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HUGH JONES Begs to announce that he has now He-stocked the 0 Stationery Department y With a LARGE and CAREFULLY-SELECTED VARIETY of BOXBD fUTJL VMOJ¥JEM1% At all PRICES and in ALL SIZES. PRINCESSES STATIONERY, 6d. Box. CROWN PARCHMENT, 1/6 paoket of 5 qrs. SUPER CREAM LAID, 6d. Box QUEEN'S PARCHMENT, Is. packet of 5 qrs. EMBASSY CREAM STATIONERY, 6d. Box. TURQUOIS BLUE STATIONERY, 6d. Box. TUDORSCRIPT STATIONERY, Is. Box. ROUGH-EDGED BON TON STATIONERY, 1/6 BOYAL CAMBRIC STATIONERY-Blue & White packet of 5 quires, or 4d. per quire; EnvaJopsB, -6d per Box. 4d. per packet. QUEENS' DECKLE-EDGED, Is. Box. The COMBINED FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE CHARTA SUPRIMA 1/6 Box of 6 qrs. TABLET-IGO Correspondence Sheets, 50 Opaque Bank Envelopes and Sheet of Blotting Paper- LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS STATIONERY- packed in case, all complete, Is. Fancy 6d. per Box. THE OVERLAND MAIL TABLET—100 Sheets ROYAL IVORY STATIONERY-Rough & Smooth Superior Thin Paper for Foreign Correspondence surface—6jd. per lb. Envelopes to match, 6&d. 6d. per tablet per 100. TI A"O THE IDEAL NOTELOPE WRITING PAD, with BOYAL HOUSEHOLD PAPER, 4id. per lb. the Security and Privacy of an Envelope, Is. Envelopes to match, 4$d. per 100. CREAM SMOOTH PARCHMENT, Is. per 5 Qr THE CLUB WOVE NOTE PAPER—Double thick, P«„L+ smooth finish, bjd. per lb. Envelopes to match, packed in boxes of 100, only 6Jd. ORIGINAL CLUB CREAM, Is. packet of 5 Qrs. 1 1 ♦ K THE RELIEF STATIONERY CABINET with Ditto, WHITE, Is. packet of 5 Qrs heading LLANGOLLEN, N. WALES," 6d. per box, CLUB SILURIAN NOTE, Is. packet of 6 Qrs, BLACK EDGED STATIONERY, in Id. and 6d, HIERATICA NOTE PAPER, Is. packet of 5 qrs. paokets, combined. I HIERATICA NOTE PAPER, Is. packet of 5 qrs. paokets, combined. I "ADVERTISER" OFFICE, CASTLE STREET. Mrs. E. GISBOURNE (LATE MRs. TINSLEY ROBERTS), FISHMONGER and GREENGROCER, CHAPEL STREET, LLANGOLLEN. FINEST GRIMSBY FISH, FRESH daily. AH Kinds of CURED FISH kept in Stock. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND DELIVERED WITH DISPATCH. THE NOVELTY OF THE SEASON!! DON'T MISS THE WEATHER HOUSES ("SHON A SIAN") And THERMOMETER COMBINED, AT HUGH JONES'S, CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN. SOLD AT 1/ 2/- and 2/6. '1. t B !) 4S& SUN Igjflp FIRE OFFICE. A Oldest Insurance Office in the World. BED Insurances effected on the following risks:- FIRE DAMAGE. Resultant Loss of Bent and Profits. BMPI^TERs' LIABILITY & I PERSONAL ACCIDENT, WORKMEN'S COMFJ5NSA- I SICKNESS & DISEASE, TIONjincindingACCIDENTS I FIDELITY guarantee, TTO DOMESTIC SERVANTS, f BURGLABY. For all particulars apply to Messrs. MINSHALL & Co,, Bridge Street, Solicitors, Agents at Llangollen. ARE YOU GOING To ABERYSTWYTH FOR YOUR HOLIDAYS? IF so, make certain of securing comfortable Rooms by Advertising in the Aberystwyth Observer. The Summer Programme at the QUEEN OF WELSH "WATERING PLACES includes Free Band on Promenade, IPUoTots on the Pier, Minstrels in the Elysian Grove, Holler Skating, Swimming Baths, Boating, Fishing jmdBathing. Note the Address— OBSERVES OFFICE, 10, Terraos Boad. | FOR FANCY DRAPERY And MILLINERY, TRY T. J. WILLIAMS', 43, CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN. < Hosiery, Gloves, Umbrellas, Aprons, &c. Ladies & Children's "Alpine" Underclothing. Meys Celebrated Corsets at Lowest Prices. PNSkj FISHING Mlfclf TACKLE (Flies, Gut, Hooks, Rods). W. A. I CLEATOR, Hairdresser & Tobacconist, 66, REGENT STREET, LLANGOLLEN. THE ARCHITECT & CONTRACT REPORTER. THE LEADING JOBBNAL of the ABCHITECTURAX. PROFESSION, Read weekly by the Architect, Builder, Contractor, and the Building Owner. Profusely illustrated. Price 4d., by post. 41d. P. A. GILBERT WOOD, THE ARCHITECT," (19452) Ludgate Circus, London, ===_^= THE WELSH COAST PIONEER CONTAINS MORE SMALL ADVTS THAN ANY NORTH WALES PAPER. ITS CIRCULATION IS THE LARGEST ON THE COAST. BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. AN AGE or ADVERTISING.—The least obtrusive and most honest tradseman has to leara nowadays that without ome mind of advertisement he must be submerged, and if he accepts the principle it is ageless to do things by balvea- ManchstUr fcrtiurjUa*






