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F,z- IBI,ISBED A.D., 184S, THE WREXHAM ADVERTISER, 0<h i re, Flintshire, ?t-?6?.?"-e, ch, shire, Shropshire and ?" WaXe* Register <1 • C<>unl. Paoei (orall Official Notices in Denbighshire and Flintshire. r RUSHED EVERYFRIDAYAND SATURDAY. CIRCULATION, 5 500 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ,?T.MPFD. STAPED. 1;1 !»s p<.r?nnum.  j,, per iinnuiii. 1" V.. \i)s per annum. In advance, lis per annum. I On Credit. 12s per annum. ) JJAYLEY & JJRADLEY. PROPRIETORS. Sales by Auction. SALES BY MR F. LUWD. THlï"'DA Y. SEPT. 10TH, 1" Ñ E\'EI:Y ALTERNATE ™ nSt**™ ?.XHA? nu ,>' £ ■ LLOYD'S AUCTION S A L E. sheep ami Pfes 10 30 Cattle at 11 o'clock, t- n i st- 're iligs can he sold at this Auction Sale witll:1ut a brand mark or license. ■m\rn1 v 110VI) has much pleasure in thnking his nuiV'Tous patrons for the h?end support and -?..nc?tht-v h.?c always placed in Inm.?ndbegsto m nhis next t'?HLICAUCTK)? SALE for any k (i of STOCK will be held in the Wrexh.unSmitha?d on Thursday, September 10th, at 10.15. The following Stock already entP.red 40 of Cattle, including prime Scotch and Short- horn Bullorks and Fat Heifers, .1 Hairy Cows, Barrens, Stirfcs, and Yearlings, H fat and Store Bulls L' Fat and Hearing Calves. KU Fat Sheep and Lambs. :-11 Fat and Store Pigs. Wrexham now being the great centre for ortb Wales, in the midst of a large and increasing population, with a m.id attendance of buyers, owners of stock cannot do .-r than patronise the above auction. Pigs and Calves sold at 10.30 by Mr Evans. No sale no charge. All Stock paid for on the fall of the hammer if required. Office—Eyton House, Wrexham, and at Wynnstay Arms Hotel on Thursdays from 2 o'clock to 4.30. 789p FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER LLTH. H'hly important sale of 9 Calving Cows, Heifers, and Reariiig Calves, 5 Horses, including Wanda," bay mare, U hands, tive years old, has been driven by a lady, rides and iumps well "Quicksilver" grey mare, s'x jvars old, *1.3-2, (juiet and fa.t in harness, capital boy's hunter Dandelion," cream-coloured cob, 14 hands, four years old, fast and quiet in harness and rides well "Rene." roan vearline colt. with black points, by Comet," out of Wanda pony, cart, and harness, 30 Shropshire and Welsh Sheep, 2 Sows and H Store Pig*, 2 Slacks of Hay, containing about 13 tons, 100 head of Poultrv, black cochins (in lots), Nanny Goat, capital Do" Cart, 2 Sets of Harness, 2 Saddles, Hunting Bridle, Ilrtastphites, Arc small Water Barrel, with shafts for punv, 1* Silver Grey K-ihbits, 10 couple Pigeons, tumblers and Antwerps. 2 pairs of Owls, the Tools, Strawcutter, Hencoops, Lawn Mower, Arc., together with the whole of the costlv and modern HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, appertaining to the contents of the drawing room, dining room, entrance hall, schoolroom, 5 bedrooms, and dressing room, the kitchen requisites, dairy vessels, &c., a large assortment of geraniums, fuchsias, and ether avers, a very handsome wire roserug, <tc., Arc., at OAKLEY HOUSE, SONTLEY, situate 2} miles from the town of Wrexham. MR LLOYD most respectfully announces that he has ¿, been favoured with instructions from G. R. Boydell, Ksq., who is leaving the neighbourhood, to conduct the above important sale on Friday, September 11th. Particulars to follow in future advertisements. Catalogues will be ready six days prior to sale, which will take place at 11.30 for 12 o'clock, prompt. Auctioneer's Offices-Eyton House, Wrexham. 1649f SALES BY MESSRS. BAUGII AND JONES RED HOUSE ESTATE. fllHE above is now on Sale by Private Treaty in Lots to 1 suit purchasers.—Apply to Niissrs. BAii;n and .JONES. 1173a TO CLOSE A TRUST. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE TREATY, in one or two lots, TEN COT rAG ES, situate in Market-street and I'.east Market, in the town of Wrexham, to pay a purchaser "i ]kt cent on his outlay. Apply to Messrs BAI GH and JONES, Wrexham. 1617c SALE BY MR ASTON. 'v./ MK ASTON has been instructed by Mr Meredith shopkeeper (who is going abroad), to SKLL BY AlCTlON, on -Monday next. August 31st, at his Sale Jiuorn (removed for the convenience of sale), the whole of his nearly new HOUSEHOLD FUKNUUKh., consisting d superior Mahogany suit; in hair seating, consisting of (lUI small chairs, couch, gezit's and lady's chairs, mah -giny centre table, large pier glass (size 43 by 33) tapestry larpet, about forty yards, drawing room fender, fireirons, pictures, Windsor, cane-seated, and arm chairs, mahogany cornice poles and rings, washstand, dressing table, twenty- four hour clock, handsome brass bedstead, oak dining table, brass fender, fire brssses, superior mahogany toilet glass, oil cloth, pair of plated bedroom candlesticks, three ilozen engraved tumblers, wringing and mangling machine, (iolly and tub, toilet service (hand painted), a large quantity of crocks, Ac., Arc. Also the remaining part of the Stock-in-Trade, about 2 cwt. of superior quality tea, in packag-s, scales, weights, MX large tea cani-ters, and other effects. Sale at Two o'clock prompt. The Auctioneer calls special attention to this Sale, as Mr Meredith only purchased the goods about six months ago, "n,! will be sold without receive. NOTICE, these extensiv-3 Sale Rooms, which are situated in the best part of the town, are always open for the reception of Household Furniture, Pictures, Stock-iu- Tra'.e, AT., for Sale by Public Auction. C.ish advanced on goods consigned for sale if required. settlement at end of sale. Itiyic SALE BY MR J. LLOYD. PUBLIC HALL, WREXHAM. ami attractive Sale of hijh-class Furniture ond other t), prolierty of Iu c. G. U. Girdles/one, who hao tin town. II l: .T. LLOYD will SELL by AUCUON, on Thursday, 1_ September 3rd, 1SS5, a large assortment of FURM- H'KE, consisting of dining-room and drawing-room suites, chimney glas-es, and black and gold over mantles, bed- roon; furniture, wardrobes in birch and mahogany, dress- ing tables and washstands. walnut half-tester bedsteads, iri'ii and brass bedsteads, blankets, sheets, Arc., &c., also a line English made concertina, enclosed in mahogany lIe to commence at One o'clock prompt IG7"a UPHOLSTERY AND CABINET WAREHOUSE, 1 AND 5, CHESTER-STREET, WREXHAM. .1. LLOYD pes to return his sincere thanks for the kind !.iv"rs lie has received during the years he has been in Easiness, and he begs to inform the Public that in addition S" his business of Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer, he has t'iken out a License as AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER, hopes that with strict and prompt attention to this new branch of his businesss to merit a Share of their ''atronace and Support. J L. begs to inform persons having Furniture to dispose f that he has ample warehouse room to receive the same, ■ d shall he able to dispose of it to the best advantage. Furniture Stored at Moderate Terms. furniture removed by road or rail to any part of the nilul Kingdom. ESTIMATES FREE. ItijOa SALE BY MESSRS. TATTERSALL. RUGBY. J J E S S R S 11IATTERSALL WILL HOLD SALES AT THEIR "I'tiBY ESTABLISHMENT OF Hi'XTERS, HACKS, and HARNESS HORSES, •iir: SEO.NI> Tl'F.SDAV IN EVERY MONTH. N'l XT SALE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER STH. 11ion for terms and stalls be made of i A IT Ellis ALL, Albert Gate, ndon. c BY MR H. H. ETCHES THK WHITCHURCH, SALOP, HORSE SALE. HE NEXT SALE will take place on FRIDAY, Tr? '-Pl EMBER 18th, ISS?. Entries for Catalogues i' f ?' Pttnit.? nth, 1885. H. H. ETCHES, k- Auctioneer, Whitchurch, Salop. I SALE BY MR J. E. DAVIES. ?ll" I)Al- 'ALF OF FAT AN;ORE STOCK AT V1'VJEX0JR STREET AUCTION MART, MOLD tff?" ? now be admitted to this 8ale from any ??'?'county of Flint. \f H L'" ?-?'?S will SELL by AUCTION on Wed- •U CHK,L, September 2nd, 1885, the following ? tcd "MM Cattle, Sheep, Lambs, Pip, and Calves, viz.: ?J ït,\cral prime fat Beast. l?'PL'f zLt Sheep and Lambs. fizs It* Calves. Chi ?i? such other stock that may be entered. I ;15, liigb.st.. > -?? Oaeo'dcck. 1692*  40)4. l?m Sales by Auction. ¡ SALES BY MESSRS. JONES & SON. FAIR DAY. WREXHAM SMITHFIELD. I ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10TH, 1S85 Commenrng with Shtep and Pigs at 10.30. *,¥ESSRS JONES & ON heg t(, thank their patrons 4: and friends for their constant support, and that they will hold their next Sale of FAT STORE STOCK, in the above Smithfield, on Thursday, the 10th day of September' laSS, when the following Stock will be offered :— A prime lot ot magnificent Fat Bulls, Oxen, and Heifers. Several Dairy Cows, Fresh Barrens, In-calf Heifers and Short-horned Bulls. Very ripe Shropshire-down and other Fat SheeD. A grand lot of Fat and Rearing Calves. A splendid lot of Pork and Bacon Pigs, Breediag Sows, and Store Pias. The stock should be at the Mart at 9 o'clock. Settlements at close of Sale. I Offices-4, Arcade, High-street, Wrexham. 9070 ON THURSDAY AXD SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER ;;RD ANI) 5TH, 1SV>. Sale iif tivrplus of Irnninoajiery, indu iaj bedsteads, fenders, fire irons, kitchen j<raVtea*/<«/<</ pam, pre- serving pans, lamps, pumps, spades, shoods, forks, brushing hooks, carpenters' tools, cutlery, wood ware, churns, &c., at J 44, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. \M ESSRS JONES AND SU\h?e been instructed by 'Ni Mr W. H. Williams to SKLL BY AUCTION, on Thursday and Saturday, September 3: d and 5th, 1885, on the premise-s lately occupied by the late Mr Hugh Jones, No 44, Hope-street, Wrexham, a large SURPLUS STOCK, to make room for an entire new stock, including a large quantity of fenders, fire-irons, fire shovels, kitchen grates, harness room grates, iron bedsteads, oval washing pans, washing dolly's, patent washers, washing boards, house bellow. enamelled preserving pans, stove, tea kettles, ¡ iron pots, plated and Britannia metal tea and coffse pots, cutlery, table spoons, Japann-d tea trays, glass chandelier, table, hand, and hanging paraffin lamps, chamber candle- sticks, gas and fire stoves, revolvers, pistols, travelling trunks, cruet frames, iron umbrella stands, brass cornice pole and rings, shop fixtures, counter, coffee canisters, counter snuff box, watering cans, frying pans, bass brooms, brushes, oil cans, riddles, stable buckets, compound action churn, pumps, patent screen, round and square spades and shovels, yelves, pikels, brushing hooks, sickles, scutch rakes, pick shafts, miner's and other picks, carpenter's tools, woo i bowl: skimmers, and other wood ware, and quantity of other effects. Sale on Thursday at Two o'clock, and Saturday at Six o'clock. I (ji7o Sale of Modern Household Furniture, includiug walnut draw ng room suite, mahogany dining and othtr tables, pianoforte, walnut ehejfuniere, whatnot, mahogany ward- I I I I- ?-? I root-, uearoom jurutmre, xncrien ana culinary articles, and out-door e ffects, at CLAREMONT HOUSE, Park-street, Rhosddu, Wrexham. MESSRS J?NES & SON have received instructions .L from Mr Ho-ace Hort 'n, who is leaving the neigh- bourhood, to SELL BY ACCTION, on Tuesday, Sept. ISth, 1""5, on the above premises, the whole of the fol- lowing valuable HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and effects, comprising DINI.NG AND DRAWIVC ROOMS. Handsome walnut drawing room suite (nearly new), comprising six single chairs uly's chair, easy chair and couch upholstered in blue silk figured rep with covers, pianoforte in walnut. by Town's and Co. Oxford-street, London music stool, pier glass in gilt frame, walnut square whatnot, walnut cheffoniere (tive feet) with marble top, pLite glass front panels an t mirror back mahogany square dining table, mahogany centre table (3lt in), walnut lady's work table, gipsy table, two school globes, glass flower stand, walnut foot stool. Japanned coal vase, wall brackets, mantel boards, cane-seated American chair, books, card tray, Venetian a-hpans, cast fendeis with rests, fireirons, &e. BEDROOMS, Arc., include handsome mahogany wardrobe with drawers and mirror in centre panel, mahogany half- tester bedsteads and hangings, painted washstand with three drawers and three cupboards, toilet services in white and gulii, mahog my toilet gl tsses, towel rails, mahogany dressmg and other tables, oak linen chest, mahogany night commode, easy chair in leather, tape-try and Kidder- minster carpets, mahogany boot rack, fiower stands, biddet, three brass window cornices, pictures, brass stair rods, four brass mounted bedroom fenders, &c. FRONT KITCHEN A.t) BACK KITCHEN, &-C.-Pier glass in walnut frame, lock-stitch sewing machine enclosed in walnut case, by Wheeler and Wilson mahogany easy chair, small mahogany cupboard, mahogany round table, whitewood kitchen table with two drawers, whitewoort dresser with three drawers, dinner service of 57 pieces, China tea service, sundry crockery and China, washing up stand and basins, metal tea and coffee pots, cruets and glasses, wine decanters, tumbler and wine glasses, water jugs, trays, oil lamps, wall lamps, candle lamps, lamp stove, brass candlesticks, photo of Wrexham Church, brass preserving pan. saucepans, tea kettles, fenders, fire-irons, dust pans, buckets, coal b xes, blue flag table, empty bottles, brown wire, fount tin. three half barrels, wringing and mangling machine (nearly new), quantity of plants and pots, flower s ands, ifcc OCT-DOOR EFFECTS, &C.—Carpenter's work bench and tools, double door and frame, grindstones, wheelbarrow, three large rain tubs, number of steel and iron crow bars, heavy and light timber chains, tipping bars, ridge tile, drain bends, garden border tile, firewood, oil and paint cans, lad ler (25 rounds), atone garden roller, odd harness, self-heating bath, brewers' sieves, shovels, rakes, rose stakes, also a quantity of growing potatoes in garden, and other effects. Sale at Twelve o'clock prompt. clt571n SALE BY MESSRS. CHURTON, ELPHICK, AND CO. FLINTSHIRE AND DENBIGHSHIRE. SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATES. MESSRS CHURTON, ELPHICK, & CO. have been l' insbucted to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, at the King's Head Hotel, Holywell, on Friday, the 4th day of September, 1"5, the undermentioned FREEHOLD ESTATES, subject to such conditions as will be then and there produced, in the following or such Lots as may be arranged at the time of Sale :— CALCOT ESTATE, FLINTSHIRE. Lot. Description. Tenant. Acreage. PARISH OF HOLYWELL. I.-Calcot Hall, House, Plea- sure Grounds, Planta- ) tions, &c. In hand one Calcot Hall Farm. Thos. and Pe t er 2 IS Williams. Part of Ty Coeh Ed. Williams. ) |2.—Ty Coch. ditto 17 3 10 3.—Ty Draw. Richd. Jones 1 311 Part of Tyddyn P!wm. Ed. Williams, j 4.-Tytldyn Plwm, House, & > Buildings. Ed. Williams. Pen\ffordd Peter Jones .,e ■, 0- Pari of Calcot Hall. Thos. and Peter f ? ? Thomas. Plantation. In hand. J -Duffryn Caieott. David Jones. J( Plantations, &c. In hand. )( ?" 3 q Part of CaJcot HdI. 1'n08. and Peter P 4, 3 3 Thomas. ) C.—Gate House. Ed. Edwards. (J Plantations, &c. 1 r» hand. t 10 Part of Calcot Hall. Thos. and Peter )( ?? 1 ??.. Thomas. ) 7.—Vron. John Griffiths 13 2 39 PARISH YSCEITIOG. 8. -Bryn Cloddia. John Jones. )  1 ;3 Part of Fron. John Grlffit t S. 3 The above estate is situate in a ring fence about 1J miles from the Market Town of Holywell, and 3i miles from the Holywell Station, on the Lond jn and Northwestern Rail- way, and 3 miles from the Nannerch Station, on the Mold and Denbigh Junction Railway. Valuable veins of lead are known to exist under the property, and there are quarries of Hydraulic Limestcne therein, and kilns, tram- ways, &c., have been erected. This estate will be offered in one lot, and if not sold, it will be offered in the above lots. BRYN FORD ESTATE, PARISH OF HOLYWELL. 9 —P?rt of Stamford Bach, ) "tamford Vawr, ?Nant ( T ». Holmes 10 32 Nant, Stanford and ? ??i. ??r ?< ? l? .J ?2 32 Rough, ) 10.-Part of Cde Canol, Arc., I T„. q 2 30 and Wood, John TE,l„h.s 5.1 2 „ 30 11.—Erw Coed, Part of Chwe'1 Roberts 4 1 .38 Acar and Erw Ester, ? ?r?? Rcob? ert? a 4 < J ?..??c 1" —Part of Chwe' Acar and I T t! Erw Ester, John Ellis 3 The Brynford estate is beautifully situated near the Town of Holywell, and is suitable for the erection of villa residences. PARISH or YSCEIFIOC. 13. —Ffraine, Penuchaplwy Richard Williams 1 3 12 This is situate at Penuchaplwy, about one and a half miles from the Nannerch Station, on the Mold and Denbigh Rail- way, and about three miles from the town of Mold. DENBIGHSHIRE. PARISH OF LLAN-DYRNOG. 14.~Rhiw Bibill Thomas Roberts 34 2 22 J::j,-Cae PwH.lli (r,¡"rt of do.) ditto 2 11;) PARISH OF LLANLIWYFAN. Itl. -Fford-las, House, Garden, John Davies ( < 2 U 32 Cae Capel Robert Williams ( 0 32 1,Fforfl-las, Cae Hendy ditto 2 1 2 Lots 14, 15, It;, and 17 are situate about four miles from the town of Ruthin. The Land is of excellent quality, commanding extensive views of the Vaie of Clwyd, and is well suited for the erection of Villa Residences. PARISH OF LLANYNYS. IS.—Ffynnoniau Robert Williams 3 2 12 This is situate near the village of Llan- ynys, a short distance from the Llanrhaiadr Station. The several lots may be viewed on applying to the res- pective lenants. :ale to commence at Two for Three o'clock precisely. Particulars, with Plans and Conditions of Sale, may be obtained of Charles Norton, Esq., Solicitor, Swansea Mr Isaac Taylor, Coleshill Cottage, Flint; or of the Auctioneers, Chester. 1533cfn J. W. BROWN, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, AND ESTATE AGENT, DENBIGH (late of MOLD.) J. W. B. begs to inform the Public generally, and his Friends and Supporters, that he has re- sumed the above business, and hopes to be favored with a share of their Patronage. Gwynfa, Denbigh, July 30tb, 1S85. 8a Sales oy Auction. SALE BY MR EDWARD SMITH. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OF SALE AT LITTLE ACTON, NEAR WREXHAM. MR EDWARD SMITH has been instructed to SELL M BY AUCTI"N. earlv in September, an as"ortment of eiegant and useful HOUSKHOLu FURNITURE, in drawing room, dining room, and bedrooms, kitchen re- quisites, carriages and other outdoor effects. Date of sale and further particulars in future advertise- ments. Auctioneer's office, Esless Farm, Wrexham. 15!J8c MR"E. SMITH, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, AND APPRAISER. SALES OF PROPERTY, FURNITURE, &c., Conducted in any part of the Country with Prompt Settlements and Moderate Charges. OfficQ-Esless Farm, Wrexham. 83Sn SALES BY MR RICHARD OLLERHEAD.   RICHARD 'PO BE SOLD BY AUCTION by Mr RICHARD J. OLLERHEAD, in the Vegetable Market, Wrexham. on Tuesday, September 1st, 1S85, Household Furniture, Iron and Brass Bedsteads, Leather and Flock Beds, Mattresses, &c. Sale to commence at Two o'clock. Auctioneer's Office, 9, Charles-street, Wrexham. 1704a NANT, BERSHAM, NEAR WREXHAM. t R RICHARD OLLERHEAD bas re:eived instructions T i to SELL by ACCTION, at the Prince of Wales Inn, Coedpoeth, on Friday, Sept-mber 11th, 1885, at 4 o'clock, p. III" all that good substantial stone-built and slated DWELLIXG-HOUSE. with sixteen roods of garden adjoining, situate at Penyfelin, Nant, Bersham, in the occupation of Mr Hugh Edwards. For further information apply to Mr Daniel Jones, next house. 1669a SALE BY MR JAMES TAYLOR. SALE OF GROWING WHEAT AT RHOSNESSNEY, NEAR WREXHAM. !t?R JAMES TAYLOR has bpm instructed by Mr Barnes to SELL by AUCTION, at the Gate Inn," Rhosnes-ney, next Friday, 4th September, 18S5 t is share as off-going tenant of about 30 acres of growing Wheat. Sale at Five for Six o'clock in the evening. 1709.30 Legal and Public Notices. MISSING, from Minera since July 28th, a girl named Ina Dunn, aged 15 years, about five feet high, dark complexion, hair short, wearing brown or slate coloured dress. Anyone giving information to William Dunn, Rbydtalog, near Mold, will be iewarded, anyone detaining her after this notice will be prosecuted. 1593a THE LANCASHIRE & CHESHIRE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE COMPANY (LIMITED.) THIS Company is prepared, subject to an agreement or t contract for 3, 5. or 7 years, to connect—by private wires—the Works, &c., of Firms who have two or more places of business Private Residences with the Owners' Offices, Mills, or Warehouses Chief Offices of Banks, or Insurance Companies with their various Branches Private Wharves with their Central Offices one Surgery with another-a connection especially useful where the respective owners may be Partners Stables with Private Houses Theatres with Box Offices Barracks with Hospitals, and Hospitals with quarters of the Medical and Surgical Stiff, resident and non-re ident indeed, there is no limit to the employment of th- Telephone in this way. Agent for North Wales 1578f C. E. H. lANN, an Llyn, St. Asaph. WREXHAM WATERWORKS COMPANY. TUBES FOR WATERING GARDENS. C AUTION!-N,OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that any Person who may be found using any Tube for the purposes of Watering Gardens or for Washing Windows, or Fronts of Houses, without having first agreed with the Company in writing, is liable to a penalty of Forty Shillings and instructions hsve been given, that any Person offending shall be proceeded against, according to law. Any information as to the charges made for the use of such tubes, may be had on application to the Water- works Offices, 5, Charles-street, Wrexham. By Order, F. STORR, Secretary. Waterworks Offices, Wrexham, 25th Aug., 1885. 1668f GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. EXCURSION TRAINS will run &s under SATUR- EDAY, SEPT. 5TH—To "CHURCH STRE'lTON, Ludlow, "Leominster, Hereford. Tintern, Chepstow, Aber- gavenny, Ross, Monmouth, Pontypool Road, Crumlin, Newport, Aberdare, Merthyr, Cardiff, Neath, Swansea, Llanelly, Carmarthen, New Milford, Pembroke, Pembroke Dock, and Tenby, leaving Liverpool (Landing Stage)at 8.10 a.m., Birkenhead 8.25, Warrington 7.35, Chester 9.10, Wrexham 9.35, Blaneau Festiniog 6.20, Oswestry 9.40, a.m., 9.35, Minsterley 9.10. Oakengates 9.25, Coal- brookdale 9.55, and Wellington 9 35 a.m. to return any week day to Sept. 12th inclusive. *From Liverpoo', Birkenhead, Warrington, Chester, Wrexham, and Blaenau Festiniog only. MONDAY, SEPT. 7TH.-To Wolv .nampton, Bilston, 1T?. M ednesbury, West Bromwich, Birmingham, Droit- wich, Worcester, Evesham, Malvern, Stratford-on-Avon, Warwick, Leamington, Banbury, Oxford, Bath, Bristol, Reading, and LONDON, leaving Liverpool (Landing Stage) at 8.10 a.m., Birkenhead 8.30, Warrington 7.35, Chester 9.10, Wrexham 9.40, Ruabon 9 50, Oswestry 9.40, and Gobowen 10.15 a.m., to return Sept. 11th. Passengers also booked to Gloucester and Cheltenham from Liverpool at 8.0 a.m.. Birkenhead 8.20, Warrington 7.35, Chester 9.0, Wrexham 9.25, Oswe stry 9.40, Gobowen 9 50, and Shrews- bury 10.35 a.m. TO WESTON-SUPER-MARE, Taunton, Exeter, Tor- quay, Plymouth, Falmouth, Penzance, &c.. for 5, 10, 12, or 17 days, leaving Liverpool at 8.10 a.m., Birkenhead 8 30, Warrington 7.35, Chester 9 10, Wrexham 9.40, Oswestry 9 40, and Shrewsbury at 10.45 a m. Tickets and bills can be obtained at the stations. J. GRIERSON, 1693z General Manager. Lost and Found. FOUND, a WELSH SHEEP. The owner can have it by Fpaving expenses.-Apply to THOMAS STEPHENS, Bank Cottage, Uuabon. If not claimed will be sold to pay i-xpenses. 1701o Education '('HE RUABON GRAMMAR SCHOOL will Re-Open X September 11th. 1599z THE BRYN, RUABON. THE MISSES BOOTH RE-OPEN SCHOOL TUESDAY, 15TH OF SEPTEMBER. 1626a WYNNSTAY HOUSE SCHOOL, WREXHAM. PRINCIPAL: M R S SIMMS, Assisted by competent Masters and Governesses, holding First-class University Certificates. The Winter Term will commence on September 14th for Boarders, and on September 15th for Day Pupils. 170Sf YJ7"KEXHAM HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. GROVE PARK. HEAD MISTRESS MRS WHITEHOUSE, Government Trained, and Certificated—First-class, assisted by MISS KERSHAW, Cam bridge University and South Kensington Certificates FRENCH. A competent French Teacher. GERMAN. FRAILEIN SCHARFF. (Resident.) MUSIC, MR J. T. HUGHES, Assistant Organist Chester Cathedral, Organist and Choir) master of West Derby Parish Church, Liverpool. DRAWING, MR H. J. NOYES, Art Master at Training College, Chester. CALISTHENICS A* DEPORTMENT. MRS WEBSTEI: (nee Nicholls). This School is conducted upon the same system as the many High Schools now established in various parts of the Kingdom. The object of it will be to give a sound and superior education by properly trained Teachers at a moderate cost. The Fees of Pupils entering before the age of ten are iiot raisca. Daily, Weekly, and Full Boarders. The Xext Term commences, Tuesday, Sept. 8th. For Prospectus, etc., apply to the HEAD MISTRESS. 1517 FRENCH. MADEMOISELLE NASSE Parisienne,' Pro- l' fessor of French for Wrexham and Chester, receives private pupils, visits families and schools. lerms and references on application. Tuesdays at liberty. A Morning Conversational Class, for Ladies only," will commence early in October next. Terms: For the course of twelve lessons, £1 10s per pupil; Governesses half price.— Address—MADEMOISELLE NASSE, 5, Wrexham Feeban, Wrexham. 1449a Education. HOPE VILLA, RIGENT-STREET, LATE ST. MARK.- TERRACE. Ai I sSE. H. LON G S PREPARATORY SCHCJL FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN. School Re-Opens September 15th. lOSOf LADIES' SEMINARY, H EM IN G TON VILLA, MOLD. MISS JONES, Receives Boarders, Day Pupils, and Pupils for accomplishments only. Duties to be resumed Sept. tjth. References and terms on application. 15746Z TREVOR VILLA, GROSVENOR ROAD. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL CONDUCTED BY MISS PRYCE JONES, KINDERGARTEN BY MISS ELSIE PF YCE-JONES. TH SCHOOL-ROOM is large and healthy. Boarders will receive mo-A -rl-; care, and enjoy all the comforts of a well-disi uiined home. References to ministers at d others. For terms apply to the above address. School Re-opens September 15th, 1885. Miss Pryce-Jones is also prepared to give private lessons in Singing and Painting on moderate terms. 1651a MONTGOMERYSHIRE PREPARATORY SCHOOL, TREATHLLAWN, WELSHPOOL, NORTH WALES. HEAD MASTER B. n AL LIDAY WRIGHT> M.A.F.C.S., Formerly of Marlborough College and St. John's College, Cambridge, late Assistant Master of Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Cranbrook, Kent. Treathllawn is beautifully situated on the outskirts of Welshpool, the grounds being in close proximity to Powis Castle, and commands an extensive view of the Valley of the Severn and the Breiddin Hills. u Welshpool is a principal station on the London and jxortn western and Cambrian Railways, and is within easy reach of Shrewsbury, Birmingham, Liverpool, and Manchester, and all parts of Wales. BOARD and TUITION per Term— £ 21. REFERENCES SIR R. A. CUNLIFFE, Bart., M.P., Acton Park, Wrexham. SIR R. E. EGERTON, K.C S.T., (late Governor of the Punjab), Coedyglyn, Wrexham. A. BALFOUR, E q., J.P., Mount Alyn, Rossett, Wrexham. T. CHILTON, Esq., J.P., The Elms, Gresford. Wrexham. 1572a KINGSTON flOUSE L ADIES' SCHOOL, SALISBURY PARK, WREXHAM PRINCIPAL MISS HUMPHREYS. Trained Teacher (Home and Colonial College, London), ASSISTED BY EFFICIENT RESIDENT GOVERNESSES (Certified by the Committee of Council on Education and University of Cambridge). The Teaching is on the most approved and modern method, the Government System of Organisation and Classification being introduced. A complete staff of Teachers is provided, and the best Masters in attendance for Music, Drawing and Painting, Class Singing, Drill, Calisthenics, &c. The School is pleasantly situated in the healthiest part of the outskirts of the town, having every modern improvement. References from the Clergy, Her Majesty's Inspector of Schools, and the Parents of present and former Pupils. 1214G MRS PARKER'S PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR BOTH SEXES. 4. TEMPLE ROW. 1543a BODHYFRYD SCHOOL, KING STREET, WREXHAM. THE DUTIES OF THE MISSES SIMONS' Boarding and Day School will be resumed (D.V.), September 16th. Drawing by T. C. NOYES, ESQ., of South Kensington. Separate School-room for Boys from four to twelve years of age. 1553a GROVE PARK SCHOOL, WREXHAM. AMONG THE HONOUHS WON DURING THE PRESENT YEAR ARE A N Open Classical Scholarship at Lincoln College, A Oxford A Wranglership in the Mathematical Tripos, Cambridge. The Gold Medal in Prof. Ray Lankester's Class of Prac- tical Zoology. Twelve Certificates in the last Cambridge L cal Examination, of which seven were Honors Certificates. The School re-opens Tuesday, September 15th. 1607a UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NV ALES$ ABERYSTWYTH. (Endowed and in receipt of a Government Grant.) PRESIDENT THE RIGHT HONORABLE LORD ABERDARE, G.C.B. PRINCIPAL THE REV. T. C EDWARDS, M.A. (OxON AND LOND.) PROFESSORS. Greek. THE PRINCIPAL Latin and Comparative PMo!o?/ ? '?' 31. 5' ?"?' Latin and Comparatwe to ogy Cambridge. Oriental and Modern Languages—H. ETHE Ph. D., Leipzig. K2i.qlish Lang?lage l L't f M. W. MACCALLUM. English Language ani t erature | M A (j;as„ow Lr cgi• c and j Philosophy j ( J. BROUGH, B.A., LL.M., Cam- flfjlC a//oUo t osop Y bridge. Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, ( R. W. GENESE, M.A., and Astronomy ( Cambridge. -VatigraZ Scien ce { T. S. HUMPIDGE, Ph. D., Heitlelberg, ¿, a (!ra Clcnce and B. Sc. Lond. LECTURERS. Classics J. W. MARSHALL, B.A., Oxon. Modern Languages W. SCHOLLE, Ph. D., Strasburg. History J. LLOYD, B.A., Oxon. Matheittaties W. J. JOF'JSON, M.A., Dublin. Biology Geology, d:c. J. R. DAVIDS, B.A., Cambridge. Phyics. D. E. JONES, L to Sc. Exhib. Lond. J. E. LLOYD, B.A., Oxon. Director of the Mitseiiiii- DR. HUMPIDGE. Registrar and Librarian-E. P. JONES, M.A., B.D., Glasgow. CURRICULUM.—The instruction at the College is ar- ranged with reference to the Arts and Science Courses of the London University, and the Scho'arship Examinations at Oxfoid and Cambridge. Numerous distinctions have been gained at these Universities by Students from Aber- ystwyth. SCHOLARSilips.-At the commencement of the Session on Tuesday. September 15th, 1885, the sum of 1330 willibe offered in Exhibitions and Scholarships, ranging from .:t:1U to jL50 to Male and Female Candidates entering College for the first time. These are renewable at the end of the first and second Sessions, and may, in cases of special excellence, be increased. Prizes varying from C5 to £10 are awarded to Students who distinguish themselves at the London University Examinations. TERMS.— £ 10 per Session. HALL OF RESIDENCE FOR WOMEN STUDENTS. VICTORIA MARINE TERRACE. Lady Superintendent MRS. EBENEZER POWELL (late of Holt Academy.) TERMS :-For the Session £ 35 (payable in advance), or X12 for the first Term of Residence and Lll 10s each for the other two Terms. The Hall of Residence will afford ample and superior accom- modation for at least 4U Lady Students. LOCAL ADVANTAGES. — Aberystwyth is beautifully situated on Cardigan Bay, and is on" of the healthiest towns in the kingdom, the average death-rate being only 14 per 1,000. It has accommodation for about 5,000 visitors during the summer season, ar-d since this is not utilised during the period of the College Session, out- door Students are able to obtain Lodgings at a very moderate cost. The sum usually paid is from 3s tid to 5s per week. Prospectuses, with full particulars, may be obtained from the Registrar, University College, Aberystwyth, or from the Hon. Secretaries, Lonsdale Chambers, 27, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. N.B. -Notwithstanding the recent calamitous fire, ample arrangements have been made for continuing the Educa- tional Work of the College, and the whole of the magnifi- cent building known as the Queen's Hotel has beenjsecured for that purpose. 1485nz Business Announcements. NORTH WALES AND SALOP SUPPLY STORES. HIGH STREET, WREXHAM AND CROSS STREET, OSWESTRY. These STORES have been established by C. K. BENSON & Co. for the purpose of supply ing the general Public with articles of utility and general consumption at the SMALLEST POSSIBLE PROFIT on the ORIGINAL MANUFACTURING COST. BEST QUALITY GOODS ONLY. TERMS STRICTL Y CASH, Except by Special arrangement with the Proprietors, C. K. BENSON & Co. THE NEW PRICE LIST. A NEW and REVISED EDITION of our Price List showing GREAT REDUCTIONS is now ready, and can be had free on application. C. K. BENSON & Co., 917 WREXHAM AND OSWESTRY. WASHING MACHINES & MANGLES. HAND AND TREADLE SEWING MACHINES. IRON AND BRASS BEDSTEADS. Splendid Assortment of TABLE CUTLERY, ELECTRO PLATED SPOONS AND FORKS, And every Description of FURNISHING IRONMONGERY. J. COLEMERE GITTINS, IRONMONGERY STORES AND LAMP DEPOT, HOPE STREET, ERA WREXHAM. Buy your Wedding Rings at the old lucky shop, where you can have a Small Clock, or half-a-dozen Tea-spoons and Sugar Tongs. NOTICE. PREVIOUS TO ALTERATIONS, NO REASONABLE OFFER WILL BE REFUSED UNTIL THE END OF AUGUST. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLRY, AND ELECTRO-PLATE, & C AT F. FRASER'S, 42, HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM. CLOCK OVER THE DOOR. ALL GENUINE GOODS, AND WARRANTED. 1214fa I Buy your Wedding Rings at the old lucky shop, where you can have a Small Clock, or half-a-dozen Tea-spoons and Sugar Tongs. i CREAM CRACKERS. LIGHT- PURE DELICIOUS. THE BEST UNSWEETENED BISCUIT IN THE MARKET. SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR INVALIDS, BUT RELISHED BY EVERYBODY. "GWALIA" BISCUITS. THIN LIGHT SWEET. THE "GWALU" is a really delicious biscuit at a very moderate price. Specially manufactured J_ for Wales. Every tin is labelled with beautiful views of Conway Castle and Ienai Bridge. No family in Wales should be without them. Every visitor should give them a trial. TO BE HAD FROM ALL GROCERS AND CONFECTIONERS THROUGHOUT WALES. MADE ONLY BY W. & R. JACOB & CO., LIMITED, STEAM BISCUIT FACTORY, DUBLIN. "B.-W ":Co. ,*s) rr.anufaclure upwards of one hundred other varieties of biscuits and rich c.ikes. T'eir American Crac'ie:s, Cinger Nuts, W-iter and Toasc Biscuits, are speedily recommended. 1244 1% 7 The National Table IVaters." HHiSM (ASK FOR ELLIS'S.)  ESTABLISHED "ABSOLUTELY PURE." tWWT)TCN 3R?NZ S<VA?N?N)!) SOLD EVERYWHERE. ???_vAAv-????? ?.N *? ????t Soda, A-otass, Seltzer, Lemonade, Aromatic Ginger Ale. For GOTfT. Lithia Water, and Lithia and Potass Water. Sole AddressR. ELLIS & SON, RUTHIN, NORTH WALES. —Loxrox A CENTS W. BEST & SONS, Henrietta Street, Cav.-ndish fi,„lare won 756 C L A I: h T -). L 1 MACAU ]3!- s'r LOUBE<, 1^1 :ll;- HAUT MEPOC CI<SAC, 1S81 Vintage 24 1858 Mouton, C.-ateau G^cours, Ibob PontetCanet, 1862 Chateau .Turhie F. ge^, 1«62 Chi'eau, Calop, and -n-, OM Wines, all early bottled. I^HOMAS IVELSBY & CO.) CKF>.TER. At BiRiiE.j:-D 1575 JAMESON'S IRISH WHISKY. FIVE YEARS OLD, ASS. GD. PER QUART. No Bltn 'e trith inferior or cheaper Whiskies. WARRANTED PURE JAMESON'S. W I L L D E R S MARKET HALL VAULTS, WREXHAM. WILLDER BROTHERS, largest Dealers in the Principality 440 GENERAL PRINTING ESTAP.TlHM) NT? Advertiser Jifici. MARKET SQUARE, WllEXHAM, Every descirption of COMMERCIAL, GENERAL, AND FANCY PRINTING. PROMPTLY F. X K C I* V TED Publishers (by authority, uf thel Abstract of the Coal Mises R«^ dntinn Act AND Special Colliery Rules for Ncrt WRlel. To be bad in Sheets and "n toth rngi^ii and Wtj'>-b. | £ AYLEY AND HADLEY, PROPRIETORS. Business Announcements. HAXELL HO rfLS. LONDON AND BRIGHTON ONLY. LONDON ^TELEPHONE, :7": TrEY are scarcely one hour s stance from oacb J)L ■»ther. Thei several situations are world n. The London Hotel is in the best < :he West Strand, The Brighton Hotel f.u ing the ivtry room com- manding it. The Tariffs of both Hotels are the <-ai..e Apartments, 21t); Drawing-room with Bed-room, ':1 Hi f!; visitors, en petition, daily. No rxrras whatever. The best breakfast table and ta jic uw.e m London and Brighton. Visitors at either Hotel can patronise the other without any further expense than their fares their apart- ments during their absence tting t:ie«l .n(.l., any charge. Every room in both Hoteis 1 ting f retee'ed by Tie 1I:1F- den Star" Hand-Grenade Fire Ex:ingaisher, it is impos- sible that any serious accident ::111 .;r.if>c MORE GOOD NEWS TO THOSE AEOVT TO MARRY. PIERCES WEDDING RINGS Are proved by Government Stamp to be the BEST GOLD OBTAINABLE. The sale of the same has increased so much of late, that the purchaser of the Renowned Rings will in future bo PRESENTED with either a SMALL CLOCK, warranted to go well, or Half. a-dozen Tea Spoons and Sugar Tongs to match, which are warranted to change color. Sent by Post to any address. Exchanged or money returned if nut approved. AVERAGE PRICES: 20/ 21 Private Room for Fitting. PIERCE'S GOLD KEEPER RINGS from <; ■ t > WI, WATCHES. SILVER WATCHES from GOLD WATCHES from PIERCES' PERPETUAL WATCHES or Watches that never want winding at £. 17, .i,1. CLOCKS. BEDROOM TIMEPIECES at ,j ea^h, warranted to go well. Every description of other Clocks for Kitchen, Dining Room, Drawing Room, &c., all priced. PIERCE'S DAYS' CLOCKS, under glass sh.d», as Presentation Clocks, are unsurpassed. JEWELLERY. Watch Chains, 18 Carat Gold, M irked on Every link. Made to order any weight pr ouncj. Nine Carat ditto do., at 50 per ounce. Terms at these prices, Nett Cash. A good selection of Oold and Silver .Jewellery kopt in Stock. Every description of Jewellery Repaired, Re- £ i.'t and Re-silvered on the shortest notice Also Watches and Clocks thoroughly Repaired and Cleaned on the premises, warranted for Twelve Month?. D. D. TIERCE, WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, AND SILVERSMITH, 16, HOPE-STREET, WREXHAM. j 12Dn CHESTER STREET, WREXHAM, JULY 1ST, lSIiij, JAMES JpHCENIX, JOINER, WHEELWRIGHT, &c" Takes the favorable opportunity of thanking his numerous customers for the very liberal supp. rt he has received from them during the last ;:8 years, and hopes by good work and moder,.te charges, and punctuality, to receive a continuance of their favor. J. P. also wishes to inform the Gentry aru General Public, in addition to the abova Trade, he has taken the WHARF at the Railway station, Rhosddu, where he will be able to SUPPLY COALS of the Best quality, at the lowest roii;1f1 Prices, delivered to any part of the Town, either in bags or loads. PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL ORDERS. C 0 RN S! C 0R F-2p?? ??E L?Y i ?ELAHMM THE ne* discovery t< tanditx }is the only cer- tain Cure for Corns. It is safe, eisily ap- plied, gives no pain, and positively r«-iiiov < Cornm by th(- root. in a few days. OlitiMliur lin* ciircri Cortat4 of IO year* •Iniidiitg. after all other remedies f,tiled. Dispenses w'th trouble of cutting Corns. Selections f-,tn ThoiisaiiclN of 1Y«finioiiialM of Medical .r 11 and others. (Free on application). Agents in every town. Bottles, Is each, liy post, 1*1 stamp-, from CIIAVE & JACKSON, Chemists, Hereford. Ask for Celandine" ti„ imitation. The Rev. W. Richmond, Carnarvon-r«- i' Norwich, writes :—Celandine has cvm( Corns I thi?Lk it f. to the value of such a m.-nedy. Agent FRANCIS, Chemist, 53, HOPE-STREET and 2, TOWN-Hil L, WREXHAM. is COAL, LIME, s L THOS. B. BARTON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER, CRESCENT COTTAGE, BEAST MARKET, and at GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY STATION, Best House, Gas, and Steam Coals aud Slack, always on hand at the Station Bevot. Common and Lump Salt. Building and Agricultural Lime. Special quotations for one or more track loads, which can be sent to any Station. Agent for FISON S MANURES. lxrz