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TO THE EDITOR OF THE "WELSHMAN." Bin,-In the coming election there arc four candidates in the field for two seats. One for the disestablishment and disendowment of the Irish Church, and also, for aught we know, of any and every other established church whenever the question may arise. Two are against the spoliation of the Irish Church, and one is profoundly silent on the subject, expecting to be returned as an independent member. Personally, I have more respect for Mr Pugh than for any one of the other three, but let me ask, is there a candidate beside, throughout the constituencies of the empire, that expects to be returned on such terms ? If not, why should Mr Pugh be an A little reflection over exception to a universal rule ? A little reflection over this point ought to teach the honourable member practical wisdom. This issue has been raised before the constituencies toot by the Government, but by Mr Gladstone, and upon IS issue the members will be returned to the next Parliament. In every county and borough in England and elsewhere candidates have staked their success on the spoliation or maintenance of the Irish Church. This leading question has not been kept in the back ground, and is it right, is it just, is it fair that one should ask to be returned to the House of Commons without explaining his views on this all-absorbing topic, he Irish Church, expecting the electors to trust to his judgment at the proper time to do what seems to him to he right, while every other candidate for Parliamentary honours has, on this leading question, made his views known to all interested therein ? We may lament with Mr Pugh that this religious Ideation should have been brought forward at this tirae; but who is responsible for this but Mr Gladstone? or what political purpose, at this very juncture, Mr Gladstone mooted it I leave it to the better judgment of Mr Pugh to solve but since question has arisen, and "hich is indisputably the leading one of the day, why should Mr Pugh be silent upon it while all candidates throughout England have spoken out? In every county In England such reticence would be scouted on this im- portant issue. And what is all this for ? Independence ? Independence may be pushed too far. This reminds me of an incident in life in explanation of this feeling. In the time of the old coaching days there was one Oiorning, and that morning being very stormy and wet, young student seated on the outside of the mail coach going up to Oxford from Carmarthen, without even a great coat to cover him. Upon seeing this, a gentle- man from the inside pitying the helpless and exposed mndition of the young man travelling unprepared in such boisterous and inclement weather, offered him his overcoat, machintosb, and rug to protect himself against the fury of the storm. This offer the young man Politely declined with the usual compliments and thanks. At the answer the gentleman remarked to the inside Passengers "I admire independence in all, but when ?dependence is pushed to one's own hurt it is no longer independence, but imprudence." A discreet lesson may be 1,5arlat from a little incident like this. Independence degenerate into indifference, or even into tyranny. It its limits like every other rule, but when pushed t'00  independence becomes imprudence. It is my atr4 belief that had Mr Pugh the moral courage to dec? ?? himself unreservedly against the spoliation of t?- Chrch as contemplated by Mr Gladstone, re- Betv- himself the discretion to deal with details, he ?J?i ? placed, at the coming contest, far in ad- 'anon* the head of the poll, though he had offended very any by his votes on the church-rate question; bnt SS raattyers stand at present I for one think lie has En? '*0e& shipwreck of his future political career. Scylla ??arribdis.Tiz.the Church and Dissent proved too ?ach for him to serve. SCRUTATOR.

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