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Shipping Intelligence. WHITE STAR LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. e:¡. >C" .¡P- -C" .i;;l '??.*?????-???,??? UVRRPPOL NEW YORK via QUEENS- TOWN. OCRAJfTO V.><1., Sept. n. Oct. ?7. ?'?. ?. I?oc'? £ Weti.,Pept. 26. Oct. 24, ?.?. 19. ?TF'T?I??O?r.c C: ??;. Ot. 3. Oct. 31. Xv. 28 Db:. 26. M UK^TIO ^0,. 10. X :v. 7. Dec 5 (lyjitUi' Fri.. 0.-1 12. 16.<])"21. Querist »wii on those Third C!a?i pa rage at low rates, including Ontfit !'r.f. {lC To Trk. Boston. Philadelphia, or Palmare. K ior «Cccn.rr^d.ainti at modernte for o,w -,f, R*>a <Woon also through bookings, to Chv. Japan, New Z-iland, and Australia. For further information apply to ROBF-VT J-oNES. HOR-'Chsv.ibera. Wrexham .T DAW>ON Bridge street" Tiaabon; W. D..Toxr.s. CM Rank. Holyhead; ,;tree- I ) Wm Watergate-street, Che-er, or of Tsiivr TkR-T: s* Co., Jdvoroool. 17. Cocrfspur-stree., S.W. 54. Leadenhall-street, B.C. London. 95 /^UNAUfi LIXR ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS (J F"!OM LIVERPOOL. ? ? QUEENSTOWN. T0 N-" VFIRK. TO BOSTON. 20; S?t.22! K????-'7;.?.?.'? SA:.OX1A.T..? 9 s-a-.?—?:? ;M1! ?- S<??'t Cn.hi?. from £ 8: Thir? C!??. ?5 5. ?.:? ? 10. ?cc.?i.? ti> st.>aiMor. T?!? r?? .f.?.?.s?r? nv New ?'? b.earners bc'ik'-l to V.notrsii. 01 Rakinnre wiia- aut esh-r, hq" Pawners ho Boston S tPIHlI(," bookjd to YiM'k. Philadelphia, or ;= 'o X Baltimore wUhwt oxtra charge O\-l'F.T VI:F.. 10 p?- Cd'.t. rp.?tct?u Return Tickets P:.?' n. 5 per C95^ce«^od rhrou.h to ,11 n?-t. of America an* I-,iolced -liro,i-li tc. nll r-irts of -kiiier-ea an<1 C^.1-. Annly to Th- CTL ocnl Aeent • T. v 'r' Aa(?iii,- T. Cif kRL'F'4, Tih* e Old Vicarage, Hrymbo^ re-tfcam  fi-'1;>-P7. IV^hara T. 7. Vonr.AX. & Cn.. 2?.L ohHeeVjt*r 8t„ V-*it»xh'tr.i H.n. '?.n?HT?. K>tate Ac?r.t. R? 1- ?lt ALLAN LINE STEAMERS. TO AND THE UNITED STATES. i TT.TNGS FKOJT lilVERPOOL. p r f-i \'? f?'- tit,,j SL-pt- 13th C"AU"KArlN' a^rMi^eipi ua.Pept, 17th Halifnx qijil 1'hlh1.l1plphia.Sept. 17th *■    A i'li 1 NN ,T,111t'F."v IIaliffl.x.ept.22ud CA?ADIA?: fnt M?te V?co :??  g,?. 25th AyrcL.Scllt.25th Cargo only. 5atoOl Fr£s Trom ?10, SM?-r! ?a.Mu £ 7. P-t="BSa ?5. S&aa'.oOeCr i_?? T.??.t? t? ?.!] pc?int? ?t special ratM. HandbnAhs. maps, rftt.c;. aDd tnu p.rttn'ar fr.o on appnc,tinr; to ALLAx MOTm.^ ^Co 8. Jiimefc-stTCo' Liverpool;_or to K. JONK,, Ghambprr ^lexnam, J. T. KIOHSAN & Co..0-f4, Y<- hJiees^*eet- street, ^Vcexham. 6197- BE?XF.? LIE to AUSTRALIA via ?L riy.nan?. Tèüeriff and Cape Town in 42 dav, ,c. 2 AUSTUAI.ASIAX.Capt. T. Y. Spaldin,.3Eijltom.0('t. 2 sopnOL'LL: 4,748 tom.Oct. 23 Tiae etaam' er? of this favourite Line sail "0l^ LondoL ag talt;iif! E5aloon and third c?sa T)?3scn?ers to TENERIFFE, O?R TOW^ and all  ? 7falr.nd P'ta. Fare- ? An??I? =E1?4 ?1? ?to .\Tew 7eRl,-ii 'e?-,rt6. F, tre to An.-i'rfLlia iEl4 'L4s to t50:0 Cicc T?Q ?9 93 to £ 30. For pM-.cn?ra ?p'T ? G?: Thompson and Co., 7, Bi1liter qnare, Qn0n.F.C. 5 ELDER. DEMPSTER & CO. (BEAVER LINE) ROYATJ MAIL STSAMERS. LlVERFOOL TO ST. JOHN, N.B. (VIA HALIFAX 8 9. TJ\KE 1TRG.1.XTIG.Sept- 4th 8, LAKE SUPERIOR Sept. 11th Passengers booked through to all parts of Canada and United States. Pt lowest rates fot First, SuppL*ior ftcc^mmociation at lowest rates far First, Bee cud, and Third Class Pft?aengrerR.ie3 intending to 8peciui ?rms to Families and^Partiea btending to   Co.. A f r i c-.n "ZSS?;, ELDER. DEIPSTER& Co.. A£ricn Honse. 'Water-atreet, Liverpool; or Mr Robert Jones, Printer, H;n street-chambers. Wrexham. 589f DOMINION LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. To CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. SAILINGS FROM LIVERPOOL. Sept liti:DOMINION, for Quebec and Montreal. Sept. 20 ii. C, for Qnc-bec & Montreal. Sept. 27ih..NEYv ENGLAND for Bostou. Through tickets issued to ali inland points. Comomy'n handbook of information anr. book of views fc: .aided or. application. AH passengers embark at the Prince's Lana.r.g Stage. For further particnlStn apply to RICHARD. MILLS, and C 2. Jamcs.street, Liverpool, or to Jou-, T. MORGAN, Z4. Chester-street, Wrexham. 1031f COCKLE'S 16WZ- ANTIBILIOUS -1. PILLS. T11: Old- it Patent Medicine. a tiss for nearly a Century Ths Safc^ Family Medicine. Of pare! Vegetable Ingredients. Free from Mercury and other Injrüicils Drugs. THEIR USE For all the common ailments of everyday life Cockle's Pilla are simply invaluable. FOR BILE, LIVER, ACIDITY, HEARTBURN, FLATULENCY INDIGESTION, SICK HEADACHE all kindred complainte these famous Pills &ct readil-y. aurely, and Bafely. COCKLED AN, T I B I LIOUS PILLS. DR. G l. COLLIER, writing on ho Pharma- opffiia tua Royal Csllege of Phyaiclana of Lon. don. yq I hav3 no hesitation In saying that it ie the best ma.:1 pm in the kingdom." TAKE NO OTHEBB. ^lOCKLE S PILLS. COCKLES PILLS. COCKLES PILLS. c OCKLE'S PILLS. r^OCKLE'S PILLS. 1) 0OGKLE S BILLS. c OCKJ.-E'S PIBLS. nOCK-LE'S PILLS. U Cleassa and regulate the whole system, leaving it free from all impurities. They carry off &U un- healthy humours; are ad- mi ?ble in women's ail- ments, overcoming all ir- regularities and maintain- ing the system in health, '?d vig 3r. To strength, affd vig or. To use them lilway^ ftj to keep yourself in perfect health-the bowels free the liver active, the head dear, and the skin and complexion free froure blemish. May be had throughout the United Kngdem, in Boxes at a lid 2a 9d, 4s 6d, 2ls, and 22a. 4 GIMAT OMMOND STBBBT, LONDON, W.C. R294n p R kN T I N 0 p R-I N T I N Cw pRINTING. pRNTING For F-finting that will attract, For businesslilie printing APPLY AT A DVERTISER ^pRINTING VVORKS JJENBLAS s, TREET, WREXHAM. I TELE'PBONE, No. 66. I TELEPHONE, No. 66. ESTABLISHED 1848. T H E WREXHAM ADVERTISER AND NORTH WALES NEWS, THE COUNTY PAPER FOR ALL OFFICIAL NOTICES IN OENBIGHSHIRE AND FLINTSHIRE PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AND SATORDAY. Tie Advertiser is the Largest and Oldest English Weekly Newspaper printed and pub- iiahed in the Counties of Denbigh and Flint, and circulates in Wrexham. Moid, Oswestry, and Corwen, throughout North Wales, the Counties of Chester and Salop, and sur- rounding district, and is an excellent meratim for the insertion of ADVERTISEMENTS for that part of the coantry. Tha General Scale of Advertisements is as follow.— rer, line per Insertion Single Column. Parliamentary Notices I{- Election Addresses I Government and Chancery Notice. Pros pec?nge sof Public Companies,^ Legal and Public N otice, Tenders, &c. Sales of Property by Auction and V /5 Private Sales. Money Advertisements, I and Miscellaneous I Scholastic Advertisements, Sales of l 14 Farming Stock and Furniture Trade, Books, Entertainments. -/3 All Ad-icrtiiementg are measured by a Scale, which can be obtained on application at the Oface, and the lineage charged accordingly. TRADE ADVERTISEMENTS. ———— Single Column 1 Insertion, 2/6 per inch, 3 2/- perms i 6 „ 1/6 t- 1,) 1/- » Double Column, double the above charges PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTEDS AND TO LETS. The Scale of Charges for Prepaid Advertise- ments of the Wanted and To Let Clas3 is as under:— 20 Words—Or;e Week 1.0 Two Weeks 1,:6 Four Week? 26 30 Ditto Ditto 1 6 Ditto 26 Ditto 0 40 Ditto Ditto 2,0 Ditto 3 6 Ditto 60 50 Ditto Ditto 26 Ditto 4 0 Ditto 7 0 And 6d per insertion for every additional 10 Word?. No CREDIT ADVERTISEMENT entered under 2j6, and NO SPECIAL TJSITION can be guaranteed. All Advertisements not ordered or a definite period will be inserted until countermanded., i and Advertisers are requested to forward Advertisements as early as possible in the week, to ensure insertion and correctness. The Publishers, though anxious to accom- modate the Public to the latest moment, can- not- guarantee insertion in the first edition after FRIDAY ZICRNING'S POST. We wish Advertisers to note that alterf-tlotn and withdrawals of Advertisements must be received no later than MID-DAY on WEDNESDAY. With respect to requests for preliminary paragraphs, the Publishers wish  to etate that the space at their disposal I is so limited ?t they can only iusert I such notices when accompanied by Advertise- i i mccts, or when the Printing is done at thm Office. ADVERTISING AGENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS SENT TO ALL DAILY AND OTHER PAPERS. "Yy REXHAM DVEPvTISER AND NORTH WALES NEWS, PUBLISHED WEEKLY, EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. AGENTS Abergele-Messra Smith and Son, Railwav S ,a.tion „ Mr Egerton Leigh. Acrefair-Messrs Evans aDd Ellis. Adwy-Mr Robert Roberts. Bala-Mr H. Evans. Bangoj:-Isycoed-Mr Cheetham. Berskam, &c,-Messen.-er. Birkenhead Messrs Smith and Sou ailway Station. Brymbo-Mrs Johnson, Post-office. Mr Richard Roberts. Mrs Williams. Buckley-Mr Catherall, Post-office. „ Mr Thomas Cropper, The Common. lbwlcbgwyu-Mr Griffith Williams. C'.icater-Yessrs Smith and Son, Railway Station. II Mrs Aston, Market Square. Mr Ainsworth, Foreuate-street. Mr W. C. Thomas, 105, St. Anne-street. „ Mr Robert Cariss. Coedpoeth—Mr Robert Roberts. Coed Talon-Mr A. George. Chirk—Mr Samuel Lloyd. Caergwrle, &c— Messenger. Cerney and Pentre—Messenger. Cefn "Mr James Smith. Colwyn Bay—Messrs Smith and Son. Corwen-Mrs Erasmus Edwards, Stationer. „ Messrs Smith and Son, Railway Station. Denbigh—Mr Nott, Bookseller. 11 Messrs Smith and Son, Railway Station F frith— Messenger. Gresford—Mr Williams, Post Office. I 8-wersyllt-Messenger. Hott and Farndon-Messenger. Hawarden—Mr Thos. Colecleugh, News Agent Johnstown—Mr Mills, Printer. Mr E. Jones, Post Office. Lavister-Mr P. Edwards. Leeswood and Pon tblyddyn-Ilessenger. Liverpool—Messrs Lee and Nightingale, North John-street. tt Mr C. liirchall, 7 and 9, Victojua-street. Messrs Smith and Son, 61, Dale-street, Llangollen—Mr Hugh Jones, Advertiser Office. London—Messrs Smith and Son, 186. Strand. „ Messrs C. Mitchell and Co., Red Lion Court. „ Mr R. F. White, 3, Fleet-street, B.(l Mea?r? G. Street and Co., 30, CornbiM. Me33rs Street Broa., 5. Sawie-atreet. essrs Rei, nell and Sons, 4"4, Chancery- lane. Messrs W- J. Clarke and Co. 85, Grace- church-street. Maipas—Mr W. Barlow. MarchwieLand Css Lanes—Messenger nera.-1k J. K?bocta. d-Mr W. N. BeUamy, BaokseHer. "Mr James Hughekb, New-street. eagre Beresford and Co. ikirthop—Messenger. westry-Mr C. G. Bayl 2, Stationer. Overton-Mr Charles D. Studtey. Messrs Smith wad Son, Railway Scatioa. j. Mr Jones, Station. Ovdlton Bridge—Messenger. Padeswood-Mr G. Catherall. Penbre Boronghton-Mri3 George. Penycae-blessre Evans and Ellis. Rhosymedre-Mr James Smith. Rossett-Mrs M. Jones, Poet Office. RL^styllen—Mr Badwick. Riilbdfc—Mr E. Jbnes, Bridge-street. ?t. Messrs Smith and Son, Railway Statioa. Rntmn-Mr W. T. R mw, Market-place. „ Mr M. S. Jones, 7, Clwyd-strest. Rhyl—M essrs Smith and Son. j Souths^,—Mr Jehu Hughes. Tryddyn apd Lla^ifynydd—Mesaen^er. V roncysy nte-M essenger. Worthenbury-Mrs Thtlwall. Wrexbam-All Bookaelters and Railway Stations. .On applications, agents will ba appointed where I not already represented. Business Announcements. DOX'T BREAK DOWN. TAKE GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. THE «EST REMEDY OF THE AGE FOR INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, SLEEPLESSNESS, LOW SPIRITS. CHEST AFFECTIONS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. TESTIMONIAL. TESTIMONIAL. TESTIMONIAL. INDIGESTION INDIGESTION. INDlGEa'l'luN. Dolwyddelen. Gentlemen,—I am pleased to say th,ir I have derived great benefit from the use 01 Gwilym Evans' Qniuine Bitters. I auffeied from Itidigestioii, which caused greilt paiti in my stomach, drowsiness, low spirits, and in ui.jposiiion for work or any exertion. Having heard Gwilym Ev Ins' Quinine Bittors highly praised, I resolved to try them, and I am now free from Pltin. light-hearted, and in good i-pirits, and cati do my work much belter I m&u formcrly.-Yours gratefully, JOHN THOMAS. I GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. TESTIMONIAL. TESTIMONIAL. TESTIMONIAL. WEAKNESS. WH.IKNE.-S WEAKNESS. Tiroom-^trpe1', Birmingham. Dear Sir?,—I have ,i-,ff :ed greatly Unring [ the last twelve months from «ervcusiies>s and Weakness, and though several doctor- have prescribed for n.'e, I received but little i benefit until I was recommended to try Gwilym E, vaiis' Quinine Bitters. I have already found great relief, and intend to I persevere in its use, as I believe it will soon ) restore me to my usual health.—Yours grate- fully, J.NO. HEECE GWILYM E VANS' QUININE BITTERS. I GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. I GWILYM EVAN, QUININE BITTERS. ¡ We c3.l attention to our w!U-n)n?n?hts. the aM?crupuious practice of SelliDg nub?t'- I' tutes for Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters. No medicine has had so many imitfitors, bur. the purchaser has the remedy n^ainst such I deceit in his own hands. Note pmicnlarly the naine 11 Gwilym Evans 0'1 the Label. on the Stamp, and on the Bottle (a ihrct {"leI precaution) withoat which noue are genuiut. I REFUSE ALL OTHERS. REFUSE ALL OTHERS. ¡ REFUSE ALL OTHERS. I Thpn yon will have the satisfaction of benefiting by the unrivalled virtnes of this Greu Tonic. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. Sold by Chemists and Patent Medicine J Vendor?, in Bottles, 2s 9J and 4. 6 ¡ each, or will be sent direct hy the Proprietors by post, < withe ut any oxtra charge, to any address in the t ailed Kingdom. SOLE PROPRIETORS: QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING I COMPANY, LIMITED, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. 2564fcj TIMBER. SLATES. FIRE BRICKS. TILES. MENTS. LATHS. SEWERAGE PIPCS Acd all other Building Material. EDWARD MEREDITH JONES'S, TIMBEK YARD, AND GAS ENGINE SAW MILL, CHARLES-STREET, WREXHAM. TELEOEAPHIC ADDRESS .— J 181S MEREDITH, WREXHAM." WORTH A GUINEA A BOX  mnvm ?OB ALL BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION. WIND, AND PAINS IN THE STOMACH, IMPAIRED DIGESTION, DISORDERED LIVER AND FEMALE AILMENTS ANNUAL SALE SIX MILLION BOXES. In Boxes, Is lid and 2a 3d each, with full directions. The Is lid box contains 56 Pills. Prepared only by the Proprietor— THOMAS BEECHAM, ST. HELENS, LANCASHIRE. BEECHAM'S 00 TH PASTE EFFlCACIOUS-ECONOMICAL- CLEANSES THE TEETH-PERFUMES THb BREATH. In Collapsible Tubes, of all Druggists, or from the Proprietor, for Is, post paid. fl739i Money. WREXHAM, RUABON, AND NORTH WALES BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY, ESTABLISHED 1846. ADVANCES made on Mortgage Securities Z at moderate rates of interest. Repayment by instalments. Premiums moderate. Rapid comple- tion of Mortgages and light legal chargee, which may be fixed before-hand. Fall particulars on application to T. J. PARRC, Secretary. 5, Temple-row. Wrexham. 1229s — 9ti ——— THE COAL MINES' REGULATION ACT. 1887. NORTH WALES DISTRICT. NEW SPECIAL RULES. BAYLEY & BrtADLEY3 LIMITED ADVHSERI OFFICE. TELEPHONE 66.


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Correspondence. I

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- - - - -Wrexham Post Office…


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