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-n'r,o.:ot HAVERFORDWEST BOARD OF GUARDIANS. A meeting of the Haverfordwest Board of Guardians was held on Wednesdf-.y at the Workhouse, i,led,over bj Mr. S. W. Dawkins (chairman). A WEALTHY I'LLVili. The case of an aged man c.j ye-rs of age of the name of Fisner was mentioned and it was- asked why it was that a mat. with a pensiont- of Is. a day was in the House. The relieving officer (Mr. Thomas) said the old, I man came to him, ac. he seemed in a very ¡ bad way he though: U better to give him a ticket for the house. The old man had nO" one to look after him, and he had paid £ 3 5s for his keep, and had in his possession when. admitted, C4 15s. The Chairman said, of course, if they kept, the old maR in the House they could recoup. themselves from his pension. On the motion of Archdeacon Hilbers, it waS; decided to keep the old man in the House for the present, and to take possession of his pension. It was stated that the old man had. a SO employed on a trawler.





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