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LONDON AND LOCAL. NOTES. I [FROM OUft OWN CORRKSPONDKNT9.I Sunday Kiout. 'i be (iaiety programme is at present 00- tupi.1 by two pieces from the pen of the late Jlr. H, J.Hyron. The first in comedy, bright and lively. in three acts, entitled" Uncle." J lessrs. Terry and lloyce give the dialogue •with point, and the Misses Constance Gilchrist and Maud Taylor looked remarkably pretty. 'J'he second is a revival of an old favourite, the burlesque of (ó The Bohemian G'yurl," which is an opportunity for Miss Eo I'arren tn display those remarkable powers for which she is so famous. Ilovce tried to get through with the song of "The heart bowed down," t ut had Dot succeeded wben the curtain fell. Terry as l)etUshoof was all amusing specimen of a good costermongcr gone wrong, while the Misses Maud Taylor, C. Gilchrist,and Phyllis iiroughton led that galaxy of female love- liness which appeals so successfully to the I heart, or let us rather bay shirt front of the Masher in the stalls. The eleventh season of Frenoh plays will commence at the Gaiety on June!) He.d, with Madame Judic in Niniche," '■ Mdlle. N itoucho" and La 1,'osaijue," after "hieh Madame 8&rah Bernhard will appear ill l'edora," Auvieiuio Lecovivrer," &c., and II new play. Hen Wlad fy hadau finds echo in I.on- don, for after summarising the evidence in regard to the disputed airs, the Mwicul Times concludes by declaring "our task in the matter is simple. The two airs are printed side by side in the Ifei'trn Mail, and we un. hesitatingly declare that, save at the com- mencement, there i a very marked resemblance between them, and the tinal phrases are almost the same, 1u justice to Mr. Atkins this should be said, and to us it appears ull that should ever have been said." Mr. W. H, \"aruIerbilt, the American capi- talist, generally has 11 is iiaiiie writ large" .,ben he appears in print; for instance, when Air. Abbey, the New York operatic manager, took a beueiit on the 21itot April last he sent him a cheque for ,1.000 dollars (it-UQ) tts the price of his box for the oveuing, A book of gossip upon music and musicians h sure to be largely read, and those who wish to study line writing should peruse "My Musical Kite," by tho liev, H, It IJaweis, M.A., who speaks of how musical inspirations came to him, as follows: "They callle when Someone or other sat and played with me, whose spirit-pulses rose and fell with mine in a world of sound, where the morning stars seemed always singing together, or, again, They came in still rooms where a few were met, and the lights were low, and the windows open towards the sea," The failure of the Oriental Banking Corpo- ration can surprise 110 one who has been familiar with the steady decline of that once famous and prosperous institution during the last ten years, 'l hu lc2o shares, paid up, with a further liability of HJ'o unpaid, were steady in the market for a good many years at from JJ40 to £,)1), and at one time they were even worth LOO. i.ast week they were saleable at ;1. and since 1-sSl they have seldom risen above £I: The failure ib due to speculations of the directors and agents in silver (the value of which has been steadily depreciated of late years) and in advances on landed property in the Mauritius and Ceylon which is practi- cally unsaleable, Tho Corporation had so many branches, and its necessary current ex- penses were so enormous, that the shrinkage of business caused by rumours affecting its credit has forced it to close its doors. I have more than once had occasion to call attein.on to the laeagreness of lJiseuter" contributions to the local Hospitals and Liudred institutions of an unseotarian cha- racter as compared with Churchmen's gifts to the same, I lind that Welih Bissent is not peculiar in this respect, as will be seen from the subjoined analysis which a correspon- dent sends to this week's Guardian news- paper OF HOSPlTAt Bt'VDAy i\'u, 18W. Avemge fur ('/u"1.eJ. collections Total receipts. or W'«o 1f1:1Je worsh'i) Church ofEnt)tn(i.b:0.jE2<,3'9U 2..??''?*'2 Chureh|Ot^ii)uie ?"' ??< 15 3 C, 93 iil06 7 7 n ,7 u Independcuts 117 2.? 17' 0 l9 2 10 B.?. .?.n LO.t7<!0 312 yrMbyt<.r)jun.?. ?? 610 2 2 19 7 11 li 115 16 U ..I 8 18 2 .yyMy?fM. .1. 28 9-1 17 3 32 18 5 fclotherpu^ » 921 17 5 32 » 5 of worship 119 1,086 16 I „ 9 j ? 1.367 tJI.8515 4 The beat comment I can add to the above is that made by the writer in question, who says:—"From the Hospital Sunday Fund analysis one would think either (1) that the Nonconformists are an inconsiderable fraction of the community, or \) that they are singularly illiberal when a lion-political but benevolent object is put before them. They can hardly plead poverty to account for the amall Ttita they send to the Hospital Sunday fund, because it is their boast that ten of thousands of pounds can be raised by them for anti-fcute Church and political agitation.' Let the Dissenters lay these things to heart instead of traducing the Church. Cardiganshire is all alive with preparations to wrezit the Parliamentary representation from the hands of the Hadical3 at the next election. Tho Conservatives will not be found unprepared for a contest, as they were in 1-^eO. At that time tho register was in a lamentable state of incompleteness through neglect, and the want- of thorough party organisation added to the ditliculty. But we have remedied those evils since, and mean to dj el,iver ourselves from thQ baneful result of the "chapel ijcrelV" to which we had to sub- mit four years ago. 'I he selection of Mr. N'aughs.i ))&vies as the Conservative candi- date for the county is the wisest step that I I ? 1. f' ula Dave oeen taken, for the genial s.iuire of Tanvbwlch is exceedingly popuiar. lie is sound Con?rvativf, a ready ?waker, and, what i6 of still greater importance, a good landlord, I can assure you that the "lector. of CardiKan?hirc have become keenly sensitive of the d??raco of bei;? represented by a Kadical, much as they honour the personal character of Mr. Lewis 1'. Pug-h. Numbers of those who supported him at the last election have lived to regret their share in adding to the majority of a Government, which has not only disgraced us abroad, but has refused to protect the interests of the farmers at home. Might I inquire why it is that the rural police in some districts so persistently ignore the very existence of tho Wild Birds" Protec- tion Act ? Is it that the otlicial mind cannot grasp the idea of such tiny creatures having any claims upon the majesty of British Jaw If so, it is high time that thegnardians of the public peace in the neighbourhood of Iertbyr had their eyes opened to the existence of such an Act of Parliament. The necessity for putting it in force is obvious enouKh A retired tradesman, rMidin? t?a than M milesI Iiun. <_ern, is in ttie habit ot gratifying his crude notions of sport (!) with the slaughter of thrushes and blackbirds. As a consequence, their sweet songs are conspicuous by their rarity this spring. 1 aliI sorry to have to ro- cord such an IJnpurtatiolJ of Cockney barbarity into our \v„h valleys, Even a hardened poacher would shudder at th.. thought of slaughtering our lovely songsters, who give us so much pleasuie ami ask for so little in return. )iTN let it be known To the honour of Wales let it be known that sportsmen O ot the type I have indicated would get a hot tillle of it if thev indulged their senseless cruelty in most rural parishes, lor instance, not long ago, in a certain part ot Carmarthenshire, the farmers banded them, selves into a practical Society for the Brotec lion of Wild Birds. Night after night this vigilance committee sallied forth in Lands to pi event bird-nesting, and other modes of destruction. oe to the hapless wretch who, by itight or day, was caught warrin against the songsters of the wood, ills interview with the vigilants was im- pressive to the last degree! I venture to eUIo!e,t th.. establishment of a eimilar cQrps at Cefn, uiii !«s tho police awake from their supmeiirss, Hut it is to be hllpetl that th alternative step will be found unnecessary. The grL'aht dis¡(ust was felt and t'xprf'sd l by. Vtthf e lovers of religious dH(?novin Ponty- pridJ ami ?..?bbourhood to-day by the inva- ..on of the variuu, j,)?., of w(?rship by agents ot the Liberation Soci?tv who have come to "Fly out the land. These creature of political Ih.?n' wpr? fur- "ishffi with note-books in their hands, and ZTX• tffT"*MRCtity ?" their t? <.?..?\)aan? vooff th.?,?r..?.t? Bn- s"ntt:rs expressegreat '"itation at this bb?un?!?,att.?,ad.? for the r ea! I v rt.-)??to?? \),hman.whtte?.bi,?y, ha. a .tro.?r?ard for the MnchtTof the abbathand the solemnities of public orship, on may ta„e my word for it that these i?,,pud,t?t att,??.,Ps f the l,ib?, at l')Tt numr the trib?" will reco? upontb?r owu heads. aLd alienate any good-natured. sympathy which the better class of Welsh Dissenters may have inadvertently expressed for lr. Dillwyn's motion. Alas for the worshippers at the Orchard- place Baptist Chapel, Neath; an arbitrary authority has cut off the gas Unfortunately, "the Church will not be able to utilise the gas which has been generated in such bountiful qua,,titi?s by both sides in the quarrel which Archdeacon Griffiths ninly 8,,uht to hal. That material, although po!essNl of highly inflammable properties, is not illuminative, and LW1G is just now the direst need of my Baptist friends here. Still, the removal of the gas-meter is not anything so seiious a matter as the stoppage of the water supply would be. "bat would strike at the very root of orthodoxy itself, and shake the foun- dations of the faith. I hope IllY neighbours will keep up their payments for the "essential fluid" in spite of all divisions. I am very pleased to be able to state that the Committee of the Cardiff Fine Art Exhi- bition has decided to throw open its doors in Queen-street to the working classes upon the Sunday afternoons of the llthand ISth IIlSt. It is a pity that this was not done before, but better late than never I am well aware that a strong so-called religious prejudice has been the burrer which the committee was reluctant to break down. :\0 ,v that the step is taken I hope it will prove a success, and that the "tons and daughters of toil" whom it is meant to benefit will show their appreciation of this new and wise departure from old pre- judices. In a town of the size of Cardiff this question of Sunday recreation of an innocent and instructive character is not a sentimental j; tad," a some would have one believe. It is undertaken with a sincere desire to serve a good end, and, in iiiv opinion, deserves to be well supported. I shall expect to see our leading teetotalers mustering in full force at the Exhibition on Sunday next. Having closed the public-houses they must, of course, be only too ready tu support this excellent substitute. After morning service," says our Cardiff correspondent who last week wrote on the subject of Dr. Ebstein's system for reducing corpulence," I was again weighed this (Sun- day) afternoon. My weight was taken before dinner, under precisely the sallie conditions as those under which I scaled on Sunday last. I found 1 had lost in the seven days exotly four pounds. This is very satisfactory, especially as I have not only enjoyed perfect health during the week, but also have sulfered 110 inconvenience from the dietary restrictions to which I have been subjected. Four pounds off l-"> stone Slbs. is not very much, but it is something. If I go oil at this rate for six months I shall be reduced to quito genteel proportions. Mr. Drane, of Queen- street, tells me that, according to my height (oft. Oin), I oujjht to weiyh 10 stone I,) ounces. I way say," continues our corpulent corre- spondell," that I have religiously follow •d Ur. Ebstein's system. I have not touched potatoes, sugar, nor milk, I have avoided the carbo-hydrates, that is foods containing saccharine and starch, like poison. 1 have not exceeded 3J ounces of bread per diem. But I have eateu butter and fat meat and fat fish and salads with plenty of oil galore. And cm the whole I have thoroughly enjoyed the did, ly drinks have been confined to tea and coffee, without milk or sugar, light wines and gin and seltzer. One noticeable feature of tho new regimen is the sense of satiety which a small quantity of food creates. And in this fact its etiicacy consists. I am going to Loudon next week, where a course of feasting usually a\vait3 file, Lut I shall be true to Dr. Ebstein, and, with your permission, will give you further particulars next Suuday evening." 'u

























IYH. L. I). PUGH, M.P., AND…










_uTREDEGAR. -... - -- - ?…