WALES' LARGEST FURNISHERS. ?t??? | & 68apv-^><^rv'. BEY I & u [a A e)."  ? A 9. I ST. MAY-S_" anj ?.????? ? 6 ? 1?? ?.?'???''? j k SDTU. KMEA-SRTYR-SETE.T, ???& @? '.? ?LARGE ,PJAP.DIFF 1)* LARGE CA21R, ?DIF?F..??? '6? ? ?"???? ? ;???" 3? 9.1: Pak?????AmED SELECTION. I I»X „ y>^ — I" ?R ??—?????? NEWPORT, SWANSEA,  ????-pQ??YPOO!:? PONTYPRJDD, and i.LANELLY.

I I MR. GEORGE POOLE, SURGEON DENTIST, Expert in the Fitting of New Teeth At Most Moderate Charges. Extractions Absolutely Painless. 13, WESTBOURNE-CRESCENT, CARDIFF. NATIONAL TELEPHONE, 334. TELEGRAMS, "PAINLESS, CARDIFF." HOURS, 9 TO 9. SUNDAYS, 5 TO 9.

PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS j NE\V THEATHE, CARDIFF. Sole Proprietor .ROBERT BEDFORD, EVERY EVENING at 7.30, and SATURDAY at Two. Early Doors—Matinees. 1.30; Ordinary Doors, 1.45. Evenings, 7.0; Ordinary Doors, 7.15. MH. Ttj-ARTIN JJARVEY Supported hy N. DE SILVA AND HIS LONDON COMPANY. MONDAY and TUESDAY — "THE LAST HEIR," w EBXESDAY, THURSDAY, and FRIDAY- "THE CORSICA\ BROTHERS." receded by "THE CONSPIRACY," in which MR. MARTIN HARVEY will Appear. This Production of THE CORSICAN BBOTHERS was Presented by Royal yommand before the Kin*; and Queen at Windsor on November 18th last. SATUJDAY MATINEE and EYE,ING- THE BREED OF THE TRESHAMS." ■w^OTE.—On Monday Night a Souvenir of Mr. artin Harvey will be Presented to all persons Paying for Admission to Reserved > €>its and Early Doors. 1i"EXt Week: The New Play, IDOLS, frnm t e Garriek Theatre, London. a4127 _Box Office at Theatre, 10 to 5. Nat. Tel., 376 "To amuse and entertain is good; To do both and instruct is better." STOLL'S PANOPTICON, ^HILHARMONIC-HALL, St. Mary-st., Cardiff. Manager Mr. A. TETLOW. ^ONDAY, February 8th, 1909. and EACH EVENING at 7.15. MATINEES, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, 2.30. The AMERICAN BIOSCOPE CO. Present an Enormous ProgTamme, including a Power- ful Dramatic Story, entitled— THE ANARCHIST. THE BESTED THIEF-An Extremely Funny Picture. ew Selections on THE CINEPHONE, entitled My Girl's a Yorkshire Girl," and "If those Lips could only Speak." .D_ OCTOR RIGHT'S PATIENT—A Roaring R Comedy. Special Pictures sliowing THE DEVASTA- TION OF MESSINA, and the Work of Rescue by Gallant British Bluejackets. The Popular Cardiff Baritone, MR. HARRY LEWIS, will sing to illustrations Roses Bring Dreams of You." WILLIE STICKITFAST—A Screaming Screamer. CUMBERSOME GAME—A Picture for the Snorts. Special Engagement of MR. R. T. CHINN. Premier Concertinist. L18366 ♦Jl H E P A L ACE, AVESTGATE-STREET, CARDIFF. Proprietor .A. lr. FRANK MACNAGHTEN. 6.45—T 0 N I G II T-9.0. Doors Op-en 6.15-8.40. S.\TDRDA Y'S-Doors Open 5.45. THE BOUNCING DILWR- A BA BEE. ?EANS and WILTON. LES ELGONAS. ELLIE MOORE. G???RDEN QUINTETTE. LISTERS CLARE. RAYMOND. FOUR ?ARJMOKS. Is., Pit Gallery 2d. a4126 THEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK at 7.30, And MATINEE SATURDAY gt 2.15. The Successful Pantomime ALADDIN. -Children Half-price to all parts. a4130 N E W PORT E AT P I R E, CIIA R L ES-STIIE ET. aging Director OiSWALD STOLL. .TO-NIGHT! Zeynard's Wonderful Lillipu- ?ns. consisting of Five Ladies and Six :ivniiem?n, in their Equestrian and Speciality Bo,L Hamilton. Winnie Harbor and the "'ittany Boys. The Trentanovi Sisters. iiramv Curwell. Virto and Venita. Two 13"ave Children, or the Thief Catohers, on the '?neriean Biœcope. Walter Bellonini. the Renowned Ju-ler Bicycles Stored Free of "-barge. ANDREWS' H ALL, CARDIFF, TO-NIGHT and EVERY EVENING At Eiefet. jgt MATINEES On WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS at 2.30. ?? INSTANTANEOUS SUCCESS OF E ROYAIi ITALIAN ?IRCUS A.DB.EWS'-HALL Crowded Eaoh Evening to its Utmost Capacity with Delighted Audiences. The only Exhibition of its kind in the whole World. Absolutely Unique. from "IIENGLER'S CIRQUE," London, W.. where it haB established a World's Record by giving upwards of 1,200 CONSECUTIVE PERFORMANCES l?i?9 its stay of Two Years. and has Twice ?e.tly by Royal Command appeared before THE KING AND QUEEN AND ROYAL FAMILY at Buckingham Palace. OVER, 200 PERFORMING ANIMALS. Truly a sight of a lifetime. NOTICE.—A full-size ring has been laid down It t-h e oen tre of the Hall, n-d co n v en ien t eleva tionc erected; in fact, the building is now Most handsomely fitted up as a high-class Continental Circus. Reserved Seats (Numbered), 2s. 6d; Unre- ?rved, 2s. and 1?. 6d.; Second-class, 18.; Third- ?ass. 6d. Cn?djen Half-price to an narts. Early Doors at Seven o'clock; Ordinary i?. xs at 7.30. Plan of Reserved Seats and ?ket43 at Messrs. Thompson and Shkell's. Queen-street. Cardiff. 1758 IMPRESS SKATING 'RI?K. NOW OPEN—MOUNTAIN ASH- NOW OPEN. ABSOLUTELY THE FINEST FLOOR IN EXISTENCE. THREE SESSIONS DAILY. Soraing, 6d.; Afternoon, Is.; Evenings, 6d. SKATES, 6d. and Is. el761 PRELIMINARY ANXODXCEMETS. PENYDARREN PARK, MERTHYR TYDFIL. 1VHIT MONDAY and TUESDAY, MAY 31st and JUNE 1st, 1909. MONSTRE FETE, GALA, AND SPORTS. TREMENDOUS ATTRACTIONS. GIGANTIC FIREWORKS DISPLAYS BY WILDERS (LONDON). MERTHYR TYDFIL HORSE SHOW. THE TIEST ANNUAL HORSE SHOW frill be Held at the PENYDARREN PARK On WHIT-WEDNESDAY, June 2nd, 1909. For Schedules, which will shortly be ready, tilply to MR. ISRAEL PRICE, e243 Temperance-hall, Merthyr Tydfil. .wJ OLD FRIENDS WITH NEW FACES. iTiere is no more agreeable experience than to come upon an old friend who has some- how left his ailments behind him. and now looks the picture of restored manhood. The Old haggard expression, the suggestion of Premature old age, the appearance of weak- fless a.nd lassitude, the irritability and tendency to melancholy views have vanished. He now, indeed, seems a new man with pure healthy blood flowing in his veins, and con- tentment written on his face. He is again fully alive and enjoys life instead of simply nduring it. If you enquire what it is that has wrought such a striking change for the better, to what medicine or Eystem your friend attributes his return to health and vigour, it is more than probable that he will Answer in two words- BEECHAM'S PILLS. Prepared only by THOMAS BELCH AM, St. Helens,, Lano. Sold everywhere in boxes. Price 1/14 (56 pills) & 2/9 (168 pills). THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. THERAPION. ""S" ffi A r? ? 6? ular :cmedy, sed matinental H?pitals by Ricord, Rwt?, Jobert, Velpeau, and oth?rs, surpasses everythmg hitherto ?ptoyed for impurity of blood, spots, blotches, pain, &nd swelling of joints, kidney, bladder, and urinary dis? stricture, dischar^e^, pUea, gra?et. p?na in bacle gout rheumatism, exhaustion, 6leepiewnese, &c. Thrwj ?c?ms. No. 1 2, and ? acccrdmg to d?eMeiL ?tTce 2/9 (parttculM! Id stamp) post bee in Ure?t Britain from The Le Clero Medicine Co., Haverstoci- !?d, H=pstead. London. and priucu* Chumjst& fBILI-F; :i=-.I QARDIFF g M P I R E QUEEN-STREET. Managing Director .OSWALD STOLL 6.45-T\VICE NIGHTLY—9. Seats may be Booked by Post and Telephone —Nat. 625. Booking Office Onen Daily from Ten till 4.30; Saturdays, Ten till Two p.m. TO-NIGHT! JpOLLY JpiCKLE'S pETS IN I pETLAXD, A Musical and Pantomimic Fantasy, in One Act, presented bv JOSEPH HART. Scene—I'etland. Time-Evening. t xur■ roau^ing the following Musical Numbers:- 1. Has Anyone S"cm a Kittyeat?" "The l eline Ilirt," "The Jack o'Lantern Man." TOM MOORE, Character Comedian. STELLA STAHL, Comedienne and Dancer. THE McCONNELL TRIO, In an Original Musical Comedietta, entitled The Airship." GARDEN OF GIRLS, Presented by HALEY'S Picked Company of Vocalists and Dancers. Sparkling Music. Expert Dancers. Catchy Songs. ARTHUR ALDRIDGE, The Golden-voiced Tenor, in his Latest Success, In Manus Tuas, Domine." CLINE AND CLARK, The Onginal Black and White Comedy Artistes and Speciality Lancers EILY ADAIR, Irish Comedienne and Dancer. Xew Series of Up-to-date Subjects on the I AMERICAN BIOSCOPE. JACK J^OEIMES, The Versatile Scotch Entertainer. Bicycles Stored Free of Charge. XSTOP ONE MOMENT. ? M ?f OH. DEAR. DOCTOR J x MUST MY DARLING /MV. DIE? I THERE IS VERY LITTLE HOPE, BUT TRY TUDOR WILLIAMS PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY Which contains Pure Welsh Honey and an Essenoe of the Purest and Most Efficacious Herba g-ather-sd on the hills of Wales, being gathered in the proper season, when their virtues are in full r>erfeetion. BRONCHITIS. There are thousands of children who die annually from Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, and Croup. This is a grand discovery for the Cure of such Complaints. It is invaluable for Weak-chested Men, Delicate Women and Children. It cures when all other remedies fail. It cures Coughs. Colds. Bronchitis, Asthma, Tightness of the Chest. It cures thousands of Children of Bronchitis. Whooping Cough CURE FOR CHILDREN'S COUGH AFTER MEASLES. It cures for One Shilling when Pounds have been spent in vain. TRY IT. If vou have a Cough, try it. If you have a Cold: try it. If you have Bronchitis, try it. It loosens the 1 iwiLegm and promotes expectoration, produces warmth and comfort to the chest, and gives refreshing sleep when you have lost nights of rest. IMPORTANT AND INTERESTING FACT FROM A POLICE-OFFICER. For weeks I suffered from a severe cold. incessant cough, tightness on the chest, and bronchitis. When a severe cough came on I thought I would rapture a. blood-vessel. One of your bills was handed me on the street in Glasgow. I went to the nearest chemist e shop and imrcha?ed a bottle of chemi Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey. I took a dose there and then in the shop. The effect was marvellous—it eased my cough instantly. I have found nothing so effectual. I consider it a. Golden Remedy. Words are fa.r from being adequate to describe how thankful I am to you for making known your great discovery to the world.—Yours truly, Donald Mackintosh (Police-constable), Clyde-street, Glasgow." For Vocalists and Public Speakers it ha?no equal. It makes the voice as clear as a bell. See you get the genuine article. Tudor Williams' Pa.tent Balsam of Honey. So many imitation'! and fraud. Sold by all Chemists and Stores in Is., 2s. 6d., and 4s. 6d. bottles. Sample bottle sent (post free) for Is. 3d.. 3s.. and 5s., from the inventor. Saving in nurchasing the large size bottle. I TUDOR WILLIAMS. M.P.S., As. Aph., London. MANUFACTURING CHEMIST. ABERDARE. Horton's Original Benedict Pills (FOR FEMALES ONLY) In a few days correct all irregularities and remove all obstructions, also cure anaemia, and oause no injury; 'I to the married or eingle are invaluable. By post, under cover, for 1/ij or 2/9, from G. D. Hortoa (late Cbief Dispenser from Birmingham Lying-in Hospital), DePt, 19, Aston-road North. Birmingham. Sold over 40 years. SUPPLIED DIRECT O.NLY. SELDVM EVKK FAII, I SHIPPING I I BOOKING ] OFFICE CANADA, STATER CAPE, AUS- TRALIA, N. ZEALAND, ALL Parts. DAVIES'S REGISTRY, Charles-street. CajdiS. e232 OCEAN PASSAGES. e278 UNITED STATES, CANADA, SOUTH AFRICA, AUSTRA- LIA, NEW ZEALAND, ALL PARTS, of the WORLD, and ROUND THE WORLD. Pas- sages by all Lines at lowest rates. Every information reliable and unbiassed. Baggage forwarded to all parts and stored. THOtS. COOK & SON, 2 Dukc-etreet, Cardiff. THERE'S NOTHING CAST IRON ABOUT THE E.F.C"S EASY-PAYMENT SCHEME OF FURNISHING! WE ARRANGE TERMS TO SUIT INDIVIDUAL REQUIREMENTS. WE HAVE NO HARD AND FAST RULES. LOWEST PRICES IN WALES FOR CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS! THE ROATH FURNISHING CO., 42, QITY-ROAD, CARDIFF. CHURCH-STREET, ABERTILLERY; HIG H-STREET, BARGOED; TAFF-STREET. PONTYPRIDD. N0 T I c E SCHOLASTIC BOOK DEPOT. J. H. DYER, I DISCOUNT BOOKSELLER. AGENT FOR THE RELIEF FOUNTAIN PEN, 14-CARAT GOLD NIB, I PRICE 10s. 6d. EACH and Upwards. CALL AND TRY ONE. PARK-HALL BUILDINGS, 95, QUEEN-STREET. CARDIFF. NEW STOCK OF PIANOS AND ORGANS, OUR OWN NEW MODELS, FROM £ 16 10s- CASH. I BRLsSMEAD, New Styles, I COLLARD, Latest Patterns. CHAPPELL, New Art Designs, LIPP, Select High Grade, HOx -,TAN-N, Famous Quality. OUI" Show Rooms contain a big Selection I •and Variety of pIANOS, piANO-PLAYERS, AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL I INSTRUMENTS. HIGH QUALITY—TX>W COST. 1 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Catalogues Free. DALE, FORTY, & CO., HIGH-STREET & CASTLE ARCADE, CARDIFF. a2335 ■ — Reliable S[?? furnishers. BALiE BARGAIN PRICTS, 7-Piece Suit ?3 19s. 6d.(???) order. ?DAYIES COUSINS, PORTH  1738 I  ?'?DF NOREH I THE SAFEST AND BEST RETTED* For COUGHS and COLDS. Cash Prices, 11.. 2/6. fJIHE WBEJKLY M A IL, ONE PENNY. SALE OF THE SEASON, I P. E. GANE I —— GREAT STOCK-TAKING SALE. FURNITURE, CARPETS, BEDSTEADS, BEDDING, EVERYTHING REDUCED. ON-fly 38 & 41, QUEEN-ST., CARDIFF. L SEND FOR SALE CATA lyOGUE, POST FREE. S MEOW MEDICINE 1228 Pages. I | BY A FOR THE MILLION Family Physician. v —————— 279 Different Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. I Price 1 net. Bound in Cloth, 1/6. I By Post 3d. extra. I I TO BE OBTAINED AT ANY BOOKSELLERS OR NEWSAGENTS', OR FROM THE I II V WESTERN MAIL LIMITED, CARDIFF. j PREPAID SCALE. COMBINED SCALE for Small Prer-id Advertise- ments in the" WESTEHK MAIL. and EVENING KA'PKESS ":— I THREE: SIX 0NCE- TlMBfa. | T!MP?S. 1-1- I F. D. S. D. ¡ S. D. 14 words 0 8 1' 4 2 0 15 to 2wordsl 1 0 2030 23to30wordsi 1 4 2 8 40  Each extra 8j; 0 4 0 8: io words .1, pma.ll Prepaid Advertisements are inserted in the EVENING EXPRESS" at the following rales:—  'I THREK SIX O,ICF?.ITIMES. TI x I. S. I S. D. S. D. S. D. V7(?-.ds 03 0 6 09 j 15 to22words 0 5 0 1011 3 | :3 to30words[ 0 7 1 2 ¡ 1 9 I Each extra 8 0 2 Q 4 06 | words ANSWERS TO ADVEKTISE-MEXTS. "Replies to A<lver5:scnients directed to the" Evening Express Offics) will be iianded out on production of a ticket \vhicli may be obtained when the Advertise- lnent is ordered, or they will be forwarded to the Advertiser's Address, provided stamps to cover postago cre supplied. Applicants for Situations are requested not to send original documents (copies should be sent) or photo- graphs with replies to Advertisements when letters are addrel to Box Numbers at this office. Tim Proprietors cannot undertake any responsibility if testimonials or photographs are lost- PERSONAL A NONYMOUS.—\v ill never, under any circum: A ?t:mces. pay anything: use:es1 writing?—8. d33+ MISJUDGED.—Send ardress or where I shall meet you; will come and bring money; mother very i'i —Em. e491Sp8 ILL Caroline-street, Cardiff, write to the above address at onc? 82 LOST P- ND FOUND .F-oU:'Ü)-;n¡' :r'Drft claimcd in I 3 days will W sold.-T. W., Sprmg&etd Cottage, 1-enylan, C-Mdin'. e21p9 l'e6in,iiÿ-riÚiíiib-ei. ween prjnce'slt, jU Claude-road, and Marthorous-h-r?d School, a Lace Handkerchief.—Reward, return to 6, Princes-street, Roath. e4338p3 LOST,February 4th, YorkShire Terrier Puppy Dog; height about !Oin.; weight a;'out 51b.-Fii?der re- turning same to 48, East-raid, Tylorstown, will be substantially rewarded: detainer prosecuted. e4985p9 T OST, oil Thursday evening, in Harriett-street, JLj Ladv's Gold-rimmed Eye-glasses.—Finder re- warded on returning sawe to 8, Harriett-street. ep9 LOST, Scotch Collie; white collar; white chest: paws | -Lj rather white.—Anyone returning same to Police- station, Macsteg, will be xswarded; detainer prose- cuted. e4896PIO LeGAL. T AW ?r the Minion." Second Edition, r?i?ed ind enlarged. The I^w up-to-date. Containing 283 pages, and comp-ising all information for ordi- tiarv purposes; prioe Is. nett. or bound in cloth Is. &d. nett; postage 3d. extra.-Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings. Cardiff. <425 D' ENTISTRY.—Charles Littlejohns, 11, Beauchamp- street, Cardiff, dental mechanic to the profession; lowest charges; satisfaction guaranteed; price list oil application. e4712pl3 LOCUM or Assistantship wanted by experienced M.B. aged 37: reliable; references.—G 48, Even- ing Express, Cardiff. e4761p8 EDICAL i?'i??titione's before -PPITI-9 for AppOinT mr"3 ts undr the Ebbw Vale Workmen's Doctors Fund are asked to Communicate with the Medical Sec- retary British Medical Association, 429, Strand, LOll- don; or with Mr B. J. Coulter, ll, Clytha Park-road, Newport, Hon. e2573 MEDICINE for the Million," by a Family .1' Physician A Medical Handbook containing all the infornMtion required for ordinary purposes; price Is. nett (postage 3d.).-I;tatioiiery Stores, Western Mall Buildings, Cardiff. e426 CLERICAL OCUM Tenens wanted, from J\úrph8tïlDëX-GOr L three months, Parish of Llanfrechfa DpjJer.- Apply Vicar, Pontnewydd, Newport, Mon. e32pl3 EYESIGHT TESTING FOR SPECTACLES. Between the hours of 10 am. and 7 pm I AM prepared to make a careful test of the eyesight-a test as thorough and exact NE care, skill. and the most modem of APPLIANCES can make it Should the result show the need of spectacles—and if it is otherwise I shsll not hesitate to SAY so-I shall be gla-d to supply them at prices as low as is com- patible with sound Viorkmamiliip and good materials. An illustrated booklet, "The Why and Wherefore of Defective Eyesigiit," will be SENT free on request. BONNER MORGAN, QUALIFIED OPHTHALMIC OPTICIAN, 101, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF A pROFITABLE JNVESTMENT Means favourable results, combined with security. To ensure satisfactory returns you must know what you buy, and buy what you know. It is always safe to invest in a, box of KERNICKS V E G E VEGETABLE PILLS first, because they are worth, more than face value, and, secondly, because the yield 111 improved health and bonny looks amply re-pays the first outlay many times over. Thousands have ??d this, and always recom- med them for Headaches, Dizziness, indigestion, Liver and Kidney Troubles. Sold by all Chemists and Stores in 71d., s. lid., and 2s. 9d. boxes. Ask for Kernick's Vegeta-ble Pills, and see that you get them. e5553 (SALE SALE! SALE f AT MRS. WILLIAMS'S, 28 AND 30, ROYAL ARCADE. )ULLINERY at F'S°t ???-"?.rTTTT T??T??T-c     Blouses. Fari.y Neck Wea^GlovfJ1 to make room 'e ffect a SPe*l d ?,-L*3Larance MS; «»«««* .«<&» I ma .e room. fQr New Bm'ino- 'Goods An I Your Garden now requires I L £ ARDFMNG| Your Garden now requires II' j THE MASSES a 1] m £IGARoNING J.I I THE ASSES II A HANDBOOK Containing all the information required about PLANTS AND FLOWERS for the Amateur Gardener. Also A YEAR'S WORK IN THE GARDEN. WEEKLY REMINDERS. HOW TO OOOK VEGETABLES. ANIMALS PROFITABLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE GARDEN. Price, 6d. Cloth, 1/- Sold by all "Western Mail" Agents, I WHOLESALE: Western Mail Limited, CARDIFF. I J^U^FCAL BAHUAIX.—Bell An?n<?n Oitran: ? stops: 2 )3C t;fIE;l:î;pa:Ær,ts: (10IATM.111A Grapliophone. elcctnca ily driven: cost c 30 guineas: perfect :ond it:Ol1; can be used as Id. in t.ho ?!?t; in ma?ni?.ccpt oa)t ca' binet; best offer c er t5, including 50 record-.—'S GO, 'Expr?s, Cardiff. eTOlpS ED1:'Ó'SI':I(J!1agraPh, 9IJRèc;rès; I" rge and ?maU JLJ I' 1?'S I'll ?p It, r,ceit'3- bought; cn't evpr S?7 10s.; will seU Jet for C? c?? or Exchan?.—J Mrrchaat, 54, Grrc?ae?d. Hurled. clv.9 fi"f.: :£,:ik;J";t;1r' P rM'?rncd from Ijre )??y instrument guarantee will t:, (lon up cqiM.1 to Jew. Easy terms arranged if desired.—T. and S.. No. 4,343, C15 cash: T. and S.. Xo. 2.617, C!6 nsl; Coi)ard. Xo. UO.K99 .B?2 cish; ?chuppi?cr, Xo. 10.?4. £ 23 cash; Brinsmnd No. F!,7M. ?? o?sh: Ajo!?. ?o. 7C.225, ic??8 <-?h;' H'rM'h. ?o. ;.447. r.? ,?,? Cnrl Hcrte'. No. 3.CH. ;fM cah; CMlen. Xo. 30.275, £ 31 '; GO!S and Kali man. Xo. 33,773, £ 31 i^ oash: Booff. Xo. 8,900 L33 ensh; B. Squire. Xo. 30,813. £ 37. 10s. cash; Gory end Kaiiman. Xo. 30,818. GJ9 cash. Xew Tianos en lure 6d monthly: delivered free on payment of first instalment.—Thompson"ond Sliaolf"'l <T n-ntCMl!. 24, Q; e~n-sti cet, Cardiff, &c.; &c. clZ¿2 poo,, "'I v evenm?rs; Assist Cellar, lijht duties. —Da ike* c479-Ip9 OUPF.'iTOT' Pianoforte; nearly new; £ 5o: overstrintr ,?5 niicl; P;ofe,si??nal I)iani'?? t; accfdt 21 zti; d?tibte.- Ap?,ly '4,Orb?t-s. Card'ff. e479"pS M? ?r?o WiFFr. W Ar;c Mn and Wife a?' ;aI;i: C¿'î cxpe- W rieiieed :at ;li;ghes, references required.—Stato wages s;?ed G 93, Evening Express, cl2ó? AXTED, Man and Wife on Small Farm; wife accustomed to milk; no encumbrance—^ey Bros., Port Talbot. e:;];12 I NURSES y0Unp ^wsa^^Applv->IriT~\vTiF- "f ,hire 35. i'aro'ine.<treet, Cardiff. ('4980,3 W'1^ TE 035; ( aroiine-Htreet, Cardiff. e4380p3 HOUSE'?EP'-? OQM???')-??'-? &( A .S?r.SlANT Mana?re?s' or ???kt'cper ?cks?Pc?t'' Atliorou?,,Iili, experienced: dijen?ged.—Eeptv to G 55, byennf Rxpres?, CfrtM. e4305p9 'WAXTED, Working Housekeepergood home; ood iw "?g e?.-Appiv, with references, Mrs. I.ougher, I I Grocer. nysnir. e495:p3 WIDO" ?ady DesirEs?post as House!! eeper7co? ? /? ?'?' or ?? Pace ? Trust; active; dom?t:- c?tpd.-U 96, t\cnnig Express, Cardiff. e4911pH HOT-X SERVANTS XTOUSEMAID-Waitress.—Apply, with reference? ;? J-X wages, salutation raa?iy and C,-niiiierc-i?il JR ,rford??,t. 1. e4S"6r3 -OÖDBêtweenmaTd ??ed 'TmmediIte???? G fuil parUcnIaI:Port.. WI Hotel, Portlice1) 13, 'V"fctga Barmaid.—Appiv'. with '? reference, Kmg's Ar= Botei, Hakin, Mi'fo-d.   ?.- ?_??_ ??;13 HW_a"c¿X'"ŒD.-gÖOd-Ge¡}er:¡i; 'be]T) given:'reference: no \V cnildren. Old G?i? Hotel, High-street, I?wpatt. e4970pl2 w iNTED, a 8trong Girl as Pantrymaid.-App!v ?V 1.) Bush Royal Hotel, Carmarthen. c1pj 1 WANTED, a sf::e;A&' as M'orkinsr' Bar- W ma:d; good reterenMs.-?Apply Cwm Hotel Aber- ?"srZ: 14pl,) W ANTED immediately, strong Cellarman and llÚke VV lumself Generally Lseful, with gocd references. —Apply, personally, Adare Hotel, Tonypandv. e4341p8 WANTED jinmedately, aarmaid; good R<) ,i t references-Apply Manageress, Albany lIotpl, h. ci264, -6?T -? w ANTED. by Jlarcli ist, for Castle of Brecon h t) Hotel, Brecon, a Kitchenmaid and Scullervmaid; both experienced. e4S13p8 -,x.rATEb-a-g(j()(CÖc:n"ra! Servant; goodv:¡ges'to I suitable lr]; another kept.-Apply Wilson, Rril- way station Hotei, Llanelly. s. Wales. e4912pll WANTED, General; country inn.—State wage^, age, W and references, Eynon, 131aa Lion, Llandovery. _e.H65pS I ?i ?D,i?s e CzLi?In?7No?2,n for Bar; Vt assist m light housework; must bave good refer- ences.—Mr. Lewis, Cross Keys Hotel, Newport-street, Newport. ? e47i7p8 WANTED, experienced B?N'rdto ccll;ery tY d?tr;ct. Also strong Girl as Mother's Help Good reterences. James, Clydach VaJe Hotel! Rhondda. e4731p8 'rORKIXG B'u;? oi- Useful R e?p ?a?ted at ?t once; fve In famny.?.??rpss, with age, salary, reference, &c., Mrs. Hull, Evesham-street, Redditch. e4974p9 SCHOLASTIC. IIABLA V. espanol ?—You will master Spanish, Italian, French, ^crtu^ueso, very quickly by Senor Iglosia's mod", of instruction; degree of Univer- sity of B;.r .oru. e' -E Iraff-embankm en t. e.1-lnIp12 MIN.ES' Inspectorate, Scholarships, Surveying Elec- trical, and Mining Examinations.—Candidates successfully prepared. lessons by post.—-Write for par- ticulars, Cambrian Mining School, Llanffrwd, Porth. e245 POPULAR Language Classes; 2 lesMns weehty in French, German, and Spanish; 6s. per month; free demonstration lesson on Wednesday, Feburary 10th, at 8 o !ock.-Wrlitz School, St. Marv"-street, Market Biiildws, Cardiff. e486Sp9 REQUIRED immediately, two Student Governesses; about 16; an reciprocal terms: must be well- educated.—Apply, by letter only, stating full p-ir- ticulars, Principal Ryecroft, House School, Wvndliam- crescent, Cardiff. "4925ps STAMMERiERS write Mr. W. A. Yearsley, Accring- ton, the Gold Medal Speech Specialist e2J3 D!=;C:???,??cp? I DRESS:'II.KING-:=wänte<ll\t-onœ, styTiShDrc55- I -L? maker to Manage Small Workroom.—Apply Watkins, Draper, Wh.;ti??d. e4766p8 ?-r?EESSM??KING.—Ladies' Costumes, 6s" 6d; Long DC?oats, 2K. 6d.; Skirts, 2s. 6d.; Blouses, Is. 6d.; Children's Clothes moderate charges. Also Dress- making done at ladies' residences; terms Is. 6d. per ,do,y.-Apply 52, Walker-road, Cardiff. e4339p9 j DOMESTIC SERVANTS CUOK (good) wanted for Country Hotel, North Wales. State age, wages, and reference, H 54, Evening Express, Cardiff e31pl0 EXPERIENCED Cook-General wanted for Truant Eschool. Quaker's Yard-; ?24 per annum.-Apply the Matron. e4915pll XPERIEXOED General required; good reference; 1 WOrtI'y' family 2.-Apply immediately, 85, Cathedral-roo<l, Cardiff. o-WISp12 .ENEllAL Disengaged; reliable; country servaut- four years' reference; cook, wash.—10, Queen- ^2 J !ou^Gl, oucester. e3^ pl3 street, Glouce,,3t(,r. e3tip13  Servant  wanted at onc.-Mrs. Davies, G,l?tati n Inn, ??h?treet, Swansea. e29pl3 GEN}RAL; country Girl; disengaged; plain ?ok: G,b; good character; L-IO.-20, Suffolk;P|^e' C h e  p?gp? GOOD Plain Cook required March 1st; some liouse- werk; must have good reference.-Apply Mrs. Cook, iZ, NXT ewport t-road. Cardiff. C1313 XTOUSE-Parlourmaid geeks Situation.—H., cio Parr. Stationers Hall, Kalson, Cardiff. e4893p10 T/?P? requirmg ?ood, r ?l fa bi?- M ?- i d., -Io.ld try .L< The ?ew Registry," 51, Charles-street, Cardiff. -———— ? e4792p8 ECTA BLI R???'??? ?I—wanted—as—Cook-General; ]Et !)ges; hi ouse ma ta kept.Monkrnan, Clydaoh, -is^a. VaIle)'. e34PIS 1? ^Pt;tABLE Married WornM-wcuM-lik? few JLl. days »Work weekly; Piain Cooking or Cluing.- 5O.0I"tal'oot, _Rth. cl&p9 EPECT -kBl?7I,; Giil-N?Zi .? General.-14ÇCow- bridge-road, Canton, Cardiff. e4969p9 WANTED good CQ()k-Gclleral.-=:pplY2Oll.kfield 't''t' Ire?t. Cardiff. d7p12 W' tD, j¡tP:Jp,on::aIou;rl and >n 'sJ>0P—Apply, personally (afternoon), Mrs. Pope, Cardiff Pie Shop, CaroUue-street, Ca?rdiff e4980p9 WANTED immediately,  immediatply, sharp, respectable Girl IS w Üenerl Assist m Bar when required; refcr- enCe3 essenual.-?Apply, personally, Tredegar Hctpl, Rontlit Cardiff. c1303 W ANTED, TespectabJe Woman for Washing; also lerson to go out Sewing; one able to make and renovate clothes, &c.; state particulars.—Apply H 3, Express, Cardiff. e4&23p8 WANTED, a good Cook; kitchen maid kept; good references required.—Apply Mrs. Cory, 27, New- port-road, Cardiff. C1306 WANTED immediately, competent GeneraJ Servant- TT 22; references; another kept; £ 16.-15, indsor- place, Cardiff. e4903pl0 WA^T?D, B^ood Plain Cook; Churchwoman; Q kitchenmaid.-Apply St. John Baptist High School, Risca-road, Newport. e4872pl0 "VIT ANTED, experienced, reliable Genera i; good f references required.—Apply 5, Coium-road. eplO WAXTED, an experienced General or^oodHoaise^ TT maid: references re ,d -Apply Mrs. Davies. hurgery, Wattstown. e4364p9 WA.NTED, a good General Servant; able tcPcook7 tt day girl kept; good rcferenc.-Apply 52, Ninwn- road, Cardiff. e4865p9 WANTED, good, experienced General.—Apply, with T T references, Mrs. Thomas, 51, Gadlys-road. Aber- dare:  e4S53p9 N''rEi?, a Situation as Housemaid; aned'?2? TT with good reference.—G 72, Evening Expro?', W.ttgood refereilce.-U 72, Fveni?g VxprosbI 'XT,AN-TED, good General; must be fond of children; 'V ,naU family.—Mrs. Welch, Moantajn-road C;wrphilly. ?? ? ? ?_ c48&9p9 V*rANTED, experienced General, three mfamiiy? TT must un derstand cooking; Woman to wash!— A,?pl?-n stating full particulars, Mrs. Jones, Glal1tone House, Porth. e4808p9 ??ANTED, Generaf;piain eookH?;assistanTe W given; eference.-Pughe, 10, Church-road, Whit- chnrch. ?a.rdif!. 'e4812p9 W- A XTED-young l{¡tCbellmaid;. e'trlY. riser; Church woman preferred; three in family; five servants kepL-Apply, with lefewllces, Mrs. Smith, Deanery. St. David's. e4767p8 W ANTED, Plain Cook or experienced Cook-General; YT wages L20 to £ 22.—Mrs. Irvine, Southerndown, Bridgend. e4759p8 AGENTS, TRAV^LLfeR AN Opening Occurs with a large London House Afor a Special Representative to Take Over Duties immediately; must have good knowledge of Cardiff and South Wales, and capablo of following extensive aavcrtlsing campaign; appointment should be wortli £ 4 weekly.—H 2, Evening Express, Cardiff. t-401C~C ADVERTISER with Canvassing Ability and know- Alcdge of South Wales districts, desires Remunera- tive Outdoor Work for two days a week; not insurance.—H 24, Express, Cardiff. <'4Ðp'3 ll.Inp-Nil?! i ;l  LECTRICLamps-^Metol FilamentTand CarboiiT^ District Representative wanted; libera! com- mission.-Apply, tating experi enee' to the Gabriel Lamp Company. 15, Victoria-street, London, S. W. epl2 B-El{\U¡' Own Master.—Get our 64-paga ABC Guide B to Remnant Trade, free 3d. postage. Prints, Flannelettes, Dress Goods, &c., by weight; cheap. Experience unueoe66ary.—C. E. Mitchell, M, Well- street, Bradford. el42 RELIABLE Men wanted nts, liberal terms and exceptional opportunities for improving POSI- tion; would suit klerly man of .active habits.— iAd<lT«fls G 63, Erening Express, Cardiff, e250 rr«R WELI.KK for Credit drapery: smart, honest, l"npli; ',E I1l0 fu!' }';ry 55)t, l':i: X pu-!iiiig, no shirkers apply; 35s.—D. M'Xeill, rX't :[1,1'1 despeai ¡l,jll-Sú0:"al?s D:ri\"õ t, Tak" Up Agency for prominent Laundry Bear Cardiff, doing Drs-cli1s'S work; profitabl- irle line; little Irouhle and liberal commission.—Wjite for Piir' ticulars to K'.x n 68, flvening Express, CD.ldi.tï. cliQ PARTNERS, &c. Stoe. 'Ex,-h.e edition; -t « sail options thorcaghiy cxpluinecl, also all stock Æ.i'I= how ?;;[;"t;li limited risk, dealings close' th-in tape quotations; tow to avoid brokers' ccmir.'sslons; coatainb highest and lowest ",ies lot last 15 "e"N;Grli and post free from Publishers, 12, nanl'-tr2ct. Koyal Exchange, Manchester. eS3 CLERK > ike. CIVIL i,c eiiCsf(ir t!lce between H cIl?l 22 p?erar?d fer, and Commcrc'a! Training surip?i,d at Skt?ir'v's College, 134, Q"œn-street, Car?iff; fuil piirticulars with success list- iree from secretary. e4775p8 CI:ERKSÚ\P;- f?(5-F470: A(I'n)iTlItY, W-,T, J Post Of!iC(?, Vacancies now; open t, ,!I. aged 1S.22; experience unnecessary; special explanatory pamphlet free.—Secretary, Civil Service Buieau, Albert- hall. Fdi?l,urgh. eI21 C li.i:t;5tfJd(jif "¡\ o!îJ;th¥j Post-cvfd to-day for Illustrated Handbook -11 Slean-Duployan—the easy, high-speed Shorthand; learned in twelve lesson?.—London SIIOT'?hand [mti- tute, Gro'sivenor-road, London, N. c!325 LAD seCk.s:Jtt'¡HOn as Jui?icr Clerk; giTipowner's Offiè preferred; agci 16; knC'wJdg of O'ftom- hou work; 3 years' experienc.-L. Tovev, 63, Allen ban k-road, Cardiff. cllp9 SECRETARY and Accountant.—Advertiser, aged 29, :z". Incorporated Secretuv and ASROriated Accoun- tant (ceitilicates), desires an Appointment in April next in th above capacity, to a iimitcd liability com- pany iu Cardiff; thoroughly conversant with company law, accountancy, correspondence, and commercial practice; ihirtpen years' continuous exp?rienc??; prcs,nt. appointment. 3 i.ems as secreta-v and accountant to important public comp;my; !ii?hest references; Pr"n- cipals o;ilv.-=-Address G 15. Evening ExpreL-,?, Cardiff, e4708p6 Xl/'AN'J ED immediately, smart Water Clerk lor V Dry Dock' must be good French linglit?t.- Apply, stating age, experience, and wage required, to Box H 1(, Evening Express, Cardiff. cl307 l"\7"OUNG La(J,. èeire. Post a? Shorthand T3-p!st: -I experienced, aged 7; ef?ercn,,Q; smnt and reliable,.—G S2, EX!1re', ClF<liff. eLll48pl2I SHOP ASSISTANT^, r/ILLINERS. Bli APERY. —Smart Assistant Required: able to rolicit.; Welsh.—Full pa,rticulars Th4Din?s, Aber- dare Hons" Pontardulais. ('3R2- GROCERY and Proviiioi?.-Aclvertiser seeks Re- Gall-round hand 17 years' experience. -kpp?v?,T., 5, Stephei?soii-stre?t, Cardiff. e4Mp9 D lO(,E'Y.-Wllnt::d, smart Improver or Junior; C-?, "l'O cl?",trade; live out.-E. E. Powell, Ccfn, Mer- thyr. e4877pl0 RESPECTABLE Youth wanted for Hat and Hcsiery .JL Eusfnes with a view to learnjD same.—Apply ¿, St. Mary-street, Cardiff e4924p3 ,Xl'Ij;D0ïl1iJg Man for Outfitting Department, 'V witll l;mJwlÐ1<re of Measuring.—Apply, stating full particulars, SJlary and expeiÍènce, T. Williams, Crickhoweil. -4940pil MISCELi-ANEOUS SITUATIONS. A vespect-ible married Man seeks Employment; 1 would be glad of any kind of work.—Martlache, 60, Charles-street, Grifiithstown, near Newport. ep5 BAKEP.S.—Wanted, a young Man, Dot under 18 Bct ?ge, to Assist in Bakery; all opportunjtie given to Jec D the trade, prference given to one of little experience.-ApplicatiGn, stating wages, yge, and when able to commence duties, to ]-a received by Thursday next, addressed Bakery, Co-operative Society, Seng)¡enydd. -• cl3i9 BAKER seeks Situation; would Take Charge of Bake house; well up in tmalis; aged 55; good references.—Salter, 39, Morgan-avenue, Torquay. ep8 BRICKLAYER wantoo.Apply New Cwmgorse COl ii?rv Company (Limited), Cwmgorse, Gwaun- cae-Gurwen, R.S.O., Gl?. C1322 BC'icliEBS. — Competent Slaughterman wanted; must be good tradesman; no shop work; good W.??ll for suitabLe man.-AppJy Dan Da\'i, Cattle salesman' Merthyr. e4S7 £ p6 sallrn'F:tld v anted at onc.-APPl4rt i G Slimmons. Fochriw Farm, Fochriw. e49o0pS GROOM.—We.nted, a good Man; must be well up with saddle and barns bors??s; sober, and willing to make himself generally useful.—Full particulars first letter, R. Evans, Butcher, I'enygraig. e?942p8 IADY Demonstrators Required at once; must be 11, exper;e ?l oed; good wages and commission.-Apply, I 9.30 mornings, Symons. 11, Bute-street, Cardiff. cl318 MAN (28), 5ft. Ilin.. requires Wrk; Time. ?"IlTe- 1-2r8, :(;rli':e((i,resW1a:iha; or any Position of Trust; used to men; good scholar; references; go anywhere; abstainer.-H 40, Express, Cardiff. e4997p9 WANTED, Groom-Gardener; understand glass wable to milk.-AP ply Fred Allen, Lledyn Celyn, Bridgend. e,?5plo WANTED, a Gardener; man willing to make him- if self generally useful; one kept.—App'y ,ctating wages required and when could commence, H 37, Evening Express, Cardiff. ANfEDT"gwl Maker of ifand-sewn Boots; on,, able to manage workroom pr?f?rred.-St.t.?? wages (constant employment), Gainfort and Co., W x- ford, Ireland. e4874p!0 ANTED! experienced Man with orses; yard \\7" _ADd'ri VeieredreJ¡; ";rese:;quf -AppJy Griffiths Bros. (Limited), Brewers, Aexaidra- road, Newport. e4738p8 WANTED, an Apprentice to the Hairdressing.— Brice. Morgun-arcade. e4993p9 Y OUNG Mail \l.'eks Situation in Joinery Works or Timber-yard; used i?? all machinery; good refer- ences; distance no object for _peranent job; bands- man; reference.—A. W. Howe, o4, Gelligaer-street, Car- diff. ep9 OUNG Man (22 seeks Situation; any capncItyT 3 Yl"*S' Jast bcrtb.-Write W. F., 26, Cl??r,-plce Riverside, Cardiff. e4934p8 APARTMENTS WANTED 1E d e. r yI Lidywai?i -t s11a T ge RooIU.aïl I AIth steady, quiet people or widow; no 1 children.—Apply 7, Northcote-street. e4996p9 ~VX7ANTED, 2 or 3 Um'.rnished Rooms; oven grate- NN conveniences; Cathays drstnt1:H 45, Eveiiin?i Express, Cardiff. e22p9 APART ME MT 5 TO LET C oniXED; Furnished Boom to Let to respecutle pMple.App]v, after 7, evening, 5 Clare-road, Riverside, Cardiff. e4729p3 COMFORTABLE, Homely Lodgings to pectabie person with quiet, clean Pe??Ple; 11. and c. bath. Or Middle Room as Combined Room, Furnished or Unfurnished; very moderate terms to 51Ütable person. T,?, buL,-?tT-t. c4wp9 c OMF^RTAELE Furnished Apartments; bath (ha:nd c.); front rooms- suit one or two gentlemen; one minute cars and park; terms mod?erate.-15, i,qreet, Po??th Park. e4986p9 URNISHED Apartments OT Lodgings; front F,sit?.ing-room middlo bedroom; hot Hud cold bath; ne"r cars: li4c liliv part; terms modate.-Apply 4, Allensban k-road. Health, feirdiff. 823p3 COMFORTABLE Furnished Front Anaj-tments; suit 1 or 2 gentlemen.—Apply 6, Lochaber-street, Roath Park. e492ip3 FURNISHED Bedroom?, with board if preferred 37 Talhot-street, Olthedrl-a, Cardiff. e496lp8 U KXLSliEi) Ap;utrnents required by young Gentle- man; R-adyr or Whitchurch: breakfast, lunch, and dinner.-Term5, H. I., Evening Express, C;Ydiff. ep6 GENTLEMAN requires good Sitting and Bedroom Gill Penarth or Roath Park district, with full ?.d. "end full particulars to 11 43, Evening Express, Car- diff el8p9 L ODGI?N S for respectable Man; near town and Docks.-33, Corporation-road, Gran go town. e4957p3 ODGINGS for one or two young Men at the^Docfa; with or without boarcL-H 19, Express, Cardiff. ep8 ODGINGS orFumished Rooms for 1 or 2 young len.-13, SiJver-5treet, Roath. e4832p9 PENARTH —Comfortable Looging-StOLettO young bu,in-es,13, Gro,-?-pl?ce, P4enarth. ep8 ENARTH.—To Let, comfortable and convenient Åpanments with respectble family; near station; good locaUty.-Apply 121, "mdscr-road. e4576pll ,o-2 Unfurnished RoomS; suit youn£married X couple withcut children.-ll, Staines-stt, off CliVe-Toad, C,ant'lli. e4921p8 TO Let7 Unfurnished or Combined Furnished Room -jL (clean and comfortable), in Canton, to respectable person; oven grate; glass door.-H 21, Express, Cardiff. e4962" TOUXG 'Couple, no children, have two Unfurnished II Rooms to Let; use of bath (hot and cold); very reasonable.-Apply 47, Mackintosh-place, Roath Park. e4919p8 1 Unfurnished Room, with oven grate, Wanted by 1 respectable workman, near centre of Cardiff.—State terras to H 28, Evening ExprE>s;<, Cardiff. e4977p9 HOUSES WANTED. ABERCYXON.—Wanted, to buy, 6,roomed House; A,I,?ist he 'n good r(:po3Ír.-tate price and particuiajs to H 13. Evening Express, Cardiff. e4933p8 W A-??TED, to Purchase in Cardiff, House, with bathroom; freehold preferred; if leasehold state terms, ground rent, kc.; price must be reaona,hJp.- H 20, Express, Cardiff. t'4953 HOUSES TO LET ESSF.S. 8. HERN AND FEETWTBB! 1.1' AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, be RVEYORS, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS. For List ct Business Premises and Hou2 e', t -be",ei or Sold see "Western Mail" daily. Printed register free. Offices. dS, St. Mary street, Cardiff. Established 1849. ABERGAVENNY.—Detached Residence; every con- venience; ta ble, coach-house; Iew minutes from G. W. Station and town.-Apply T. O. Marsh, Aœr- gavenny, e4948pll DINAS Powis.—To Let, desirable, well-appointed Residence on Common; good garden; delightful south aspect; station 3 minutes; moderate Tent.—Rea, Rockleigh, Dinas Ilowis. • e4879p6 GENTLEMAN'S Country Residence f land, hunting G,t-lib!e.?; present tenant's occupation, nine years; vacant March 25; exceptionally good terms; fishing near.-Tomkins and Chadwick, Abergaveiiiiv? ?9P?p GOOD Ten-room House, 57, Con way-road; vacant possession.—Heme, Llandaff-road, Cardiff. e13p12 Gobi? Villa, high and pleasant situat'on, Penei;?l- Gr,Did, C-aM!ff; convenient to cars; three sitting and five bedrooms.—Apply 113, Exchange. e4757118 "VTEW Houses, ANensbank-Toad, to be Sold; 4 bed- rooms.-Key at 93, AlIensbank-road. e4953p8 mõ- Ut, No 8. Tintern-stt, off Cowbridge-road; T ?l,iii(ly trams; rent 6s. 9d.-A.(Jp ^No. 7. e4920p8 TO Let, 42, Partridge-road; £ 34 per annum, ex- T()cJ1,tè.pJrgid;i ;W:, ;ynm'epx- TO Let, Southernwood, in healthiest part of New- Tp,)rt, with large garden veil-stocked with frnit and other trecs, and two greenhouses: ,,11 in perfect condition; low rent and special advantages to imme- diate tenant.—Full particulars fro;n Walter Hunt-jr and Co., Cential-chambers. Newport. o4674pb HOUSES FOR SALe. BARUY Dock.—By Older of the Mortgagees.—Lease- hold Property for Sale, by private treaty—32 well- built, six-roomed DweUing-houseg; let at 6s. and 6s. 6(L wœkly; close to dOCkB; sold in separate lots if desired; large portion of pnrchase money could rernun on mortgage; a very low price would be acoWed.-Apply Isaac Watkins, Estate Agent. 22, Castle Areade-chambe". Cardiff. e40Upl2 '1 BUSINESS PREMISES. r po Let, 25, Holton-road, Barry, commodious Shop J- and P1 iIeG<:on¡ad'mrrYt hO\5 i ceilerage.—Appiv B'ackmore, Hou"e Agent, Pembroke- chambers, Barry. cl288 TO Lot a Corner House and SP.,Op; grand position in the thriving' town of Milford Haven.—Apply hit.p, KimLcrley, Milford Haven. e4C?4plo I T(-l.,e-L-t oi- Sold,~tbtT 2 New- Shops on Penarth TI,icr at tee end of the pavilion.—Write Lrcher, St a fold-road. W cston-super-Ma re. e7pl2 I B.GF. ':lSA:n;o'; BARGAIN" Tish! Fruit? Vegetable. Grocery BBu?ii,cs?; rent 12s. vecl?Iv clear, with ctalilinz, stock, fixtures, and utensils; £30; no money for good- will; rent free till 25th March. Also Cob, Trap, R-,rI;cô:1.. G. Allen, 81. Pennywell-road, Bristol. eli8 ii\TEiATH'.—ForSale or to Let, Pi?trvcook and Con- .1 ietioner's Busiisi?; stock and fitting? together with lease of commodious double-fronted shop, dwell- ing-house, with c4otta??e, stores, yard, and stalbing at rear, sub-let to monthly tenants; in good bu,inp,s thuoughfare.—For particulars apply to Henry Pnr- minter. Auctioneer, patb. e4976pl.. FO li Rsle. the choice of two good Wholesale and FOl\t:I:b aQinif :Sne ihIT dis- tricts; one under maiagement.-Apply Paulett. Ponty- pool. e4?.98pl0 ENERAL Draperv and Mill;nery Business! well G-tat;lislietI, 'n thriving market town in central Wales, for Sale; no goodwill; purchaser to take stc?ci by nluation ip to t'00 and fittings at C20; rent £2:; per annum; lease if required.-Apply G 80, Eyeuing Express, Cardiff. e4851p9 OLD-Established St'Üionery. Fanc', and Pi?tT?i?: 0Business; in best part of Cardiff; good connection; no goodwill; stock and fixtures at nlu¡(liol1-H 5, Evenirg Express, Ctrdiff. e4914pll TEMPERANCE Tavernand Grocery Business Com- Tivitic?l tc, Let, Unfurnished; rent £ 38; careful tenants required: applicants must be total abstainers.— Apply Secretary, Lydstep Haven, Penally, Pembroke- shire. e:i3plO OFFICES. OFFICES, first floor, front, to 3Rt In Western M??il Ö J<t:;r:I;-ta1- 1I:tWg Appi" Mr. E H, C'rdter. Western Mail. Cardiff. e34 TC? Let. Ofhc?,-? in Western Mail Chambers, ?2, Hlgh- rrOtt. O;lt,r.\ camC:;i iiànge: On premises. e5779 TO Let, Western Mail Chimbers, rdiff, No. 20; single TIO?:' lift; electric Jjght.-Apply Mr. E. H. Crafter. Western Mail, Cardiff. 1140 80, Queen-street.—Rooms to Let; suit dentist or tor offices.—Apply Stevens, uliove. e496 P12 HAKNES-, &c. ALL Ready.—Trollies, Spring Tips. Hauling Carts, ACt-,nk Carts (all sizes); cheap to clear; room Wa¡1teri,Y. Davies, Junction Works, Caerleon-road, e'.q){JTt.. e800p9 CASH Bargaim.-15 Up-to-date Light Ralli Cars, all sizes, with and without rubber tyres. Several Governess Cars.—Avcrys, Coachbuildors, Newport. epl3 FOR Saie, very light four-wheeled Covered Van; in perfect condition; suitable for laundry work, &e. cheap.—Honer, Cadoxton, Barry. 1J4158p8 FiRsT-Class Set Single Brown Harness (late property FM.rgaii, Ne,-Ior,); excellent condition; 1¡jt 15,-15 hands; £ 5.—Thomas, 19, Sl.aftesbury-strert, Newport. e4983pl2 HIGH-Ciass Ladies' and Gent's Saddles.—Lady's Saddle by Champion and Wilton; medium size; good condition; £ 4 10s. Lady's Saddle, by Blyth. London; good condition; £ 2. Two Gent's Saddles, by Sowter, London. £3 10s. each. Gent's Saddle, by Turk, C11rltcnham; £3 10s. These Gent's saddles were late pioperty Colonel Morgan. Newport.—E. Thomas, 19, *haftesbury-street, Newport. e4SE5pl2 MEDIUM Crank Cart, fitted with stron?, braise; msec4"' Pi:?zti? ;a;p:L, ¡'l builders, Penhill-roal. Cardiff. e4309p9 TWO Second-hand Carts; in -cod condlti su¡ Tal, le for pleasnrp or business.-Lewis. Clare-tr"t and Tudor-lane, Cardiff. e3600 BICYCLES, TRICYCLES, &c. A Postcard ;?, all it will cost you 10 obtain my new A ftj[j iald:u:ir cstOf'°oY beam, New Hudson, Swift, Royal Enfield, Singer, Humber, or Star Cycles. These give fullest particulars of all the latest in Speed, GeJHS, Coaster Hubs, &c. Writc to-day and you will receive it per return.— Robert Eevan, Castle-street, Oirdiff. I Have a few Shop-soiled 1903 Models to clear at greatly rediced prices. Many of these are fitted with 1909 tyres and are real bargains at the prices offered, ranging from £3 19s. 6d. to £12.-RolJert Be,-a, Castle-street, Cardiff. T^roW'S the time to end in youto be thorou¡yhh' cIeanod and overhauled, bearings iu- spected, brakes, chain, &c., adjtlf?te d,()t?Ier minor matters put right, or to have it re-enamelled and re- plated, or, brought up-to-date by having a 3-speed gear fitt?d. On reCBipt of ¡:card I w;;l ".z?d for ou.r cycle, have it examined, and £ ive you a written quotation before commencing the (i.rk.-Robert Bevan, Caetle-street, CardilI. A large num0e7 of reallv good Second-hand Cycles, A in splendid condition, "from 30s. Particulars on receipt of postcard or inspection invited.-rt Bevan, Castle-street, Cardiff. e4&32 DISPOSAL, Dursle'-Pedersen Diamond Roval 3- D?p??ed Cycle; Dunlop tTes. duplex tubin, plating, 11 d enamel: not soiled; good gas lamp, tools, &e. what offers?—S^R., Express, Newport. e26pl0_ FOR Disposal, Gent's Free-wheel C"c1;;¡¡:-0Ód con- -JL2 dition: complete. Pair of Tweed Riding Breeches; strapped; 33 waist, 14i calf; as new; cost 35s.; or Exchange for Bull Pup of good strain.-H 15, Express, ICardiff. e4928p8 TANDEM Bicycle required-in good condition T,qtlte make and price, G 52, Evening Express. Car- diff. e4780p8 FURNITURE. G XVING up Housekeeping.—Very hanosome ,)i ? i i ?g rcpom-S"ite foT ?, k, cIle'll. and other Furniture. -11, Sneyd-street, Cathedra!cad. ,12pl2 GOOD, Second,hand Kitchen Dre?Ir for Sale; j Gcl?ea.p.-Apply 38, Tewkesburv-plac e4992p9 SECOND-Hand Dressing Chest or Toilet Pair S wanted: fair ondltJo-tate ?%.?d particulrs. and lowest cash price, H 33, Evening Expres, Crdi1I. e4973p9 FURNITURE Buying is a pleasure at Harris's FurnT- 1 ture Saie. in the Market-hall, NewpDrt. Five thousand poi?ndg' worth of up-to-date Furniture, Pirlos' Organs. &c. Every customer participates in our profit-sharing scheme. Brides-elect and those parties furnishing should not miss thi", golden opportunity. Goods bought during the sale stored free till Easier. Train fare \Jowpd to I)Uvcrs.-Fj:"rig Furniture '] Depot, in the Market-hall, Newport. Caiition no connection with ay other address. Come through j Market Arcade, facmg station (by Fennel's), Harrb's i< onlY a minute's walk. e307D WANTED, for rash, Antioue and Modern Furniture. i't' Plated ,(,?lS, China, Pictures, &c.: clitancp no object.—Winstone, 9 to 13, Wyndham Arcade, Cardiff. ?4795p9 1- DOMFSTIC APTICLFS j FOR Sale, very cheap, .Black Mil-œrt; in splendid rendition: a liargain.—Apply, at once, H 49, Even- ing Express, Cardiff. e25pl0 MAIL-Cart forSaJe; fa wn; bargain.—75, Bangor- M?,493op3 SHOP FITTINGS CROSS Brothers" scale Department.—Krery class of Scales kept in etock; repairs promptly dene at low prices, send for illustrated list, free,ros Brothers, The Cardiff Ironmongers, 3 and 4. fit Mary-street. ROPS Bros' (i:td., afe Department! !.arge «tock various makes. Gnf!ltbe'9 18 x 13 x 12, 48m. &a.; 120 x 14 x 13, 55s Perry 8, 22 x 15 x 14, 85& 24 X ¡1 x 16, 90s. Mflner's, ?5 x 19 x 19. 105! 25 x 19 x 13, two drawers, 1218.-FuI1 liiuatrated lists on application JEWELLERY FOR SAL^. j Art (1()mn Brooches7~Pinsi Sloeve Links to Sell Retail 4d. to Is. each; about £1(1 worth; unsuitable for owner's business; catchy » lines for fancy dealer; will accept low clearance price. -Preston, Tobacconist, King's Heath. e4943p8 JAMES Keir (10 years with Mr. Spiridion) puts Wrong Watches Ri?rbt. The Best and Cheapest hop in C-r- diff for Repairs to Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery of everv description (English or foreign). Musical Bo, Cq Cleaned and Repaired promptly.—Note address-3e, Castle Arcade third shop from Castle-street). LADY wishes to sell, privately, Gold Watch f "nearlv new; good timekeeper; no dealers.—Apply F 26, Evening Expre, Cardiff. e22 Ee22 MOTORS, MO rOR CYCLES JJ B JQ 10 K s- DR DIONB. The WORLD'S FAMOUS C.R. MADE IN 8 MODELS. CHASSIS Price from Zls7 a O. Write for Owners' Experiences. „ „ Cost of Motoring. „ „ Catalogue. Post Free. Bote Agents:—AYLIFFE and SONS. CARDIFF and NEWPORT. Telegrams, Ayliffe, Caxdiff. Nat. Telephone, 832. «3714 F OR Sale. Pex Motor-cycle; 6-ii.p.; good order. Alsi FOef,'lec/lul¿f;diP'n;? 35s.—AppJy Birt, 122, Qileen-street, Cardiff. e4978p9 IRE, Hire, Hire.—Dalmler28-h.p. (-ar; Landau- lette or ?p-?, body; first-class turnout; expert drivers; town or country work; day or night; mode- rate charges.—Nat. Tel. 3719, or write for trm, Rich, 103, City-road, Cardiff. e4676p6 I Have secured the Agency for1909 fort he following Motor Cycles: Triumphs, Premiers, Humbers, L.M.C., Minerva, Roe, Wolf, and Motor Reves. On receipt of postcard I will mail you catalogue of either of these, giving fullest specification and price.—Robert Bevan, Castle-street, Cardiff. PICajiON 5, POULTRY, &c. B~ UFF Orpington Eggs, guaTanteed from tlHrfoIlow- Bing (this se.ason s) winners: 1st and 3rd Ponty- pridd, 1st Maesteg, 1st Troedyrhiw, 2nd and 3rd, Llandilo, 3rd Wellington, 3rd Cardiff, ope;, classes; 7s. 6d. and 5s. per sitting; unfertile replaced.— H. Madeley, Rose Cottuge, Conybeare-road, Canton. Car- diff. e20p9 BUFF Orpington NO. 1, l?O?. r?d. per Bdozen, headed by fir"t amd special, Merthyr; pen o. 2, 5s. 6d. per dozen.—F. Bradley, 12, Cilhaul- terrace, Mountain Ash. e4984p9 CHAMPION Pen Blac Minorcas—two Champion c 1907 H?ns(great winne?), two Grand PulJets (Llanelly winner), and Cockerel from Tootill; cheap; £ 2 10s.—T. C Jones, Troedyrhiw. lOpl2 TURKEYS.—A few large, English Tnrkeys. Cock Tand Hens, for Sale.—Ingram, 22, PenYl1eel-¡ oad, Ca?,I.n, C3rd I tf. e4?37p9 FIVE Pure Buff Orpington 1908 Pullets, 12s €d.; FFertil, Egg« from b;.I? crossed far laying, 2?. dozen, carriage paid.-I- Valli,wa}, From: cPŠ GOLDFINCHES, Linnets, Larks, superb Rol rs.Nor- G, i,h, Y,,rk,r,?. Parot-, 4-ocliatoo. M;' ,,o 'f; p '.t Monkeys (t?me?, Marmosets.—Call or write, Ormond, Taxidermist, Wyndham-arcade, Cardiff. e456!pll SPLENDID large Geese for breeding; 2 Geese and Gander, 15s.; 2 Ducks and Drake. 7s. 6d. Also splendid large young Laying Fowls.—Ingram, 22, Peny- peel-road, Canton, Cardiff. e4S38p9 SIX Tremendous Laying Pullets, 13s. 6d.; cash returned if unsatisfactory; Cockerels,3& Game Cockerels, 68.; 13,000 testimoaiais,—J. B. Bennett, Christchuxch-stxeeit, Frame. | HORSES. LIVE STOCK, &c. A Good Bargain (Greengrocers, Others)—Smart, I thick-set Coh; 14 hands: 7 >-ear: quiet for boy to drive. Brand new Flat Cart. Brass-mounted Harness. Lot, £ 10; trial given.—77, George-street. Newport. el)9 BARGAIN.—Pure-bred YOrK5hire Terrier Pup; the best of blue blood; splendid black and tan: good coat; about lib. weight; sired by one of the best dogs living, And wick Victor"; can be seen, also pedigree.—4, raham-street. Merthyr, after 5 p.m. ep9 BARGAIN.—Hauliers, Coal Merchants.—Six Cart and Cob Horses; from E5 to £O; warranted staunch workers: trial given their hauling carts and harness, cheap.—Fitzgibbon, Haulier, 2, Walker-road, Splott, Cardiff. e4855p9 FOR Sale, Pure-bred Pedigree Welsh TeTrir; 7 Fmolltlis' old.-Mrs. M?atts, St. Hilary, Cowbridge. eq¡9 FOR Sale, Scotch Collie Pup; 5 months; good breed. F-Appli. 29, Newport-road, Cardiff. e4926p8 FOR Sale, Two Brindle Bull Bitches: grand ped" Fgr,e,: seen any time after five p.m.-Apply 80, Marion-street, Splotlands, Cardiff. e4979p9 VERY smart Bay Horse fcr Sale: 5 YMrS' old; 16 hands: so und: pass all traffic.—Apply Lawrence, 12, Commercial-street, Newport. Mon. e4917pll w AN-TED, Fox-terrier Pup Dog; must be cheap.— H 39, Express, Cardiff. e4995p9 2 White Pedigree Pomeranian Puppies; male and 2 female: 2 months oid; toy-bred: will make win- ners: cheap to clear; no reasonable offer refused.— Jefferies, 78, Ccrporation-road, Grangetown, Cardiff. ep8 SPORT!NG GUNS.—See my windows if convenient, otherwise G fi;- :PI':idl;9 off Ge¡: R: Air Guns, .tc.-Robert Bevan. Castle-street, Cardiff. e&692 Ml SCELLANEOUS ASTROLOGY.—Write to the Vints. They describe ANiarria-,e Partner, 2nd send Written Chart, of Your Life for] °. Directions: Take an impression of your right thumb by rubbing ink or stove blackl?d over it and press over it and pres' ,n pof white paper; send this with birth date and T??stal order for Is. Replies sent in sealed envelopes.-Send to Mr. Vint, Malt and Hops Motel, St. James'-parade, Bath. e4793p9 ASTROLOGY. Description Future Hiisband or A sJ.:{;; p¡;tifite Fotua;af 6d, Wife, Events, Is. 6d. Five Years, 3:" 60. Life Chart, 7s. 6d.—Sex, birth time, Prof. Morris, Weston- super-Mare, Som. e4R50p9 B- ARGAIXS.—Fish, Fruit, Shopkeeper's new Truck; Bri 10; cost £4, -New Builder's Truck; El 10s.; cost £4. n11.1s1, s.el!.—G. Morris, Iron Merchant, Leck- with-road, Canton. e4239p3 B-' I,I.Vi) Laths (venetian)7 15s. 3d. per 1.000ft.: list, to blind mafers only Oil application. -Also to Builders—Buy English Doors, Mouldings, and Joinery: compete with foreign; send for list. Also Timber of all description.—Jennings and Co., 404, Fenny well-road, Bristol. e32 Bri )I-BÖ,DIX-Gat .JODes:11arton-str¡Ól3i:- B Wedo"ng and Visiting Cards; '?est quality; lowest prices. (9pll DAX Richards, Gentlemen's. Outfitter, 15, St. Mary- sreet, Cardiff.—Sale now proceeding, previous to removal to large premises; see windows. "Snap the barIl3ins." Nat. Tel., 2020. Ccnts clearing, 32s. lid. e24p13 L ADTE?Madame, Indian Palmist, Phrenoloeist, *nd Psvchometrist.—15, Clare-street, Riverside, Cardiff. el53 Ii KRS:- GOrma-n-IS-Bridge:street7 32;-Carolin:,tref't. _a:J.. Cardiff Ladies' and Gentlemen" Wardrobe Dealer, Uniforms, Jewellery, Carpets, Furniture. &c.; established 1864. Nat. Tel., 2294. e4958pll S" WEETs, Chocolate*, and Toffies.—The cheapest h01se in the trace: I'?-?d for price-l'st. post f,,e.-T. Bar- ndt. Wholesale Warehouse, 24, Bristol-street, Birming- ham. el83 ATT,O RS Clotl,i,rs, established 30 years; owner retiring, or remain as sleeping partner: unique opportunity.—T. Jones, Outfitter, Paris House. Tonypandy. e"93 MlcCELLANEOUS WANTS WANTED. White Marble or Enamelled ]te wPi,c-k-: al Kerb to match: s?itable for dining-,room.-Write G 81, Express, Oirdiff. e4839p5 ■\TTAVrED, Jefferies' Anglo Concertina in Exchange TT for Orga.n Acordion and Treadle S.tnd; new; or Sell FS 15.-Approval, apply 15S, Court-street. Tony- pandy. Glam. e4990p9 MISCELLANEOUS SALES. OR Sale, Glover's Stick Bundling Machine; all Fc?ot?ipl?te; £ ;.—Apply 2, Teny-street. Moors. ep8 "ITVliR Sale, or Exchange for Laying Fowls, a Piano J- Harp, complete, in box, with Self-instructor; cost £ ? 2s.; quite new.—Apply Williams, 5, Thcrnwood, Treharris. e4991119 ol,l Sale, 40 Empty Tea C ests: cheap to prompt X- buyer.—Orixi Comp3lY, 6 and 7, St. John's- square, Cardiff e4918p8 TAMLfN'S 30 Eig1nlbator for ale; all ;on;PJete; Tche?ip; El 5>App_y 2, Tenby-strect, Mwrs, Car- diff. n e4S31p8 rfX) sugarboilers.—For Sale, about 60'b. 11it JL BuUer; clean; 7d. per lb.-H 36, Evening Exprs, C?re,'ff. 'n_n e6p9 WOODEN C'lothe het for Sale; could be adapted wto tool chest, siz9 inside, 2ft. 9in. x 1ft. 4in. x lft. 4in.; brass lever lock and strong handlpo.- Apply, in writing, Edwards, 12, Violet-row, Roath, Cardiff. e4789 p8 ACCOUNT Books.—Ledger, 6sh Bok. ,d' Ac,,i?l,lete t; five quires superior paper in each; red. rough, of buff binding; 155. the ;pt, car, paid.-The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. TLAS of the World's Commerce, edited by J. G. Bartholomew, F.R.S.E. a new work of remark- able value. Price 21s., carriage paid.—The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. COPYÚ'GPTesses; "Lion" brand; 21f.. 30s., 40s., 45s. Stands 12s-. 14s.—Prices ,nd p,,rtic,ila?? on application, The Stationery Stores, Western Mail BUildings, Cardiff. COPYING Letter Books.—Special value; 1,000 pages, j -bound basi!, 3s. 6d., pqst free.—The Stationery Stores, IVester; :Ma\3_dgs, Cardiff. C_ ARD Index Systems; particulars and catalogues Oil application.—The StatlOllery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. COPYIN'G Letter Eooks, the Peno Typ," best cthiii tough white copying paper, suitable for OTe- or hand written letters; strongly bound; 500 pages, 4s. 6d 1,000 pages. 6s. 6d.—The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. DAMA* GED Barley, about three tons, qnft. Dtcii on rails.-o. F 39, Evening Express, Cardiff. illOO ll)l?711 D?pe?-Tl,e Premier Box. containing six dozen aSS<Htcd; useful sizes 6d.. postage 2d. 72 Oval Lace Dish Papers; assorted sizes; Is., postage 2d.—The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Ca:-diJT. TT'VENINO Express" DF?-k: compact, useful, and H i excellent value; holds full-size blot ting-shee,t 2; carriage 6d.-The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. FIFTY Japanese Serviettes; assorted designs; very artistic; price Is., po5talle Z(I. extra.— The Stationery ,Stores, Western MaU Buildings, Cardiff. FORD'S Blotting Paper; in packets containing 18 Fsl,t,: Sd.; posta@ lid.—The Stationery Stores, Western ail Buildings, C-kd'IT. FOR Sale, two Heason's Incubators, to hold 200 and Floo' eggs; in perfe<t condItIOn; sell at h,df original cost.—Hawthorn Inn, Treforest. e.4S41p5 GARDENING ~for the Masses: By a Practical G Gardener. A Gardening Book, containing all the information required for Amateur Gardeners. Price 6d., bound in cloth Is" postage lid.-The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. GUINEA Ledger.—720 pages best quality Accyuilt- G'ook Paper, full rough basil, extra binding" indexed and lettered, carriage paid; also Cash-books or Day-books W match, same price.-The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. LAW for the a?ct?i?al ha wyer, con- L';n l t;lllrlti/\ VY::di purposes. No home should be WiPlOut this bock. Price ls., bound in cloth Is. f.d., postage 3d.—The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. MOURNING Cards, Choice Designs—We will send a sample book any distance, carriage paid.-The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. MEDICINE for the Million: By a Family Physician. .I.. A Medical Book, containing all the information required for ordinary purposes. Price Is., bound in cloth 1. 6d., postage 3d.—The Stationery Stores, Westerfi Mail Buildings, Cardiff. NOTEPAPER.One pound uperior quality Note- paper, Albert or (rdinary size, printed address, with 100 envelopes to match; three shillings, post free. —The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Bu??ldi,lp, Cardiff. ¡. O-NOTO Self-filling Mountain Pens, from los. 6d., post free.—The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. PLAYING Cards, Goodall's or American makes, Is., Is. Bd., 2s. 6d. per pack; reductions for half- dozens.—The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff PAPER Fasteners, beg* zrass, round heads; 2 gross in box, assorted sizes: one shilling, uost free.— The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. PILLOW Doyleys.—14 dozen, assorted In box, beaut ifui lace edges, 8id., postage 1 id,—The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. OWAN-77" Fountain Pens, from 10s. 6d. to 42s., post free; write for price-list.—The Stationery Stores, Western :\fai! buildings, Cardiff. TYPEWRITING Ribbons, all colours, ;1: macbjnr: bet. quality: 2s. 6d.. post free.—The Slat IOI1"ry Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. THE Western Mail" Quill, a soft, metal adaptable to any hand; 2s. 6d. per gross. post free.—The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. THE Express Pen; soft, flexible steel, medium Tpoilit: a first?Ia-? businms pen; one shilling per gross, post free.—The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. THE "Cardiff" Pen; superior quality shoulderpen; T,,i,,itabl, for chool or office: one shilling per gro,?- post free.—The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. _HU, THE Empress Stylo Pen; a splendid pen, and very Trelia,ble? Is. 9d. post fT(.-The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. THE Mail Pen, a ?plen4idly-selected, popular Tp?'ttern, fine point; one shilling per fir', post free.—The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. W AVERLEY Fodntain Pen, fitted with solid gold Waverley nib in fine, medium, or broad points; an elegant pen, supplying a long-felt want; 10s. 6d., post free.—The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. W"R;; Fountain Pens; from 10s. 6d. to 30s.; post free; write I or illustrated price-list.—The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. W RITI.NG-Ca?e in Frencl? Nior-co; with leather r,- flap, lock amd key, compartments for paper, envelopes, stamps, and blotting-paid; a very useful 's'5Sa, fl.iti;r/ SZs, u tern Ma il Buildings, Cardiff. WRITING-Cuse in Roan Leather; 9x6; with pockets for notepaper. envelope, post-cards, and stamps, gussetted, blotting-pad: compact, strong, and Is. 6d. post free.—The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. WEDDING Cards, latest Designs.—We will -end Wle Ga;'k esiS';rag:U& The Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Car- diff. WHIST and Bridge Markers, Scoring Cards, and Badges.-Frh designs at the Stationery Stores, Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. £1,000 Insurance Note Books; back loop, with pencil; 6d., 00., Is.; postage Id.—The Stationery ores, 6d., 9Mda., il Buildings, Cardiff. r | ADVT. COUPON. | < i CUT THIS OUT. j I Any person cutting oat this j I Coupon and sending it, aeeom- ) > panied by THREE PENNY or Six ( Halfpenny Stamps for registry- ( ( tion, will be entitled to insert S Three Times in the" Evening Ex- ) ) press," free of charge, a Small Advertisment not exceeding 30 c < Words, of the ralne of Is. 2d. < N.B.-This offer does not apply ( to Business Advertisements. IQ MONEY TO LEND. CHARING CROSS BANK, ESTD. 1870 CARDIFF BRANCH: 73, ?T MARY-TREET. Head Onioe?: 28. Bedford-street, Charing Cros, London, and !9. BishopRate-stt, Within, London, E.C. Branches: Ma?hester. Hverpoot, Leed, Bri?dford &A Aaset? zEI,607.949 k;i: fm:! wurplus .?. ?371079 LOANS of fM to ?2,000 ?TMted at a few houml not ice, in town or country, on personal uritv jewellery, precious stones, stocks, shares, and furniture without removal. Stocks and Shares bought and sold. 2 per cent. allowed on current account balanoe:- Deposits of E10 and upwards received as under:- Subject to 3 months' notice cf withdrawal, 5 p.c. pekr an. ? >. 6 .„ ? •• ?' Special terms for longer periods. Interest paid quar- terly. Owing to the nature of our investments we are able to pay rates or interest on deposits that will com- pare favourably with dividends paid on almoin any Class of stock or shareholding insuring the saffbtv of capital. We have been established for 39 vears, and our position in the banking world to-day testifies to thesuccess of ou. business methods and to the satis- faction of T our customers.-Write or call for prospectus. A. WILLIAMS -ind H. J TALL. Joint Managers. THE Od-es.taMished Provinl Union B&nk continues Tto Lend immense Sums Daily, from £ 10 to £ 1,000, O1 Note of Hand Alone or other security. Xo office inquiry charges whatever. Moderate interest. EalIv instalments. Spe ci al ratesfor short periods. Largest and most honourably conducted business in the King- dom. Thousands of our regular customers have expressed their entire satisfaction in repeated tram- actions with us. A gentleman from Bank will wait upon you at one-* with cash. Call or write (in confidence) to- MANAGER. STANLEY DOWDING, 1, QCEEN-SQUAKE. BRISTOL. P5520 gORROWER'S 0 w N°TE. BY POST. E2, £ 3, £ 5. £10, f;20, £50. Repay by P.O. from Is. Weekly. Enclose addressed Envelope. MR. TREDWAY, ST. ALBANS, HERTS. e232 I T H O U T A KY g EC UE 1 T TT LOANS £ s TO £ 5.000 GRANTED. Easy Re-payments, Moderate Interest, Strictest Privacy. Write or call- e92 J. L. STONE. 102, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. CASH ADVANCES. £ 10 to £ 1.000. ON NOTE OF HAND ALONE Write or call- J. LAWREXCE, 1, rembroke-terrece, Cardiff el37 20 TO £ 5 CC0 ADVANCED £ 2 0 '1' 0 £ 5 0 C 0 A D V A. C F.. D By Private Lender on Simple Promissory Notes Xo Bill, 01 Sale Taken, and Absolute Privac- gruarantoed. First letter of application receive. prompt attentions and intending borrowers an waited upon by a representative, who is empoweret to complete transactions on terms mutually arranged NO CHARGE being made unless business actually completed. Special Quotations for Short Leans. Write, in confidence. to c. WELLS 16. CLARE-STREET. BRISTOL. y00 CAX BORROW Direct from the Actual Lender- Mr. PHILIP MORRIS. 80, TAFF-STBEET, JpONTYPETDD. Jr Manager of The South Wales Loan and Finance Co., ANY SUM FROM L5 to £ 1,000, Upon Your Own Promissory Not. and Pe-pay to Suit Your Circumstances. Strict Privacy Guaranteed. Call or write. i- confidence, to— PHILIP MOERIS, at the Above Address, Or to 27, Edward-terrace, Cardiff (private houseV Applications from all parts receive prompt attention. e233 10 to C5,000 Lent at Short Notioe. irrespective of distance to All Classes of Householders, on Per sonal Note of Hand or Other Security. Reasonable charces. Re-nav nent arranged to -?lit borrower' con. "enient'p Advances also made on Second Mortgages. Information readily given.—Applv— FnLDIG HAYES BUILDINGS. CARDIFF. e Nat. Tel. 467 Telegraphic Address, Atlas," Cardiff. £2 T 0 ^20 ~L °A *s • EQUITABLE ADYACE CO., EXCHANGE CHAMBERS, 1. EDWARD-TERRACE (QUEEN-STREET END), CARDIFF. NO FEES FORMS FREE. Call or write for particulars to— MANAGER. 1. EDWARD-TERR. CE CQueen-street End), CARDIFF. Tel. Xo, 01399. e225 THE CITY OF CARDIFF MONEY SOCIETY. (Registered Friendly Society). [ NEARLY ONE THOUSAND SHAREHOLDERS CAR- DIFF ALONE. AMOUNTING TO £ 21.550. Applications now invited for £ 1,500 from persons requiring cash, £ 10 £20. E50. £100, £200. Weekly re-pavments Is 2d per EIO share. For small amount* Two Sureties accepted. Hou-*eholders. Tradesmen, and lothers find this Socit, most valuable. Cash ?d?anced on Prop<,rtv, Life Policies, and other Securities. F1111 particulars free A. E. GTBBON. Permanent Secretary, Registered Offices. 134, Queen-street, Cardiff. FARM AND GARDEN CABBAGE Plants', ear.y Offenham, at 3s. 3d. per 1.000; cash with order.—Apply W. Hazledlne, Maindiff Farm. Abergavenny. e244 A PLY CHICKENS PAY BEST! T6mllD', m"District Age-" for Tamlin's famous Incubators. Price-list and full particulars on application. VAPORTTE for the Destruction of Wireworms, Grnl"" Leather- Jackets. Beetles. Ants. Slugs, and all Garden Pests. Dig into the soil now. 561b. 7s. I;n., 112' Us. Id,1 71b. tampla tins o., 2RIb. sample tins 4iI 6d. JOHN HIBBERT AND SONS, The Agricultural House. 10 and 11, CASTLE-STREET, CARDTFT. A6172 ;A"tiP:NTNG-tor the Masses."—A ?rdnttnt G Handbook containing all the (Bformatlm required for Amateur Gardeners: nrioe sixpence: bounu ir. cloth one shilling extra; bv post ljd. extn. stationorv Stores. Wootprn Mull "M''I't. r"lfr eJr* INCUT* \TORS. Foster Mothers. Poultry Appliances, nd Foods of every descrintion. Garden and Farm Seeds; selected stocks. Catalogue on application. NOAH RTCES AND SONS, CARDIFF. e234 WANTED, about ^O Acres of Freehold Land, out- skirts of Cardiff, Thornhill or elsewhere.—Full particulars to Robertson and Willmott, Working-street, Cardiff. C1293. MEDICAL REMEDIES. ARTIFICIAI, Lees, light weirht, strong, comfort- able; Hands or Part Hands, Hook Arms, Crutches, L,, Irom. Spinal Apparatus. L"<1i. Belts. Trusses. Dcmen nølt roroet. Elastic Stockiners, &c.; Makers of Steelless Easifit Truss: list free. Lady attendant. Estd. 1838.—Alien Pearce, 23. Cliarles-street, Cardiff. Nat. Tel.. 1232. e227 — TMTITCHELL'S Rheumatic PillsT Id. Post free- J cured thousands. Herbalist Herbs, in packet, 6d.; cure yourself of all complaints; advice free of charge; Massage Treatment and Magnetic Healer.—16. Wynd. ham-arcade, Cardiff. e4S82pI2 SEND stamped envelope for -Ad.tee-to){Waton: ? Hp'-hai Specialist. 110. York-ro?d Brff?ot. 0" TRIMNELL'S Pills and Powders have Cured TTh?i,?ands. Why not vou? S? that you get 1819" on everv labL-L-T*ri maell. The Herbalist, 144, Richmond-road, Cardiff. Agents wall"tPd. d499 TO f^event td ::It:; -JIr?;tf: T1979 on every label and wwpper of Trimnell's preparation*, without whlh ,one are geoutn&-Trim- pell. The Herbalist. 144. Richmond-road. Cardiff -14qo 6" 4-PAGE BOOK ABOUT I1WRP<?AND HOW TO 6USE THEM. ro!? free: !?nd for one. TRIMNELL. 'n"' Herbalist, 144. Richmond-road, Cardiff. Estahllshod 1»79. PT.RARE VOTE THE ADDWrCfl. *3499 WAGONS & COLLIERY R'-OUI!cITIE SALE-strong Miller's Wagon; excellent condition cheap to immediate purchaser.—Marsh and Son Abergavenny e4949pll 5-Ton SteanT "Motor Tipping Wagon; also 4-ton Fle- Platform for Sale: cheap for cash.—Address H 1& Evening Express, Cardiff. e4944r-ll COAL, &c.  on delivery prtœs.-tove Large 17s. CASH on delivery prices.—Stove Coal 15s., B?t Largi ? Red Ash Large 19&, Best Nuts 2as., Best L&r?) 21s.. 22s., and 236.. Cobbles 22s.—Shields Bros.. CrwJ\ Coal Yard. R.R.. Cathays. Cardiff N.T. 4282. el60 VERY" Finest Hand-picked House Coal: delivered anywhere in Cardiff: 21s. 6<1.: trial ensures con- tinued plltronage.-Mptropolitan House Coal Company. 13, Duke-street Cardiff. e4907pl0 BUILDING MATERIAL TV" ANTES and Havle Sands; Bideford Gmrel 1.? Cementing ?nd Skimminp Pmd?: Prion ?nd samples on application.—Barry Sand and Gravel Com- pany (Limited), Barry. MACmNERY. TOOLS, &c.  -Ton Portable Crane, Mortar MtHe.S? A Benches, Band Saw.—Atlantic Works, Newport. e4662p6 1-li.p. Crosslev'6 Horizontal lias Engine"! Sale, fittings complete; 12ft. Shafting, Foui slides, Pulleys, Straps, &c.; lot L12.-Eddington, High-street Thombury, Gloacegtershire. e4S49p9 OTOCKPORT Ga.6 Engine B-12 h.p.; Driving Mortai O Mill; everything as running; Bacillioe £ 20.—Beame» l Builder, Violet-row, Boath. HSMpS