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TARIFF REFORM LEAGUE. SPEECHES BY MRS. FITZGIBBON AND MR. LONGVILLE. LADY EVA WYNDHAM-QUIN PRESENT. A meeting in connection with the Tariff Reform League was held at Bridgend Town- hall on Monday evening. There was a crowded attendance, and excellent order pre- vailed throughout. Mr. S. H. Stockwood. presided, and was supported by Lady Eva Wyndham-Quin (who was accompanied by her second son, Master Valentine Wyndham- Quin), Mrs. J. M. Aiandall, Mrs. FitzGibbon (Canada), Mrs. Nicholl, senr.. Miss Stock- wood, Rev. E. S. Roberts, Rector of Coity- Major J. C. and Mrs. Coath, Mr. J. I. D. Nicholl, Mr. W. A. Williams, Colonel and Mrs. Turbervill, Mr. W. McGaul, Mr. H. J. Randall, junr., etc. THE CHAIRMAN. The Chairman said it was not often his lot to preside at two meetings so close together as the meeting on Saturday and that evening. He would draw no comparison between the two, except to express the hope that the meeting that evening would be more orderly and more civil than the meeting on Saturday night. (Hear, hear.) This meeting was fixed and called long before it was known that they would, at the time it was held, be in the midst of a General Election; it was intended to be for explanatory rather than for party purposes. He hoped that every- thing the speakers had to say would be lis- tened to, and if they differed, let them differ in a respectable and not too noisy manner. (Hear, hear.) He did not consider that the disorder of Saturday night was to be laid at the door of the Radicals of this town. (Hear, hear.) As an old Bridgend boy he knew most of the Radicals quite as well and pos- siblv better than his own political friends, but lie was only able to spot thre-e or four of those making a disturbance who owned Bridgend as their home. He believed that those who came on Saturday came to disturb the meet- ing, and came from outside South Glamor- gan, and he had no' doubt that they belonged to the I.L.P. ("No.") He was glad to hear that "No," and hoped it came from someone who knew. MRS. FITZGIBBON. Mrs FitzGibbon (Canada), who was received with loud applause, said it was very good of them to cheer one of their own kindred from over the seas, one of those of whom Kipling wrote, was "taught by an English mother to call old England home." She had come to give them a message from the Greater Bri- tain over the seas, and she was glad to see so many of the youths of Bridgend pre- sent, because if the youth of the country could be inspired with the Imperialist ideas, there was not much fear for the safety and security of the Empire in the future. (Hear, hear.) one had the luck to be the mece by marriage of one of the greatest Imperialists who ever lived; Sir John McDonald. (Ap- plause.) Canada was divided from a great Republic by a thin red line four thousand miles in length, which stretched from ocean to ocean. Below that line was a population of eighty millions of people and above it, made up of different races, were only six millions. The great Republic looked upon Canada with longing eyes. But they had fought to keep their country and to keep the trust of their forefathers, who battled with their life's blood, safe for the Mother Country. (Applause.) Britain had in Can- ada a gigantic estate, a giant WHITE MAN'S LAND, which was something to be proud of. She asked them to look upon it as a great British county which had floated away, but still be- longed to them and was part of them. (Hear, hear.) In accordance with her traditions, Canada had shown her allegiance to the Mother Country in the practical form of con- ceding a preference in tariffs. This offer of Canada for closer commercial intercourse did not come from any political party or educa- tional section it came from the people them- selves. (Applause.) The question came, Was the Mother Country going to follow up this "hand-shake" by giving Canada a pre- ference in return? ("Yes.") During the last 15 years a new Power had come to the fore in Canada, They used to have Liberals and Conservatives there, and just as lively times were experienced as in this country, if not more so. Then they had this new Power, which was called the Manufacturers' Association. Forty-two per cent. of their people were now engaged in industrial pur- suits. They had dignified Labour by giving it gi a Government department—(applause)—but what was the use of protecting Labour if they did not protect the fruits of Labour. An im- petus was given to their commerce by the K.P.-the NATIONAL POLICY. A tariff was put on everything that came in, and in 1902 tiiey were in such a position as to be able to say to England "You are one of us, come in; we will give you preference, (Loud applause.) Canada had given this preference, but what one Government gave, another might take away, and what they wanted to do was to make sure and certain that the pre- sent condition of affairs was going to con- tinue. (Hear, hear.) No sooner had Canada given this preference to England than ques- tions which had lain dormant for years were brought to the front by the Republican Gov- ernment. They said "This thing does not suit us," and there was now a tariff wall of 60 per cent, between Canada and the United States. The McKinley tariff had turned the tide of cuccess in the United States, but the coping stone of the McKinley tariff trembled in the balance for fear of English tariff, be- cause the Americans said that undoubtedly the Chamberlain policy of IMPERIAL TARIFFS was bound to come unless England was a fool. (Hear, hear.) Was this country going to have its assets, for which their forefathers fought, grabbed up by this acquisitive race of eighty millions to the south of Canada, or were they going to make the bond with Can- ada lasting? Suppose this country said, "We don't care for our colonies: we prefer st,he alien, we prefer the dumping cf German and American goods," did they think that Canada and the other colonies would stick to them?- She did not think so. Were they going to "hum and haw," were they going to vacillate, were they going to be misled by these. abom- inable politics? She was not talking poli- tics she was talking as one of a great com- mercial nation. She read all the speeches end literature she could find against a tariff system, and the more she read against it, the more evidence she found that it was what this great country wanted. Lord Hugh Cecil had described Colonial preference as A "SORDID TIE." Was the power that had civilised the world, that had taken the white man to the utter- most parts of the earth, wa,, that great thing which was called commerce, sordid? ("No.") Lord Hugh said it caused friction. Why, Canada was brought up on friction. They had a great deal of friction over the Federa- tion, but they got it. Friction was healthy; it stimulated the circulation, and even in the family it often cleared the air. (Laughter.) Fancy being afraid of friction! She belonged to a coterie of women who when they went into a shop demanded English-made goods. (Hear, hear.) If she went into a shop for a coat, and one was brought her which was made in Vienna she said "Take it away; I don't, want it." (Applause.) That was not sentiment; it was because they knew a good thing when they saw it. The cry of cheap- ness was one of the worst things they had heard. The shops of England were FILLED WITH FOREIGN TRASH. ("Shame.") She did not want to go into figures; the homes of the people in West Ham spoke louder than figures. Why was it? Because the people were carried away by the cry of cheapness. The cry had gone forward in this country, "Back to the land." She said "Forward to the land"—to Canada, where free grants of 160 acres were made to all who wished to go out there from this country. Her last words were these: Im- perialism had come and had concentrated it- self in tariff reform in the greatast peaceful, defensive league that the world had ever seen, a league which, in her humble estima- tion, would lead to the realisation of Cob- den's dream, True Free Trade. Let them make their combine big enough, and stand shoulder to shoulder, and they would have the greatest. peace combine in existence. If they held' themselves together and were true to the trusts of their ancestors, they held the key of the world in their hands. Let them get away from political fights and partisan squabbles, and, avoiding the smaller issues, put the erreat man in at this election who would make the Empire intact. (Loud and prolonged cheering.) The Chairman said that a Bridgend Town- hall audience had redeemed its character, be- cause the lady who had elootiently and sen- sibly spoken could not have had a better hear- ing. (Hear, hear.) MR. LONGVILLE. Mr. Samuel Longville, Cardiff. said the question on which he was going to speak should never have been brought into the ran- corous dispute of party politics. He was a Trade Unionist of rather over twenty years' standing, and had to look at things as he found them on Trade Union books. They had been told that there was no need to fear, that the wind was abaft their beam. Lord Rosbery, speaking of the Stirling speech—he meant the speech at Stirling—(laughter)—said he would not fight under the banner of Home Rule. That was a thing with which he (the speaker) agreed, but when he said there was evidence on every side of an abounding pros- perity of England's commerce he did not be- lieve him. Men who wanted work were on their Union books; every 39th man in the country was a pauper there were processions of unemployed asking politicians to do some- thing for them. Was this evidence of abounding prosperity? ("No.") It was a shame that in this the richest country of the world there were hard-handed men who were were ASKING FOR WORK, and whose children were crying for food. What was the cause of this? ("Free Trade," and "Chinese in South Africa.") Was the cause of this that the British workingman was not capable of turning out work equiva- lent to the work of his forefathers? ("No.") The cause was in free imports. (Hear, hear.) The speaker quoted the names of a large number of well-known firms who, he said, had removed their works abroad in consequence of foreign tariffs. They could not blame the capitalists, who, failing to make a profit at home, removed their factories to other lands. If by erecting a tariff wall they could keep only one million pounds worth of their manu- factures at home it would do a great deal towards providing work for the workless and doing away with these processions of unem- ployed. (Applause.) Speaking as a TRADE UNIONIST, he could tell them that Trade Unionists did not believe in Free Trade in their own or- ganisations. Protection was the bed rock on which the 'broad superstructure of Trade Unionism was built, and he could not under- stand members who were prepared to allow other countries to come in without protecting themselves. Some of his friends laughed when he told them that he was going to speak at a meeting of the Women's Tariff Reform League. They told him that women did not understand politics. He thought women had a great deal to do with this question. If a working man took home £1 one week and only 10s. the next, it made a great deal of difference to the women. (Applause.) LADY EVA WYNDHAM-QUIN Lady Eva Wyndham-Quin. who was re- ceived with great cheering, moved a vote of thanks to the speakers. It was hardly neces- sary to say how pleased they had been to listen to the eloquent and patriotic address of Mrs. FitzGibbon, who had come to tell them how the Empire could be made stronger than it already was. Mr. Longville had told them that, by the same means, the conditions of workmen could be improved and better em- ployment given. Such a subject was oim in which they were all interested. (Cheers.) Mr. J. 1. D. Nicholl seconded, and the mo- tion was cordially carried, both speakers re- plying. Mr. W. McGaul moved a vote of thanks to the Chairman. He was glad that Bridgend had redeemed itself. A workiiig-niai-i whom he heard speaking of the Saturday night dis- turbance said "And Mr. Stockwood in the chair, too." (Laughter.) Mr. Stockwood was supposed to keep anyone quiet—(renewed laughter)—but the row was caused by foreigners in the camp. He (Mr. McGaul) had taken part in many election campaigns. He thought he would sit down quietly this time, but when that wobbler-a countryman of his-said "Home Rule," he said to himself. "Mac, you must get up and fight." (Loud laughter.) Mr. H. J. Randall, junr.. seconded the vote, which was carried. Mr. Stockwood, who received a great ova- tion, briefly replied, and the meeting termin- ated.





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