TO THE FREEHOLDERS AND ELECTORS OF THE COUNTY OF BRECON. GENTLEMEN, THE present Parliament will shortly loe dissolved, and I once more venture to solicit at your hands a renewal of that confidence which you have generously reposed in me during the past ten years, and, if re-elected, you may rest assured that I shall continue to give an independent support to a Conservative Government. The great question at present before the Country is the Disestablishment and Disendowment of the Irish Church, and as it is my firm belief that such a measure, if carried into effect, will not lessen, but rather increase religious animosity and discord in Ireland, I shall give it my conscientious opposition, and especially as I also consider it the first step towards the severance of Church from State in this Realm. I am of opinion that the Administration of the Public Service might be carried on. with greater regard to economy, and therefore any measure, which may be with safety introduced into the next Parliament for the reduction of the Expenditure of the Country, and consequently of taxation, shall have my earnest and best support. I am fully alive to the necessity of an extended system of Education, but am opposed to any com- pulsory rate for that purpose. I regret that the "Metropolitan Foreign Cattle Market Bill," introduced during the last Session, was withdrawn, as I believe it would have operated as a safeguard against the danger of Cattle Plague in this Country, and at the same time have guar- anteed a supply of animal food to the consumer. I trust, however, that a similar measure will be introduced into the next Parliament. I consider the Tax upon Malt an unjust tax, and shall continue to vote for its abolition. The present Government has successfully carried a Reform Bill, by which the County and Borough Franchise has been liberally extended to classes in whose attachment to the institutions under which so much happiness and freedom are enjoyed I have the utmost confidence. Should you confer upon me the much valued pri- vilege of again representing you in Parliament, I shall endeavour, by the closest attention to your local as well as general interests, to merit a contin- uance of that confidence which you have hitherto so kindly placed in me, and which I assure you I most sincerely and highly appreciate. I have the honor to subscribe myself, Gentlemen, Your faithful and obedient Servant, GODFREY CHARLES MORGAN. Mansion House, Brecon, 25th September, 1868. [1090 TO THE INDEPENDENT BURGESSES OF THE BOROUGH OF BRECON. GENTLEMEN, THREE years since you did me the honor of Electing me to a seat at the Council Board of your ancient Borough. During that time I have endeavoured conscien- tiously to discharge the duties incumbent on the office. Should you be pleased again to return me, my constant care shall be to further the welfare and prosperity of the Town to the best of my ability. I am, Gentlemen, Your obliged and obedient Servant, HERBERT CHARLES RICH. The Watton, Oct. 20, 1868. [1134 TO THE BURGESSES OF THE BOROUGH OF NEATH. GENTLEMEN, AS the term for which we were returned as Town Councillors will expire on the 31st instant, we beg to offer ourselves for re-election' and should you again favour us with your confi- dence we will devote our best attention to the interests of the Borough. We are, Gentlemen, Your obedient Servants, WILLIAM J. PLAYER. PHILIP DAVIES. HENRY LAKE. 1128] ROWLAND THOMAS. ^iliijsF^TJFWABDS OF 30YEABS. DENTAL SURGERY. Me- edited KING m-tr rrt. tends Monthly— T T ^T^ONDAY, at LION HOTEL. LLANDOVERY: On Saturday after the secon Wednesday, at KING'S ARMS HOTEL, from 11 to 2. Artificial Teeth fixed, from one t complete set. Teeth stopped Loose Teetll fastened, and Children s Teeth regulated. Residence—BULWARK, BRECON. [897 HIGH STREET, 13RECON. H HUGHES, BOOKSELLER, STATION, • and NEWS AGENT, begs respectfully to announce that he has now added the BOOKBIND- ING BRANCH to his Business, and is prepared to bind books in every variety of Style or Pattern on the premises. Periodicals placed in publishers' covers. School Books and Libraries neatly repaired. All orders will be promptly attended to. [897 WHEATLEY KIRK, & EDWARD y T HOARE, Crvu. and MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, ENGINEERING VALUERS, AUCTIONEERS, ARBITRATORS, and SURVEYORS. Plant and Machinery of every description for Sale. MANCHESTER, and I, VICTORIA STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL. [1097 TO THE ELECTORS OF THE BOROUGH OF BRECON AND TOWN OF LLYWEL. GENTLEMEN, AS it is certain that a Dissolution of Parliament will soon take place, I avail my- self of this opportunity of informing you that it is my intention to solicit a renewal of that trust which you have for the last two years so kindly reposed in me. I have, as you are aware, supported a Govern- ment which is admitted, even by opponents, to have displayed great talent and ability in the administra- tion of the various departments of the State. The Foreign Affairs of this Kingdom have been conducted with judgment and discretion by Lord Stanley, and British influence in foreign countries much augmented. The Home Secretary, by firmness and determina- tion, has been the means of most effectually sup- pressing that evil spirit of Fenianism, which during the past winter so seriously threatened the peace and happiness of the country. The people of this Kingdom are likewise indebted to Her Majesty's Government, not only for their judicious selection of Lord Napier as Commander- in-Chief of the Abyssinian Expedition, but for all the foresight and care with which the arrangements for the supply of the Army, so necessary to secure success, were made by the Secretary of State for India. The Government also, with the assistance of Par- liament, has affected, as you are well aware, a large extension of the Elective Franchise, from which I have no doubt that the best results will ensue, and I am also satisfied that the important trust confided to you will be made use of in accordance with that just character for probity and manliness which dis- tinguishes the industrial classes of this great country. One of the first subjects that must occupy the attention of the new Parliament will no doubt be the question of the Irish Church. To its Dis- establishment and Disendowment I shall give as hitherto my conscientious opposition, being con- vinced that it will tend to the serious danger of Protestantism, and to the rights of all property, and will by no means conduce to the peace and prosperity of Ireland, which is an object so much desired by us all. I am well aware that there are anomalies in that Church which require to be redressed, and when the report of the Commission that has been sitting on the subject is published, I shall be disposed to support any well considered scheme that may be recommended by it for the removal of those anomalies. I have only to add, that should you do me the honor of again electing me as your Member-which from the very hearty promises of support I have met with during my canvass, and especially so from my new Constituents, I am sanguine enough will be the case—I will in return do, as I have hitherto done, all in my power to promote your public and private interests. I have the honour to remain, Gentlemen, Your faithful and obliged Servant, HOWEL GWYN. Duffryn, 24th August, 1868. [1021 TO THE ELECTORS OF THE BOROUGH OF BRECON AND TOWN OF LLYWEL. GENTLEMEN, HAYING now completed a Canvass of the Electors of the Borough, and of the Town of Llywel, I am able, with the liveliest satis- faction, to announce a success surpassing even my expectations, sanguine as they were. I have now only, in warmly thanking my friends, to urge them to a continuance of those exertions hitherto so conspicuously successful, and, with that continued assistance, I am persuaded that the con- test will be brought to a triumphant issue. There are some Electors whom I have been unable personally to see, but I trust that they will not attribute that inability on my part either to deficient energy or want of courtesy. I am, Gentlemen, Your faithful servant, HUGH POWEL PRICE. Castle Madoc, Sept. 17, 1868. [1066 BRECON BOROUGH ELECTION. To the Editor of the BRECON COUNTY TIMES. SIR,—A report being in circulation that I am indifferent to Mr Gwvn's success in the forthcoming contest, I iose no ti £ e in giving it the most unqualified and emphatic contradiction; though had the report been confined to the gentlemen more immediately mterested, and those who know me, I should not have thought it necessary to address you. Political consistency is, and alwajs with me has been, a sort of political pole-star, and for many reasons has produced satisfaction and pleas re- not, however, equal to the essential pleasure I felt when Mr. Gwyn entrusted to me his decision on so momentous an occasion—one where similar interests of an esteemed relative were in the opposite scale for a higher compliment than this, in the annals' of Parliamentary contests, was never conferred by one man upon another and I can only, in my opinion, properly discharge so deep an obligation by the most zealous and indefatigable exertion in his favour. I never hesitated, having no doubt as to my own part, and entertaining little as to the result of a canvass, upon an appeal to the electors; and I can now, after many weeks' canvass, declare that I most implicitly believe Mr. Gwyn will be returned as our future representative by a far larger proportionate majority than he was in 1866. I am, Sir, Yours obediently. DAVID THOMAS. Brecon, 1st October, 1868. [1091 -o.Io.õ., BENJAMIN THE G ROC E R, HIGH STREET, BRECON • y FIRST-CLASS THRASHING MACHINES, WINNOWING MACHINES, CHAFF CUTTERS, AND PULPERS, With every description of AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, adapted for Steam, Horse, or Manual Labour. AT VERY REDUCED PRICES. N. B. -Carriage paid, by Rail, Twenty Miles from Works of Makers. HODGES & WRIGHT, BRECON. [1062 BRISTOL PACKET COMPANY. JOHN PROTHERO Respectfully informs the inhabitants of the town of Brecon and neighbourhood that he has just taken to the old-established and well-conducted CARRYING BUSINESS @f the late Mr. W. THOMAS, and that all goods intended for conveyance by his Boats, which will arrive in Brecon from Newport every other day, will receive his prompt attention. All goods to be conveyed by PBOTHERO'S BOATs-from London, per Great Western and South Wales Railway, Newport," from Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, and the North of England, "per London and North Western Railway" to Newport,-thence "per PHOTHERO'S BOATS "-and all goods from Bristol, 'per Burton's Bristol Packet." GOODS CARRIED and DELIVERED WITR CARE and at MODERATE CHARGES. No more complaints of delay in delivering goods!—PBOTHERO'S BOATS will await the arrival of the Packets at Newport, and be despatched with promptness to Brecon three times a week. Brecon, 1st Oct., 1863. [17 TREDEGAR AGRICULTURAL SHOW, DECEMBER 15TH AND 16TH, 1868. OPEN PRIZES for CATTIJE (including Two Champion 20 Guinea Prizes) for \_7 HORSES (including Huuters, Thoroughbred Stallions, &c.), for SHEEP, PIGS, POULTRY, and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Prize Lists and all particulars on application to Mr. J. G. PALLING, Tredegar Estate Office, Newport, Mon. N.B.—Entries Close November 11, 1868. [1127 T1 H E BRECON COUNTY TIMES, NEATH GAZETTE, And Advertiser for the Counties of BRECON, GLAMORGAN, RADNOR, CARMARTHEN, CARDIGAN, MONTGOMERY, HEREFORD, and MONMOUTH. Published on Friday afternoons, for Saturdays; price (unstamped), 2d. This Paper, which comprises Eight Pages—Forty-eight Columns—has not only established itself as the COUNTY PAPER FOR BRECONSHIRE, But has acquired also such an extensive sale in the adjoining Counties, that (with two exceptions) it now enjoys the LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN SOUTH WALES! In the important town of Neath its circulation exceeds by six times that of ALL OTHER LOCAL WEEKLY PAPERS COMBINED; From these facts it will readily be seen that it commends itself to the Public as one of the BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUMS IN THE PRINCIPALITY. Advertisements are charged according to a very moderate uniform scale, copies of which may be obtained, free by post, on application. Copies of the Paper are supplied to Subscribers from the Chief Office, or any of the numerous Agencies, on the following terms :— If paid in advance. Credit. Delivered by Messenger, per quarter 2s. 2d. 2s. 6d. BY Post 3s. 3d. 3s. 6d. GENERAL PRINTING Is executed at the office of this Paper, NEATLY, EXPEDITIOUSLY, and CORRECTLY, the possession of NEW and MODERN TYPE and IMPROVED MACHINERY (driven by Hydraulic Power), enabling the Proprietors to offer the Public advantages in these respects, as well as in regard to price, such as have hitherto been unattainable in this district. FINE and COLOR PRINTING executed in the best style of Typographic Art. Proofs by return of post when required. Carriage of Parcels prepaid to any Station on the Main Lines running from Brecon; Estimates furnished for any class of work, upon application, by post or otherwise PRINTING OFFICES,—CHURCH STREET, BRECON. [1068 WILLIAM FARR, PRINTER, AND PUBLISHES OF THE BRECON JOURNAL," BEGS to inform his Friends and the Public generally that he has disposed of his NEWSPAPER and GENERAL PRINTING BUSINESS to the BRECON COUNTY TIMES" PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COMPANY, in whose favour he respectfully solicits a continuance of the support so kindly extended to him during the past 17 years. THE BRECON COUNTY TIMES" PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COMPANY, IN referring to the above announcement, beg to solicit, on their own behalf, the t support of the inhabitants generally of the extensive district over which their business operations extend. The incorporation of Mr. Farr's Paper with their own renders the "BRECON COUNTY TIMES" THE ONLY NEWSPAPER NOW PUBLISHED IN THE COUNTY OF BRECON, whilst, with regard to General Printing, they feel assured that but few Country Offices can give to their Customers the advantages they are enabled to offer, in style, expedition, correctness, and moderate charges. "BRECON COUNTY TIMES" Printing Offices, Church Street, Brecon. [1067 "BRECON COUNTY TIMES" OFFICE, BRECON. BOOKBINDING AT LONDON PRICES. NEWSPAPERS, &c. The Illustrated News," Illustrated Times," Puncb," Tomahawk," Fun," Cottage Gardener &c;, bound in London Cloth Covers, or strongly Half-bound in Roan at the same price or Half-bound in Calf at a small additional charge. PERIODICALS. Cornhill Magazine," Temple Bar," London Society," "St. Paul' "Belgravia," "Tinslev's Magazine, Chambers s Journal," Sunday Magazine," Good Words," Cassell's numerous publications, and all other periodicals, neatly and appropriately bound at very Moderate Charges. MUSIC Neatly Half-bound in Roan or Calf. PORTFOLIOS For holding Music, Prints, Drawings, Maps, &c., made to order. FAMILY BIBLES, And other Devotional Works, handsomely bound in Morocco, with Gilt Edges, Tooled Sides, and Backs. LAW BINDING. The "Law Journal Reports" arranged and bound in Volumes, as per Publishers' instructions, or in any other method which may be preferred. Circuit and Law Binding of every description. ACCOUNT BOOKS Of every kind ruled to pattern, and bound in the most durable manner. N.B.—The Materials for Binding, especially the Roan, Calf, Morocco, Clotb, and Marble Papers, have been selected with care from the large Stock of an eminent London Firm, and are of the choicest manufacture. The work being executed entirely on the premises one profit only is charged at the "BRECON COUNTY TIMES" OFFICE. [1069 THE "BRECON COUNTY TIMES" RAILWAY TIME TABLE. THIS convenient TIME TABLE for the Pocket (with alterations for OCT. 1868,) may be obtained at the Agencies of the BRECON COUNTY TIMES, and at the various Railway Stations in the district. PRICE ONE HALFPENNY. [1070 DEVYNOCK, BRECONSHIRE. VALUABLE FREEHOLD LAND FOR SALE. ME. JOHN PROBERT will SELL by AUCTION, at the CASTLE HOTEL, in the town of Brecon, On Tuesday, the 3rd day of November, 1868, At Two o'clock in the afternoon, all that very desirable FREEHOLD MESSUAGE, TENE- MENT, FARM, and LANDS called LLWTNTEW, situate in the hamlet of Maescar, in the parish of Devynock, in the county of Brecon, and containing 78a. Ir. 38p., or thereabouts, of fertile Arable, Meadow and Pasture Land. The property is within one mile of the Devynock Station on the Neath and Brecon Railway, and seven miles of the town of Brecon; adjoins the turnpike road on the east, and the highway leading to Devy- nock and Senny Bridge on the west, and is within a quarter of a mile of the River Usk, so celebrated for its trout and salmon fishing. The House and Buildings are in good repair, and the Lands, which lie within a ring fence, are in excellent condition, and have been for upwards of thirty years, and up to the time of his death, in September last, in the occupation of the late pro- prietor, JOHN THOMAS, Esq. The Premises may be viewed at any time, on application, and full particulars, with acreage, &c., and plans, may shortly be obtained on application to the Auctioneer; or, to Mr. W. POWELL PRICE, Solicitor, Brecon. [1108 LLWYNTEW, BRECONSHIRE, In the hamlet of Maescar, in the parish of Defy nock, within one mile of Defynock Station, and half-a- mile from Nantygwreiddyn, on the Llan- dovery road. Important and unreserved Sale of FARMING STOCK, IMPLEMENTS of HUSBANDRY, DAIRY and BREWING UTENSILS, CROPS, &c., &c. MR. JOHN PROBERT has received instructions from the Executors of the late THOMAS THOMAS, Esq., deceased, to offer for SALE by AUCTION, On Tuesday, the 10tlt day of November, 1858, On the above-named premises, the following STOCK, comprising 7 cows in calf, 1 fat ditto, 4 yearling cattle, and 4 calves; 3 cart mares, with their gearing; 1 cart filly; 40 cross-bred fat ewes, 4 rams, and 3 fat pigs. IMP LEMENTS Carts, gambos, ploughs, har- rows, rollers, turnip drill, rollers, and scuffler, sheep rack, iron hurdles, chaff-cutter, wheelbarrows, cross- cut saw, sneads and scythes, chaff-bin, pikes, rakes, dungforks, spades, shovels, pig troughs, hedging tools, chains, side and other saddles; with the usual assort- ment of Dairy and Brewing Utensils. CROPS-About 3 acres of wheat, 3 ditto of barley, 7 ditto of oats, 1 rick of oats, 1 rick of hay, and about 3 acres of swedes. The hay and straw to be consumed on the premises. Five months' credit on approved bills for all sums above 23, or discount for cash at the rate of 5 per cent. Refreshments on the table at 11 o'clock, and the Sale to commence at 12 for half-past precisely. The Auctioneer, in soliciting an early attendance, in consequence of the days being short, begs to call the attention of his friends and agriculturalists gene- rally to the above Stock, which is descended from some of the best bulls in the district, and will be found worthy of inspection. The Watton, Brecon, Oct. 22, 1868. [1131 TOWN OF NEATH. Important Sale of choice WINES, rare BRANDIES, WHISKEYS, &c. MR. WILLIAM HARRY REES begs to announce that he has been instructed by Mr. WILLIAM EDWARDS, Wine and Spirit Merchant, to SELL by AUCTION, at the TOWN HALL, NEATH (kindly lent by his Worship the Mayor for the occasion), On Thursday, the 29th day of October, 1868, The following highly valuable old crusted PORT WINES, high class SHERRY, rare BRANDIES, choice WHISKEY, &c., comprising- PORT .385 dt zen quarts very choice old crusted, including 1851 and 1858 vintages, shipped by Sandemann, Martinez, Graham, Offley, & Cramp. 220 dozen, in the wood, of Graham's and Martinez's "Finest Reserve, 1860 and 1861." 8 quarter casks fine old port, well matured. SHERRY.127 dozen quarts of fine high class sherry, including superior Soleras (2 years in bottle), exceedingly choice Manzanilla(very old), superb Amontillado (7 years in bottle). 175 dozen, in the wood, very choice old pale dry sherry, shipped by Jarez. P. Domecs, and Duff, Gor- don, & Co., in 1864. BRANDIES.. All well matured, in the wood, comprise- 440 gallons of Hennessey's genuine 1858 pale (very rare), in the wood. 83 gallons of Hennessey's genuine 1858 brown (in the wood). 165 gallons of Hennessey's genuine 1860 pale (in the wood). 210 gallons of Martell's genuine 1858, and Hind's fine old pale. A few of the splendid 1851 brown brandy (exceedingly rare). WHISKEY .30 Dozen of G. Roe and Sons' pure Malt Whiskey, 1864. finely matured Wood, and very richly flavored. 110 Gallons of magnificent old matured Scotch Whiskey (about 7 years old). Together with 52 dozen superior old Claret (including St. Julien's, 4 years in bottle) 5 doz>n exceedingly fine still Hock, &c., &c. The whole of which will be offered in lots to suit purchasers. The Auctioneer feels he cannot too strongly recom- mend the foregoing, and respectfully invites the special attention of the Gentry, Connoisseurs, Mer- chants, and others, to this rare opportunity of obtain- ing such high class Wines and Spirits, the whole of which, as is well known, having been selected with great care and judgment, matured by long experi- ence, will be guaranteed to be of the Brands above named, and all equal to Sample. N.B.—The Bottles are included in the Sale. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock. Credit will be given, if required, in accordance with the conditions of Sale. Catalogues, now in preparation, will be forwarded on application to Mr. EDWARDS, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Neath; and to the AUCTIONEER, Charles- ville-place, Neath. October, 1868. [1096 PONTYWALL FARM, In the parish of Broynllys, Breconshire, 2 miles from the Talgarth Station on the Hereford, Hay, Mid-Wales, and the Brecon and Merthyr Railways. Important Sale of 48 Head of pure-bred HERE- FORD CATTLE, Waggon and Nag HORSES, 200 cross-bred SHEEP, PIGS, IMPLEMENTS, HAY, &c. MR. JAMES HALL, having received instructions, will SELL by AUCTION, On Tuesday, the 27th day of October, 1868, On the above premises, the whole of the STOCK on the farm, consisting of 1 pure-bred Hereford ball (pedigree produced at time of sale), 4 dairy cows, 12 cows and calves, 5 yearling steers, 6 ditto heifers, 112 cross-bred ewes, 94 lambs, 8 waggon horses and their gearing, 2 yearling cart fillies, 1 hack mare, 18 strong store pigs, 5 sows. The IMPLEMENTS areas follows:—4 harvest waggons, 3 broad-wheel carts, 1 tedding machine, three-wheel land-presser, 2 rollers, turnip drill and roller, sheep racks, 5 iron ploughs, 1 wheel ditto and mooter, 5 pairs of harrows, winnowing machine, an excellent dog-cart and set of single harness, I 300-gallon cask, 6 hogsheads, and part of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. The GRASS on the Farm to be LET to the 30th November, 1868. Further particulars in Catalogues, to be had of the Auctioneer three days before the Sale. Three months' credit on approved bills, or a dis- count at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum allowed off for cash on all sums above 25. Refreshments on the table at 11 o'clock, sale to commence at 12 sharp. As the lots are numerous, a punctual attendance is solicited. The Auctioneer begs to inform his agricultural friends and the public generally that the whole of the stock will be found thoroughly useful, and will be sold without reserve. Cae Prior, Brecon, 6th October, 1868. fll06 BRECKNOCKSHIRE. PART OF THE PENNOYRE ESTATE. MR. WM. ANTHONY BOWLER is instructed by the Mortgagees, under a power of Sale, to SELL by AUCTION, at the CASTLE OF BRECON HOTEL, Brecon, On Thursday, the 29th day of October, 1868, At 12 for 1 o'clock precisely (immediately after the sale of the main portion of the property) that portion of the Pennoyre Estate in the Parish of Battle, known as Battle Fawr and Coed-y-Genu, two capital FREEHOLD FARMS, with ample homesteads, and the extensive and valuable allotments from Battle Common, the whole lying in a ring-fence intersected by good roads, and partly bounded by the Y skir-a famous salmon and trout stream. The property is extensively wooded, and affords great advantages for sporting. It contains about 383 Acres, and is of the annual value of about JE315. Also, in a separate lot, the Advowson and next presentation to the Vicarage or Perpetual Curacy of Battle and the impropriate Tithe Rent Charges of the same parish, commuted at B135 per annum. Particulars, with plan, may be had at the place of sale, at the AUCTION MAET and ESTATE EXCHANGE Tokenhouse Yard, Lerdon at the GREBN DRAGON,' Hereford THE LION, Builth of Mr. DAVID EVANS, of Cradocj who will show the Estate Property; of DAVID THOMAS, Esquire, Solicitor, Brecon; and of Mr. W. A. BOWLEB, Land and Timber Surveyor and Valuer, Auctioneer and Estate Agent, 7, Whitehall Place, London. [1038 BRECKNOCKSHIRE. TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION AND OTHERS. A valuable and important FREEHOLD ESTATB, known as PENNOYRE, formerly the residence of the late COLONEL WATKINS, M.P., Lord-Lieutenant of the County, suitable for residence or investment. MR. WM. ANTHONY BOWLER has received instructions from the Mortgagees, under a power of Sale, to SELL by AUCTION, at the CASTLE OF BRECON HOTEL, Brecon, On Thursday, the 29th day of October, 1868, At 12 for 1 o'clock precisely, in 25 Lots, the above very valuable, important, and picturesque FREE. HOLD PROPERTY, comprising the modern elegant Mansion called PENNOYRE, admirably adapted, from its salubrious situation and its ample supply of water, for a Private Lunatic Asylum, Sanatorium, or Hydropathic Establishment on an extensive scale together with the Pleasure Grounds, Gardens, Plan- tations and Woods in hand, and several Farms and parcels of Accommodation or Building Land the whole comprising about 1385 Acres, and being of the estimated annual value of £1700. Also the next and alternate presentation to the Vicarage of Merthyr Cynog, worth about £90 a-year, with the impre- pnate Tithe Rent Charges of the same Parish, com- muted at 2410 per annum. The Estate is situate within a very short distance from the capital market town of Brecon, in the parishes of Battle, St. John the Evangelist, Llandefailogfacb, Llanspythid, and Merthyr Cynog, in the midst of the charming scenery of the Valley of the Usk, embracing the Brecknock- shire Beacons and other objects of interest. The grounds and park-like surroundings of the Mansion are amply timbered and well watered, and the Estate offers great advantages for shooting and for salmoa and trout fishing in Uie rivers Usk and Yskir. Descriptive particulars, with plans of the Mansion and Estate, may be had at the place of sale, at the AUCTION MART and ESTATE EXCHANGE, Tokenhouse Yard, London; of Mr. DAVID EVANS, Cradoc, near Brecon, who will show the Estate; at the GBBBN DRAGON HOTEL, Hereford; the BELL HOTEL, Glou- cester; of Messrs. BIRCH & INGBAM, Solicitors, 68, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London; and of Mr. W. A. BOWLER, Land and Timber Surveyor and Valuer, Estate Agent and Auctioneer, 7, Whitehall Place, London. [1087 BRECONSHIRE TURNPIKE ROADS. THE TOLLS arising during the Year 1869, at Twenty-four Gates, will be LET by AUCTION, at the SHIRE HALL, in Brecon, on WEDNESDAY, the 11th day of NOVEMBER, 1868, at One o'clock, in the usual Lots, and on the usual Conditions. Particulars can be obtained on application to J. R. COBB, Clerk to the County Roads Board, 1123J Brecon. MANURE.—300 Tons of Excellent Scavenging Manure for Sale. A barzain. —Apply to the Contractor, Neath. [1111 FOR SALE, FIFTY TONS of well-barvested HAY. Apply to J. A. F. SNEAD, Esq., Bank, Brecon. (1114.