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GENTLEMEN'S OVERCOATS Supplied by T. MILLS and Co., CLOTHIERS, &c., Aldgate and Lombard-street, London. THE FASHIONABLE TALMA, or LOOSE OVERCOAT 21. 85S., 30B., 36s., 42B. TFILB 10 ANT MAI 1WAT BTATIOI. Only Measurement required i Chest, Waist, and Height. Payment by Post-office Order. A N ACT of GRATITUDE.—6,000 Copies of a Medical t; Gratuitous Circulation.—WILLIAM THOMAS, havingbeen effectually cured of nervous debility, loss of memory, and dimness of sight, resulting from the early errors j* youth, by following the instructions given in a medical work, antk Physician, he considers it is duty, in gratitude to the and for the benefit of nervous sufferers, to publish the used. jje wjii therefor*, send free, to any address, in a envelope, on receipt of a directed envelope, enclosing two (to pre pay postage), a copy of the medical work, con- every information required. Address, William Thomas, St. JohR^-lane, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. tjARVEY'S 8AUOE. —The admirers of thi. jSJ- «ltbrMid Fitb-Sauce are particularly reqaaated to *•« that Bona is pnoiu but thai which be»rs the ?*■» of WILLIAM LAZENBY on the back of each In addittion to the front label used *o many years, *»dai(a«d ELIZABETH LAZENBY. ELAZENBY AND SON'S ESSENCE OF e ANCHOVIES continues to be prepared with that ¥*cuH»r tire which has rendered it so universally eite«ra<d. ■ouf»ctured only at their old-ettabliibed Fi»h-8»uce *r«houie, 6, Edwardi-ttreet, Portm«n-*quare, London. RICKY'S SQUIIIB'S ORIGINAL GRAND ELIXIR. I HIS invaluable Medicine speedily removes all p" fresh Colds, with their atteridfng Symptoms of violeut *ui *n«i Soitsaeas of the Stomach proceeding from Cold and yughiug, and is alpo a most sovereigu remedy in eaiing ™(»B»tic Pains in the Limbs or Joints, in which complaint been so lurpriiingly saccessful as to have been recom- beaded by several eminent Physicians. &e. It gives speedy *4 lasting ease io-the most violent Fits of the Goat, Stone, Gravel, and renders the Functions of the Body regular, by '•■loving Ftimlence, Head-Ache, Tremblings, Faintings, &c. •9" See that the words DICKY and Co''are engraved on Stamp affiled over the cork of each bottle. Price 2s. Of whom may also be bad, DR. RADCLIFFE'S ELIXIR. 'or a General Alterative Medicine, this valuable Elixir aods unrivalled aud the Public cannot have recourse to a taoh efficacious Remedy as a Purifier of the Blood from Huiaours, whether contracted by too free living, or from S *"adice, Surfeits, Scurvy, or Humours after the Measles or mall Pox,&c. For all Obstructions in the Intestines, and for 'he Cure of Worms in Children or Adults, it will be found *erv>c**hle. It assists Digestion, strengthens the T^mach, and has been found of infiiiite service to those who Voyages, as a preservative against the Scurvy. Observe the woids Dicey Sf Co'' are printed in the *7 aifited to each bottle, as Counterfeits are offered fjr •jo almost every town. 3old by W. SOTTOH and CO. (late DlCEY & S0TToN)j 10, Church Yard, London, at Is. I4<i. per buttle, aod by all Principal Booksellers, Druggists, and Medicine Venders. ELEGANT PERSONAL REQUISITES. Under the Patronage °f Royalty and CTMSHS the Aristocracy, throughout ^S^BIgaffCS Europe. T And universally preferred and esteemed. he S«cceasfii) Hesalts of the last Half Century have proved, beyond question, that ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIL, peculiarly nourishing powers in the growth, re- ttn-rWl0n' *n<' improvement of the Human Hair, and is now '••Ml, acknowledged to be the cheapest, and superior f4n- other preparations for the limir. It prevents it from it °ff turning grey—strengthens weak hair—cleanses Scurf and Dandriff—and makes it beautifully soft, to.^he growth of the Beard, Whiskers, jeorows, and Mastachios. it is uafaHiug in its stimulative Peratt0n. For children it is especially recommended as anrfT18 the basis of a beautiful head of hair.—Price 3s. 6d. H..7*-» Family Bottles (equ«l to 4 smallj, 10s. 6d.; and "•jo'a that siae, 8ls. W LABEL.—To preveut the substitution of Spurious 'tatiom for the genuine article, by unprincipled Shop- a New Label from Steel, by Messrs. Perkins, Bacon lc. c°-t is DOW used, upon which are engraved in white *•«, the words ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIL, 14The GUOWTH, RESTORATION, AND FOtt BEAU. UO TIFYING THK HUMAN HAIR." cler which is the Signature if tha Proprietors in Red Ink, •jn A. ROWLAND & SONS." l|,j whole, with the exception of the profile of Her ia the Queen, being covered with a lace work pattern l»ansparent colourless iuk. ROWLANDS' KALYDOE, »0rA|uilRlENTAL BOTANICAL PREPARATION j Vino & BEAUTIFYING the COMPLEXION, ^iscoloMticMi* kli Red"8" T,n> Pimples, Spots, Freckles, •ttt hlnn • • *Dj other cutaneous visitations. The radi- delic4c_ to Cheek, and the softness and iftditu, T ,,ch it induoes of the Hauds aud Artnl,-render it Cli.peullble to every toilet. It obviates all the effects of ele ate on the Skin, whether with reference to cold and in- »Q f,cy> or intense solsr heat, aud affords immediate relief tio,. • °f sunburn, stings of insects, or incidental inflama- Price 4s. 6d. and 8s. 6d. per bottle. Afes°UXD AND WHITE TEETH. bodj00* ou'y indispensably requisite te a pleasing exterior in 4a Jl?e.*e8» but they are peculiarly appreciated through life the „ I!ISlag highly condaciye to health and longevity by proper mastication of food. ROWLANDS' ODONTO, Com- OR PEARL DENTIFRICE, of Orientel ingredients, imported at great ex. Pow der ii of Inestimable Value in ^ttt-SERVlNG & BEAUTIFYING THE TEETH, Imparting to them a Pearl.like Whiteness, STRENOTUEKINO THE GUMS, And iu rendering e'r 11-"8 BREATH SWEET AND PURE, the |UKI'?N'rhe word» ROWLANDS' ODONTO" are on *nd A. Rowland & Sons, 20, Helton Garden, ^rie« o °n 'he Government Stamp affiled on each Box.— n^es2*-9J- P" Box- d by the Proprietors, and by Chemists and Perfumer. t DR. DE JONGH'S *QHT.BROWN COD-LIVER OIL HA8 now, in coosequence of its marked superiority over *l<na>,er^ otber vsriety, secured the entire confidence and pra~ universal preference of tbe most eminent Medical ner# a> tne most speedy and effectual remedy for sc,4 BRONCHITIS ASTHMA, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, DIABBTES» DIABASES or THE SKIN, NEURALGIA, Att f*8' INFANTILE WASTING, GENERAL DEBILITY, AND 8CRWULOUS AFFECTIONS. 001( hi leading distinctive characteristics are: PLaTH PRESERVATION OF ACTIVE AND ESSBNTIAL PRINCIPLES. A,RUBLE PURITY AND UNIFORM STRENGTH. tIRs FREEDOM FROM NAUSEOUS FLAVOUR AND AFTER-TASTE. CURATIVE EFFECTS, AND CONSEQUENT ECONOMY. SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS:- Aim, A- b- GRANVILLE, Esq., M.D., F.R.S., "»or of xjje Spas of Germany." The Spas of England," .C I) On Sudden Death," &c., &c. Cod R •' Gran.ille has used Dr. DE JONGH'S Llght-Brown Dot TerOiI extensively in his practice, and has found it but uniform in its qualities. Hebe. om *K to be preferable in many respects to Oils sold tfifh- Ga Ru*ra«wee of such an authority as DE JONGH. DR. >4o1J,VIII,e HAS FOUND THAT THIS PARTICULAR KIND 0*„ "C*S TBE DESIRED EFFECT IN A SHORTER TIME THAN *8» *Nn THAT IT DOES NOT CAUSE THE NAUSEA AND TlO„ TOO OFTEN CONSEQUENT ON THE AEMINISTRA- THB pale NEWFOUNDLAND OILS. The Oil being, b. ther, much more palatable, Dr. Granville's patients Livk, *,n*elves expressed a preference for Dr. de Jongh's KQ*-Brow« Cod Liver Oil." M1) "THE LANCET." Oil '• JONGH gives the preference to the Light-Brown f*ttj ^e!Pale Oil, which contains scarcely any volatile tt)«a smaller quantity of iodine, phosphoric acid, and of ColJ^ttts of bile, and upon which ingredients tbe efficacy dejjJ0 Liver Oil, no doubt, partly depends. Some of the of it eOCteR of the Pale Oil are attributable to the method chatc Proration, and especially to its filteration through Tilt Cpal. IN THE PREFERENCE OF THE LiGHT-BROWN OVER Jested 4LE; OIL wa FULLY CONCUR. We have carefully • ty8Pj?cin»eu of Dr. DE JONGH'S Ligb-Btown Cod Liver e'etnen,8 „D<* 't to be genuine, and rich in iodine and the R.Sold N ?f .bile." ^"•fts Q *n Ia,P*r'B' Half-pints, 2s. 6d Pints, 4«. 9d.; k'^Pand* I cspsuted and labelled with Dr. DE JONGH'S « *Nra^'Rnattire, wiTnoui WHICH NONE ARE GENUINE, »7>8irand 1 HARFORD, & CO., sole British Consignee#, ndon i an^ hy many respectable Chemists and p" 'h^i^v86^ substitutions of other kinds of Cod Liver nut**ested e.8trenuous1y resisted, as they proceed from rcha»er B#otl,e,» aod wi" result in disappointment to the & by RICHARD HALL, Chemist, High- BRIDGEND, by PRICE BROTUERS, Chemists, I et-i„e»Vln NEATH by W. HIBBERT, Chemist, New a? MORGAN THOMAS, Bowen's-row t'eet. >S«A, by JAMES HARRIS, Chemist, 10, Oxford- MESSBS. GOSS & CO.'e CELEBRATED OF Nervous and Physical Debility, to b. T,~> ORICHTON-STREET, Bute-street, CASSJVF ^NCC, JIG,J 22S., au4 33a. per box, ) j PUBLIC NOTICE. PHILLIPS AND COMPANY, TEA MERCHANTS, 8, KING WILLIAM-STREET, CITY, LONDON, RESPECTFULLY inform the Inhabitants of Swansea and South Wales generally, that they have no connexion with any Iv House out of the City of London; therefore, all who wish to be Supplied with their unrivalled TEAS, should address to PHILLIPS AND COMPANY, TEA MERCHANTS, 8, KING WILLIAM-STREET, CITY, LONDON. A General Price Current, containing all the advantages of the London Markets, sent Post Free on application. Post Office Orders should be made payable to PHILLIPS & Co., Chief Office, London. PHOTOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION, 280, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. HERR GOLDMAN RETURNS his sincere thanks to the Inhabitants of Cardff, for their continued patronage, and begs to inform them that he has opened on a new principle, a PHOTOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION to supersede any other out of London. H. G. also begs to state that he has been to great expense in fitting up, for the convenience of his customers, Privato and Public Waiting Rooms at his new Institution, 280, BUTE-STREET, where every branch of the Art, will be executed ou the latest discoveries in the Possitive Collodian and Negative Talbotype, and Wax Paper Processes. Portraits taken by the new Patent Process for Pins, Rings, Brooches, Lockets, Watches, &c., Ac. Also, Stereoscopic Pictures taken and beautifully Colonred at a Low Charge. PORTRAITS TAKEN FOR ONE SHILLING!! STEREOSCOPES, and a large assortment of beautifully coloured and plain Stereoscopic Views, Studies, &c., &c. Cameras, Lenses, Chemicals, and everything required in Photography, supplied at wholesale Paris prices.—The Art taught and Apparatus complete for £ 2 10s. j OPEN FROM SEVEN A.M. TILL DUSK. • OBSERVE THB ADDRESS,—280, BUTE-STREET, next door to Mr. Harding. PAPER HANGINGS PAPER HANGINGS I AT THE MARBLE AND SLATE WOR KS, BUT E S T R E E rr, CARDIFF. DECIDEDLY THE LARGEST, THE CHEAPEST and most ELEGANT ASSORTMENT of PAPER HANGINGS in WALES may be PURCHASED at the above ESTABLISHMENT IN AN ALMOST ENDLESS VARIETY OF PATTERNS. THE abovo having been carefully selected and purchased of the first Manufacturers, the Proprietors are enabled to defy competition, and also most respectfully invite an early inspection of the same," as well as to their EXTENSIVE oiULK of MARBLE, ENAMELLED and PLAIN SLATE CHIMNEY PIECES, &c., &c. ALL KINDS of MARBLE and SLATE WORK, MANUFACTURED BY STEAM POWER ON THE PREMISES. Address—DAVIS BROTHERS, Marble and Slate Works, Cardiff. 'J DENTIL SURGERY. I-; GENERAL NOTICE TO MESSRS. MOSELY'S PATIENTS AND THOSE WHO MAY WISH TO CONSULT THEM. MESSRS. MOSELY, SURGEON DENTISTS, OF 30, BERNERS.STREET, OXFORD-STREET, AND 42, BOND-STREET, LONDON, HAVE the honour to announce that they will for the future devote ONE WEEK in each MONTH to their practice in the ll Principality, and by which means they hope to meet the convenience of their patients, and so prevent the necessity of their pplying elsewhere during their absence. Their DAYS OF ATTENDANCE FOR APRIL will be— MONDAY the 20th at GEORGE HOTEL, CIIEPSTOWj I WEDNESDAY, 22nd, at the KING'S HEAD, NEWPORT TUESDAY, the 21st, at Mr. WILLIAM'S, Saddler, next THURSDAY, the 23rd, at the CARDIFF ARMS HOTEL, door to the Augel Hotel, ABERGAVENNY: | CARDIFF. Private Apartments at all the Hotels. Attendance from 10 to 6. Single Teeth from 5s., and Sets from dEo. Stopping Teeth, 2s. 6d. Messrs. MOSBLY are now ready to supply their Artificial Teeth with Gutta Percha Gums and Linings, whereby all pres- sure on the remaining teeth is avoided, and entirely superseding the use of wires or ligatures of any description. They are also the Patentees and Inventors of the new GUM-COLOURED COMPOSITION which is added to the Teeth, and prevents the lodgment of the food, and which also restores the youthful contour of countenance so necessary in the proper adaptation ot Artificial Teeth. Specimens of these beautiful and useful inventions may be seen, and every information given, free of expense. Every other description of Artificial Teeth, from one to a complete set, at half the usual prices. Stopping Decayed Teeth- Scaling Children's Teeth attended to, and every operation pertaining to Dental Surgery. Messrs. M 's Residences are—30, Berners-street, Oxford-street, and 42, New Bond-street, London 15, Chapel-street, Preston 92, Bold-street, Liverpool. CARDIFF, NEWPORT, MERTHYR. DENTAL SURGERY. I PATRONISED BY THE PRINCIPAL AND MOST DISTINGUISHED FAMILIES IN SOUTH WALES. MR. RICHARD B. BOULTON, SURGEON-DENTIST, 65, CBOCKHEEBTOWS, CARDIFF, continues to supply his beau- tiful MINERAL TEETH upon the first known and mostscientific principles, including the Engraved Gold Suction Plate; also, with Gutta Percha, and beautiful Articial Gums. They are supplied without the extraction of roots or giving the least pain, and for a natural appearance, general utility, and ease in mastication, t.hey cannot be equalled by any dentist in the West of England or Wales, or excelled in any part of the world. Persons who have failed to find satisfaction in other hands are particularly requested to call. Teetli effectually Stopped with Gold or White Cement; scaling, extracting, irregular teeth brought into position, and all operations of the mouth performed with ease and safety. Attendance at Mrs. KULAK'S, Confectioner, opposite Bush Hotel, MEBTHYB, on WEDNESDAY, March 4th and 18th, April 1st and 15th, May 6th and 20th, June 3rd and 17th. Attendance at Mrs. SMITH'S, Confectioner, opposite Westgate Hotel, Commercial-street, NEWPORT, every Friday. No charge for consultation. Charges strictly moderate. Attendance daily from Ten to Five, except as above. THE PRESENT WAR WITH CHINA. NORMS AND PRITCHARD BEG to inform their Friends and the Public of South Wales, that since the commencement of the War with China, Teas -D of nearly every description have .advanced from 3d. to 4d. per lb., consequently those parties who only buy in small quantities have been obliged to advance their Teas, accordingly. Although they may still sell Teas at the same Prices, the quality must be inferior. N. and P. beg to say that they hold some very heavy parcels purchased previously to the War, and are now Selling all their Teas the same quality and at tke same prices, without the slightest Advance on any kinds. Their prices for— Good sound Congous are— 2s. 8d., &. 10d., to 3s. Od. per ft. I The Fine Lapsang—3s. 8d. Fine Breakfast Congou—3s. 4d. to 3s. 6d. per ft.—recom- I The Finest Imperial Souchong—4s. Od.; a Reduction of mended. 2d. per lb. on and upwards. Orders amounting to 40s., Carriage Paid to any part of South Wales. SUGARS AT COST PRICES. ESTABLISHMENTS THE GLOBE TEA WAREHOUSE, 20, DUKE STREET, CARDIFF; THE LONDON TEA WAREHOUSE, 31, COMMERCIAL-STREET, opposite the Wesleyan Chapel, NEWPORT; AND THE GOLDEN KEY, 5, BUTE STREET, CARDIFF. NORRIS & PEITCBAED, PROPRIETORS. T. LEMON, 1' -——' b IMPLEMENT AND MACHINE MAKER, 4, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF, AND HIGH-STREET, COWBRIDGE, BEGS to return thanks for the very liberal support he has received since he lias been in business, and respectfully solicits a J) continuance of the patronage which has hitherto been bestowed upon him; CAMBRIDGE'S NEW PATENT SELF-CLEANING .([¡. PRESS OR WHEEL CLOD ROLLER rH' T. L. begs to state that Mr: Cambridge has Licensed him to Manufacture the above Patent Press Wheel Roller or Clod Crusher, which obtained the first Prize for general purposes at the Royal Agricultural Show, at Chelmsford, 1856. As a clod crusher this Roller is very highly spoken of,it will cut through and break the largest and hardest clods, and reduce the small ones to dust. They are extensively used for Rolling Meadows or Pasture Land, also Parks and Lawns: the hard surface being broken, the grass soon becomes very thick and luxuriant in appearance. They are effectual for re-setting Wheat, Vetches, or other plants made light by frost. The ravages ot the wire worm or grub are at once stopped by its application, and the Corn made soon to tiller out and cover the ground, that previously appeared like a piece of fallow: the same applies to T urnips. It is proved that they are getting into general use by the tact that 1,200 were sold in 1855, and nearly 2,000 in 1856, whilst the very large demands for them the present year will no donbt double that of last year. PRICES OF THE PATENT ROLLERS OR CLOD CRUSHERS: Wheels. 15 Inch. Diameter. 20 Inch. Diameter. 26 Inch. Diameter 5 Feet wide. £10 0 0 £12 0 0 £14 0 (J 6 Feet wide 11 0 0 13 10 0 16 0 0 7 Feet wide 12 0 0 •••_•• 15 0 0 18 0 0 Subject to a Discount of 5 per cent. for Cash. SOLE AGENT FOR CARTWRIGHT'S PATENT CHAIN HARROWS, and District Agent for all the leading Implement and Machine Manufacturers. All Machines charged same as if." ordered direct from the Maker, and warranted or taken back. A LARGE STOCK OF ROLLERS, CHAFF MACHINES, Ac., &c., KEPT ON THE PREMISES. W. S p. I RID ION, GOLD AND S I L V E R S M I T H, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, No. 24, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF, (Opposite the GUARDIAN" Office.) GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. CLOCKS IN VARIETY. An Assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, A stock of Gold and Silver second-hand of English and Geneva Manufacture, war- Watches, haning been carefuMy examined are ranted of the first class of excellence, having warranted regulated. been thoroughly examined before offered A written guarantee with for sale. and Clock. Vertical Watches, in double-backe I s. d. Diai-nouds, Watcbes, Clocks, Family Plate, engine-turned cues, with COlD, Lace, and old Gold and bought finished movements 2 10 0 or taken in at the utmost value. Ditto, ditto, in hunting 3 3 0 Chronoiucters, Repeating, Lever, Flat horizontal Watches, jewelled 111 and Geneva Watches, repalred by experienced four h from 45s to 3 3 0 Foreign and Eiiglisli workmen, on the pre. Lever Watclies, in double- Patent Oles' m ses; also every descr'ption of Jewellerv, backed cases, SI1\-er and Goods, made to pattern, and jewelled, and with malnta111mg replated and repaIred 111 a manner that will power 4 4 0 cnsure approval. Ditto, ditto, in hunting cases 6 00 00 English and Foreign Gold Watches, London made Silver Spoons and Forks of various escapements, from W-raiited the best that cau be purchased, at £4 14s 6d to. 31 10 0 the market prices. PATENT ELECTRO-PLATE. This beautiful article possesses, in a pre-eminent degree, the qualities of Solid Silver, and cannot be distinguished from Sterling Plate, at one-fifth its cost, as will be seen in the List of Prices. HAIR WORK IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. W. S. feels confident, from his knowledge of the Markets, that he can compete with any establishment in the Trade, and solicits a continuance of the distin°-uished«catrona»e of the neighbourhood and its vicinities. ° -y TTTHEREAS a Petition of HENRY LEWIS, residing at W present, and for seventeen months last past at Llautvvit Major, in the County of Glamorgan, Sadler, in lodgings. Pre- viously, and for three months, residing at Bridgend, in the said county Journeyman Saddler, in lodgings. Previously, and for six montlw, residing at Dowlais, in the said county, Journey- man Saddler, in lodgings. Previously of Merthyr Tydfil, in the said county, Journeyman Saddler, in lodgings. Previously of Beaufort Iron Works, in the County of Monmouth, Jour- neyman Saddler, in lodgings; and formerly of Llandovery, in the County of Carmarthen, Master Saddler, an Insolvent Debtor, having been filed in the County Court of Glamorgan- shire, holden at BRIDGEND in the said county, and an Interim Order for Protection from Process having been given to the said Henry Lewis, under the provisions of the statutes in that case made and provided, the said Henry Lewis is hereby re- quired to appear in the said Court to be holden at Bridgend aforesaid, before the Judge of the said Court, on the SEVEN- TEENTH day of April, 1857, next. at Ten o'clock in the Fore- noon precisely, for h s First Examination touching his Debts, Estate, and Effects, and to be further dealt with according to the provisions of the said statutes; And Notice is hereby given that the choice of Assignees is to take place at the time so ap- pointed. All persons indebted to the said Henry Lewis, or who have any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to Mr. THOMAS TAMPIIW LEWIS, the Registrar of the said Court, who is the Official Assignee of the Estate and Effects of the said Insolvent, at his Office at Bridgend, in the said county. By the Court, J. D. THOMAS. High Bailiff. £ 1,000 IN CASE OF DEATH. A FIXED ALLOWANCE OF 96 PER WEEK IN THE EVENT OP INJURY BY ACCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, may be secured by an Annual Payment of £ 3 for a Policy in the RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY. Smaller Amounts may be secured by proportionate Payments. NO CHARGE FOR STAMP DUTY. RAILWAY ACCIDENTS ALONE may be insured against by the Journey or by the Year at all the principal Railway Stations, where also Forms of Proposal and Prospec- tuses may be had—and of the Provincial Agents-and at the Head Office, London. N.B.-The usefulness of this Company is shewn by the sum paid as Compensation for Accidents £22,722. Railway Passengers' Assurance Company, Empowered by Special Act of Parliament; Office, 3, Old Broad-street, E. S. WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICES: 37, CASTLE STREET, LIVERPOOL; 20 and 21, Poultry, London 61, King-street, Manchester; 128, Ingram-street, Glasgow. 1855. Business. 1856. £ 186,271 Fire Insurance Premiums £ 222,279 98,559 Fire Insurance Losses. 108,307 ll'l37 Life Insurance new Premiums 12,771 63'fl09 Life Insurance total Premiums 72,782 12,758 Received for Annuities 17,338 11,396 Paid to Annuitants. 11,993 ANNUITIES, IMMEDIATE or DEFERRED. BONUSES GUARANTEED WHEN THE POLICIES ARE ISSUED. No STAMP DUTY. Persons whose Fire Policies with this Company expire at Lady-Day, are reminded that receipts for the renewal of the same will be found at the Offices of the Company, in Liverpool and London, and in the hands of the Agents. March, 1857. SWINTON BOULT, Sec. to the Company. AGENTS FOR THIS DISTRICT. CARDIPP-Mr. J. P. MORGAN, Bank. Abergavenny—Mr. John Williams. Chepstow—Mr. W. Cooper, Accountant. Coleford—Mr. W. P. Provis. Monmouth—Mr. Roger Bevan, at Messrs. Bailey's Bank. Milford-Mr. R. D. Hore, Steam Packet Office. Newport-Mr. W. Williams, Accountant, 16, Dock-street. Swansea—Mr. Joshua Griffiths, Accountant, Strand. Usk-Mr. II. Sheppard, Solicitor. Applications for Agencies, where appointments have not yet been made, may be addressed to the offices as above. THE OF PRINCE WALES LIFE AND EDUCATIONAL ASSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICES. London 105, Regent-street,—Chief Office. Manchester Prince of Wales Assurance Buildings, Pic- cadilly. Bristol 26, Bath-street. Glasgow 100, West George-street. 1 Dublin (X), Dame-street. Buenos Ayres. 140 and 142, Calle de la Piedad. Paris 161, Rue St. Honore. Lisbon 107, Rua dos Algibebes. Incorporated under Act of Parliament. CAPITAL £ 200,000. TRUSTEES. The Right Honourable the Earl of Wilton. The Right Honourable the Earl of Glengall. Lieut.-Col. William Nesbitt Orange. DIRECTORS. Sir Thomas Howland Roberts, Bart., Chairman. John Hastings, Esq., M.D., Deputy Chairman. Captain F. Tori-ens. | Charles J. Preston, Esq., M.A, Rev- Henry J. Hose, M.A., | Charles Taylor, Esq. TV „ I William Chubb, Esq. James Hayes Sadler, Esq. | AUDITORS. Frederick S. Isaac, Esq. I Henry Christie, Esq. Henry A. Deane, Esq. PHYSICIAN. John Hastings, Esq., M.D., Albemarle-street, Piccadilly. SURGEONS. W. Adams, Esq., F. H.C.S., 5, Henrietta-street, CavendisliSquare C. H. Phillips, Esq., F.R.C.S., 8, Cleveland Row. BANKERS.—London and County Bank, 21, Lombard-street. STANDING COUNSEL. Edwin James, Esq., Q.C. I William H. Townsend, Esq SOLICITOR.-J. T. Vining, Esq., 2, Moorgate-street. MANAGER OF THE WEST OF ENGLAND AND SOUTH WALES BRANCH. J; C. Bradstock, Esq. AOTUAEY AND SECBETART.—John Hornby, Esq., F.R.S. PARTICULAR ADVANTAGES OFFERED BY THIS COMPANY. 1. POLICIES paid within three months after satisfactory proof of death. In cases of death by Duelling or Suicide, the Policy will be paid should the Assurer have paid five years' premium. 2. Medical Referees paid by the Company. 3. THE ADVANTAGE OF A MUTUAL OFFICE combined with a guarantee of a SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, ensuring the cer- tainty to the Assured of a Bonus of JB60 per cent., besides being entitled, in case of want, to participate in the 20 per cent. set aside for the Educational and Benevolent Fund. 4. HALF-PREMIUM: SYSTEM, viz., half the premiums for the first five years allowed to remain unpaid, and be deducted from the Policy, should such Policy become a claim within that time. 5. THE SUBSTITUTION OF ONE LIFE FOR ANOTHER. In case of an Assurer not desiring to continue his Policy, either from going abroad and not wishing to pay the extra premium necessary, or from any other cause, the Policy has hitherto been dropped, or sold for much less than its value,-he may, on payment of a small fee, proportionate to the sum assured, SUBSTITUTE ANOTHER LIFE, of equal age with, or not older than the original life, on proof of health being furnished by the substitute. 6. THE EDUCATIONAL AND BENEVOLENT FUND offers a great boon to original Shareholders and Assured, provision being made whereby they CAN NEVER COME TO ABSOLUTE PENURY, and the benefits of this Fund are extended even TO THEIR CHILDREN, by providing for their Education. 7. PARTNERSHIP ASSURANCE. JOHN HORNBY, Actuary and Secretary. Days of attendance of Medical Officers, TUESDAYS at Two o'clock, aud FBXOATS at Two o'clock. A.D. 1717. I WESTMINSTER FIRE OFFICE. n CHIEF OFFICES, KING-STREET, COVENT-GAli- DEN, LONDON. The business of this office has, until lately, been confined to the metropolis, where for more than 139 years all losses have been paid promptly and liberally. The business is now ex- tended to all parts of Great Britain. Farming Stock insured at 4s. per cent., without the average clause. Other rates of premium moderate. Losses from explosions of Gas and fire by Lightning are made good. Insurances transferred from other Offices without Extra Charge. W. M. BROWNE, Secretary. THE WESTMINSTER AND GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION. The Life Office was established in 1836, by Members of the Westminster Fire Office. EIGHTY PER CENT. of the net profits are, at intervals of five years, divided among the parties Assured, under the par- ticipation class for the whole term of life, on whose Policies two years' Premiums have been paid. The additions made to Policies will be seen by the accom- panying Table: a) e Total of Total sum 0 a ,2 *H g 'S Total of Additions now payable ■2 2 £ 3 s s Premiums to 1st in the ft ft f 50 2 paid. January, event of < 1857. death. I £ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d' 1837 35 1000 564 3 4 250 4 0 1250 4 0 1837 41 3000 1995 0 0 872 11 0 3872 11 0 1842 37 1000 445 12 6 168 12 0 1168 12 e 1847 30 1400 354 1 8 85 19 0 1485 19 n 1852 18 1000 88 19 2 27 7 0 1027 7 The Stamp Duty on Policies is paid by the Office. W. M. BROWNE, Actuary. AGENTS. CABDiM—Mr. E. RODERICK, 166, Loudon-place, Bute Dock-road. Pontypool-Mr. Edwin Grove, Pontymoile offices. Ross-Mr. Thomas Davis, 1, New-street. Pontypridd-Mr. John Davies, Hopkin's Town (Fire Office only). *#* Active Agents required where the Offices are not fully represented. WEST OF ENGLAND FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ESTABLISHED AT EXETER, 1807. Office for the Metropolis, 20, Bridge-street, Blackfriars EMPOWERED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. CAPITAL, JMOO.OUO. TRUSTEES: Right Hon. Earl FORTESCUK. ) Sir T. D. ACLANT), Bart., M. P Right II011. Earl MORLEY. EDWARD DivETr, Esq., M.P Right Hon. Lord CLIFFORD. ) SAMUEL T. KEKBWICH, fisq. LIFE INSURANCES. fflHIS Company offers to the Public, besides the X Security of an ample paid-up Capital, a Bonus of 80 per Cent., or four-fifths of the Profits to the Assured, forjeiUO and upwards, every successive period of Five Years. The Share of Profits allotted to each Policy may bt added to the sum insured, and payable at the death of the Life,-or its present value in Cash may be received, or an equivalent reduction of the future Annual Premium obtained at the option of the assured. At the last DIVISION of PROFITS for the Five Years ending Christmas, 1852, the REVERSIONARY BONUS declared upon the Policies participating in Four-fifths of the Profits of the Company RANGED BETWEEN TWENTY-FOUR AND FIFTY-FOUR PER CENT., according to age, upon the Premiums paid during the Five Years. 0 Assurances may be effected at a lower rate of Pre- mium, without a participation of Profits. Money advanced on the Security of Policies of adequate value. Reversions purchased and Annuities granted. No charge for Life Policy Stamps. FIRE INSURANCES Are effected by the Company at the Usual Reduced Rates on the various descriptions of risks. The Forms of Proposal, and Prospectuses detailing the advantages of the Company, may be had on appli- cation at the Chief Office, or to either of the Company's Agents. WILLIAM CANN. Secretary. CHARLES LEWIS, Actuary. Exeter, March, 1857. N.B.—Agents are required in Towns in which the Company is Dot represented. AGENTS: CARDIFF Mr. \V. RICHARDS. CHEPSTOW Mr. Jos. DAVIES. NEATH Mr. THOMAS THOMAS. A.D. 1720. ROYAL-EXCHANGE ASSURANCE CORPORATION, (Established by Charter of his Majesty George the First, FOR SEA, FIRE, LIFE, AND ANNUITIES, Offices, ROYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON. Octavius Wigram, Esq., Governor. George Pearkes Barclay, Esq.Sab-Governor. Sir John William Lubbock, Bart., Deputy-Uocernjr. DIRECTORS. Henry Bainbridge, Esq. Hon. John T. Leslie Melville Edmond S. P. Calvert, Esq. Henry Nelson, Esq. John Garratt Cattley, Esq. Edward Ilowlev Palmer, Esq. Edward Maxwell Daniel, Esq. Sir John Henry Pelly, Bart. William Davidson, Esq. I Alexander P. Prevost, Esq. Alexander Druce, Esq. IAI)raliam George liobarls, Esq. Riversdale Win. Grenfell, Esq., Charles Robinson, Esq. Robert Amadeus Heath, Esq. William Soltau, Esq. William Tetlow llibbert, Esq. Joseph Somes, Esq. James Stewart Hodgson, Esq. Thomas Touke, Esq. Lancelot Holland, Esq. William Wallace, Esq., Charles John Manning,Esq. Charles Baring Young, Esq. Medical Referee. Samuel Solly, Esq., FR.S. NOTICE.- The usual Fifteen Days allowed for Pay- 1. ment of FIRE PREMIUMS falling due at Lady-Day, will expire on the 9th April. FIRE and LIFE Assurances may be effected with this Corporation on advantageous terms. In the Life Department, assurances are granted with participation in Profits, or, at lower Premiums, without such participation. The Reversionary Bonus on British Policies has ave- raged nearly 2 per cent. per annum on the sum assured, or 48 per cent, upon the Premiums paid. Equivalent reductions have been made in the Premiums payable by persons, who preferred that form of Bonus. The future divisions of Profit will take place every five years. Any sum not exceeding £ 15,000 may be insured on one Life. This Corporation affords to the Assured- Liberal Participation in Profits.-witb exemption from the liabilities of partnership. A rate of Bonus equal to the average returns of Mutual Societies,-with the guarantee of a large invested Capital-Stock. The advantages of modern practice,-with the secu- rity of an Office whose resources have been tested by the experience of nearly a CENTURY AND A HALF. AGENTS: CRICKHOWELL. MR. G. A. A. DAVIES, Swansea, Mr. T. A. Marten.—Cardiff, Mr. W. Bird.— Brecon, Mr. Wm. Williams.-Carmarthen, Mr. David Evaus Lewis.—Aberystwith, Mr. C. M. Thomson.-Car- narvon, Mr. John Morgan.—Bangor, Mr. J. V. H. Wil- liams.-L laud ilo, Mr. T. Hughes. —Pwllheli, Mr. David Davies. Wrexham, Mr. R. Hughes. —— Holywell, Mr. Meredith Vickers.— Monmouth, Mr. Thomas, Farror.—Newport (Monmouthshire), Messrs. Prothero and Fax.-Neatb, Mr. Henry Jones. -Hereford, Mr. John Gwillim, junior also Mr. Richard Underwood. — Bromyard, Mr. John Bennett — Kington, Mr. Eras. B. Price.—Leominster, Mr. Edwin Lloyd.—Ross, Mr. William Powell Hooper-Milford, Mr. Thomas Williams.—Denbigh, Mr. Rich. Williams.—Dolgelly, Mr. David Pugh.—Knighton, Mr. W. W. Archibald. Prospectuses and all information may be obtained on application to any of the Company's Agents or at the BQYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON. JOHN A. HIGHAM, Actuary and Secietar REPORT. THE THIRTY.FIRST ANNUAL GENERAL MEET- 1 ING of the STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COM- PANY was held at Edinburgh, on Monday, the 16th February current,- WILLIAM WOOD, Esq., in the Chair. THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS WERE SUB- MITTED TO THE MEETING.— ANNUAL BALANCE SHEET, as at 15th November,' 1856, certified in accordance with the Company's Acts of Parliament. —— REPORT by the PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR of the Company, after examination of THE Books and ACCOUNTS GENERAL STATEMENT, showing the P^' of the business since 1825, and the position of the Company at 15th November, 1856. J It was reported that the progress of the Company during the past year had been highly satisfactory, and full details were submitted. THE FOLLOWING RESULTS ARE EXTRACTED FROM THE REPORT The Sums offered for Assurance from 15th November, 1855, to 15th November, 1856, amounted to 669,801 6s. 7d., con- tained in 1146 Proposals. The Assurances accepted during the same period, and for which Policies were issued, amounted to £516,351 6s. 7d., contained in 938 Policies. The Claims by Death amounted to £75,315 2s. 3d., exclusive of Bonus Additions. The sum of £ 144,572 12s. 6d. was added to the Accumulated Fund out of the Receipts of the Year and The Revenue of the Year amounted to £ 254,484 10 8 From Premiums £ 195,258 3 5 From Interest, the Investments consist. ing almost entirely of Government and Landed Securities. 59,226 7 3 £ 254,484 10 8 The continued steady progress of the Company was the sub- ject of much congratulation in the Report of the Directors and the following Abstract Statement, showing the Company's advancement during the last Ten Years will serve to illustrate the nature of the progress referred to GENERAL STATEMENT OF THE COMPANY'S BUSINESS FROM 1846 TO 1856. Policies Years No. of issued Amounts of ending Propo. Amounts pro- exclu- New 15th sain for posed for sivo of Assurances Revenue. Novem- Assur- Assurance. Annui- effected. bar. auce. ties. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1847 804 591723 0 8 621 443578 4 11 131316 10 7 1848 736 t [519329 13 5 571 395864 12 5 136129 18 1 1849 997 I 528792 18 5 791 429371 17 1 145837 15 9 1850* 1096 j [621943 14 2 861 509147 10 6 169151 16 4 1851 1023 | i574618 0 6 822 467499 8 1 180203 5 8 1852 1026 601404 7 7 777 41,5799 6 6 192928 16 10 1853 1069 555544 7 0 875 455218 17 1 205035 6 2 1854 1265 622200 8 5 1046 515117 7 0 218968 16 5 1855* 1338 716383 7 11 1088 609323 7 11 237450 1 9 1856 1146 669801 6 7 938 516351 6 7 254484108 IulOyears 10,490 6001741 4 8 8390 4787301 18 1 Bonus Years. The Directors had also the pleasure of submitting to the meeting various statistical details and calculations as to the ex- pected and actual mortality of the last year, showing that in Scotland and England, also in Ireland, the results have been most favourable, the Company having made provision for a much larger number of deaths than have occurred-thus illus- trating the advantage arising from dealing with a select class of business only. The report then proceeded as follows — "From the extent of the Business in 1855, the Bonus year, it was not anticipated that the year 1856 would be so prospe- rous as it has proved; but the popularity of the Company has not flagged, and 1856 has shown results which must be highly satisfactory to all interested in the Institution. This popularity arises from various causes:—The prudent character of the Management; the sound principles on which the Company's Affairs are periodically investigated; and the large reserve of Profits. All these, no doubt, tend to secure to the STANDARD a more than ordinary share of preference; but the Directors claim also, without fear of usurping what is due to others, the merit of having introduced many liberal conditions into the Contract of Assurance, which have done much to give it in- creased value and stability, and which cannot fail to have added to the Company's well-earned fame. The extended 1 cense as to Foreign Residence, and the indefeasibility of Policies admit- ted to the Select Class of Assurances, also the new Resolutions of last year as to the non. forfeiture of Assurances, are all suffi- cient evidence in proof of this assertion." The Chairman then addressed the meeting, and congratu- lated all interested in the Institution on the satisfactory pro- gress and state of the Company's affairs, illustrating his observations by the following facis The amount of Assurances accepted during the last ten years amounted to £-1,787,301 18s. Id., contained in 8390 policies. The sum added to the Company's Invested Funds during the same period has amounted to nearly One Million sterling,- while There has been paid to the representatives of deceased members the large sum of £655,626 2s. 9d. The Chairman, in conclusion, referred to the great satisfaction given by the result of the Fifth Division of Profits made last year, aud expressed a hope that at the next investigation in ISliO large benefits would be available, as the lives on the Com- pany's books are a highly select class, as shown by the calcula- tions submitted by the Manager,—as the rate of interest ob- tained on the Investments is considerably in excess of the rate founded on in the calculations,- and as the Company's expenses which have attained their maximum, are yearly bearing a smaller per centage on the revenue, thus adding to the profit fund. The vacancies in the Board of Direction were then completed, and the BOARD of DIRECTORS was constituted as follows for the ensuing year GOVERNOR. His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry. DEPUTV-GOVERNOB. The Right Hon. the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine. EDINBURGH. OEDISAUT DIRECTORS. Alex. J. Russell, Esq., C.S. H. Maxwell Inglis, Esq., W.S. Wm. Moncreiff, Esq., C.A. John Sligo, Esq., of Carmyle George P<*ttou, Esq., Advocate Anthony Trail, Esq., W.S. Charles Pearson, Esq., C.A. Andrew Blackburn, Esq., George PAtton, Esq., Advocate Anthony Trail, Esq., W.S. Charles Pearson, Esq., C.A. Andrew Blackburn, Esq., James Condie, Esq., Perth. I Banker. James Robertson, Esq., W.S. Thomas Graham Murray, Esq James Hay, Esq., Merchant, W.S. Leith. Robert Amshe, Esq., W.S. George Moir, Esq., Advocate. LONDON. Chairman of the Board, The Right Honourable the Earl of Aberdeen. ORDINARY DIRECTORS. John Griffith Frith, Esq., Austin Friars. Alexander Gillespie, Esq., 3, Billiter Court. John Scott, Esq., 4, Hyde Parke Street. Sir Anthony Oliphant, C.B. Francis Le Breton, Esq., 3, Crosby Square. John H. Plowes, Esq., 64, Broad Street. John Lindsay, Esq., 7, Portman Square. A vote of thanks was presented to the Boards of Directors in Edinburgh, London, and Dublin, also to the officers and Agents of the Company, and to the Chairman. By order of the Directors, WILL. THOS. THOMSON, Manager. H. JONES WILLIAMS, Res. Sec?! London, 82, King William Street. EDINBURGH (Head Office) 3, George Street. LONDON .82, King William Street DUBLIN 66, Upper Sackville Street GLASGOW 35, St. Vincent Place AGENTS: CARDIFF j, ROCHE, Sydenham Villa. Merthyr Tydfil Thomas Loveridge, Chemist. Chepstow T. Sargent. Abergavenny J. G. James. Newport E. E. Beckingham, Bank. G. Blakey, Solicitor. V; R.. :-s..