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Corporation of the City of Manchester. CONCENTRATED MANURE Made from Slaughter-House and Market Refuse, Exerements from Pail Closets, BLOOD, BONES, FISH, &c, Delivered in bags, carriage paid, in 2 Ton lots within 50 miles and 4 Ton lots within 100 miles, At P,3 Per Ton. Speoial price over 100 miles. Supply strictly limited. Orders should be given •arlyin the seasm to prevent disappointment.—Full particulars from R. D. CALLISON, Indoor and Estates Superintendent, Cleansing Department, Town Hall, Manchester. Or to— MR. BOLD ALDRED, Simmford-road, Altrinobam, Cheshire. ll/f ONEY LENT PRIVATELY by the JYJL CHARING-CROSS BANK (Registered 28, BEDFORD-STREET, CHARING CROSS LONDON. ESTABLISHED, 1870. Assets £ 512,475 18 2 Liabilities. 209,475 18 2 Capital nd Reserve. £303,000 0 0 Advances made upon approved Promissory Note M follows:— Advanoe £ 25—12monthljrepaymenteof £ 2 5 11 4 50 4. 4 11 L « 100 ld 9 3 4 Larger amonntsthe ilameinptoportion. LOANS of L30 to 12,000 granted at a few hour's noticein town or oountry, male orf emale, on mortgage off urniture, trade and farm stock, plans, crops, &o., without removal, and to assist pereont into business; also on deeds, policies, and reversions, at 5 per cent. for one month to 14 years. Distance no object. Easy repayments Strictly private. Call or write. NOTICE.—Before applying elsewhere ask any Solicitor, Auctioneer, &c., in England or Wales knowing this Bank, and you will at once find o it you aretreating with an old established (1870) safe and bona fide Bank. Having large capital we do business cheaper than others. No good loan evar refused. TWO-AND-A-HALF PER CENT. INTEREST allowed on the minimum monthly balanoes of OUlL- BENT ACCOLTNTS when not drawn below JMO Depositoof £ 10 and upwards received at 3 pjr cent. per annum payable at 14 days' notice. Subjeetto3 months'noticeof withdrawal £ 4 per cent .< g 5 a 12 6 Interest paid quarterly free from Income Ta:: Depositors have no liability whatever, and are amply secured. Prospectus free. A. WILLIAMS, Manager. MRS. THOMAS, REGISTRY OFFICE FOR SERVANTS, GWENFFRWDD HOUSE, MOLD. HAS several Cooke and General Servants; House- MI maids ani Under-housemaids, Sawing-maids, and Nursai on her Books. Great attention is given to prooure good Servants; also, good Situations. A SELECT DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES is now OPEN at ST. WINBFBIDB'B CONVENT, Well Street. Only a limited number eoeived.—For Terms, apply to the SUPHBIOBBSS. E ADE'S 0OUT & RHEUMATIC pILLS. SUFFERED AGONY FOR THIRTY YEARS, TRADE'S DILLS. 30, Randal Street,Bridge Road ■Cj Battersea S.W., fADE'S DILLS. January 27th, 1892. Hi A Dear air,—I feel it myduty TRADE'S PILLS. to write and give you great praise Xli A for introducing such a valuable medicine as your Gout Pills. Having SUFFERED UNTOLD AGONY FOR 30 YEARS. I can truly say I have never had anything to relive my pain so quickly as your Pills. I used to lay in bed fortw or three months at a time, but now I not only got relie /2LOUT in a few hours but am able t vl" work in less than a week: M PREUMATISM. comp'aint is the worst of a I* Gouts, called Chalk Gout.— /lOU'f Yours truly IJR «*w LITTLEJOHN: BHEU.MATISM. ••Mr G.Eade." Fj ADE's GOUT & JYHEUMATIO pILLS Prepared only bv George Bade 72,Goswell-road London E,C. SoldbvallChemistsinBottles,!s. I £ d.and3s.9d; E ADF,'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC pILLS THE BEST MEDICINE FOR BILE THE BEST MEDICINE FOR WIND, THE BEST MEDICINE FOR INDIGESTION; IS j^ADE'S j^NTIBILIOUS JpiLLS. They quicklyremovetheirritation and feverishatateo the STOMACH, correct the morbid condition of the LIVB, relieve the system of allimpurities, which, byeireulating ill the blood, injuriously affect the action of the KIDNEYS, and byremovingthecauaea of so much discomfort restore ahe vita I energies of body and mind. E ADE'S ANTIBILIOUS pILLS. Sold by all Chemists,in Boxes, ls ld. and 2s. 9d,, o mailed free on receipt of remittance by GEORGE EADE li, GOSWELL ROAD, LONDON, E.C. E ADE'S ANTIBILTOUS pILLS. v OHILDREN'S HAIR. Hagon's OLEAN8ER* A lady writes," X have used HAQON'S tor the last 10 years tor my girls, and they now nave Beautiful Golden Hair la great abundance. fj* by mott CttemUC.and on» Ckemitt vtllobtain BUT iiuM en HAGON'S; nothing elw UMLDO we JKT*t Od. Bottles, post free 9d„ 2 for l/< Sole Maker, HA ON, ChemiN, C*RDVW. COLD IN CANADA. ■■JSiSfSg&i&F KLONDYKE. All who desire information respecting KlondykC and the Goldflelds of Ontario and British Columbia should write to ALLAN BROS. & CO., 19, James St., Liverpool, for their MAPS and LKAIXXTS regarding the above and the AGRICULTURAL REIOUROEI OF OANADA, whlOh HP* Sent PRIE. -to LAD I ESI T ADIE8 REQUIRING ASSISTANCE and RELIEF i XJ all FEMALE AILMENTS. IRREGULARITIES; SUPPRESSIONS, and OBSTRUCTIONS can obtain the most valuable information whereby difficulties are over- Mine, no matter how Obstinate or Long-Standing. THIS EXTRAORDINARY MKDICINE jja8 met with immense success in THOUSANDS OF OASES after all others have failed. Read these extracts from Tentimonialg:- MKXBORO' Dear Madam,—Kindly send me a bottle of your medicine nd pills, I have tried them before; on one occasion they at me right with Foun DOSES AFTBR SIXTIES WEEKS, and other time ONE Don DID ME GOOD,—Mrs L.T NEWCASTLE-ON-TYKE. ear Madam,—My case was a very obstinate one of ? » HTEBN WEEKS, but with perseverenoe and your good advice I am happy to say I got relief.-Mrs M.J. YORK. Dear Mrs Dasmail,—I received the medicine and pills Mtfely. The last I had proved effectual after PIVE MONTHS SUPPRESSION AND ANXIETY.—Mrs A.B, The above, and Thousands of similar Testimonials guaranteed Genuine UNDER A PF.NAJ.TY OF 91.000. Abandon not hope; here you will find a Genuine SPECIALITY and CURE. Failure impossible. Send IJtamped addressed envelope for particulars. A, DASMAL, Box, 887, Langdale House, Walthamstow, Londoni FLINTSHIRE DISPENSARY. WANTED, a RESIDENT HOUSE SURGEON. Salary £ 120 a year, with furnished house, rent and taxes free also, coal, light, water and cleaning, or in lieu thereof the sum of E20 per annum. A knowledge of Welsh desir- able. A copy of the Rules will ba forwarded on application to the SECRETARY. Testimonials to be sent to me, on or before MONDAY, the 24th instant. Duties to oommenoe on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30th. THOS. THOMAS, SSOBBIIBY. Board Room:— Bagillt Street, Holywell, N. Wales, January 4th, 1898. HOLYWELL UNION. TRAINED NURSE WANTED. TH E Guardians of the above Union require the services of a TRAINED NURSE at the Workhouse. Salary, £ 30 per annum, with apartments, rations and washing. The person appointed mu:t be certificated, devote the whole of her time to the service of the Board and the performance of the duttes of a Nurse in conformity with the regulations of the Looal Government Board, and must carry out all orders or directions of the Guardians, the Medical Offioers, and the Master and Matron of the Workhouse. Applications, stating age and qualifications, with oopies of three recent testimonials, to be sent to me, the undersigned, on or before TEN o'clock on FRIDAY, the 21st day of JANUARY, 1898. The appointment will be made subject to the approval of the Looal Government Board, and preference will be given (other qualifications being equal) to a Nurse having a knowledge of the Welsh language. By Order of the Guardians, P. HARDING ROBERTS, CLBBK. Union Offioes, Holywell, 28th December, 1897. WANTED, AT ONOE, FOR LONDON SUBURB—S E R V A N T—Clergyman's Family. No Children. No Washing. Boy for boats and knives. Must be gocd cook, honest and trustworthy. Wages, £ 16.—Apply to "J. C. Wingfield House, Trowbridge, Wiltshire. CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST.—WANTED, a well-educated Youth as an APPRENTICE. —Apply, SAMUEL JONES, Chemist, Holywell. TO BE LET .—KELSTON FARM, near Llanasa, consisting of about 350 aores. Possession of the Land in November.—For further particulars, apply P. HADDON CAVB, Talaore, Holy- well, N.W. TO BE LET—A BEERHOUSE, in Bagillt; also a fully-licensed PUBLIOHOUSE, in Flint.—Apply to KBLSTBRTOK BBBWBBY 00. LD. TO BE LET —with immediate possession— SAITHAELWYD COTTAGE," situate about One Mile from the Town of Holywell, and near to Pantasaph. The House stands within its own wtll-wooded grounds, with lawn in front and gardens. It contains Dining, Drawing and Smoking Rooms, two Kitohens, back Kitchen and four Bed- rooms. Splendid situation, overlooking Estuary of the River Dee. Stable and Coaoh-house contigp, —Apply, "OBSHBVEB" OOTICB, Holywell "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." IF THE MISCHIEF J8 IN THE BLOOD J KNOW OF A CERTAIN CURE, CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER A ND RESTORER. Frongooh Issop, Llechryd, Cardiganshire, March 16,1896. "Gentlemen.—I write to thank you for the grea benefit I received through taking Clarke's Bloo4! Mixture. I had suffered for over eighteen months from ulcerated sores on my leg. and was unable to walk about the house without crutches. During tho above period I had been treated by dootors, and had tried all sorta of remedies, but none did me any good. At the latter end of last year I was recommended to consult a noted person for sucl. maladies in Glamorganshire; I went there and ra-, mained under his care for several weeks, but had to return home despondent, without having derived any benefit. A day or two after I returned home, Mr Jones, our police officer, called, and asked how I was, and I told him my experience in Glamorgan. shire. He replied If the mischief is in the blood I know a certain oure, Clarke's Blood Mixture.- After further conversation I made up my mind to give it a trial, and shall never forget the day. In less than six weeks, and before I finished taking the second bottle, I was perfectly cured, and never felt better in my life. Evei since I have been able tg attend to my household duties without the slightest difficulty whatever,-Yours truly, "ANN THOMAS." "4, Greenfield-street, Govan, Glasgow, Jan. 5,1897 Dear Sirs,—1 feel in duty bound to add m) testimonial in favour of Clarke's world-famed Blood Mixture. I have suffered for three year* and six months with a dreadful sore on my upper lip and chin. I was forced to go to the Skin Hospital, in Elm Bank-street; they did not do any good to it. Then I tried most of all the principal institutions in Glasgow, and lastly the Skin and Cancer Institu- tion in St.. Vincent-street, and paid one pound before receiving any advice, and the advice was that he was afraid I would lose my upper lip I received treatment in this institution for one month, and received no benefit Then he told me he would have to take the lip off, but I would not consent, and of which I am a proud man to-day After this I went to the Western Infirmary, and was under a clever skin specialist I r?ceived treatment for 13 weeks, and received a little benefit, and came out and commenced working again at my occupation, but I soon got as bad as ever I then commenced with 'Clarke's World-famed Blood Mixture,' and after taking five bottles was completely cured. But I still continued taking the Mixture till I had taken thirteen bottles You can make use of my name in any way you pleaee.-Youre truly, WILLIAM PATEESON. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities CLAHKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE cannot be too highly recommended For Scorfula, Scurvy, Eczema, Bad Legs, Skin and Blood Diseases, Pimples, and Sores of all kinds its effects are iiarvellous. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste and war- ranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, from infancy to old age, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test itswalue. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL.—Cleanse the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, and sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul—your feelings will tell you when. Keep your blood pure, and th m health of *he system will follow Sold in bottles, 2s 9d each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the world, or sent to any address on receipt of 33 stamps, by the Proprietors, THE LINCOLN and MIDI AND COUNTIES DRUG COMPANY, LINCOLN, CLARKE'S WOB1D- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAMED CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. TAMED CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAMED WHEN you ASK for CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE, don't be put off with something else. Many retailers stock substitutes for all articles in large demand, and pay their assistants a com- mission on the sale of these imitations. This explains why different articles from the one aeked for are so frequently pat before purchasers. THE SUN INSURANCE OFFICE FOUNDED 1710 Sam insured in 1896. £ 388,902,800, For all particulars apply to the following Agent, HOLYWF,LL. MR. ROBERT THOMAS. MOLD MKSSBB KELLY, KEEN E & CO ST. ASAPH MB. LI. LLOYD. BUOKLEY .MB. EDWARD ROBERTS. HOLYWELL CHURCH CHORAL SOCIETY. PATBON His GBACBTHB DUKE OF WESTMINSTER, K.G FBBSIDBNT THB RIGHT HON. LORD MOSTYN. ASSEMBLY HALL, HOLYWELL. A GRAND EVENING PERFORMANCE OF SMIETON'S DRAMATIC CANTATA "KING ARTHUR," Will be given by the Members of the above Society» ON Wednesday, January 26th, 1898 Assisted by the following distinguished Artistes: SOPBANO MISS ELSA WENZEL, (Of the Manchester Concerts) Tmoia- MR. THORNBOROUGH, (Chester Cathedral) BABETONB :— MR. ROLAND flOYLE, (Of Sir Charles Halle's and Prinoipal Provincial Concerts). OoNDUCTOB MR. E. ROBINSON. ACCOMPANIST:— MISS JOHNSON JONES. ADMISSION :—Reserved Seats, 2s. 6d.; Family Ticket (admitting four), 8s.; Front Seats, in. Second Seats, 6d. DIVERSION OF HIGHWAYS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tint ON th. 6th day of April next, application will be made to Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace assembled at Quarter Sessions in and for the County of Flint, at the County Hall, Mold, in the said County, for an ORDER for the diversion of so much of the public right of way from Mertyn Abbot in the parish of Whitford, in the County of Flint, to the public highway between the Top Lodge and Gwibnant in the said parish, as lies between the point where the way crosses the fence bounding the field called Whitford Is&, and the point where it enters the public highway aforesaid, as follows: —The said public right of way to skirt the East sido of the said field called Whitford Isa, through the plantation called Nant Selar, across the field called Cae Chwarel, to the North East corner thereof, thence along the East side of the fields called respectively Cefn faes, and Oanol Wya, thence through plantation in a Northerly direction into the public highway aforesaid. Also, to the stopping up of the public right of way from the point near to where the first mentioned public right of way enters the publio highway aforesaid, across the Park to the point where the same enters the Drive, south of Downing Hall. And that the Certificate of two Justioes having viewed the same, and proof given to their satisfaction of the several notices required by the Statute having been published, with the plan of the old and proposed new highway, will be lodged with the Clerk of the Peace for the taid County, at Mold aforesaid, on the 22nd day of January next. Dated this 21st day of December, in the year of our Lord, 1897. P. HARDING ROBERTS, Oletk of the Holywell Rural District Counoil, the Surveyors of the Parieh of Whitford aforesaid, AGENTS WANTED to push first-class Maohinery Oils. Liberal Commission.—Box 31, Post Office, Liverpool. 'WANTED an efficient Player on the Harmonium W at Holy Trinity Church, Greenfield. -Apply to the Rev. W. A. MOBBIS, Curate-in-Charge. OWNER WANTED.—SIXTEEN WELSH MOUNTAIN SHEEP in LLANBBCHYMOB MBADOWS sinoe 24th December, 1897. Proper description of marks, and payment of keep and other expenses required.—Apply, A. EYTON, Esq., Llanerohymor. ST. WINEFRIDE'S BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LAD IE WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. COURSE-English French; German; Drawing; Painting; Dancing; Calisthenics; Music (Vocal and Instrumental); plain and fanoy Needlework. The Convent is under the Royal Academy for Ex- ams in Music, &o. WBBKLY BOABDBBS BBOHIVBD. MR. E. C. BRIGGS, Batt. Bandmaster, 2nd 1i R. W. F., B Teaeher of Music 6* Musical Instruments, (HIOHBST DIPLOMA R.M.C.M.), Reed Organs, Harmoniums, Pianofortes, &c., Tuned and Repaired.—Terms moderate, BAGILLT STREET, HOLYWELL. Agent for the PBOVIDBNT FBBB Homs ASSUBANCB COMPANY, Limited, London. SPRING VALE ACADEMY Miss CLARISSE GREGORY SCHOOL DUTIES and MUSIC LESSONS S resumed on MONDAY, JANUABY 10th, 1898. Pupils prepared for Royal Academy—Royal Oollege —Trinity College-Royal Oollege of Organists— College of Preceptore-Society of Arts—Incorporated Sooiety-Guildhall- School—South Kensington- Academy of Mutgic-.Loodon College of Mueio (limited)-also, College of Violinists—Local Centre Examinations-140 Successes—Latest, Pianoforte- Senior, Royal Academy Ofgxu-Seuior Honours Trinity College; Violin-First-olang Honours and several Medalists. Sale by Mr Frank Lloyd. 700 1IORII;S, iB30 PRIZES. NORTH WALES REPOSITORY, WREXHAM. FRANK LLOYD'S GREAT OPENING SALE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 25TH—-Hunter# and Harness Horsec. WEDNESDAY, JANUABY 26TH—Small Horses, Cobs, and Ponies. THURSDAY, JANUABY 27TH—Heavy Horses of all classes. Prizeti and Forms rea, 111.ilrles close JANTJABY 14th. Sale by Mr. William Freeman. BfR. WILLIAM FREEMAN HAS received instructions to SBLL BY AUCTION, on WEDNESDAY NEXT, tho 19th day of JANUARY, 1893, at OAEA FARM, PENYBALL, HOLYWELL, A promising in-oalf oow, narrow wheel cart, ohaff-outter, several hobbets of potatoes, five oooks of oats and barley, and other effects. SALB AT 2.30 PBOMPT. ALSO On WEDNESDAY, the 19th of JANUARY, 1898 AT THE FEATHERS INN, HOLYWELL, (Under power of a Sheriff's warrant), 750 New Is. Albums, with 20 various views of Holywell, &o., in each, and 18 blocks for printing eame. THIS SALB AT 6 P.M. Auction Office: Perthyterfyn Cottage, Holywell. PRELIMINARY. GAINT IN I FRED'S LODGE or Å N 0 IE N T SHEPHERIDS, GREENFIELD. THE EIGHTH ANNUAL SPORTS WILL TAKB PLACE ON Whit-Monday, May 30th, 1898. Full partioulars will appear shortly. TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. WANTE D—a respeotable and well-eJuoated Youth 88 an APPRENTICE.—Apply, Mr JOHN CABMAN, Ohemiet and Druggist, Holywell.

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