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LOCAL TRIBUNALS. ■WREXHAM BOROUGH. JFriidiay, present, Messrs. it. Williamson presiidingi, Ed. Hughes, T. B. Taylor, S. G. Jarman, and H. Udwards, with Messrs. Lav,-son Ta-yior, clerk, and II. Groom Johnson, military representative. BlEWERY CLAIMS. 1 <0 a .1 Messrs. F. W. Soames and Co., appeeie-a, lor me exemption of the following married employees Dems J. Cleary (35), cashier and accountant; H. Edgar Davies (29), 106, King's MU!s Road, MB room dan; Alfred Lamb (33), 22, &a.l?p Roa?, hoTse?e'&per; Edwin T?ylor (35), Whiteg?M Lane, commercial motor mechanic ami driver; William Owen Lloyd (86), 34. Trinity Street, Rhos-tyilem (exempted by the Rural District on personal grounds); Francis Boy- deli (38), 36, Trafalgar Road, ale, stores T,ack,ei Geo. Thomas (36), King Street, mineral water foreman; Edward Harding (39), 29, Oxford, Street carter and salesiman; Thomas Humphreys (40), 41, Mount Street, ftle storres to,-em,.an,-It was stated that Thomas Humphreys had been reje.otoo.-Th-e Military Re- preservative giava the. result of an interview with the firm and said Mr. Soames claimed for ninle: men, six of whom be regarded as indispensable. He said also that without two of the six it was abso- lutedy impossible for him to carry on In the case of three men—Harding, Lamb and Boy die 1-1—only a igbort exemption was asked for by Mr. Soa.mes.- Thq following exemptions were granted: Cleary, Baveis, Taylor and Thomas exempted to October 31; lamb, Boydell and Harding to August 31; Lloyd's ease adjourned to iSoptemibar 9, the klate on which the Rural Dustnict Tribunal's exemption on personal grounds expires; and Humphreys, injected, claim I withdrawn THE CLAIMS OF THE LAW. I Messrs. Evan Morris and Co., Solicitors, Wrexham (represented by M'r. Ll. Hugh Jones, Official Re. ceiver for Chester amd North Wales) applied Jor eoc. emption of Charl-eis H. Jones, rent collector, assist- ant book-keeper and costs clerk, who aleo claimed exemption on peTson.al grounds. Mr. Hugh Jones said four of his staff had left him and a fifth would leave in a month or two. Two had left from his Chester office. This was the only ctierk for whom he! had appealed and he. was quite indispensable. His staff had )eEn reduced as ioilowsWrexham, before the war, 10, now 5; Chester, 7, now 5.—The Chair- man: Mr. Jonas has not attested?—Sir. Hugh Jones: He did not do so en my own advice because I know lie WAS married and at the time there was no nc-ed for married men to att-asit. 1 regarded him as in- rii ape sable, and wheT: he cosulted me I said: "No, you must not attest. There is no necessity. You are not under an obligation to attest. When the compulsory service came in I thought there was no advantage in attesting,—Exeanpted until September SO. the man to join the V.T.C. NATURALISED ENGLISHMAN'S CLAIM. I The Wrexham Lag-ar Beer Co. applied for the ex- emption ot Justus Wilhelm Kolib (38), 1, Central Road, m-alster and under-brewer, the only trained man on the staff anid declared to be indispensable. Mr. Hopley Pierce, who Appeared on behalf of the employers, said that as the result of arrangements made between the- military representative and the firm, they were under the impression that six of fcheir men, including Romb, bad. been exempted. However, it appeared that by f,o.me means or other his name was left out and that was the reason for the apfpaal. The man, who was quite indispensable, wa,8 born a German; but some yetans ago be took out letters of naturalisation. A great deal had been said about these letters, but Koib went one step further, because, be had s'o bar made up his mind to become an English subject, that he de-naturalised iiimself, a., a Germ an. document,, which bad been jwodtoeed to the military representative, would show. The military representative bad had this docu- ment Mad over to Mm and he was satisfied with it. The man had done all he could to become an Eng- lish subject. He proposed to band in the documents for inspection1 by the Tribunal. Kolb married an English wife and he wished to bring up hie family as English citizens. Whatever miigtbt be saiid about Koib's old couoitiry, be (Mr. Pierce) was asked to jay that the man's employeers spore in the highest terms oil him. They bad. never found him anytbimg Jiut a thoroughly conscientious and reliable ma.n. and notwithistanding these troublous times th6re tiad never been the slighest hitch between him and jhiis fellow employees.—It appeared from an examina- tion of the mam by the Tribunal that be has been to-Instead a?K's 19M and was natur?l?t in 1913.— Alderman Hughes asked what was the effect of t ,?; Ge'maa ?o?u.me?t that bad been pToduced?-MT. Pierce: The effect is that he cuts himself adrift from any ef the rightts, liabilities, or privileges of ) Cerm-a-n citizenship.—Councillor Taylor: They are not worth much now.—Mr. Pierce: As far as he can, he de-natiom'lise's himself.—Councillor Taylor: Why was he seven years before becoming naturalised? He left it wntfe just before the war and then became a naturalised Englishman. He had been here ten yp,a,Ts.-Kolh.- You must be five years in England before you can become naturalised.—Mr. Edgar Graesser said the man married and when he found that he had got a permanent job, he wished to put him-self right-to this country It was impossible for them to carry on without him. They were try- 1ng to capture enemy tra.(te In the markets they held by putting on as good or a bettet beer than the Germans put on, and he (Mr. OTaeSSeT) could not do it witb -a scratch staff unless he had, adequate I supervision--—'The- Tribunal dectdled to confirm the arrangement made by the military representative, I and to grant exemption to September 13. OTHER CLAIMS. I I David John Jones (28), single, 50, R-uaibon Road, was appealed for by Mr. W. J. Taylor, Penybryn, who said that he was the only dental operating mechanic left and he had advertised for another man without result. The man had beein with My. Taylor for four years.—Claim disallowed. Mrs. M. E. Lovatt, Regent Street, claimed fOT the further exemption of Harold Jones, 19, Trevor fit., hairdresser in her employ. Mrs. Lovatt wrote that since b&r son joined up she bad lost a great deal of trad&. She had not help atal-I and the man Jones was in..sole charge of the hairdresdng saloon with the help of a lather boy only.—Exempted until August 31, no further application to be made with- out the consent of the Tribunal. The Denbighshire Insurance Committee applied for the exemption* of T. Lloyd Humphreys., Ruabon. The Military Representative sa.id he was satisfied that this man was engaged on work of an intricate- and Special C, Clerk said a certificate had been produced! showing that the. man had been T.e- jected, aaxd the claim would be, therefore, with- drawn. William Madln (27), 14, Vernon Street, colliery bariks/mau, at Rhcssddu Colliery, who applied for ex- < emption on domestic grounds, said he had lost one brother at the front; his mother (aged 69). was in delicate health and his father was 72.—Claim dis. allowed. The following decisions were also announced:- Richard Dyke, Fairfiedd Tavern, 'September 30. John Alibert Jonas, Beetle Road, dairyman. July 31, no further application to be made without the consent of the Tribunal. Robt. Ledsham (40) boiler fireman and englnieimaii at "ttie Wrexham Steam Laundry, Aug. 31. Waiter Gross, esnspto-yed by R. W. Ne-iraw as leather dsmssetr, and Bertram Earoshaw, 2, Norman Road, Mttiall giraoer and, proviston dealer, produced rejection certificates. Thomas William Wood, 9, Lea Bead, August 81. and to join the V.T.C. Fred-k. Janes (40), 2, Eedxhw Boad boot and abtoe maker, | a,nd clog maker., October 31. Walter Joseph Mason (31), Cros-s Foxes, Abbot Street, hotel manager, Aug. 31, no further application without the consent of the Tribunal. WREXHAM RURAL. Friday, present: Messrs. Tysilio Jones, presiding, Arthur Harr?p, E. D. Roberts, S. Roberts, J, Stokes, J. Francis, E. A. OWBS, and J. Lee, with Messrs. Vernon. Price, clerk, R. W. Egerton, Arther Evans, Lieut. Cyril Jones, representing the military, and John Ejborts, Board of Agriculture. Mrs. lewis af Marford Ball, Rosisett, applied fçJr a continuance ol the exemption of Thomas Gibson (19), a cowman who was granted conditional extmp- tlon some months ago, and George W'Uiams (32), farm wagoner, who had been, exempted until une 2S. Mrs. Lewis wrote that both men we-re^indispensable to her asnid she could not replace them.—The cases were, deferred .fo'r one month to see what assistance the military authorities can offer. j John Thomas Jonels (39), Stephens Terrace, High Street, Cefn, asked for exemption on personal grounds as a married man with eight children under 14.—Case deferred to one month, the Military Ite. preientatiive promising to find the man employment at a munition works, to relieve a single man from such works WMli.am Thoma?. 26, Market Street, Rhos, appMed for a renewal of the carntteat'e of exemption gr,aTAtd to J. A. Green, a bread baker, living at Stanley Rd., Ponfcey.—Case deferred for a week in order that the three eligible eimpltoye.es of Mr. Thomas's may a,pp,ear before the Tribunal. Messrs. IJennisand Co., of the Cefn Stone QuaT- ries, appealed lor the exemption of three, married men. Ifr. Pen Dennis said these men were indis. pamable to the. carrying on of the quarries, which were supplying Government controlled works lnt1 m?Uta?y camps with atone. Before the war 51mcn were employ ed|, 18 joined the colours and 11 bad gorua to munition works, Ifavi-,iig 22 men at present, —The case of Herbert Lloyd, Rhosyimedre, the book, keeper, was adjourned to en,able the man to go be-fore th-a Medrxial Board. One month's exemption | was granted to Henry Swift, Well Street, Cefn, tore- man mafon, to enable Imm to go into a munition works, to, replace a single man, and conditional ex. emption was granted to James Chatham, Rhosy. medr-e;, coal wharf nuamageir. Mrs. Hcoson, R-fcos, appealed for a renewal of the certificate of temporary exemptiocn granted to Gldd. stone Jones (30), 6, Victoria Street, Rhos, manager of grocery and provision business. It was an. old- •eiSibaibitehed business in a coliliietry dte&rict and the man had been employed for 17 years and was in sole charge of the business. had advertised for a successor and had not received a single applica- tion. He had only beiem passed for garrison duty. —Six months' exemption was granted. Joseph Thomas (34),-Ty Gwyti, Queen Street, Rhoa, buildeT and contractor applied for exemption and said his financial e'reum,stances, and the health of his wife, with three children to care- for, made it Impossible for Mm to join for military service,- Three morotlhs' exemption was gr.a,rated:. The Ruabon Coal and Coke Company applied for the following married men: Wm. Anred Bowen, 17. Yale St., Johnstown., foreman in terra cottsf works; John Andrew Williams, 4, Vinegar Hfll, fitteir; John Roberts Jones, 22, Chap-ed Street, Pon-key, contractor br.icfcburnietr; James Ham;pso.n, 64, Ruabon Road. Rhostyllen, brickburner; TnhTt Ormmp. 2, Stnn-e Cottages, Avongoch boiltQir nrteiman: Frank Hamp-jon, 1, Eiaten place. Craib-tueia Green, kiln setter; Ben- jamin Jones, Lhvynemiion, foreman loade-r; Lloyd WiLliams, Garten Cottage' AerrcJair, k-iln eftt- j Lloyd WiHia.ms, Ga en Acr.pJair, M.n R&t- tor; George Lewis, 10, Walkers' Lame, PonJrey, boiler stokieir; Edward: Bailiff, 5, Dufte Street, Ruabon. brick and tile maker; Isaac Jones, 3, Mount Pleas, ant, Abeirderfyn, sMppimg clerk; Edwin Mwris, 7, 1 St. John Street, Ruabon, model maker and Mo,Uldietr- Herbert Richardls, Chapel Hlouse., Eyton, bricklayer. -)Ilr. Morrison appealed on behalf of the Company. and said the works were very anxious to continue { the work for the, sake of tfhe district and because most of the wo;r'k was for mrunlttioufS and other Government jobs. Since the war. 44 men had joined the coilouins, and 203 bad løft to join munition works teaving the arm with 93 mm.—Three months' ex. i empton, to John Orump, F. Hampson,, Heirbert Rich. ards and Isaac Jones; .Jx months tfhe' Mst. exwpt James Hamp?om, who had co,ndtt?onial exemption. MONDAY'S SITTING. I At the sitting OlD Monday there were pragen.t' Dr \I Share Jonieis, presidlinig, Me'isris. Tysilio Jones, Arthur Hairrop, R. T. Parry, Bites Hughes. E. D. Roberts., j .T. Lee, B. A. Cross, S. RobeinCs and J. Francis, with. Lieut. Cyril a«dl Mr. Egeirfcon, repreis-eaiting the mililtiary, Mr. J. Roberts, the Board of Agriculture, | and -Alr. G. V. Price, clerk. THE RECRUITMENT OF COAL MINERS A ietteir was read from the Home Office dated July I 6, w.ith regard to the decision of the GcveTnmtemt respecting the cessation of all recruiting of employed at coal mines,' intimating that the de-- I cfelon only included the classes of men who came under the. jurisdictions of the Colliery Recruitinsr Court, i.e underground workers oamtdi surface workers officials em ployed or oÐIIJig¡aged'in the, supervlsloin Ii of surface workeiris. THE LATJJ MR. SQUIRE. I Mr. Jo<hn Rober.ts, alluding to the death of Mr. SquiTO,. said hits office in Wretxtiam ha.d been left, wlthoat anyone responsible for the caTrying on of t the important work done there. Mr. Squire was, among other things, secretary of the Wrexham and District Farmers' Assocdatlon and also the Farmers' Co-operative Trading Society, which was a. veay grOiw. II ing concern, and his death had let tisings in a very awkwarld state, there being only one- boy at present in the office. Some few weeks ago Mr. Squire's nephew, who was his assistant, appeared before the TTibunrJ but was not successful in his ctaim for exemption, and had now beeu for about a month in training as a gimnar with the Royal Gar. riison Artillery at Gosport. A meeting of the farmers o.f the district had been held that day, and they respectfully askfid the, Tribunal to receive a deputation in order that they might suggest that a petition should, if possible, be sent from the Tiibunal to the military authorities asking them to! release the nepfeetw from military service for a period, until things in connection with, the late Mr. Squire's, office. were, put on a sound foundation. This I was an exceptional ca., and the Farmers' Associa- tions were only asking for an extension of the nephew's ttmcei if it was possible.—In arisweT to Questions, Mr. Roberts said the Association, were not applying for the nephew's discharge, but they thought a T,cso,lut;K)n irom the Tribunal would as- sist in getting bim a period, of leave.—The deputa. tion consisting of Mr. Parker (chairman of the Farnueirs' Association) and Mr. H. E. Parry. Manor II Farm (Tepreserntmg the Co -oper ative Association) them appeared before, the Tiabunial, and bore out Mr. Roberts's statement. They said the nephew was now the only man who knew about the work of Mr. Squire's office, which he had at his fingers' ends, Another ground for their application was that the farmers of the district, were to hold a Red Cross &ala on August 21, and that, the work in connection with it had only just begun when Mr. Squire die¡(j! In answer to qUlstdons, Mr. Parry said tfaey made oveir zel,ooo by their Retd Crosssla,le last autumn, and hoped to excited that amount this year—The nephiaw, who was present, sa.id in amsweir to the Ohiafaman, that he did practically the whole of the II work in connection with last year's- Red Crops sale. | It was decided th?t MM ta?mCTs' organisation# I ah?uM aubmit the grounds for t?etr request to the military 3vpM!eufWave?, who .stKmM forwa.rd them j Lit' t~ 1 M for favourable consideration to the military author, itic, s, with the full concurrence of the Tribunal. DECISIONS. I William Ravenscroft, Ivy Bank, Cock Bank, near Wrexham, applied for exemption, and was repie. seated by Mr. J. B. Marston.— Applicant said be wa-s 30 years of age, married, with two children, His farm was 94 acr-as and the rental LIS5. He had 12 acres of corn, 35 acres of hay, and the rest grazing, and had no one at an to help him. His stock was 30 milking cows, 15 young cattle, 5 horses and 50 pigs.—Conditional exemption was granted. John J. Watson (39), married, with one child, em- ployed by the Bwlchgwyn Roads-tone Co., Ltd., as a sitokeir, striker and silica rock getter, applied for j exemption, and produced a letter from his employers 'I' who astked that applicant might be given, some ex.. tension, as they had applied to the Ministry of Munitions for badge for him, but had not yet had one. The firm was chiefly engaged on Government work. Applicant was also the tenant of a small holding of about six acres.-Tlic- claim was deferred for a month i-n order to see if'a badge was forth- coming from the Ministry of Munition5!. H. Davies (30). married, with two children, a watch and jewellery repairer in business at 58. High Street, Coedpoeth tor the past 11 yearns, was granted Six mon'fhs' exemptlom. John Bond, licensed horse sla-ughte-re.r, Wrexham, applied for the exemption of Robert- William Holt (25), Plgis M-aen Cottage, Cefnybedd, horse slaugh- terer and butcher, on the' ground that he is indis- pensahl,e to the business, which is the only one of its kind in Danbighisihire. The owner of the buslj, ness was already "starred" providing he carried it om. Mr. Bond said he employed two other me,ne-one a cripple and, another over military age.—Mr. Jno. Roberts said it was veiry essential to the farmers of the district that this busineiss. should be carried on.—Mr. Bond said he bad spent £1,000 on his works.-The Chairman: Stall it's a good game, Mr. Bond. Don't com,e the martyr every time. There is no better gaime going.—Mr. Bond: I could' find a better game—The Obaiwn.an: The- only question is whether it would mean the closing of your hus,iness if we took one of your staff.—Mr. Bond: I have onlly two mem and I have to fetch the stuff in my. self.-—^Six months' exemption was granted.—The Chairman: If tlh:i,s. mam should leave you, Mr. Bond, you must report to u-s.—Holt said he was net going to leave. OtibJerr decisions were:—Louis Walter Hill (28), stogie, of School Farm. Cross Lanes., exemption for a fortnight (carrying atr extra fortnight as an un- attested. IDian) without leave for further appeal: Lloyd Morris (39), married, with two children, Adwy Farm, Adfwy, conditional exemption; Herbert Pany (S6X married, with one child, Red Wither, Aben- bury, wagoner to Mr. W. A. Mils, Hoily Edge, Marehwiel, conditional exemption; J'ohra James Good- I win (89), of Ro !sis,eitt, tenant farmer and caittle I dealer, manriieil, no children, deferred for a fort- night for examination by the Medical Board; Robt. Wm. Hughes, manried, no children, credit tailor and draper, Duke Street, Rhos, conditional exemp- tion; Arthur L. Edwards (27). The Stores, Market Streat, Ritas, married, five children, cofflditiomal ex- emption; J. G. Kyffln, Crosi Stores, R.gh Street Rhos, grocer and butcitaeir, fourteen days' exemption; Thomas PiaiOtt, 21, High Street. Johnstown, employ, ed by Joseph Edwards, butcher and grocer, Johns. town, case deferred; for the attendance of the whole of Mr. Edwards's staff; Harry Edge. 3, Pleasant View Cerney, Moss, voluntary minister on trial of the Fnee Gospel Methodist Church, Cerney, case deitenred Air one month to emiabie the, man. to get into munition works; Joeenlh W. T,lf)Ydl, 1, Rhos Lodige Cottage, Rlios. eimplo.yed by the Rhos. Gas Company, who. it was stated, was likely to be badged, case deferred for one month; He He it Thomas,, The Yews, Sumtniertbil-l, estate agent-, a. cosnsioientious objector, whose cam was heard in private, claim disallowed: Evan Rich.a.rd Roberts, 4, Victoria Street, Rhos, wsbol&sa-lie vamman to B. Williams and SoTh, Johiinattown,. six mouths.' examp- tion; Jo,giiah Morris, Eddy-stone Cottage, Aberderfyn Road, PonkieT, baker employed by B. Williams a.nd Son, Johnstown-, six months' exemption; Joseph I MHias (38), Roberta Lame, Rhos, master-buiflider, mar- ried. with five children conditional exemption; Thames Deeik (SS), bricklayer, married, emplcyed I Thomas Leek (38), builders, Rhoa, six months' ex. by Miles Brotheis, buildc'm ?ix months' ex- t'mp?on. ¡ LLANSILIN RURAL. I A meeting of Llansilin Rural District Tribunal was held in the Village Hall, Llanrhaiadr, on Friday. Dr. Kenrick Jones presided, and Mr. T. Edwards and Mr. J. Stewart were present as clerk and military representative. Fifty-four appeals were heard and only one appellant was refused exemption. The solitary exception was Erly Morns m waggoner, River Passage, Llanrhaiadr, M in his case it ap- I peared that he had left t'1,4sc-i-vices of the em- ployer who had appealed for him. The Llan- 1 fyliin Guardians appealed for their district re- lieving officer, Mr. J. H. Vaughan. Sun Hotel, Llanrhaiadr, a married man, and absolute ex- emption was granted. Considerable discussion took place over an appeal for David Henry Evans, lay reader, The Vicarage, Llanrhaiadr. It was contended that men holding the clerical office he filled were exempt under the Military Service Act, but the tribunal were apparently under the impression that such exemption only applied to ordained ministers and clergy. Ultimately, the tribunal referred the ease to the military auth- orities to decide whether the man is exempt under Army Council instructions No. 1096. There was a big batch of claims by Llanrhaiadr tradesmen. Rd. Humphrey Evans, Frbn, was given total exemption, and the following were given exemption until December 1:—W. E. Wil- liams, draper, Rhaiadr House; E. 0. Evans, butcher, Hendre; Robert Williams, grocer, Lloran House, Robert. Hughes. Smithy, W. A. Powell, monumental mason, Liverpool House, W. P. Jones, tailor, Brynseinion, Evan Williams, tailor, Castle Buildings. Others who were given exemption till Decem- ber 1 were :D. C. Jones, waggoner, Plas Tre- Rêiriog, Alfred Jones, waggoner, Tynewydd, Ed. Llew. Jones, waggoner, Tynewydd, Tregeiriog, R. H. Lewis Jones, waggoner, Tregeiriog, D. Williams, farmer, Glandwr, Tregeiriog, Robert Roberts, wheelwright, Minffordd, Llanarmon, Edward Jones, stockman, Llwythder Vcha, Llan- armon, David Jones, ploughman, Llwythder Issr., John T. Lloyd, shoeing farrier, Glanrafon, Aubrey Jones, cowman, Cyrchynan Isaf, Llan- armon, R. Ellis, miller, New Mills, Llansilin, E. T. Evans, waggoner, Tynycoed, Llansilin, David Jones, waggoner, Pantglasissa, Moelfre, Gwi:yrn .T ones, waggoner, Priddbwll, Llanged- wyn, J. Li Evans, waggoner, Banhadla, Llan. gedwyn, Thomas G. Jones, waagoner, Gweryn- pant, Llangodwyn, ThoR. L. ones, cowman, Tynyfron, Cymdu, Alfred Pierce, waggoner, Castle Buildings, Llanrhaiadr, Rd. L. Rogers, waggoner, Caemawr, Llanrhaiadr, and R. Vaughan Jones, labourer, Pendenbyr, Llan- rhaiadr. Shorter periods of exemption were:—Robert Alun Jones, shepherd, Pentre, Llanarmon, Nov. I 1; John Davies, shepherd, Cyrchynan Ucha, Oct. 1; Edwin Hughes, waggoner, Brynfynnon, Sept. 1; Et A. Richards, cowman, Tymawr, Llansilin, Sept. 1; E. H. Ambrose, sub-postmaster, Peny- bont, Sept. 1; Richard Rogers, grocer's assist- ant, The Hollies, Winllan, Sept. 1; and Wm. Taylor, woodman, Gellifelin, Llangedwvn, Nov. 1. The following* were givep exemption so long as they remain farming:—Thomas Griffiths, Karphle, Llanarmon; Thomas Morris, Tynycwm, Llanarmon; John Williams, Pencaenewydd, Llan- armon; R. O. Buckley, Frondeg, Llangedwvn; Thomas Morris, Tynyfedwyn, Llanrhaiadr; R. ,L. Lewis, Trebys. Llanrhaiadr; J. D. Edwards, Caerfach, Llanrhaiadr, Joseph Evans, Foelyllyi-, Llanrhaia'dr, and John Davies, Nant, LIan, rhaiadr. Claims for J. R. Hughes, cowman, Tynycelyrt, Moelfre, Harold Morris, stockman, Maestai; glwydan, Llangedwvn, and Robert J. Jone1. farmer, Maesybwch, Llanrhaiadr, were ac. iourned.

The Late Mr. H. H. Squire

[No title]
