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 rn r.s. ? '?'??'? B-tsiBessAnnounc rn '?. ) DRE?S FABRICS AT FIRST COST! ) F R 0 M T H E ? 3 ? '? t ?t ?<.?\?? ? f??;? ?? ?-?.. 1 &? ??-.??.'??? ?? ?'??SB? 6i.4i?, M 1, ? f?? ? ? ? ? '-? ? ?< "?' ..???a ? f? ?p-? x ? a '? t?k s E ? f s ? r? J! ? ? & i:! é ..P!o. tr r t On r?ipt of letter or rost-c?d, f? ? et.? ? ? ?S ? promptly orwardP?t Free. S?ple ? L? ?? r. pattf-rns of their DRESS FAUR)cs for ?*' '?-" ? <! ? ?-? ? ?. ? -<= & the At TFMX SEASON. ?-? '.c .? £: C. THE C-EXtChY C?H?IKHrs ? '.t ? ?. ? p? =- 0 ..r? -? .??, THE CC4:o.; 1 L. C \H)I.ol.rs, l '? 'SERGES, ALL WO?L FABRIC" 't', L J L -?? ?c., are un-qu?j-d for Price ;tn1 ? ? = ——————————— Qu?tity. THI: LARGEST ST?C:? T"if'" oJ é- r, K?Gnr-M. ? ?? ? C '? ? The B. M. Co., by trading direct —' ? ? = w:ththe pul)lic,-hare t-ffcted a revo'ution ;n the ;t oles of ??-? t I' Ur?s Journals speM tngniyo' the ?dv.nt.?e? o' tr?di? ?c?i:h The Bradford 1) ° ,I;:hodi1o Th: le( 109 Ca:r'?t ?P? "'???.fth-Ki?dom on a!!ordersc.?r ?- in v.?ue. The P. M. Co. o?i?dihe Cal ria¥ !\1111 J? Exhibition. Wnte at once, ..nd M-nt:n the 'r.T/.n? <' ;?r. .1. .1 a toe t;ö. ————————— WARNING. T? ? ? ? '??vi?a ?,?-w;dereput?n,m?y /??.?.<Qf it-.s?tm an.! s-?.?th-ut ?therthe n.??. -?.?rv .t ?ha- they adverUse, oft.n u?. ,n?t.. ?nK th p?-.h. to ?h.t?ter's ?s. a? C"rv (,!It .Ntla, t- he)- iidrerti-,e, oft?,n :,n,, 'h t,) tij e ILtter'.? ;in.(i Tj t?ie piiblic eyc -ry r ic'P in ",e7: -t-r(,7n the B. -NJ. Co. ?.nb?'r.L'? '?"h?' ?\n r.?t-r-d rMde MaM ? (? a' f.t. ? ? ?y 4. ell 1, vnrride Nlar' -4 G:r.? a, L 437 "n \r :°1 _?— I "-1/1 "ø.. >'f:" >'j).: t; t .r ??F ? '?T?E???? ???????? \J AI Ii" r(J ,oJ F N J:     ???\H ?j! ?? ? L?"??? i1:. 16" oil '?.,????S?? ? r ?? __e ? ? ? ?. ? {' L'??7.?? L ? V ?'! ? 1. 11' f St' I 1 r: all of 8tock. Ejcry (e:l\ï:ry ¡, ;i:l'ltèt: I t'< Analysis Price i:7 10s per Tun. Fr-c on Rail,; in H' -14 Oil, 3,03 Ash. ¡. t :1 1C Jj i' F.B: .J r.re, 12 Ash, Manufactured by the WATERLOO MILLS CO. (Limited), HULL. 438 I ec ittè ue Large"t Sole in theworilf 1100 RENOWNED REMED!ES. THE PtLLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACHz KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS, r:ey invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all Complaints incidenta.1 to Females of all ages. For Children and the aged they are priceless. THE OtNTMENT I. r.:t infJIi'b'c remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS OF THE CHEST IT HAS NO EQUAL. FOR SORE THROATS, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, k; ,ilay SweHir.g:and all Skm Diseases it has no rival; and for contrs.cted and stiff joints! I acts like a charm. The FtUs r.nt! Ointmt-nt are sold nt TnCMAS HcLLOV.'AY's E,;t:br"hment, ;S, 'V OXFORD STREET (LATE 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON: in Boxc- anc I \'I=. r.' u. 11,' 2J. OJ 4-). 6; .f) 1.' t .t T., !'l. "C I c.o O. (; .h.lnt 1.1 ùx n(, h- .). :la. r': 3 t .L 'i he 9J ;;1ZC cc'ntnh.s three !ti:ics the <]:i:y cf the :<ta!!est size the :c Jl.. iLC -ixtecn the 225, sl/<; thirty-'hree nnd the 3Y, size h)''y-two::n:es the <j.t.i tity of the siiiallt:r I'<j:s. F. ? ? (?r.('t:cn? nr?- r.f'c? !o ench Rfx r.d rut, ':nd c?n he hsd in any Janguage. ?.E.—Advicj G??is :-t the abc.'e address, daily, between the L&crs oo?f f 11 l aannd dz, oor r ?bDy 5llee tt,t_eerr._ .w.i.X .i;'£¿L'Q, 2: -;n" t I OLMANS USTARD LARGEST MANUFACTURERS tNTHEWORLD DW8 TO VISITORS. THE: I)EXY QUIDE rpo IVPEXF-A1-1 ? rh *i]] ?ofo'rr:tion of ail obieets of :cterest in the town and enl:-ie!: to nî-CRJ) WY:<sT.H H(:T '\1 ,RA EA\'if-R Hf'E :\Jor7 .;< 0\0:. C.KR<.WRLr CASTLE HR:TH :¡a'l¡L: &c.5.:c. Sc!<' by al; Boohs€<-rs. P- 'U! *):/ La.!J!"j tf E',âlo-Y, H' te mirk the author mms nt, fiz., to .,tlr-pI in a :t' iin.1 c( niiiltte a fon!) a- p ?ssib!e, inforniat'on as to tbere :s to '-t*e in and aroulatt the town and how to s<-f .<td, '<<r't'r. A very comDtete and intereting guide to this in- t02;e:in!: (Hajct. WeU written, with its information full ;c-nctst-h'ph-f:he tourist will tind his httle book the trTy thin,- he 77. i'n!(y. "!n :h': ]it:!t' plJhlbhed by )!eSHs Bay!(-y an,i (; of \rt'xr.am, Tisit(.rs to the Metropo::s of Nc-.h V.Ies, will {it; a Tle,s;int and re!i::bie corr.- rnr.K n, who wH] c"r.duct thfM to ;i.!] the places and objects f in the Ir-dity, and who wUI give a pleasant itcd dtscriution of CArMucte. GiRAUS, by Post, on receipt of Two Stamps to pav Po-tase. f?HE BOOK OF POSITIVK REMEDIES. It is th? JL Boob of Positive Medicine for the Cure of aU *)!c.t<es. The Positive .Rem?die? were used for Thirty Y"ar" ).v a Uetired PIn'sician when in practice. The\' are !"I W the XAMKS (-IVEN X EXGL!SH ?'i cnaLie irH°J.i(ls!o selft' the Remedy proper for the 'o:eo :in,1 CnT<' Evpryone should p(lsses a ry f'f :his Buoh of Positive Henedieo ent direct from :h" Pub!ish<Ts. H. :ILlTH A Co., 2t:, Southampton-row. I.ondon, W.C. L L S WARRANTED TO CURE. r?OT.'DYXE PILLS ARE A POSITIVE CURE for JL Debihties and Derangements of the Generative and t'T\"Ol: System, i'rostratioB, PilllpJs, Los. of Energy, J'ysh';J.J Deprt-s"ion, Prelll,.ture D, dine, Wastiog Diseases, I.Xb.1UstJOn of Xerve Power. Loc<i) Weakness, and all J: re,iiltin- fro'H Lo-s of Vila! Force. AfMr using I '.M Pills, the body and nerves are restored to Hea)th and Mcy he t.lcl direct froM the proprietors on receipt stamps. Sent by Post to any address. H "UTH .t Co., I.I)or,,itc.rv, 2, south,mptoD-row, London W,C. lU5¡";c BBiBE WORLD FAMED tj (111111 ill I IAYT 111 I'll :iHE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AXD RESTORER. t?U': CLLA?si?G and CLEARING the BLOOD from ? ALL IMPCRITIES, cannot be too highly recom. ?'n?). It ?'?R?S OLD SORES -?R? rn.ERATI.D SORES 1? THE ?ECK ?'Rr-' ULCERATED i?ORE LEGS ?R? Bl-ACKHFAD?. cr pjMPLf-S On FACE Cl-R;; SCURYEY ?ORES ?: s CA'?CFRO? fLCERS '?-/ Ri:- Ei.or'D and SKiy DISEASES 0. GLA?D?;LAR ?WELLI?GS Cr.>.?;; THE BLOOD FROM ALL IMPLRE MATTER, FROM '-1?'rEVER CAUSE ARtSIXG 1.s this n:ixture is p!eag:4nt to the taste, aud warranted :t.. 4roLl an)'thing "curious to the most delicate conatitu- '(',?! dtr.er sex, the proprietors solicit sufferers to give it ,¡ L tst Its value. < Thú:lsc:ncls of Testimonials from all parts. th-" in Bettys, 2s !'d eMh, and in cases, containing six :the (,:Jantity,.1ls each, sufficient to effect a permanent '{- 10.ng.st;mrlmg cases, by all Chemists and Patent ? ;0, M l; eDdors throughout the wor!d, or sent on receipt (0, 1. sta1r,"S l'y I 1"1- I'DU;D CO).\TIE5' DRUG COMPANY' "Lincoln." BLOOD MIXTURE." 1844 ()R"LH A GUI NEA A BOX. El: EC HAM'S PILLS. RE afhf.itt.cc by Thou'-ands to be worth a GuiXEA A :'1. P('Y :(. r t'Hif.us t.n<i nervous disorder", such as wind <üc'. ¡-in in the stomach, sick headache, giddiness, fullness ip.e sweUing after meats, dizziness and drowsiness, cold Phil's, Hushings of heat, h'ss of appetite, shortness of Mcath, ccsnveness, scurvy, blotches on the skin, disturbed !!eep, frightful dreams, and aU nervous and trembjing sen- shtiOS, Ac. The Srst dose will give relief in twenty Canutes. This is n" E.ctbn, for they have done it in thou- !&nds of cases. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try sne box of these PiUs, and they will be acknowledged to "e WORTH A GfIXEA A BOX. For fema!es of all ages these P:s are invaluab!e, as a <-w do-s of them carry off all gross humors, open all 'tructions, and bring about t.n that is required. No r.¡\t; should be without them There is no medicine to -rfuRndto equal PILLS for removing any ..},t,¡¡d¡on or irregularity of the system. If taken accord- ing to the directions given with esch box, they will soon r".tr,re f.,m¡{ts of a!] at-es to sf'und and robust health. For a wenk stomach, impaired digestion, and all dis- orders of the liver, they act Hke MAGIC," and a few tcse" wil il, be found to work wonders upon the most im- Ffrtant organs in the fui,tn :chine. They strengthen :hc v.ho'e :nuscu!ar system, restore the long-lost com- [,xion, bring t,:{ck the keen edge of appetite, and arouse mto :.cti<-n with the Rù:EBCD of he:Utb the whole ?hy!citl energy of th& human frame. These are FACTS emitted by thousands, en:bracing an classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the nervous and de. '.iiitated is, BEECHA:S PILLS have the largest sale of ,nv {'atent medicine in the world. bEKCHAM'S MAGIC C<TGH PILLS. As & remedy for Coughs in general, asthma, dirScu!ty cf creH.Uiing, shortness of breath, tightness and oppression of the chest, wheezing, &c., these Pills stand unrivailed. TheyspeedUy remove th-it sense of oocression and dinicujty Jf breathing which nighUy deprive the patient of rest. Let in3- person give BEECHA'I' COUGli PiLLS a tr:ai, and the most violent cough wii! in a short time be removed. CAUTION.—The public are requested to notice the words BEECHAM's Pu.LS, St. Heh ns," are on the Government Stamp anixed to each box cf the Pills If not on, they are i forgery. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by the Pro- prietor, T. Beecham, Chemist, St. He!ens, Lancashire, in i-Qxes at Is Hd and 2s 9d each. Sent post free from the Proprietor for 15 cr3t! stamps.-Sold by r.11 Dr-,zggibts and Patent M<-dtc.'Me DtcZfM. N-B.—FulI directions are given with each box. 2251 BAYLEY & BRADLEY, PRINTERS A ND BILL POST EPS, "ADVERTISER" OFFICE, WREXHAM, DEG to announce that hey have secured a cumbetof HOAKDIXGS in tneTown and Country for j BILL POSTING, ¡ And are now prepared to secure proper publicity to all Bills printed at their Establishment, f Parties baring their Bills Printed at the Ac,7,ertiscr OSce, and employing their own Pester, can Post on the Adctrtiser Hoardings Free of Charge, or Messrs Baytey and Bradley, will undertake the Posting of them, and all Bills at a moderate cost. yWAXTED, HOARDINGS or DEAD WALLS for POSTING BILLS, in Wrexham and Country around. Apply, .Adt'£TtisCT OfRce Wrextiam. THE NEW r ANCASHIRE STEEL PEN AXD ALL OTHER PEXS, JfanM/actured t'y EDWARD FOOPSANGIVR, I SOLD BY CHARLES G. BAYLEY THE CROSS AND CHURCH STREET One of the Aengts far Oswestry.

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