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SOUTH GLAMORGAN ELECTION. MR. BRACE AT PORTHCAWL CANDIDATE HECKLED. COLONEL QUIN ADOPTED BY THE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION. NOISY CONSERVATIVE MEETING AT BRIDGEND. TARIFF REFORM LEAGUE. THE LIB-LAB. CAMPAIGN. 0- BIG MEETING AT PORTHCAWL. ADDRESSES BY MR. BRACE AND THE RECTOR OF LLANGAN. THE CANDIDATE HECKLED: AN UPROAR. Continuing his campaign, Mr. William Brace, Liberal and Labour candidate, ad- dressed a crowded meeting at the School- room, Porthcawl, on Friday evening. County Councillor G. Sibbering Jones pre- sided, supported by the candidate, Rev. W. A. Edwards, Rector of Llangan Rev. W. J. Phillips, Newton; Messrs. John Grace, J.P., David Jones, David Williams (Bridg- end), T. James, H. B. Comley. etc. CHAIRMAN8 ADDRESS. The Chairman said the political outlook contained great possibilities. and this was a niost critical period in the history of the na- tion. When he last, addressed a political meeting at Porthcawl, he expressed the hope that he would live to see the great Liberal party united, for the need of unity was keenly felt then. The hope had been rea- lised Liberal principles had been revived, a.nd. led by a popular leader, the party was on the march to victory. (Applause.) It was alleged that the Liberal party had not a fine record, but he had prepared a list of the great reforms which they nad passed from 1832. He proceeded to give the chief re- forms. and asserted that the best domestic legislation ever passed was a tribute to the Liberals. (Applause.) The Tory party was devoid of initiation in democratic legislation. But all the beneficial legislation of the Liberals was passed in the face of the opposi- tion of the House of Lorcis. He was not prepared to advocate the abolition of the House of Lords, but the system should cer- tainly be amended. (Hear, hear.) If we were to make progress in the future, the House of Lords must not continue as at pre- sent. The party to bring this about was the Liberal party. (Applause.) Why was it that they found the cream of the Conserva- tive party leaving the ranks? (A voice: "They can't agree.") All the brilliant young men were leaving, and it waa a sorry sight to see the late Government's leader, Mr. Bal- four, degenerating from a statesman, if he had ever been one. to a mere politician. (lia-ught-er and applause.) The late Govern- ment had lost the genius of statesmanship. By the Education Act of 1902 they had given public moneys to particular sects, and the Agricultural "Rating Act had the effect of taking £ 800.000 from the public funds m favour of the landed interests. (Applause.) THE RECTOR OF LLANGAN, who received a flattering ovation, said he did not consider that he was neglecting his duties as Rector in speaking in various places in support of the candidature of Mr. Brace. (HQar, hear.) He believed that it was essen- tial to the well-being of the nation, and to secure national progress and righteousness, that the Government now in office should be established in its position by an overwhelm- ing majority. (Loud applause.) He was told that in consequence of his present pro- ceeding he would be likely to injure the establishment of the Church of England. (A voice: "So you will.") He had only to say tkat the kind of establishment, and the only establishment, that he agreed with, was that i. the best respect. and regard of the nation. (Applause.) No part of the Christian Church would have or could hope to have that establishment deservedly if for the sake oi any interest or privilege it held back from the right side in the day of battle, and allied itself to the forces of re-action. (Re- newed applause.) He belonged to a branch of the Church—the Church of England was but a branch—which allowed its ministers to enjoy the most complete freedom as to the political opinions they should embrace, and he was glad to know that all his brethren were not on the re-actionary side. Among those who were on the same side as himself were the Christian Socialist and Liberal Bishops of Hereford and Birmingham. (Ap- p)ause.) Could any good come out of Bir- mingham? (Laughter.) He much preferred the Bishop of Birmingham to the DICTATOR OF BIRMINGHAM, though perhaps Mr. Chamberlain was no locger employed in that capacity. (Laugh- ter.) He (the speaker) intended to do all in his power to secure and maintain freedom of commerce. (A voice: "We haven't free- dom.") He did not wish to injure the com- munity at large in the interests of any small sections, and to restrict the purchasing power of the smallest incomes, but he desired that the business of the country should be man- aged in the best interests of the greater num- ber. (Applause.) He agreed with the state- ment of the late Lord Salisbury, "Protection was not only dead, but condemned." As Liberals they would keep it condemned. ("No. no.") They were not, however, only going to defend the commercial system which Eng- land had enjoyed for so many years and guard themselves against having the great benefit taken away, but they were going to sit in judgment upon the actual achievements and performances of the late Government. The speaker asserted that there was a differ- ence of opinion on the fiscal question between Mr. Chamberlain and Mr. Balfour, when he was interrupted' by a shout of "No. no." He said he would leave that to the intelligence of the audience. (Applause.) Much interrup- tion followed, and the Chairman made several APPEALS FOR ORDER. Proceeding, the Rector said the country would not allow either Mr. Chamberlain or Mr. Balfour to out a hand on the commercial machinery of the country. (Applause, and a voice: "Don't be so sure.") They were not sure of anything in this world, not even that the interrupter was right. (Laughter and applause.) A crushing defeat of the late Government would be amply warranted by their discreditable record. There was an increase of a million a week in the national expenditure, which justified their condemna- tion. Language would be too weak a vehicle to properly characterise the most remarkable and unsuccessful schemes of army administra- tion and reform. If he had been a Tory, yea, ten times steeped in Toryism, the single item of Temperance Legislation would be suf- ficient to make him shake the dust from his feet of the late Government. That question had been dealt with in such a way that the interests of the community had been put under the foot of a particular trade. Shame.") It was a sound principle in all national affairs that the interests of all sec- tions should be subordinate to those of the community at large. He advocated that power should be given the public over the "trade," and that the people should decide the conditions on which it should be carried on. The ouestion should be dealt with on sound and searching lines. He was entirely opposed to the Education Act. which had ;n- flicted more injury on his branch of the Church than anything that had been done for the last 50 years. (Hear, hear.) His view was that all the elementary schools of the country should be one class and entirely under the control of the people. (Applause.) All the secular education should be carried on bv the State at the expense of the State. ajtd the principle that taxation and represen- tation should go together, must be main- tained. Out of school hours the various de- nominations could look after their own fol- lowers at their own expense. (Applause.) The late Government had introduced a SYSTEM OF SLAVERY. The people had been told that when the de- plorable and heart-rending war in South Africa came to an end it was to be a white man's country, and that the effect of the con- test would be the uniting and tying together of the Empire. No one was more anxious that the Empire should be united than he was, but he did not wish it to be tied to- gether with Chinese pigtails. (Laughter and applause.) To his mind. it was one of the most humiliating and disgracing phases of our national history that what was to all intents and purposes foreign servile labour should be established in a British colony. (Hear. hear.) If the Liberals were to vindi- cate all that was best in -L, iigland's history, an end must be put to the Chinese labour in South Africa. (Applause.) He supported the present Government because he wished to see the affairs of the country enter upon a reforming era, the whole machinery over- hauled, so that it might work in the beet in- terests of the people. (Hear, hear.) The land question should be tackled by the Gov- ernment, and they must get to the very root of the matter. (Hear, hear.) It was an as- tonishing thing that the present land system should have been tolerated for so long. The housing question should also be dealt with. for it was a. burning shame that so many thousands of their brothers and sisters lived in places in which they would be sorry to see their pet animals live. No country could make for the civilisation of the world while it tolerated these ulcers in its very heart. To assist in the removal of these ulcers, he was there as a supporter of Mr. Brace—(cheers)— the future member for South Glamorgan. (Renewed cheering.) He would rather for- feit all that made life dear. yea, and life itself, rather than hold back at this national crisis. (Applause.) THE CANDIDATES ADDRESS. Mr. Brace, who was received with pro- longed cheering, said he associated himself very heartily with the views of the Rector of Llangan. He was afraid they did not fully appreciate the kind of fight they were in. There should be no doubt in the mind of any- one that, after what the late Government had done, great reformation was required if the comfort and happiness of the people was desired. (Hear. hear.) Something had been said at a Tory meeting at Porthcawl re- cently regarding the coal tax. He reminded them that their prosperity in Porthcawl was closely bound up with thac of the colliers of South Wales and Monmouthshire, so that anything which affected the miners, in- directly affected them. (Hear, hear.) What had been the effect of the coal tax imposed by the late Government? The total amount raised by that tax had been reduced during 190.5 by £10,000 in comparison with 1904, which meant a falling off in the volume of trade in South Wales coal to the extent of £10.000 at Is. a ton. If they took the re- turns for the 11 months endinsr November, they would tind that the exports to foreign ports gave a tremendous decrease in compari- son with the previous year, and there had been a great loss of money. Colonel Wynd- ham-Quin had several opportunities for vot- ing against the coal-tax. but on no occasion did the Colonel feel called upon, notwith- standing his promises, to protect the interest of the miners and employers of South Wales in particular, and indeed of everyone else- for the coal trade effected more or less all in- dustries. (Hear, hear.) The coal tax was an absolute danger to the competition of England and Wales in coal, and its continued imposition would seriously affect the mineral prosperity of the country. It was all very well for the Tory candidate and his friends to talk about thinking imperially, but they must look after their own interests. What about THE COMPENSATION ACT of which the Tory candidate seemed proud. Who passed the (A voice: "The Con- servatives.") Why, if it had been left to the Tory members there would have been no Workmen's Compensation Act. (Applause.) It was true that the minister in charge of the Home Department introduced the Bill, but with the exception of six large employers of labour, the whole of the Liberals, inclusive of the Labour members, voted every time with the Tory Government in favour of the Bill. (Applause.) Was it not right to pay some compliment to those who. regardless as to the party to which they belonged, and moved by the sense of duty and justice, voted for the measure introduced by their opponents? The Compensation Act was as much a Liberal and Labour as a Tory one, and the Conservatives had no right to take all the credit. to them- selves. It was worthy of notice, however, that, Colonel Wyndham-Quin voted against every amendment, the adoption of which would have made the Act better and fairer. Colonel Wyndham-Quin had expressed regret that the late Government went out of office before introducing an Amended Compensa- tion Act. The workmen had cause to thank their stars that they had not done so. (Hear, hear.) Lord Belper's Bill was an indication of what the Tories would have done. It pro- vided that when a man reached 60 years, though he might be earning E2 a week, the total amount he should receive as compen- sation was not 50 per cent., as under the pre- sent Bill, but os. a week, and if he were killed his unfortunate widow, instead of receiving about £ 300, should be entitled to £ 25. (Shame.) It was a shame that a man, whose only offence was that he had become old in the service of the country, should be treated in that most contemptible manner. (Ap- plause.) MR. CHAMBERLAIN had been making some speeches Isabel y. (Laughter.) He regretted that the Member for West Birmingham had not been given a fair hearing at Derby, because he believed in the fullest liberty of speech. (Hear, hear.) If interruption and heckling could be justi- fied, however, it was when Mr. Chamberlain was' speaking, especially after the reception his friends had! given to their brilliant Welshman, Lloyd George. (Cheers.) Mr. Chamberlain had expressed annoyance at the action of the Conservative party in leaving the House rather than take part in a debate and division upon the question of Protection and Free Trade. If Mr. Chamberlain desired the issue to be faced, why did he run away himself? (Laughter.) It was nothing but rank cowardice and the betrayal of his leader. Colonel Wyndham-Quin had declared himself an out-and-out supporter of Mr. Chamber- lain's policy. (Hear, hear.) He did not expect Colonel Wyndham-Quin to say "Hear, hear" after the 23rd of this month. The Colonel would find that the electors of the constituency had arisen from their lethargy. (Applause.) The electors would recognise that, whatever wealthy manufacturers and powerful interests miijht gain by Proection. others had everything to lose. (''No, no.") He would prove" it. Mr. Chamberlain pro- posed a tax on corn. (Interruption, and voices: "No, no," and "You don't understand it.") It appeared to him that the Protec- tionists present had better have a little read- ing of their master's programme. (Laughter and applause.) They did not know their own mind. Mr. Chamberlain, he repeated, pro- posed a tax on corn. (A voice "That won't hurt us.") Everybody was not a millionaire. (Laughter.) He was not a milionaires' can- didate. He did not expect the millionaire's vote, and did not care whether he had it or not. (Applause.) He stood for the com-. mon people. At this point there was CONTINUED INTERRUPTION. and the Chairman appealed for order. Pro- ceeding, Mr. Brace said a 2s. tax on corn was proposed, and Mr. Chamberlain agreed that it would raise the price of bread. "But," he added, "I will take the tax off something else." (A voice "Hear, hear.") That gentle- man would not "Hear, hear." when he had finished. (Laughter.) Mr. Chamberlain said he would reduce the tax on tea and put things as they were. Let them imagine a family being reared on tea—(laughter)—and the parent saying to the child "I have no bread, owing to the price of it: but I have tea." Tea was not a necessity; they could live without it: but they could not live with- out bread. (Applause.) Mr. Chamberlain's argument was based on a wrong premises, as he was not comparing like with like. They could not talk about taking the tax off tea to counterbalance the increased tax on bread unless they were both in the same category; it waa absolute nonsense. (Applause.) Col. Wyndham-Quin, the tariff reform candidate. recognised the force of that argument when he said. "I am an unswerving supporter of Mr. Chamberlain's policy on the one condi- tion that it will not increase the cost of liv- ing." and Mr. Chamberlain said that they could not support his proposals unless they were in favour of increasing the cost of liv- ing. Were there any agriculturists present who thought the tax on corn would be of benefit to them? (A voice: "Certainly.") Let them see where' the interrupter stood, and how much he knew about it. (The in- terrupter "You needn't be so sarcastic any- way.") It. was not for the interrupter to sav how he should be treated in return. If they cared to interrupt he would seize his op- portunity to bite into the bone. (The inter- rupter: "I wanted to learn, you the gentleman did not want to be dealt witn sharply, he had BETTER KEEP QUIET. (Laughter and applause.) The price of corn was now between Ss. and 2ys. a quarter, and agriculturists told him that before he would be able to break up their present system of farming and lay their farms down for wheat growing, corn must be 38s. to 40s. a quarter. How. therefore, would an increase of 2s. a quarter be of advantage to tne agriculturists? It would not. (Applause.) It was never designed to advantage British agriculture the whole design of Mr. Chamberlain was to give a preference to the colonies. (A voice "Quite right.") He was prepared to make still fur- ther sacrifice for the colonies, but he had yet to be persuaded that the colonies had ever asked for this preferment or for charity. This country was now carrying an enormous burden for the colonies, and the colonies knew full well that thev would not be dealing fair with England to demand further assist- ance. (Applause.) It wasisaid by their op- ponents "But Germany dumps her goods here; we would prefer to buy from the colonies. (Voices: "Hear, hear.") So would he on proper terms. But the colonies could not give us what we wanted: they could not supply tinplate goods, steel bars. billets and blooms. (Applause.) They must not only deal with the effect, but with the cause. Why was it Germany could sell steel bars in England at £-11515. or £.5 as against £.5 10s. or £6 charged by our manufacturers. The1 cause was the enormous royalty charged. (Applause.) When the applause subsided, several Con- servatives present shouted. "That's incorrect, sir." and AN UPROAR ENSUED. Above the din could be heard shouts of "Turn him out." "Send him home." and "Call his mammv." Mr. Brace appealed for order, which was eventually restored. Someone de- clared that Mr. Brace was misleading, and the candidate said "I will challenge my repu- tation on it." (Applause and further com- motion. Voices: "Turn him out.") The Interrupter I thought you were will- ing to answer me. The Chairman: You can ask questions at the end.. Mr. Brace I will deal with that interrup- ter now. He is helping me considerably, and I am not in the least disconcei ted. I know what I am talking about; I would not think of coming here and making statements which I cannot prove. Low cunning and de- ception pays no one, and it certainly does not pay a candidate who seeks your suffrage. (Applause.) There was some further interruption, but Mr. Brace was afterwards able to proceed. He said he had asserted royalties handi- capped home industry. The present royalty upon steel rails was lOd. per ton in France. lid. in Germany, and 5s. 9d. in England. (Applause.) They were not his figures; they were the figures of Sir Christopher Furneas. who had written a book called "The American Invasion," and who was one of the greatest experts on steel in the country. ( Applause.) Sir Christopher asked in that book, "How is it possible for British steel producers to pro- duce at the same prices as Germany, France or Belgium when we have THESE ENORMOUS ROYALTIES to carry instead of theirs; and, further, the small royalty paid in France and Germany is paid into the Imperial Exchequer and used for the reduction of the national rates." (Ap- plause.) The same interrupter "We should like to have that system here, Mr. Brace. (Loud laughter and applause.) Mr. Brace I am obliged to you. It is to get that system here that I am standing as a candidate. (Applause.) Do you hope for one moment that by supporting Colonel Wvndham-Quin you shall have such a system as the taxation of mineral royalties and other things:'— no")—or that they should be directed into the Imperial Exchequer. If that gentleman is really sincere in what he has publicly stated, he has no alternative but to vote for Brace. ( Laughter and cheers.) (The Inter- rupter "What about the Radical land- owners?") Mr. Brace said that was a meet- ing called to discuss the action they would take at the forthcoming election. They had no need to flv to the ends of the earth. The candidates were Colonel Wyndham-Quin and himself, and they must decide which of the two they would vote for. He had explained what he stood for, and as the interrupter agreed with that policy, his proper place was in his (Mr. Brace's) committee-room. (Ap- plause.) The speaker went on to say that owing to England being a FREE IMPORT COUNTRY, the freightage on goods exported was shared with that of goods imported, whereas the ships of protected countries had to make one journey in ballast, and thus we were able to compete with other countries in coal and other trades. (Applause.) Mr. Chamber- lain knew nothing of the matter. The Ger- man market was as absolutely free for British coal as our markets were for Germany steel bars, billets and blooms. Every year we sent to Germany millions of tons of coal, Wales alone sending nearly half a million. If we went in for the fiscal policy of Mr. Balfour or Mr. Chamberlain, we would have hundreds of thousands of tons of coal thrown back on our markers with no customers, and the value of the coal would be much reduced. Who were the biggest dumpers in the world? Germany? (A voice: "Not far short.") The interrupter had still a long way to go on this question. Germany sent to Etiglatid as dumped material her surplus stock. (A voice: "We don't want it.") Wales, how- ever, sent 80 per cent. of the total product of coal. South Wales lived almost entirely on the dumping of coal. and they were asked to destroy themselves bv adopting the fiscal proposals. The freightage would not be shared with imported goocfe, and our coal could not successfully comnete. (A voice "You are misleading the audience.") He asked the audience to say that he was a truthful man. (Applause.) After giving extracts from a report on the matter pre- pared after visiting coal depots abroad', the speaker declared that the way to RELIEVE THE INDUSTRIES of the country was to abolish royalties, tax them, or direct them into the channels of the State or of the municipalities. (Applause.) He said he wished to remove the prejudice that he was standing as a Labour man; he wanted them to lose sight of the candidate and keep in mind the principles he was stand- ing for. They had now an opportunity to work out their salvation. The Prime Minis- ter had taken his courage in both hands, and the electors must do their part. Colonel Wyndham-Quin was too fully interested in the present system to advocate reform. (Loud applause.) In reply to questions, Mr. Brace said he was prepared to agree to the principle of Home Rule for Ireland. He was in favour of the establishment of local authorities in Wales, E'ngland. Scotland, and Ireland to deal with their respective affairs, and thus relieve the present cumberous and congested Parliament. The present Parliamentary system was too unwieldly for dealing with the affairs of such a great nation. The various bodies, however, would be subject to the supreme Parliament. (Applause.)—In reply to Mr. T. D. Bevan. he stated that he was in favour of a "Rest" being erected at Porth- cawl for the use of disabled colliers, and would do all in his power to bring the desired end about.—He also expressed himself in favour of clubs being treated as public- houses. under the same jurisdiction and pen- alties—(applause)—and he was also in favour of the abolishment of grocers' licenses.— Asked a question about cement. Mr. Brace said he was not a travelling encyclopoedia. (Laughter.) Would Colonel Quin know ? (Laughter and applause.) VOTE OF CONFIDENCE. Mr. J. Grace moved a resolution approving of the candidature of Mr. Brace, and pledg- ing the meeting to do all in its power to se- cure his return. They would go forward determined to maintain the freedom of trade which the country had enjoyed, and they would not be led away by the conjuring tricks of the Conservative leaders. The Conserva- tives were raising all kinds of bogeys, but the electors must not be led away. Mr. Cham- berlain's red herrings were usually fresh be- cause he was generally at sea. (Laughter and applause.) Mr. H. B. Comley scconaed. Mr. Brace advocated reforms which were urgently needed, while Colonel Wyndham-Quin be- lieved in legislation for the classes whom he represented in Parliament. The vote was taken, and the Chairman de- clared the motion carried unanimously. When the Rev. W. J. Phillips was propos- ing a vote of thanks to the speakers, the op- position asserted itself, and there was ANOTHER UPROAROUS SCENE. A Conservative rose, waved his hat, and called for "three cheers for the Colonel,' which were.met with "cheers for Brace." An- other Conservative essayed to sneak, but his voice was drowned in a thunder of hooting and yells. Notwithstanding the appeals of the Chairman, the disorder continued, anfl eventually the Rev. W. J. Phillips resumed his seat. Order was again restored, and Mr. Thomas James seconded the resolution. He ex- pressed regret that all the speakers had not been given a fair hearing. (A voice: "Why not give ours a fair hearing.") Colonel W yndham-Quin was not interrunted when he addressed a meeting in that room. (Hear, hear.) In further remarks, he said Wales had always oeen indebted to Llangan, and it appeared that it always would be. (Ap- plause.) The motion having been carried with accla- mation, the Rector of Llangan acknowledged. and on his motion a similar vote was accorded to the chairman. The meeting, which had lasted nearly three hours, then terminated amid shouts of "Vote for Brace," and "Vote for the Colonel."