J. H. SMITH AND Co., MEDICAL AND CHEMICAL II ALL, King Street, Carmarthen. SPRING VETCHES. GARDEN SliEDS. AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. MANGOLDS AND TURNIPS, Ac. WHOLESALE HEALERS IN WINES & SPIRITS. ESTABLISHED 1806. WILLIAM BRIGHT, Wholesale and Retail Wive and Spirit Merchant, HALF MOON, DARK GATE, GUINNESS & CO.'S EXTRA STOUT, BASS'S PALE. MILD, and other ALES, ALLSOPP'S, Do. Do. WORTHINGTON and ROBINSON'S Do. Do. HOME BREWED ALES. ? W' B. begs to announce to the Nobility, Clergy, TT Gentry, and Public generally, that he is now in a Position, through having his Extensive new Cellars in BLUE STREET in first-rate Working Order, to Supplv all the above ARTICLES in Casks, Bottles, and Draught, in the Finest possible Condition, and Unadulterated. Every Article Sold in this ESTABLISHMENT Warranted Getiunine. N B.-The New portion of the House, situated in BLUE STHEET, is newly Furnished, and no expense lias been spared to make it one of the lUost Comfortable Houses in •Principality. Sitting Rooms, well aired Heds, thoroughly Ventilated Smoking Room. Chops, Steaks, &c., &c. Observe the Address,- Half Moon, Dark Gate. April 6th, 1859. CARMARTHEN. Y S T R A i) ESTATE. j To Timber Merchants. Coal Proprietors, Carpenters' and Others. Rxter,s;ivc$aic 0j- Larcli, Ash, and other Timber; also, a quantity of Fir, larch, and other Poles, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, MR. GEO. GOODE, At the OLD I Y Y BUS If, CAR I ART Il E N On SATURDAY, MAY, 7th, 1859. AT THEE O'CLOCK IX THE AFTERNOON, THE undermentioned TIMBER, together with a quan- 31- tity of POLES, consisting of al6 LARCH TREES, marked consecutively with Red Paint. 261 SCOTCH FIR do., do. ? SPRUCE do., do. BEECH do., do. n ASH TREES, marked do. with Red Paint. ? SYCAMORE do., dj. POPLAR do do. ?ELM do., do. 6 OAK do., do. FOLETANU of 22 Dozen of FIR, LARCH, and other l?OL ES, The whole to be sold in One Lot, and subject to the usual ^°OditionB of Sale. thA^ the abo'e Timber and Poles are in a Plantation on the above Estate, within half a mile of the Town of Car- 1"4rthen and will be cut by the day of Sale, and this, with the adv?ntage of their proximity to the Railway Station, Sale well deserving of attention. Gl?lrther Part'rulars may be obtained on application to Mr. G??- OODE, at his Oibees, Quay-street, Carmarthen. t'?y-.treet, Carmarthen, j I ?P?12th,1859. THE MIGHTY HEALER WORLD KNOWN AND WORLD TRIED. Ii 0 L LOW A V O T M T" TV/r t? xt t Its adoption in the most famous public hospitals, at home and abroad and the voluntary testimonies of persons in all barters of the globe, who have given it a fair trial, have established a world-wide reputation for this purifying and beliling Ointment. It penetrates, with marvellous power, to the seat of an internal disease and in all external dis- j àderø, its application has a rapidity and completeness of "leet that resembles magic. ERYSIPELAS AND SCROFULOUS SORES. ,kte two of the most common and virulent disorders pre- Va l ent in this country. For these the Ointment is an 00 Solute specific. It first eradicates the venom, and then IlIpletes the cure, even if of 20 years standing. BAD LEGS, OLD SORES, AND ULCERS. Any of the above class of cases that have pertinaciously te"N to yield to any other medicinal application, in- rtabty succumb to this benign yet powerful Un- euent, ERUPTIONS ON THE SKIN. a ?''?ingiromthebadst?teof the blood, are eradicated, 1144 a clear and transparent surface regained by the ?-?y?f! and restorative action of this Ointment. It Ip?IIlbe found to cure any eruptions on thread or other Parts Of the body of children. No skin disease, whatever, Cor'4mon to any part of the world, can withstand the Shty power of this wonderful Ointment. PILES AND FISTULAS- Every form of these prevalent and stubborn disorders is '?dicated by the use of thi< emollient; warm fomenta- should precede itb apphcatiun. It effects in a short '°hs should precede its application. It effects in a short '?eacertain, thutough.?nd p.Mnaneutcure. rIC-DOLOREUX, SCIATICA AND FACE ACHE. ot tUmbgo, sciatica, tic-doloreux (or race ache,) and al her Painful affections of the nerves and muscles, are Peedily relieved and cured by the application of this arvellousiy efficacious Ointment, providing it be well Ubbed for a considerable time into the parts effected, and, Convenient, twice a day. In some cases it is advisable *° untnerso the part in a basin of warm waier previous 0 the use of the Ointment, but this should only be done rlor to bed time. BRONCHITIS AND ULCERED SORE THROATS. Extract of (t Letter from Jfr. James Downing, t f Paris- street, Exeter. To Professor Holloway. Sir,— Your Ointment and Pills have effeccted upon me a Perfect cure of a dreadfully diseased throat, arising from c°ld which ultimately terminated in bronchitis. The medical alidi received was unable to combat with the disease, 4ndl was rapidly sinking under its influence. At this Itta,ge I had recourse to your rnedirines, which in a few OUf8 relieved me, and I am happy to inform you that ln less than a fortnight I was entirely cured by them. CHARMING FACES FOR LADIES.-A CLEAR SKIN. A word to the la(lit!s. -Lail ies anxious to preserve a brilliatlt complexion, often go to the Perfumer when they 8hould go to the Chemist, and ask for astringent lotions, "hen they should take alteratives and aperients. The only genuine and really safe and harmless yet thoroug?,ly ?c?cioua cosmetic now sold in London, or elsewhere, is ?"Uoway's Ointment. If this inestimable preparation e apohed externaHv to all nimnles. blolch(s, and dN- colourations,while the blood is bein?purin?andthc ,Praved huinours corrected by the Pills, not only will b.e face be beautified, but the whole ystcm be cleansed, tnproved and strengthened, and the effect will not be temporary and superficial, but thorough and permanent. CONTRACTED AND STIFF JOINTS. Hxt ract of a letter from Mr. Joseph Rogcrson, of the Pottery Fields. Hunslet, near Leeds. To Professor Ilolloway. Sir,-I suffered for months with a very bad knee. and ""y remedy likely to benefit roe, but ithou; sue-I CelS, the joint was quite stiff, and so swollen that I became seriously alarmed as to whether I should erer regain the use of it. However by the use of your Oint- ment and Pills the swelling was soon completely reduced Iklid in two weeks was completely cured, and I was enabled to resume my work. Any ono suffering from stiff and *follen joints should do as Mr. Rogers did-send for Pills and Ointment. Both the Ointment and Pillls uhouhl be used in tit) follvwiay cases:- .lJad Legs Bad Breaatl "urns Bunions "itoof Mos- Chetoes and *aml- Flies COCo-baj Chiego-foot Chilblains Chapped hands Corns (Soft.) Cancers Contracted and SlitV Joints Elephantiasis Fistulas Gout Glandular Swellings Lumbago Piles Rheumatism Sc?ds SmeNLpptes Sore throats Skin-diseascs Scurvy Sore-heads Tumours Ulcers Wounds Yaws Sold at the Establishment of Professor I-TOI.LOIVAY, 1,144, Strand (near Temple Bar,) London, also by all respectable Drug- lUsh and Dealers in Medicines throughout the Civilized World, lot the following prices-Is. lid., -s. 9d., 4s. lid., lis. i'2.s. ond 330. each Pot. feiT" There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N.B,—Directions for the guidance of patients in e very disorder are affixed to each Pot. ESTABLISHED, 1837. KING STREET, CARMARTHEN. WILLIAM MORGAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Foreign Wines, Spirits, Burton Ales, &c., /"COMPRISING Fine Old PORTS, SHERRIES MAK- SA LAS, &c., and a Stock of Old SC01CH and' IRISH WHISKIES. SPIRITS. London Gin Superior ditto Old Jamaica Runt Very Old Vatted ditto Bett'* Patent Brandy Fine Brown Cognac Very Old Pale ditto Old Cork Whiskey Four Years Old ditto Six Years Old ditto Old Islay Scotch ditto Scheiedam Hollands Peppermint Rum Shrub FOREIGN WINES. Old Port, from Wood Old Crusted Port Very Old ditto Fine Pale Shorry 11 Brown dItto Fine First Quality Marsala Second ditto ,t florlign Champagne, (Finest Vintage) ALE AND PORTER IN CASKS AND BOTTLES. Allsopp's Mild and Pale Ales Bass's do. d.), Worthington & Co's do. Ind, Coope, & Co'B do. Guiniieps's Extra Stout Ge orge's Mild Brown Stout Scotch and Wiltshire Ales, &- c. W. MORGAN avails himself of this opportunity to thank his numerous friends for the support he has hitherto re- ceived, and begs resper'.fully to solicit a continuance, which shall at all times receive prompt attention. I DR. DE JOINUHIS (Kiziylit of tllC Ordcr of Lcopold of Belgium) LICHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL, Prescribed by the most eminent Medical Men throughout the world as the safest, speediest, and most effectual remedy for CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, GOUT, IUIKUMATISM, NTCUllALGIA, DISEASES OF THE SKIN, INFANTILE WASTING, ITICKETS, GENERAL DEBILITY, AND ALL SCii0lULOUS AFFECTIONS. DR. DE JONGH'S Oil is the most efficacious, the most dalatable, and, from its rapid curative effects, Un itlestion- ahly the most economical of all kinds. Its immeasurable therapeutic superiority over every other variety is established by innumerable testimonials from Physicians and Surgeons of European reputation. ¡ SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS:- I THE LATE DR. PEREIRA, F.R.S-, Professor at tlte University of London, ^c. S^c., "Whether considered with reference to its colour, lfavoiir, or chemical properties, I am satisfied that, for medicinal purposes, no finer Oil can be piocured." SHERIDAN MUSPRATT, Esq, N D., F R S. Principal of the Royal College of Chemistry, Liverpool, §c. 4c, Berzelius and others of the leading chemists and physicians of Europe having testimonialized in favour of your Oil is a proof of its superiority over all the other kinds that are vended." R. M LAWRANCE. Esq, MD., Ophthalmic Surgeon to the Great Northern, Hospital,$$c. Sgc. "r am so impressed with the 8 iperiority of your Cod Liver Oil that I invariably prescribe it in preference to any other, feeling assured that I am recommending a genuine article, and not a manufactured compound, in which the efficacy of this invaluable medicine is destroyed." Sold ONLY in IMPERIAL Half-pints, 2s. 61.; Pints, 4s. 9d.; Quarts, 9s., capsuled, and labelled with Dit DE JONGH'S signature, WITHOUT WHICH NONE CAN POSSIBLY BE GENUINE, by respectable Chemists. SOLE CONSIGNEES, ANSAR, HARFORD, AND CO., 77, STRAND, LON- DON, W.C. *0* Purchasers are solicitously cautioned against pro- posed substitutions, as they proceed from interested motives, and will result in disappointment. The celebrated Remedy for Nervousness, Relaxation, and Exhaustion. Protected by Royal Letters Patent of England, and sanctioned by all the great Continental Colleges of Medicine. DR. DE ROOS' GUTTiE VITiE, or LIFE DROPS, are a well-known Remedy for Spermatorrhoea, Ex- haustion, Nervousness, Debility, Incapacity for Society, Study or Business, Skin Eruptions, Soar Throat, Pains in the Bones, and all those diseases for which mercury, sarsa- parilla, &c., are too often employed, to the utter destruction of hea th. Their powers almost exceed belief: since their introduction, hundreds of apparently hopeless cases have been speedily cured, and thousands have derived almost miraculous relief, when every thing else had failed, and they must sooner or later entirely supersede those questionable remedies which have too long been the sole reliance of the medical men of this country. Price lis., and four times the quantity at 3311, per bottle, of the following Agents, and obtainable through all Chemists. Pains in the Back, Gravel, Gout, Rheuma- tism, Disease of the Kidneys, Bladder, &c. DR. DE ROOS' COMPOUND RENAL PILLS are a most safe and speedy Remedy for the above dangerous com- plaints, Discharges of any kind, and Diseases of the Urinary Organs generally, which too frequently harass the sufferer over the best years of life, and end only in an agonizing death. Possessing tonic properties, they agree with the most delicate stomach, increase the appetite, improve the health, and in three days ettect a cure when copaiba, cubehs, and all such dangerous medicines have utterly failed. Is. lid 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lis., and 33s. per box, of the Agents below, and through all Chemists. The superiority of these Pills, even in the most ob- stinate cases, is universally acknowledged, and the extraor- dinarry demand for them without precedent. In no in- stance have they been known to fail, or to produce those dangerous symptoms often resulting from copaiba, &c. Many there are who, from natural diffidence or fear of discover* would silently bear their afflictions rather than apply for aid to those from whom they may reasonably expect relief. The uniform efficacy of the above, enables such sufferers to cure themselves speedily, privately, and at the least possible expense. Sold by Mr. J. W. White, Chemist, Guildhall-Square Carmarthen Evans, Chemist, High-street, and C. T. Wil- son, Chemist, Castle-square, Swansea Williams, Chemist, High-street, Cardigan T. D. Mcyler, Chemist, and Potter, Herald Office, Ilavefordwrst Treweeks, Chemist, Pem- broke Stevens, Chemist. Hisjh-street, Merthyi Tyavil, and obtainable through all Medicine Vendors, of whom also may be had The Medical Adviser," and at least one agent in almost every town but should difficulty occur, enclose the amount per Post-office order or otherwise, to 10, Ber- ners Street, Oxford Street, London, and they will be sent securely packed per return. CA UTLOX. Unprincipled Vendors sometimes recom- mend other medicines from which they obtain a larger profit. TO PROTECT TILE PUBLIC AGAINST IRA rrl) ller Majesty's Hon. Commissioners have directed the words WALTER DE ROOS, LONDON, to be printed in white letters on the Stamp affixed to the above, without which none can be genuine, and to imitate which is felony. A New, Speedy, & Most Successful Method of treating Spermatorrhea, Nervous Debility, &c. Seventy Engravings. Six Languages. Price Is. through al Booksellers, or Post free from the Author for 14 Stamps THE MEDICAL ADVISER on premature decay, both mental and physical, arising from excesses, climate, &e.: remarks on the use of the microscope, and the artifices devised by certain quacks to produce needless alarm in the minds of sufferers; observations on Marriage, the preven- tion and removal of certain disqualifications; rules for self treatment, &c, By WALTER DE Roos. M.D., of the Ecole de Medecine, Paris Member of the Roya. College of Stergeoits, London Licentiate in Midwifery, §c.,S$c„ 6-c From long practical observation of the treatment pur- sued in the various Institutions of London and Paris for those diseases referred to in the above work, the Author has had somewhat unusual facilities for acquiring that ac- curacy of diagnosis, and uniform success, which have cli a- racterized his practice for so many years in this country, in which the lamentable neglect of those diseases by medical, men generally, and their futile attempts to cure by mer- j cury, copaiba, and sarsaparilla, &c., have produced most distressing results. Lasting benefit in such cases can only be reasonably expected at the hand of the legally-qualified man who de-votes his chief attention to their removal; and to hien Oldy who can show h's possession of the necessary qualifications, can confidence be .safely extend <1. Dr. De it. refers with pride to the numbers he has been instru- mental in restoring to health and happiness; and to those who may be in need of such aid he offers every assurance of speedy restoration. Country patien's should send a detailof their case by letter, enclosing the fee XI Is. for advice and medicines which will be sent by return. Post-oiffce orders to be made payable at the General Post Ofiice, to WALTER DE Roos, M.D., 10, Beinera Street, Oxford Street, London, At home daily from 1 till 4, Sundays excepted. ODAM'S N1TROPHOSPHATE, OR BLOOD MANURE, -00- IfilHE high position this MANURE has taken in the estimation of Agriculturists is the best evidence of its value i- as a Fertilizer for IURNIPS, Cült, POTATOES, and MANGLES. Its quality this year is fully equal to the past' and the Price considerably reduced. Each bag is marked "ODAM'S BLOOD MANURE," and Sold by SAMUEL BEVAN, Agent, Implement Warehouse, Llanelly. j Agent for Coleman's Cultivators, Bentdll's Broad Shares, Howard'sPloughs and Hariowa, Garrett's Drills, &c. Teas are getting dearer Buy while you can at the following Prices. ——-— ————— To obtain the BEST and CHEAPEST TEAS and COFFEES in ENGLAND, be particular in addressing to PHILLIPS AND COMPANY, TEA MERCHANTS, 8, KING WILLI-% CITY, LONDON, E.C., Atyiuferior houses -ire continually cupjiug PHILLIPS AND CO.'S Advertisements, in the hope of misleading the Public. Good strong useful Congou Teas 2s. 6d., 2s. 8d., 2s. 10d, and 3s. I' Rich Souchong Teas. 3s. 8d 3s. lOd, and 4s Pure Coffees Is, Is. 2d, Is. 3d, Is. 4d, Is. 6d, j A PRiCE CURRENT FREE. SUGARS AT MARKET PRICES. I PHILLIPS & CO. senJ all GOODS CARRIAGE FREE by their own Vans within Eight Miles of No. 8, Kixg \V ILLIAM STREET, CITY, and Send Teas, Coffees, and Spiees Carriage Free to any Railway Station ot Market Town in England, if to the value of 40s. or upwards. SOUTH WALES MANURE .WORKS, LLANELLY. SOU T 1-1 'V A L E S 1\1 AN U R:E .\V 0 It I( S, L LAN ELL Y T. MATTHIAS DA VIES, PRO P R lET 0 R. CASH PRICE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME PER TON, DELIVERED X6 15s. € 6 1  IN 4 TON LOTS, PER TO? 10s' MINERAL SUPERPHOSPHATE, (made to Ol'dn) "?5 I0s NITROPHOSPHATE, OR BLOOD MANURE, 5s: PER TON EXTRA. TES TIM ON LA LS- Underwood, near Haverfordwest, September 23rd, 1858. Dear Sir,—In reply to yours respecting the Superphos- phate, I applied it alongside of Mr. Lawes's in equal quan- tities; and I have carefully examined both, and consider the Turnips in the part manured by yours fully equal to Mr. Lawes's in every respect. I remain, yours faithfully, JAMES WILSON. T. Matthias Davies, Esq., Llanelly. Marloes Court, near Haverfordwest, October oth; 1858. Dear Sir,—I have tried your Super-phosphate against Peruvian Guano. I put4cwt. of Super-phosphate to the acre, and the same worth of Guano alongside. The result is decidedly in favour of your manure, as the Superphosphate Turnips are larger in size and much higher in blade than those sown with Guano. I am, Sir, yours truly, J NO. LL. WATHEN. Mr. T. Matthias Davies, Llanelly. Jordanston Hall, Haverfordwest, September 27th, 1858. I Dear Sir,—I have used your Superphosphate of Lime againt the same quantity of Mr. Lawes's. and I find it quite equal for Swede Turnips. I am much pleased with it, and shall require a larger quantity next year. I am, Sir, yours truly, W. T. R. SANDERS. M'r. T. Matthias Davies, South Wales Manure Works, Llanellv. Natt's Hook, near Haverfordwest, September 30th, 1858. My dear Sir,—I feel great pleasure in stating that the Superphosphate of Lime I purchased of you has fully sus- tained the high character it obtained on analysis. I have tried it combined with farm-yard manure, omitting the use of it in some driils here and there to see the effect, and by itself against farm-yard dung used in a full quan- tility and of good quality, and feel certain that on my land 5 cwt. of your Superphosphate will produce a crop of Turnips equal to any that can be grown by farm-yard dung. I have also tried it carefully against an equal cost per acre of the best Peruvian Guano, and find the crop grown by your Manure fully equal (I believe rather superior) to the Guano part. I am sorry I have not tried it against any other Super- phosphate, but having used a good deal of the best makers, Lawes, &c., &c., for some years, and having tried them against Peruvian Guano as I have done yours, and from the results I believe yours to be at least equal to any out. The best proof I can give of my opinion will be by using it again, which I hope to do next year. Trusting that it may pay you well to continue making it of the same quality, and if so I am certain it only requires to be known and tried once to make it largely demanded, I am, My Dear Sir, yours truly, WM. THOS. CANTON. Mr. T. Matthias Davies, South Wales Manure Works, Llanelly. Robeston Hall, near Milford, September 8th, 1858. Dear Sir,—In reply to your letter asking for a report of the effect of your Superphosphate of Lime on the Turnip Crop, I am happy to say that the piece of Turnips manured with your Superphosphate up to the present time is entirely satisfactory, and I can see no difference between it and a piece of Turnips growing alongside manured with Mr. Lawes's Superphosphate of Lime, and at the same rate per acre. I am, yours faithfully, CHARLES JAMES CARROW. 'T'h"m" Matthias Davies, Llanelly. aPPointed Asrents. THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY OF THE AGE! ANEW MILD AND MOST SUCCESSFUL MODE OF TREATMENT. PERRY'S PATEn CONCENTRATED ESSENCE OF COPAIBA JL .?U CL-BM SACCHAKATED CLOBULES, a new and agree- able p?paration of the very e?ence of the Ba sam of 90paiba and Cuhebs, nndered perfectly tasteless, )ets it refining at the same time its curative powers, devoid both of s.ueU and of all nauseating and dcleter?us  that the most dt-Hpate ?omach can take the." ?ith pfrtK.t ?sa. fety, and ?thc? producln g nausea, ?kn?, or any .ndicat?n of the ntture of the medicine. In all cases of Gonorrhea. Geet.' Stricture, &c., a sinRle tnal will prove the efficacv of this ll!valuable remedy; as it triat ?iU pro?e the eaicae. of th ? ?" ???? e ? £ J ,in?, atonceacts up.n the Urino.Gc?t. or? re??n.?. g them to their healthy state, and  morbid stat! of the nrinp Fuck globule is ?cased in sugar, whh^ich ren- den. them pleasant to t??ke andagords the grea(st facilities f.r pcr()ns traveiH? abr.a? or ?S?.? ?,' ?? ??.? "??l''?? a'cadap?d f.r both exes and art? st,itt,d for all In order to .u.rd against counterfen iI1Jitatllll1S, they wiJÍ be sold in flat tin cases, price 11s. per 'P? f.?r 13s. ) sent direct (nnu the E???, '?, ?'' -No. 19 f..r 13a ?reet. Oxford Street, London,?th ??e o 19, & L. Perry & Co.' improved on eachc?e, anr) the ir sina- ture on the outside of each wrapper, toMnitate ?hi?ch is f PERRY'S CORDIAL BALM OF ex: pressly emylnyed in both sexes to rebate th.e .mpa?ed po?er? of life, when exhausted by the lIdieoc exertedJ b. soHtary indulgence on the system. Its action p y bal- samic its power in rc-inv?or.ting the frame in all cases of nervous and sexual debility, obstinate gleets, mipotency, and debilities arising from excesses, has been demonstrated by its unvarying success in thousands of cases. To those persons who are prevented entering: the marru state in consequence of early errors, it is invaluable- e lis. ppr bottle, or four quantities in one for 33s., whIch saves lls" PERRY'S DETERSIVE ESSENCE an anu-syphiluic rempdy for purifying the system from roii'all,ln,lti'in and is recommended for any of the varied orirVs se- condary symptoms, such as eruptions on the 8100, blotelies on the head and face, enlargment of the throat, tonsils, and uvula; threatened destruction of the nose, palate, <v Its action is purely detersive, and its beneficial influence on the system is undeniable. Price lIs. alld 33s. per bottle, alr,,) a saving of I Is. The S5 cases of Syriacum or Detersive Essence can be had from any of the Agents; whereby there is a saving of £ 1 12s. HEALTH DEPENDS UPON PURE BLOOD. PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS constitute an infallible cure for all cutaneous eruptions and diseases of the skin, such as scurvy scrofula, ulcers, boils blotches and pimples on the face and body they quickly remove from the blood and other fluids tr.e impurities of unhealthy secretions ?hich so engender disease, and they extract from I I,the system all trace of mercury, and other mineral poisons. These pills are suited for either sex, as they eDsure a pecu- liarly beneficial influence upon the vascular system, thus proving a desideratum l?ngsou?ht for in the medical wrldj and their extraordinary beneficence '0 mankind is univer- ally admitted, 28. 9d., Is. 6(1., and lis. per box fr(-,e by post, 39. 3d., 5s., and 12s. To be had direct from the Establishment, No. 19, Berners Street, Oxford Street, Lon- dnn, upon rrceipt of Post Office Order, made payahle to H. and L. PEltRY & Co., who attend daily between the hours of 11 and 2 or from 5 till 8. Sold wholesale & retail, in London, by Burtlett Hooper43, King William street, London Bridge; D. Church, 78, Grace church street Barclay and Co., Farrinsjdon street Evans, Chemist, High Street, Swansea; Eans, Chemist, Cardiff; Garrptt, Brothers, driiizgists, Newport, Monmouth- shire T. Farror, Beacon Office, illonirouth and all medicine vendors throughout the United Kii)gdom. Agents wanted for every town. On Physical Disqualifications, Generative Incapacity, and Impediments to Marriage. New and Improved Edition, enlarged to 196 pages, illus- trated by 100 ANATOMICAL COLOURED ENGRAVINGS ON STEEL, just published, price (free by post) One Shilling. To be had direct from the Establishment, No. 19, Berners Street, Oxford Street, London. THE SILENT FRIEND: A Medical Work on the physical exhaustion and decay of the frame, from the effects of solit.ary indulgence, intection, and the injurious consequences from the use of Mercury; with observations on the obligations of marriage, and direc- tions for obviating certain disqualiifcations. By R. & L. PERRY and Co., 19, Berners Street, OxfordoStreet, Lon- don, when any of the above medicines may be obtained. Sold by James Allen, 20, Warwick lane, Paternoster- row Sanger, 150, Oxford-street; and Gordon, 146, Lead- enhall-st., London. London J. ALLEN. 20. Warwick Lane, Paternoster Row; to be bad also of all Agents for the sale of the above medicines. NOTICE TO FARMERS. J. T. Jones's Celebrated Fly Powder: OWING to the general practice of Dusting SHEEP against the attacks of the FLY, and at the suggestion of several Gentlemen who have used my FLY POWDER with such signal success, I am induced to make this Inva- luable Article more universally known, feeling confident that one trial will be sufficient to prove its beneficial effects and its superiority over all other similar preparations in destroying the Ticks, Lice, and all other insects injurious to the Flock, preventing the attack of Fly and Scab, and Cleaning and Purifving the Skin from Scurf, preventing the Sheep from Tucking, and thereby improving the Wool both in quantity and quality, and contributing greatly to the general health of the aiiiinal. the general hea.lth of the nimal. The powder is put up in packets, with full direction for use, each packet being sufficient to dust 20 Sheep, at the low price of Is. each, or 14 packets for 12s,, sent carriage free to any Railwav Station within 40 miles, on the receipt of l'.b O. with*full address From the immense demand last year a much larger quantity will be always kept in stock at his Medical Ware- house, 18, Charles Street, Milford Haven. N.B.—A Vacancy for an Apprentice. MEASAM'S MEDICATED CREAM Established i\i 1843.-P?'°?? amicted with Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago, Stiff Joints, Pains in the Limbs, Ringworm Burns Scalds, Corns, Wounds, Chaps, Chilblains, Erup- tions, and all external diseases of the Skin, will find cer- tain and immediate relief from using this valuable curative, the properties of which are truly surprising, and not beini! of a greasy compound, is as pleasant in its use as Eau de Cologne. See Testimonials, to be had Gratis. ALSO, MEASAM'S HEALTH RESTORATIVE and ?i REGULATING PILLS, for the cure of Bilious Com- plaints, Colic, Heada* he, Pem?e Ailments, Liver Diseases, and all inward disorders brought on by the derangement of the Stomach and digestive organs, and restoring the general health and constitution to a tone and vigour unsurpassed. They are warranted free from mercury or any other mineral, but are purely vegetable in their composition and being prepared under the satiction of highest medical authority ot the land, are most strongly recommended. Sole Manufacturer and Proprietor, (L. WILD, successor to) MEASAM & Co., 13, Catherine Street, Strand, London, W. C., by whom they are sold, wholesale and retail, in pots and boxes, at Is. 14d. 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d, and lls: and by all Medicine Vendors throughout the kingdom. fSHEZsoHTi NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOCUE COMTAMS DESICNS AND MUCH OF M Bt?mnfT ARTICLES OF BEDROOM fURMtTUM?Wni L A AS S OF )00 BEDSTEADS AND MMES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF 8EDDINC SSpIEEN?T FREE BY POST HEM.& SON BEOSTEADBEOONCtMOKOOM FURNITURE MANUFACTUKM ?MTmTENWAM COURT ROAD LONDON ;-rWI)¡TIEIUlOW'S DANDELION, CAMOMILE and JL RHUBARB PILLS, an effectual cure of indigestion, all stomach complaints, and liver affections. In cases of constipation these Pills never fail in producing e healthy and pcrO);;nent action of the bowels, so that iu a short time aperients will not be required, and being quite as innocent as caster oil, they may be given to children. Frorn Dr. Dick, Searsdale Terrace, Kensington. Siu,—Send me another bottle of your Dandelion, Camo- mile, and Rhubarb Pills, for my own use. I lose no occa- sion of recommending these Pills, as I can conscientiously do so. Yours, &c., ROBT. DICK, M.D. TWINBERROW'S PREPARATION OF MYRRH h'.ving been used extensively for more than twenty years with most satisfactory results, he conceives it unnecessary to say more than that it is an effectual remedy:-lst. In disease of the gums, particularly scurvy, those which recede from the teeth and are tender. 2nd. For the preservation of the teeth. 3rd. For preventing teeth which are decayed from becoming worse. 4th. For the prevention of tooth- ache. 5th. For purifying the breath, which may be affected by the state of the stomach, or any other cause, imparting at the same time a most agreeable and refreshing effect. Prepared by Twinberrow, Operative and Dispensing Chemist, 2, Edward's-strcet, Portman-square, London; and may be had of J. and E. COLE, Aberystwith, and of all Patent Medicine Vendors in the United Kingdom. BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT. SCHWEPPE'S SODA WATER. 1 SCHWEPPE'S MALVERN SELTZER WATER. SCFL WEPPE'S POTASS WATER. SCHWEPPE'S LEMONADE. Each bottle of the Alkali Waters is protected by a Label over the Cork with thfir signature. Sold by all respectable Chemists, Confectioners, and leading Hotels. Manufactured at London, Liverpool, Bristol, Derby, and Malvern Wells. OliLAZS DO JONES and Co's Okigixal PATENT RICE STAUCH requires no boiling, is celebrated for producing a beautiful Glaze, and retaining its stiffness in the dampes weather. CAUTIOx.-Every packet has a label with the name in- serted under the Royal Arms. THE ROYAL NAVAL, MILITARY, AND EAST INDIA LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, Established A.D. 1837. FOR GENERAL ASSURANCE ON LIVES, 13, WATERLOO PLACE, LONDON. DIRECTORS. Major-Gen. Sir FREDERIC SMITH, K.H., F.R.S., M.P., Chairman. JAS. FREDERICK NUGENT DANIELL, Esq., Deputy-Chairman. Lieut.-General Edward WysYAED, C.B. ARCHIBALD HAIR, Esq.. M.D., late Royal Horse Guarda. WILLIAM CHARD, Esq., Navy Agent. Major WILLIAM LANCEY, Royal Engineers. General TAYLOR, C.B., East India Company's Service. Wilbraiiam TAYLOR, Esq. liicut.-ColoTiel F. S. SOTHEBY, C.B., E.I.C.S. Lieut.-Gi neral Sir GEORGE POLLOCK, G.C.B. Rear-Admiral MICHAEL QUIN. Rear-Admirlll SiR GEORGE R. LAMBERT, K.C.B. Assurances are granted upon the lives of persons is every pro- fession and station of life, and are extended to tropical clim. on favourable terms. WILLIAM M. JAMES, See. 13. Waterloo-place, London, S.W. GARDEN ENGINES, SYRINGES, &c.. upon the best Gand most improtpdprincipte. Manufactured only by the patentee, RICHARD READ, 35, Regent-circus, Picca- dilly, London. Descriptions sent post-free. TTTHEATSTONE'S PATENT CONCERTINAS, 36s.; W do. to play in all the keys 52s. 6d.; ditto full com- pass (48 keys) 4 guineas; all are six-sided and have the double action. Also the new Duet Concertina at 31s. 6d. and 42s. WHEATSTOXE and Co., 20, Conduit-street, London. W. TTTORNE, ROBINS AND CO'S TEAS. PARCELS of JJ? 30s. value, carriage free to any part of England. fxACK and GREEN from 2s 6d. to 48. per lb. UNCOLOURED GREENS (pale olive) in addition to the usual artificial coloured kinds from 3s. 2d. to 4s. 4d. Agents appointed for the sale of our Packet Teas. 2, BUCYLEItSEt-RY, CHEAFSIDE, London. DRESSES OF ALL KINDSs.—Damask and Moreen Curtains cleaned and dyed. Chintz Furniture cleaned and glazed without injury to the colours. Price lists free. SMITH & DAINTREE, Dyers and Bleachers, 98, Mount Street, London. W. BANK OF DEPOSIT, ESTABLISHED A.D. 1844. 3, PALL MALL EAST, LONDON. Parties desirous of INVESTING Mony are requested to azanlim the Plan of THE Bast OF DEPOSIT, by which a high rate of is. torest may be obtained with ample security. The Interest is payable in January and July. PETER MORRISON, Managing Director. Formt for opening Account* tent frtt on application. CRICKETING OUTFITTERS. JOHN WISDEN & Co., late F. LILLYWHITE & WISDEN, 2. New Coventry-street, Leicester-square, London. All articles connected with Cricket and British sports supplied on the most reasonable terms. A list of prices forwarded post-free. Models of L. & W's Patent Catapulta can be seen and worked at the above address. rsotes, Wedding Cards, Travelling Dressing Bags, Articles for presents, Dispatch Boxes, Cutlery, Envelopes, Ink. stands, &c., &c. Illustrated Catalogues free by post. stands, &Ac.N, D PARKER, 43, Mark Lane, London, near NISSEN the Corn Exchange. BROWN BROWN AND AND BROUCH, ?   a BROUCH, WINE & SPIRIT ?MA?J WINE & SPIRIT IMPORTERS, ?U??? IMPORTERS, a9 STRAND, and ???? ?' 89, 29h, STRANFDri, ars, gJ^jBjggp CruStTchReAd ND, and Crutched Friars, CrntchedFriara, (utched Friars, vowy vOw rdert to contain a remittance. A pint sample of emhfor ",ow. 1/ 24 ttamps- tluUrrnUTLRKT Xi AYTIQ'UE DRESSES-SP't&Melds Xanufactu"' 'MOmE & CoCODMence thij fMhioMNe dress. -nM .&II. SEWELL &: Co. reeommen with Its triuuncr ?d boldness of water ha? riven them an European celebrity, and tthh ty T have 1 ladthc BODOUT of introducing them cfven them an E1l1'Opea celebrity, anJ BI.,k White, and Colon, 4 guineas to 61 =.hvbt8 't'o ::r.: or y lenit,b may be bad from tbe piece at per ??' COMPTON HOUSE, FRITH STREET, SOHO, LONDON. .r;JJ J. SPARKElS BALL. ELASTIC BOOT MAKER TO THE QUEEN, 308, REGENT STREET, LONDON. LADIES may have forwarded by Post the best French Morocco Shoes, black or bronze, best Kid and Satin, white or black, at 4s. 6d. per pair. Send outline of the foot on paper, 64 stamps. and 8 extra for postage, and the shoes will be sent neatly packed to any address in the United Kingdom by return of Post. JlIST PUBLISHED, with 60 illustrations, price 44. ANCIENT AND MODERN BOOTS AND SHOES, by J. Sparkks HALL, Boot Maker to lrer Majesty and the Royal Family, by post on receipt of four stamps. 308, Regent Street, London. CHUBB'S FIREPROOF SAFES. mt iKonc wroueht iron, are aU fitted with Chubb'i Patent DHlI-_Py«T«Btlt<. Md rt^Detetror Lock, wbLich tecure them ar. ç>=,f. tSTSSl ?h ,:x:r VIP Mustra?d pries Us" 1* tree. CHUBB AND SOlf, 57, ou P-r. Cà Load-; smas MTM?l, MMthMttr. Md W<?Te?m?tea. GE::1.ovajtI?Oft_:nd!: Md ?dMus of?iliM themselves of the Ke?ett London F?hiont. CM ^WITHOUT PERSONAL ATTENDANCE, b?.i.6 tbb ?U??OR SELF-MEASUREME!?. which will be ?n< po.t-?,toc.? with natterns of all varieties 'f' "'r"' materials. 77,8 yDR ;,A. T. ,t-, -f I- W Matmil., 17.. 6d. The SYMNBAM TOP-COAT, of the beat W"GrPn*f BttTM Cloth,- SAMUEL BROTHERS. Me?nt M.? ?. L.d? HU1. L.n4?. WINES FROM SOUTH AFRICA. denaian, INTRODUCER of the SOUTH AFRICAN JL PORT, SHERRY, ate., 20s. per dozen, bottles included. The well established and daily increasing reputation of these Wines (which greatly improve in bottle) renders any comment respecting them unnecessary. A PINT SAMPLE OF EACH FOR 24 STAMPS. Wine in Cask forwarded free to any Railway Stati in in England. EXCELSIOR BRANDY, Pale or Brown, 16s. per gallon, or 30s, per dozen. Terms Cash. Country orders m'ist contain a remittance. Cross Cheques-h Bank of London." PRICED LISTS, WITH DR. HASSALL'S ANALYSIS, FORWARDED ON APPLICATION. JAJVCES L. fl, Fenchurch Street, corner of Railway Place, London. INCOME WITHOUT RISK. PERSONS having a little time to spare are apprised that THE EAST INDIA TEA COMPANY continue to appoint Agents for the sale of their celebrated Teas in any town and village in the kingdom. These Teas are Packed to suit all purchasers, in leaden canisters from one ounc to one pound. Applications to be addressrd to the Corn- pany at their offices, 9, Great St. Helen, B?hopsgate. ondon.   PKSS PU'RE^NCPW^RDESONIE^SAUCES^ Pickle, f Condiments  Warehousemen. ?",holegale at 21, Soh'1 Square, Lnndon. I y'J??. ? ?M. for MONS. SOYEB'S Sauce., Relish j and AlomttK ttMfrd. ASK FOR F. S. CLEAVER'S HONEY SOAP. Do. FINE TOILET SOAP, in bars, Is. per lb. Manufactory—32 and 33,Rcd Lion Street, Holborn, London ELEGANT PERSONAL REQUISITES. Patronized by Royalty and the Aristocracy of Europe. ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIL Is universally in lilfh repute for its unprecedented succeu durine the lait aiitv years in the growth and improvement of the Human HAir, the Baud, Whiskers and Mustachios. For Children it is invaluable, while its introduction into the Kurservjrf Royalty,and the numerous Testimonials oonstantly reoeivet of it- efficacy, afford the best and surest proofs of its merits.—Prioe 3s. 6<1.; 7a.; Family bottles (equal to four small) 10a. 6d. and lis. per Bottle. ROWLANDS' KALYDOR. "Th1* ROT'allyiptMized a?d Ladies ftt??d Specite ."erto the most sootliine, 1 .1, and P"'f?"?. action on the Sinn. ?,.di,?,te, Few. Tn, Pimples, Spoto, ad DllColw&ûon.. produces a h?.ithy-p.Aty of mmpwxim &D4 a .ft.r..d deli=U of Siun.—PrtM 4s. 6d and 8s. M. per bottle. WHITE AND SOUND TEETH are indispensable to PERSONAL ATTRACTION, and to health and louplity by the propernuutiestloa of food. ROWLANDS' ODONTO, OR PEARL DENTIFRICE, Improves and imparts a Pearl-iike Whiteneas to the Teeth, strengthens the Gams, and renders the Breath pure and fmMnt.-Price 2t. 9d. per box. Sold by A. ROWLAND and SONS, 20, Hatton Garden, London, and by Chemists and Perfumers. BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IMITATIONS. 7. RNLY STAP C V4 TC\^THE R SPO O • A GLASGOW & LONDON. f ?D0 YOU WANT LUXURIANT HAIR, WHISKERS ?* &c. ? ?'°??standing many imitations have been in. t~rodf uced jV by ignorant speculators, no compound for the hair has  mamtamed such a world-wide celebrity as EMILY np ?8 CRINILENE. It is guaranteed 'to produce V?hiskers, Moustachios, Eyebrows, &c. in two or three weeks with the utmost certainty, and will be found eminently successful in nourishing, curling, and beautifying the hair, checking greyness in all its stages, strengthening weak hair, preventing its falling off, &c., and in the nursery it is indispensable, forming the basis of a beautiful head of hair. For the production of hair in baldness, from whatever cause and at any age, it stands unrivalled, never having failed. Price 2s. Obtainable through every chemist in the world or will be sent post free, on receipt of 24 penny stamps, by Miss DEAX, 7, Upper St. Martin's Lane, London. Your articles are all good, and I shall readily promote the sale.R. O. Job, Chemist, Truro. "I have used your Crinilene, and have now a good pair of whiskers.—J. Higgs, Dudley. The effect produced by one bottle I have found truly astonishing—it having produced a fine, thick pair of whiskers."—W. Ridley, Blackheath. AN ACT OF SINCERE OHATITTJDE 5,000 Copies of a Medical Book to be given away! A CLERGYMAN OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND, ?'?- having been cured of severe Nervousness, Pains in the Head, Loss of Memory, Indigestion, Debility, Prostra- unusualmocle of testisying his deep gratitude, oy puDlisn- ing for the benefit of others, the means employed for Lis own marvellous restoration to health and happiness, to which he had long been a stranger. He will therefore send a copy of the remarkable book containing all the necessary information, on receipt of two penny stamps to prepay postage. Address: Rev. H. R. Travers, M.A., 1, North Cumberland Place, Bayswater, Middlesex. CAUTIOX.—The advertiser regrets to find that of late several disreputable quacks have dishonestly adopted this plan of puffing off their deceptive books. THE VICTIM'S FRIEND. The Sixty-fifth Thousand.—Post free for a Penny Stamp.  PRACTICAL TREATISE UPON THE PRE- A VENTION and self-cure of all diseases arising from the excesses of youth, and maturity; the causes of mental aid physical decay, impediments to marriage, &c., with plain directions for their speedy removal. Sent free by post on receipt of two penny stamps, by Mr. Rudge, Publisher, 10, Brooke-street, Holborn, London. Every victim of Nervousness, Debility, &c. &c., may speedily cure himself if he follow the advice and prescriptions given in this book, which ought to be an effectual check to the ram- pant quackery that feeds and fattens upon the afflictions of tl;or,e who unhappily suffer from these diseases. N.B. Sufferers are cautioned against a quack who imitates this advertisement. -y -rOUItSELF! WHAT YOU ARE! AND WHAT FIT FOR! Marie Coupclle, the origin Grapbiologist, con- tinues to give her useful, vivid and interesting delineations of character, from the examination of the handwriting, in a tyle of description peculiarly her own, and never before attempted in this country. All persons desirous of know- ing themselves, or the character of those in whom they may be interested, must send a specimen of their writing, stating spx and age, and the fee of 14 uncut penny stamps, to Miss Coupelle, 69, Castle-street, Oxford-street, London; and 'hey will receive a full and minute detail of the talents, tastes, affections, virtues, failings, &c. of the writer, with many other things hitherto unsuspected. From F. N.- "I consider your skill surprising." C. S.—" Your de. scriptions of the young lady's character is remarkably correct." W. S.-Il Yoef interestrng answer is quite true." 11. W.—"Your sketch of my character is marvellously correct." Miss F.—" Mamma says the character you sent me is a true one." Miss W. N.—" I think you have de- s ribedhis character very accurately." Miss H. I am afraid his character is at you describe it too truly." EVERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR; or, the Science i'J of Health; with prescriptions, dietary tables, ace., being a handbook for all sufferers, who may by its aid cure themselves of most of the diseases 11 flesh is beir to" with. out the assistance of the medical man thereby el health, and saving doctors' bills. By an eminent Physi- eian: Price one shilline. Sent post free on receipt of 14 penny stamps, by Mr. Rudge, Publisher, 10, Brook Street, Holborn, London, Among the complaints treated of are the following viz., diseases of infancy and childhood. dis- eases of the stomach, indigestion, lfatulence, acidity, bile, jaundice, and liver complaints; constipation, melancboly, restlessness, want of sleep, nervousness and debility, alpitation of the heart, pain in the chest, fevers, gout, rheumatism, tic doloreux, epilepsy, apoplexy, asthma, ?olds, consumption, dropsy, pains in the back, gravel, lum- bf?o, skin eruptions, tumours, abscesses, scurvy, scald head, ringworm, erysipelas, blotches, piles, fistula, worms, diseases of females, &c. &c., with chapters, on exercise, sleep, food, cleanliness, clothing, early rising, diet, and regimen generally. DOES YOUR HAIR FALL OFF, OR TURN GYEY. &c. ? If so, use ROSALIE COUPELLE S CRINJJ FRIAR, noted all o?er the world tor its properti.s.and?stheonly remedy that can be n upon. It is guaranteed to produce ?h'?\???u! &c., in a few?eks, and .iH be fou.d  successful in nourishing, curlig, and beautifying the bⅈ checking greyness, stren?henin? weak h?r, 'Prevetb:se: :fIe • ff, and restoring it in „ baleTer cause. .? and r?oring it in ?  COBimended it in the u pwar sop )'Slclans ?'?j?. head of hair and nursery, fur promoting a hne. c ? t on recejpt averting badness in after !'? ?? enl post ,free on receipt of 2? penny P?'??'?'?d-street. Coupe}, 69, Castl!- street, Newman-streN, ox,ford-.lltrf'et, Lonon. or may be ob7rir\ftLrshaUCheoust,, ? bottles price 2s. each. OBSERVE that a 16 page pamphlet is inclosed with each ackup, -hicb has a re d .tamp ooUide beanng the words ^nosalve CoupcUe in white letters: the word. C??'t ONnutriar are also moulded in each bottle. "I was bald 9 years, but I find new hair coming ra- pidly.J. Hone. "Thinks to your stuff, I have an ex- cellelitrnotistach e and" hiskers," — Major Browne. "I had lost my hair in patches, but it has restored it.Mist Hewitt. baldness, it has acted miracu- lously."— H Moir. Sold bv Mr. J. W. White, Chemist, Guildhall-square, Carmarthen; Evans, Chemist. High s're^t. and C. T. Wi)- son, Chemist, Castle-tquare, Swansea William*, Chemist, High-street, Cardigan; T. D. M.r>. In. Chemist, and ro » Herald Office, Havei fordvs est; Trcwoeka, Pen, broke Stevens, Chemist, High-street, Merthyr Tydwil, aDd obtainable through all Aledicine Y eadors.