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ABERYSTWYTH. I VERNMENT E3^DTBYINTO THE PEOPOSBP WAJTER SCHEMES, In accordance with a requisition sent to <&€ Secretary j of State, Mr Arnold Taylor, of the Loaal Governiaeat Board Office, on Monday last, opened a, public 4ourt of enquiry into uuet of schemes AOWymeed for supplying the town with water. The proceedings oom- menced at eleven o'aleek, when there were prewbt, Messrs H. B. Taylor, Lewis Piagh Pugh, G.-G. tVil^ liams, W. S. Crtsalocli^ C. Hackhey, J. E. -Jones, J. W- Szlumper, W. Julian, Z. Humphreys, U. Hughes, T. Samuels, D. Roberts, J. Williams (43, Marine-terrace), E. Ellis, J. J. At wood, Capt. Bassett Lewis, Dr W. WillianHy, Dr C. Rice Williams, Mr J. >W#,tki«is, Mr <f. Jones (Great Darkerate-efcreet), Cant. Delahovde. Mr Geo. Green, Mr Durie, &c.; Mr H. Thomas, Clerk to the Com- missioners. Previously to the commencement of the proceedings application. was ma4le to Mr Taylor for the enquiry to be adjourned until the following day, Monday being market day and ineon venient for a number .ef -interestedpeteons to attend the -court, In answer to the application, Mr Tayiorr said he was -very sorry Ie. co U<l not .comply with the request on ac- count of pending engagements uo doubt if the parties had written to iiici previously to his caming.,down he might have altered the day. Mr TAYLOR, in cpeaing the proceedings,-said he was att present on that occasion in the capacity of inspector, but had come down at -He request of the Commissioner with a view to determine the best scheme forsilpplying Aberystwyth with water. By the resolution passed at a meeting of the Commisiioners they had agreed to abifi- by the decision he arived at, so it would, appear that l e was presaafc as a referee oil the matter. He thought the eest may of proceeding would be for the Clerk to the C/OmmisaioEers to state Alee facts in connection, with what had taken place at the meetings of the -Commissioners, after which he would he&r what had to be said with reference to the whole of the schemes. iiste also might etate that a better supply of water was greatly needed, which he beEeved was afeicitted by the whele of the Com- missioners. {Hear, hear.) Mr THOJI-A. Clerk iodhe Commissions^ stated that the Commissioners, feeling the want of a better supply «f water, bad called in the assistance of the late Mr .Duncan, an taiinent hydraulic engineer, who before his <leath prepared a report.cf the different «jheines (sever an number) which had been forwarded to the Board. Mr report was here read. At th. req Urst of Mr Taylor the minute book of the was produced, and all proceedings with Tefereace to tne svater question, from the commencement -of the debates were read, from which it appeared that at a n%eeting.d the Commissioners held ca the 14th September, lSof, a committee was appointed to i rupee t the district arviLY (I the Domen Valley (one of the schemes ntioned in thee-eport of Mr Duncan), and communicate With the lando wners; at a subsequent meeting of the Com- amsskuers held on the 2nd October, 1869, the cemmittee appointed sent ia,.L report which recommended-the carry- ing out of the Domen scheme, they being of opinion that a jilentiful supply of water could be obtained; also worn cdH_umnic4t:oF with the landowners the committee J)elievee- Iaeze would be no factious opposition offered to the carrying- out of ihe scheme. At the meeting held on the 2nd October it was unanimously agreed by the twenty- three C«i*Eaissioners present to adopt the report ef the comnntt^ w.th a .view to carrying- out the same. Mr E. asked how many of the committee were actually prevent when the report vas signed. Mr PELEd a number of the persons appointed on the committee were opposed to the -scheme and refused to attend; TUie Mayor, Aldermen T. Jones and J. Davk-s and himatUf (Ma- Pell) sigsaed the report. < Mr jJueats said he was one appointed on that eom- mitteebut was unable to go with them when they visited Domm. He denied that he refused to go; he did not reeeiv. notice until late eae evening, and the committee started to Domea at nine o'clock on tbe morning after he reeeaved the notice. He had visited D&men previously to the costmittee's gting there, aiad from what he saw of the ^ace he thought the report -of the committee was very The CIEBK read the minutes of meetings of the Com- aawsiwers held on the 23rd and 26th October, 1869, at _1.L _1. ,1 >vinca a. was resoivea mat tne scheme for bringing water from Doaien be abandoned, and also that theDresolution appointing a committee to confer with the Landowers be resciad-ed. At another meeting of the Commissioners held on the 2nd November it was finally resolved to ask the Secretary of State to send down a person to decide which of the schemes mentioned at different meetings of the Com- missioners was the most desirable. Mr TAYL08 wished to know what had changed the minds of the Commissioners between the meetings men- tioned to him or any other stranger it would appear that the Board haQ. for a time been going on swimmingly with respect to one scheme, and all at once had given it up. The CtKSK said latterly there had been a great difference of opinion shown, some in favour and some against the Domen scheme. Some of the Commissioners—Mr B. Hughes, -particularly- wished to call a public meeting of the in- habitants. He (the Clerk) told the Board that he did not think it judicious oa their part to delegate their power to a public meeting. However, the Mayor, who was-present at the meeting when the subject of the public meeting was brought on, was prevailed upon to sign a requisition calling a meeting of the ratepayers. A large meeting was held, and a great deal of discussion took place, and he (the Clerk) might say it was a Tipperary meeting, for they would not hear one gentleman—Mr Atwood. (Laughter.) He might say the meeting was all on one side, and a large number who signed the requisition could have but very little to say on the subject for which the meeting was called. The meeting was unanimous in condemning the Domen scheme, and thus led to the resolution passed by the Commissioners revoking what had previously been done with reference to the Domen scheme. Mr E. ELLIS said the meeting alluded to by the clerk was not a "Tipperary" meeting, for he believed at that kind of meetings shillelahs and stones were used. (Laugh- ter.) Nothing of the kind, however, occurred at the public meeting of the ratepayers, andMrPeU, MrH. E. Taylor,and a number of other gentlemen present who were in favour of the Domen scheme had a hearing. From the report of the meeting, which appeared in the Aberystwyth Tim's, ^nd which was a very correct account, he did not t.hir^ the public meeting was unfair. Mr TAYLOR said it was a most absurd idea to think of discussing a qnestion like the one at present before them at a public meeting; the ratepayers might pass their opinion, and that was all they could do in the matter. A discussion ensued as to the analysis of the different waters during which Mr Taylor suggested that Professor Franklin be asked to make a fresh analysis of the different waters, which suggestion was unanimously agreed upon. Mr PELL at some length laid before the Commissioner a scheme having in view the enlargement of the existing works, which would be capable of yielding a sufficient water supply for some years to come. This having been considered, the Domen scheme was brought before the Commissioner. Mr E. ELLIS said Mr Taylor had asked the question how it was the Commissioners had changed their opinion between one meeting and another. In the first place the committee had reported that no opposition would be offered to the scheme by the landowners this was found to be incorrect, and if the opposition were carried on it would incur expense by litigation. Mr Duncan had also mad? his report under the impression that the water-shed was 1,800 acres Mr Ellis was prepared to prove that the acreage was not half what had been stated in Mr Duncan's report. „ Mr AAYLOR Of course, Mr Duncan made a personal inspection of the ground. Mr ELLIS- Mr Duncan did not make a minute inspec- not; he went to Domen on a very misty day, when it was impossible to see two hundred yards before him. The water-shed would only amount to 800 acres. Mr T.&YLOR -How do you know that ? Mr ELLIS-Because it was "chained" last week by Mr Humphreys. A plan of the ground was here produced. Mr ELLIS stated that with regard to the purity of the water the stream was polluted by the drainage from four- teen farms. The whole length of the water-shed from the proposed reservoir would only be somewhere about a mile and a quarter. Mr HUMPHREYS said he prepared the plan himself. Mr PELL said it was a most incorrect plan, as it did not shew the whole length of the streams. Mr TAYLOR thought the scheme had been criticised under a misconception. Mr PELL said the water-shed was a mile and a quarter in breadth at the widest point. Mr ELLIS again complained of the pollution of the streams at Domen caused by the drainage of different farms. Mr TAYLOR—If you assume that you cannot deal with such pollutions as those you are arguing on a wrong basis. Mr ELLIS-It was also stated by the projectors of this scheme that there would not be a sufficient supply of water there all the year round unless catchment was resorted to on a very large scale. Captain LEWIS—Name the parties who said so. Mr ELLIs-Mr T. Jones said so; he was one of the committee. Mr SZLUMPER said the water that was analyzed from the Domen was taken below the point where the pollution was said to exist. Mr DURIE-What month of the year was the water that was analyzed taken from the stream. Mr PELL-In August, when all the cattle from the different farms would be standing in the streams. Mr TAYLOR remarked that if gentlemen in the room would refrain from arguing the matter personally he should be able to get on a great deal better. He wished to know what extent of mineral pollution the streams in the Domen valley were subjected to. Mr ELLIs-There is one very large spring here lpointing to the plan], at least it is called a spring, which drains the Darren mine; and there is no doubt it is that pollution which destroys Colonel Pryse's fish. Mr Ellis added that he thougLt a farmer had a right to irrigate his fields with the manure trom the farm yard, water from which eventually ran into the stream, as shown on the plan; in some in- stances the drainage almost immediately discharged itself into the stream out of the farm yards. Mr TAYLOR agreed with Mr Ellis that a person had a right to irrigate his own land, but it was a question whether that person had a right to allow the drainage to run into the stream, most likely to the annoyance of persons below. Mr ELLIS then spoke of the pollution to the streams by cattle in the summer months, contending that the farmers had a prior right to the stream and those privileges. Mr TAYLOR said that would be a question for Parliament to decide, provided the Board applied for an Act to carry out the Domen scheme. Mr PELL said Mr Ellis had stated that there were exist- Ing mines on the proposed water-shed. The committee wno who went to examine the place found that there were no minea the shed, with the exception of the old Darren mine, which had not been worked for the last thirty years, and that would not affect the proposed water-shed. The stream was not polluted-by mine water, for it abounded with fish, and the other dayjke was shown a fine fish which was caught im the stream. As regarded | the question of Jarm-yard pollution, he might say there were fourtee* farms on the stream, and if the plan pro- were fourtee* farms on the stream, and if the plan pro- j duced was a cepjr-eff the sketch shown.at the public meet- [ ing those farms would be marked. Out of the fourteen farms, eleven of them did not rain into the stream, but the drainage was turned over the fields. As an illustra- tion of what took place at the public meeting he might state that a glass of water said to be a specimen of the Domen water was produced. He was told by a farmer that the glass of water shown at the public meeting was not from the stream, but was taken from aoool close by the dung heap, a few yards frem the farm house. (Cries of "Shame.") The drainage from eleven of the farms on the plan ran by a series .¿f cuts into the stream, and by the time it reached the stream was purified. Mr Roberts, one of the committee, and he tasted the water which rau over the land at ene of the junctures where it entered the stream, and he could assure them that it was very good water. He wished, if he might be allowefi, to put in evidence copies of letters which he had received from a person residel:, tin the district. (Cries of No, no.") He did not know tlB person, but whoever he was he was evi- dently interested in the water question. Mr TAYLOR did not think it necessary for -the letters to be read. Mr PELL said with regard to the water-shed a very con- siderable amount of misapprehersion appeared to exist. He could assure them that Mr Duncan in his calculations did not receive the figures from any individual, but from marks made by himself (M-r Duncan) on the ordnance map, which lines shown to the Board were admitted to be correct. The map from which Mr Duncan made the cal- culations was now in the possession of Mr Szlumper, Mr B. HUGHES, 3n some lengthy remarks, opposed the Domen scheme, on account of pollution and" insufficient gathering ground tt. secure a pennanent supply of water for the town. It wa& preposterous to go andapend C12,000 on a scheme when an abundant supply could be obtained for 1:2, 000 or £ 3,000. Mr TAYLOR—Do you mean to tell me that you can supply a town like this with water by a pumping-scheme for £ 2,000? f = A VOIcE-It's MOST absurd. Mr TAYLOR- I believe Mr Duncan's estimate s one i that can be relied upon, and when taken fully into con- sideration I don't think will be very far wrong. Mr HUGIIES-1 am not an engineer myself, but I am told that a permanent supply can be obtained for a great deal less money than that stated by Mr Duncan. Mr TAYLOR—By that you seem to think that Mr Duncan has underestimated one and (Overestimated the .ot'er; I d m't think ir Duncan would have done eutsk a thing. Mr HUGHES-Mr Atwood and Mr Pell stated that the ,r, omen scheme could be carried out for 14,000. Mr ATWOOD—I am sure I did not say &ny such thing, Mr TAYLOR—What matter what they say ? We are deal- ing with what Mr Duncan says. Mr HUGHES—What if a person undertakes to carry out the work for £ 3,000, and works it three months as a guarantee ? Mr TAYLOR—Surely you are not going to trust such an important work as this is someone else's hands. The proper time for that question to be brought on will be when the Llanbadarn Flats scheme comes before me. Mr J. JONES (Great Darkgate-street) said he did not think he should be fulfilling his duty as a commissioner if he did not state what he knew of the Domen scheme. He knew the district very well, and was born within a field's breadth of the stream. He had seen the stream dry scores of times, and often, when a boy, had to go to a well near to Peithyll for water on account of the stream's being- dry. He had never heard until it was stated at the Commis- sioners' meeting, that the water was swallowed up in the gravel bed—(laughter)—and he should like that to be proved to him. (Laughter.) The idea of going to Domen for water was the laughingstock of the neigh- bourhood. To his knowledge there was no water in the stream some months in the summer. Mr TAYLOR—You say there is no water there in the summer months; what becomes of it ? Mr JONES—Mr Szlumper says it is swallowed up in the gravel. (Laughter.) u 1 Mr NzrUIIPER said all he had to say on the subject was that he went up the stream in the summer, at any rate the bed of a stream, for it was quite dry. He was sur- prised to find no water there, but on going further up the course to the site of the proposed reservoir, he found a large quantity of water, enough to fill a six-inch pipe. He was of opinion that during the dry season the water lower down was swallowed up in the bed of gravel, which at that part formed the course, of the stream. Mr ATWoOD-That is a fact. Mr JOEs-I don't care what Mr Szlumper says. I won't believe it, and if we go and spend 214,000, we shall not get enough of water there. Mr Szlumper never told the committee that. Mr PELL—You are perfectly well aware that there was plenty of water when we went there; the miller was asked about it, and he said if we pounded" the water we should have enough to supply twenty Aberystwyths. Mr JONES-I am sorry to say I was not with you at the time. I remember asking the miller's sister what quantity they would be able to grind if the pond was made larger, and she said two bushels a day. Mr CREALOCK said it was a very small pond at the mill; he had walked across it many times, Mr HUMPHREYS said he had ganged the water in the stream during the summer months, and there was not sufficient water to pass through a three-inch pipe. Mr SZLUMPER—With what did you gauge the water? Mr HUMPHREYS—With two boards [explained how it was done]. Mr SZLUMPER-It was certainly a very primitive mode of gauging the water. I gauged the water with a gauge specially prepared for the purpose, and in a manner re- commended by Mr Duncan. Mr GREE-Do you know what pressure of water there was at the time. Mr SZLUtrPER-I do not. Mr GRFE-Then your gauging amounts to nothing! Mr J ONES wished to know if they got the water from Domen whether they would be required to supply persons who were at present dependent upon the stream. Mr TAYLOR—Well, we have not decided upon that scheme, and you say you will not have the water from Domen—(laughter)—but supposing such to be determined upon there would be a great many ifs in the way, and the committee of the House of Commons who grant you the Act of Parliament will take good care to protect all existing interests. Mr HACKNEY—How do you account for Col. Pryse's fish being killed? Mr PELL-Shall I answer that question ? Mr TAYLOR—No! we have plenty to do without holdi-ig an inquest on Col. Pryse's fish. (Laughter.) This terminated the debate with reference to the Domen scheme. The next scheme brought forward was the Llanbadarn Flats. Mr HUGHES, in mentioning the scheme, stated that it was proposed to enlarge the present reservoir to six times the present size; the present reservoir was capable of holding 216,000 gallons of water. Mr GEO. GREEN said he had had the Llanbadarn Flats scheme in his mind for some years past, and as an en- gineer had enquired into it. The other schemes had one by one disappeared in his estimation for the simple reason that all the gravitation schemes were ,more or less catch- ment schemes, and necessarily being open to the atmos- Ehere became polluted. Ihe same supply of water could e found in the Flats all the year round, the same in the summer as in the winter. He held in his hand a plan of an engine which pumped for the Sun foundry in Leeds. That engine was capable of forcing 250,000 gallons 100 feet high in twelve hours; by working twenty-four hours, it would raise half a million gallons in that time. He pro- duced the plan for any one to examine, in order to see that it was not a "two-penny halfpenny" scheme. The engine, boiler, and machinery would cost 21,000; the main to connect with the present main, one inch bore, and one mile in length, 2800; and 2200 for a reservoir, if they chose to erect one, but he did not think it was re- quired, the present being quite sufficient. Mr SZLUMPER-Do you intend to cover the reservoir? Mr GREEN—I do not; I intend doing exactly the same as they do in Liverpool; a cover can be put over the re- servoir if required. Mr SZLUMPER What depth do you propose to go into the Flats ? Mr GRmv Certainly not much deeper than at present. Capt. LEWIS wished to know how they were going to guard against accidents if they did not enlarge the reservoir. Mr GREEN—By providing proper machinery, and em- ploying persons that can be trusted to superintend the working. Captain LEWIS—An engine got out of repair here the other day. Mr GREEN- Engines are liable to get out of repair. Captain LEWIS—I am glad to hear you say so, for that was why I put the question to you. Mr DURIE explained that the engine mentioned by Mr Green was provided with duplicate parts, where it was most liable to break, and in case one part broke the engine would be able to go on working all the same. Mr SZLUMPER asked Mr Green if he was really serious in stating he could bring a permanent supply of water into the town for 9'2,500. Mr GREEN said he did mean what he had said, and if necessary, would carry it out. Mr CREALOCK thought that by pumping the water from a well they would not only pump the water out of the well, but the surrounding district. They were all well aware that the drainage from the new cemetery, and also from Llanbadarn churchyard, drained into the Flats, and unless there was a formation in the ground to prevent the drainage from coming in contact with the well, they would necessarily pump the drainage. Mr GREEN said the springs were protected by a body of clay. I Mr PELL stated that the water from the whole of the wells on the Flats was not sufficient last summer to keep the present engine employed pumping for twenty consecu- tive minutes. Mr GBEEN stated that by going a few yards deeper into the Flats a much larger quantity of water might be ob- tained. At this stage the court was adjourned until eleven o'clock on Tuesday. On Tuesday morning the enquiry was resumed, when a large number of persons were present. Mr TAYLOR stated that the Llanbadarn Flats scheme was before the court when it closed the previous evening he wished to know if anyone had anything further to say with reference to the scheme before him. Mr DURIE said when Mr Duncan made his report he estimated the cost of a pumping scheme for the Flats at 214,000. He (Mr Durie) did not like to contradict that statement, but he .was of opinion that the quantity of water required for the town could be obtained from the Flats at a much lower cost. Mr Durie laid before Mr Taylor a j»umping,~«cheme calculated to mipbly two hundred thousand; gallons per day, at a totaf-cost of £ 2,000; a double,quantity to be obtained -by,working.-tbe engine day and night. Mr TAYLOR thought Mr Durie or Any-one else, would not like to pump day and night with a single engine.' Mr JE)upric-Welt -supposing another engine were ob- tained, ;it would be an additional cost of £ 1,000 • by hav- ing an additional engine they would be able to'do away with the storage reservoir, as they would always have an extra. engine to fall .back upon. From what heckiaew of the Flats he was of opinion that an abundant supplycoulcl »3 •otained tcere, and by going a few reetlower down they would find an inexhaustible supply. IH answer to Mr Taylor, Mr DGlUE thought it would be necessary to go a few feet deeper, into the Flats. Mr PELL alluded to the drainage which emptied itself into the J* late. Mr Duncan in his report allowed for the prstectioa of the water. from the drainage, and provided filter beds,L-e- A pernument scheme i(or supplying water from the Flats would,have to provide means for the pre- fciuryaiion of the water in the springs, and he had no hesi- tation in saying that the cost of a permanent supply of water from the Flats would be something like £ 8,000. He also spoke.of a stream .running from the mill into the Flats, which stream disappeared in the shingle; this water was polluted with lead ore, and by pumping water from the wells on the Flats they would stand a chanoe of coming in contact with the water from the stream which ran into the Flals. Mr TAYLOR said that in order to obtain a permanent supply from the Flats a readjustment of the whole system would be required, enlargement of the wells, measures taken iN exclude the surface water, and the supply obtained from a lower level. He could not regard any scheme as a permanent work unless such measures were taken; if tny gentleman was under the impression that the whole of the works w-iuld be carried out for a sum as stated by Mr Green or Mr Durie, all he could say was that such per- sons were very greatly mistaken. They were going to carry out the work with borrowed money, and as honest men they would be bound to lay it out to such advantage as to benefit the future generation. (Hear, hear.) Mr G. G. Williams's scheme for supplying water from springs in a field called Rhos-fawr. near Bow-street, was next called on. Mr WILLIAMS, in laying the scheme before the Com- missioner, said he wished to make one remark with refer- ence to the Domen scheme which was before the meeting on Monday. He had been to Domen that morning, and from examining the place found that the proposed reser- voir, as marked on Mr Sglumper's map, would be right in the centre of Captain Trevettan's new mine. —Mr Williams then laid his scheme before the Commissioner, from which it appeared that the proposed water supply is to be ob- tained from a number of springs in a field called Rhos- fach, near Bow-street station, He proposes pumping the water up a column 85 feet high, and alocg pipes into a surface reservoir 20 feet by 26 feet. Several gentlemen present were of opinion that no dependence could be placed upon the supply to be obtained from the source mentioned by Mr Williams. Mr THOMAS, clerk to the Commissioners, hoped that Mr Taylor would not overlook the Strata Florida scheme. There was very good water to be obtained there, and he did not think they would find so much difficulty in getting a supply from there as stated by Mr Duncan in his repcrt. Dr C. RICE WILLIAMS brought forward the Nanteos scheme, by which it is proposed to obtain a supply from a pool near Nanteos, which is fed by a number of springs in that neighbourhood. This is a gravitation scheme, being 265 feet above the level of the town; and the owner of the property, Colonel Powell is favourably inclined towards the proposal, and will grant what is necessary for its car- rying out on the most advantageous terms. The water in quality is cimilar so thatobtained from the Domen valley: the total cost is estimated at 25,000. The scheme was opposed on the ground of the supply being limited. These being the whole of the schemes, it was decided to analyze the waters from the different streams constituting the schemes which had been brought before Mr Taylor, with the exception d Strata Florida. Air TAYLOR said he would leave it to the Commissioners to decide upon a committee for the purpose of taking samples of the different waters. It was no use thinking of getting a supply from the rivers, for as yet no steps had been taken for their purification, and it was not likely the town was going to wait for some possible measure. As a Local Board, and having borrowed money for the completion of permanent works, they were bound to carry out the water works as early as possible. It was too late for anything to be done this session, but he hoped in the meantime they would take steps to improve their existing supply. Captain LEWIS, on behalf of the Commissioners and the town in general, propose a vote of thanks to Mr Taylor for the patient hearing he had given them, and the ability shown in conducting the enquiry. (Hear, hear.) Whatever Mr Taylor's report would he he (Capt. Lewis) had no hesitation in saying it would be perfectly satis- factory to himself and brother Commissioners. (Hear, hear.) Mr PELL seconded the vote of thanks. Mr E. ELLIS said he had much pleasure in supporting what had already been said. He was happy to say they had found Mr Taylor to be a much more pleasant gentle- man than they had been led to expect. (Laughter and applause.) He had been held up to them as a flogger -(Iau-,hter) or something of that kind, but he (Mr Ellis) was happy to say such was not the case. Mr CREALOCK said since Mr Taylor had commenced visiting Aberystwyth a great deal of improvement had taken place. Mr TAYLOR briefly thanked the meeting for the compli- ment, and said he was glad to see that they had found the old adage to be true-" The devil was not so black as he was painted." (Much laughter.) The proceedings then terminated. PETTY SESSIONS, WEDNESDAY.-Before J. Davies, Esq and Griffith Thomas, Esq. Drank and Riotous.-John Morgans, hairdresser, Baker- street, was charged by P.C. D. Davies with being drunk and making a disturbance in the streets on the night of the 23rd ul.-Fimd 5J., and 7s. 6d. costs. A Novel Way oj Paying Debts.-Thomas Williams, boatman, Portland-lane, was charged with assaulting Thomas Edwards, baker, Portland-lane, on the night of the 27th ult.—Complainant stated that he met defendant in the street on the night of the 27th ult., and asked him for some money which was owing for baking; defendant made no reply but struck complainant a blow in the mouth, sending him across the street.—Defendant denied striking complainant without provocation, stating that complainant called him a thief, rogue, and other names which very much annoyed defendant; in support of this statement he called a witness.—The Bench asked witness if the conversation took place in English or Welsh, to which he replied in Welsh," at the same time admitting that he did not understand the Welsh language.—The Bench reprimanded the witness and fined defendant 2s. 6d., and 6s. 6d. costs. A Row. -Owen Jones, landlord of the "Merionethshire Arms" was charged with assaulting Owen Edwards, of Poplar Row, on the night of the 27th ult.—Complainant stated that he went to the defendant's house on Saturday night last, and had a glass of ale. Whilst he was drinking it defendant set" upon him without any cause whatever, and turned him out of the house, and whilst on the street abused him in a most brutal manner, defendant being assisted by his wife and son.—Defendant's version of the story was quite different, being to the effect that com- plainant whilst in the house made a disturbance and behaved in an indecent manner to the landlady. Defend- ant put him out of the house as a friend and advised com- plainant to go home, but instead of doing so he had a row with defendant's son, which ended in a fight. Defendant went out of the house to separate them, but on account of the abuse which he received at the hands of the complain- ant, he was obliged to fight in self-defence. The Bench dismissed the case. Obstructing the Street.-Riebard Morgan, Great Dark- gate-street, was charged by Mr Vaughan, surveyor to the Improvement Commissioners, with obstructing the street by leaving a lot of rubbish thereon. It appears that defendant is at present altering a house in Great Darkgate- street, and neglected to enclose the building from the street as required.—The charge was withdrawn on defendant's promising to carry out the instructions of the surveyor with regard to enclosing the premises. This terminated the business.

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