Surtien .fiaunmaiT. I Mr W. UrAUI.V Y "It. Seviof M«Otibe. *„ at UudiB Jaa. 10 Mi. W O. tL\KKK (iirwCf :v ..M* t' Uo. — Tilt: r 'SI> 1)R'm. 1: Auctioneers). t..m J<t. )0 t:, .'R: ,¡'s' 'I; tur:»L — J«u. IS .\1, KlXU. .:t.s.t""UÐ,, .J.a.ll .J.n t "Ju" R?ttt. CVt.«4cv tt.. at J.q. i- F. L C." N' A]: D. H-.v*" Km uitwi*. fuuo. *t CV J*U. 11 • >' UXDitl RICHARD. V 4r: kc,mi Ki-c4 • Uwe jail U r*ta.:ti J U. li Han er* adJ i > tu&iut C.,t ?J, 12 Me,* .AN^Lf. Batt&ef's ia«  '-?? Li*# MO <T at 1 ■ ,Al'- l!J SALK r«l-MOKK<»W. ? t TO RUT* HKt^, i>f-LtKr> AlI OlflKIMI.  Ml X i, > > I I' I i.NjOiN «r: d ).1 "í," i 1':1 I, r. :I iw. V.I.I. b, AL;t. ij s julXLSbAW »lVVi.iiAL 3 CilK>L» 1101;sh>, T1. vl>, ll.\RNii», MAliLL IU Ul ,I I" A.V > t.8 r) )1. • Uc A < — Aj 1M-AI( ï I*J7. ? CAWF \tl.0\\t;i?G ijA tu»#! IverK LMfi# V.L.. u .<♦>. tae MIU d:"¡,e. I* h>l'AV. Mo J.'l'.l l;t 1 f' :8 bVAJ. lAifcs HaiiiMi .\ET. A l*ft. *Din boat, P:'I.lI.-l'U"!3.i;vU. t'IDi. tiaer, *a l u» ¥. auort ii*n-cia, "U. oul"'h. tuna«r L*ftkuUrs w*f be iI.oJ f u.. A,¡e\IQ. ui-n. i akhui. 'lIl31' JAMAKY >1X0 SiLE. I mj ok r.o r NOTK i.. JI i t.Ull\VALlZ«i.d IIOWIUNI} t* auowau.* i-fiu.i* aw. i loe.r .NLXT »i I U :;Â1.t. -.T. 114" lI"ttt: tXCHANME, CAKDIFk, va UUi JAnturj, 1NI7. «( l11e.c!oa If:e.¡¡. ol llJ A1X .\Bl. lIU1;;ES. IIKW^Iu# toUi wuig tnl-cl4M Lc .-iM 10 GKAND JttisH liD I EK AND UAK.N!AS L1 )hI: VKuM MR. THOMAS MoRUAN. VF WAT¡;UFdRP, Whki 't "1, \0' .ic T.» IUJ* »*A» N N L. tiac: 1. VI..W F"l'U J' l'lr d.LL 1..0 ihey iu*^ W dJ 1< 11 I: V AoLl,¡;U; 11CN 1 >-KS AX 1> 11.U;,Ü. I""R.,E., l/vut MI. C. K\I. \,uu. 4 til)i.1t..l. flv¡¡¡ U.uf1 K. JS.-am. L'1., W#cU#f. j U,)"t:" Lb. pfO. of C'L*#. .I:oiQ.. C*riu4r- 01"" A SMALL };l.1:UJi;\ù hTUl>. '-I.fO" of » LocaI 0»uU<m*n. 3 HoKiitS. trom "'oil;. t. J 1fr!:y., ü. Tt a*j t • r -siioti. 1' >*iUiU.u Vv. 1>n06. W T. Ie*ii. £ I tLj. Kujs cf*| K. 1>. W. ttliytlf. > ui-*r;! iKiwt Wjn^# *t ouc#l?^y7 TilE lll°K £ sIKKli AtCllU.N kiOOMS, \'&Iwn"l' ^ALl-ft of l liiMiLUt »iid LilA'Ub ut >»erv I>< r ;• -fi N«if *:hi .'HV.OUU tiauJ. u»\«» NUAV «iid raiitauAY • :;c 1" u¡. vo u.u- i vi t" ltt:: .1. 'j-u 111. 1&11, cu. 1- 'oi.C'" L:('>"J CU'* Jl 1"" J. u..uAl,V()X 4ii'l CO., Auctll,)ller"- 3S. DukMUWt, laruiti. rKEUMl-NAKY SuIIVB VALVAbLE üvl",t.A.J.. c:vLU.a: ll'l, SAL. b ST Mi:. \v. cuuiah.vVv Ci AKKl, bu )11:1,\JDi\ ';l':i"dU?:: tLe tu9uU I J&t;AY, 0. llvL31:l VAl. COLLIERY ttO'P'tr wtia 1.LI. t"'1', sii »n the \'4I C'wi.i«;ry. .Hi IJtu.6 or x »• o y' 4ili t^-iAAuir^. Ju A.U*«t vltlUCt vein l" .l>rIAJ, jliWt .a1.1 w. c.a.. k .) V ifcuiAi# la :bo l'rv»* f-*i *• *1 .¡..pHt.G. kJ M#s»rc. V+i-j U. AUj^iu *aJ lU.j*. :')v.J,ll' l\ni;priJu, Mr. 11.f1 }1'J'I..u;IU. 1iU&JCI, 'i*. '4.rI" C'uaiU or W Uio AU. •:••.#• >«U|ur k^« «ai4i'V#r ia (unn *d»ert^cments. 1, ^tA*eo-»tr««* c*xuin, L/«c«ai &# I. 1180. ;JJ I'AKk UAXL bALL KViiMa. t AKl>Iir. \|K. wiil ftl-lili AL'O- lfjl llD.S, ta 11 Uday NfcXT. J»1>. litii, About iwo 11 ..¡¡aN l*>vt ui Hvl SKHOM) KLKMTl Kfcl ( loav 1 tvfet H. u" :.ij 1p.l1C ,Vi.;IU, 5 Q.4.4J I'lfcHO ft lJ UOii*. <ka>A 1à'L,iJ¡, • jti to hi.8 b*>. :hdv(G;J\I v.v.- \VW:lleC;e at ^ui L A? U3. j&jO^ Rtt'\h1TOI:Y, CARDIFF. .,¿TliROA r, J AS. 1W/. ,1:t';¿Lrl> to aTti'Ut^au.N ALkA.Oi will UuLU to r,4 "Wf' Itmto A LAKuE AND SALK H¡;Tl::i: AND HAHl:i:; Hui:.sES, A\ tbe H«py».kry. Carol. '¡-Len Wui IK iJ.Jed ÍD 1JÜ.. A LAKtii. ;0;1 L U < 1"" ilUXTJilW VivLi Xl. L'O.-L. of Bal iual.0#, #ud Á E Ui» vr 1I.n,l.}l(vJt A OLMLEMAN tD Ik- oibuiou. i oua{>.» wL4i.tarf*iaihl#S«*#no. A.# Å »TL*1> UF h^NTtKd AO HAKNkdd I1vMM FHOM lJ1I.VVhl.ll1U;' Xo0#tA^r wiiii # l*/<« oj-aber ot IW4,IQI"" Lvcl tv T.l.u. AKh .l.1.t:.u..lJV iLNUAOLD k of \.ÀI8 11& (iutluwi wla.hlD,O 1Wo.J UU; reuueswJ t..1 • *4 uiij m j-tsmlul* 7.\j,, 'I ALfeJtANDKiv'S KlJ\)slTt»KY, CARDIFF )ll'iuf:C;¿}! I.'¡' to in- (uri)J hi»cuinxi«»»i j 81". *'lt"' HI. A TrlJ 01" CLKVLK ilUlJ::i; In baN Ct u .1 ♦•! 1:0 .tJ.11 WfUli"1- to L\ 01 111. i.u.1 \17 -.M M.J. Hor.n.ul W.rrLD.lO Itr ALSU HACKS A.N l' HAli.\i-5.S 1I\11;I:; U JOJi. y ,T.. ;I6>tlJrl. W ..¡"'AiU.Ut' ¡uR WhoSl 1 r MAY -NtJKlOf. Mj- <: i A *na IJLaNaS uav« btjt^n r u->i» L rC'tLiC ALX ll-»N t*cora- ] S i Vv» i «t,ui'.iv;.4 ic civtrU lioiu Ut# *»«uv;u Consul), oa i AY. I.M. J«uu*a Ue»eO At«r. 1 iJ lu.N> Oi' i>l >Ni.K COAL, :t •« 6. ."N.W. AUO i* K Ivoji. C'»i'Uiun und -Do la' .nll. ut' t' .C: .t.I..u.I.J'j. ¡.o, )' .fw\.l 4:.4! .á -) t.v .).i\.a.J.. vrd .uben 4.Å.lWI. ,)1 ÅW"UUC. buse 1Jv\¡'Oir' _u »ALK T<K>IORKCW. liKl",10" > ii'ilil* Kill. A. VJENVl,A.MJ»ud J.lOKAiiU»re imtriKleil t J MI. H. 1>. i»'.o '• >•■»" « lluIU 1# si.LL »■ AUi Uv.S. Kiitii.! »o UIM'M M.XT. J.i.jifT li. »;<-iu.oo^« yju.vuAlif. in* •aw. ol 'ttiTru HK, HOK-KS TUaI'>, »nd tKKEC K, tum J. .w o: u}»vtre«dct. ¡,U. OL Ul"4'U" V'¡ bci. ""Il.1..U.t.u 11.. I' Z L" y U au J ;W9 .•s.\LK LUi- J'AY. C'A^TLL FAKM. 1'. Ufcoji'J, 1. NK VR »' \1ID!t ¥, TuJKU A-NMAL t.M.r.SKUVfcli ALto V+ JilUv k Av. I'ltt:U..lS AK A:- 11,(! bA8 0«t5» Uvoured m*'b lustra ti « o n Mr. »; .WAf.l W*tt*V» SLLL b» AfcriuN. vi. Monday. i^tu. u> »;vt Sni'ru-IILN 15J l.u uu;r, 4 CUW-i ..nct CALVhS. 8 ll0i<.>us, anJ 20 PHis. r :-if:¡r .r*a u *rn > c li.ü.j tJl.: j.aJ >•? Ui« If< ¡.. "'I- I "J .¡j. I. U AL i 'L1. YI: ,.l.I'\¡ 1:1: A ,S,I1';S, kmKN I" MI;, J' MkN IM< J.MAS h«« tavourrd > J T bAlATtl. tjfi (wh> I,«i !«• vii-c > uu 1 litU-^DAY, mt ..i'¡;' .\J '>iUr.K t AI ILK, "1\ 3Ii. • »- ■-•* i.ll. ;61"U \b.tI.llttaol". k. 1.c; t O t riur \.1 -e. 7302i :\Lt; THM DAY. cArl I.t. \Kh,.1 tH;J\)4USO, )ltj.'ll1.Lo\ *Al .l'Ä ALt )1 \t:I;.ylt',E.I1 bold s NtJtT MuMULY MALt. -» »bo«# MONDAY, J* I.' lUui. tW.. 9 táC < OU5<, U KAI ^I KEHS, Î Ditto atltLH\ 76 l'lttu filter. >;■» Wd, rnna-¡1. Mai# »l Twcif e. KuftMT kJ.tlltt No h»m# J or AJ nrt^in|. 7.?t* SALh IHi.H DAY. ) 111: JBKAUl-KY will SKLL h* AVC- uT TIOX. at hi* Koo u* \'>vtb*r«Ad, on MONDAY MAT J *nu»r? 1::1 1,.1. HOI^K>K»LI> pt: KT1T .H J Sü M AC tI: 1.. -SiA:]w «V.<H Ie. )t'I!oJ "oXfc'«»|:0 oJU 1I1:U,'I'Kt:t:l" 8WA_5SKA. 1'¡¡/i:t,1;,¡ 1IL.Y (SAU1-; of J t AKKIAOCI. *•• "'1 k» t» 1 111 Ik* Y.r l of tb. r f^r t Haul <■> -A M>K!«I>AY. J.M. l»u>ia.:0 P.M. ••? ? i^1* .yy^ n.,r.|Q.^r 43ioprru», &r.. to rp > lIE FOLD oirxwr TJL. WAGON WORK'? usr MOOas, CAKDTFF. IV1UIJLi: J'OR UíiG8 E:\GIN.:RI:fQ OR RAILWAY waqon wukks For Ruticulara 'Ppjl tQ H. D4Vg.\?oiiT, nifl lut Moon. Oudl ri MJ K "HJ.; >1AI L,'l'ri O.Ü; l'l::ï JL II g\At1 lit, ttuiiigjii." kale4 bi) Pribate Contrart. ?tt iv l'KAi'KttM, ni ani»«»tuei;s. 'XTO?'?t:*? < A?nttTF. I)kAe r ANDObT?t 1. v Vt. "ff/L»\VAU)> THOMAS C?'D.?S is in ?RVF.K lr 4AI.Eby TVINDt:R.LN; )..)«. "foCtt ? 'HADKu< tL.. *•««•♦ujjuuliul Jl ^tr Snuim*r«*« ti» Xr'tA i t*».. »b.cii .,Ii b. W,?i ill A Di. v'ln\ \I!! r«t.< ta.. 1'11.. f>tis:k U *»*ll worth tn* jtt«uUo:» ot buyer*. may I. *«vkvvl. w»th :»ail < oiisllUouA o* irmu t ¡"utll4(' 1'.ur-1 tb.:t). t:r,,4.:kherbw"D. t:rùUf. U tl l" r 1: J t!i« ',1. y (4 >lle. • t \\1 Krohr. marked "Tender fr I «*H "eo rfCfi*M hh,ø. '')*.?'?'JS't?.'WKt?'M'AY'. ?.. u:[. D" "I, I'J wm b# oL4Ged in tR<? i'f?-o:vt uiotuj who w ay U.UII04.t. „ K'»r 1\U\ü.. pur tic ..m> ^k»-v w LÜe 1CJoter.L Pr.SAU'fli. near CAKLHIF.—LEASK- ):t.).U t!»>iDKyc^. • K^VKNhWOKl'H t uuroh ^ai"# kouth lat pr#e#al UU° ,u t'r"" i HA i'WvH 1 ta". Vbufcu-ptace uut (occui>ied». A AIH-'KN/'Cbufv-n t'a » Scutb r<xcup;«d). Prio# *'tun?r!?.n:.f..? *ip!icvt«'i fo Mr. W i'0Mtr*0iy Clvke. ,I y ;»TU-*ue t. i.Ar .iJ. '»>« to hi>uteo(K.J. U.?.. t; H.. "Q,h" Bu.Muyt. or Ui  Mr. II. COl MNS. Mwiiviwr. CarJiff. |\i SIllPoWNfcJW. J^Oi; SAIil. ).T TKNOKK, U'-Ctth« of Mt.l)l?llll' "NKLSDN." A. K. UKAK. U N»*- .« Vr^ltAlvfi J*. L);i J to tlltf hlKlirlt Of Ill¡{ 5SA1J: b, I'UiVA li: CON lliACT, UlluM'liA NIVI N i'AIN ( k,LLII-:KY. lId'Jatlll.l.I «n the W'Jrty of 0!4u;orfan. 'r .lit Af*.» <■( 4.^ «ce«. «ad cot'4in« *H th. .*1. (IOU¡ •.«< No. 1 Kb >iMdaHr.>m to tbelo" i ,c?utr L?ti.ui,rs?pply tv.%Ir. k?iiiu,tvu. Stinti!g a a jf t; i'urcb.kj# tutuey «u-t* ri*ai*iii o» a»'>i:*fe. i .g;uv\ i. AneMil ;lIbllr .íOWt¡. ?A L"l? A (LDlITEU). XX — 1U« in\N>VKR \t: w trv u- Nl-M>AY. Jati t«ry l.tii. ta KtUDAY J*t» ury fcU: l^tu lu^.u-> t.r tJ.VlhI1<1I"IrI,lt,'k' L 4; UjUt. er. t:, IIAKV K\. Secre: iry. iV3( ulICh lll.til i»V U1VI..N, tbat Ih PArTNV.KSIUP »i*r«to|.»fe ",j,Iw.lÜ:'1 .«t«c#J U3, Utv ■%> \ KtbS^adVAlttL tikK.N. tArry 11.t;"1I tJ,u 'I U.^cu'bu.tuer^, at W.(r*iDg^trc«* t .t¡i, IIIU:¡ ti,r tirai of >•>;« vt the CAUDIKP to. 11.. .;LIL.1Uti COMPANY. h" i. "U tin* JAY DiiiOLVtD "1 .1.1 Dtoudu* lO Aiil < hythe *aul bnn v.i.l be »#• .1 "UÚ .h1 hI tlic »*ui *».mu"I#1 turu. 1>«:«U tbts lith «Uy "t !h\ iwo- M'All R..L..K..S.. ;fIlCC,\Î\¡lill;,i-,lfliI' A:\ lil;UKE ^X ■MlCt'AKlViL i LiAS-HGlif AND t'UKE soneE W HKtlKKY Bl 'Wï:l, :1t, ptlfilta1:t :<> «» orO«r<t "I ■' »> l'*t»uta.«nv a sPF. IAL MHAKhUoLDEKi ot ihe Cariia tias- J.t.1" »;j l « 'i* *»i y WiHli" bo-d .t.te c)dIior tuo C u.ya; v *r> ,"tll". 10 the I'u iu y ot O,Ulhlr. tfkn i.n Vvi. re 2t>h.Uy of Jtuury. I'\t v » '■ ill ti loo itltr\¡u )' -V Hill to eu4b.«tlte t. aidiit Oai- i i ts-: llIrtun t:aoua1. 1.0 1Ii¡uir. It .N it WnrkM, and tvr outer • > Hie t'r\ll.r¡t!t(lfiI ttieu i'reecut, L \i IJt taeif aHllvva,: 1'1"1 "I I.u,l¡tf. Stll t'(.\1Y, Secretary, t' ai>l<fl. StU J.*u ury. lv«. A'l,l::1f!I;,lJt1;: WIUMittl) »t «M TOWN KALL. CAKPlFf troy "11:1.1 Pt'r!.a¡:à.:I1IJU vi '-Ii" )I.¡,)¡). lltJ T tr li-^DA\. tOJ lJtl.1 J.ui'IIp.'1 A N«>N*-l*<>1 ITlv'AL R:\TKPAYfcKV AND klkct A COUMITVEI:. 'nÜr u he ukeu at Ki»at t'¡,;l' by «a*Cuundilor Heary JfUftf. A.I Ratepayer* Des^r.-tu 'It becomiug m-mb«ii are rvri«««d to kDd their u..w.. owd hlr\1I to lite ilo. orary .vtrt-c .ry. Itf, Duke- treec. *t liff. ur tu bAU,J jo W., tQ the r6U a%^be t"u.\}i. -¡-: !^I\VAN6I; V and :-UL111 \\ALE It A C fc S NKU ('u1;R"E. MANSKL TOWN, SWANSEA. a M&K11.W will ►»« U^LD. under Grand Xatlonitl U i.rl. I'll KASTKU MONDAY and 11KSDAY. April 11th and Jith. 1^. 111- CARD will incluae "d:EYL;C:IB"¡¡". over tS .I.UIJi afi'l t'1íuliC t:dUf,e4. "t,v HC ll'fi FLAT KACr.9. Furtlitr IMf\ In luHiro a\&Vwttseruel,t., 'oJ" A C. ölï(AK, Hon. t!hM: I. ríJ Jem. _1_. -'I.WJ\D' ^ItK 1\KI:Y:ï ACl', ltJW. i> i: W K KC1T' Y. I ,r¡'E h HI UKKY tav", un, on Pt'tion è:el tl:tj':b '.Y d M'HjIo.K iw, a Kec«i<in< Drdor ag*iujt Kl oN PA Y.N K, ki li»a9na»oti. Iii iu# vt U >b *tr l'ot*r, nit iot » wtu*.itiory, tn 'be Parith of A^ryi* it» i M Hi:i,i.ij' i, Urottr. wu utade .w..rc, h lien a'<Tre1ef*r, f\ I. I X. tii*: au Order .)t -v tb uii Klon P.,I'. v „ .1.:1' I, (. -,1.1 tldl.dY lilV£- ibat te F'f'" Vsaiu-wi triJ'* u>ii»l b. UdL" 01 M i:«c#-f'r ti l'rej«<ar-p..t.e. N^wioi*. Mou.u- utiMhlre. ou tll ». f J.ui .Ai>, .j>. ♦" I.c, N :)lJU AdJ Ntilli K a., ALvi I1KKLBY OIVKN. \ll,1t the In.1 ";lí1o,I, t': »u -■< ti1 D b;*T U*;J fur tbe .ith 1.1., of J..UUI. 1:1> k.e» 0, ø dIXIIi. ill .r. the LUluf.¡H; III BaukPipwy iJ. lulj 01' J..lnJ,d). Iso, W L D^NlhL. o!ti:HrJ ftor"¡fer, —4 HcUi.yi f,JIIl '■IHfc" -1;i'I,l5t, H~3. I\ bANKUUPTcY. /J' ,il ANN Wor*ON. of ii.<u i'.rctjr, iirecoO. HYU TYDFIL. o. 101 ls«7. K«c*i*iui t,ttdf I..üe J..uI.r7 Jr I 1W7. Dai«<>: ,1¡Ir t" ;»ia.»ry A .^o a i:r.»U a. Jao liry 4;b. 1411:, iJ"k (4.. » f) 4:J. Us:. lJ. \lC'in" J tonuiy 'JS'b. 14. „ Tw*i,v# N\XJU, Uh I. u. 'v ¡ Ud:, .\lert.:lul,\UiL Da:«of 1 («-»'.i >u. Jauuary tiii. lt1,330D. \b. LQun U ••»<#. M* 6r\h,.r l'"ltU, II, I. UA:\h. urtleral U.¡Yor. AviOrrm. tit, Ui^n-«tr^et. Merthyr Ty t.^1. D.¡ thialth Jay -Ji Jauaa.y. Hit. 1O¡J "JIUl. ItA.NKKiriCY ACi, 1W3. 1.1 tj. c.n'1'tJ Court (If U1"UJvrif'Il.s¡fr- .1()L1.a at l'('d'JlJn ;1- I 1:0; TlU: ,It\rl'U\ o! ;17ÃSKRl'f"l'CYPF.TlTIù:i, Piled "hO /th dot,t Jauiury, 1M.. TO ISAAC WILLI" \(;1, "f fc rw 8hc>p. uear Forth. 10 Iha C > r v f e. •]• v K F :i ►,* Ha-, tr-u-wy Petition fcM btteü pre* s y I W thi* Court, 1.11 TUOU1," Uoyu AttJ 1. v. II^mD s'.ift. pi rift. lu or ,» 1.,t.. PD*I-IO i Ui»u#i ;t, ) ,j • n :J1 I A». I \O,1:IoIIY. Johu Wti Uain J, lJ, uf i-'o kry. Perbdale. lu the County lit 1'rovifcuu Mercluiit. au I Jonu ().tti. ùl hlrw h i. D" I'ur:b In the "Qo!oJ vt ii.atu jnjAti, Break Pro- ;>ti«u»i. A'td tae CVori, h.*a ori«re,l taa» the puUicat.<'n of ifll, a, jU tt.e L a i ./• fjxu*t< ami in tfte Sou* ]J,' :1 ,f ,ua »» -.A.I ,¡ *<i»i uvwiva^jra .baU ir. Uveiuoa tl » ""I,i. of Ir.e 1.iÍLIU »u^»u you. and Farther lAke Not; t'. !h. the !I, i* wui tHt b8Mu AC "IUJ Cflun OoJ tuv lata lot Juu.r,. Ui7. at ldD o'clock _D Lb. rorvuoon. u.i w"b dAy y u *re te j-Anea W appear, aud if yoa il*< uot apt*al the « ouit W1'0., I:u, Order agaiwt jou pai.tTou utfl i« iuii'ecwd by y J\X ou A^^IlL-a'-iou to thia u.llhll It!1da1 01 Jaii-iiry. 1W7. ;.r.l t. C. aPlCKEIT, I(..i, KiiOlMEStAi;OftDEKS by Colonel .i. UILL, C.B. H.A., M,I"'(,'OWID4"dW' UtOUnor- j oIU\lU"" oh.uUMh. i ard, lith December. 1Soô. Al> Dtil.s are \It¡J UHt:i IS:,uodl 1>1 °ra"' W, PITH":O¡, ISiiliiwJ) W. PITMAN, Adjutant. f., MajorftudAdluUnt_ (1 ;vT; 'i»TFF "iTYK iio_sP_i'i'A. £ lilt I.\ hK Of Am 0 i' 1..N 1 U 1 S 1 X s X 1 X U T 10 X VII .\10.. UAY .Ntxr. 111.1')111 iiut.. at 230 p.m. I :,i l'u:.ic are rtJ¡Jt'I,:l:tldy IllvHed to AttemL [7J341 U:\I\EI'ln COLU'.OK Vi' SoUXll WALES AND MU:> Mul:TalUKK. LVtNi-NU LECTVKW AND CL,\St; 5'0. Lt:NT I t. K.M.I Ml. IVESINO CL'i: EH wiil RE-COMMKSCK 01 tk* Ii. l.j. t'ti 11ES1JAY tVEMMt. J"uuer, lltü. ¡t.> '.Lt.1 .ui.jett..1.I.rt.«, Lmu, 1-iwu.u !"h)'J., cn.mlsirj. 1.\J\,¡vt,1. »e.Ji IJ L!4,ùl t, tienca iLow.r 40U ltlber Jaiuor, ul jo *ruieui» c .&u..1 !4«ni ri. t;.¡,,tllLI.U1 0«ru«aQ Hf a 1j,¡:tklt'I¡1. u »u*r tjJt!W"t:i..¡, ,-it.'l48all J.,1t.Jrluur., IIm, h,tlllllUl1 to tlv. -ho batJ prciiouw' attends). A t-oiu«a ci Ibree lol'lLAK l.cfcfl/lihH crt th# t.I.jla. Utili.. »-ry lu.iy itiuutfA'.fd by ..I"eriwb. WIll W K"en t" tot. Prtjctva., at LI.;8 1.tL1..utr. Le.JlI vu L'le dr»i tbtee III to out ULri. t; ,.b' I.\W .w. Pee tor vuucoui*. U. OJ. Kor iur:her ^arucuiurs .u. l^r licne'J, Ayi^y. After J..u.rj m. !».. ty 1Vu!; jAMts o.i¡ltr.r. l'ui»wr.-ity College. Car Jiff, Dec.3i. l>«o. Mt.l'.i'lNO will lie At ^o. ol>, /Tl v»elnu.tou.«ti»it, r.ntou ti. Club, c/u ^|. .\I.\ l." LIu .NEXT. J.uU<4tY lit Elftib h 11 IU:IIt- ulii» AN la AI IvN. aatilor u*k«ug Tu'-j co»tA«aer^.»ou otner tuaiU-ti «I impvrtAUoe Ai^r- tAio ul w tHO "Vo\'t1 L.uh. ine ill few'er .ud t.oÍ1.lI »i>i ;t.g to jotu ah» h.ea:'¡7 IUtl:eJ Iou ..u.uú. W i.c. C \11.1a1iYK ci'.Fx iiasl'iXAL. THE 6EVEM11 ANNUAL FANCY ANii CAMCO BALL IiI 1_ place I OS Ut-U.NtSDAV, JAMAKY 20fll, 18b7. In In M.iLL UALI., MEltlUYK H01IL, HCLLLYS CUCSIY liANU (Cmauclor, Mr. W. f. 1J J. i. TlCk Costurae), 15? loa.i oniU*utA'i » ifcveumg 1)re.d. t: tkJ". t4J mciude 'lIvJII' |JUt, ¡IV. Wille Tv b vbt41l1rt.! [Of ihe Hon. otc„ ■ iu. H g!t->u«ci. Mrrihyr lyaai. No Hdtvijy. Nw t;ic't.a4». DA<r;nt^ lo coumiojuco at lq,ut I"m. It l' i' .s, t\^j«uw ti.At tArly AHjiicatioii Ivr 1'icaet# j tc tn.iu., a4 tl I' tul«:iUei to nlmt tiie number stnctiyj 'J J It H. DAVIE1. Hen. 8«., I. IInju Hitte., JUerlh>r l>adl. c A USliIT;Y CLLU, SWANSEA.! I l. Y INI i id- ¡I/E COKNKIt STONE, j III MKH. CH«HLh4 HATH. 0", MONDAY, 10, 13^7, u 230.! I ADD:;La>Li In col.,K. S. 1111.1" C.B M. P., AND > *1 lie I M»we<l t'X i) 1 M N K I: j A 1 iU,; "U:U,fiHLI.. AI 7 P M., lH. P»«i;an!«. At winch bp:t«.i.f» ¡¡. be 1J'ïl'red by CilAUU* HAtU. .(,¡ I J, 1. D. LLh.VLLYN, tsQ HoWEL liWiN.. Ill NhY N. MlkM. t-W • A. J. LAMBKi.r. A-V W. U MKhttDYia. £ 5«..iI AND UltiLUS. 11CKK18, 2*. each (wllru' Gallery, 10" In.IUdl".1 linresrimeiit;, m«y be ooun<e<l HI LtIØ :)t\rtr¡u of the A»5^>*vtoiij. tOr m ]». L, P COX, Secretary, 7 "A 7. CaUllr ;8I:-p,.r., tIl O.\b UliUi ili.KS, t'JtNClPAl- BILL- r<j.m:e AND liv^rlri, 1t11ó1l.lIln¡';¡';i, -NKAlfl. AN & BR110N FE I. II r«r;*r» "c.e4 a.. ^eiivere^. UlU.ten U t.. \II'" W«»;eiaa>« >e»ta aael Lh. lUimayt, an4 tae fua^i^^ AtUt !#•'•' ,+* *1 th* P.»Mtir,t. >*$ 11361 Su<tnr#9i "rtttt'. QUIt 0ARDTFF jpRIENDS WHO COME FROM THE J^wru OF TIIR T W E I," D %N'ill be glad to know that can now be Will be ({!»(! to know tb»t th»f c»n roar bej tapplied, fresh naily, and made in the ¡ Factory in TH K H A Y Es, Wna SCOTCH Silol.T jguKAD* OK. AS WE CUL TBE., SUGAR CAKES, AT ID. EACH, OR TWO K08 ljo. 100 8UEEP THIS WLEK, From 4!d. to 71d, per lb. VERY FIRST CLASS QUALITY, 2 0^.QLUS-UF QHRISTMAS QX BEE F, I From 4d. to 9d. per lb. JJOI'KINS, H AYES, I CAHDIFF, I QUK W; EKLY COTRAcrl FOR 250 MII,D H AMS, At 71d. per lb., AND loO SidesMildBREAKFAST jpARMHOUSE B ACON, At 7ia, per lb., I S NOW 0 N, And so oerUin are we that the GOODS ARE THE FINEST THR WORLD PRODUCES That we noderUke to CHANGE any not approved of. HOPKINS, H A YES, c ARDIFF. iim fiU^UKSEt! tJtJ rtt. W. W I L L I A M S JEWELLER, &(' 29, CASTLE STREET, AND 17. WJND-STREET, S W A N S E A. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. '/2133 THE GREATEST VARIETY OF COLI) AND SILVER NOVELTIES IX WALES. I I J^WNS A?D 0OMPAXY'S I NEW Ykaks L E A 11 A N C E S ALE rpuis J) VY> jyj^ONDAY, JANUARY lolli, CONTINUING TO ED OF MONTH. ADVANTAGES.— JMMENSE STOCK. G IIEKT B AIIC.AINS!. A 'ATaLO(i t' tConsiotir-sr of p^sef, with prices), to a«fiist Customers w"at purcliasing, IlJV be had ou the I'rBajises, or Post-freo on applicdtion. TE.MPLE-STREET, O WANS LA. | 7? i NIPORI'ANT D IZAI'l,'[?Y s ALT- T"E AN" UAL I" P, G RNUINP, QLI:A1!AN"CE SAl.EI OF jQRAPERY AND orTFlTTI:\G I AT G TZIFFITIL tj A 11 E S' COMMENCED ON s ATURDAY, JANUAUY JST. 1837, ASK WILLCONnNC'ETUR JCfiHOl'TT.lE MONTH ALL DEPARTMENTS WILL Bill, ilousl) COMPLETE; WITH GOODS OF UNF.QI;ALIE[) VALIUEI IB.tRG!IS' IN ALL CLASSIC OF USEEl'L DRAPelit. ^O.ME J^ARLY AND gECL'RE B AitCAISS. G R I F F I T 11 JAMES, AND 3, CHURCH gTREET, cARDIFF. 72S33 p ARKHOTEI,, c A It bl-l"*F. NOW OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION OF VISITORS. 150 LUXURIOUSLY-FURNISHED ROOMS. Ewrvthlng that c«n t*nd to iarI'e the Ccmtdrt of h!- O:-cup:mU has b?n ?refull3l,tudiefl. the Hotel th na03t minuteattelJlion lus: been paid to Banitary Mtttert." •• An air of Reinement and Blo".nce p<rv"del every- thing everywhere." U The mott Complete Arran«emrnt9 hive befii ..1:10 mad ID the matte-of Buy; lino ins and Luggage liootns (or the Convenience of Commercial Gentlemen." Vide Public Pn%t. L U N U II E 0 N S 8SHTED !S THE WELt-APPOlNTED RESTAUHAKT from 1 to 2.30 p.m.. TABLE D'HOTE DINNER, øeryeù 111 Itrge Uiulng rooui. SIX COORtES AND KSSaRKT. 31, 6D. TttlIR,1.13 Nimsih, W5. o. W. C'.ARE, Misioei. tarn ¡¡:;¡;"PF.RI'tttï;¡iNLP.S9 ¡n::m,. J( 1. I TEE'li! Dentil Notice. fl^KI/lU. T OWBX'ô AT C¿lWIFF, T ASSISTED BI WELI.QrAL?HHD ?t?MTANT. AIIIII 11 JLY 10 TILL 7. ,OWEY .Ito c.n be .-?,.It,d every Tho"dAo at 72, OROCKHERBTOWN, ?AHUm- TEETH.—owi.N AKu C?6. SDB0E05 DE?TtSTa. VI. London (KstAbJlshed 7J years), 4, UX?M?STUt:F'? S??SEA, 72 OROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. TEETH OF SVm'AING t3EAUTY, Jt. ALLIOATOR 1VORT. JLJ i Jt't htrdert and purest known. 'lhh ce1"brated ¡vor, .ob?t?d 24 Prize Meda: Fitt"i ?hil", "altl", ATt<<th.?.?.?<"B jfO I I 17pper or Lower Bet Prom 15 0 Rtcppldc daoa#ed Teeth 0 S C till Seven^ "1 -■ T1V\ T J, \v [?oj:T. MOK. 1? (Ett.b'tthtdt?O.? J D. )!)?':S, PILL polrÈR R'() A6f:I1!¡¡j ¿GE:-iT, RBNTi oil tb. PRINCIPAL P08TIN9 $TATI6?air, Town an" Neighbourhood. T?? > Bill Posters aud | Horso nd T" I AAAR COMM.?LL?RO&D? ui35 1 FASTIDIOUS SMOKERS ?it) 6id nl)t)'IH bHèr '\I\t\ to t.tfl H>*« tiww ?i".)) B'fvut'i? Ci?rettt)."MY'he GitmMrtoA)? ni.!'![?t??'t''?'tt''thetimp?trutn. • nd ,.thi,?g more. T.stes in clii.rettes vAry u milch II in tea. Tin: GiincarlJ Antonini suit, my pal..te to the Ihailowvfst 5h..d Ullcate., U". ttiey dninct flavour of their WlIllr, Ute 4th. ¡ij6, ?tAX-UAULO AM'OMM I?Yi'TtAN CICtARETI'ES. I rnr?tredcHthtfu!?Y<ai?.deliett<tnJp!tf"'? aromatic, th result of great care, experience, and kill itt selecting and biending tl1 leaf Oouujiueurs tu CigAr«jtt<3 declare thm Psrfect SOLl> iiY W H gALISBURY' 'imfoki'i:i<, AND A R D I F F, _JU_ ?_  ?. LII'lUG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF -VIK.Vl' (or Improved and Economic Cookery. LlEluTT* Cmll' Y':O:; EXTIIACT OF M BAT. Unly sort guaranteed GEIVI.VF by LIERKJ I OMI'ANY'S EXTRACT OF E." r t)? Finest, MMt.F')t<"unns 8tod¡, l'6t it for fcjups, Sauces, AmI Made Dishes iriL)iK!" COMPANY'S i:XTUAC'l' OF MKAT. Ertid.ntTO1C iu 0\1 caw» o( We3kn." and J ,1;f":Hh' IMionlers. Lll-.lilO C!).\H'A?S EXTRAOI* OF JUMMA'r.Mit:i?yr<'cummeuJed<ttyi?htc?p).i. stead of akI'u:IHc urin. -1 ('OII' EX1'R\Vl' of MK4T liENUINK ONLT w,th 1.310111. of Biroi. Lit-'j^ s qItIUIrt in blu jiik iij;ros» Uhel. T "iEBiG' COMPANY'S EXTRACT _Ol7 I A MEAT. C?k?yH.?i)M!tf.MO.t.?,?? to rhe Company, Fenciiurch-areaue, L»'«i<lou, £ C. C)U':).T?XIIA.M. 0A YJiNDWlTiOUsK'.CHELT KNIIA M. TlIE ANNUAL WINTER SALE AT IŒDIJCED PRICES IS NOW PltOCEElHNU. SPECIAL ri.EAKANCE P.AIMAINS jx cosTt'.Mi:s. nu.i, dri-nsp.S. s'i^ks. HKE>^ MA-u:Itl.*l. MASTI.I M. I Hllj- 3) h ?\I, 1) v Ps? 110 c E. Hoi,D .181.'ILV [ It-Ni- 'HJKE.CAKt'EK.?L'KTAtK?.J!?. I>KTi:ilin Uir, FL'LL IAIITIIULIII, AND 1-itlSRNS OF HKUtCkU OOOD* O I. ,I'Llr J. I hJ. Ad.!ws!Tin MASAOKIW," (68154 CAVENDISH H'ASE (LllllUW). CilELTENUA-M. ?''0"U "A'i7"P'A'TjrN T S. ]>atknt sealed. m William C I'rowr Sfrwart. Hlackwoo.l, lor 1mPI'oyp-1 ments in Co.nWned Tin iUrs and Chairs orTrarnwiiM Hn iiuys. No H.3C1. dat'd Dm.2. ldS>. I?t6 mill. CARDIFF AN D COUNTY CO AC H- .uUILNSO CO, (LIMI? HOPtt-SlKBET (OPPOSITE CONsKHVAliVB CLU-A CAltDlYF. Ur*e« Establishment In th. Prinelp»litjr. ytrit frtM CardlS Hurs. Sllows 13i4.1835. 188S, G. A. HL;NT. M.i-aser.

llandakp cathkdkal SKKVICK- I At th. 0 p.m. service Ihr.yKliont. the "et-ii Uieie will ?, ):i hU.vKST KlilM-SHIKt. 8llccrllter.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
iiiliil WAl'KK THIS DAY. \r l ll.r. t:.?. M»r. En.  1. i 1; I_,t.. I

tii;■. \vi:atiii:i:. VMer.lisy illi'r wa-m 't impi'ovament in the w»»:l'.er. Tl.- n1I IHi tiven way w Irost. and the ?, .?'J ? .1:' i' '!?? ?' t.-reoasl for to-day (Moudayj, igsiied \dt''rJ, hv the Mefeorolunloal ulh,v, i. Wind Uc.H'i s- "r S. cMaiin»able sliov.ery; unsettled; 9 Iln lo;s cold. Appended i. cimrtot th burenietrunl r. 1I"tl ,rU,7.„Cj.!2 riunttay midnight, as rt"II:lnj al he U't'sltr'n J{u OlJloe, Caialiff. Tin- lintiumeiit la 3)1L. above tea level

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
vesiekdays rainfall. Th["ll1f"lI. &, rq¡tr,j aL Cwn-y-v li. penartn, ai I 9a m and i I m. ves rdJY. and lor e,ch o.irrespon.ting I ,!II L? U?i g "he v?'t k, ?., follows: Shi.m. I 9 p.m. lotal. "TT.IZ ~Y ?  S?- 5 •»» I  Th irsday, I) ?' 1 ci c?) 00 Friday.  .f l:g ? ??;;FF: ? _1 i ^^L.

There is nothin* fresh to report in connec- tion with th« Ministerial crisis. All efforts at present s-em to lie direoted towards retain- ing the Earl of Iddenlei^h in the Cabinet. Jt is authoritatively announced that there is no foundation tor the statement that, the Glailstonian leaders had made the concession to Mr, Chamberlain of altering the form bj which the iic-p,, of the functions of the Statutory Parliament should be delined. Oldham Primrose League mt'etinof on Satur- day iiiuht in Bupport of a resolution of con- (idetice in the internment, said Lord Hau- do)ph Churchill was a very clever man, but ho had inado a clear mistake. He did not, however, despair of Msi?'??'? r(,conei)t?d to the other Conservative leaders. )[1'. Edward .I'!I,l¡inson, ohit,! of tho crillli-¡I nal Investigation Department, ill, .rd totti. 1, 11,11 at,at to resign h? appointment. Lord Hrabaz m attended a nieetinc of the Clerkenwell branch of the .Socialists on Friday, and explained his views on State- aided' colonisation amidst a scene of tho wildest uproar, his lordship beiin; denounced I as & "rack-rentin; Irish landlord," The prosecution of Mr. Dillon and five other Nationalist leaders for conspiracy was resumed in Dublin on >aturdav. Mr. Sexton, )1.1'" is the defendant in five actions for alleged malicious prosecution arising out of tbe West Belfast election; £ 500 damages are claimed in each case. Serjeant Uallantine died yesterday at Mar- gate til the 73rd vear'of his age. The Unitarian delegates arrived in Paris on Saturday. It has now been ascertained that 40j persons lost th»ir lives in the great, tire at Madras. For the third time the llatchelor statue at Cardiff was on Saturday morning found to be defaced, the figure and pedestal having been smeared with red and blue paint. Two men, named l'ritcbard and Noyes, were on Saturday committed for trial by the Stroud magistrates charged With the murder on Decembrrol of a youth lIamed J ames Allen, who was returning from the Stroud Bank with a bag containing JLTlO. The money was stolen, and the lad was beaten in a shocking manner, dying three days aftenvards from bis injuries, A desperate poaohing affray was inquired iDto by the Bridgend magistrates on Satur- day. The previous night David James, game- keeper to Mr. W. Llewellyn, Court Colman, surprised a party of poachers in a plantation near Court Colman, when a struggle ensued, one of the men tiring at the gamekeeper. Two of the poachers escaped, but one was secured, who was remanded in custody. Five years' penal servitude was awarded at Birmingham Sessions on Saturday to George Butler and J. U. Iloldoroft for cases of long- tirm swindling in Cardiff, Bristol, and else- where. On Saturday afternoon a child, the datigh. ter of Richard Edwards, residing in Grilliths- street, A berdare, was seriously injured through the accidental discharge of a double- I barrelled guit which fell to the ground and exploded, completely shattering the right side of the child. The little girl is not expected to recover. Three person* w.jre on Saturday burned to death in a tire which destrored an Italian restaurant in London. A fatal accident occurred on Saturday at Shrewshury through thu fall of some rooting covering an approach to the railway statiou. Mr. William Heath,coal merchant,of Shrews- bury, was killed, and another person was in i ured. Thomas Heatherbarroiv was arrested on Saturday afternoon at .Manchester on a charge of murdering a woman named Ouinn, his paramour, whose head he bad beaten in with a hammer. H. M. Oliver, a well-known athlete and hatidictapper, pleaded guilty at liirniingbaiii Sessions on Saturday to embezilinj i'loO from his employers, the Birmingham Banking Company, lie was sentenced to three months' imprisonment. A quantity of dynamite exploded on Satur- day at Ballintubber, Ireland, killing three men The International football matoh betwpen England and Wales was played at Llanelly on Saturday, resulting in a draw in favour of the Principality by live minors to two.

TIJ I: B \TCIlEIlJJ: STATUU ONCE IOItE. Another defacement of the obnoxious structure in the Hayes was perpetrated noine t?n on Saturday morning last. This ma"8 three attacb upon th?thu;? within as n?anv iveeli. The defacing mixture ba8 !ken paint each time—red paint, blue paint, and now red paint and blue, both; giving the tiur" an appearance little short of sickening, and, as before, obliterating to a considerable ?'(t??tthfinau)t<n(!inst.'ript?)nupnnthH pedestal. We trust these facts will lie care- tu)kcon''idfrfd by the Corporation of Cardiff ill their di,cus.?i. ,f a ?.-ii;h to be I ?ght before them at their meeting to-day by Councillor (¡un:)!, who ,ill move that the friends of the late Mr. John liATCL(I.I.Olt i)c ill tilo itit,re.ts )f the pi-ace of tbe town, to remove his statue "from its present position to a more suitable "site other than tbe property of the rate- payers of this borough—the cost of such removal to be borne by the Cardiff Corpora- tion. The motion, it will be observed, Im\(tI tip, hy implication, the argument of violence and outrage, but these, we take it, can atlect the question of the removal only to a very limited degree. It is not we who preach that every counterfeit presentment" of either man or woman put up by a body of political partisans is to be shied at or smashed, blown up or pulled down. That is not our duc- trnm at ail. It is Sir Edward Reed's. The gentleman who does Cardiff the high honour of representing it in Parliament isi reported bv his own organ in the press to have said quite recently that the transparencies which were exhibited in tbe windows of the lVe-tem Mail during the last Ueneral Election ha.l become to intolerable to His lligb-r.nd- Mightiness that had they been continued! much longer, be himself would have pulled them down, or ( Yhat Nvoiild have been so??what aît'r for Sir Edward) have ;'oc somebody 'IF,? to do it. We, ?e?tir advocate nor believe io the wild justice of revenge." On the con- trary, we think force i9 no rem"dv in u case Iii(e tliis,aiiii should only countasan indication or the great Ina". of indignant opinion which I is behind. The proper and the constitutional mode ot proceeding ]? doubtless by appeal to mod< ft proc?d!nn n douLt!? by appfai <o iou they gave for tnn eivcuoo «' •>"» statue on ne present site. Statue building, ,ik?t?vorythiiig Abould be the gul)jeot of 'o, ?, ti %v Prilit'IP',e. If it? is to occupy public I'ouHd. the image Rlwuld i be that of a publio benefactor and if it is j publicly subscribed for, MmufUth'! bettor. Neither of thews conditions i. satisfied in the present case. J he statue ii that of a political partisan purely aud simply, and we defy any ulan living to point to anything of a publio nature the deceased evet-did to deserve the honour of a statue paid for by the general public. Indeed, so perfectly cognisant of this fact were the friends of the deceased that. they never dared go a yard out- side their own immediate circle to canvass far a single penny towards the expenses of erection. How very narrow a circle this was may lie judged from ttie fact that long after tli,, Arrival of the image in Cardiff it lay packed up on a truck in a railway siding at the Bute Hocks, literally impounded there for wharfage dues, J hen, again, consent to its t erection upun its present sue was obtained I only by a fluke. The Radicals on the I Own Council happened at that time to be ill a lIIajorlty, Wily and astute as ever, tbev led some of their Conservative fellow-meinbers to believe that the bnsiness had no political significance whatever attacti- mg to it, and that it would be a graceful j thing iverti the proposal for the erection ot the statue 011 corporation ground in the Hayes to some from the political opponents of the original. No sooner was the necessary consent obtained than up goes the image, with its daunting inscription—" Friend 01 Freedom.' >ome Conservatives ",v at the time what a blunder there had been. We hope all will see now. Ihe "Friend of Freedom's friends can Mtmnmno- rate him iu any manner they choose, but they must do it at their own expense, if they like to indulge ill the luxury of statue building the,, must pay for it out of their own pockets. To as many thousands of Conservatives as there are to he fuullfl upon the burgess roll of Cardiff the c liject of these people's adoration was no friend of freedom: at all, but siiiipiy a political tirebrand and an active party manager. For tbe reprexenta-1 lives nt" iladtcalism to claim a monopoly ofj friendship with fr""ùom is a piccfof the most into)t'r<t?'ear)u/an?'. '\8 Oll of thl' 11I»t I int<-tH"'ntandinf)uMntia)oftHt:!Lin?a?toM'n councillors of Cardiff said in our hearing only the other day," Well, I must admit it is a standing taunt against your party' a taunt, ita;,dii,r t?ti??t a,,Z"ill"t ..U, 1)5"3, a ?n'Mtcth?-ConSMrvativH" of the borough than was anvtiling contained in the c/lrtoous whIch Sir Epwaiiii Rr.Kt> would lain have pulled down by force, and with this tremendous difference in our favour, that we paidfor our exhibition out of our own pockets, while the Radical admirers of the Friend of Freedom are dipping their hands into other people's pockets to pay for theirs. I he InJustice of spoiling a site which would fetch from ten to fifteen thousand pounds in the market, and the further injustice and scandal of foisting upon the public a statue which must be as much an object of offence and aversion to one aeotion of thein as it must be of veneration and regard to the other, will, we trust, cause such a muster of fair-minded men, Conservative as well as Li bural, at, to-day-'a meeting as shall ensure the decisive passing of Councillor OI.IVEIIS very temperate and very reasonable resolu- tion.

Wflsii Indcstkif.S AND NOTABLR MEN, by This. Wilkins.—yes Wkkkly MAIL. Price Onk Pknnt.

AS THK MIDDLEMAN TO BK DISPLACED. The Cheshire and Lancashim nrmers have just established a co-operative society, '.od for con- venience have opened their first place of business at Wardn ton, The Idea originated with Mr. John While, Ront for Lnrd %Vinmarteigli, sir Gilbert (ireonall, Colonel Ulackburrie, and other Inrye landowners in Lancashire and Cheshire. Mr. White convened a meeting of farmers, and as the result of tbe conference it was decided to reach the consumer directly without the intervention of the middleman, and thus pecuro a better return fnr their capital invested in stock feeding. The faiiiei-s expresied the opinion that they were not making anything like reasonable protUs froui their produce, whilo the middlemen were notoriously prosperous. The association has taken com- modious premises at Warrington, where, in .dd?ti.n 0 retlLH stores, "??.?.dati3n will be ?.)un'(! ° for the ?orn ?xc'hnni{e. which is now held in llu open street. This will be Cormed on the first fl'H)i', which will bo nicelr titled up and well bullied. A third object has been the formation of a F;trn)ers'Club, nf)L a mere debating society, but a social club where tarmers may obtain refresh- ments, read the newspapers, and enjoy social Inter- course.

A,& for Silthb E,ou," Beet val.e 3d. Caar.I MU3

LONDON LETTER. I BY oun OWN COnltESFONOE.NT.l LONDON, SATURDAY Night. As far as tho Cabinet-mending is concerned, we are iii) further on than we were tbreo days ago. All that remains to be done is the transfer of a Minister froni one post to another. Yet this has caused delay, incon- venience, and irritation. Several Ministers callie to town yesterday morning on purpose to attend the Cabinet Counci l iixed for tu-day. Sir Michael Hicks-Beach and Lord Ashbourne bad to leave lJulJlin Jast night. At thti last moment, however, their plans were altered 011 receipt of a communication from London. Everything may be settled beforo Monday morning. Lord Salisbury has only on" move to iiiako, and that is of very little interest to the general public. Nevertheless, until the finishing stroke has been made and the Cabinet has met tho country will not settle down. Rumours have been many this week. The public have beenlwptat/ever heat by one un- founded story ami another, and If) the bustle and commotion caused by the gosstpers and the mischief-makers the one important out- come of the crisis has not been tally appre- ciated. Mr, GoJcben is Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Unionist party is as one, and all other phases of the situation are insignifi- cant. To-day the Time', in its conjectures as to the linal change to be made If1 the Ministry, reaches a point which I made exactly a week ago. Tbe Secretaryship for the Colonies is stated in the Times and other English papersj to-day to lie between Lord Cadogan and Sir Henry Holland. But the authorities referred to make no mention of tbe fact that certain eirculUstallces have transpired within the last few days to make it desirable and probable that Lord Cranbrook will succeed Mr. Stan- hope. But of this I spoke yesterday. It is, of course, to be regretted that circum- stances over which I.ord Salisbury had no control led to changes in the Ministry at the present juncture. Thi will be a mot ini- portant Vear in the annals of the Colonial Ollice. The conference of Colonial represen- tatives, to be held in the summer, may have a vast intlue/ICe on the future relations between the mother country and her dependencies. Mr. Stanhope bad got a thorough grip of the department when his transfer totbe W ar Ollice was necessitated. It is of the t^ irst impor- tance that the War Minister should Iwan experienced statesman, and it is, at the same time, imperative that the heads of the spending departments should be members of the House of Commons and not peers. The .Sfor?tary for tbMCotoni?th? YMrwiH be one of the most responsible Ministers of the Crown. It is oil that account that Lord Cranbrook, a statesman of great experience and judgment, was approached with regard lo the office by Lord Sat?bury. The NO -?'in?Mra whom I nan?d for tbe post a week ao-Lord Cadu?an and .?ir Henry Holland-are both Rent?mtin of br'))iant attainments al?d sound aa?aotty. Under any circumstances, therefore, all it ? certain to end well. The impending changes in the Ministry, blight though tbey be, unsettle all the depart- ments. One change necessitates anolher, and I merely to transfer one Cabinet Minister from ollice to ollice may slightly affect half a dozen I branches of the Sfrvk' Tbe crisis of the past fOfmi¡(bt bLi had a moat serious effect on business. When Lord Salisbury has completed his Cabinet there willlJlJ great activity in the | City again. The fact that the Premier is himself to be Foreign .Minister has added con- siderably to the public confidence. In tbecom- merclal world trains have been laid for a number of booms. In all probability next; week will be marked by days of stagnation. ISy Monda; IV.)¡, however, life on the Stock Exchangenugbt to be quickpned and new enterprises undertaken. The rumours of war have created much less anxiety and un- easiness in the City that, elsewhere. The fact is tbe great Power; cannot light unless the iinanoiers provide th* sinews of war. I he j liothsehilds and other money lenders of Europe have decided not to advance money for such purposes,and the llussian Exchequer, in paricular, is to be kept ,bort. the outward Continental trains have been h?a,,ilv this [,.r,i flartingto?i, "r. Cbaplin, and one or two otb'r politioiam have returned from the sunny South toattend to the?rpuhtio duties. they are be¡n re-placed, however, by hundreds of English- men. Christmas still keeps II tight grip on tho sentiments of the people; otherwise the exodus would have begun with the first approach of severe weather. Many only remained in England until the festivities of the season wero ov^r. At the beginning of the present week there wat a geiieral flight of invalids and sportsmen, Tbe season at Nice and Cannes has already set in gaily, and among the punters at Monto Carlo Englishmen and Americans are numerous. While English- men at home are grumbling and growling at the frost and anow, which make all sports and pastimes impossible, pleasure-seekers at Nice are playing tennis on the lawns of a land on which summer eternally glows. It is not surprising that sporting people should be unhappy. It is long Millce hunting 1 men had such a winter of discontent. Horses are eating their heads oft", and there is no prospect, under the most, favourable circum- staiiet-io, of theo sport of kiii-,s being re- sumed for a week or two. Life is out of the question in hunting boxes cut off from all easy communication with civilisation. Hunt- ing men till the clubs aud squeeze as much pleasure as they can out of tbe billiard luatcb, at th" Aquarium. The coaching division alone sets the weather at deiiance. ('oine rain, come snow, come frost, come wind, tbo Old Times goes forth every morning from the White Horse Cellars for (latlands Park. Selby or one of the amateur whips mounts the box and takes the road, even though there nnv not be a single passenger behind. As a rule, the loads have been better in the non-I huating days than they were before. An excellent lunch is provided at the Oatlands Park I lotel, and at three o'clock the return journey begins. The political crisis led to society reaclions. Several functions tixed to take place on the sooial side of the political world have been abandoned. In most instances the weather has been blamed. It is as plain as a pike- staff that the stato of affairs political was the true cause of tho confusion. All social cele- brations, however, in Conservative circles had not been laid aside. On I uesday Mrs. Smith, the wife of the l'iist Lord of the Treasury, gave a brilliant ball at her bus- hand's house, near Henley-on-Thames. The function came opportunely, for the appoint- I inent of 31r. Smith to the leadership of the tionse of Commons was that day officially announced. The host, as might have been expected, was overwhelmed \ith congratula- tions. here is not in all the world a more genial and kindly iiiati than Mr. Smith. It has been settled, I believe, that Mrs. Smith will hold a reception on the eve of the open- ing of Parliament. I allt not yet in a position, however, to give any particulars. A lii-ge colitiliget it of Ciaticiil, iiieli Arid women left town yesterday afternoon to rejoice at Bareombe Place, Lewes, the seat of Mr. Justice Grantham. A ball took place there last night, and this was followed by other jousts to-day. A British judge is not supposed to have any political opinions. Tiiiie was, however, when Mr, Justice Hrantham was an active Tory. It is only a year ago that he vacated his -at for Croydon to adorn the judicial bench, mis fr¡'JH!8 are many, ana among his guests who went down from town were several members of the Conservative party, Next week, if the weather will but permit of it, there will be great gaiety in many country houses within easy reanh of town. I he new law term which is to begin next week promises well. It promises well for both lawyers and listeners. There will be some bi' briefs goiuK. for heavy litigation lies immediately ahead of us. I be oause list will refer to a great many actions of a popular sort. In the Boucicault divorce action several wUllders will come to light, 1 believe. A large aeotion of the community love, of all things, to peep into the private liles of actors and actresses. They will have plenty of oppor- tunity to gratify this taste during the next few months. There, isa long list of theatrical libel cases to be disposed of. The most recent entered is one by Messrs. Hare snd Kendal against the editor of the Hat. In another the plaintiff is a young lady in the chorus at the Avenue Theatre, the defendant being Mr. John Corlett, proprietor of the H}wrtmg limes. T here will be nothing new next week at tbe playhouses, that if, unless one or two managers should think it desirable to close Ibci" doors, The event of the present week Willi .,>allv the performance of David Garrick at Saudringham last night. The properties and some of the players left town on Thursday,asiiiaid, but they did not reach the Prince of Wales's seat until yesterday. Four huge furniture vans were filled with the scenery and effects. On Monday week Hard Hit," the new comedy by Mr. Jones, is to be performed for the first time at the Hay- market, and on Tuesday Lucky Hawtrey, as the author of tbe Private Secretary is nicknamed, is to produce at the Globe Theatre a farce called" The Lodgers." The Vandyke pictures at the Grosvenor Gallery have proved an extraordinary success, Even the Millais collection did not attract as the present one has done. On foggy days, of course, the attendance has not been large, but whenever the light has permitted troops of people have Hooked to the galleries. The importance attached to the show by the foreign art papers, and, indeed, the leading Continental papers generally, indicates the worth of tbe exhibition. In art circles much satisfaction has been given by the elevation of Mr. Marcus Stone to the rank of a Royal AcadMmiciM. SoMe diMppointMfnt, how'? ever, has been "pressed at the fact t?.; neither ?r.CharIeaHemy nor Mr. Dav'd Murray was chosen an Asiooiattj.

SPORTS AND PASTIMES. RUV Tocchstonk.I The eagorly-anticipstsJ contest between Wales ztnd England m,as br,)u,-Iit off in the Straday ['ark, Llanelly, on Saturday. StartinsfrotntheWeish capital, I journeyed with fellow-pftjisengers through a bleak and desolate country,and tba lurtber westward we advanced the drearier did the outlook become. Snow, snow-inches of it-apparently increasing in depth as we neared the tin-plate town, and our hopes of witnessing the Inter. national contest, sank to zero. As we passed Neath rain commenced descending, further lowering the ipirita of the trippers t,) Stradey. Despite tha un. propituous stato of the elements an immense con- course of eutliususu assembled on SLradey PArk to witness the long-looked for event. Of the game, I cannot praise too highly the play of the Welshmen. From the kick off to the call of I" No side" they pi." ;ad a tine game, and concluded just as fresh as they commenced. A few minutes lifter the kick otf It W,18 seen that the Welshmen were quite equal to he Englishmen in the forward department, and after plav had gone Oil for some time it was discovered, greatly to the delight or the onlookers, that they were having the best of it. And so it was; the English forward contingent wore out of it. all round, and, despite the giant efforts of the grand English combination behind, the Welsh- men rushed the ball in a manner which surprised their most ardent admirers. The Englishmen were not slow to diJcover tills fact, and tried to muka the game aggressive by getting the ball away from ihe Welsh forwards. They reckoned without their host, however, its, playing a fine defensive game when necessary, the Welsh backs spotted the tactics aud kept the game conllned chiefly to the forwards throughout. Forwards never played better. The way the Welshmen packed the scrimmages astounded the Priglislitiitin,whilsttlie manner in which they rushed the bail from one end of the tield to the other was equally surprising. W. II, Thomas takes iii-st honours. He seemed quite equal to two other men, whilst. Alextndcr, Morgan, iiowen, and the "New- port trio" were veritable thorns in the aid. of their opposing forwar&. Bland quite jut;ti,d his selection, but Hybart didn't seem to relish the company. For :nl:lnd Clibbrn di I a lot of work, as did Wilkinson and Hick,,o?. B iker, the Gloucester nan, showed good form too. Behind, matters were more equal, Bonso.1, on Saturday's form, was certainly the best half on the tield. He saved repeatedly, but Newman and Evans were" all there" for Cambria, and It was a treat to see these two tnou constantly upset the ambitious attempts of both Bonsor and Hotherh.lO. Their tackling was grand, and it would be impossible to get two such other halves in Wales. Honsur is of opinion that wrestling was not neglected in the education of the Hev. Charlie. He tasted the quality. Coining to the three-quarters, there is no doubt that young Lock- wood was the best man there. He astonished all beholders. His running and kicking were in. valuable to the English team, and lie alone saved the English frOln defeat. Alexander and Thomas had the ball at their feet, with no one to impede them in front, and it was a monkey to a brass farthing that they would score. Suddenly Lock- wood sprang up-no one knows whore (ro1Q- waltzed around the Welshmen, and pr8fellled the try being -cored. "Where did tliil s;,i-ing fro', Dicky?" said a delighted fellow-countryman. The Dewsbury rDan solemnly lookod at his inquisitor, pointed heaven- wards, and relumed to continue his brilliant game- After Lockwood. It would be difficult to say who came next. Robertshaw had few opportunities afforded hilll of distinguishing himself. A. J. Gould had an eye on the Uradfordian, who never could get properly under weigh, His kicks were, however, most useful, and could lie only liavo got pastthe Welsh crack he would hne IeDred. A. J. Gould played a gland game. His tackling and kicking were alillo hrilhant, On a dry Ilruud he would two irtliree times have put the ball between the uprights. Twice he had very hard lines, the ball each time almost grazing the posts. Douglas played a fine game, as usual, whilst Taylor did some splendid work. How the wiseacres who held forth" in the Stepney came to the conclusion that Taylor was a frost is-well, to put it mildly, surprising. He played a brilliant game. Even to read the points of tha game would couvince the dullest of that fact. At the •• win" Taylor is in his proper place. His lengthy kicks were of the greittefkt, service, and contributed in no small measure to th. success 01 the Wehlt team, whilst his dribbling and saving powers were on Saturday second to none, Koberts offered a strong contrast to Kowen at full back. Bowen is not a full back lie II not built that way. His kicks were the riskiest I have pcen. Flying kicks ouht nevr to In attempted, Fortunately for Wales lie wits lucky, and tbey came olf, otlhuwise the English would have been let in, and Wales would not have been able to look with pride at the result. Howen Is a safe tackier, but the same cannot be said of his pro- pelling abilities. Koberts, on tliu other hand, though having three times as much work to do, never failed to do the requisite. Liewascimodel back, and his play fuily entitled hitn to a place in the International. Tlie game was contested during the first half In a gentle drinle, and at the second heavy rain de. scended, adding much to the "comfort" of the players and spectators, you bet. By the bye. "Monky" Gould was called upon to justify his title. The cross bar being blown down, M." swarmed the goal posts and 14 fixed the bar, a feat which afforded the crowd considerable amuse- ment. N Uow's this for high f" said Monk, on reaching the summit. Come dahn, tha fatheead," yelled a Tyke, who hadn't a soul above football, and go on wi't game, or tha'II nivver be nearer 'caven than th.1 I. nflh." It cannot be said that the elements were in favour of the Welsh team, for had it not been for the greasy nature of the ground the English would have had majors registered against them instead of minors. Within the first fivo minutes Taylor gained ft freo kick In a favourable position, but, partly on account of the wind and partly of the slippery state of the ground, Gould was prevented from sending the ballover the bar. Again, five minutes atterwards Evans gained a second free kick, which, for similar reasons, was not im- proved upon. Then three or four times the Welsh were within an ace of scoring. Two kicks of A. J. Gould's scraped the posts, and on nnother occa- sion, when right opposite the English goal, he, after having" wi perl his boot," got tha ball, and If he had not assumed a sitting posture whilst in the act of lifting his foot tlte English colours would once again have been lowered. There are if$ 1, In the game, but they show how narrow a squeak the English had of being severely beaten. On only two occasions did the English teem dangerous, and they certainly did not occupy the Welsh territory longer than ten minutes during the entire game Tho Welshmen have scored heavily, and I con- gratulate them on having so well represented their country. The Cardiff Harlequins are having a run of ill- luck at present. On account of the frost their encounter with Newport had to be abandoned. I am asked to say that the attenders who did not apply for the return of their money may use the tickets for any future match. The adjourned meeting of the Cardiff District Committee will be held at the Bristol and South Wales Hotel to-nlghl at eight. The sccond of the series of smoking concerll in connection with the Cardiff Bicycle and Tricycle Club will be held at headquarters, Angel Hotel, on Friday next, the 14th Instant. Chair to be taken at eight p.m. sharp by Mr. W. H. Neata, president. Member3 are requested to appear in full club uniform.

TIIE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF WALES. [Br Ma, J. Milo OanriTH, Scoinoe, R.C.A.] The timely proposal of Mr. Edwin feeward* setting forth such valuable suggestions, for the establishment of a National Institute as a Jubilee memorial in the Principality, and which was adopted by the public meeting at Cardiff on the 6th inst, alnulil arouse every patriotic Welshman to a sense of duty, and to the need for a better use of those faculties which have lain dormant too long for his true Intellectual welfare. It is not amongst Welshmen alooe that this momentous sub- ject should necessarily bo regarded as an important duty. Those whose interests lie in the commercial success of the Principality should, above all others, deem it a matter to be taken up with the utmost energy. Science is tha forerunner of most of our industries and the lamp which lights their oft I misguided footsteps to the goal of success. By its aid the earth has been made to faelCl up ner richest treasures. It has succeeded in utilising much that, was considered worthless hae discovered metals and developed manufacturing indus- ::ISwlí: :OPolJer:uf:ri::ve/n: I thought of, We are even yet daily trampling under foot some of the compounJ earths which, may some day be tiftde to produce ft material of the greatest use in the arts. South Wales being a grest centre of the coal and metal industries. I would strongly urgo the desirability of establish, ing an institution which must eventually benefit the.. Wales only entered upon the race of educational advancement at the time of the establishment of her Colleges. Science and art are subjects which few Welshmen have 118 yet entered upon, and hene. the grest necessity of an institution on the bUll of that suggested in Mr. Seward's scheme. Turning from the wants of science, let us con- sider for a moment those of art. It has been said that" Wales is the home of sweet music and art," What kind of art we are not told. One thing, however, is evident: the Celtic race inhabiting these islands have never at any time practised the plastic and the graphic arts to any great extent. Whatever love we may have for painting, sculpture, or architecture, I fear that that love is not inherent in us as a race, other- wise it would have asserted itself in a more tangible form. Everywhere on the Continent of Europe traces of an art-loving people abound from the remotest period, almost every city boasting IMIDe work worthy of a great master which all of us way alimire. In Wales we seek for auch woiks in vain. For the most part Gwalia knows only the builder's art, its her grim and ruined casiles and bur religious establishments now testily. Evan with our commercial success during tne present century one would have thought that grmterattid,as would have been made in furthering t.he cause of art in a community otherwise progres- ive, Surely the time cannot be far distant when Wales's latent energies will be put forth to estab- lish an Institution worthy of her commercial im. portance and her people. True, there are no manufactories w thin her borders of any impor- tance to foster the love for art, but much may be done to develop the little whidl already exists and towards creating a greater desire for itome com- fort and culture. In a paper read at thoCymmrodorion Section of the National Eisteddfod at Cardiff in 1883 1 threw out a hint for a National Art Gallery for Wales. The same idea is now advocated in Mr. Seward's letters. Tllis. in conjunction with the toyal Cambrian Academy of Arts and other communities whose objects shall be to further mental culture, may accomplish all lhat is required for Wales in establishing a long-felt want which must necessarily benefit her people. And now is the most fitting and opportune time for the peoplo af Wales to bestir themselves to show how far their loyalty goes. The fact that all the more important towns and cities of the kingdom are making a move to celebrate her Majesty's Jublleo should arouse in the Principality a spirit of healthy emulation. It I, to be hoped that Wiles will not ha far behind the times in making this one year doubly memorable in her intellectual advance- ment and her loyalty to her Queen.

THE "BOGUS" CENSUS. Yesterday was the day fixed for the Liberalionist I enumeration of the altndancetl at the churches and Church Sunday Schools throughout Wales. Keports have reached us from our correspondents throughout the district showing that the enume- rators duly appeared at the church doors anti dis- charged their allotted duty, whether with satis- faction to themneives and their employers will be seen when tlie results come to be published. But, whatever the reiult may be, it will be well to that Sunday, January 9, was about as unpropitious a .iy for getting about as can well be imagined. In many places the roads were absolutely impassable from the accumulated enow. Where this was not the case getting about was 8" unpleasant that it is highly probable that the attendances at all places of worship were greatly below the average,

THE CARDIFF SAVINGS' BANK. WITHDRAWAL OF THE CLAIMS OF THE OPPOSING FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. We are glad to bo abla to announce that tho ihraateacti litigation between depositors and the, trustees and manogers of the Ouditf, Siving*' Hank hu been averted. The t,,o ?-s before tha Chief Regi.t.r f, that gentleuun'* adjudication have been with-! drawn, and on Saturday the representatives of the two opposing Xriendly Societies withdrew their money and closed their accounts, accepting tho dividend of 17s. 61 in tlie £ offered by the bank authorities

THE SOLICITOR-GENERAL ON Tfil,, LAW OF LIBEL. Sir Edward Clarke, M.P., speaking on Saturday at the annual dinner held at Plymouth in connection with the West of England Press Fund, Mid the law of libel wai being notoriouily I r"Jed upon, and recent decisions put ncw'pl\peU in very dilD'j cult circuwtan<.e, Ue hoped, when Parliament had time for p"calllJ apart from purely Parlia- .e.t.ry wtte?-3, to play his part in assisting to improve ud codify the la" in ti.i, connection,

DEATH OF SERJEANT BALLANTINE. Serjeant Ballantine died at Mrgale on Sunday morning after a severe illness of several days. He was about 73 years of age.

HEFUGE TUGS FOR THE BRISTOL CHANNEL. GENEROUS OFFER OF MESSRS. CORY, VE0, AND CO. OF SWANSEA. Messrs. Cory, Yeo, and Co., patent fuel manu- facturers and colliery owners, of Swan", have expressed their willingness to give all the steam coal or patent fuel, as required, to any Government vessel or vessels stationed in Swansea Bay for the purpose of saving life and property for the re- mainder of the winter.

Tun Wsix's Athletics, by "Touchstone."— See Wskil! Mail. Price Osu Pf.sni,

I A DOCK PROJECT ON TH E SOMERSET- SHIRE COAST. A rumour is current to the effect that the Mid- land and South-Western Railway Companies contemplate the provision of extensive dock accommodation at the estuary of the River Parrelt, within the jurisdiction of Bridgwater, and ai a point where the Somerset and Dorset line, jointly worked by those companies, bas a terminus. It is confidently behaved that the shipping trade of the port would be very largely developed thereby, Find tbataa a feeder to the line it would be a set-off to a great exteut to the recently-opened Severn Tunnel.

We are sometimes told that the sourco of all la Imi.urHr -1 tb Wood. But what rond"" tb. bl,,A i'x??{* 'R?t ??tet'y ?i<M'<-? *u.t <<!«< mtMMt «• Ulu«l 1. Ih. hd, "hto lb?Y ,.Ibl U) b..11..t.d. To can. th. ittl.rlu tlini buninht »n the irt- rer wuflit to :D.Ila' ¡t wl;cb:nC: 1 »tUl fore, .ed cannl not only illmlldn. bat 111 tlie function. #t r: =1:Ong: {rr;io:l f:et:DJn I t? MSmSt'PtX t'M tb-M?mfreM »il Mcaraulswil Ira- pijtlum SW4 in E?ozo at li. l|d. aod M. WLL and In 2, 4. 6d. )Sd III wh ty all CMrub'- .nd PiUut Venden. IAVIII &LAST10 UTOtiBlKOS. TaVSVES, HCROICAL AfPUiS"C1'J 604 411 IHVALID Kiwnsrr«s.-J. Muspai, ChOMI-tl S!))-?tt??!?Ht. yS."?Wt'<t :g,. r.:I'J¡; KMt.*n<iW"<r'?"*<h.r?. 673?P BOMI, Swkft Hwa I—The Sweetest Houses to \bI8 T. an \11- vkw Ha&m'* Bt"91 geaptsla i daily T- RR:Aa*W]Ddl$VPZJ=C '? T!?!!T???' MfMor or Mtf. MM 1

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
CARDIFF WAIFS AND STRAYS* I PENDUAGONS MOVEMENT. In last Satur&ylo HWl-h/ Mail M Pendrafon writes I am very thankful to say that my appeal on behalf of the hundreds and hundreds of children of both sexes-the waifs and strays of Cardiff- has met with a splendid response. Money has come in freely, and the tradesmen of the town have made it a malter of rivalry as to who shall hve the privilege of giving of their goods, I jam exceedingly grfituied,and hope the "open" dinner at the Drill-hall next week will be an occasion toO be remembered for a long time to come. CO:;n thankful to say that I have at my elbow that most excellent of workers in the cause of cliarity, Mr. F. W. Lock, who is acting as treasurer of this fund, and a large Dumber of friends who always ILld out the hand of friend- ship when there IS good to be done. Perhaps I may be permitted to recapitulate the history oftliis movement. 1 daily coune in contact with newsboys, m;itch-bo>s, thwer girls, et hoe yenut htmnt, and I could not help noticing that they were not so warmly clad as they might be- bare feet and frnzon pavements, scanty garment* and biting winds, empty stomachs and little to fill them, are not, as weall know, conducive co human happiness. That's how it struck me when one day last week I saw assembled in tht porchway of our offices a score or so of shivering atoms of humanity, who were anxious to pick up a copper or two to keep the gvtoi wolf of want and suffer* ing from the door. One thought led to another, and then I proceeded to iiiy usual resource in these matters, friend Lock, and consulted him as to the desirability of providing lioed, honest, substan- tial meal for tne poor creatures, and giving them a couple of hours of respite from the misery aDd monotony ot their daily life. As I expected, Mr. Lock at onco entered heartily into the scheme, and I knew 1 was safe. There will, thanks to those kind friends who have helped us in this matter, be ad hUntm roast beef and plum pudding .It the Drill-hall, Cardiff, for all the street children who choose to put lu an appearance. At Mr, Lock ft suggestion, books containing six tickets have been pdnwd, and they can be obtained for half a crown by anyone who wUhes to distribute them among the street children he may meet. These may be had on application either to Mr. Lock (Richmond- road) or to myself. When I wrote to Colonel Hill asking his consent for us to use the Drill-hall lie sent a very cordial reply, in which he said th it it was only right that the poor children should have an opportunity of rejoicing sometimes. He readily gave the permis- sion as fr as he was concerned, and, what is more, he enclosed a cheque, and said there would be another forthcoming if required. Thanks, colonel ilear. Captain Scott and Captain Jones, who bad aleo to be consulted, readily chimed in with the notion, and volunteered to give up their rights at the Drill'hall.and to provide.. couple of detach- ments of volunteers to assist in keeping order. To yo J. messieurs the captains, weprutfer our fervent obligations. The way being thus cleared, the next step to take was to see Lord Bute's repreaenta- tive., and, accordingly a large deputation, con- sisting of Mr. Lock and myself, waited upen Mr. Corbett. When I, as spokesman of the company had preferred my request, a broad smile illumined his benevolent countenance, and he did me the honour to say, Pendragon,'yoa are always up to soma villainy or another." Thinks," I replied; "but the h all?" "Well, let me put it down in writing," and he did, with the remark that he supposed it would be all right. The Marque.s will hwo to giv. the final decision but I am sure, Witlk his usual kindness and tkoughtfulness, we shall have nothing to apprehend from thif quarter. Ail we now wHIt-for the flour and the fruit for the puvldin^s and the meat for the ovens have all been promised-ia volunteer waiters to attend in serving out th.; meal to '.he hungry children. TMse who ar wliline to assist will kindly send their names to their always obedient servant, Pendragon." I ant sure thf-ir services will be re-paid in the gratification thoy will experience in witnessing the picture which will be presented for their examination. We could do with some oranges and sweetmeats, which should be sent to "1", W. Lock, care of the Sergeant-Major, Drill- hall, Cardiff." The Mayor of Cardiff is going to preside, aDd we invite by this writing all who tska an interest in thf-sa fatherless children t. be preset on that occasion, and notify ua of their intention. There wiil be an entertainment, magic lantern, dinging, and the like afterwards and if anyone wishes to see & thousand happy faces all collected beneath one roof they should come and help us by their presence. Come' AN ISYiTATIOS, y, gentlemen of Casdiff who sit a*, homa at ea«e 1> Ministers* Yee ti;tcillo", ye doewn and M F.'s come to ti: fe.lIh open be?, and 1.1 be',lud the rod, Th r.iggt-d little urchins are the children of your God I Some are ragged, some are dirty, and 80me are soiled with sin, Kor. l'eAJ<1I1, then, that wa should try the fold to urinw; them in; Their m»nn«rs Ate not courtly; their language not retiurd; But heart. to heal and souls to Save, I need not voo remind. Then join our gutter party, and open well 1°"' ey. F. rit these waifs remain untaught can 1"" Answer tor thftir lives? We now can turn their future into what It ou*ht to be. Kcinember: "If Y. do at to these little Qne. y. do It unco Me,"

CARDIFF TOWN COUNCIL. THE BATCHELOR STATUE. At the meeting of the Cardiff Town Council to- day (Monday) Mr. Councillor Oliver will bring forward his motion for the removal of the statue of the late Mr. John Hatchelor, and we understand that Mr. Oliver will at the same time present" very influential and numerously-signed memorial to the same effect.

GLA.)lOl{ü.l' HAVES, A meeting of the Glamorgan Hunt Club Race Committee was held at the Horal Hotel on Satur- day, The Mackintosh in the chair, It was decided to hold minting ou Apiil the 13th next, over the same course as in previous years.

JOTTINUS, a-r I'rNDllAOOX."—Pee Wkiilt Mail," Frice One l'cnny.

THE WIN IKK ASSIZES. The following are the days and places appointed for holding the winter allies in Wales Nowru Walks aND C'hkstkis Ciecuit.—Mr, Jus- tice JSUjphen and Mr. Justice Wilis.—Wednesday, January 12, at Welshpool; Friday, January 14, at Dolgelly; Monday, Januiry 17. at Carnarvon Thursday, January 20, at ikauuwiis; Iurd", January 22, at hllthin; rue. day, J inuary 25, At Mold; and Thursday, January 27, at Chester L..alle, SOUTH Walks Cim uir.—a\ir. Justice Stephen and Mr. Justice Will#.—Friday, January H, at Havei- foruwrst; Friday, January 14, at the town of Haverfordwest; .Uondav, January 17, 'I Cardipn; Mettnt?'r,J?u.tryl9. I1t Cdrn .then; WedtM- d.)y,J<"n'!y?9.L?"'?'?'"?'"? Saturday, Jauuary 2?. ;n Brec, '1 uesday, Jauuarj 25, nt Piesteign and Thurau t?. feb?ry 3, a' Cardiff. The assizes for Monmouthshire will b& held at Monmouth on January 29, Mr. Justice Manist) aoJ Mr. Justice Uiantham being the appointee judges.

MR. MONTAGU WJLUA.MS AND THE MIDDLESEX SESSIONS BAR. On Saturday night, the Bar Mess of the Middlesex Sessions, of which Mr. Montagu Williami was for manv years one of the leading memb<or., eoter. tained th.t 1,?,d gentleman at dinner L the ;e(:;dl; j¡'¡:r at J p,,?,, tt,,i, ? ?,tt? .,? l?ig raii.qui?ii- ing his -xten.ive practice At the Bar, and to con- gratulate him upon his appointment to till the vacancy on thoUroenwich bench caused by tha death of Mr. Balguy. Mr. !rrett fulton, M p presIded, And there was a large gathering or bar- risters well known in the branch of that profes- sion which principally is concerned with criminal work.

pFl 11Oi -liu.rif andComfoiiinu.—" 01 a toroub kl:o""htdt(t of lUe nvnr.1 lIuu whiCh ,avern ?h< np?.Ot.'t ? ?t?t?n ??? ."utf??". *'? "Y *? lul pp lieat I of lb. tine properUt" "1 weU.Rlecl.f'd Cœœ. Mr. Epp, hd pl,'?l". ir breaUtAit bi.1ti. t ?M?y <?d..r? ?'!tr.)t0 hid, m. ) f MM 'y :;aJ:.V\I 'i. r.Cj! rn:'b .rttc?otdittth.t.MntHt..?"vMtrtdu?ty built up unUI Mrons tnou?h to rt?'L "try tt.?tn? M dittale. Hundred. 0' .ubi Ie m.l.ille. are d..UnJ .ruund Utrttdy to ttt*? wherevM- there '< pon.t. M< )ntyt?*K'T'??"f'?' forUOt-t with pur. b '-? t-rujieity iioiiri.lieil fr*mt. t- ::ccbtt:'J "J:l);v 'I' '? I :'I:I.:IJA' Ot:,t' ¿e.k'i: t?M ?' F,p? ""t H?<?p..h.< Chemliti, London."—A.lo makers ut Lp P.,$LO.Iifi CbOOOIaI4' ?-