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--, 'LONDON)


LONDON) SATUR DA Y, NO VE:11 11 E R, 11. Government have received dispatches from Halifax. by the Cause schooner, arrived a! -,iii(i vvitli to li-,itid York Papers to the 7th uH. and lclier4 from HaHax to lhl 23d. II would appear by latier, as ii gome alarm had been excited there on tit couut oi Hie threatening aspect of affairs be! ween ilie British and Americans on the Lakes. H was not known whether it was with a vie.v lu offensive or defensive measures, or whether it w;is merely from motives of pride, that so "rent a struggle was making by the En riish and A > ericans to maintain a eupe- riority of shipping on those waters; but it was asserted, that at it,) iiiiie of lite war was .greaterexerl ion made on 'both sides to attain this .e><}. The British, ft was said, gave the iirsl i i>pulse, by building ami purchasing a numb r of vessels to lie placed on Lakes Erie and Huron The American Government im- mediately followed Iiie-.example, by collecting numerous shipping for live-same stations.— Governor Cass's orders were, to lose no lime iii having the American-shipping in readiness. New forts were also erecting under his super- intendanco. One on an enlarged scale was to he built immediately in the neighbourhood of Detroit, intended to command all the coon, ■try 'dj a re nt. P: tate lei 1 era are said to state, that a furi- ous persecution of the Protestants continues iii ilic Soiiii) of France. We have not seen ilny of these-iipistles, nor if we hud, would we have credited them. There may be a civil War 1(1 alitided to, in which per- sons of Kus persuasion are slain, but there is too liHlc religion ol any kind in any part of iM-am-e to give cause lor a contest "n the score of princ'ples. faith, or belief. The Revolution ii/ier>i~td. 01 ve may jather coin a term, -iajidi'Uzed men's ideas loo much lo leave any .ground tor con'esl on matters of this kind.— The Jacobin* of Ihe South may call themselves Protestants if they please, in order to excite a symp-it--y in certain quarters; but thewhole v i,f iticir:l)eiti, massacred on the score of religion, in I'ranre, is one of the grossest ab- surdities that was ever attempted lo be impos- ed on mankind. it mighl as truly be told thw :h>s was a struggle between Mussulmans and -Vi.,chal)iles. Hut your Revolutionary :jje'»try having worn ail their old appellations into disgrace, seen determined to assume a better set, aull II Lley go on in the way they have be^un, we sliail shortly need a new voca l)nlary and glossary of this kind— A Protes',int i A bigot ted Roman Ro>a,l9t I Catholic. a \0 lC. Loyalists Serviles Iiisiir,tit,i Patriots Revolted Colonies lildet)eti(lantg I ifet-ally lwrse- Bantshed ( cured Heroes Executed Robbers 5 Martyred Kings f and Nobles. an 0) eSt C Tlie unjust Plun- Rcstitution of Stolen Goods. < derof Worksof Art. Military Liberty Cutistituiiolial Tyrauny &c. &o. &c. &c.


T H K M U S E U :\1 O F PARIS.


