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I I PEMBROKESHIRE. I I HAVEftFORDWESTCOUXTY COURT. }¡ Un Thursday week, an adjourned court was held at the Shire-Hall, before John Johnes, Esquire, for the r'al of the cases (about 30 in number) which remained Or hearing from the last sitting. E The first case heard was that of John Gwilliam v. David vans, which excited much interest, and occupied the court for several hours. John Lloyd appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. ees for the defendant. The plaintiff is a plasterer, and the demand was for ° for work done in making and fixing a sign in cement etters in front of defendant's ornce. The defendant cOnsidered the charge exorbitant, and paid £ 3 10s. into OUrt. The phuntiH proved the time he had been occupied ? executing the work, for which he charged 5s. per day, tl"tt the quantity of cement charged in his bill had been > and that the other items were correct. Several ?itBe' sses were then called by him, who proved that ?, e °rk was ,veIl done and that the bill was rea- j? ?ork was well done, and that the bill was rea- Oil beha.If of the defendant, witnesses were called by 14 Rees who deposed that the work had not been pro- and Y done; that instead of the letters being moulded atidg to the wall they should have been worked on the 1011 which would have rendered them much more Seen e> and by which method far less time would have bppn ?P?M about the job, and less material required. The same itylesse ?s also stated that they would readily t? .? performed the work for E3 10s. liis Honour reserved his decision till next court. ?? the following day thc nsuil Jùnthlr Court was 11 %ia 'I'Qut ?? P?aiuts were entered, but several of them vvith?r4l, or settled out of court. There were few cases ???rd ? Possessing any features of public interest. a.,In. the case of 'Vm. Waters v. Wm. Mey!er, Clerk, J?ry w?? inipannelled at the instance of the plaintiff. This was an action brought to recover £ 1-512s. 6d., for N"Olk and labour, materials provided and damage done to Plaintifl,, lands. The Clerk of the Court having called upon the de- fen?, 80' to know what answer he had to make to the jac.,tion, čI Mr. M. R. James (who appeared for Messrs. Evans, 5 Co.) pleaded the general issue, and that another action was pending. ^he Judge enquired whether such was the fact that other action was pending for the same demand. to Mr. James then examined Mr. Heslop, plaintiff's at- e mey, who stated that in the month of May last, he was Ployed by the plaintiff to bring an action against the d etendant, in ?? ??seu's Bench, to which action the dce'f??oan?t appeared. After the declaration had been fi the defendant paid E5 into court, in respect of the debt amounting to £ 46 17s. The £ 5 was taken out of CO?rt by the plaintiff, and the costs fG 10s. Gd. were also Paid by defendant. He (Mr. IIcslop) could take the Proceedings in that action, after taking the money out of OUrt, and being paid the costs. By taking out the money, the demand was not satisfied the action was satisfied, but not the demand. Mr. James then produced a document which had been filed by the plaintiff's attorney on the occasion of the roney being taken out of court, and which was admitted n evidence by Mr. Heslop. It stated that defendant QLccepts E5 in full satisfaction of all the causes of action hlentioned in the declaration." Mr. Heslop said the action had been brought in debt, and that he was advised by counsel that certain portions of the demand could not be recovered in that form of action. The £ 5 he contended was accepted in respect Only of those items which were recoverable in that form of ctîon, and that he was at liberty to commence a fresh action for the other part of the claim. The Judge (addressing Mr. Heslop) said, "You may go to the jury, but I must tell you candidly that when it to my province to do so, I shall charge them to RlVe a verdict for defendant, seeing that such a document its that produced by Mi. James is admitted." Ir. John Lloyd (who acted as junior advocate for P'amtiff) objected to the paper being put in, it was not under seal, and therefore inadmissible. His Honour said he could not go back and withdraw a document that had been already admitted. Mr. Lloyd said the former action being brought in debt, no doubt the E5 was taken in full satisfaction of all pauses of action which could be in that form. The action debt was only arranged, and the plaintiff had a right to «'"ceecl in this court tor the trespass on ptaintitt s lands. b The Judge said he still was of opinion that the plaintiff ad precluded himself from further proceedings by ac- tfPtjng the f.5 in full satisfaction, and he should desire the jurv to find for the defendant. -His Ilonour then non-suited the plaintiff, observing that he wished it to be clearly understood that if this action should be again brought into this court, and he found that he was wrong in his decision, he should be ready to confess his erroi. The Court sat from 10 A.M., to half-past 11 P.M., having Isposed of all the cases with the exception of several Ummonses against parties for non-payment of their in- Iments,  which were stalments, pursuant to the Judge's ord ers, which were Postponed to the 20th of January next.  IAVERFORIVWEST.—SHEEP STEALING.—On Satur- day last, JY. Ephraim and JV. Morgan, (who were re- manded from the previous Monday) was brought before J. II. Philipps, and J. LI. Morgan, Esqrs., at the Shire ■^all, for further examination, charged with stealing veral fat sheep, from the farm of Mr. Roberts, of XOeston. It will be remembered that at the former ex- ajuination (a full report of which appeared in our last "Ulliber ) the prisoner Ephraim alleged in his defence that he had purchased the sheep of a man named W. arnes, who is a very decrepit old man, and who was now brought before their worships. He positively wore that the statement of the prisoner was untrue, :l1d Ephraim being unable to produce any evidence to he contrary was committed for trial to the next Quar- ter Sessions for the county of Pembroke. The charge 4gaiust Vorgaii (the man in whose possession the skins ] the stolen sheep were found) was dismissed, the Ma- g'Stratcs being of opinion that sufficient evidence had (}eeIJ. adduced to shew that hi^as a bona fide plit-cliaser Of the animals. The case excited consldera ble interest ^tooiigst the farmers, by whom the room was crowded a lirillg the investigation. TUR SANITARY QUESTION AT H,vF IZFOR DIVEST.- n Monday last, a special meeting of the Commission- for p?yin?? li?htij)?, and cleansing the town, was  at the Shire Hall, for the purpose of considering th sanitary condition of the town, and to make such orders in reference thereto, as might be thought ad- ":sable. After some discussion on the subject, the Olerk vas directed to issue printed placards, cnllin? the 'Ottt")tion of the inhabitants to the imperative necessity ??"S in a wholesome condition their respective dwTrln^ouses> and of removin all noxious matter, and ""g-housps, and of removins; all noxious matter, correcting any onenfnvc dra i ns, &c. The surve y or ^as lreced to enforce the provisions of the gag act, but )? the even t of these matters being neglected, the town ? "?.  "tof t h ese matters being ne? i ected, the town jWas di,,i dl(1 into six districts, and a deputation was ap- Point ?  ?  each housr' an d to rcnort j>Qin 0 to V";it an(I il)Speet and to report Llpoil state and condi tion TENBY.—The barque Ocean Queen, of Beaumaris, James Tiffin, master, from Miramichi, in Canada, bound for Carmarthen with timber, put into Caldv Roads on Tuesday last, after a passage of 23 days. The mClster reported having experienced very severe weather, and states that on the Gt h instant, he fell in with the new barque Mary Jane, from Quebec, with timber for Liver- pool, water-logged and dismasted. The crew, 19 in number, were lashed to the rigging, and after much difficulty, (the sea running high at the time) he suc- ceeded in taking them all off the wreck, and landed them safely at Tenby. The master and crew of the Mary Jane, upon their safe arrival, frequently expressed their heartfel t thanks to the Captain of the Ocean Queen, for the kind treatment they had received from him when on board his vessel. HAVERFORDWEST CORN MARKET HOUSE. On Tuesday last, a meeting of the committee appointed to superintend the erection of this building, was held, when the plans proposed by Messrs W. and J. Owen, were finally adopted, subject to some few alterations. The committee considered it advisable not to let the work by contract, and engaged Mr. James Lloyd, as foreman of the Works, which will be proceeded with immediately. THE PEMBROKE CHARITIES.—On Thursday last,, a meeting of the trustees ol Dr. Jones' charity, took phe in the Town-hail, Pembroke, when the treasurer pro- duced his statement of accounts, which was unanimously adopted by the meeting. Oil the amount distributable bsinn- ascertained, Mr. Joshua Paynter proposed that the order made by the trustees in 1839, be rescinded, and that in future the amount be distributed equally between the three parishes, which was seconded by Mr. Owen Thomas. Mr. W. Thomas, Pembroke Dock, proposed as an amendment that as there appeared no just reason for an alteration, the original order be not rescinded. Mr. Pretious warmly seconded the motion. After an animated discussion a division took place, when there appeared for the motion—Messrs. Paynter, O. Thomas, Mausel, Leach, Griffiths, Perry, Jones. Against it- Messrs. W. Thomas, Pretious, Weatherly, Davies, A protest against any alteration in the original order was made by Messrs. W. Thomas, T. Pretious, It. Weatherly, aud G, H. Davies. THE CHRISTMAS CATTLE SHOW for the hundred of Oastlemartin took place at Pembroke, in the cattle mar- ket, and the exhibition was one of a truly satisfactory character. The prize for the best ox was awarded to Mr. Llewhelling, of Punchestbn, and well deserved the premium. This gentleman has often been the success- ful competitor st these inariet3- it t>o.s oou^t 0} -u-ir. W. Edwards, (our townsman,) for George Lock of Jordaston, won the second prize. It was pur- chased by another of our townsmen—Mr. Jones, for £ 37. The third in merit to Mr. John Lock, of Itowson —bought by Mr. Gwvther, of Pembroke. Mr. Nicholas Bowling, of Bullibeer, produced as extra stock a splen- did Durham cow, which was sold to Mr. Eastlake, of Pembroke Dock, for JE34. After the sale there was a dinner at the Dragon Hotel, served in Mr. Jones's best style, which gave eminent satisfaction, Mr. Lewis Norchard presided, and Mr. Richard Ormond kind ly acted as vice. After the usual loyal and patriotic toasts had been drank many of a local nature followed evi- dently to the gratification of all parties. An animated discussion ensued on the breed of cattle, which went greatly in favour of the Castlemartin breed, than which it appeared none were so well adapted to the country. A subscription to a large amount was entered into for next year's show, aud on the breaking up of the meet- ing one and all seemed to experience the greatest satis- faction.








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