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STARTLING FACTS FROM CARDIFF. VENO IS THE HERO OF THE HOUR AMONGST THE SICK AND SUFFERING OF WALES. THE SA.LE OF VETO'S SEAWEED TONIC AND VENO'S LIGHTNING COUGH CURE HAS BROKEN ALL RECORDS. Nearly 10,000 Bottles were sold in Six Weeks at Anthony & Co's, Chemists, Cardiff. THE REASON FOR THIS IS THE EXTRAORDINARY CURES WHICH VENOIS SEAWEED TONIC AND VENOIS LIGHTNING COUGH CURE HAVE PERFORMED THROUGHOUT WALES. THESE REMEDIES ARE HELD IN THE HIGHEST ESTEEM AMONGST WELSHMEN" IN AMERICA, WHO HAVE OFTEN RECOMMENDED THEM TO THEIR FRIENDS AT HOME, AND AMONGST WHOM MR. VENO IS POPULARLY KNOWN AS "THF GREAT HEALING POWER." re, sfft(A e,Ner !:? MR. VENO has lectured throughout England and America to vast audiences. Ministers, lawyers, and statesmen are amongst his patrons. He has had a most remarkable experience amongst the suffering. Many people regard him as a physiological wonder, and one of the most successful healer of the present ages. VENO'S SEAWEED TONIC and VENO'S LIGHTNING COUGH CURE are his best Medicines. Those who take either of these remedies cannot help but notice the vast improvement which takes place in their health almost immediately. Veno's Seaweed Tonic often does what the doctors cannot do. It is the great remedy that restores health. Doctors use it themselves, because they recognise in it the most successful remedy that science has yet been able to compound. SUPERIOR TO PILLS IN ANY FORM. GOOD DOCTORS NEVER GIVE PILLS. The proper way to take medicine is in liquid form, because it cannot reach disease or become properly assimilated in any other form. DON'T FORGET THIS FACT. Take Veno's Seaweed Tonic and prove it for yourself. Suffering people have become discouraged, because they have taken so many pills, many of them cheap, common, and dangerous. GIVE UP PILLS. Take Veno's Seaweed Tonic and see the difference. It acts specifically upon the four great vital organs of the body-viz., Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, and Blood. It cures all ailments arising from a diseased condition of these vital organs, such as Indigestion, Wind, Torpid Liver, Weak and Painful Back, Headaches, and Nervous Weakness. It is the natural cure for Con- stipation, Weak Heart, and Poor Blood. ANOTHER SWANSEA CASE. A STUBBORN COUGH CURED, W. MORRIS, 58, Matthew-street, Swansea, writes, Feb. 9thMr Veno, Dear Sir,—I take great pleasure in writing these few lines to recommend Veno's Lightning Cough Cure. It is beyond all praise. I had a bad cough for nearly two years your medicine has done me a world of good. You can make what use you like of this. A WELL-KNOWN NEWPORT GENTLEMAN GIVES STRONG EVIDENCE IN FAVOUR OF VENO'S SEAWEED TONIC. Writing Jan. 19th, he saysI have suffered from headaches and skin eruption for the last five years. I have been taking your Seaweed Tonic for the last ten days, and have found much benefit from its use, more so than from any other medicines I have ever tried, and have confidence in recommending it to those afflicted in the same way.—Yours truly, JAMES WHELAN, 4, Havelock-street, Newport, Mon. AN IMPORTANT NEWPORT CASE. A MARVELLOUS CURE OF INDIGESTION AND SLUGGISH LIVER BY VENO'S .SEAWEED TONIC. MARGARET O'BRIEN, 21, Ebenezer-terrace, Newport, Mon., writes, Jan. 16th:—Mr Veno. Dear Sir,—I have found Veno's Seaweed Tonic so good in my case of bad stomach and sluggish liver that I feel bound to add my testimony. About 12 months ago my tongue became so bad that I could not taste my food. I think it must have been indigestion that came on at the same time. My liver was very sluggish. I had bilious head- aches, and altogether I felt as if I was done for. I tried all the patent medicines I could here of, and went to several doctors, but was no better. Last week I heard of your Seaweed Tonic, and thought I would try it, and by doing so I have found the greatest benefit. I have only been taking it a week, and I am surprised how much better I am feeling. I can eat well and enjoy my food heartily; my tongue is once more clean, and no bad taste in my mouth. I can assure you I am very thankful for your Seaweed Tonic. A SWANSEA CASE. FANNY PALMER, 3, Stanley-terrace, Swansea, writes Feb. 12th, 1901 :-The Veno Drug Co. Dear Sir,—I am pleased to say I have felt much better the last few weeks. Since taking Veno's Seaweed Tonic and Veno's Lightning Cough Cure I am quite a new woman. Those preparations are worth their weight in gold. VENO'S SEAWEED TONIC Cures all ailments arising from a diseased condition of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, and Blood, such as Indigestion, Wind, Costiveness, Sluggish Liver, Headaches, Depression of Spirits, Impure Blood, Weak and Painful Back, Palpitation, Fulness After Eating, Nervousness, and General Weak- ness. It has wonderful tonic and strengthening power. Price Is. 1 !d. and 2s. 9d. per bottle. VENO'S LIGHTNING COUGH CURE Will stop an ordinary cough in one night, and cure Chronic Coughs, Bron- chitis, Asthma, Influenza, and Whooping Cough rapidly. Its vast superiority over ordinary cough mixtures and the different emulsions cannot be estimated. It has saved thousands of lives after they had been turned out of hospitals. It is a new scientific remedy, endorsed and recommended by medical men. Price Is. ltd. and 2s. 9d. per bottle. A valuable book accom- panies each bottle on the cure of diseases. SOLD BY a A. ARTHUR, Chemist, 6, Nott Square, and G. PHILLIPS, Chemist, 4, Half Street, Carmarthen and all Chemists and Medicine Vendors Everywhere. C AUTION. —- When you ask for VENO's Remedies, see you get them. Avoid the shop where they try to sell you a cheap mixture of their own, or palm off a substitute, they wiU cheat you in other things. f 5770






