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f public Qmlttmtnt CARDIFF npilEATKli HOY A li, CAKDIFi. £ LSS«*»DM»*»»»» Mu- BDWAUB Fluchk TO-NIGHT ACeC»T"i9. IMPORTANT ENGAGEMENT, t'<R-?X'\mHML'N?Y'. OP H, lIr;LLA FATK- \tA\A??"?Rt'rAT.:M?. ? wi? I"" t..?jt?:mOKM!XA[. (HABACTEKS. p)? by J7h'I(fâT'I' THK pmNCjo:8S' THEATHB. lON DoN. IN THE GREATEST I'LAY OF MODERN T U.ŒS MASTER AND MAN. The Incidental Scenery and Mechanical Effects med At the PriJ!(" a?tt Sj>^oia!lv Sdct('d Comp"ny. TO-NIGHT ?D' ?'??0 ?K W?'?"?' the Powerful :iIHI lieAltft c Drama, au Five Act-1, JJ|AST F. R ^KD 1 AK. iiv HKNKT PEiTITT and GBOKaE II. SIMS. MONDAY, August cA—R»turu visit of the SILVER KING. CARMEN UP 10 DATA" 13 COMING. Time and Prices al u,u41. 4?.3 i) JL 1 Ji 11 A li M 0 N I C TJii: riil". OF VARIETIES. Pruirie'ors—?T Philharmonic MUMC-IMII Co. (Ltd ) B.'leManager .JOHS "HKRIUAS (-.LOIiHU'S aV. CE8 of the "PHIL!" TONltrHT ("EI)NES!AY, T ("C ?AXU 1,VRU?t A?,1? by t\ H ilse CrowJea from Kloor tu Ceiling 01 i 1.8 ItOYAL R E VV S T 12 R j COMBINATION jyj^INSTRELS. lut t'RK-tlN -I. B\JO BAN 11. MiiAfOl.llAX UANI)"L!NE BAND. JAfANl>'l VIOLIN BIND. J.MKKICAN nLL BAND. 8PA>NM1 snmw I'AND. A'ptr'onnKi?' the Queen. l;:lUplen of alHlUnY. 8/1d tho lIoyol :hmlly t, Osborne, Januar y tli, 1009. .'lIt on rat occasions at Huc¡.inhm Palace nd Winder C"< NEUY LATCOCBN. PATCOXNOB. p'It fPEX. E. SKLU" MKLROSK. MfSMB M; 'ALY HANAatid NA?'iU. tlie mo t i< ma: ional Performance ever »een In Cardiff. lounge ami fr?men?. Pit StaJh *nj B,l -.1' 6d • Pat, Ihrupe7tu!. llah-[nice to Pronien.ulo at J?.n'e__  9:811 T 11 K J M P 1 R 1: liT.Miwr 61'OLI.. EMPIRE FlI PI HII: B.\ul.vr: EM PI KK EMPliiE BMPiKK BMHJ.'E BlPl"f; EMi IKr-: EMHKE KM V IKE EMFt? i.melLF EM PI KB EMPLKE EMPIKE EMPIUK EMPIRE phip, itill EMPIRE T0-N18HT! HAKKY KLKOST, ••Tha O\t":lluea MaD." 19-uifht Sadie Gro.ùU.. Ballad Vocalist. !Q-!dgbt! THE SlSTEiii LLOYD. •It-nlrfl.t. Victor Andre's Wonderful Illusion, TIIE VANI.HED HI(I LIE. lo-uitht J JfensDMod Waite, V.ri,ly?V "i? knight! TILlrtiI;oY. tkrio and Dancer. To-n¡it 8AM REL)?iuf,!N. Jr. Tu-t)t''? KATIE I\WIŒNCB. rour Oid Favourite. EMPIRE EMHIHK KNkPIUK !aH'n:M E)lPIIŒ .1:111'110, EMPIRE BMPlkK EMPIRE E\iPU»K EMPIRE EM HUB EMPl.CK KM PI UE EMPIRE EMPFuK EMPIRE EMPIRE EMPIRE 1743.% 23 TICTOKiA BOOMS, ST. MABI-STfUiET. CARDII P. D'ARC'S GRAND WAXWORKS. :'¡echlni So..ltlee. Autoaiatlc Fortune Teller, AU th? LaUtt.Novelties. Admduion,31. Childmn.2d. Open from Ten till Ten 1990.19 yKWPQKT. THE EMPIRE, NEW POUT. rrHE EMPIKE, NEWPORT. V.,iety entert^inmeut^ of oxceDWouaJ tx¡¡euca. Two complete rformauees nightly, F-r-y One ?»even o'clock to Nine. o'clock to Eleven, j^tte One Nine to Ail Ailistts "Wffir nt each performance* S'.AII Bea»on Tickeu, available for three months, 108. 6<1. 1742.22 OSWALD 310LL. royiYPiuDP. pEOPLES J>ARK, J30N1YPR1DD. DEOPLE-S T3ARK, ?UMYPRIDD. BATUHUA-. Al'GL'ST 2"D.-I'ecLd Foot and BicJC1,i:dl'C. MAii ,;nl DAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH.-Great Sports, Knot, Bicyele, ami H,)rse Races. )[ABO'S DAY, OCIOHEK 5TH.-Grand Amateur lr*'s Hati?Conle,t. SPLBN01D PRIZES FOR EACH EVENT. PartichWI ano.t y. P??to?. MeM?. POOLE <n) JAMES, For aUlnfurmat!o" apply the S.t.,y, ALFRED C 1'r 6381 T??orL?'s I'AITK, t'uMYPKlUt? J. S)?ci*t 8prl,. (SAXCKDAY, A'lgust 22nd, 189:. )"*t ..KJ Bieyele Kaces. 2i0 Yards (ouoc vounu the <?t?Mt) Bo.* RMe. F?t l'riu. 15).; StCO!?. 5?. Third, 2i bd. Entrance, 6d. Quar^r-mile Foot Rnce. :Pint priie. S3, Second. 91; Third. 10s. Entrance 1,. Twomiie Novice Bicycle Uw. First prist. Home Trainer, value Secc>ud. fair Bali Pd1!. v*lue £ 1 h. rtoird, LaTn;>, value 12:1 6d. Entrance h. Entries ':Ole W MuNt.'SDAY. An trust 19th. 63*1 X THE UK IS NO )lUln: TIYJNU X SEASON FOU un; HUMAN CON ITITU'RION THAN THE PRESENT SO-CALLED "SULTRY WEATHEIi." Beware 01 the IUIIIWIIO in the day and the cold wlnù. at night. Should you catch a Cold, flip it in the bud by taking the Certain Remedy, TU1X>U WILLIAMS' BALSAM OF THONEY. Thousands of Onildreu have been Saved from an C»it»ni»W D-atb by the prompt lI of TUDOR WILLIAMS' BALSAM OF MONEY. 50 Kothr should neglect tn keep this Infallible" Remedy ¡nlhe hou?e ready tor any emergency. Jte.membf1 liar It is wÎsr to check a alight Cough at \b eom,ue..hlOnt. tn to allow it to develop into a lingering complaint. SPONTANEOUS TESTIMONY. •• 11" Children aud Mvaelt ha\'6 b.elt great. sufferers from tJrolicblU.. and Spitting of Hood from the Lungs for riany years. A hill was placed ?d,, m" door after re L he contents, 1 found tal it ClurL-ouwlahll8. A Battle of Tudor Patenl Baluni of Honev WHS sent for ¡)/),l-lu\8Ie to the lu:are8t .toru. Alter taking Four Bottles the effect, was all that conld b« desirev!. 1 wo irore were lent for, and it" result whs A nnd cure. I wh I i»a i known of tliis pr«(>aratiOD herore. thfM years ago 1 t'?t a darling daubtt'r suffering lik?i".t .t? take an interest- In I.\nhtu" the tale of your Tudor Wili.1113 ltalMm of Honey. •• Yours faithfullr, Mrs. CLvn. M 1, Bower-street, Rochdale." 8o:d bv all Cbemiwaand Swres all O.r the WorM In ],?9?.. tnd?6<<jMH?t;S7!M_ HODGSON AND SIMPSON'S NVLNCIBLF. TRANSPARENT SOAP. Sole Agent for Grocery Trade in Bouth Wales J. M. OU KNOW, 23. RICHMOND CBESCENT, CA )tD]FP. NOW OPN DAILY PRUI 9 A.M. TILL 10 P.M. BAtHhB? ADMITTED UP M b.M P.M. Tl AMES'd TURKISH Bronchitis. TJATHS 1\>. Cold.. Rbeumathm, Bronchltl.. J J TAMEST TU?KtSH DATHS For Inlu, Gout. !:c. J-M #■1 f AMES's ?LHO'RIO 'OATHS For ^ela^oa. N?.19i&. Paralysis, B Cbn" ii; I I ty. Lusibago.&c. JAME:"8 SULPHUR OATHS 0P For Bki u Eruptions. S'S MKRCURIAL "OATHS For Skin Complaints, ie, J J TAMES'S HYDRO' "OATHS QPE N DAILY. B |)i) ??HAKLES g'l'REET, 29 CARDIFF. 1844r10 tj J844rlo fil AMERICAN OKNTISTHT F OWKM'S AT OAl.'DIKf. Of London (W-w..¡'l1sht',t 30 \f'.r1, AS8I8TUD BY A PRACTICAL ASSIIITANT. ATTKNW 1)11I V i Tll.r. «. 42, QCEKN-STUKKT. CAItDIFwF. GOLD STOPPING 0\ TH> AMIŒICAN SYSTEM. A MKR1CAN TliKTH —I'he New Dentistry. ?.Dop'-r" Lower bet. from t2J.Mc.<t?)to t210i M.?teTo.th. '??,? ? 5s \Varranied to ijive every satisfaction. £ i ?.'??!iN%'{:?(?? 1:¡r. 4, OXl'OUIVSTKKKT. SWAM?BA C;; Coiwiltotions !■> II till Efollt. A R M E K S BliND TOUK OWN WOOL TO BE MADE INTO CLOTH, from h. 3ri. to £ a. 4d. per Yard. Bf.ASKKTS, from h. id. to 2s. Gd. per Vard. Fl.A ^N WI., hom 9.1. to 10. 6d. ,r Vard. ai". iU YARN. hum 9>i. |-jf lb. Patterns forwarded to leject from Curlall Palo to fcadfron til. .11 Orders c2. TY LEH ANC 0 WAESLI.Y.N MILLS. I,I,ANDYSSIL, SOUTH WALLS. [8293.3 t ISO, AND CIHCULAK DIBTJltBLTTING COAl- !>A Y (LIMITED). OfMCM' CA9'M.H 'JUAMKMMS. 21. OAST?E- CA:'I't?t?. CAIWH'F. BKCltBTAKY. FUAVK H. SIMPSON. ?  M Permanent P("ti 8tatiou1 in Crdt A-^ Brtfbhoiiriiond. ('o?.?. lor ? liMcriptloas Dn'riUuiin^ C'ircidafs, AC. A« Orders »>r«aiptlT atlruded t/>. KEAT>, MUHMWYKS loramentson Wei-h ? t*' Men Md K"W" Ia WMX. public ^musnnrnis. .SWAN3KA. 1\TEW THEA'TUK?ND STAH OPERA HOUSE. WTNIJ BTKKET, SWANSEA. Proiuietor and :\hna 't'T.u.A. MLVILI. 1,1 A:?n't'AM'MK." A. 1f).r.ihl aim IJuiniir the 'Vek. At 7.J0, Mr. jJ?'?' A. Alkl.VS' COMPANY with Arthur Shiiky'a i:niirniou3ly-Suece.fiil Uramk h. Five Acta, with :-iagllilktllt SCHIITV and (IT,"ct, entitled THE GUIP OF 1UON. One of the M 'lt Suucvssfnl 1)ram Now on Tour. 'I" ?;r,, wit.)? Enthusi*sm. Thunders of Appinuse, and RI'n d Lai gluer. Should The weather be unfavourable, an AJwrnooa Performance of the (i It 1 P OF IKON Will be given on THl'KBDAV AFi'KKNOON, 20th )nN. Doors onen nt 2 p.m.: Comnience a 2.30. 31530 "V LI3LUT HALL, (SWANSEA. A GRAND MORNING CONCERT, Arranged by Madame ADELINA PATH NLCOLINI, Assisted by the following Eminent Artistes, who kindly giv thjr vdu \I..i"e services Mndame ANTOINETTE STER1.ING, Mi,, MARIANNE IviS^LF.R, MISS CLARA EI8ALEK, Mr. D KWAttl) LELY.Siguor BONETTI, Siunor TilO MATTEl, Herr IV. GANZ, Will be given 011 FRIDAY, AUGUST 28TH, 1891. At 2 30 p.m., for the Benefit of the Swansea Hospital and the Poor of the Neighbourhood of Craig-y-Nos Castle. Reserved Seats, 20.. 15, 10i" and 5!. Tn ket< !?' be obt?ned'o?y at Me. BIIDEU ..d SONS'. Wind-street, Swansea. Special Railway Facilities will be olTered. TALFOCRD SIRICK, F lion. SeOS. 7817) Jx??. ?V. MORRIS, f THE RATIONAL jglSTEDUFOD Olf w A L E S, SWANSEA, ATOCST 18TH, 19rH, SSOTK, AND 21ST. B. EVANS AND COMPANY Have the pleasure to atate that THIS DAY (WEDNESDAY), AUG. 18m, AND FOLLOWING DAYS, They will make a G- r, A N D D I S P L A Y OF CO^RUMFP, MANTLES, MILUFRY. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S OUTFITTING, TEA GOWNS. SILKS, DKESS MATERIALS KVLLTED WRAPS, GLOVES, RIBBONS, LACES, UMBRELLAS, AND FANCY GOUDS GENERALLY, And will also show a i^ yr AGNIFICEN T QOLLEOTION OF FUn GOODS OF THE BEST CLASS IN SEALSKIN JACKETS and MANTLES, FUR LINED CLOAKS, CAPES, BOAS, COLLARETTES, VICTORIAS, MUf'FS TRIMMINGS, TRAVELLING AND CARRIAGE RUGS, itc. Anticipating a L1rge Influx of Visitors to the COIJTY BlJHOIJGH 01 SWANSEA «>n themispieh-m occasion of tUeNATIONAL EI^TKDOFOD of WALEI. B. li. and C,) havu mado Special Provisiou to meet ail requirements. The foilectinn will be found exceptionally large, em- bncinc tdie Newest Productions of Britisb and Foreign N.aJ1utt\ctur. l'eml<1e-.treet. Swails. 61496 GRAND DISPIJAY OF 0 D E it N, R T 1 8 T I C X IF u it IN, i T U R E. TIZAPNELL AND GANE, 38,45, &: 41, QUEE.STRElT. CAltDIFF. THE CHIIAP "r BEST STOCK OP ttlR. NlllUtf LN TIIB PROVINCES. 13 bHOWUOOUS. Packed to their utnso.L capacity wth the Mo.t Modern l'roùuctious of Furuiiiure. lartiels, Liuoleum, Bedltead.. aud Bftddutgs, Formlllg In theaii9e!ves a Cjinpltte Exhibition. ONK UMFOKM PRICE, All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. NET CASH. OUK CHALLE>GiS. JgEDROOM VITE. Solid American Walnut^ Wardrobe, bevel plate- giass door; Washstand, mMMe top, tWit t?ok t- 10 GUINEAS. U!M)nzT)tHe. he?t) plate; Pedes'al T.'Wel Hone, and 2 Chairs ) THE MAKCHIONESS. JJEDKOOM SUITE. H Sa'in Walnut and^ A,h. 9- ?.'CM?t't? In the I 21 GUINEAS. rad8 at the price OUR QUKV'.N. I^RAWING-ROOM ^UITE. Never Yet Win passed "J —Settee. 2 Bub8¡allt¡ I in GLTINICAS. Rasies 6 Small Chans, 12 GVINBA! Tapestry and Vkuah ) OUlt VILLA. jQiNisa 'j)UOH ?UiTE. ASp«-tidJo'?Cunc)).. Gent', and Lady's Cliaim, I 15 GUINZAS. ;x ,-m 11 Uh: irs. Halld VlNEAS. Walnut, and Covered in ) He.1 Loalheo. JJliUSSELS CAHPEfS. The very best 5-T'nune 1 (Ko Strun). Sill?,perYarl. i'atlern?. ) Jgai'SSI.LS CARPETS. spl?"di, Value, but notl 0/3 per Yard. t'??'Q?it't'y'. } ? per ?"'?' J £ ES8IN(JTOH ^akpets. Ti,?. are Art Carpets.) ?vveil with Btirder ali ? 22/6 Eaoh. roll ,.3 UNOLETTMS. 8^ed.P^?!?.K}V6 per Sq. Yrd. GRATE ,-CKEENS. 111e Finest Display in Ihe Principality, Artl tic and Ornamental, from 2s.8 each. AFRICAN AND AMEIUCAN PRAIRIE GRASSES, Natural and D3ed, for Decorations. New aud V?, i,d 810ck of Bum,mtr C.,t.in,, Fi?l, Applique, Guipure d'Art. 'IlUSJ' Net, Mdr. Owi.: Embroidered, and Notlinj;ham L,?? ?._ ??-?"? ? ?°" '?'?? 1 AN E, COMPLETE HOUSE FUONMEKS, 38, 41, and 45, QUEEN-STREET, OAUDIFF. ALSO AT Nr.WPOUT AND BRISTOL. ESTIMATES FREE. CATALOGUES FREE. 518 LEWIS AND L E' w I s LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LI'AVIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS L I'. WIS LEWIS LEWIS L?ViS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS 23 and 24, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. THE OLD-ESTABLISHED H otrsE FURNISHERS, NOTED FOR SUPPLYING FIRST QUALITY GOODS AT MODERATE PRICES. INSPECTION INVITED. AND AT 137 nnd 137A, COMMERCIAL- SI'UEE r, NEWPORT. LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEW IS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS Lewis LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS j?VIS AND ?EW?.  PHILLIP K. JAMES, POMTYPRLDD alld HHUlH)A VALLgY.I![LI, POSTEn and t'-T)(?!?O?T.t)iO!!KY.d6 CHCJtOH.MXEET I,, 'll t: 1?-Iting PONTYPRIDD. Rents all ti.e Postlftj i,? P.nL3,[,?idd .d il, V.11"y. ;00 &.4 l?.p aud Pianoforte kep tor Hire. 4" susmrss aUDrrssrs \ITAHNEH'i:! "SAFE" CUHE FOR ALL K IDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES. w ARNEWS "SAFI!, CURE FOR CGENERAL DEBILITY AND BRIGHrS T DlSEME. rpHOU.SAND3 OF TESTIMONIALS B pruclalmhlg its merits nre 00 file. .d.y be examined. Its claims are unlmpMCbah:e. SolJ by all Chemtttt and ?m)!c)ne Vemtort. P?mphkt mai?J fr::SIt'i(il;i li.e'V'KR C.. (L[,-it-,d). 86.0M-r)f<nwt?-road?L<?don. E.U. MMt BIUNSMAD PI ANOS. GOLD MEDALS of the Principal International Eahibitions; LEGION OF HONOUR, 1878; Royal Portuguese Knighihood, 1883. DRIISSM?A???LANUS. For c?alo. &,r Iti •» The Pedect,lon of Touch and Tone./ For fur Hire, and oil the Three Years'System. ?H?BttM?EAD??! SONS (M?noto?e M?fr.. by 8"od1 Appointment to H.n.H. the Friuceit of Wt)M). LONDON, A*. Lilts Free, and of the Leading Muslc-seliera. L8207 BORWICK'S BTESHTATBAKING CBAUN Y. POWDER





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