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SICHT TESTING AtUJ SPECTACLE. VOÛ are cordially invited tc, call upon ✓ i. MR. EEI0 P.EES, F.B-.3LS., etc.. Zii, Castle-street, Swansea. Consultation Free. 'Phone Central 520. d.b. COOKS, KITCHENMAIOS, Etc. Todd Kitchepmaid Wanted.—Apply <Js- borne Hotel, Mumbles. «13n2-8 E ELI ABLE Woman] for Kitchen, Cooking. JL\! little washing: a -e 30-40; Nur-e and Housemaid kept.—Apply 58, St. Helen's-road, Swansea. 462c2-S WANTED, experienced Kitchenmaid. » —Apply Groevenor Hotel, College-Street, Swansea. 568e2-j 'V^'AJfTED, experienced. Cook; good wages giYen.Apply, with references, to John H. jlay. Osborne Hotel, Mumbles. 815n2-3 V^TiAN"TED, immediately, Cook-General; also Housemaid-General; no washing; small, grown up family: good wages; re- lerell-ce -rao-ui-rpd.- Apply, Mrs. Charlie ■ Evons, Newsagent, B-u i.-y-Mor-road, Swan- sea. 496e2-6 BARMAIDS, HOTEL SERVANTS, Etc. W A.'STEI). gcod Chanbermaxi, at once.— Apply Evans* Waverlcy llotel, Ci-ad.oc-k- s;ee*t, Swansea. oiat„- CENERALS. C.ILPABLE Servant Wanted, now, or in two V or three weeks time. Liberal hours off. Lacy, 45, G'°.nbrydan-avenue, Uplands-, Swansea. 681e2-9 GENERAL Wanted, immediately; family four; reference and salary required.— Owens, Draper, Tonyrefail. 576e2-9 GENERAL. Wanted, at once, about 18: sleep out; must be honest, aud willing pi-eferable.-Apply 73.. Carmarthen-road, Swansea. 550e2-t! GUOD Generals Wanted.-Appiy Welford's f Registry Office, Eversley-road, Sketty. Registration fee- Is. Maids 6a. 552e2-8 G OOD General Maid Wanted; three in fam- T ily; Nurse kept—Apply .Mrs Austin Ba-ile", H'illsbrough, Eaton-crescent. Swan- sea. 569e2-5 GOOD General Servant Wanted, not under la: good wages to suitable person. — Apply Mrs. Shelton, :0, Park-road, Clydach- on-Tawe.. 782n?^3 1 G- OOD General Wanted, able to do plain cooking; miit have good reference; another girl kept.-Apply White Roeo Hotel, Swansea. 572e2-9 ANTED. General; gocd wage,. given; » good home 245, Oxford-street, Swan- sea. 553e2-4 w A-NTED, a good General Servajit. with • » references. -Apply 179, Hgh-street, fiiraowa. 515e2-8 VI'ANTED,. a good General, references re- » -I'lired.—Apply Rei Covr Inn, Carmav- then-road, Swansea. 471e2.6 W, at once, a good General Ser- vans, able to do plain cooking: three in family.—Apply Kird-in-Hand, Morriston. 814n2-8 WANTED,, immediately, strong General, Plai n Cocking; good outiugs: refer- ences.— Mrs. Stammers Alabaster, Cornhilt 'Villa. Swansea. ;55e2-8 w ANTED, ffood General Servant, with re- fererces; must be clean: ace about 25. Apply Delaney. Three Crowns Hotel, High- street, Swansea. 569e2-5 WANTED, immediately, thoroughly good General, able ,o wa 'sh, iron, and do plain cooking: references essential.—Apply between 6 and 7 p.m., Mrs. Haydn Evans. Ellesmere. Eversley-road, Sketty. 460e2-3 -———————— ———— YOUNG, CIRLS WANTED. TTTAXTED, at once, strong, willing Girl.— Apply Woolsack inn. Waterloo-street, S, -I neea.. 435e2- £ TVTjA^ITD, rcspectdblc Girl. to clean Den- » » tal Pooms. and make herself generally useful.—Apply Selinc's Dcnta! Rooms, High- ctreet. Swamea. 510e2-4 j DAY CIRLS. I DAY CIRLS. DAILY Girl" Wanted; must have been out before; two in family; good wages.— Apply 3, King Edward-road. Swansea. 512-8 I ~V\ £ ANTED, at once, a Day Girl, to wait on Invalid Lady and assist with honse- hold duties,-40, King Edward-road, Swansea. 385e!i-9 MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS. j CYCLE Assistant-.—W anted, clean, smart Vouth, help in front shop, immedi- ately, with references.—Pryce Trow, 250, Ox- ford-street, Swansea. 304n2-5 EXPERIENCED Window Cleaner; young JL< man used to quick despatch; wages £1 4s. to .£1 6b. permanent situation; references, —Apply Manager, Express Window-cleaning; Company, 50, Nevill-streei, IJanelly. 351e2-o GOOD Mail Wanted, for Milk Found. Apply Carmarthen United Dairies, Princess-street, Llanelly. 246e2^3 "VTAVVIES Wanted: good pay to good men: sub. daily.—Apply on works, Llangyfel- ach to Clasemont Watermain. 461e2-6 \\TANTED, a Young Man, to Deliver Min- » eral Water.—Apply Bowen's Sarso. Works, -torristen. ■ 784n2-3 W ANTED, a reliable Man, to look after 1 and drive one Horse.-Apply Jenkins and Co.. Ironmongers, Swansea. 5€7e2-9 "l^ANTED, Pianist, colliery district; able to do light duties; references; salary. —Williams. Colliers' Arms, Nantyffyllon. 347e2-3 w ANTED, an efficient Doorman: teetotal- ler p-referred,—Apply Albert Gigg, Shoeing Smith, Plymouth-street, Swansea. 211»2■« WIANTED. at once. Youth, as Waiter- Marker, for nIghts and Sundays; good wages.-A.pply Steward, Salisbury Club, Bwansea. 50gel-8 W ANTED, six good, steady Men, for 1 Quarry. Work, and used to Drilling. Permanent job;-Apply Jonee, Penlan Quar- ries, Dunvant. Slon2-8 W .ANTED, a Fitter, having & knowledge of Gas Engines.—Apply, stating ex- perience, age, and wages required, to X.Y.Z.. "Daily Post," Swansea. 797n2-5 YY"r^NTED, five or r-ix Lads, about 14 to 16 yeaze, for Washery and Picking Belt; wages 2s. 6d. per day.—Apply Mr. Jones, Danycoed. Cadcaton, Neath .41462-11 "ANTI,iD, hoaeat and respectabl4 Char woman, for Washing and Cleaning; regular work, in Uplands district. Write Honest, "Daily Post," Swansea. 582e2-9 TTED. for the Dsnygraig and Dis- trict Male Voice Party, accompanist.— For particulars apply F. H. Pritcharc!, Secretary, 44, Jersey-terrace. Danygraig. Swansea. 566e2-9 X^"JANTED, immediately, two capable Power Engine Drivers; must be used to Maclaren and Bellis Engines,-Apply, with full particulars, and wages required, to Driver, "Daily Post." Swansea. 812112-8 "tirANTED, in Steel WorKs, energetic, push- ing an. to ;alto charge of Rolling- Mills producing sectional material, and get best results; must have had actual Mill practice on good modern lines.—Reply, stat- ing age, srlan- expected, and experience, to Iron, "Daily Post," Swansea. 798n2-5 OAS. WEEKLY.—Envelope Addressers re- quired fwork home). Enclose stamped envelope, own writing, Advertisement Co.. 43, Theobald's-road, London. 88"d3-15 ROYAL NAVY.—-Wanted, Engine Room Ar- tificers, Enigiiie Fitters, end Turn. ers. Boilermakers, Coppersmiths, Engine Smiths, Shipwrights, Cook's Mates, Sick Berth Attendants, Officers' Stewards, Carpenters, Coopers, Blacksmiths, Electrical Artiffoets. Armourers, Stokers, Seamen, and Boys age ISA4 years to 18. All the above ratings may be entered for period of hostilities only, in the Royal Navy up to 40 years of age. Men of the above trades also required for the Royal Naval Division. Royal Marines: Smart Yoting Men, age 17 to Z3 years, or for period of hostilities only, 19 to 30 years.—Apply Ad- miralty Recruiting Office, 133b, High-street. Swansea, or 5, Park-etreet, Cardiff. 730n2-20 ACENTS AND TRAVELLERS. ACTIVE, reliable Man, of good appearance and address, Wanted to solicit business for a first-class company. Liberal remunera- tron and good prospects to capable man.— Address Reliable Daiiy Post," Swansea. 577e2-9 AGENT required, to Canvas for Clothing ?- Club just commenced. Would suit In- surance Agent or some one already calling on a large number (f people.—Write West End, "Daily Post," Swansea. 450e2-5 A Man of good appearance and add:MS ?- Wanted to represent a fUst-class Com- pa.ny.. Good remuneration and prospects of early promotion to a capable man with good references. Write Promotion, Daily 1'p,t," Swansea. 577e2-9 MONEY-MAKING Work offered, (spare ll.. time?: particulars; al?o pocket rubber it-imp cf your name and address free. D. Richford. 9, Snow frill, London. 580e2-9 -,ANTED, a good I?dy Canvasser, Tea IV. Trade: exceptional term.?, to a good ''s passer.- Address B. B. Co., "Daily Post," Swansea. 466eH ivi AN ACE RS) CLERKS, Etc. ?LLRKS.—Wauted, expei'ieccod Cieiks, good shorthand writer and typist. — State full particulars. Ben Evans and Co., Ltd., Swansea. 7673d2-3 I ADY Typist Wanted, with knowledge of Book-keeping aud Ofiice experi-encle.- Address Box 114, "Daily Post," Swansea. 495e2-3 SOLICITOR'S Clerk Wauled, Shorthand and Typewriter. -Write, in own handwrit- ing, with experience, references, and salary required, to Box *'8, "Daily Post," Swansea. t; 335e2-3 TIT ANTED, by a leading Fire and Accident Insurance Company, a smart Junior, preferably one with one or two years' train- ing in law or accountancy office. State age, experience, and present salary, to Box 28S. "Daily Por-t," Swansea. 33Z2,3 SHOP ASSISTANTS. GROCERY Assistant, or good Junior Wanted; must have good references.— Apply, stating full purticuiaro in first let- I tor. to Ham, "Daily Post," Swansea, 421ef1 TAILORS, TAILORESSES, Etc. TX7"ANTED, good Machirier.—Apply Wil- liamc, Tailor, College Buildings, Swan- f ea. 800n2-5 APPRENTICES AND ASSISTANTS. MILLINERS.—Richard Lewis, High-street, Swansea, has a vacancy for an Appren- 1 lioe to the Millinery. 472e4-6 TTJ"ANTED, smart Boy as Apprentice to the Seed Trade; wages: 110 premium.— Apply A. Johnston, Seedsman, 27, Oxford- streei, Swansea. 520c2-8 A-NTED, an Electi-ical Apprentice, aged »» 15 to '8: premium required; wages given.—Write, in first instance, Premium, "Daily Post," Swansea. 807nt.c. OFFICE BOYS, tRRAND BOYS, Etc. LADS Wanted, for Machine Room.-Apply Watkins' Printing and Stationery Co., Rutland-street, Swansea. 453e2-5 L A-T) Wanted, Splendid opportunity to learn Motor Trade.—Apply W. F. Hur- den, Kensington-lane, opposite Tramway Depot, Swansea. 781n2-3 OFFICE Boy Wanted, in Solicitor's Office. —Apply, with particulars, to Legal, ?: 3 8e, 1- 8 "Daily Post," Swansea. 538e2-8 OFFICE Boy Wanted at once, for Mer- chant's OStce.—Apply in own handwrit- ing, to M. and Co.. "Daily Post," Swansea. 600e2-3 RESPECTABLE Boy Wanted; good wages.- Apply 29, Oxford-street, Swansea. 806n2-6 SHAVING SALOON.— Boy- Wanted, after School, at Benre'.t's, The Uplands. Swansea.—Apply at any time. 352e2-3 8MART Errand Lad Wanted, at once. Davies. Grocer, 21 Beraard street, 'p.iids. Swansea. 55-3e2-S iV ,kNT'P:D, a respectable Errand Bey, at ance.—Cardigan House, College-street. Swansea. 285e2-8 WANTED, Ofiice Boy. able to type.—Apply » David M. Thomas, Estate Agent, Hi: I land-street, Swansea. TTT.ANTED, respectaWr- Bo-?- for Wholesple E D, W?reb?nse.—Apply Kingov Trading Cambrian-place, Swansea. 3,3C3e4-6 ii w ,AN'I'ET), smart Message Boy; must » know the town wel1.-)Iaotttlews, Davies, und Howells, Aberdeen House, Swansea. 555e2- £ WANTED, two respectable Errand Boys; murat know the town well.—Apply • Thomas Lewis and Co., Oxford-street, Swan- sea. 474r;2-6 i ANTED, a smart Boy, just left- school, to assist on Miln Round, and make himself generally useful.—Apply W. Taylor, i Cradock-street, Swaneea. 539e2-3 "tTTAN'I'ED. a smart Boy, to Deliver Papers. and make himself generally useful; wages 5s. per week and wmmi"-iou.-Apply tFreedman. Ne-waagert. Csrmartheii-ro-vi, Swansea. 381e2-3 i .„ j ——————————-—————-——- ). BITUATIONS WANTED. A D.ERTISER. Young Man, industrious, conscientious, good business training, desires position in Office; good writer and i stenographer—Writ-■ Indnetriotis, "Daily Post," Swausea. 464e2-3 A ? Sewing Maid.- Young Girl, 19, wantz m'st "?uatiort, resiectable, well recom- mended, willing-to Ijelp with domestic dut- ies; fond oi childr(-n .-Apply, first instance, Mrs. John Jones, P-en-y-Bank House, Clydach, Swansea Valley. 394e2-4 CCREDIT DRAPERY.—Traveller, age 51 (married)-, ahortly disengaged, seeks re- engagement, good references.—Write Credit, "Daily Post," Swansea. 575e2-9 GliCC/ERY and ProTj¡;jon.Experienced, ?? f.U-round Kard desires situation. Wholesale or Retail. Well up all round, Inferences. Swansea or surrounding die, tvicti.-—Address Provisions, 19, Alice-street. < wmbwrla, Swansea. 780e2-9 I) EITNED Young Lady, age 22, seeks situa- Pt tion as Nurse to Children, or Compau, ion.—Write Box 286, "Daily Post," Swansea. 438e3-4 ri^ H. WILLISON, having just completed a T. four months' temporary engagement with the Borough Treasurer, wishes for similar employment. Accountant, Cashier, or position of trust. Moderate salary.-14.. Bryn-road, Swansea. 534e2-23 j YOuNG Man seeks Situation as Motor Cleaner: willing to learn to drive; sober.—Write Motor, "Daily Post," Swansea. 561e2-8 LICENSED HOUSES WANTED. I W ANTED, fully licensed Public House, to Rent or Manage; Swansea or district. Previous experience.—Write Druslyn, "Daily Post," Swansea. 390e2-3 W AN.RED, a Licensed Public House, to I Manage; Swansea or district. Pre- vious experience.—Write Superior, "Daily Post," Swansea. 5022-6 HOUSES WANTED. TAINTED, Modern House, before March » £ 5th, in Mount Pleasant, Uplands, or -,etty district.-Write Modern, "Daily Post," j Swansea. • 454e2-6 YYT;ANTED to Purchase, D<tb,ched six- roomed House, near Bethel Chapel, Uansamiet. -Write Speculator, "Daily Post," Ui-rh-street. Swansea. 588e2-9 { r-\TED. House, Brynmill, St. Thomas, or Sket-ty town side) district; rent from 9s. to 11?. inclusive.—Write Brynmill. "Daily Post," Swansea. 442e2-5 XTTr\NTED to Rent, House, with about an acre of Land, and Greenhouse pre. le:-red.Write, giving full particulars, to Urgent. "Daily Post." Swansea. 441e2-4 XXT ANTED to, Purcha, House, in Mum- » hies, seven or eight rooms, and usual conveniences.—Apply, g^ing full particulars. I o "Daily Post." Swausea. 427e&-5 WANTED, by highy respectable family cf three, uve rr six-roomed House, in Manselton, Brynhyfryd. or Landore. Rent aijk)iit 7s. 6a.—Write Superior, "Daily Post," S'van^ea. 100n2-9 "\T7"u\NTED to Purchase, six roomed House, witn yood garden, suSIctent to keep poultry; Sketty or Killay district preferred. -Address lull particulars, and price, to Poultry. "Daily Post, Swansea. 404e2-4 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. ETOUCilING.-Few Evening Lessons re- quired.—State experience and terms to H. C., "Daily Post," Swansea. 439e2-4 AX'/ANTED, Second-hand Cast Iron Forge. » » Bellows, and Anvil. Suitable for heavy "Daily Post, SNyan- v,ork.-Wi-ite Box 399, "Daily Post," Swan- sea. 564e2-8 WANTED. Second-hard Douglas Motor f f Cycle; must be in good order, r.nd cheap.—Write full particulars to Box L. G., "Daily Post," Swansea. 511e2-S Y*'tANTEDF 100 tons Horseehoes and » smith's Scrap. Top price given and cash. Buyer will cart it.—Write Shoes. "Daily Post," Swansea. 571e2-9 TAfANTED, a good Boot Repairing Business, » for prompt ca3h, in Swansea or St. Thomas; must be doing a good trade.—Write Repairs, "Daily Post," Swansea. 436e2-5 TA^AlvTED to Buy, Old Gold, Silver, Platin- » um. False Teeth, and Old Coins. High- est prices for cash.—Apply or send to Auc- tion Roome 51, Oxford.sheet, Swansea. 61c2.3 WANTEI), cheap for cash. Fancy Sum- » » mer House or Bungalow, one easily removed, or Portable preferred.—Write, giv- ing particulars, and price, to Garden, "Daily Post." Swansea. 3S6e2-3 W ANTED, Second-hand Furniture, Re- » » cords. Highest prices given. Houses ompletely bouxrht out. Before risking heavy | expenses of Sales by Auction, better call at gurnisher, 1, Prince of Wales-road, Swansea. 590e2-9 PERSONAL. PERSONAL.—Will "Stella" please eena ad- ) dress. Nom-de-plume. Expectant. 504e2-28 ) 1 IAISCELLANEOUS. XTOTICE-The Art Drawing for the benefit of Albert Williams, Cave-street, is post- poned for three months from this date. «0e2-3 LEFT-OFF Clothing, Carpets, or Furniture Purchased, at highest prices. Post- cards promptly attended to.—Mrs. Joseph, 86, High-street, Swansea. 968d2-15 P -tl,.NffSTRY and Clairvoyance. t,, It 1.1 Pi'oi. and Madame Virgo an al! affairs of life, at her Select and Private Rooms, 238, High-street (over/Myrddin Davies, the Chem- ist, two doors from Hotel Cameron. near Castle-street. (Late of Pier, Aberystwyth). 432e2-6 MADAME SEER, Phrenologist, Palmist, and i Clairvoyant, in attendance daily at 31, Oxford-street, above Auction ROOlD, Swan- sea. Hours from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m 360e2-3 MADAME DRUSILLA, F.B.i.M.S., Palmist, l.fJ- Clairvoyant, American Mystje Read- ings. Advice Daily. Hours 11 to 9. Address 49, St. Helen's-road, Swansea. Late Royal Spa, Harrogate. Last fpw weeks. 546e2-8 MRS. MORRIS, Wardrobe Dealer, of 29, Urion-street, has opened at 8, Nelson-street. Ladies' and Gents' Left-off Clothing. Good prices. Postcards receive prompt attention. 874d2-14 SERVANTS' RECISTRY OFFICES. MISS LEWIS, Ladies' Agency, 18, Cattle- ltJ. street, Swansea, requires for all parts experienced Cooks, Cook-Generals, Parlour and House-Parlour Maids, Upper, Under, and Single-handed Housemaids, Nursea, Helps, Generals, Kitchen Between Maids, Servants for Hotels, several smart Youths for Olubs. I $10a-t.a EGISTRY Office for Servants, 221. Oxford- -L" ?treet? Swans., o?posit? yhe schools.— Mr?. ilew. Howell requires Cook-Generals, Generals, and House-Parlourmaids, at once. 6J.) A A 7 E LPORD' S Registry Office for Servants.— » Good Generals, etc., at liberty. Regis- tration fee Is., Maids -fid.—Eversley-road. Sketty. 552eu LOST AND FOUND. LOST, between Goat-street and Constitution LHill, on Wednesday, GQJd Bracelet, set with three bmall ?tones. Finder rewarded at 70, Terrace-road, ?snsea. 40-,62-29 LOST, between Oxford-street and St. ii Thomas, a Go!? Curb Bracelet (initial on padlock). Finder rewarded on returning to 26. Windmill-terrace, St. Thomas. 428e?-4 T OST. on Saturday, between Castle-etreet and Market. Purse, containing Money and Brooches. Finder rewarded on return- ing same to 5, Bay View-crescent, Swansea. 593e2-6 L OST. on Saturday last, in Manselton,. a Lady's Handbag, containing Money, Keys. etc.- Anyone returning same to 55, Manael-terrace, will be suitably rewarded. 554e2-5 I OST, from bus between Ne«th and MoMi- ii ton, on Sturday. Brownish Pom. N ame on collar. Finder rewarded. De- tainer prosecuted.-Thomas, Highcroit. Aber- 815n2-4 LOST, Hymn and Prayer Book. on Sun- da., ?.4th January, between Victoria "■uk and Kenainrtou-crescent. innder rc, warded on returning tO 178, Kensington- orescent. Swansea. 544e2-4  OST. betwFpf; Brynmill Station and BIack- Lp4l', Gold Wri?st Watch, open face, attached on Grey Strap, with Gold Buckle. Finder rewarded on returning same to G. Taylor, J(J.6. Bryn-road, Swansea. 100n2-4 OST, Saturday 11??. between Carlton J J CineTha and Kin: Edward-road, Small Purse, Mumbles address inside, containing Money ami Return Mumbles ticket. Finder awarded on returning. to 12, Montpelicr-ter- race, Swausea. 537e2-4 5S. REWARD.—Lost, a Photo Pendant. Any- one eturningr same to 28, Ffynone-ter- race will receive 'he above reward. 343e2-5 j^OUND, small Scotch Terrier. If not claimed I "ilhir I L three "aYR wi!l ho Fold.-Apply David Griffiths, 12, Ynisforgan-tferrace, Mor- riaton. 578e2-5 FOUND, Black Po., on Sunday morn1?-g.! —O?ner ,au have ?ome IJy aPP]Ymg to Richards, GleiimWhra, Bowen-street. Brynhyfryd. 542e2-4 PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LETT -i R O P ERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET. J. Barron Pascoe's Announcements. TO LET, Oarngta.?-road, Sketty, compact -? and wetl-arrang?d Dwelling House. Ac- (omraodation; 2 Re-ePTion Rooms, Kitchen, Scullery, Bathroom, woe., four Bedrooms. Large Garden. Rent £ 32 per annum. 810n2-6 'i O LET, Overlaud-road, Mumbles, Semi- detached Y ilb Residence, magnificent views of Bay. Rent £ 35 per annum. 310n2-6 rpO LET, Nevrtorv, near St. Peter's Church. .1 Modern Residence, fitted with every convenience. Accommodation: Hall, two Re-, e-cption Rooms, four Bedrooms, Bathroom. v, .t:" Kitchen, Scullery. Rent £ 50. 810n2-6 FOR gAI.E. Mount Pleasant, well-built Vil- la, at the foot of the hill. Lease about SO years. Ground rent £ 5. Price L530. 810nM FOR SALE, Brooklands-terra?e, substantial FFamily BBsid?,,nce-, Leasehold, 60 Yeaxs' unexpired, ground rent XI 6s. 2d. To be sold at a reasonable figure. • 810n2-6 FOR (SALE, Grove, Sketty, blook of five Houses, all well let, pro- ducing a Gross Annual Income of Z145. Leasehold 500 years. Ground rent £15 5s. 810n2-6 TO LET, Sketty-road, well arranged Resi- Tdedee. Rent ?43 per annum. 810n2-6 TO LET, Westbourne Grove, Sketty, com- pact Villa. Rent 12s. per week inclus. ive- 810n2-6 T^U^ R. TIiER particulars tif the foregoing Properties may be obtained of J. Bar- ron Pascoe, F.A.I., 6, College-street, Swansea. Tel. Dock's 593. 21002.6 i-AND TO LET OR FOR SALE. FOE SALE, Freehold Building Sites, Ctoae Fto Terrace-road and proposed new tram route, 16ft. frontage and large depth, com- manding excellent views, and eminently suitable for erection of small houses. Prices from Z20 each.—For further particulars apply Edward Harris, Solicitor, 3. Fisher-street, Swansea. 2334 FOR SALE-BUSINESS PREMISES. ^IK) be, Sold, a Double-fronted Shop and J- House, leasehold, now a fried fish shop, suitable for Fish and Greengrocery businesq,Writ,e Shop. "Daily Post." Swan- sea. 447e2-5 HOUSES TO LET. HOUSE to Let, 14, -N,lack-ivorth-terrac-e, St. Thomas, Swansea.—For particulars applet to 7 p.m., at above address. HOoSE t-o Let, 4, Jeffreys-place, Swansea, -Ll to good tenant; must bring clean rent took from last landlord. No underletting.- Apply 6, Jeffreys-place, Swansea. 349e2-3 EATH.-To Let, House, containing six 1. Bed and two Sitting Rooms; bath and domestic offices; close to Gardens.—Apply 2, Victori& Cardene, Neath. 34n2-3 SIX-ROOMED House to Let, at Gelli-atreet. 0 Port Tennant; rent 9s. 6d. per week.- Apply to J. Barron Pascoe, 6, College-street, Swansea. 369e2-3 QKETT'Y.—To Let, Villa, six rooms, bath 'hot and cold); modern conveniences; splendid viow of Bay.—Ho me w o o u, Peny- rheol, Sketty. 507e2-8 rno LET, Furnished. Cottar—Apply Mrs. r.1i.k. The Cottage, Newton, Mumbles 799n2-5 110 LET, Detached House. "Sunny Bank," J- Dunns, Mumble.- Apply 110, Bryn- road, Swansea. 409el-4 rf -0 LET, 45, Hawthorn-avenue, small six- L roomed House, with bath; 8s. per week exclusive. Apply Wortley, 11, Victoria- street, Uplands, Swansea 793n2,4 TO LET. "Holmewood," Penyrheol, Sketty, compact Villa; ren' 12s. 6tL per week. inclusive.—Further particulars of J. Barron Pascoe, Estate Agent, 6, College-street, Swan- sea. 821n2-9 rto LET, "Penbryn," Murton, Bishopston, near Swansea, eight rooms; bath (hot and cold), garage, orchard, and garden; mod- erate rent to good tenant,-Sutton, 39. Oastle-street, Swansea. 412e2-4 TK> LET. Rose Cottage, Eversley-road, J Sketty, near fa'n terminus; bath and electric light fitted; rent 10s. 6d. weekly- Apply Trevor E. Williams, Auctioneer, 17, I St. Mary-street, Swansea. 522e2-8 110 LET, Springfield Villa. Fairfield-terrace, Mount Pleasant, recently decorated; four Bedrooms, Bath, etc., large garden, flne view; inclusive rent. 15«. weekly.—Apply Aat- icy Samuel, Auctioneer, King's Chambers, Gower-atreft, Swansea. 410e2-4 TO LET, with possession March 25th next, -L HoMc in Ha wt horne-avenue. Uplands, 1 containing two Reception Rooms, Kitchen, I Scullery, etc., five Bedrooms, Bathroom. Rent £36 per annum. -Apply to Mesers. J. Blew. itt Jenkins and Sons. Estate Agents, Sur- veyois, etc., 4, College-street, Swansea. 7S6n2-4 BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET OR FOR SALE. >- Tl OUSE aud Sbop for Sale or to let, situate *• on main road Keollas, Llaneamlet.— Apply to 'Henry Jones, Birchgrove. 465e2-6 TO LET-BUSINESS PREMISES. j^AXBHOUSE and Left to Let, at rear of 42, Marlborough-road, Bryumill, now occupied by bootmak-,ur.-Apply above ad- dress. 809112-6 BUSINESS Premises (opposite Market), 6x- JB ford-streeL, to L-t on Leas?.-Apply Ed- ward Roberts and Son, Auctioneers, Llan- if air Buildings, ;-)1. Mary-street, Swansea. 4Pe.-5 I IWKLIJNO House and Shop, at Landore, -D to I?t.-Writ? Box 565, "Daily Post, Swansea. 49ge2.6 fl OUST, and Shop to Let, main roa,(i, good positiol1.-Apply W. Da vies and Co., Builders, Orchard..atreet, Swansea. 402e2-4 H OUSL. and Shop to Let, at Evans-terrace, GTaig, Swansea.—Apply Trevor Evans, Melbourne Buildings, ILigk-street, Swansea. 342e2-3 TJOUSE and Shop to Let, at. 40, Aberdyber- thi-«tre?t; good opening for Boot and. Shoe Repairer.—Apply Price, 2, Prince of Wales-road. Swansea, 898e2-9 HOUSE and Shop, 2, Greenfield-street, hot- torn of Union-street, near Market; suit refreshments, Hairdresser, Shoemaker. ali.-o o-roomed House Mumble^.—Stevens, 'Wor- oester-piace. Swansea. 374e2-3 O HOP and House to Let, in Carmarthen- mad, V/aunwcii, tately being occu- pied as a Butchering Business.—Apply Tre- vor Evans, Melbourne Buildings, High-street. Swansea. 551e2-8 FOR SALE-HOUSES. CAE-MAWR, near Morrieton.—Two Private Dwelling-houses for Sale, Semi-de- tached; 90 years' lease; low ground rent.- Apply Edward Roberts and Son. Auction- eers, Uanfair Buildings, St. MarY-street, Swansea. 459e £ -5 j UOR SALE, at Cargla?-road, Sketty, Semi- t detached Houge. well built: excellent I position ;lease 1,000 years: price £ 320.—Write il. G., "Daily PORt," Swansea. 818n2-8 *~X)R SALE, eight-roomed House, at corner of Bernard*street, Beechwood-road; electric light; all modern conveniences. — Apply Maples and Sons. Riohardson-street, Swansea. 795n2-4 IpOR SALE, Bay Vj^w-ferrace, Rhyddings, well built and nicely decorated Dwel- ling House- T,easehold.-Fiiij particulars of J. Barron Pascoe, Auctioneer, 6. College- street, Swansea. 821n2-9 FOR SALE, at Mumbles, Semi-detached House, six Bedrooms, Bathroom, high position, with quarter of an acre ground; close to trains.—Write Mumbles, "Daily Post," Swansea. 534e2-8 FOR SALE, six Houses. William-street; four Houses Ba,glan-street; two Houses Ver- non-street, Haiod; two Houses Owm-terraoe, 1 Hafod.-Apply J. Harris, Auctioneer, 1, George-street, Swansea. 513e2-8 za-ul, new and well-built Leasehold, Semi-detached Villa, on Sketty-road, j Swansea. Contains: HaU. 2 Reception Rooms, Kitchen, Scullery, etc.; five Bed- rooms, Boxroom, Bathroom, w.c., Garden with entrance from lane at rear. Early pos- session. Painting <nd decorating to suit purchaser. Apply to Messrs. J. Blewitt Jen- kins and Sons, Estate Agente, Surveyors, etc., 4, College-street, Swpnsea. 796n2-4 HOUSES TO LET! _HOUSES TO ?.ET. TWO Houses to Let, at St. Illtyd'g-creecent, St. Thomas (facing Jersey Park); bath 'hot and cold watrT).-Aprly No. 5, St. Illtyd's-crescent, Swansea. 362e2-3 ri'O LET. to approved tenant", modern eix- "Oome d House, in Bay-street Port Tennant; uninterrupted view of Bay; also convenient House in Baglan-street, bath, etc. Apply Griffiths, 5, Bay-street, or John Pyc, 4, Sk-otty-avenue. 423e2-5 HOUSES TO LET OR FOR SALE. rjpO he Let or Sold, 11. Buckingham-terrace, King Edwa-r/r«-i;oac>, containing eight rooms, scullery, aftd bathroom; inurediate possession. —Apply Davies, 86, St. Helen's- road. Swansea.- 598e2-9 CARACES, ETC., TO LET. T 0 LET, Motor Garage, or Lock-up StoresT — -Apply 35, Wern-road, Lanloi e. 526e2-3 I OFFICES TO LET. rjOMMODIOUS Oiltc-es to Let, High-street, f wonld make line Dental Rooms, Show Rooms, or Stock Rooms for Maniifaotur- ers' Agent; wide ojitrarce. -Apply Penhale, Tailor and Hosier, 232. High-street, Swan- ??- 408e2-4 EVERAL Rooms aa Om&es. First and Sec- ond Floors, to Let; suit architect, den- tist. tailor, agents: T'nion Chambers.—Apply I 14. Picton-plaee, Swansea. 358e2-3 TO LET, as Oflices, three large, airy Rooms, in St. Helen's-road, overlooking Hos- pital-square.—Apply 70, St. ilelen's-road. Swansea. Y 450e2-5 STA BLE E M, TO LET. STABLES to Let, i'or Motor Car or Storage in Picton-place, Swansea.—Apply 14, Picton-piace, Swaneca. 367e2-3 TO LET, Stable and Coach-house, in centre of town. 4s. a weeh-Write Box A.B.O.. "Daily Post, High-street, Swansea. 434e2-5 To LET, a large two-stall Stable, with Yard, near Oxford-street; cheap. — Apply 9, Brvn-y-Mor-road, Swansea. 356e2-3 APARTMENTS TO LET. A well-fumislicd Front Sitting-room and -A Bedroom to Let.—Apply 7, Heathfield- street, Swansea. 506eZ-8 A well-furnished Front Sitting-room and Bedroom, Bath, every convenience; per- sonal attendance; good locality.—Apply 140, Bryn-road, Swansea. 468e2-6 BIED and Sitting-room to Let; MUt two B, Young Men, in Martin-street, Morris- on.- Write A. B., Daily Post," Swansea. 565e2-8 L)jRYN-ROAD.—A Lady wlslies to Let eom- fortably Furnished Front Sitting and Bedroom; lovely view of Bay; no children; moderate.—Write M. L., "Daily Poet," Swan- sea. 497e2-6 COMFORTABTÆ Apartments, St. Helen's tram terminus; suit business gentle- men board optional; no children.—106, St. Helen's-road, Swansea. 512e2-9 COMFORTABLE Lodgings; suit one or two Geutlemen in business, in best part of Landore. Terms moderate.—Apply Landore, "Daily Post," Swansea. 503e&-8 I^URNISHED Bedroom and Sitting-room to Let. also Bed-Sitting-room; bath (hot and cold), cooking and attendance.—Apply 44, Carlton-terrace, Swansea. 391e2-3 FURNISHED Apartments to Let, healthy, pleasant locality; near car; family of two; suit Gentlemen or Married Couple: re- l'oreinces: moderate.,—Ii2, Windsor,&erra-ce. Uplands, Swansea. 557e2-8 ivi UMBLES.-TO Let, well.furnlshed Bed- 1".1. room and Sitting-room; bath (hot and cold); quiet house; no children.-4, King's- road, off Queen s-road. 401e3-4 ONE Large Front Room to Let, 11, Orchard- at.reet, Swansea. 523e2-8 rr0 LET, two Unfurnished Rooms.—Apply J- after 6 p.m., to 32, Henrietta-street. Swansea. 545e2-3 ri'O LET, two or three Unfurnished Rooms. -1 -Apply Marlborough-i'oaU, Bryn- mill, Sv??sea.. ??2-3 r]X> LET, Furnished Apartments, now v"- -I ant.-Apply, fint instance, 29, Argyle- strect, Swansea. 563e2-8 TO LET, one or two Rooms, Furnish-ed or Unfluiraished.—Apply 1,4, Bruns^vic^i- treet, Swansea-. 528e2-8 rro LET, two Unfurnished Front Rooms — M re. Evans, 14. Ysgol-street, St. Thomas, Swansea. 367e2-3 rp LET, two Unfurnished Rooms, Sea View- -l terrace.—Apply 51b, Hjgh-street, be- tween 4 and 8 p.m. 549e2-3 TJO LET, Furnished- Apartments (facing Victoria Park), Glan-y-Mor, St. Hel- en's-crescent, Swansea. 563e2-8 TO LET, three Unfurnished Rooms, with use of Scullery and gas stove.—Apply 13, Victoria-street, Uplands, Swansea. 574e2-9 rpo LET, Furnished and C?urnighed Looms, J- with every convenience; aJao Bed-Sit- t-ing-room: terms moderate.—Apply 37, Wal- ter-road. Swattsea. 100n2-20 rj O LET, two nice Urfumished Rooma. to J- respect?Me pcoph'. quite house; use of gas etove. -Apply 45, Port Tennant-road, St. Thomas, Swansea. 527«2-6 ??0 LET, St. George's-tenace, two or tbrM J- Unfurnished RÛlru; every conveni- ence.-APP13" first instance. Miss Harper. numphrey-street, Swansea. 808n2-6 T'O LET, in King Edward-road, two Fur- nished or Unfurnished Rooms, with re- spectable people; moderate charge. Write Moderate. "Daily Post, Swansea. 548e-°-8 'J 0 LET. Furnished ?i?om, vithom :t?' ane,c; (,o.Neti;pnc?e; reasonable rent: King Kdwaril-road.—Apply Williams, Newsagent, King Edward-road, Swansea. 463e2-6 1-.0 LET, Furnished Bed-Sitting-room; suit < Married Couple, 5s. 6d. weekly; also Small Bedroom, 3s. weekly; one minute from Wind-street.-Apply 14, Calvert-street Swan- sea. 591e2-9 Prwo Unfurnished Rocms to Let.—Apply 19, Ffyr, one-street, Swansea 100n2-8 'J"WO Unfurnished Rooms to Let; very cen- j J- tral.—5, Wegtbury-street, Swansea, 502e2-r I < • APARTMENTS TO LET. TWO Unfurnished Rooms to Let.-Apply J- 11, Windsor-street, Uplands, Swansea. 5^2-8 TWO nice Unfurnished Rooms to Let, in King Edward-road, with every con- -enience.- Write Box 112, "Daily Post," Swan- sea. 382e2-3 y OIT-NTG Soldier's Wife, no children, would JL be glad to -share her House wjt.h one .-imilarlv situated.—Apply Mrs. Fender, 50. ,James-troet, Swansea. 587c2-9 3 Unfurnished Rcoms to Let: also Furnished Front Slttmg-?oo? and Bedroom, suit- able for ladies or gentlemen. —Apply 36. Walter-road. Swansea. 586e2-9 APARTMENTS WANTED. TITWO Furnished Rooms Wanted, or Bed- J. Sitting-room for Married Couple with- out children; terms mcclei-ate-Write Docks, "Daily Post," Swansea. 550e2-8 MISCELLANEOUS SALES CIOAL Cart, Weights, and Scales, iiearly I n'ew, -So; 100-egg Incubator, best Eng- liah make. all complete, £ 2.-13, Pegler-street. Brynhyfryd, Svians.ea. 524e2-8 j i70R SALT:, pure Lred Jersey Cow and Calf. — Apply Woollacott, Thistleboon, Mum- bles. 467e"-6 IF OR S'ALE, two Cots, in good condition. J- Apply mornings, 12, Cradock-street, S wane aa. 556e2-5 F OR SALE. a quantity of Evergreen Trees, Raonbier Roses, etc.-Rughes, Furze- and Gardens. Sketty. 441e2-4 1710R SALE, two Barron and Hunter's 250- -i- egg strain White Leghorn Cockerels, April hatched.-113, Abeidyberthi-etreet. Swansea- 570e2-9 F OR. immediate Sale, pretty, full-sized Bed- stead, best spring and overlay, com- plete; also new einglo overlay.—29, Argyle- street, Swansea. 363e2-3 J^OR SALE, 8ft. by 4ft. Mahogany Billiard -t. Table, with all a?cessor'ep: excellent condition; for £ 1(1; cost £ 30.—Apply Prim- rose House. Kilvey. 527e2-3 FOR SALE, brand new. Singer's Hand Sew- JL ing with Cover, com- plete; a bargain.-Applv at once. —9, Clare- ence-place, near Clarence-terrace, Swansea. 536e2-8 FOR SALE, Brass Rod, Blower, and Dres- t ser.-Apply 9, Pell-street, Swansea. 435e2-5 O'R, SALE. LZ50 Certificate Equitable X' House Property Co., five years fully paid. Good rea,son for selling. Vn-mt offers ? -Apply Reed Rees. Sunnyside. Vardre. Cly- dach. 802n2-4 RHODF. Island Red's Eggs for Hatching, fit)-Yt prolific winter layers 3s. 6d. per dozen .uifeitile i,eplacc(l. -G. Beynon, 95, Milton-terrace. Swansea. 589e2-9 \i,EDDING GIFT.—Lady offers magnificent 7-guinea. Service Al quality Plate istamped), comprising six each Tside, Des- iert Spoons and Forks. aleo Tea and Egg Spoons 136 pieces) unsoiled: accept 25s.; ap- prova-i willingly arranged by writing to Gift. "Da,iIV Post," Swansea. 109e2-4 CHINA find Earthenware.—Cheap, Well- assorted Crates o f Everyday Selling Lines for Shops, Markets, and Hawking. Write for free lists.-Shoif Pottery Manu- facturers, Lougton, Staffs. 619-t.c. MOTOR-CARS, CYCLES, Eto. ] FOR SALE, 4 h.p. James, 1913 Motor Cycle, and Coach-built Sidecar, in excellent condition.—10, Ernald-place, Swansea. soaci-s EVERY Cy(;Hst should send for my list of E "Captain" Cycles and Accessories. My prices save you pounds. Roadster or Racing Models from 77s. 6d. Special Tyres, with guarantee for 13 months. 6s. wired, 5s. 4d. beaded. Best value in the trade. Workman. ship fully guaranteed, and every order de- spatched promptly. Send postcard to-day to H. Fitzgerald (Dept. 84). Burnley. ,_u H 273d.b.-t.c HORSES, CARRIAGES, TRAPES, Etc. moo A Bargain.—Taken for Debt, strong P,??ny, ?' seven Years, 1? hands, perfectly sound and' quiet for a boy to drive: nearly new Merthyr Flat Cart and Harness, complete, £ 12: sell separate.-Northampton Mews, 1, Northampton-lane, !.ear Albert Hall, Swan- sea. 444e2-5 I^ARMERS and Tradesmen.-For Sale two strong Horae? (Vs liners), six years, 16 h.h., ?3C each; strong Harness Mare, 15? h.h., eight years, L20: 8hire Bred Cart Mare, slightly blemisheti, eight -years; £ 16. All warranted good workers, single or double; trial allowed; four Trolleys, two rubber- ayred Ralli IrraP, two Governess Cars. two nearly new Merthyr Flat Carts, cheap.— Apply Aplin. Carting Agent, "Northampton. lane, off Clradock-street, Swansea. 444e2-5. F OR. SALE, smart Pony, 12.2 h.h., three years, broken to all town traffic. — Hinds 122, Rhyddings-terrace, SwaEsea.. 348e2-3 FOR SALE, Crank Axle Oart, a, bargain to quick biiyer.-Daviois, Blacksmith, op- posite Y.M.C.A. St. Hoien's-road, Swansea. fI1 412,2-4 FOR SALE, a set of Cart Harness, good as neW; also a Trap; no reasonable offer j refused.—Apply Holmes, 211, Carmarthen- road, Swansea. 392e2-4 "OU SALE, quiet Pony, warranted sound, good worker, X-6; also Greengrocer's Cart and Harness; complete or separate. Donoghue. Market, LIanelly. 393e2-4 IpOR SALE, Pony, Hawking Cart, and Ilar- L' ZIE?69; mUHt ?cH: no further use for same; L7 10s. together; will sell separately.— Apply Pontlasse Hut, Morriston. 418e2-4 FOR SALE, Welsh Pony, thick-set. 13 h.h., six years, heavy in foal, Cl2. good worker Trap or bar,. and quiet; no further use to owner.—15, Northampton-place, near Blind Institution, Swansea-. 444e2:5 FOR SALE, Rustic Trap, Wagonette, four Sets of Harness, Rues, Lamps, two Flat Carts, two Pairs of Scales, Odd Wheels, Tim- ber, and sundry other things, all to be sold cheap; owner leaving for the front.-Apply Fred, 74 Wych Tree-street, Morriston. 584e2-9 G COD. strong Brake for Sale; splendid underworks wheels; tS 15s., or nearest offer. Could convert into Light Wa.-on.-Apply Govier, Hafod, Swansea. 498e2-6 TO Farmers and .Hauliers.—For Sale, Brown -L Cart Mare, 16 h.h., good worker in chains or shafts, right out of hard work. Price £ 13.—Apply Brown, Milkman, Sketty. .1d!1ø?_" CARRIAGE. Van, and Cart Lamps, Bev- elled Plate-glass, fitted with Safety Handles, from 4s. 6d. Lamps repaired. — Swansea Saddlery Co., Arcade, Swansea. Tel. 103v Central. 457e2-5 TATATERPROOF Cart, Trap, and Wagon I f Covers, Horse I,oin Clothe, Feed Bags, Clipping Machines, Horse Clothing, Stable requisites.—Swansea Saddlery Co., High- street Arcade. Tel. '03y Central. 457e2-'? DOQS FO R SA L E. A IREDALE Terrier Bitch, four months, sire A •'Midland Rollo," dam "AUce." by "Nailstone Corporal." ex "Midland Marvin," 10s.-The Pines, Gowerton. 5126 A Very Great Sacrince. -Must be 801d, '?- owin to going to the Front,, the valu- able Greiat Dane Bitch, "Princess." two y-ea-rs old. registered by "Onr Dogs." Pedi- gree can be seen oil application. No reason- able offer refused. Perfect lady's pet. Can I be seen any time by appointment, at 5. Idiysfjwyii-.Toad. Pontnrdulais 573e2-9  I FU RNITURE. ?F OR SALE, Large ??ak SidboarlI. cost £zf Sell for £ 3- Oak Sideboard', ?6 ?s. Sitting-room Suite. f2 19s. Bedroom Suite. S4 19s.; do., £ 8 19s. Oak Rtt-Ilstand, 45s. Must be sold.—For particulars apply 75, Mansel- terrace, Swansea. 591e2-9 OAK Inlaid Sideboard for Sale; must be Sold to make joom; no reasonable offer ?r,,i?fiised.-Appl.v 7a, Paxton-street, Swansea. 521 e 2-8 -_u- J. Millard's Announcements. O 15s. 6d. foi, a haii(Isorne. Solid Oak ?? Bedroom Suiw; X2 17s. 6d. for a 3ft. 6in, Walnut Boo IE(.-ase.- Hillard, College- stret, Swansea-. 531e2-8 _p-( O for a very handsome Semi Cheval Suite, large Wardrobe, two glass doors, 4ft. wide Dressing Chest with long silass wings and centre plate, all bevelled, Withstand, double tHe back, Chairs and Hail Hitlard. Ooliege-street, Swansea. 531e2-8 £7 10s. for a very mart Bedroom Suite, < iarge Wardrobe. Bevel Glass Door, Dressing Chest, liarae Centre Glass and Side Classes, all bevelled, Washstaud, Marble Top, and Double Tile Bapk. Chairs and Towel Rail—Hillard, College-street, Swansea. 531e2-8 r»4D. per lb. for Purihed Fethø's, grand D value: White Mmpuff at ?d. per lb.; Wool Overlays truai 15-i. 6d.; Wire Mattresses from 14s. 6d.—Hillard, College-street, Swan- SB'1.. 531e2-8 r«0 15s. for a nice "f. Chip Cabinet, bev- elle(i stas??; Chip Overmantel, large oval plate, 27s. 6d.; 4ft. Walnut Sideboard. (3 15s.; 5ft. Walnut Sideboard, £ 6 Hil- • n-rd, College-street, Swansea. 531e2-8 JHIIiLARD, Swansea, for guacante?d Purified B(ddir?. 16.t 6ct. for a White Millpuff Bed. Bolster. and two i'illows. 561b. weight; £2 for a Feather Bed, Bolster, and two Pillows, 561b. weight; 53102-8 I Hill's Announcements. ILLIS Bargain _Saies_ är no\ tne grea. demand of to-day, and of which there are no bigger tn tgains in Household Fuvui- tuj-e than at Hill's (tlll) old firm), Central Buildings, Gower-etreet. Swansea. In spite of the enormous rise in prices generally, but through being our own manufacturers, we are still abl to sell Strong Kitchen Couches at 36s. 6d.: Bedroom Suites from 44 guin- eas; Full-sized Bedsteads from 16s. 6d.; Kitchen Dressers from 32s. 6d.; Lea- I ther Suites from 3j guineas; Saddle-bfg Suites from 4J guineas: Sideboards, Book- cases, Overmantels, Fendsrs. Bedsteads, Bed- ¡ ding, and ali other Hoi sehold Furniture too numerous to mention. We may state that ) we can only guarantee these prices for the Lext couple cf weeks. Therefore, seize the ,io y and call at once. I opportunity to save money, and call at once. Not? only address in Swansea: Hill's. Cen- I tral Buildings, Gowcr-aticet; also at Cardiff, j Aberdare, and Barry Dock. 457e2-5 TRADE SPECIALITIES. I jl^ISH! FisbM Fish!—Any amount of it, all d cheap. Lot us quote you for regu- lar supplies. Cotton Seed Oil, ze. 9d. per I gallon. Cooking Ranges of all descriptions kept in stock.—Emanuel Thomas. Niagara Fish Market, Alexandra-road, Swansea. £ 05n2-,6 j GREAT Wallpaper Clearance Sale. Must: be sold within three days. New fle- signs, from Id. a piece. 2s. 6d. paper for 8d. i a, piece. Borders and Friefces, 4 and 5 yards a penny.— G veenberg's, 24. Neath-road, Hafod. < 594e2-6 KNITTING Maciline.Best Home Work. I Now is the proper aeafaoh; it will help keeping home going during war. Lists free, leseons free, no agents, no middle-men; order direct.-W. Griffiths. 30, Queen-street, Neath, Estab. 1871. 37706-13 -VfO MORE QUARTERS LO?T. '!?-y Bebing- I) ton's &s. 6d. Double Bell Alarms, all j warranted. Speciality: Watch Repairs. Main Spring and Cleaning, 2s. 6d.; Cleaned Is. 6d.; Glass, 6d. Clocks and Jewellery Skilfully Re- paired on premises.—Bebington, Siddal1 Buildings, Alexandra-read, Swansea. 450e £ -16 PIANOS, Organs, Gramophones, Sewing Ma- chine' and Furniture, Cash or Hire.- Address H. C., "Daily Post," Swansea. 505e2-8 SAFES! Safes!! Fire and Burglar Resisting. ?' Secure your valuables in one of our Defiance Safes.—Grove and Son. Defiance Safo Work", Holloway Head, Birmingham. i-ate with Ohubb and Son, London. 601b2-19 OEWING Maehities, all makes, Repaired, at G o. 3. St. John's-road Manselton. 440e2-4 rr<0 Architects, Builders, Corporations. — The Staffordshire Flooring Company, Viaduct Works, Longton. Stoke-on-Trent, Manufacturers of Impervious, Jointless. Fire- proof Floorings, damp and vermin proof, f'olicit enquiries. Samples on applica.tion to South Wa-les Agent, Davies, Elsinore, Mum- bles. 579e2-9 H. Freedman and Son's Announcements. 22 CT., Gold Wedding Rings, any shape, elze, or weight, at half usual prices. Old Gold and Silver Bought, or taken in Ex. cbange.-Freedman and Son, College-street. Swansea. 532e2-8 0"S.—English Bible, illustrated with col- i oured plates tnd engravings; origin- ally cost £ 2 10s.—Freedman, College-street, Swansea. 532e2-8 /> j *53.-Superior Real Sealekin Jacket (small size) not pieced: onginaliy cost £ 40. A bargain.-Freedman, College- street, Swansea. 532e2-8 POrv—Superior 5-3tone Diamond Ring, fin- c?OU (;sf quality Diamonds Set in 18ct. Gold mount; origiually cost £ 50; a bargain. -Freedman, College-street, Swansea. 532ei-8 A 4s. Solid Gold Albert, Hall Marked, 'jr every link, very heavy. Old Gold Al- berts taken in exchar;ge.-Freedman, College- street, Swansea. 532e2-8 £- 2s. 6d.-Haudsome Marble Clock Set, ?J with Pair of Bronv;ed Itoraes, flue move- mrnt. Strike^ hours and hali-houre on n-iiisi. cal gong. Suitable for presentation.—Freed- man, College-street, Swansea. 532e2-8 F. Rowe and Ce..1I Announcements. -_c_- RE-COVERING a Speciality.-We wjll Re. cover your Id Umbrella and make it equal to new. Prices to suit everyone.—p. Rowe and Co., 7 Potland-3treet, Swansea. d.b.-t.c. SPECIAL Large Size Umbrellas for the trap or country use Umbrellas for rough wear, etc. A large selection cf boys' and girls' Umbrella?. Walking Sticks Mounted and Eerrul.cd.—F. Rowe and Co., 7. Portland'street, Swansea. d. b.-t.c. PRESENTATION Umbrellas and Walking Stick?, Silver or Gold Mcuntinsr Thousands to select from for Ladies, and Gentlemen, direct from the manufacturers. See our special ranges. We defy competition. We sell at | first cost.—F. Howe and Co., 7, Portland-street, Swansea. d. b.-t.c  ROWE and Co., The Umbrella. Special- F. 16tA, 7, Portland-street opposite the Middle Market Gate), hold the largest and most up-to-date stock of Umbrellas and Walking Sticks in Swansea. d.b.-t.c. MUSICAL.  DALE, FORTY; AND 00. (Limited).-Se? ? ond-hand and used Piauis an? Organs at bargain prices; special war reductions; good, reliable Piano, £ 10; Organ, 15. Har- rnonium, £ 2; Player-Piano, 45 guineas. — Full list and particulars on application. d. b.-t.c. piANO, Second-band, all the lateet i?- 't. provem?nts, in first-class CMnditioi.? sell cheap.— Evans, 12. Clarcncc-terrace, Swansea. 597e2-4 PIANO, Second-hand, by Collard and Co?. JL Lard; bargain; L10 or nearest offer. Owner going abroad. —Write Doctor, "Daily Post," Swansea. 365e2-3 PIANOFORTES, Organs, and Player P'.no" pTuned, 3s. 6c. Repairs *it ? ion prices. Lost tone and touch fully rest- Herbert Strong, 3, Christina-street. Swansea. Tel. 245 Docks (late of Gwynne H. Brader's). 900dt.c. 6D. per Lesson.—Pianoforte and Mandoline. 6-Laey, certifioated, has vacancies for Pupils; also Violin, 15s. per term, or by lesson. Write Advanced, "Daily Post," Swansea. 817n2-e I D. J. Snail's Anno?no&nM?ts. .í! 13-ïos.- Bt¡f-C8:nÜb nd- Piano, by z-ei -3 ChappeH, Tjondon, in Rcsewood Cage, exquisite tone. Tremendous bargain. -D. J. Snell, 14a, High-street Arcade, Swansea. 43 G 4 X 10s.—New Upright Grand Pianoforte, ?-PI ?'? in masaive Walnut Case; b?a all recent improvements. First neW Piano offered in Swansea at this low price.—D. J. Snell, 4a, High-street .Arcade, Swansea. 410e2-4 rv— Second-hand Upright Grand Piano. J- by D'Almaine, London, in beautifni walnut case: fine tone: rare bar,ai-i.-D. J. Snell, 14a. High-street Arcade. Swansea. I 4I0e2-4 f}~i sy 10s.—New Springfield O'-??n. with w i?< massive mirror tp, ten ?tops. t?o 'tu?e aw?Us. f'np tone, Exceptional bargain, D. J Snell, '4a High-st'eet Arcade, SW<Jeli. 4j fie 2-4 GRAMOPHONES, from ?ls.; New Double- G "ided POC0rds from Is. ?i.: all makes of Records in stock. Repairs and Accessor- ies. Old Records Exchanged.—D. J. Snc-11, 14a, 21 and 22, High-street Arcade, Swansea. 410c2-4 Thompson and Shackell's A nnounoema^ts. BRINSMEAD PIANOS—Sole Agents for B South Wales, Thompso-.i and Shacked, Ltd., 39, Castle-street, Swansea, etc., etc. The possession of a "Brinsmead" is a never-fau- ing source of happiness. 41162-4 SECOND-HAND Pianoe from ?3 upwar .4! s Thompson end ShackeJI. Ltd,, 9. Castle-street, Swansea, etc.. nave at present a Bplendid stock of second-hand instruments for selection. Catalogues free. 411e2-4 I^STEY Organs.—Thompson and Shackell. E Ltd., 39; Castle-street Swansea, etc., etc.. hold the bole agency for these unrivalled Instruments Price from LJ" cash1, ilius- trated catalogue free on application. 41i (2-5 BROADWOOD Player Pianos, Simplex B Player Pi?n06, A neola8,-801e aL-ent?. Thompson and Shackell Ltd.. 59, Castle- street, Swansea, etc.. etc. Largest cash dis- j ount, or easy terms arranged. 411o2-5 Codfrey's Announcements. GREAT" BARGAIN.-Very iint- Upright Grand, just been thoroughly repaired; very fine tne; Burr W a ¡nut Case; 10 guineas i cash, or 7s. 6d. raouthly. Godfrey and Co., Ltd., 22. St. Helen's-road. Swansea. 7.2.2-4 T3IANOLA, 65-note, with all latest expros- J. sion .devices, including the famous The- modist and Metrostyie, only Lhoy soiled: a genuine bargain; original price 55 guineas; reduced to 26 guineas cash. or 15s. 6d. monthly.-Godfrey and Co., Ltd., 22, St. lÜ,I-/1 en's-road. Swansea. 7S2n2-4 ?EXUJKE BARGAIN.-H Stops. ? Sets ? Reeds. Knee ^eils. Organ by Ends- Jeipb. in Vvftlnut Case. with mirror t a  very fine instrument, only soiled; 14 cuincas cmh, or ?5. 6d u?nthty; original price and Co., Ltd., 24. St. Helen's-road. Swansea. 792n2-4

-.|EATING UP THE ! :ESrrAïl…

