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One Cake Free If you will buy one cake of Liquozone Antiseptic Soap—price sixpence—we will give you one cake free. Tnat means two cakes for the price of one, if you will bring this advertisement. This soap, in 1904, was awarded the prize as being the finest soap in existence. No other soap is so delightful, so economical, so antiseptic. Every cake is seasoned two years before it is marketed. We want you to know this exquisite soap; then you will use it always. So we make the above offer, for a few days, to all who bring this advertisement. J. BURGESS, Chemist, 44 & 45, Strand, FERNDALE, Glam. a o one g g *C Mg S :¡¡;¡';j. Sit Down and Thto Are you nervous, irritable and generally out of sorts Yes Then your blood is out of order, and require toning up by Dr. Mackenzie's KHAS-KA This preparation combines the medicinal properties of the most approved alterative Toni' and Blood purifying remedies of the vegetable kingdom. It invigorates the system in giving an appetite and tone to the stofiiach. Absolutely cures Scrofula, Scald Head, Syphilitic affections, Ringworm. Salt Rhenm., Pjmples, Catarrh, Headache, Female Weakness, and all diseases arising from an impure and low oondition of the blood, Good blood is good health, and KHAS-KA will give it to you. KHAS-KA is scientifically prepared and is a certain and pleasant remedy. jfHAS KA, Blood Purifier and Tonic 2s. 9d. Post Free, from A. D. LLEWELLYN, Chemist. Medical Hall, TONYREFAIL, SOlerPropr -TH MACKENZIE MEDICINE CO.. don, aris and New York. 3962 A r4 f, 4/( The correct style in Collars, Hat", Caps, &c., and latest esigns in m Shirts, TieH,&c., are very important. || Did of1 the^best. "tome inPand see what we offer. j. Hat and Tie Mart, 15, Pandy Square, j I TONYPANDY. Taff Crated Water Co. CLARENCE STORES, PONTYPRIDD. BREWERS OF STONE GINGER BEER, HOP BITTERS, &c., &c. Mr- MANUFACTURERS OF CORDIALS. WHOLESALE PRICES ONLY. W. BANFIELD. For HiCali-C;LASS !PHOTOGRAPHY* In all the latest processes call at |T. J. HUGHES'I STUDIO. I JTREALAW BRIDGE* (Near New Station). s = ENLARGEMENTS in every known p jfe Old and Faded Photoi Copied. @ & Special Quotations for Groups, Sunday Schoo *5 £ Parties, Choirs, etc. $CHILDREN'S POTRAITS. 1 Very Rapid Appliances are used in order to £ obtain Good Pictures. g 2 Note the Address—T. J. HUGHES, # X @5 W Photographic Artist, Bridge Street, TONYPANDY. A Home from Home. Good Board-25/- to 30/- inclusive. Week ends, 8/ Welsh spoken, Splendid Accommodation, EVANS, WOVE PARK RESTAURANT 88. High-street, WESTON aUPER-MARE. 4119 ■*>

Ton-PentreI I.Police Court.I

Refuge Insurance Company.

[No title]

Bohemian Girl" Perform-Iance.

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