Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
To-day's Wonderful Win SCOTIA DEFEATED IN LAST 5 MINUTES. EXCITING AND DESPERATE STRUGGLE Many Men Injured I BANCROFT'S FINE DEFENCE I I Welshmen "Frantic I with JOY." REMARKABLE DEMONSTRATION I The 25tii match between Scotland and Wales was played to-day at Inverlcith, 'u grand spring weather. Thit; is the only l away game Wales have this eeaeon, and the I result. therefore, had great importance, as 'Upon it the destination of the international J championship will largely depend. A win for the Welshmen would enable them to face Ireland with considerable confidence. Both teams had been very carefully chosen. Counting' the New Zealand match of 1905 as an international, there were only two new caps in the ScottMh fifteen, Angus. the centre thrc&quarter, and Tennant, the half-back. The eide was believed to be well-balanced fore and aft. Wales had made four changes from the English match, Brown, Hayward, and Blake- more (forwards), and Hopkins, the wing three-quarter, dropping out for E. Thomas, R. Thomas, Watts, and M. Baker, respec- tively. Vile and Bush had also been selected, but an injury to the first-named caused the Welsh committee to fall back upon the old firm of Owen and Jones. The record at present stands:— Scotland, 13 wins; Wales, 10; 1 drawn. There was a fine gathering, full 20,000 thou- sand people being present at the start, which included a goodly contingent of Welsh excur- sionists, who enlivened the waiting time with I national songs. The rivals, who lined out as follows, met with the usual enthusiastic I reception. Plan of the Field. i The Game Described I Evans kicked off. There was hardly a I breath of wind. It was an ideal day. Martin misfielded the kick, but Schulze covered the mistake, and kicked a nice shot into touch. The ground was a trifle soft. The game was continued in the Scottish balf. Off-side gave Wales a good chance, but Bancroft's kick was well returned by Gilray. A Scottish rush then tT)ok thep lay down to the other end. Bancroft made a weak kick, a,nd on went Scott and his men again. Fortunately J. "Williams waited cleverly, and play swerved to the other end, when Angus gave a bad pass to Martin, who was compelled to kick into touch. The Welsh were now at the centre again. Gilray gained ground for Scotland with a lofty punt. The Welsh worked back with a food foot rush. From the sacceding scrum ilie Scottish heeled, but neither of the back movements bad any success. The handling was weak. Then Gilray kicked across for Martin, but was forced into touch at once. With the game at the centre "Ponty" Jones ran through, but passed forward to Trew. From the next scrum the Welsh heeled, and Trew kicked close to the home line. There was now a desperate tussle twelve yards out. HARD SCRIMMAGING. Off-side against Owen brought much needed relief to Scotland, M'Callum making an excellent kick. From Simpson's cross-kick Bancroft made his mark, and found a beau- tiful touch at the home 25 flag. The Welsh forwards rushed away for a few yards, but were speedily cheeed. A clever run and kick by Cunningham succeeded. Bancroft fielded, but, being held, was penalised for not play- ing the ball. So far the play had consisted of hard scrimmaging and good spoiling by either side. At length the Scottish backs started an attack. The ball went to Martin, who kicked feebly, Evans snapping up a.nd replying with a shot to the centre. Hereabouts Owen and Gilray were laid out. Gilray was carried off. He seemed to be badly dazed. M'Callum was taken out of the Scottish pack to iill the vacancy. Owen quickly resumed. A fine run by Dick Jones and a fumble by Martin almost cost a try. Tennalllt just kicked in time. With Scotland playing to the pack the Welsh had more of the ball. Still, they could make little headway. The marking was keen and close on either side. ANOTHER STOPPAGE. I There was another stoppage after thirty- five minutes, Scott, the home captain, being injured. Resuming, the game was in the Scottish half. A wild pass by Ponrty Jones was partially retrieved by Trew, who threw back for Bancroft to make a big punt. Sub- sequently some Scottish passing saw M'Oalium off. He was well in his stride, but was stopped after going some 30 yards. Half-time Scop6. G. T. Pts. WALES 0 0 0 SCOTLAND ..000 A cheer notified the return of Gilray for the second half. A fumble by Bancroft and then off-side let TIp Scotland. Bancroft relieved. Another penalty saw Angus try for goal-a very poor effort. Schulze punted and sent the game close to the Welsh line. Again Bancroft came to the rescue. Trew and J. P. Jones broke away, but Trew passed forward on the Welsh 25 line. From the scrum Cunningham, Tennent, and Ang-uegot going. The latter put Martin off. He dashed for the corner, but was held a dozen yards. The f screw-kicking of the Welsh backs got the side out of the trouble, however. Another dash by Martin and a shoot punt saw Wales sore pressed. Angust kept up the attack with a shot into touch. Wales was penalised, and Cunninghass from a difficult angle LANDED A GOAl;. Scotland thus led after minutes had elapse From the re-start the Welsh made ground. The ball was driven back by another penalty for off-side. Martin was again conspicuous with a strong run, but hesitated in front of Bancroft, and was tackled. The ball came across to Simpson, wh owas within an ace of getting in. He was certainly impeded, other- wise he must have scored. There was a scramble on the line, Bancroft at last touch- ing down. Some good footwork by the Welsh forwards, J. P. Jones, Owen, and J. L. Williams coming in looked dangerous, until Sahulze got in his kick. Very opportunely away came the Scot- tish pack in a body, Bancroft being held in possession. A lofty cross-kick saw Baker collared by Simpson The play swept on to the Welsh line Then Owen and Jones started a fine round of passing, but it broke down by a forward transfer from Williams to Ponty Jones. The Welshmen now strtted short punting. With Gilray held on his own 25 the ball came out smartly from Owen and Jones to Trew, who scored. Bancroft goaling. Wales led by five points to three five minutes from the end. A. quick break-up and rapid dribble by Evans, Waller, and Wa.tts gained some relief. G-ilrajr then had. haM a chance, bus lost it by passing when he should have gone on. It was a hard, Sesperate fight forward. The Scottish had the better of it all this half territorially. From the re-start play became very fierce. Simson rushed down, but the Welshmen get- Bancroft was beaten, but got in a flying kick. Simpson rutihed down, but the Welshman getting on to him pushed him into touch-in- goal. A very narrow squeak, indeed. Ban- croft was penalised for laying on the ball. Cunningham took the kick 25 yards out at a wide angle, but failed. Bancroft was laid out in stopping the tremendous Scottish foot rushes, and went off. Final Score. G. T. Pts. WALES 1 0 5 SCOTLAND 1 0 3

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
Forward's" Notes and Comments Welsh enthusiasm for Rugby football was adequately represented in the Scottish capital to-day by the invasion of some 3,000 enthusia-sts from different parts of South Wales. During the greater part of the morning they practically tojk possession of j Prince's-street, and the said citizens of the classic city were puzzled beyond measure by the demonstrativeness of the Welshmen. There was no mistaking their nationality, for they made no attempt to conceal it. On the other hand nine of every ten sported the leek, either in his coat or his cap, and it is strange, but true, that more leeks were seen in Edinburgh to-day than have ever been seen in any time in Wales, even on St. David's Day. It was a glorious day. and the bright sun- It wts a f shine seemed to have the stimulating effect upon the emperament of the Cymric invaders. They adopted their usual custom of making the journey down to Inverleith a oouple of hours before the time for kicking off, and monopolised the whole of the banking imme- diately in front of the press box. The asesmblage has now become an institution, and one of the most interesting features of an international match between Scotland and Wales ie the manner in which the Welsh contingent enjoy themselves. A Variety of Music Their sonorous singing of Ton-y-Botel" and Sospan Fach completely overwhelmed the music of the pipers, who paraded the ground in their kilts and bonnets after the fashion of Scottish football history, but in the long run they had the better of the argument, their staying powers being superior to that of the Welshmen. By way of variation the Dr. Guthrie's Industrial School Boys played some appropriate selec- tions on their brass instruments, so that between the pipes, brass, and vocalism there was no lack of variety in the preliminary proceedings. Outside the musical portion there were no incidents of interest until a typical Rhondda miner assumed the role of conductor, and used a huge leek as his baton. Half an hour from time people were pouring in through all the available entrances, and with the weather so beautifully fine there was every reason of anticipating an exceptionally large if not a record, crowd. There was not a single change reported on either side, and, with the exception of the Welsh half-back position, the two teams took the field as selected. The fine turf was in nerfect condition, and looked all the better for having been protected by straw for a considerable time past. One could not look down the playing arena or taking a survey of the surroundings with- out envying the Scottish Union on- the pos- session of such a magnificent home for their national game, especially when one knew that the thousands of pounds spent upon building the stand and laying out of the ground generally have all been paid. Three-quarters Re-Arranged It was decided among-st the Welsh players in the morning that Trew would change his position from left to right centre, with Mel- ville Baker on his wing, while J. P. Jones played left centre to Johnny Williams. There were about 15,000 people on the ground when the players entered the enclosure, the Scotsmen cc).iain,- on to the accompaniment by the pipere of Scotland the Brave," while the Welsh were received with the stirring strains of The Men of Harlech" by the brass band. With the rearrangement of the throe-quarter line Gilray played against Trew, I Angus against J. P. Jones, Martin against Johnny Williams, and Simeon against Baker; while Tennent played inside half and Cunning- ham outside. Favoured by such ideal conditions, there was every reason of anticipating a fine exhibition of the Rugger code. THE KICK-OFF Both teams were given an enthusiastic reception as they entered the field, and, losing no time, Torn Evans kicked off for Wales, and, Martin failing to hold the ball, the Welsh forwards dribbled to the Scottish goal-line, where Schulze saved splendidly by picking up smartly and punting into touch on his own 25 line. The Scotsmen wheeled the scrum which followed the line-out and dribbled down to the centre, where Owen secured possession and passed to Jones, who failed to hold the ball, and a scrum was I ordered for a knock-on. Tennent got off-s,ide and a free-kick was ?iven t? WaJes. but Bancroft failed to find touch, and Sim son punted down to the centre and found touch. Breaking up the next scrum quickly, the Scottish forwards dribbled down to the Wels'l1 line, and Jaok Bancroft, picking up, put in a low kick, which was charged down by one of the Scottish for- wards, who kicked into the hands of Willie Trew, and he saved the situation in the nick of time by making a mark. and Bancroft found touch ust beyond his own 25 line. It was a near thing for a try, and the excitement ran high when the Scotsmen again rushed down to the Welsh 25, whe.}, Owen receiving from his forwards passed to Jones, who ga a clever pasa to Bancroft, and he found touch on the neutral line. Desperate; Efforts To Score The Scotsmen wtire having the best of it up to date, and were given a free kick in a dangerous position. M'Callum took the shot for goal, but the ball fell short by many yards, and Johnnie Williams punted into touch. From the succeeding scrimmage the ball was passed out to J. P. Jones, who gave it up to Willie Trew, but the Welsh captain instead of passing to Melville Baker, who was unmarked, tried to break away on his own, but was tackled, and a capital chance was lost. The Scotsmen con- tinued to press, but the Welsh forwards secured in the next scrum, a!nd J. P. Jones, after receiving from Dick Jones, found touch with a timely kick. Breaking away from the line-out the Scottish forwards reached the Welsh 25 line, but one of the eight got off-side, and from the penalty which followed Jack Bancroft found touch near the centre. The Welshmen now became aggressive by fine work by Owen, Dick Jones, and J. P. Jones, the latter break- ing through in brilliant style, and passing to Trew, who found touch ten yards from the Scottish goal line. From the line-out Waller made a de-sperate effort to get over, but was pulled down on the line. SCOTMEN'S FOOTWORK. Scotland gained much needed relief from! a free-kick given for off-side, and play was carried back to neutral ground, where another penalty was given against Wales, but without much ground being gained. The Scottish three-quarters were given the ball from the next scrum, and put in a pretty run of passing, which ended in Angus put- ting in a high kick, from which Bancroft made a mark and found touch with a great kick fifteen yards from his opponents' goal. line. Breaking away from a loosely-formed scrum the Welsh forwards dribbled to the line, but the ball was turned into touch. Some desperate work was seen amongst the forwards, both packs being as keen as mus- tard. Benefitting by brilUant footwork, the Scotsmen were able to take up the aggressive once again, and some slovenly passing by the Welsh backs all but let the side down. I OWEN JYNOCKED OUT. IThe press-nre on the Welsh citadel was very severe until Dick Jones broke through very cleverly and kicked into touch over the centre line. Martin lost a glorious chance of making a mark in front of the goal from a kick from Bancroft, and Wales could con- gratulate themselves upon their luck. The Scotsmen were going great guns, and Dicky Owen and Gilray were both knocked out simultaneously, and when Owen got up he limped badly, but Gilray was more seriously hurt, and had to be carried off. Play was resumed with a throw-out from touch ten yards from the Welsh goal-line, and the ball was kicked over for Johnny Williams to touch down. M'Callum was brought out of the pack to take the place of Gilray. but the loss of one man did not seem to diminish the strength or determina- tion of the Scotsmen. M'Callum found touch from a free kick, but the Welsh forwards elected to take a serum, and from that sorum Owen passed out to Jones, who broke through beautifully, and passed to Trew, but his transfer to Ponty Jones was slightly forward, and a scrum was ordered on the Scottish 25 line. I REFEREE HOOTED. The Welsh forwards broke away in close formation, and dribbled over the line, but one of the Soots forwards threw himself on the ball in time to save a try, and a free kick was given against Wales, and the Welsh section of the crowd showed their disapproval of the referee's decision by hoot- ing vigorously. The Welsh backs broke away in real char- acteristic style, but the movement broke down through J. P. Jones kicking instead of passing to Trew, and an excellent scoring opportunity was thus lost. The Scottish for- wards once again rushed down to the Welsh 25, where the ball was passed to Angus, but he failed to make any ground, being well tackled by J. P. Jones. The next penalty was given against Scotland for glaring off- side play. by Martin and Jack Bancroft found touch on the Scottish 25 line. Scott, the Scottish cap- tain, was now hurt in.tackling one of the Welsh forwards, and the injury caused a few minutes cessation of play. Scott was able to resume, and play was re-started with a free-kick to Scotland, from which no ground was gained. Owen next gained possession and passed out to Dick Jones, who gave up to Trew, but the Welsh captain threw the ball wildly behind him, and Jack Bancroft only just got into posi- tion in time to save the situation. I I WELSH BACK PLAY. I So far the play of the Welsh backs had fallen short of expectations, something going wrong with the passing every time it was attempted. Play was in neutral ground when still another free-kick was given to Scotland, but Bancroft replied with advantage by find- ing touch. The Scottish forwards wheeled and were going down the ground in a com-, mon phalanx, when Owen picked up at their feet and cleverly punted into touch out of danger. There was no further incident before the whistle sounded for half-time, with the scoring-sheet blank.  Half-time score: G. T. P'ts. I SCOTLAND -0 0 0 WALES 0 0 0 THE SECOND HALF During the interval the pipers, with the brass band, paraded the ground, and made a very pretty picture, which was truly Cale- donian in character. The Welshmen were at a disadvantage in the first half, playing with a dazzling sun in their eyes, but when the second half was resumed the sun had gone down, and did not bother the Scotsmen. Giiray was able to resume, and M'Callum re- started with a, kick to which Jack Bancroft replied without finding touch, and Schulze picking up on the run, kicked back to the Welsh custodian, who failed to hold the ball, and Scotland seemed bound to score, but failed to seize the oppor- tunity. They were pressing in the Welsh 25. A penalty was given to them in a favourable position, and Angus had the ball placed for tfrim but failed to get anywhere ner the mark with the kick, and Jack Ban- croft kicked down to Schulze, who replied with a lovely touch-finder in the Welsh 25. Excellent passing by the Scottish backs put the Welsh line in danger, and Matrin was going for the line at top speed when he was brought down in fine style by Bancroft five yards from home. Owen received from the scrum and passed to Johnny Williams, who found touch near his own 25-line. I SCOTLAND ATTACKS. I So far in this half the Welshmen had not crossed the meridian line. Play was tame for a time and lacking entirely incident, but the spell was broken by the Scottish forwards again wheeling the scrum and dribbling to the Welsh 25 before they were checked. From the next scrum Tennant passed out to Angus, j sprinted ahead and threw to Martin, who had only Bancroft to pass when he kicked and Jack Jones held the ball safely and staved off a dangerous attack by kicking into touch. PENALTY FOR SCOTLAND. I Another uenalty was given against Wales in a capital position, a nd the ball was placed for Cunningham, who kicked a goal amid the thunderous cheers of 15,000 Scots- men. The referee's decisions were evidently not relished by the Welsh players, who broke away with an irresistible rush and took play to the Scottish goal-line, where they were again penalised forr some in- fringement which no one but the referee could understand. The Welsh forwards were heeling out better now than they had hitherto done, but the backs were not hit. ting it off happily at all. The Sootsmo ncame as near scoring as pos- sible from a cross-kick by Martin, Baker only throwing himself over the ball just as Simson was on the act of pouncing on it. The Scotsmen were now having much the best of the game, and another pretty round of passing from left to right gave Martin one more chance, but he failed to get past Bancroft, whose taciliiic was as sound as a bell. Baker's nether garments were torn off, and there was some delay while he was being fitted out with a new pair of p?nts.. poa<< the resumption the Welsh forwards carri fl the scrum and dribbled down to the S^HB tiah 25, but Gilray saved l?uu?ckilty o b?thheecarri ing himsel on the b<il1. P y wyy tthise i-, h2i5m, ,?th'' ;I?Ltre,whor? J, d? a mark, andRc¡ôüi yards with his kick. This, however, was of only I temporary benefit to Wales. I FIERCE RUSHES. The .Scotsmen again broke away with one of their fierce rushes, and came within an uce of scoring. A line-out was formed five yards from the Welsh line, but the throw- out was not straight, and the Welsh for- wards cleared their line. I "DOOMED TO DEFEAT." There was now no prospect of Wales wip- ing off the arrears, and it looked as if they were doomed to another defeat at Inver- leith. A penalty was given against Scot- land for a deliberate foul by one of tjhe for- wards, who knocked Trew over when he was not in possession of the ball. Scotland made another raid on the Welsh line, but clever work by the two Dicks took play back to the centre, where a nice pass- ing movement was opened. I Sensational End I WALES GAIN A GREAT VICTORY Cymric Invaders Frantic with Joy In the olo,sing stages of a gruelling game the Welshmen made a heroic effort to pull the match out of the fire, and Dick Jones was conspicuous in a clever dribble down to the Scottish line. From the next scrum Owen received and whipped the ball out to Dick Jones, who promptly gave up to J. P. Jonea, who made a grand burst through the Scot- tish defence and gave a lovely pass at the right moment to Willie Trew, who ran over with a magnificent try, which Bancroft con- verted with a capital kick. This success was hailed with tremendous cheering by the Welsh section, but Wales was not yet out of the wood, for the Scot- tish forwards dribbled up to Jack Bancroft, who showed rare pluck in throwing himself on the ball and sa,vin.g a certain try. He woo badly injured on the head, and the game was resumed without him. A free kick was here given to Scotland, from which Cunningham all but kicked an- other penalty goal, the ball sailing about a foot wide of the post. Bancroft had to be heiped o fHhe field, but a minute later the whistle sounded for the closure of hostili- I ties. and immediately the final tootle was given the Welshmen were simply frantic with joy and threw up their hats and sticks and leeks and everything else that was detachable, into the air. I ,VAIÆ.S .1 0 5 SCOTLAND 10 3 'FORWARD'S' AFTERTHOUGHTS Wales never won a more glorious victory, and never was pluck and perseverance more justly reiterated than on this a memorable occasion in the history of Rugby football. It would be impossible to imagine any two teams more easily balanced than Scotland and Wales on to-day's form, and to within fie minutes of the end it seemed a cast-iron certainty that Scotland's penalty goal would determine the issue. It was then that the Welshmen rallied in a style that was reminiscent made on the same ground two years ago, when Reggie Gibbs was ruled to have put his foot in touch atter he had crossed the linep with a try which, if allowed, would have saved Wales 7mm defeat that day. One almost despaired of seeing the Welsh backs doing the trick notwithstanding their pertinacity and dogged pluck in trying to pierce the defence, but the golden oppor- tunity for which Wales had been yearning so long came at last, and J. P. Jones won the hearts of his compatriots as the most conspicuous figure in the brilliant move- ment which ended in Trew sooring for Ban- croft to convert and win the game. It was a beautiful kick. the ball sailing dead over the centre of the cross-bar, and leaving no doubt in anybody's mind as to its validity. It is difficult to explain why so many of the passing bouts attempted by the Welsh backs broke down so often, but part of the explanation is that the Scottish three- quarters were allowed all sorts of liberties in standing off. [For continuation see stop press.? I THE SCORERS I For Wales, Trew scored the try, Bancroft converting. For Scotland, Ouningham scored the penalty goal. t

l "GREAT DISAPPOINTMENT" J The dramatic close was the only redeeming feature of the contest, viewed from any standpoint. The contest was a failure, viewed in the glorious traditions of the mighty matches which have been fought since the days of Arthur Gould and his four three- quarter system. The engagement was just one great, big disappointment. There was an utter and absolute and complete absence of the beauti- ful combination

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
——————— PENYGRAIG V BRIDGEND orle of the most timehonoured in the history of the two clubs, was plaped at Penygraig in lovely weather this after- noon. the previous fixture was played at Brid-gend, when the homesters won by the heaviest score that they put against the liillman. Teams: — P<Wipgrai,g: Back, W. Cross; three-quar- ter backs, Mog Evans, D. Davies, D. Lewis, and V. G. T Hemming; half-backs, J. Lewis and Beth John; forwards, E. Evans (captain) C P-ees, F. Elston, W. Bea-sant, F. Grey, T. lonsford, J. Bennett, and Tom Evans. Bridgend: Back, A. P. jLhomas; three- quarter backs, J. Leyshon, C. Lewis, G Hop- kins, and II. Griffiths; half-backs, J. Hop- kins, and W J. Cooke; forwards, B. Gronow H flamm, J- Ham, Glyn Parry, F. Griffiths, J. Dcarman, F. Evans, and W. Gronow. Penygraig started without their full back Brid?end attacked, but Dai Davies, by good tackling, saved the ,ituation. A good ru?h by the home forwards, in which Mog Evans was prominent, ended in Charlie Rees sooring a try, which was not converted. Half-time score: G. T. Pt3.s' Ponygraig. o 1 3' __irgg::jg g t -Notiimg was scored in the second half. The home back? played well. Cross was better at full-back than centre. Ponsford. Evans, and Rees were the pick of the home forwards, and Lewis and Hopkins w.<>re the choice of the visitors. Thomas was a good full-back. score: G. T. P'ts. P-enyg?ra?  0 1 3 Bridg&na 0 0 0

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
TREDEGAR V BRYNMAWR This Monmouthshire League match was played at Tredegar in splendid weather, and before a capital gate. Tea.mis:- Tredegar: Back, Baker; three-quarter backs, Jones, Adams, Onions, and Spillane; half-backs, Beva,n and Barrow; forwards, Hammond, Jonci-, Watkins, Nash, Evans, James, Llewellyn, and Watkins. Brynmawr: Back, Giles; three-quarter backs, Ja.rman, Rees, Roberts, and CorHhiH; 'half-backs, Cooper and Evans; forwards, Foiey, Batty Evans, Green, White, Davies, Preece, and Baynton. Referee, Mr. W. Gamlin, Pontypridd. Sprillane started for Tredegar, and Bryn- maiwr pressed as the result of good heeling. Adams drove them back. Bevan ran through grandly, and a touch in goal resulted. Rees became dangerous, but a. forward pass spoiled the effort. Ben Evans dropped a g.o,ail for 1 Hmmawr. I-.U Half-time score; G. T. P'ts. I Drynma,wr 1 0 4 Tredo,-ar 0 0 0

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
MAESTEG V ABERAVON At Aberavon. The homesters had previous to the match registered a win and a draw against the 'Afonites this seasn. The teams j were: — Maesteg: Back, B. Howells; three-quarter backs, W. Gunn, W. Thomas, J. W. Preece, and A. Ireland; half-backs, Evan Evans and Bayliss; fbrwards, M. Coleman, G. Thomas, T Mort, N. Gilbert, J. W. Davies, J. Hop- kins, and J. Owles. Aberavon: Back, B. Hughes; three-quarter backs, W. R. Thomas, Alby Davies, Pugh, and R. Richard; half-backs, Tom Thomas and Justin Thomas; forwards. W. Jones, G. Vicars, W. Thomas, W. Gregory, W. J. Davies, W. Douse, Wyn Jones, and Ivor Jonee. Referee, Mr. A. J. Williams. Both teams were wen represented. Vickey started operations. Richards made a good effort to score, but was well tackled, and R. B. Davies was forced into touch. Evan Evans the hofe half, broke away beautifully and beat half-a-dozen of his opponents. Iestyn Thomas dropped a goal for Aberavon. Half-time BOOre: G. T. p'ts. Aber&von. 1 0 4 Maesteg -%?? 0 0 0 In the second half Thomas secured a pen- alty goal for Aberavon, and Mort ecored a try. Flnar sicore: G. T. Plts.1 Abc-ravon 1 0 4 )Iaesteg .1 0 1 3 )

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
LLWYNYPIA V MOUNTAIN ASH This Glamorgan League fixture was invested  with more than orchnary mtrest, as it was the first match played on the new De Winton Ground, Tonypandy. and as neither Fide had lost a match in the league table this season a great game was expected. Mr. Leonard W. I Llewellyn, the manager of the Cambrian Colliery Trust, set the ball rolling. The teams were as follow: Llwynypia: Back, (t. Richards; three- quarter backs. Jack Davies, Morgan Evans, Arthur Thomas, and D. Jones; half-backs D. Lead and E. Phillips; forwards E Metham (captain), E. Hellings, D. Harcombe, G. Lewis, D. Cresswell, A. Williams, Thomas Moor, and A. Harrigan. Mountain Ash: Back, Jacob Thomas; three- quarter backs. Ainsworth, D. Davies, H Job,' W. Johns, and Benjamin; forwards Caple, Sheppard, Evans, Hill, Davies, Jenkins, Hellery, and A. Brice Referee: Mr. John Lewis (Pontypridd)* n AcTi np-jynMoir,, •. juviuiuuw 'a.rlY on, and Caple essayed a dro? at g-o?, whi<h mLd the p&at by jnche?. The R?meeters th?n attached, their forwards WovkiA.. clo&s to the "Old Finna hne, where pW?s from Mead t? D. Danes on the nght 'J1g nearly ( reeufved in a score. Subsequently ?fo? Evans ree'?d pass m front of the Mount goal. H rop-ldoked, but the baJl ctruck the. u bt, only a minor resultins :0aol€ u« £ ht, 3N9 )i.n€s with Bn)e kich-nig ?pd? ) Mbn fight between the forwards f?H?we? ?og Evan fielded well, and brought ot?<?- pætN saves. H. Jones scored it-oiry*In cc a]f[ some g-o?d play, but'it "was not concerted. Llwynypia next pressed and Alexander pressed to Hcrrigan, who crossed the line, but went out of bounds. A paM from Harry FhiIMps to Brychan enabled the la.+.too tn score. _'WL' Half-time score: G. T. Pt.s. Llwynypia 0 13 Mountain Ash. 0 1 3 Fin?lscore: G 0' T Pts. Llwynypia o 1 3 Mountain Ash. 0 1 3

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
I ABERTILLERY V BLAENAVON Played at Abertillery. The visitors turned out a strong team, but the homesters were u-Aa lr Te-ILMS: n'" I Abertillery, Back, C. Hodge; three-quarter backs, Chick Jones, W. Bowen, D. J. Boots, and Jack Webb; half-backs, W. Hodges and F. Coates; forwards, J. AVinmill, J. Blake- j more, W. Powell, J. Howells, T. Williams, W. Lewis, H. Bird, and another. Blaenavon: Back, Bert Penn; three-quarter backs, Myn.ham, H. Johnson, W. Williams, and V\ • Perry; half-backs, W. O'Keefe ar^i B. PTothero; forwards, F. Bibble, Broom, E. Davies, T .Davies, T. Thomas, Davies, D. Wiloox, and F. Williams. efefee, Mr. George Hayes (Cardiff). protneroe made a fine opening, but Bowen saved well. Smart work by Boots and Jack Webu sent play into Blaenavon quarters. Protheroe dropped a clever goal. Bowen equalised by a grand goal. A capital opening by Bird enabled Bowen to score a brilliant try I Half-time score: G. T. P'ts. Abertillery 117 1 0 4

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
I PONTYPRIDD V I CARDIFF ROMILLY Fresih from their victory over Bream, Pont- ypridd were fairly confident of repeating their last week's feat, and much more inte- rest was evinced in the match than for some t.ime past. A large number of players volun- teered their services Teams:- Pontypridd: Back, Hutchinson; three- quarter backs, E. Gac-oon, Prickett, W. H. Stoyle, and Rogers; half-backs, T. Jones and W. E. Thomas; forwards, Jim Davies, Jack Davies, R. Means, J. Rayan (captain), D. L&wis. P. Lamey, F. Gaccon, and H. Scrivens. LeOwa,irsd, iff Romilly: Back. Conway; three- quarter backs, Morgan, Good, Thorne, and Marsham; half-backs, Morris and Haines; forwards, Farrell, O'Brien, Daly, Martin, Hiers, Fish, and Sexton. The opening stages were characterised by fast play. The visitors attacked h-ot-ig, and a kick by Hutchinson was charged down. Thorne got over for Cardiff Romilly. Rogers obtaining possession raced over in a good position, so that Thomas had no difficulty in conTertinisr. I Half-time score: G. T. Pts. Pontypridd 1 0 5 1 Cardiff Romilly 0 1 3 I Nothing further was scored in the second half. I Final soore. G. T. P'ts. Tcmtypri.dd. 1 0 5 Cardiff RoniiMy. 0 1 3

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
YORKSHIRE V CUMBERLAND This Rugby Union County Championship meeting took place a (Harrogate to-day in glorious weather. Cumberland made two changes, Ewbank and Banks giving way to Davidson and Thompson in the forwards. The light was even to begin with, and oon- fined to the forwards, there being little to choose between the packs. Thompson scored a try for Cumberland. Half-time score: G. T. Pts. Cumberland 0 1 3 York&hire 0 0 0

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
TAFF V. CENTRALS. At Sophia Gafdens. Neit-lier side have been defeated, but in league points, the Cen- trals held the advantage. Towards the close of the game Murphy made a make, and Swa.mbo, from near the touch-line, dropped a, fine eoal for th« Centrals. Final score: G. T. P'ts. Centrals 1 0 3 Taff Juniors. 0 0 0 Penalty.

INTERNATIONAL AMONG "MARCHERS." it being treely rumoured that a Scotch international was amongst the "Hunger Marchers" at Freedom Caml), the Canton team vhited the settlement this afternoon, but they were met with jocular replies on making inquiries at the camp. -,I :.¡i

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
r Llanelly v Penarth I There was a good attendance at Stradey I to-day to witness the encounter between these teams. The interest in the game was intensified in view of the latter's victory over Newport last week The teams were: — Llanelly: Back, Harry Morgan; three- quarter backs, Herbert John, Harold Thomas, Bob Edwards and Willie Thomas; half-backs, Gorgan and W. Arnold; forwards, W. J. Auckland. Stagg, Cole, D. L. Bowen, Williams, Ike Lewis, and D. Stacey. Penarth: Back Howells; three-quarter backs, Heslopp, Gunstone, J. Davies, and C. Bryant; half-backs, J. Thomas, and R. Davies; forward; s, W. Thomas, Charles Thomas, Dick Sims, R. Jellings, T. C. Howells, J, Hill, A. Bryant, and Willie Thomas. The preliminary exchanges were in favour of the Scarlets, and after some aggressive play ner the visitors line the game was transferred to midfield. Morgan made a bril- liant opening for the Scarlets, and Arnold directed the ball to Hubert John, but the latter was brought down. A subsequent movement was initiated by Arnold, who be- guiled his opponent, but his transfer to Edwards was forward. A Penarth man made a mark in a good position, but his kick for goal proced futile. From a Scrum in mid- field Davies made a beautiful opening for his backs, but Harold Thomas retarded their progress by bringing down Gunstone. The visitors then made a temporary invasion into the home territory, but they found the Scar- let defence practically invulnerable. Half-time soore. G. T. P'ts. Llanelly 0 0 0 Penarth 0 0 0 On the resumption Llanelly again returned to the attack, and Arnold deceived two of the homesters and put in a well-judged kick, as a result of which much ground was gained. Llanelly were awarded a free-kick in a splendid position, but the etl'ort for goal proved abortive. Llanelly then opened up the game and a dribbling movement was witnessed by the backs, who transferred the game to t,he goal-line. The visitors, how- ever, relieved the pressure, and the game was brought back to midfield. In an open rush Arnold took possession and inaugurated a beautiful movement, which culminated in Thomas scoring in the corner, the attempt at conversion proved unsuccessful. A few minutes later Harold Thomas made a, mark, and made a laudable effort for goal. but the ball fell short a few yards from the cross- bar. The visitors' citadel was in danger for a considerable time, and the pressure was only relieved by a. free kick. That was 1 granted to the visitors. The visiting forwards proceeded a rush down the field, and saved the situation by taking a mark. The Scarlets followed up the kick, and a scrum was eventually formed on the visitors' line. Morgans passed to Arnold, who put the uome backs in motion again, but Harold Thomas was brought down at a critical j moment. Jrst before the conclusion of the game Bob Edrwirds followed up a kick, and scored a beautilul try, which Harold Thomas converted. Final score: G. T P'ts. LIaneny. 1181 PeyAarth .I. 0 0 0 I

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
DURHAM V LANCASHIRE Five thousand people witnessed this im- portant fixture at Durham. The homesters started, and play was mostly in mid-iield for the first quarter of an hour. Smart passing enabled Neilson to s-oore for Durham, but Taylor failed. J. Phillips scored a second try for Durham, and Taylor converted. Taylor added another trv for his Eidc. Half-time score: G. T. P'ts. I Durham 1 2 11 0 f) Lancashire 0 0 0 Final: Durham, 17 points; Lancashire, 31 points.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
PONTAROAWE V HENDY Fiayed at Pontardawe. Teams: I Pontardawe: Back, J. Davies; three-quar- ter backs, D. Thomas, W. Kift. D. Daniel, and B. Lewis; half-backs, J. Rapsey and T. Lewis; forwards, B. Phillips, Edgar Morgan ,Swansea), G. Williams, A. Williams, G. Davies, J. Thomas, G. Smith, and G. Morgan. Hendy.: Back, Clement; three-quarter backs, S. Morgan, W. Edwards. J. Howell, an? d D. Thomas; half-backs. W. Williams and L. Jones; forwards. S. Davies, W. Hiddle-i stone, J. Hiddlestone, T. Jones, O. Evans, J. I Evans, D. iddlestone, and T. Wafkins. Referee, Mr. Peter Lockman.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
GLOUCESTER V PILL I HARRIERS At Gloucester before a large attendance. Pla in the first half was of a very poor des- criptio,n, Gloucester's form not being worthy of a ,t,hird..ülass team. The only scoring was a try for Pill by Hathaway, alter which the Citizens woke up and were dangerous on one or two occasions. Glaring sun, however, helped to spoil their movements, and they could not score. Half-time score: G. T. P'ts. Pill Harriers 0 13 Gloucest-er 0 n n Soon after ,e-,sta T-tin..j .Hall raced over w'iltih a, good try, Welshman converting. later on thre tries were added for Gloucester by ParhaJll, Hoi ford, and F. Smith, one being I majorised, while after a. fine bout of passing Haley goit over for Pill Harriers. Weller ing at goal. Play continued to be keenly contested. Final score: G. T. pts. I Gloucester 2 2 16 Pill Harriers 0 2 6

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
SWANSEA SECONDS V I DANYGRAIG I At Swansea. During the nrst half, swnn-\ sea, if anything, had the better of the game. Although their halves got the ball, the three-quarters seemed unable to do any- thing with it. Towards the end of the half Ray ;Sheppherd scored a try for Danygraig, although the seemed to have been bead before he crossed. Immefliately after, a strong dribble by1, Swansea resulted in Goff equalising• Djim-grefig playtd a <nuch better- game in the iV d half, ,nd »'< £ lfrisole s<#t another try for^tiiem by ,taking~ the ball rtrom a scrimmogef near the line, ahd latteTT Dan Wneeler scored for Danygraig, whictf t was. conT^rted. Swansea %ere beaten, b-at ju^gAfore the ehd they haekedj-u LI slrprii g gat to the n aig line, whe<?????? awarded a ?natty. and Fred -4-a goal. ""OR"" ftlmo,t ,?cored a,g?r.a.v Final score. G. T. P'ts. I Danygraig 1 2 11 Swansea Seconds 1 1 6 I 1 Penalty.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
TALYWAIN V BLAINA I At Talywaui. Blaina kicked off down the gradient, and the homesters for the first ten minutes kept play in the visitors' quarters. The Xlsl^°rs rushed play to the homesters' goal-line, and a minor wa? conceded. Several free kicks were exchanged, play being t,erja from end to end. A hard and fast game continued in favour of the homesters. Half-time score: G. T. Pte. Ta.lywa,in 0 0 0 I Blaiua 0 0 0

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
BRIDGWATER ALBION V PONTYPOOL I At Bri-darwater. Tea;ins:- Albion: Back, Keirle; three-quarter backs, Wiliams, Mead, Bellew, and Jones; half- backs, Kingston and Jarvis; forwards, Dibble, Woods, Bailey, Bailey, Parr. Ifill, Billings. and Fry. Ponty pool: Bacik, Williame; three-quarter backs, Garter, James, Thomas, and Hirst; half-b, Prosser and Lloyd; forwards, WiHiams, Russell, Carter, Uzzell, Da vies, Carr, Evans, and Cook. I-

I TREORKY V CAERPHILLY I Caerphilly and Trearky met in a Glamorgan league mwteh at Treorky to-day. Owing to I the late arrival of the visitors the game did not commence until nearly five p.m. I l'inal i-Trr-orky, 2 tries (6 points); Caer- philly, nil. (T. o. Jonee scored on both occasions],

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
I PONTYPOOL V BARGOEO I POXTYPOOL V. BARGOED.- I COLL.AK-BO.M-: BROKEN. liargoed played Pontypool Reserves at Pontypool to-day. The home team had the better of the game, aind Donoghue scored an unconverted" try for their team. W. Jcmes, one of the Pontypool players, in lead- ing a forward rush, sustained a broken collar-bone. Final score: G. T. Pts. I Pcmtypool Reserves  0 1 3 Baed 0 0 0 I Grangetown v. St. David's.—At Grangetown. In the first moiety Cornish and Gregory scored. In the second Brown and James gained tries. Final score :-Grangetown, 4 tries (12 points); St. David's, nil. Final score:—Vitoria (Penarth), 1 try (3 points); Grange Reserves, nil.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
I TWO MFJST ORDERED OFF I Blaina succumbed to Talywain to-day by three points, Percy Coleridge crossing for the latter team. In the second half Edwards, of, Talywain, and Harpur, of Blaina, were ordered off the field, the latter striking the former in the eve. I Final soore: G. T. Pts. 1 Talywain 0 1 3 Blaina 0 0 0

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
I PONTLOTTYN V ABERBARGOED Played at Pontlottyn. The visitors were fully represented, while the homesters had a strong combination, including T. Walters, of '1'l'"prlpQ' T' TpumS: — Pontlottyn: Back, T. Walters; three- quarters, T. Griffiths, Tom Jones, A. Stone- lake, and G. R. Walters; half-backs, Roger Death and D. Jones: forwards, J. Evans, W. Roberts, T. Parry, J. Lewis, B. Scannell, J. Moore, M. Phillips, and G. Millar. Aberbargoed: Back, W. Taylor; three- quarter backs, W. Williams, E. Walters, D. Pascoe, and E. J. Rees; half-backs, Cos. Jones and Battis; forwards, Ridge, Holloway, F. Jones, J. H. Davies, D. Sheppard, N. aun- ders. B. Coughlin, and J. Van.iaks. Ha If-time score: G. T. P'ts. Aberhapgoed. 1 0 5 Pontlot,tv:n .I.I.I. 0 1 3 I Williams scored for Pontlorttyn and E. J. Rees for Aberbargoed, and also converted.

WESUErYASNS' PAPER OHASE. The Catliays Wesley an Harriers held a paper chase this afternoon over entirely now country. Messrs. S. J. Male and M. Yendle made a, very good trail towards Birch Gove, Whitchurch, Thorne Hill, Lisvane, and home, a distance of about nine miles and a half. The first home were W. Speechley (slow), A. Yiggers Ha",t) W. Williams, Gus Taylor, and S. H. Riohardson (slows), and W. Vale (fast). i

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
BARRY V MID-RHONDDA .1 Unfortunately a somewhat email crowd witnessed this match which was played at Barry in splendid weather. Tteains:— Mid-Rhondda: Back, W. E. Lewis; three- quarter backs, J. N. Jones, J. Jones, E. M. Rees, and F. Wrentmore; half-backs, H. Rees and J. Davies; forwards, G. Matthews F. Norris, D. Williams, D. Hughes, D. Griffiths, and F. Jones. Barry Back, W. Dow; fiirec-quarter Chick, Power, Chiretensen, and Roberts; half-backs, Tresize and Burgess; forwards, Kirby, AVatkins, Pavey, Harris, Williams, and Trigg. Barry commenced play with but twelve men, and Trigg went on amongst the for- wards. Kirby kicked off, and the home lot had the advantage of having the sun at their backs. They rushed play right up to 'the Mid-Rhondda line, where Burgees made a mork. The ball, however, did not rise, and Mid-Rhondda cleared, and Power brought off an excellent tackle. The Barry forwards got the ball nicely to Tresize, who made a splendid opening for Roberts, but the latter was tackled in posses- sion. The visitors initiated a fine round of passing, but the final transfer was forward. Barry showed surprisingly good form, and the three-quarters handled with greater accuracy than in previous matches. Kirby brought off a fine save, and kicked to touch. Then the ball came out to the visitors' side, and J. N. Jones secured a fine try, which Matthews failed to convert. Lewis took a steady drop at goal, and a good left-foot shot went iust outside. Half-time s-oore- G. T. Pts. Mid-Rhondda 0 1 3 Barry 0 0 0 Final score: G. T. Pts. Mtd-Rhondda, 1 3 11 Darry. 0 1 3

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
DEWSBURY V TRLHE-RBERT Treherbert played their return game with Dowsbury this afternoon. There was a very poo attendance of spectators. The visitors wore loudly cheered when they entered the playing area. Both teams turned out as selected. Treherbert started uph.111, lacing a bright sun. They took up the attack, and Francis, intercepting a pass, was pulled down within a few inches of the line. Later Walters was almost over, as the result of a similar movement. Good passing between Everson, Ridsdale, and Ward ended in the latter scoring for Dewsibury, and Richardson goaled A little later Ward got over, but was closely followed by an opposing three-quarter. Richardson failed at goal. Dewsbury, showing superior all-round form, were constantly attacking, and for the time Ward soared. Bruce failed to convert. Burnett got one for Dewsbury. On the resumption Dewsbury's superiority was more manifest than ever, and in good time Rhodes, the right wing, got over as the result of beautiful combined work. Treher- bert could make little headway, and the game was very scrappy. Rhodes now made the Dewsbury score into twenty points with another try. Ward also scored for Dewsbury. Half-time score: G. T. P t s. Dewsbury 1 4 12 Treherbert 0 0 0 Final score: Dewsbury 25 points. Trcherbert nil.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
AUSTRALIANS V BROUGHTON RANGERS At Broughton in fine weather a-- oeiore 14.000 spectators. After a quarter of an h&ur? plav Hogg &odred for the Rangers, and Barlow kicked a goal. The Australians next attacked with vigour, and Ileidkie and* Walsh were almost over. Graves eventually scored, Messenger kicking a goal. Broughton attacked, and after Pame scrimmaging Flynn jzrsnv&r l "Ra.rlrww p*r*a. l i"n< £ Half-time score: G. T. P'u;. Broiight-c-n Rau,gers 2 2 10 Aubtralians 1 5 I Broughton Rangers. 14pts: Australia, 12pts.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
ABERDRRE V EBBW VALE In view o'lw the prominent position whicn the Erbbw Vale team occupy in Northern Union Ifootba,ll, more than the ordinary amount of interest was centred upon this league mAtoh at the Ynys Field, Aberdare, to-day, which was the first match, of the season. Teams:— Ebbw Vale: Back. D. Davies; three-quarter backs, Horner, Richards, Harvey, and Llewellyn; half-backs. Thomas and Higgins; forwards, Foley, Ilitchins, Burgham, Chris. John, Eustace, and Brown. AbertTare: Back, Gordon Thomas; three- quarter backs, Lucimore, Arnold, Whittle, and Payne; half-baoks. Hopkins and D. J. Rees; forwards, Dick Thomas, M'Guire, Taylor, Camp, Fryer, and Warbarton. Referee: Mr. T. H. King (iSalford). There was a fair crowd, and Aberdare were without the services of some of their best members. Aberdare, through losing the tcss, had to face a strong sun. Pretty passing amongst the visiting backs enabled Ebbw Vale to press, but Gordon Thomas defended finely. Several exciting scrums were fought out on the Aberdare line, from one of which Horner received, but Gordon Thomas brought off a marvellous gave. The homesters then attacked with a forward rush, but D. Davies proved safe. From a scrum on the home line Thomas crossed, but the try was not improved upon. For off-side play by the Aberdare half-backs Ebbw Vale were. were awarded a free, but Dai Davies kicked wide From another free the same player successfully negotiated. Aberdare were play- ing ten men, Dick Thomas being injured. The 'Darians brought off several bouts oi. uasfcin?, but could not score. Half-time score: <7. '1'. its. Ehbw Vale 1 1 5 Aberdare ? 0 0 Piay ior some lime ruieu 111 miu-neia. From a grand round of passing Fryer crossed and D. J. Rees majorised. The homesters made a hot attack, but off-side play spoilt several good bursts. Dai Davies all but scored for Ebbw Vale after a fine run, but ni^r'don THomas nrevented him going over. ruear the corntflag. Ebbw Vale crossed faisifu' a scrujrfjBfcrt-he Aber&ar hne, but t %itt ^was roved upon. After Foley again Scored vsJ^H i ^■Km followed with another ns scored again befo | al score: G. 2 iA b remarks* 11 _L_ n f or tne winners ujtn tmn <m i?myea well, the shining lights being Harvey and Dai Davies. Gordan Thomas played a fine game for Aberdare.

t aeeravon. Swansea proved much too good for the Avonites last Saturday, but; nevertheless, the all whites did not deserve to win by such a large margin. With a little better combination and finish- ing touch the Avonites would have scored three tries, and they experienced decidedly hard lines in not doing so. There was some very fine individual work on the Aberavon eide by Willie Thomas, Will James, and Will Jones A couple of Willie Thomas's runs were the features of the iame, and with better baoking up would have led to certain scores. The forwards, as a whole, did splendidly, and played up to their much heavier oppo- nents in great style. A source of considerable gratification all round was the Afonitea' formidable and attractive display, a.nd this gave the Afon supporters greater pleasure than if they had run the all whites closer by a more vigorous and loss attractive display. There is red-hot resentment in Aberavon football circles against the unjust suspen- sion of Arthur James by the Welsh Rugby I Union over the Pontardawe incident, and a special deputation has been selected from the Aberavon committee to wait upon the Union.

brynmawr. The Bryn team is doing very well in the Monmouthshire League competition this year. Quite unexpectedly, more points have been gained away than at home. Great in- terest is being taken in the forthcoming matches at home. Blaina, Pontypool, and Abertillery are to be met. Blaina and Aber- tillery are league matches. Games between Brynmawr and Blaina are always well fought, whilst Brynmawr's fea,t of beating "fillery away has been one of the surprises of Monmouthshire football this season. The return at Brynmawr should be a grand game. Polity pool's visit to Brynmawr is eagerly looked forward to. Pontypool play such clever and open footbali that a large crowd always gathers, and is treated to a fine exbi bit ion of Rugby football. The strong feeling of friendship between the clubs adds to the pleasure of the meeting.

I FERNDALE. Ferndale Rovers now stand no chance for the league championship, although their prospects at the beginning of the season were very bright. They came a cropper last Saturday at. home to Cdlfymydd (the cham- pions of the league for two years) by 12 points to love. Ferndale are in great need of two good halves.

I PENARTH. The fine victory of Penarth over Newport last Saturday has since been the talk of the town. All agree that the game was about the best ever seen on the ground, and one worth travelling a. long distance to witness. Followers of the winners were naturalh- delighted over the result, and left the field with beaming faoefl, and in the very beet of spirits.

PONTYPRIDD. I There are signs that at last Pontypridd is waking up. and the exhibition given by the team last Saturday was one which cheered the hearts of the supporters of the club, and it only shows what has been over and over again" pointed out in the columns of the "Evening Express," that there is plenty of material available, and all that is wanted is that it should be properly utilised. Unfortunately, ? is rather late for the team to hope to reach anything like a res- pectable position in the league ladder, but it is never too late to mend, and to some ex- tent, at least, retrieve the fortunes of the club. There is now quite a series of home matches, there being in fact home fixtures until the end of next month, and especially now that the team is looking up, there is overv probability that, financially, the club will find itself fairly well off by the end of I the season.

ABERTILLERY. I No less than six "Tilleryites were missing from the team whloh met Merthyr last Saturday, and. under the circumstances, to win even by only a point was a creditable performance. Both Abertillery tries were the result of splendid passing. Merthyr gave a highly creditable display, their light forwards playing in admirable style. They went in for loose footwork, and the rtsehes were rea-lly excellent.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
Rhymney Valley League I I MERTHYRVõWMPARC I This Rhymney Valley League match was played at Mertnyr tins afternoon in ideal lootball weather. In the two previous en- icoujilers this year each team had won one j match, and as both are semi-finalists in the .?outh Waleg Senior Cup competinon great interest is centred in to-day s encounter. There were changes in the iwertliyr team j Owing to an injury sustained by Davies in the Swansea match he had to stand down, Griff Williams taking his place as right tun- back, and a trial at centre forward was given to Jacob, of Bristol. Teams: Merthyr: Goal, Williams; backs, Griff Williams and Carrier; half-bacus, Brooks, Bromley, and Martin; forwards, D. W. Davis, Wootton. Jacob, Jemuerton, and Talbot. Cwmparc: Goal, Jones; backs, lies and Ponton; half-backs, G. Edwards, Wiiliam", and Davies; forwards, R. Jones, Morgan, W. Edwards, G. Iles, and Thomas. Referee: Mr. Jarman, Llan.bradaeh. Merthyr kicked off in the face of a strong sun,' an-d five minutes from the start Wil- liams nicely placed for Jacobs, who scored a beautiful goal. This first success of Mer- thyr s new man was loudly cheered. Mer- thyr again got going, and forced a corner, which was cleared. Cwmparc seemed now to be finding their legs, and the homesters were ca,lled upon to defend. Carrier and Williams proved equal to the occasion, Car- rier. in particular, playing a grand defen- sive game. A penalty was next awarded to Merthyr, but Williams shot right, into the goalkeeper's hands. Some very pretty play followed, Martin being promir.,ent wnh some good work. lies, however, was equal to the attack, but shortly afterwards he was again beaten by Jacobs, who netted a second goal with a terrific shot. Williams next had to fist out twice for Merthyr. Cwmparc forced a corner, but Williams made a marvellous save. He was, however, beaten a few minutes later by Dick Jones. After some midfield play Morgan equalised for Cwmparc after Williams had saved finely. Half-time score: Goals. ¡ J,!er;t'i1;. Cwmparc 2 The match was rct-ume? beioic a recora ¡ gate. Merthyr reitanted without Jacobs, who however, a.pp??red in ? few minutes. Mert?yr preæed, a.nd D. Davies scored. I Final score. uo&is. I 3 Owmpark 2

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
I S.W. JUNIOR CUP-3rd ROUND New Tredegar v Lewis Merthyr I?wis-Merthyr met New Tredegar in the I third round for the South Wales Junior (-?,?, at New Tredegar to-day. The teams were:- New Tredegar: Goal. J. Russell; backs, W. Harris an,d W. SDrethèn; half-backs, J. fetal- lard (captain), W. Lloyd, and T. Bridgegood; forwards, Kirkham, J. Watkins, W. Burke, Hembries, and Thomas. Lewis-Merthyr: Gcal. G. iSkeets; backs. H. Davies and D. Regan; half-backs, E. Reynolds, ¡ T. Downs, and T. Jones; forwards, A. Morgan, T. Chapman, D. J. Jones, D. J. Roberts, and A.. N. Other. Referee: Mr. J. Merrett (Carding. ) I Played at New Tredegar. The visitors commenced, and were soon on the aggressive, but Stra.chan malde a huge kick. Bullock got going, and had hard lines with a shot, which grazed the upright. The visitors #7ain attacked through Downs, but Rawiings cleared well. Morgan got away, but "hand- ball" by this player afforded the homesters relief. New Tredpsrar were awarde-ci a penalty, but Watkins failed with the kick. After Bullock had failed again, New Tredegar set up a combined attack, and J. Watkins scored. In the second half, T. Jones, the Merthyr left back, was repeatedly cautioned for foul play. The home forwards took the ball the whole length of the field, and Thomas scored. I Final score; uo<fe. Xew Troàegar 1 Lewis-Mertliyr 0

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
MARDY V BRISTOL CITY II. The Bristol City Reserves visited the Rhondda for the first time to-day, and played Mardy. The visitors' side included Maxwell, the old Scottish international centre forward. Tc-am-- Bristol City Reserves: Goal, Clegg; backs, Brown and Kibbie; half-backs, Nash, Ten- man, and Dumble; forwards, Mann dun, Ball, Radford, Maxwell, and Dawn. Mardy: Goal, W. Morris; backs, H- Jones and T. Golding; half-backs. Cox, Griffiths, and T. Jones; forwards, Woolacott, Moseley, H. Evans, M'Kierman, and Holland. Referee: Mr. Cording (Cardiff). Mardy kicked off and pressed. The visitors got away, and Redford missed a glorious opportunity. M'Kierman soon after made a good attempt, but it went a trifle wide. After some good play on both sides, Radford goT, possession and scored. Half-time score; Goals. Bristol City Reserves 1 M?rdy 0

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
TON PENTRE V KINGSWOOD ROVERS] This friendly match was played at Ton Pentre to-day. The cupholders (Ton) first became dangerous, three of the forwards taking shots and Demmery being almost caught in possession. Woolock had hard lines in not scoring for the Rovers, and after this Ton kept up a continual attack, but the forwards were weak in shooing. T. Davies was a surprise shot. beating Demmery. and the visitors equalised through Jefcies. Parry scored for Ton a few minutes from the interval. iiail-time score: uOiUS. Ton Pentre 2 j Kings wood^Bovers^^n^ 1

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
JMRRY DISTRIC^KIAPLE HILL (BRI^L teams played at !"ry, ??????prnooJi dn connecl H j?B?co.nd! Western IjeaguelfHBP^nors turned ¡t,her we ak eide, and it was .exted t?M?.arry would win to-day aft??r a 6.eria of ill-luck on their own ground. Tea,m.s: Barry District: Goal, Common; backs, Bill- eon and Bryaa; halves, Mason, Yan-, and Prince; forwards, Thoman, Thornhill, Stale- wcrthy, Hawkins, an-d lies. Staple Ifill: Goal, Tyler; backs, Smith and Hart; halves, Padfield, Stone, and Bracey; forwards, Nicholls, Fry, Maggs, Davies, and! Bennett. Referee, Mr. Kirk, Bristol. Staplehill kicked off, and Barry were soon on the aggressive, but missed two easy chances soon after the start. At last Thorn hill scored from play in front o fgoal. Stal- woithy repeated the performance soon after, Smith, the right back, missing his kick, and Stalworthy, taking advantage, sent nicely through. Thomas next had hard lines, and play was afterwards concentrated in mid- field. Both teams lacked combination. Bil- son with a fine kick set his side on the attack, but nothing more was scored before the interval. Half-time score: Goals. Barrv District 2 Staplehill (Bris-,ol) 0 The second half wa-s pointless. Final score: Goals. Barry D?rict 2 bmt. 5

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
RADSTOCK V TREHARRIS WESTER NLEAGUE At Radstock. Teams:- Radstock: Goal, Sawyea-rs; backs, Parfitt and Young; halves, Coleman, l^atcheni, and Saw years; forwards, Loader, Latch er, ity- man, Moon, and Moore. Treharris; Goal, Brownhill; backs, Thomas and Jones; halves, Bowell. Peckett, and Francis; forwards, Williams, Barlow, Latham, Rooke, and Tyte. T>ehaxris were late in arriving, and the st,a.rt was delayed twenty minutes. Half-time score: Padatock, 2 goals; Tre- batrris, nêl Final; Radstock, 3 goals, Treharris, 1 goal.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
CARDIFF CITY V SWANSEA This South Wales and Monmouthshire Ijeague match was played at Swansea to- day in ideal weather. The forwards swept dhwn the field in excellent fashion, Nash netting, although he was apparently off- side. After this Reacli saved well for Swan- sea. who then put the Cardiff foai in jeo- pardy. Twice Vaughan gave his forwards excellent chances, but Turner and Williams mulled. Then Cardiff again attacked, but Bramwell and Reach were safe. Play rul- ing for a while in mid-field by long kicking, Cardiff again got dangerous.. Vaughan again gave the forwards an easy chance, but Redmond missed. Haii-time soOM: Goals. Cardiff City Swansea. 0

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
GILFACH V CWM In the first half "Walley" Rice and Gough scored for Gilfach, and mc, m soored twice for Cwm. Near the end ofwhe second half Stone, amidst excitement, kicked a penalty. Final tsoore: Goals. I Gilfaoh-Bargoed 3 Owm (Ebbw Vale) 2

NEATH V. MORRISTON. The scorers in this match were Hutchinson (2) and Cowper for Neath, and Nicholas (2) and Robinson for Morriston. Final score:- Neath, 3 goals; Morriston, :5 goals.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
DISORDER AT PONTLOTTYN. Dando scored from a penalty. The match broke up ill disorder twenty minutes before time. Mr. Kemdyn, Ebbw Vale, was the referee. Final score: Goals. Pontlottyn 2 AlJertysswg 0

SOENE AT TONGWYNLAIS. This match was played at Birchgrove for the benefit of Mr Gowlaud. There was a good attendance. An exciting scene was witnessed in the second half, when Davies, a Ton forward, lost his head and showed temper. A pugilistic scene ensued, but the spectators sonn ended this. There was no score.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
CARDIFF CONSERVATIVE CLUBS' INTER GAMES Matches Bil- AlrRiflo pi,tyed. Tiards. Skittles. sli'ting. Ci -rd s. Tl. Roath 13 22 20 17 25.. 84 Adamsdowa .15 • • 8 10 17 ..59 Central 15 16 11 10 19 o. 58 Riverside 12 16 19 9 14 58 Docks. 12 11 4 10 22 54 (irange 12 10 6 18 18 52 cathays 12 11 22 15 ..1>0 Canton 12 8 11 8 19 46 parl Is to le 1 )4 43

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
,13th City v Aberdare I At Twerton, near Bath. Teams:— Bath: Goal, Barrett; backs, James and W. Hargett; half-backs, Condon, Smith, and Joe Hargett; forward, Alden,Sobey Ben Hargett, Langdon, and Gould. Aberdare: Goal, Carter; backs, Goodwin and Pritchard; half-baoks, Parry, Farrinig- ton, and Lewis; forwards,, Tippett, Groves, E. Jones, T. Jones, and Hawkins. Play opened evenly, but Bath were the first to press. A good opening following Gould's centre was missed, and then the visitors forced an uneventful corner. Alden opened the scoring for Bath. Groves and E. Jones forced the play, but the Bath custodian saved. Joe Hargett scored from a penalty. Half-time score: Goals. Bath City. 2 Aberdare f Final score: Goals. Batil 2 Aberdare 2 MARDY V. BRISTOL CITY RESERVE. Hugh Jones scored from a penalty for the homesters. Percy Golding, the Mardy full- back, was injured and had to be carried off the field. Final score: Goals. Mardy 1 Bristol City Reserve 1

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
U- Results at a Glance 1 THE RUGBY GAME Half-time score—Bristol City Reserves. 1 goal; Mardy, 0 Orwys-road, 1 goal 2 tries (10 points); Adamsdown, nil. Tredegarville, 2 goals 6 tries (28 points); St. backs,Monica's, nil. Port Talbot Schools I..eague,-Port Talbot County School, 4 tries; Eastern School, nil. Port Talbot Central School. 1 goal 1 try (8 points); Aberavon National School, 1 try. Aberavon Mountain School, 5 tries; Aber- avon (Sandfields School, nil. Rugby.—Court-road, 1 try; St. Peter's, nil. Durham. 17rla; Lancashire, 3pte. J Richmond, 14pts; Kosslyn Park, 4pt.&. Harlequins, 32pts; Lennox, nil. Llanelly, 8pte; Penarth, 3pts. Moseiey, 11 pts; Cheltenham, 8pts. Unit.ed Services, llpts; Guy's Hospital, 16pts. London Welsh, 39pte; Oxford University, 9pts. ieicester, nil; Coventry, 7pts. Bristol, 33-;1ts; Stroud, 3pts. Exeter, 3 ptg: Cevonport- Albion, 8pts. Cardiff \<'5t, 3 points; dr.1f «oxburKhi, nil. Canton Crusaders, 10 poi¡¡t. .Canton Crescents, oÓ. ePiiarth Reserves, 8 points; Grange Harriers, 3. Ad<trnclown, 9 puintf; St. Uerman's, nil. Neath Soc'onds, 3 points; Porthcawl, nil. Canton, 7 "points; Mackintosh, nil. I>3vonport fioyal Navy, 14 points; Redruth, 3. Caiitoa United, 5 jxrintf"; St. Paul's, 11 ii. Grange Barbarians, tries; Orange Institute, 1 try. Grange Vnited. 1 goal, 3 trice; Fruiterers, nil. Grange Hcwellitcs, 21 point?; Adamsdown Juniors, nil. Old )Ionktoniam, 14 Jwintc; LUndaff, nil. Cambridge, 5 points; Londoo cottish, IIH. Cnteii liovcrs, 2 trict; Grange 133-Ba.a'I', nil.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
NORTHERN UNION RESULTS I Warrington, 44pts; Hull, lOpts. Runcorn, lOpts; Batley, 2pts. Bradford, J8pts; Bramley, 12pts. Dewshury, 25pts; Treherbert, niL Hunslet, 8pte; Halifax, 5pts. Huddarsfleld, 24pts; Leeds, nil. Keighley, 4pts Hull Kingston Rovers, 5pts. Ijeigh, 6pts; Rochdale, 14pts. Oldham, 13pts; Widnes nil. St. Helens, l6pts; Sainton. lOpts. Aberdare, 5pts; Ebbw Vale, 19pts. Barrow, Spts; W'slfn, 18ptfi.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
ASSOCIATION FINALS I Half-time ckore:-Ton Pentre, 2 goals; I Kings-wood Rovers, 1 grva-I Division A.s,piot,t, nine; Marlborough- road, nil. Moorland-road, two; &>vern-road. one. I &tacey-road, three; LanMowns-road, nil. Division B.—Metal-street, two; Eleanor- street, nil. Allen&bank. two; Penarth NaticnaJ, nil. Albany-road Seconds, two; Stacey-road, one. Grange National. one; Radnor-road Seconds, Final soore:—St Teilo's. 5 goals; St II Saviour's, Z goals Khymiiey-street Jioys, i); Secondary Schcoi, 0. Half-tife Pontlottyn, 0: Aberbargoed, 0. II Cwmpark Ke^ervtv. 7; Rlaengwynfi, 1. Kirch Grove, 0: Tongwynlafe, 0. Fau lis land Athletic, 3; Taff United, 1. Excels.ors, 1; St. Margaret's, 1. Corinthians. 5; General Assurance, 1. CM'o'f J'ar:t-h Church, 3; Comvay-rc?d. 2. I 'lutrial School, Penartb, 8; iabernaclo Baptist, ePnarth. 0. t'l;a \Jnited, 0; East Moors, 0. Woodverian?, 2; Grange United, 2. The ball co!- J laps,-d twenty minutes before time, and the game was abandoned. Ca^rleon, 4: Lysaghts, 1. Gordons, 3; Pontcanna, 0. 0. New TredeVa-, 2; Lewie Merthyr, 0. Abergavenny, 3; Ebbw Vale Town, 1. Grange Old Boye, 1; Cardiff Mackintosh, 1. I Clarence Vnited. 4; Barry Villa, 2. St..Mary's, 2; Glenvilles, 2. BAlmy fl.NALS, Barry District, 2; Saplehill (Bristol), 0. Cadoxton Evening School, 3; Barry Juniors, 1. High-etreet School Old Boy, 4; Park Rangers, 2. Y.M.C.A. Juniors, 5; Pyke-strret School Old Boys' Reserves, 1. Woodland United, 4; St. Catherine'e, Cardiff, 0. Barry District Reserves, 4; Cogan Old Boye, 1. ENGLISH CUP.—SECOND ROUND. FINAL SCORES. Notts Forest, 1: Brentford.O. Leicester Fcese, 0; Derby County, 2. Crystal Palace, 0; Burnley. 0. Portsmouth, 2; Sheffield Wednesday, 2. Newcastle United, 2; Blackpool, 1. Preston North End, Sundtriand, 2. West Bromwich Albion, 1; Bradford City, 2. Leeds City, 1: West Ham United, 1. Bristol City, 2: Bury, 2. Manchester United, 1; Everton, 0. Plymouth Argyle, 2; Exeter City, 0. Tottenham Hotspur, l; Fulham, 0. Blackburn Rovers, 2; Chelsea, 1. Woolwich Arsenal, 1; Mill wall, 1. Liverpool, 2; Norwic City, 3. Stockport County, 1; Gloessop, 1. ENGLISH LEAGUE DIVISION I Sheffield United, 3; Aston Villa, 1. DIVISION II. Bradford, 4; Gainsibroagh Trinity, 1. MIDLAND. Denabv United, 2; Lincoln City, 3. Worksop, 3; Newark, 4. Mexbrough, 3; Notts County, 1 Botherham County, 5; Chesterfield, 0. Donca«ter, 4; Leeds City, 0. Ga.ins.braii,-h. 1; Grimyby Town, 4.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
I HOCKEY Pinal score: Goals. Commercial Day School (Girls.) 3 Albany-road School (Girls). 1 Final score: Goa-Is. N<??''port- 6 Whitc?iui-ch. 1 Cardiff, 11; Barry, 1.

WRESTLING When wrestling in the big- tournament at the Alhambra was continued to-day practi- cally every seat in the house was occupied. Joe Carrol and Crozier, who in the middles' semi-final had wrestled thirty-five minutes without a fall, went on with their bout. In turn both men attacked, Carrol once being nearly down with a reverse chest hold, when, (after 26min. 18see., Crozier g-ain-ed the finst fall with a beautiful back heel and press down.

WHO ARE THE CHAMPIONS p' To the Editor of the "Evening Express." Sir,—I have noted in your sports edition for many weeks past that you give Swansea ah the We 1th champions up to the present this season. Yonr mode of scoring is all very well, but, taking into consideration that Swansea and Cardiff have lost and drawn the same number of matches, I don't see why they should he placed as leaders. If they were playing the game number of matches, such as the Northern Union and the Soccer Unions, then there would be no question as to who may be Welh cham- pions, because it would go to the team whioh had the best average of points at the end of the season, should they tie as to matches lost and won. Then, again. Cardiff ha.9 only been defeated up to date once by a Welsh club, viz., Swansea-, while Swansea has been d,efoat.ed by two Welsh clubs, Newport and Cardiff. So how Swansea can be plaoed in the leading position as Welsh Champions to date is a mystery which I hope will be solved. Under the circumstances, the mode of scoring is wrong in my opinion, and may I say if vou take the Welch clubs' fixture lists fully through, that is English and Welsh matches played, and sug-geat the mode of averages should be drawn on the matches lost and drawn, as I have herewith before mentioned, they do not play the same num- ber of matcho*. Therefore, a decided issue should be arrived at, Is it the Welsh cham- pionship. or English and Welsh champion- ship?"—I am, St-o., W. N. C. Cardiff, Jan. 30.

I MERTHYR (N.U.) Not since the Australia v. Welsh League engagement h&"3 any Northern Union foothail been played in the town, and the followers of the code are anxiously awaiting the time when next the Merthyr team disport them- selves on their own enclosure. During the i "te.noning !}eTlod Merthyr have only decided one game, that a-gainst Barry a week ago, and they accounted for their opponents with- out difficulty. Cowmeadow, who figured to such advantage against the Australians, dis- tinguished himself by liie brilliant running, and was the pick of the back division. The only regrettable incident was the micfort-une which befel Syd Jam, who accidentally had his nose broken, which will keep him off the field for some time. AI5 Merthyr have not entered for the Northern Union Cup Competition; there has been &ome difficulty in fixing up matches on the dates that the ties are being deoided.

I NEATH. There has been quite a flutter at Skewen, as the result of an opinion that Skewen was responsible for rough play, which spoiled the game against Neath. An indignant denial ,'o ,n?'s from &kcwcn. The Neath Committee ed.ectoo Hayward to play on the wing against Newport, thereby holding out the olive branch. It is to be hoped Skewen will accept it.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
I ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. I A Re&der. "-Monte Carlo ia in Monaco. I

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
ALL THE LEAGUES.* I RUGBY WELSH RUGBY CHAMPIONSHIP. The following are the positions and tccrm of tM leading outh Wale8 amateur football clubt foc matches played up to and including Saturday l..t:- Points. Percent^# P. W. L. D F. A. Of Win?L 12 ..21255 55 85.63 Swana .i9 2 1 253 55 85.63 Cardiff 20 1721258 79 97.50 -Nea,th 18 1411175 3.3 80.55 Xewport 20 12 7 1 157 8S 62.5« Llanelly.. „ 18q54129 75 ,.61.11 Bridgend 17 9 6 2 132 97 58.82 Aberavon. 18 ..6 7 5 59 92 47.22 A draw counts as half a win. The Swansea v. Pontardawe, Cardiff Oapt»in'» XT. Y. AberaTon, L;ae lieatli Y. YttsUylera, and Wallabla Y. Keath una Aberavon combined team matchee an not included in the atwre tab]" Llanelly r. Newpor 111&1.<: h (annulled) has been deleted. MONMOUTHSHIRE. P. w L. D. For. Agr. Pt». rill H„ arriers 8 6 2 0 tl 20 12 Abertillery 6 5 1 0 54 15 10 Brynmawr 8 4 2 2 55 29 1 0 Blaenavon 8 4 3 1 26 24 9 Tredegar 7 3 2 2 46 22 8 Cro?s Ke? 7 2 4 1 4 24 6 191?,?na .e 5 1 2 2 9 12 4 Cwmbran 9 0 9 0 4121 8 Revised table. Pontnewvdd has disbanded. BRIDGEND AND DISTRICT. J'- »- L. D. for. Ag. Pti. .JV.ant. ymoel Town., 13 11 1 1 1ùl 24 23 Maesteg Ranpers 12 6 2 4 60 20 16 Nantymoel Excels. 14 7 6 1 23 28 IS C'efn Cribbwr 10 3 2 6 50 31 11 BUiengarw 13 3 6 4 42 45 10 Pontycymmer 11 4 5 2 23 41 10 Gilfach Goch 8 4 2 2 4 5 36 10 I Bridgend II 7 4 2 1 40 75 9 Llanharran 10 2 7 1 44 16 S Llanprynwyd .523012 54 4 Caenu United 8 0 6 2 6 77 2 WESTERN VALLEY. f. IN-. p. For. A g. Pts Newbridge 1071255 18 16 Blaina II. 10 3 4 3 11 29 11 GarnrMch 9 5 3 1 48 29 U Blanau Gwent 6 4 1 1 29 c. a KantyRlo 8 3 3 2 30 12 1 vi"tor:; 6 2 3 1 13 15 .51 Cwmti4!ery 8 3 4 1 J8 3l 5 Brjnmawr 11 3 0 17 3 11 2 Brynmawr 9 -0 7 2 3 89 2 CARDIFF AND DISTRICT SENIOR. P. M. ?. D. Pt? Wannmrs fi r¡, J2' .PtJ ?nton 11 101121 Urancjetovrn 1-061;,214 «VQuin6 1 i a t e o 9 i1*4 Mackintosh u 5 0 n 12 11')/ If ¡ i.. Fruiterers 1219z < Whitchorr;) .J. 10 1 7 s •• 4 Cardiff Rovers 9 1 7 j J Adamsdown 10161 RHONDDA VALLEY: DIVISION L YsLr d P- V-. L. D. Pts. Tstrad :8 'PItt Tylor:otown 8 6 2 0 12 l-,?wi-Nferth,rr  6 2 1 3 ?7 Cambrian Bovs 7 1 4 2 4 Pontypridd United 7, .1 4 X < Hill's I'1 th 3 1 2 0 2 MERTHYR AND DISTRICT. p, w. L. D. Pts. Mountain Ash Juniors.. 7 5 0 2.. 12 4 2 0 2. Merthyr JuninfS 4 1 1: 1 S Cwmamjin .4 1 o 1 V. J refnC?d;?;?;?:.?: ? ? ? 0 2 -uefthyr Ramblers .) 0 50 0 RHYMNEY VALLEY SENIOR. P. w. L, D. PIA. Rhymney 8 6 1 1is Jiachen 6 4 11 9 Pont1ott'n 104519 C.,rp.illy 7 3 2 2.. 8 Fleur-de.Lis 8 3 4 1.. 8* Aberbargoed 4 3 1 q 8 Bargoed 9 0 7 2 If Points :Iddcd. t Points deducted. RHYMNEY VALLEY JUNIOR. P. w. L. D. Pta. Dpri 9 5 1 3 13 Aberbargoed II 6 2 7 0 60 Abertridwr 5 2 0 ?7 Bed was, 5 3 0 2 6t lthymney II 5 2 0 1 5 Mer: hyr 6 ? 3 ? ? 4 Rhymney Scarlets, 8 0 7 1 l Two points added. + Two points deducted. NORTHERN UNIO-N. Per. lor. Apst. cent* P. W L. D. G. T.Pts. G. T. Pts. age. Wigan 21 19 2 0 87 114 518 28 27 137 80.4t ^'fax 22 19 3 0 58 86 374 18 24 100 85.? ? UMha.m 22 19 3 0 58 82 362 23 25121 86 :< Hl1nl6t 21 14 6 1 39 59 255 28 40 176 69 0< Batfey 20 13 6 1 31 47 203 2o 31 145 67.51 falford 21 14 7 0 47 58 26S 30 43 189 M.M Buncorn 19 12 fl 1 24 50 138 23 24 118 65.78 Wakefield T." 22 14 7 1 47 75 317 32 39 185 MilO Merthyr T. 16 10 5 1 23 41 169 34 25 143 65.62 Huddersfield 25 15 8 2 46 75 517 39 45 313 64.00 Broughton R. 22 13 8 1 42 60 276 34 51 221 61.36 Ebbw Tale 20 11 8 1 24 53 207 31 41 185 57.&0 Warrington 22 12 9 1 43 48 230 24 39 165 56.81 Hull 24 12 11 1 67 76 342 42 53 245 52.08 Keighley 22 10 11 1 47 57 265 37 58 248 47.72 Dewsbury 21 ie 11 0 46 52 248 37 50 224 47.61. Leeds 23 10 15 0 45 62'272 44 54 253 43.47 Leigh. 21 9 12 0 29 38 156 43 51 239 42.85 Hull K. B 20 8 II 1 53 56 274 43 65 281 42.50 Bradford 22 9 13 0 46 57 263 42 62 270 40.90 St. Helens 21 7 11 3 31 48 20S 43 59 263 40.4T Swinton 25 9 15 1 53 44 198 4 8 72 312 38.00 Mid-Khondda.. 15 5 9 1 13 22 9 2 2 5 38 158 36.66 York 22 7 14 1 42 53 243 57 78 348 34.49 Ba rrow 21 6 14 1 23 51 139 47 76 322 30.95 Rochdale H 20 5 13 2 16 27 116 35 46 208 30.00 Widnes 19 4 12 3 19 29 125 27 44 186 28.94 Treherbert 16 4 11 1 15 17 81 19 46 176 28.12 Barrv 16 2 14 0 8 15 61 53 94 388 12.50 Aberdare 14 1 13 0 17 24 106 50 77 331 7.14 Bramley 19118020 25 lis 67 J 07 4 i.2.I ASSOCIATION. SOUTH WALES DIVISION I. P. W. L. 1). For. Ag. PU, Mardy 8 7 0 1 28 6 15 Milford Dnited 10 7 3 0 25 14 14 Ton Pentre  !> 4 0 1 17 5 9 Cardiff City 8 4 3 1 21 24 9 Merthyr Town 6 3 2 1 13 11 7 ( Cwmparc 6 2 4 0 8 17 4 Barry District 5 1 4 0 711 2 SWIU1Bea. 7 1 6 0 517 2 Kbbw Vale 4 0 4 0 4 21 0 RHYMNEY VALLEY: DIVISION I. P. W. L. D. For. Ag. Its, Ton Pentre 4 4 0 0 17 5 8 Treharris. 5 5 0 2 9 5 8 Aberdars  5 4 1 0 10 5 8 Mardv 4 1 2 1 5 6 5 Merthyr Town 6 1 4 1 4 11 3 Cwmparc 7 1 6 0 10 24 2 j RHYMNEY VALLEY: DIVISION II. P. W. L. D. For. Ag. PtiL Trœdyrhiw 8 5 0 3 17 6 IS CWlll 8 6 1 1 30 12 13 Aberaraun 8 3^2 12 14 8 Gilfach 6 5 2 1 12 7 7 Nelson 6 3 3 0 11 11 6 New Tredegar 4 1 2 1 4 9 3 Dowlais 5 0 2 3 410 3 Bedlinog 6 1 4 1 716 3 7 1 6 0 6 20 2 RHYMNEY VALLEY: DIVISION III. P. W. L. D. For. Ag. Pta. Treharris Juniors 10 8 1 1 40 15 17 Pontlottyn It605 33 17 17 Abertytswg 12 5 1 6 27 15 16 Troedrhiwiuwch 14 6 6 2 36 33 14 Brithdir 9 4 2 3 19 19 11 Ystradmynach 10 5 5 0 31 23 10 Aberbargoed 11 4 7 0 19 37 (I Benghenydd 12 2 7 3 27 30 7 Doww. Reserves ï 2 2 5 11 15 7 New Tredegar Res. 10 2 6 2 17 24 < Bedlinog Reserves 8 0 6 2 13 it < MONMOUTHSHIRE: DIVISION I. P. W. D. L. For. At. PtI. Abertillerv .8 6 0 2 20 14 12 Cwm 8 5 1 2 13 1-1 11 CaeT leon. 6 4 1 1 28 8 9 Blaina. 10 4 1 5 16 13 9 hhhv: Vale 6 2 2 2 12 13 < Ynysddu 4 2 0 2 14 8 4 Abergavenny 7 115 8 11 3 5rd Battery R.F.A.. 7 1 0 6 7 26 2 MONMOUTHSHIRE: DIVISION II. P. W. D. L. For. Ag. Pta. Ebbw Vale United 10 8 2 0 31 17 16 Llanhilleth 6 6 0 2 %0 7 12 U iI wem 11 5 1 5 21 IS 11 Dukestown 7 3 2 2 16 16 8 Cwm Reserves 7 2 3 2 19 16 7 Dukestown United ..7 2 1 4 10 20 5 Newbridge 6 2 0 4 14 19 4 Argoed 141110 16 35 ¡ ENGLISH: DIVISION 1. P. w. L. D. F. A.. Pu, Newcastle United .25.. 176 544 26..31 Everton. 25 145 6SV 34 34 Sheffield Wednesday 25 15 7 5 48 33 31 Manchester United 24 14 8 249 45 30 Liverpool .26.. 1Z ..10 ..4.. 43 39 2J I Snnderland 24 13 ..11 0 50 37 26 I Bristol City » 9 7 8 28 32 26 1 Manchester City 24 11 ..10 3 47 43 25 Aston Villa • 24 8 8 8 35 34 24 Blackburn Rovers 24 7 7 ..10 28 3().. 24 i Middlesbrough 24 8 9 7 42 36 23 Proeton Sort II End 2489 7 29 26 23 Notts Countv 23 4 ..10 4 26 26 22 Sheffield United 24 I ..10 6 30 !4.. 22 Chetsctt 25 6 ..11 6 35 41 22 Woolwich Arsenal 25 8 ..11 6 30 38 22 Nottingham Foreet 25 8 .14 336 43 19 i Bury 24 8 -15 •• 3 •• 36 56 19 Leicester Fosse 24 3 32 9 28 54 15 Bradford City 23 4 ..13 6 22 35 1t I' ENGLISH: DIVISION II. P. W. I* D. F. A. ftm Weei; Bromwich Albion 25 1;) 936 15 35 Tottenham Hotspur 24 13 5 6 40 15.. 3a \1 Bolton Wanderers £ 6 14 9 3 34 18.. 31 Derbv County 25 11 6 955 24 30 Birmingham 26 116 T 41 37 28 24 11 7 6 43 29 28 Bull city 24 11 8 5 37 24.. 27 Oldham Athletic 22 11 9 2 39 27 24 Burn lev 24 9 4 37 40 2a Leeds Citv 24 » ..11 430 40 22 Chesterfield 24 8 ..19 624 35 22 Stockport County 24 10 ..12 2 27 42 2g Gloseop 22 8 9 5 31 32..21 Grirnuby Town 23 9 ..11 3 24 37.. U II lacj¡ pool 24.. 6..n 7.. 30 40.. li BajMifv 256-.13 62t 59 18 GainbÓrou¡rh T 23 6 ..11 6 28 53 11 BF&dford 247..14 126 40 11 SOUTHERN. r. W. L. D. F. A. I?tj r. W, L. D. F. A. Pt. Northampton -——? 166 60 29 M Sw?dou Iown 25 13 8 4 62 32 3. ?uthamp? ? ?' 13 8 4 62 62 M Portsmouth 26 -l-9?-?'6"? 4841..M Bristol Rovers £ I 1L ..8 4 40 40 2f Crystal Pa1ac,' 26 109 7 47 39.. n Queen's Ilari, 2306 735 28. 21 Millwall Athletic .5.. 12 ..10 3 42 37.. 21 Reading ? 6 7 • -lf 41 40 24 N'orwish City 2589 638 53 20 \Seet Ham United -5 10 ..12 1f4 32 21 ?er dty £ •• 10 8 3.38 !7 23 Luton 24 ..10 ..11 3 38 39.. 23 New Brompton 25 10 ..12 3 32 4i 2i Pivmouth Arsile 25 •• 5 9 6 21 28..22 ¡d  26 ■ • 7 -13 731 46 21 Levton 2?6..10 428 31 M Brighton a.nd Hove 246. L 4 .sa 40 20 Brentford ?6.. 7..14.. 533 61 19 SOG/hend United .19.. 7.. 6 430 28.. is Coventry City £ 3 6 ..14 ? 5» 67 11 I OARDIFF CENTRAL CRICKET CLUB COMPETITION. I Top Tucker, 31; Graashoa. 4.4 I A. Tucker, 30; J. Powell, £ 9.

I SKITTLES WATER RATS V. GIPSIES. On City Alley thij evening at 7 p.m. Water Rata (selected fronn: W. B. Daviojs Kempson, Thoma*, Russell, Willinis, T. Stephens, Stone, Smith, Wood, bouse, treat, W-cibU. FoUey, Kendriok, and W. mam*