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DOCTOR AND SERGEANT PECULIAR ASSAULT CASE AGAINST A FATHER. £ 1 case of an alleged assault upon a police sergeant was heard at the Swansea Police Court on Wednesday, when Thomas Locke, aged (57, a labourer, of Sketty, was charged on remand with assaulting Sergeant Thomas, of Sketty. The case was called on, but Locke said that Mr. Hinds, his solicitor, had not yet arrived. Other cases werp dealt with, and Mr. Hind not having then arrived, the case wns immediately proceeded with. Sergeant Thomas, ketty. said that on •Tuesday night, December 8th, Dr. Perkins Willed at the station, and asked him to rotne to Locke's house in Harris-street, Sketty. to protect him. They both went to the house, and witness stopped outside whilst Dr. Perkins knocked at the door. Afrs. Locke answered the door, and witness saw Mr. Locke on the stairs. The latter shouted out a threat to the doctor who called upon witness to come in. Serjeant Thomas went in and told Locke that the doctor had come to see his son. who was ill. and so asked him to be quiet. Locke hit at the sergeant, who found it necessary to put him in the middle room. There Locke behaved like a madman," and kept trying to strike the witness The doctor was officially visiting the son, who had scarlet ft=ver., Locke's conduct was so violent ,that the sergeant had te hold him down on the floor, where he kicked witness on the face. He became quiet after a short titne, and the officer released his hold only to receive a bad bite on his forefinger, so that the nail rose up. Locke was then handcuffed, and with the assistance of nnother police officer was taken to the Pkefty Police Statioa Locke: Didn't I say to you, What do fou want in my house -w.-lin ? —No. Didn't you fly at my thrrmtiíike a mad- man r—No. Cod hies,? my soul, sir. My throat has I been seen by gentlemen." P.C. William Wafirms said he was attracted by a number of worpen outside fhe house. TTo went in. The sergeant was holding down Locke, who was shout- ing threats at the top of his voice. In his defence Lockej said that he came I home to find his wife very troubled P-i to the son being in a very high feverish condition. The doctor had been sent for. but did not arrive. After waiting for a long time, he went to the doctor's honse. where they were very im- pertinent to him. They said that the doctor was eneaged. and would come when it suited him. He went to another doctor, who came to the house. Some time afterwards. Dr. Perkins came and said to his wife, U I want to see Locke." I went to the top of the stairs," said Locke, "and I said. Mister, please come inside, sir He came inside, and before Lockp could say anything. Sergeant Thomas camo through the door. Locke eaid. What do you want." The ser- geant muttered something, and Locke raid, You leave my house." The sergeant then went for him. and assaulted him. Locke called his wife. who corroborated, and then Dr. Perkins. who had just arrived, was called. The Bench, after consideration, dis- missed the case. Locke, after the decision was announced, started to say something, but the chairman told him that he had better be quiet and not say too much. He was extremely lucky in getting off. as they had a special reason for dismissing the case. the case.


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i What the War has Cost.
