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«SAGGFTU.AIIWGBAJ»AWBN« UM WWWWUI IWAIIIIAIBAIWM—!■»——BBB»W—I THE PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY: No SUCCESS,however prodigious, that is announced in a report of the Prudential Assurance Com- pany is likely to surprise anyone who has studied its achievements in the past. When many of our life offices find the conditions un- favourable to progress and are unable to show re&uits which compare well with those of former years, that—experience has told us-is the very time when the premier industrial-ordinary com- pany is most likely to beat all previous records. As regards 1915, the general impression would probably be that a com- bination of circumstances- depleted staffs, the enrolment of recruits, reducing the number of those eligible for life assurance, and the need of devoting money to other purposes-would operate seriously to the disadvantage of, those whose task is to bring in the business. It has to be borne in mind, however, that the war has brought prosperity to some industries and increased wages to workers, with whom, as a class, life insurance is very popular. It might be taken for granted that the leading offices would derive considerable benefit from that state of affairs, which would be an offset to the difficulties to which we have referred. But, without enquiring further into that probability, we can only describe the resuis to which we have the pleasure of drawing attention as wonderful, even for the Pru- dential. Taking the announcements in the order in which they appear in the report, it will be seen that in the ordinary branch in the year under review the directors issued 68,785 policies for a total assur- ance of t6,619,218, producing a new annual premium income of £ 457,217, and the total premium income was £ 5,157,516. These figures, so far from showing any falling off, indicate a great advance on the results of the preuious year, the increases effected being as follows --In number of policies, 8,034 in new sums assured, £ 300,375; in new premiums, £ 32,S64; and in pre- mium revenue for the year, £t2!, 891. In the industrial branch, the premiums received amounted to £ 8,506,063, surpass- ing the corresponding total for 19,14: by £ B29,86L These figures might well be permitted to tell their own tale,without comment; but to say nothing of the able and unsparing efforts which made them possible would be to with- hold praise where it is abundantly due. Everyone knows, of course, that the Prudential has an unique attractiveness and possesses a mighty organisation, the rami- fications of which extend to every nook and corner of the country, making the growth and development of its business to a certain extent automatic. But there were fewer representatives in the field last year than usual, and competition was never more keen than the twelve months covered by the report. It is, we may be sure, no mere formality of recognition but a feeling of sincere appreciation which prompts the directors to say they caunot speak too highly to the splendid way in which the greatly diminished staff responded to tne call upon their services, or of their unselfish efforts to main- tain the complex organisation in its tull efficiency.

Family Notices

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