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CARRY GREENWICH CARRY GREENWICH jajffltti, ON YOUR WRIST t?sB?tZsSS?t? "? ???BES?6? z?????'?B?B?!?. ? wou m H. %mael watch is like Ma? in wirelen touch with GreenwicL Yon  0 Wfl1 'i  have only to I- at ym wrbt Md yM need neyu be late a dtet?tM or ? BE????MM??? ?-   ?*' *? waste your time ? tan? tp toe Boon. Call at H. Samuel's ??SSB)BTgS?&??? wOBm M to-day Ch*M Y.-gnifi-t display. ?????S?BS??BB2?2??????BSS?BrF ML H. SAMUEL "??ES????ss? HSSbBbSt^Iu-, A '11 VI- ur.J/ I LUMINOUS WRI8T WATCH. M?S?? < ??Nt????L ?? ??-/At<<tt?M??fy?.L/?ar??M?fy?e.M?X?7?/? thew.th.tim.ia.<Mtlybynt)?t m?SMX?%t. night H ?B??!- t ? w day. Fine i'?*?? moTemeBt. I  "????.??\7*—B??? ?M 7, ST. MARY ST. & 6, QUEEN ST., CABDIFF. CNaicrekfeul lly timed and ad* M ???B!??? Y !?-M (Other Models t7/6; tij W Silva Mae. t s tAMUtt.,<,<e? ????????/f?tt)?_tpwtrdt.) ?? ? The b"t Watch I ever had." I Royal Herbert Hospital, I■ q Woolwich, S. E., I Ang- soth, zgzy. IL &kmuw. "Your watch was always such a per- foot tkmemsper. It has stood Ii yoars of Aotlws8ervlo« and I have never yet spantaalngle penny on It, except for a new glass. Un- doubtedly the best watoh I have ever had." Youn truly, (Sgad.) R. W. Saunder.. ad Lieut. ^WWWWWV>WWWHWWWVWVVWHWWWWWW,| No Household iu i «; gia be railly li^ppy it &ny oi its memberi are tiling. Bound KefcltH in j3 J; family is a boon pricalon beyond worda, and without it, success And 5 felieity Are practically impouible. Much illnell is positively unneceaary | isiiii it occasioned ehiefy by neglect. Mueh anxiety given on this recount J 4** 60 near and dear ones ia, therefore, Avoidable. It ia oi the utmost import- !> glass that £ reliable remedy should alwaye be at hand to relieve the l> larlieft symptoms of indiipoiition. Beecham'c Pin. are an excellent house- |> »> hold iMdi«m«—safi to talk -and sare in their firativa psults. NO tiome j! I Should Be Without $ í 'k-. ?h? ?Mrci? ? bM?c?l <?ct apou t? My? ttomMh, kdn.y < t | and bowels. They give speedy relief, and, in time, they r?nioye ffioa of » Mimwntt connected with thMe important prgtM. AttMkt of b?M- ? ?J | | MMt <oBatip*tion, Attulenc?, EMdMh?, ayi and other disorders of > the di?Mtivw oyom ?M tp?di!y dMtpeH?d by j CH M'S II [ PILLS | j | S??M h ¡ ?'f 1 -? ihM y.C.!l!J *<*€& t *&«* tout $ j 1 HlBofy. B?cn&nit P)U<, h, addition to ?ir *ckfcow»*si £ ;<$d v%»a* in 2 t tUt?y, liver and wtomMh disorders, h?v? ? tpMittlly be?ci?l tCMt in $ j! tM? &ilBM!itt M ?M pecuimr to women, &?ny of wkom endure need!?M i ??in ..d iH-he<Jth throngt IgnoTt.nM of thi. ithportaut fact. s <»^ywWWWWWWWWWWWWWW^WHHHVWWVVW^ VICTORIA HOTEL, BARRY DOCKS. E. WILLIAMS. PROPRIETOR.  BASSETT ARMS HOTEL riMIL AND OOHMKBOUL), HOi/TON Ro AD, BARRY DOCKS, Midway between Bsrry Dock and Oaiozton Btatioas). SFIlfiTB OF THE BEST QUALITY AND WELL MATURED CHOICEST WINES AND CIGARS. IFORMINGTONIS CELEBRATED BITTER ALE ALWAYS ON DRAUGHT BILLIARDS with Burreoghti and Watts. latest Improved Onahions. fgT Head Quarters of osost of the Leading Societies of the District PROPIUETOU A. J. HO I THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED IN THE 8ARHY ANO CADOXTON DISTRIOT. FURN ITURE REMOVED J DAVID PAULETT. t Furniture Carefully Removed. Vans of bII sizes kept. By Hour or Oontraet. Light and Heavy Hauling done at Moderate Prioea. Estimates Free. POSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Estimates Free. David PAULETT, Coal Merchant. Court-road, CAD0XTON-BARRY. Offices—8TAT1 T A & OnA-RSET MEwa, OaDOXTON. Telephone No. 349 4mitable Lugga e Carte kept for Oommeroials, eto. Weddings a speciality Grey Horses kept. Travelling1 Trunks! For your Holidays you will require A TRAVELLING TRUNK. 1 WE HAVE NOW IN STOCK THE LAKGEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE SELECTION. GIVE US A CALL, AND WE j WELL GUARANTEE TO GIVE YOU COMPLETE SATIS- FACTION. GEAR & DURE, The Ironmoqgers, 218, HOLTON-ROAD. BARRY DOCKS. Tel. Irn. BOOKS ARE SILENT FRIENDS. SCHOLASTIC BOOK DEPOT.  J -I iiy T™^ ^ate ^ana?er for the II H j K. Scholastic Trading XI' -t?? ? Company (Limited). is DEAUD BOOKS 3,000 IN STOCK TO SELECT FROM. PARK HALL BUILDINGS, 95, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. You cannot get beyond The FOLLOWING FACT. That by far the Largest Selection of every description of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE In the Principality is held in their numerous Branches throughout South Wales and Monmouthshire by that Well-known Firm BEVAN & COMPANY, LIO; Registered and known far and wide as "The Cardiff Furnishers," 97, ST. MARY STREET, & 51, QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF, PONTYPRIDD, NEWPORT, &c. Their unbroken Record of Sixty-nine years, and their ever-increasing Trade afford the strongest proofs that intending purchasers may, with great-st confidence that they will receive absolute satisfaction in every particular, place their Furnishing Orders in the capable hands of Bevan and Company. 5% LOANS. If you bave a private income, or are entitled to Z. monty or property under a Will or Settle- uient, we can arrange for ycu a Cash Advance at five per cent per annum, and Principal can remain ontatan(lirz over a namber of years. NOTE OF HAND LOANS. (Without any other tsecurity) also advanced <i.t very modi-rate riuce extended over long or "hon periods. LNo ,,hrrg-, unless business done. Apply;- l 6HARLES STEVENS, Ltd., Hayes Buildings, Cardiff. I TEL. NQ. 471 ¡ •ROTE We -hfcM he plt,-ni;e.i to iidviBe you free Nn Pxjei-l" of <t»x^»ption d-itip f < I _n_dn- f R. J. HEATH & SONS. •>!>u« (T8 for the BROAV^vTOOO PIANOS. PLEYBL PIAOS, I STEIfJWAY PIANOLA-PIAJNOS, AND THE oRCHF.STRELLE CO.8 PlANLA-PIAOS A ^OLLANS. MASOU AND HAMLIN ORGANS. PIANOFORTES IN STOCK BY COLLARS, BRINSMEAD. HOPEiNSON, CBAL. CRAMER, BORD, fee. ORGANS BY ilASON AND HAMLIN, BELL. DOMINION, Jtc iiScial Depot far HIS MASTBR'8 VOICE" GRAMOPHONES, RECORDS, &c. R. J. HEATH & SONS, 76, Queen-street, CARDIFF; 70, TAFF STREET, PONTYPRIDD PENARTII. ,.nd PORT TALBOT. Telephone—-2199 OABDIFP 21 PONTYPRIDD. PURE BLOOD # Pure Blood and a Clear Skin are impossible when the Liver, Stomach and Kidneys are sluggish Or irregular. Holloway's Pills are exactly what is needed-a gentle but thorough corrective. They regulate the biliary secretions and promptly cure Headaches and Indigestion. HOllOWAYS [PmSiQIHTHEWTl HolJoway'-s Ointment, In con- junction with the Pills is un. S matched as a Skin Cure, speedily removing all disfiguring blotches, pi r ->1 es a d blackheads, It is a 5 l'u- Mr .y for Obstinate Sorev I and L Wounds, as well as for S Rheu-a. n.-Ltimbago,&c.,whila B In cases of Chest and Throat K Troubles it gives almost magical § £ relief. Prices i? and 2!9 per 11 00£ d Pdls or p?t r ?ttument. §K!?-??—? km v {\ I' CUJimvx TMPmiCK HOTEL AID DINING ROOMS. HOLTON-ROAD, BARRY DOOR. HOT DINNERS DAILY. Accommodation toii .Vifitofi. iWnll- ftimi Beds. Bot ani 0014 BMti.. PItOP.T.BS-D8. 3EAL8H, W. M. LLOYD. The Window Cleaner >L/OE YOUJi OPDEB8 WITH HIM. They will be seen to. Priem reasonabla. ADDRESS 53, George Street, Barry Docks

BARY MATERNITY r, 91 ?, ?,…


