their comfort carefully studied, and the provisioning unsurpassed. Stewardesses in Steerage to attend the Women and Children. Drafts issued on New York free of charge. "For Freight or Passage apply to J. D. HUGHES, 1, Railway Terrace, Aberystwyth. SIMOX BRYAN, Printer, &c., Llanfyllin. ISMAY, IMRIE AND Co., 10, Water-street, Liverpool, And 34 Leadenhall Street, LONDON, E. RICHARD ELLIS, Unicorn Lane, Dolgellev, GENERAL BILL STICKER, POSTER MESSENGER. &c., Contracts made with Auctioneers and Publishers. (Eburatum. -J'r_ LLANFIHANGEL (-, EN E -U P. (,' L Y I GRAMMAR SCHOOL. BORTH. R. S. O. mHE above School, which has been closed for JL many years, will be re-opened under a new committee of management on the 31st January, 1881. Pupils prepared for Matriculation at the Universities. Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations, Mercantile Life, &c. Fee, One Guinea per quarter, and a small Entrance Fee. For particulars, address D. J. MIOIAEL, Aber- ystwyth, or Llaniihangel Geneu'rglyn. [541 11 .1 CHRIST COLLEGE, BRECON. CHAIRMAN OF THE GOVERNING BODY THE LORD BISHOP OF ST. DAVID'S. HEAD MASTER REV. D. LEWIS LLOYD, M.A.. late Scholar of Jesus College, Oxford, and late Head Master of Friar's School, Bangor. ASSISTANT MASTERS REV. T. C. SIMMONS, M.A„ late Scholar of I Magdalene College, Cambridge, 25th Wrangler. F. N. S. BOUSFIELD, M.A,, lace Scholar of Lincoln College, Oxford; Second Class Classical Moderations First Class Final Classical School. J. C. EVANS, B.A., late Scholar of Jesus College, Oxford; Powis Exhibitioner Second Class Classical Moderations. J. TAYLOR, B.A., late Student of Christ Church, Oxford; 1st Natural Science. A. J. TUCKWELL. B. A., late Exhibitioner of Queen's College, Oxford; Third Class Classical Moderations and Third Class Modern History. W. S. RAWSON, M.A., late Junior Student of Christ Church, Oxford; First Class Mathematical Moderations; Second Class Final Mathematical School. H. MAY, B.A., Scholar of Brasenose College, Oxford First Class Classical Moderations Third Class Final Classical School. Next Term will begin in January, 1881. Apply to the HEAD MASTER. DRAWING SCHOOL ARERYSTWYTH. DAILY CLASSES for DRAWING and PAINTING—Freehand Model Drawing, Water- color and Oils. Classe3 will be formed for Sketching from Nature. Private Lessons Given. For particulars, apply to Miss K. VERNON DAVYS. Brighton House, Marine Terrace. The next term commences on the 8th January, 1S81. LADIES' COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, ABERYSTWYTH. Principal—Mrs. E. MARIE JONES (F. C. College. Glasgow), assisted by the Rev. E. P. JO VES, M.A., B.D,, and English and Foreign Teachers. The next Term begins on Wednesday, January 26tli. 1881. MAENGWYN GRAMMAR SCHOOL, MACHYNLLETH. conducted by Mr J. OWEN, late Inspector of Schools for the British and Foreign School Society and Tutor at the Society's Training College, Swansea. Qualified Foreign and English Assistants. Terms and prospectuses may be had on application School re-opens August 17th. THE ABERYSTWYTH COMMERCIAL & GRAMMAR SCHOOL, QUEEN'S SQUARE HOUSE, QUEEN'S ROAD. Conducted by Mr THOMAS OWENS, C.M. (in honours of the London University, and late Senior Scholar of the University College of Wales). Pupils prepared for Cemmercial Pursuits, the Civil Service, the learned Professions, the Universities, and for the various Training and Theological Colleges. Special attention paid to English and Commercial Training at moderate charges. Terms, reports, &c., on application. The School re-opens on Monday, September 6tk, ISSO (ED ura tion. YSTRAD MEURIG- SCHOOL. mHIS School is being re-constituted as a FIRST GRADE SCHOOL, under a New Scheme. The present Fees—vhicli will soon be raised— are One Pound per quarter for Day boys, and Thirty- five Guineas per annum for Boarders. Several addi- tional Masters are to be appointed as soon as possible. Apply to the HLUI MASTER. Ystrad Meurig, December 29th, I SSI. —The School will re-open on Tuesday, the 1st day of February, at 9 a.m. l4W) THE COLLEGE, LLANDOVERY. VISITOR :— THE BISHOP OF ST. DAVIDS. WARDEN AND HEAD-MASTER :— REV. A. G. EDWARDS, M.A.. late Scholar, Jesus College, Oxiord. SECOND MASTER :— C. E. WILLIAMS, M.A., late Open Scholar. Queen's College, Cambridge, 26th Wrangler, 1874. ASSISTANT MATHEMATICAL MASTER :— GRIFFITHS, M.A.. Open Fellow, Christ Col- lege. Cambridge, 5th Wrangler. 1878. Examiner for the Mathematical Tripos, 1879. ASSISTANT CLASSICAL MASTER :— E. J. MCCLELLAN. M.A., Exhibitioner, Queen's College, Oxford; Flist Class Classical Mods., 1867. COMPOSITION MASTER A. TEMPLE ROBERTS, M.A., Demy of Magdalen College, Oxford, Gaisford Greek Verse, 1879; Projiine Aceessit for the Hertford (University) Scholarship, ] 878: Let Class Classical Mods,, 1877; nd Class Finals, 1880. CLASSICAL MASTER :— F. G. BJTABANT, B.A.. late Open Classical Scholar, Corpus Christi College, Oxford 1st Class Mathema- tical Mods., 1874; 1st Class Classical Mods., 1875; 1st Class Classical Finals, 1877. MASTER OF THE JUNIOR SCHOOL :— C. P. LEWIS, M.A., late Exhibitioner, Jesus College Oxford. ° SCIENCE MASTER :— T. H. JrDSON, B.A., Open Science Scholar, Merton College, Oxford. 1st Class Natural Science Honours, 1S79. DRAWING :— D. SALNDLRS THOMAS, Certificated Teacher of the Science and Art Department, Seuth Kensington. For particulars apply to the Warden. [230 BALA GRAMMAR SCHOOL. HEADMASTER CLEMENT T. DAVIES, M.A., Late Scholar of Jesus College, Oxford. PREPARATION for the Univerities, Civil -L Services, Preliminaries for the Law and Medicine, and Local Examinations. During the past three years ten pupils have passed the Cambridge Local Examinations, five of the ten in Honours, two the Preliminary of the Pharmaceutical Society, and one the Preliminary of the College of Surgeons. ° Boarders taken at the Head Master's house. Terms for Boarding and Tuition very moderate. For further particulars apply to the Head Master. The next term begins January 18th, 1881. ABERYSTWYTH- CAERLEON HOC BE. SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. PRINCIPAL MISS T RU B S H A VT. Assisted by Masters, and Resident, Foreign, and English Governesses. ° Pupils prepared for the Oxford and Cambridge local xaminations. The School Year consists of three terms, beginning respectively January 13th, April 28th, and SeptemW 19tli, but pupils can be received at any time during the terms. & For Terms, &c., apply to the Principal. ARDWYN SCHOOL, ABERYSTWYTH. HEAD MASTER-The Rev. LLEWELYN EDWARDS M.A., of Lincoln College, Oxford, and Graduate in Classical Honours. Second Master-J. F. TYE, Esq.. B.A.. University of London. Third Master—Mons. EUG. PELOUBET. of the University of France, and of the "Eeoledes Beaux Arts" of Paris. Fourth Master—Mr. T. JONES, Music Master—Mr. D. JENKINS. 'Mus. Bac. (Cantab) Drilling Master—Sergeant-Major HOLMES. UNIVERSITY OF LONDON MATRICULATION. The Senior Classes at Ardwyn School have been so arranged as to prepare boys directly for the Matricula- tion Examination at the University of London. The number of Subjects required is ten, viz Latin, Latin Prose and Grammar, Greek, French, English. English History and Geography, Algebra and Arithmetic. Euclid, [Natural Philosophy and Cheaiistrv, and al' these are provided for in the Classes. The Result lias been as follows :— 1879, June, J. R. Ilowells (1st Division). 1S89, January, T. Jones (1st Division). 1880, June. J. Jenkins (1st Division). 1880, June, T. Griffith (2nd Division). Since January, 1880, nine boys have passed various Perliminary Examinations. The Preparation Classes are now reading Livy Booh V, and Homer, Odyssey, Book. XXI, which are the Classical Subjects required for the Matriculation Examination, June, 1881. ABERYSTWYTH GRAMMAR SCHOOL. FOUNDED IN 1S12. rrustees—The Rev. Chancellor Phillips, Vicar of Aber- ystwyth; Sir PrysePryse, Bart.. Gogerddan; Thomas Bonsall, Esquire, Glanrheidol Rev. J. Pugh aughan Davies, Esquire and George Williams Esquire. Head Master—Mr. EDWARD JONES, Government Science Master (and in special honours of the Uni- versity of London). ASSISTED BY RESIDENT AXD OTHER MASTERS. Music Master— Mr EVANS, Organist of St. Michael's. Drill Master—Sergeant-Major CLARKE. During the last year boys from this school have gained scholarships, exhibitions, &c., of the value of £715, at Oxford, Cambridge, and the Higher Schools. Many have passed the various preliminary and other minor examinations, and two took their B.A de«ree in Cambridge direct from this school in June last. ° Each boy is expected to learn Shorthand and Pen- tLanship. The Head Master receives a few boarders at Jasper House. BRYNARVOR SCHOOL, TOIVYN. PRINCIPAL :— MR. EDWIN JONES, M.R.C.P., Assisted by qualified RESIDENT MASTERS for Classics, English, Mathematics, Modern Languages, Music' &c. BRYNARVOR HALL, commodious and well-fitted, has been specially erected for the acconimodatioa and tuition of boarders. It is beauti- fully situated in an eminently healthy locality, with extensive playgrounds, cricket field, and gardens at- tached, altogether making the finest and most desirable school premises in the Principality. Pupils are prepared for the various examinations con- nected with the universities and colleges, for the learned professions, banking and commercial pursuits. Classes are held in coi; section, 1cith the Science and A rt Department, the examinations being held in May in each year. The school year consists of three Terms. FOR TERMS, &C., APPLY TO THE PRINCIPAL