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THE CHARTIST DEMONSTRATION IN LONDON. The rttinn,,1 Convention is a body of Chartists which consists of 49 Chartist delegates fiom every part of the kiugdom, who met last week in Loudon, to concert tnrasures for the presentation of the" people's petition'' for the charter, whidl wis to be presented to the IIOUSP of Commons by Mr. Feargus O'Connor on Monday. T.'ie pf,tíj,¡n wa!! r.ulwunc(>d to contain 5,000,000 sig- nitures, and was to he conveyed to the House ut Commons by a procession of 300,000 persons. A cir- cular was issued, headed Liberty, Equality, and Fra- ternity," calling upon the working men in the metro- pulis to accompany the procession to the House of c, ich trade marching with its respective in- signia and banners, and assembling at Kennington Ç"!1liLOn on the morning of the 10'h instant. The route proposed to be taken was over Blackfriais bridge and along Fleet-street and the Strand to Trafalgar- square and the Houses of Parliament, unless in the interval the authorities should interfere to prevent the inconvenience and suspension of business which always ensued with crowded 8s.,eml,lagps and processions take possession of the busy thoroughfares of the metropolis. Chartist meetings had been held in every district in London, and in all the large towns, but at many of these assemblages the language of the speakers has b»*en of the most revolutionary and inflammatory cha- rac er. The proceedings of the National Convention were regarded by the Chartist body with great interest, as the delegates were to deliberate upon the" decisive measures" necessary to be adopted should the House ot Commons reject the prayer of the monster pe. tition." The National Chartist convention held its first meet- ing at the Literary and Scientific Institution, John- street, Fitzrov-square. The number of delegates was originally intended to be 49, but the convention having decided upon the admission of some additional delegates from organised bodies and districts not included in the original programme, it was a,imitted on Wednesday that the convention came within the operation of the Con- vention Act, and had become an illegal assembly. The rpatpr part of the time of the meetings was hitherto taken up in the reception of reports fiom the different ■delegates as to the condition of the people in their respective localities, and the state of political feeling therein. Several of the delegates reported that large bodies of the Chartists were prepared to resort to phy- j-inal fi);ce for the attainment of the "six points" of the Charter, and a great deal of seditious and revolu- tionary language was used, which appears to have at length attracted the notice of the Government, for on Wednesday two Government reporters, attended the afternoon meeting of the convention, whose arrival ex- cited considerable sensation among the delegates. Mr. Feargus O'Connor has attended the sittings of the convention, and appears to belong to the" moral force" party, who have at present the preponderance in the convention. The executive committee of the Char- tist body recommended on Wednesday that if the na- tional petition should be rejected, simultaneous meet- ings of the Chartists should be held throughout the country, and a memorial agreed upon to her Majesty to dismiss her present ministers—a proposition which is opposed by the more belligerent section of the delegates. The convent ion resolved to meet daily until Monday, and that in the meanwhile Ciiartist meetings should be held in various districts ofthe iiietropoliq, in order to obtain as large as possible an attendance of trades at the contemplated meeting and procession of the Char- tists on Monday from Kennington Common. On Thursday the naileries were filled with audience who loudly applauded every sentiment of air inflamma- tory character. A letter was read from Portsmouth, stating that an order had been received at the dockyard there for making 1.000 truncheons of African oak by Saturday next, which were to be forwarded to London, in order, as the writer believed, to be used bvthespecial constables fit Monday against the chartists. The woi kmen would have to work day and night to execute this order. The lads of London," it was added, ought to be aware of the circumstance, and to act ac- cordingly Great cheering followed the announcement. The subject of debate on Saturday was as to the ulterior measures to be adopted in the event of the rejection of the prayer of the national petition. Some delegates were of opinion that the time had come for "action," by which was understood the employment of physical force while others declared that a rising of the people would be at present premature; that the working men in their districts were not yet readv, and that every species of moral force ought to be exhausted before resort was had to physi- cal force. The majority of the delegates having expressed these opinions, it was at length resolved (on the motion of Mr. Ernest Jones, seconded by Mr. Clarke, of Bristol), that upi-n the rejection by the House of Commons of the petition for the people's charter, a national memorial should be presented to the Queen, culling upon her Majesty to dissolve parliament, and dismiss her pre- sent advisers that simultaneous public meeting- should be convened throughout the country on Good Friday, for the pnrpose of aclopting the national memorial and electing delegates to a "national assembly." The delegates adjourned shortly after five o'clock, notice of motion having been first given by Mr. Einest Jones, one of the delegates, that he would, on an early day, move the adoptio%of a national tri-colour," a proposition which was received with tremendous cheering. Govern- ment reporters were ia attendance.







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