1 SALES BY AUCTION. MESSRS, MORRIS, MARSHALL & POOLE. THE RECTORY, MONTGOMERY. Stele of the whole of the Out door Effects, a portion vf the-Faruiture and Household Requisites. MESSRS. MORRIS, MARSHALL & POOLE are favoured with instructions from the Rev. ■T\ P. W. PARK EH (who has resigned the living of Montgomery and ia leaving the neighbourhood), to JiJell fche following Valuable Live Stock and Effects H I»j Auction, on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2ND, 1893, (Montgomery Fair Day), Viz., a Capital BAY COB, rising six years old Several WELL-BUILT CARRIAGES, including Waggonette for one or pair of horses; Vis-a-Vis and Siamese PHiETONS Governefs CAR; and Two. wheel DOG-CART. Several sets of good HARNESS; Lady's and Gent's SADDLES; Double and Single. Still BRIDLES Horse Clothing, &c. 3 EXCELLENT DAIRY COWS in full profit and forward in calf. A useful assortment of GARDEN and STAELE REQUISITES, IMPLEMENTS, DAIRY VESSELS, aud a portion of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE owd numerous Milcellaneous EFFECTS. Sale to oommence with out-door effects at { ONE o'clock. \v Catalogues on application to the AUCTIONEER?. Chirbury, Shropshire. e42 -r —■ ? • HIGHLY IMPORTANT AGRICULTURAL SALE V. AT BRYNLLAWARCH, KERRY. VV V- ESSRS MORRIS, MARSHALL & POOLE "I are favoured with instructions from Mr C. J. ItZTLAND, 'Bso., who has let all the farms on the JJrynllawarch Estate, to conduct this Important Bale Auring the LAST WEEK IN FEBRUARY. When they will submit for public competition the HIGH.CLASS FARMING STOCK, and a Grand Collection of MOIXERN IMPLEMENTS AND JtACHINERY. Further Particulars in du# ooarae. eo3 ■.Hi. := SAML. POWELL, EAGLE BREWERY, NEWTOWN. SPECIAL HOME-BREWED HARVEST ALES ,I IN ALL SIZE CASKS, rf ed., .1., IOd., and Is. PER GALLON. I DUBLIN STOUT In all Size Casks AT BREWERY PRICES. FFFIOTCB 8KLSCTION OF WINKS AND SPIRITS. 01C "When found, make a note of." Z3 L7 BE METHODICAL. and keep your accounts 11, straightfor roly-3. DIARIES by the best publishers, IN A GREAT VAEIETY OF SIZES, STYLES, & BINDINGS. From Id. to 10s. -tmabies jJ FOB DOCTORS, TYARIES JL/ FOR PROFESSIONAL MEN, DIARIES FOR BUSINESS MEN, TVIARIES JJ FOR CLERGYMEN, DIARIES FOR LAWYERS, TYARIES JJ FOR LADIES, DIARIES FOR GENTLEMEN, TMAEIES JJ FOR TRADESMEN, DIARIES FOR EVERYBODY. + ALMANACKS- "55ADKIEL'S, RAPHAEL'S, OLD MOORE'S WHITAKER'S, SPURGEON'S, CHURCHMAN'S, BRITISH WORKMAN/ JOHN PLOUGHMAN'S, A" MANY OTHERS. DIARIES-The largest and most varied STOOK of Diaries in the County. DIARIES for the Office, DIARIES for the Pocket, DIARIES for the Home, DIARIES for the Study. PHILLIPS & SON, 19, BROAD STREET, NEWTOWN. XK)11 8ERVTCE, TWO BRAWNS.—Fee, 2s. 6A.; Jt* ov Si. if booked—John Daviea, Middle Talwra, MMdf. #» L. i.Á"Ft:fji. LEGAL NOTICE. [COPY]. >1 j a Canal Road, Newtown, 191 h January, 1893. I HEREBY beg to apologise and express my reRret tor the insult which I offered to Mr Friend Baxter at the Oak Vaults on the 14th inst., and undertake to pay all expenses to which he has been put, including the publication of this apology in the Montgomeryshire Express. e52 (Signed), EDWARD EVANS. PUBLIC NOTICES. TO BE LET, from the 1st February next, that recently built VILLA, called Rose Cottage, with the Garden and premises, about half-a-mile from Newtown, on the Welshpool Road.—Apply to Bennett Rowlands, Land and House Agent, Newtown. elO MONTGOMERYSHIRE. PENNANT, within two miles from Montgomery and within one from Abermule stations on the Cam- brian Railways. TO BE LET, this Commodious RESIDENCE, with gardens, orchards, lawn tennis grounds, and with about 700 acres of shooting. From 10 to 20 acres of meadow land in front of house may be had if desired.-AI)ply to R. Lewis-Andrew, Esq., Glanbaf. ren, Abermule, or Mr Wm. Pritchard, Land and Estate Agent, Tanyfron, Garthmyl, Mont. c390 LLANDRINIO, About a mile and a half from Four Crosses Station, on the Cambrian Railways. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE TREATY, or to be let from Lady-day Next, the Capita1 FREEHOLD FAMILY RESIDENCE, known as "THE FIRS," with Pleasure Grounds well-planted with Shrubs, and Outbuildings, Stables and Coach- house newly built. Also, 6 Acres of Capital Grazing LAND and a COTTAGE. Apply to Howell, Jbnea and Howell, Solicitors, Welshpool. eb8 TIMBER FOR SALE. TO BE SOLD BY TENDER, in one Lot (subject to conditions), about 848 LARCH and SCOTCH TREES and POLES of 50 years growth, standing on UPPER BRIMMON FARM, NEWTOWN, together in one Wood, within a Mile of Newtown Railway Station, marked with a X. Mr John Jones, the tenant of such farm, will show the Timber. The Vendor will not Mad himself to accept the highest or any Tender. TENDERS mast be sent in NOT LATER than TUESDAY, the 24TH inst., to BENNETT ROWLANDS, Estate Agent, Newtown. A small quantity of ASH (felled) for Sale. e28 FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY, a Grind Bred ENTIRE SHIRE HORSE, "MEADOWS SHOWMAN," Three years old, 16 hands, on short legs, with plenty of bone and feather of the bright sort, and feet and ppsteras grand. His Sire, Black Prince (2989) was hired at a long figure by the Welshpool Society in 1888. Grand Site, Candidate (2405), by Forshaw's noted What's Wanted (2332). Meadows Showman's dam by that popular old sire, Duke of Cambridge (80S1), whose pedigree is too well known to need comment. If not sold before the season, Meadows Showman will serve a limited Dumber of mares at 42 2s. each.- Apply J. R. Morris, Meadows, Churchstoke. e40 NEWTOWN WATERWORKS COMPANY. ATOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Forty- ill first HALF-YEARLY MEETING of the above-named Company will be held at the Manager's Office, Turner's Lane, Newtown, on Wednesday, the 1st of February, 1893, at 11 o'clock a.m. to receive and consider the Half-yearly Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet, and the Report of the Directors and Auditors thereon; to sanctiou the declaration of a dividend; and to transact the Ordinary Business of the Company. By Order, EDWARD JONES, Secretary. Newtown, January 10th, 1893. e38 CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS. CHEAP TRIP TO LONDON. PANTOMIMES at the various Theatres. See Theatrical Announcements. Madame Tussaud's EXHIBITION, Baker Street. CHEAP 3 or 5 DAYS EXCURSION TICKETS will be issued to LONDON on Friday Evening, JANUARY 27th, 1893, as under:- Third Class Fares for the Double Journey. Starting from Aberystwyth at 6 0 p.m., Bow Street 6 12 p.m., Llanfihangel 6 16 p.m., Borth 6 22 p.m., and Ynyslas 6 25 p.m.—Three Days' Tickets, 11s.; Five Days Tickets, 16s. 6d. From Glandovey at 6 40 p.m., Machynlleth 7 0 p.m., and Cemmaes Road 712 p.m.—Three Days' Tickets, 10s.; Five Days' Tickets, 16s. 6d. From Llanbrynmair 7 25 p.m., and Carno 7 42 p.m.— Three Days' Tickets, 103.; Five Days' Tickets, 16s. From Caersws at 7 54 p.m., Llanidloes 7 42 p.m., Dolwen 7 45 p.m., Llandinam 7 55 p.m., Moat Lane 8 5 p.m.—Three Days' Tickets 9s.; Five Days' Tickets 16s. From Newtown at 8 15 p.m., Abermule 8 24 p.m., Kerry 7 10 p.m., and Montgomery 8 35 p.m.— Three Days' Tickets, 9s. Five Days' Tickets, 15s. Holders of these Tickets are allowed 601bB. of Luggage free at their own risk. Passengers RETURN as under: Three Days Passengers leave London (Euston) at 9 45 p.m., on January 30th. Five Days Passengers leave Londom (Euston) at 9 0 a.m. on February 1st. ALFRED ASLETT, Secretary and General Manager. Oswestry, January, 1893. PIANOFORTE TUNING. MR. A. E. ALLEN has (by request) made arrangements to VISIT NEWTOWN AND DISTRICT EVERY FORTNIGHT. Orders left with Messrs. J. & E. OwaN, Newtown, will receive prompt attention, or may be sent direct to E. F. ALLEN A SONS, ROYAL MUSIC SALOON, 68, MARDOL, SHREWSBURY. V.B.-blr A. E. ALLEN has had 30 years experience in the above branch, and owners of good Pianos are safe in placing them under his care. HEAD DEPOT Royal Music Saloon, Wolverhampton Established 1840. d271 d271 A. E. BOND, Confectioner, 8,. BROAD STREET, WELSHPOOL Manufacturer of WEDDING CAKES of the best Quality. A choice selection of ORNAMENTS and BOXRSI CHBISTKNINO AND BIRTHDAY CAKES. Genoa, Currant, Sultana, Madeira, Almond, and Seed Cakes. School Treats and Tea Parties Supplied on the most moderate Terms. PURE WHOLEMEAL BREAD, MADE Ml directed bj Dr. AUipaoo* SEE Testimonial. -.7 « ( TRADE NOTICES. THOMAS FARR. SON OF THE LATE JAMES FARR, OF SALOP ROAD, Coach Builder, I SEVERN STREET, WELSHPOOL. T. HUGHES, WELSH FLANNEL & YARN MANUFACTURER, 7ia "tv Blankets made to Order. ENGLISH YARNS, SCOTCH FINGERING, HOSIERY ALWAYS IN STOCK. 13, Church Street, Welshpool. 3318 ]DAVIE S'S CELEBRATED COUGH LINCTUS The moat Speedy and Effectual Remedy FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, LOSS OF VOICE, DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING, And all other affections of the Chest, Throat, and Lnngs arising from cold. The following are Selected Jrom many other Testimonials Wern, Pool Quay, Welshpool, 20th December, 1887. Dear Sir,—I have used your Cough Linctus in my family for several years, and have never fonnd any other preparation so effectual for Coughs, Difficulty of Breathing, and Chest Complaints, and am pleased to add my testimony to its extraordinary efficacy. Yours truly, TJiOB. D. DAVIBB. PanygTWit, Mochdre, Newtown, September 2qd, 1890. Dear Sir,—I have suffered for three years with a Cough and Shortness of Breath. Seeing an adver- tisement of your Cough Linctus it induced me to try a bottle, and I am very pleased to inform you that I found great benefit from it.-Youri; truly, WILLIAM PRYCE. PREPARED ONLY BY G. E. DAVIES, CHEMIST WELSHPOOL. Sold in Newtown by Mr W. H. LAMBERT, Chemist. Sold in Bottles at Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. each. — = ¥-j Allsopp and Sons' (LIMITED), BURTON ALES AND INVALID STOUT. -"?'" AGENT— C. MORGAN, Brynhafren, Crescent, NEWTOWN, d298 ESTABLISHED 1864. The Radnorshire Coal, Lime, & General Supply Company, LIMITED, KNIGHTON, RADNORSHIRE, Having bought several Thousands of Tons of the Celebrated Cannock Chase Coals previous to the winter advance in prices, beg to offer as under in Truck Loads, delivered free at the following stations:— To Newtown, Montgomery, Kerry, Llandinam, and Dolwen: Good House Coals at 15/. to 15/10 per ton. Best Deep Cobbles, for best rooms, at 18/4 per ton. Selected Deep Coal, finest raised in England, at 20/- per ton. To Caersws, Carno, and Moat Lane: Good House Coals at 15/3 to 16/3 per ton. Best Deep Cobbles at 18/4 per ton. Selected Deep Coal at 20/5 per ton. To Welshpool and Oswestry: Good House Coals at 13/10 to 14/7 per ton. Best Deep Cobbles at 16/9 per ton. Selected Deep Coals at 18/9 per ton. To Llanidloes, Lianbrynmair, and Pontdolgoch: Good House Coals at 15/- to 16/- per ton. Best Deep Cobbles at 18/6 per ton. Selected Deep Coal at 20 6 per ton. To Abermule: At 1/- per ton less than Llanidloes Station. TEBMS-NETT CASH IN ONE MONTH. Cheaper Coals if clesired7. Full particulars on application. Thefaboveare all offered at First Cost and are the best value that can possibly be obtained. Tour esteemed orders will receive prompt Attention. 421? SACS SCHOLASTIC. LADIES' SCHOOL, STONE BOUSE, WELSHPOOL. PRINCIPALSTHE MISSES SMITH. PUPILS Prepared for the Public Examinations, J- if required. The NEXT QUARTER Com- mences Tuesday, JANUARY 31st. e4911 WELSHPOOL GRAMMAR SCHOOL THOROUGH COMMERCIAL & CLASSICAL EDUCATIOIN. PUPILS prepared for all Exams, and Public Schools. Orer 40 Certificates in last four years in Shorthand alone by Pupils of the Principal. Private Lessons and Coaching for Exams. il319 LADLEBOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, ST. MARY'S VILLA, NEWTOWN. The MISSES EVANS, Hssi*ted by an efficient Certificated Governess. Singing—MRS. TANNER FRANCIS (late pupil of W. H. Cummings, Esq.) Mathematies-e ,J. UUNNETT, ESQ., B.A. Violi.-W. S rKPHEK-SON, Es. Pupils prepare for Local Exams. Private Lessons gitou in Music Singing, French, Drawing, and Painting: NEXT TERM COMMENCES THURSDAY, JANUAiiV 19TH. c4:3 HIGH MIDDLE CLASS BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, FOB YOUNG LADIES, J CLEVELAND HOUSE, WELSHPOOL. Principals—The MISSES BELL. The aim of the Principals is to supply at a moderate cost. a sound and superior education, with careful training and home comforts. Prospectuses on application. SPRING TERM COMMENCES JANUARY 24TH. a329 NEWTOWN GRAMMAR. SCHOOL. « .-a ,<nmv ———— 'J HEAD MASTER- j Ernest J. Bunnett, B.A. (Cambridge Mathematical Honours), Late Assistant Master at LIVERPOOL Co-LLBGE, etc. Assisted by A RESIDENT MASTER. BOARDERS assured of a Comfortable Home. t For PROSPECTUS and TERMS for Boarders and Day Boys, apply to the HEAD MASTER. I PRIVATE LESSONS to Ladies and Gentlemen in Mathematics and Painting. bl62 Families Supplied Daily. f THOMAS RJEES, BAKEB, GROCER, AND PROVISION MERCHANT, I CANAL SHOP. I AND Market Hall, Newtown, BROWN & MALT BREAD. Prime Salt Butter (REAL WELSH), 1/2 per lb, HOME-FED HAM & BACON From Choicest Dairy Fed Pigs. Your Orders Solicited. eOOO J. H. ANDERSON, CABINET MAKER AND UPHOLSTERER, 26, Broad St., Welshpool (Established 1842) HOUSES COMPLETELY FURNISHED AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Dining, Drawing & Bedroom Suites BRASS & IRON BEDSTEADS, Spring, Hair, & Flock Mattrqses, FEATHER BEDS, Ao. Full-sized Iron Bedstead from 9a. French do., with brass rails head and foot, only 14S Palliasses 8s. per pair. Every other artiole in the Furnishing Department at equally low prices. Estimates given fox every description Cabinet Work. FUNERALS FURNISHED FURNITURE REMOVED AND STORED. ESTIMATES FEBB. I smoval to all parts. The largest A best construct- FURNITURE VAN obtainable. Storing Warebouse,-17. High Street, Welshpool. Trousers, Coats, Overcoats, & Suits MADE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES THE SALE Splendid Assortment of Woollens to choose from. FIRST-CLASS CUTTER EMPLOYED. Fit, Style, and Workmanship Guaranteed. HENRY MORGAN, Crown Shop, NEWTOWN. > £ • • • • NEWTOWN GRAMMAR SCHOOL. O Next Term Commences THURSDAY, 19th JANUARY «44 TRADE NOTICES. G. C. GIXTINS BEGS to announce that he has always rady for de. livery a Larie Stock of COFFIN BOARDS (English oak). FELLOES of all Sizes. And WHEELWRIGHT'S MATERIAL of all Description- G. C. G. has also some Capital WELSH PONIES, Trained for Riding and Driving, for Sale. Particulars and Prices on application. ADDRESS-G. C. GITTINS, Brithair Saw Mills, BERRIEW, Mont. Railway Station^ Montgomery. (j X THE LARGEST X L N ASSORTMENT OF PIPES, L N T POUCHES, • T A hri(n-ri > ■- 'n 1-4 g < JsC AND « /pVL0PB% «|\ I t ([#* WELSHPOOL. 'I | « (l. Williams & Son, ) a x 2 V.F GIOCET:sy § I § 1-4 I Corn 0 I H X CIGAR, X L N AND CIGARETTE HOLDERS L N T IN THE COUNTY. T c256 ALFRED SLIM, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT WELSHPOOL, Agent for Messrs. SALT & Co.'s, TRUEMAN, HANBURY & Co.'s BURTON ALES. .1- LONDON & DUBLIN' STOXTT, &c., &c. ALE Supplied in any Sized Casks AND DELIY^RLCP FILER. Good Sound HARVEST BEER at 8d. per Gall. d47 MONTGOMERYSHIRE CARRIAGE WORKS SALOP ROAD, WELSHPOOL, ESTABLISHED 1837. G. ROGERS & SON (OF OSWALD ROAD, OSWESTRY). Assortment of Carriages of our own Manufacture always in Stock. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. ESTIMATES FREE. c208 "SLAG" FOR WHEAT. 0 « AGENT— C. MORGAN, BRYNHAFREN CRESCENT NEWTOWN. d297 OIL COCKING STOVES. tP L, u .l. PORTABLE, JJAFE, AND CLEANLY. SIMPLE, ECONOMICAL. & DURABLE, Illustrated price lists on application to HUMPHREY JONES, GENERAL DEALER, Hall Street, WELSHPOOL. i olP GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Our monarch's hindmost year, but yin, Was five and twenty days began Twas then a blast o' January win' Blew hansel in on Robin. THE ANNIVERSARY Of the Birthday of the Poet Burns wiD be celebrated by a D I-L- N E R IN THE Town Hall, Welshpool, ON WEDNESDAY, 25TH INST. AT 5-30 1".M., To conclude with a SOCIAL EVENiNG AND ANCE. All "Brither Scots," cheirWives, Sons and Daughters^ are cordially invited to be present, And tak a ricLt guid willie waught," For the days of Auld Lang Syne." GENTLEMEN'S TICKETS. 3s. Ml LADIES' 1. 2e. €d. J. COWAN l-rr £ E. THOMSON j HoN-Sics' e46 VICTORIA HALL, NEWTOWH, Messrs W. Francis and E. Owen have the honour of announcing a Grand EVENING CONCERT On Wednesday, January 25th, 1893. ARTISTES MEISTER GLEE SINGERS, The most perfect Quartette in the Musical World. MISS BESSIE EVANS (The successful competitive Contralto at the National Eisteddfod, 1892), VIOLIN-— VIOLONCELLO— Miss NINA HUTCHINS. Mr N. K. PASSMORE. AT THE PIANOFORTE AND CONDUCTOR- Mr FRANK T. WATKIS (Who recently had the honour of appearing before her Majesty at Balmoral). RESERVED SEATS 4s • SECOfD SEATS, 2s.; AiiJLKD OR<Alr JG TICKETS and Plan of tr all at i-Ar E. Owen 'm Broad Stre £ tete £ be had at the usual Pf*7en l'iCE -Xieket holders will be admitted f ll, C° cert to comxaance at 7 30. No money ha door till .7 15. Carriages at 10 0. PhediiAYAY ARRANGEMENTS.—On Jan. 2&th fromP Day Return Tickets will be issued to Newtown i J?^vWelshi>ool, Llanidloes & intermediate Stations, TASEDVR TO TOV.WD.HP~I ..325 P. °°%merv 3 40 p.m., and Abermule at 3 50 p.m.; f m l £ 2SoL. by the' 3 40 Doiwon 3 45 p.m., ijtf' nm g.tid Moat Lane 4 0 p.ia» Passenger^iRsSxS day for Abormule "Welshpool and intermediate Stations at 10 0 p.m.; and tor Llanidloes and intermeuiate Stations at 9 50 p.m. THE LLANIDLOES DISTRICT PLOUGH-ING MATCH ASSOCIATION. THE SECOND ANNUAL MATCHES will be -L held at TEEFEGLWYS, ON FRIDAY, 10th FEBRUARY, 1893, Or the first open Friday thereafter. For particulars see posters. WM. PROUDFOOT,) R. DAVIES, Llanidloes, 17th January, 1893. eS7 e37 PUBLIC HALL, NEWTOWN. A RUMMAGE SALE IN AID OF THE ABERHAFESP PAROCHIAL FUND, Will be held on Saturday, February lIth, 1893. Further particulars shortly. AS NEWTOWN WOMEN'S LIBERAL ASSOCIATION. THE ANNUAL MEETING Will be held in the VICTORIA HALL, N ON Thursday, March 2nd, 1893, TO BE ADDRESSED BY COUNTESS ALICE KEARNEY, AND OTHERS. eS1 J BWLCHYFFRIDD. A TEA & COMPETITIVE MEETING Will be held at the BWLCH CHAPEL ON GOOD FRIDAY, MARCH 31it, 1893. 'I.- an FW fwttor PMTIMLTFA, NTPOIRIMM.. iii