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Business Notices. SALE OF HIGH-CLASS LEATHER GOODS. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. LADIES' AND GENTS' PURSES. CARD, WRITING, & LETTER CASES. WALLETS, AND POCKET BOOKS, LADIES' HANDBAGS, &c. L A T E S T D E SIGNS. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES GYDE, PHOTOGRAPHER, PIER STREET. iq RS. J. W. THOMAS, THE MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, £ ^REAT J^ARKGATE gT., J^BERYSTWYTH. SUMMER GOODS. LATEST STYLES. GREATEST VARIETY WEDDING AND MOURNING ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. A PHOTOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT has been recently opened on the Premises. Photographs of all kinds taken on the shortest notice. BUY YOUR MEDICINES FROM THOMAS, CASH CHEMIST — 20. GREAT DARKGATE STREET. AXD BRANCH ESTABLISHMENT— (30, TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. BORTH. SUMMER HOLIDAYS. SEASIDE RESORT. BORTH has one of the FINEST BEACHES on the Welsh Coast, and the SAFE and PLEASANT BATEIIXG is a great attraction. The GOLF LINKS of 18 holes are well arranged, and attract numerous plavers. SALMON FISHING can be had on the Dovey, and the less ambitious can iisli the modest Lerry for trout, by obtaining the courteous permission of Sir Pryse-Pryse, Bart, CYCLISTS will find hilly but, on the whole, good roads, and many pleasant runs can be taken from Borth to Aberystwyth 8, to Devil's Bridge 18, Machynlleth 12, a circular run to Talybont, Talicsin, and Ynysl;i> of 10 miles. Ii I" The late Dr. Thring, Headmaster of Uppingham School, wrote-H I lived at Borth a whole year with mv School, from March, 1876, and have visited it summer after summer with my family since. I consider the climate the best I have ever known, fresh in summer and mild in winter, without being relaxing, and the place in all respects delightfnl to lovers of sea and country." Hotels. HOTEL WESTMINSTER. JJIGH-CLASS JpAMILY, COIMERCIAL, AND JJOARDING ESTABLISHMENT, C.T.C. HEADQUARTERS. Three minutes' walk from Station, Beach and Castle Grounds. Splendidly Furnished Throughout. Table D'Hote Daily at 1.30 p.m. Electric Light. Tariff Moderate. L. G. PARRY, Proprietress. THE QUEEN'S HOTEL, ABERYSTWYTH. Table D'Hote, 7.30. Boarding Terms from 3 Guineas per Week, or 12s. 6d. per day. THIS Hotel is replete with every modern appliance, and contains Coffee and Dining Rooms, Ladies Drawing Room, Recreation Room, Library, Billiard, and Smoking Rooms, and about one hundred Bedrooms. Having a frontuge of 150 feet, all the Public and Private Sitting Rooms face the sea and are hted by Electricity. W. H. P ALIER, Proprietor. BELLE VUE HOTEL, ABERYSTWYTH. (Facing the Sea and close to the Pier.) Is one of the most reasonable and comfortable Family and Commercial Hotels in Wales. TABLE D'Hote, 6-30. Boarding Terms from 2 £ Guineas per week, or 9s. per day. 'Bus meets all Trains. Tariff on Application to the Manageress. W. H. PALMER, Proprietor. LION ROYAL HOTEL, ABERYSTWYTH. THIS improved and newly-furnished Hotel, centrally situated, affords every accommodation to Visitors. Contains upwards of Fifty Bedrooms. Spacious Coffee, Commercial and Dining Rooms, Smoking Rooms, and Two Billiard Tables. Large Ball and Banqueting Hall. POSTING IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. BRAKES, WAGONETTES, LANDAUS, VICTORIAS, &e. SPECIAL TERMS TO FAMILIES DURING THE WINTER SEASON. BOARDING, INCLUSIVE, FROM E2 12s. 6d. THE HOTEL OMNIBUSES MEET ALL TRAINS. RUFUS WILLIAMS, PROPRIETOR. WHITE HORSE HOTEL, ABERYSTWYTH. 4 CLOSE TO SEA AND RAILWAY STATION. TERMS MODERATE. Proprietress: M. A. REA. WATERLOO HOTEL, ABERYSTWYTH, High-Cla s Family and Commercial Private Hotel and Boarding Establishment, Situated in the best part of the Town, facing the Sea, recently much enlarged and re-furnished, being now one of the Largest and Most Comfortable Hotels on the Welsh Coast. PERFECT SANITARY ARRANGEMENTS. EVERY MODERN COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE. BATHS, BILLIARDS, and ELECTRIC LIGHT. PRIVATE SITTING ROOMS. INCLUSIVE BOARD TERMS FROM X2: 2: 0 PER WEEK. BUS MEETS ALL TRAINS. A. E. & A. MORRIS, Proprietresses. TERMINUS HOTEL, ABERYSTWYTH. THE Hotel is now under new management. It is situate close to the Station and is the most convenient Hotel in Town for Travellers and others. It has recently been enlarged and is now replete with every modern convenience and is lighted throughout with the Electric Light. T. E. SALMON, PRWPRIEIWR, GW ALIA HOTEL, Ltd., LLANDRINDOD WELLS. THE origin of the Llandrindod "GWALIA is the well-known "GWALIA" OF UPPER WOBURN PLACE LONDON. It was started 1889; by the season of the following year, extensive additions had to be made to meet a rapid increasing business these extensions have culminated in tho NEW PREMISES, whioh was opened last year (July 27th, 1898,) The situation of the "GWALIA" is unrivalled. Beautiful outlook, commanding the finest views ossibls, perfect South-Wt: rt aspect, close to Park and Mineral Springs—Saline, Sulphure, and Chalybeate. Heating apparatus, good supply of Radiators on balconies and corridors. ELECTRIC LIGHT. PASSENGERS' LIFT. BILLIARD TABLE. EDWARD JENKINS, Manager. AND "GWALIA" UPPER WOBURN PLACE, LONDON. Business Notices. STEPHEN VAUGHAN DAVIES, £ jORN, JpLOUR, AND J>ROVISION J^JERCHANT, LAMPETER. THE Finest Te Man Brith that can be procured for Is- 4d. per lb. Sole Proprietor of the Tea Brith JL Stephen Is. lOd. with its marvellous, flavour and Superb Quality,, has sprung with a, bound into the highest in public flavour. HARFORD SQUARE, LAMPETER. WALTER DAVIES Is now making a Grand Display of the LATEST NOVELTIES IN Mantles, Capes, Jackets, Mackintosh Cloaks, Furs,- Costumes,, etc. PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS FABRICS. P.B. Goods not in Stock procured at Shortest Notice by Parcels arriving, daily from London and other centre CAMBRIAN SHOE FACTORY" J^AMPETtER. DAVIESTRROS: r BOOTS AND SHOES ARE POPULAR IN ALL TOWNS, WHY? Because they FIT well! Because they WEAR well! Because they SELL well Come and see the new Stock of SUMMER BOOTS and SHOES. EVERY BOOT SOLD GUARANTEED, Note the Address— CAMBRIAN FACTORY, LAMPETER. FOR GOOD AND RELIABLE BOOTS AND SHOES OF THE BEST QUALITY GO To EDWIN PETERS, Õ J GREAT D ARKGITE STREET" J (Three doors above, Town Clock,.) ABERYSTWYTH. Gentlemen's and Ladies' Boots and Shoes of every deseription. Repairs on shortest notice THOMAS POWELL & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND GENERAL MERCHANTS, MARKET STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. WAREHOUSES: LITTLE DARKGATE STREET AND MILL STREET. GARDEN SEEDS, EARLY SEED POTATOES, SEED OATS, BARLEY OATS, CLOVER AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JAMES McILQUHAM, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GLASS, CHINA, AND EARTHENWARE DEALER, BRIDGE END STORES, ABERYSTWYTH. TEA, BREAKFAST AND DESSERT SERVICES. STOWERBRIDGE & OTHER GLASS. Everything down to the lowest Culinary Articles. One of the Largest Stocks in Wales to Select from Contractor for Hotels and Public Institutions. Special attention given to Badged and Crested Ware Services Matched, no matter where purchased. Goods Lent out on Hire. AN EXPERIENCED PACKER KEPT. Inspection invited and your patronage respectfully solicited IF YOU WANT GOOD, RELIABLE FURNITURE AT A LOW PRICE. GO TO DAVID ELLIS AND SONS, FURNISHERS, 6, CHALYBEATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. JOHN MAETHLON JAMES, TAILORING, MILLINERY, AND DRESSMAKING ESTABLISHMENT, CAMBRIAN HOUSE, TOWYN, R.S.O. H. W. GRIFFITH, BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, 7, COLLEGE GREEN, TOWYN, MER. Agent for the noted K and Cinderella Boots. E. L. ROWLANDS, FAMILY AND GENERAL GROCER, LIVERPOOL HOUSE, ABERDOVEY. Choice Selection of General Provisions and Italian Goods, etc., always in Stock. J. GWILYM EVANS, FAMILY GROCER AND PROVISION MERCHANT, THE STORES, HIGH STREET & STATION ROAD, TOWYN. NOTED HOUSE FOR TEA. BEST IN THE MARKET FOR ITS STRENGTH, PURITY, AND FLAVOUR. R. MORGAN, PHARMACEUTICAL & DISPENSING CHEMIST, RPERRACE J^0AD> ^BEEYSTWYTH. All Drugs and Chemicals of GUARANTEED PURITY. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY DISPENSED AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES FOR CASH. Fruit Saline in 6d. and Is. Bottle. Citrate of Magnesia in 6d.; the very best quaKty, Is. size, 9d. Pure Lemon Squash, specially prepared for us, in 9d. and Is. 3d. bottles (twice the 9d. size). A large assortment of Toilet Requisites at the lowest prices for CASH. ESTABLISHED 1850. OWEN AND SONS, p ARISn OUSE, 11 & 1-39 N ORTHp ARADE,ABIERWSTWYTH. COMPLETE OUTFITTERS. NEW GOODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. LADIES' HIGH-CLASS TAILORING (PRIVATE FITTING ROOMS). NEW SUITINGS, COATINGS, TROUSERINGS, BREECHES MATERIALS, &c., &c. SOLE AGENTS FOR DR. JAEGER'S SANITARY WOOLLEN SYSTEM. SOLE AGENTS FOR WELCH MARGETSON'S SHIRTS, COLLARS, NECKWEAR, &c. NEW WATERPROOFS, DRESS BASKETS, TRUNKS, &c. OWEN AND SONS. FOR SUCCESSFUL ADVERTISING TRY THR "WELSH GAZETTE."